Welcome (UPDATED)




This blog is dedicated to the memory of my dear eldest Son Keanu who was killed by a truck while crossing a road on February 1st 2021 at 4:30 pm. Forever 28, my beautiful boy. 

Last Thursday being the 18th  of March, also being the 30th day of 30 Gregorian Masses being offered for his Elevation into Heaven, was the day God gave me an irrefutable sign that Keanu indeed reached Heaven.  Now he will continue to pray for all who helped him out of Purgatory, praying earnestly for everyone who have offered prayers, offered Masses and offered personal suffering for him during his life and continued past his death.

 While he was still here, he too, already offered prayer and suffering for the souls in Purgatory and on earth. At 11:11 when Keanu saw this on any clock or timepiece morning or night, he would say "May the Divine Assistance remain always with us and may the souls of the faithful departed through the Mercy of God Rest in Peace. Jesus and Mary I love You, Save the souls. Amen."

This was also an integral theme during Keanu's funeral. I encourage everyone as part of his legacy to continue to offer Mass, prayers and suffering for Holy souls in Purgatory knowing that they are praying for you too. and offer up the same for suffering souls here on earth. 

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We see by the many events taking place globally, it is becoming obvious more and more that we are living in the times foretold in Revelation! You can see first-hand what Christians are going through! We know of the many Holy Innocents being murdered in their mother’s wombs and the general Culture of Death through the ‘disposable’ nature shown to Life! As we journey through these times, Jesus has revealed His Last Mission to humanity in order to forge many prayer warriors devoted to saving precious souls for Him who otherwise would not have the chance to see His Face for Eternity.

We are being called to amend our lives in seeking out Jesus and His Mercy. God is wanting us all to come back to Him, but for some of us, that has been a difficult task. With all the temptations facing us, particularly ones of an immoral and pagan new-age nature, is it any wonder that we are seeing more and more of humanity's purification through abnormal weather events and political upheavals. Our cages are being rattled by satan now in his desperate bid to snatch our souls which unfortunately he is temporarily succeeding at! So to prepare and keep ourselves awake to all that is going on, Jesus is inviting us to discern His Messages given to His final prophet as time is short and He wants us in His New Paradise where Heaven and earth become one!

Jesus says to us:

"Solid as the Rock that I Am, and you will come to Me seeking solace, strength and courage. I will respond to each of you, by the pouring out of the great Graces, which have been reserved for you, for the times which lie ahead. I Am the Church. I Am Present in the Church. The building is made of stone, but I Am the Rock, upon which the foundation of My Church was built. I never change. I never adapt to new ways, for I Am as I always Was and will Be. I Am Eternal."

It is no surprise to anyone to see that there are changes happening in the Church and in the world and God is speaking rather loudly through the weather and ecological events. Purifications which need to happen in order to prepare humanity for His Promise of the New Paradise which we can only achieve through our humility and loyalty to Christ and His True Church which hell cannot prevail against. He is Calling to us to be His Remnant Church, sticking firmly to the True doctrines, His Teachings, His True Creed which cannot be re-interpreted and God’s Holy Word which cannot be changed to suit ourselves. satan is doing his utmost to undermine all these things!

By hearing God’s Truth through modern day prophets, those whom God has chosen, we are gaining a little piece of His Knowledge to help prepare us for Christ’s Kingdom!

This is an important Invitation from Jesus to engage us as His Remnant Army in the most significant spiritual battle in the history for mankind!

This is His Mission of Love! I invite you to be part of this Remnant Army as Christ Himself is Inviting us!

God Bless us all,