Thursday, 25 June 2015

Paganism will be enforced on all of God’s Churches

Jesus says: "The time has come for the division of humanity. I will come and divide the earth. Those loyal to My Teachings will be taken into My Bosom. Those who defy God and blaspheme against the Truth will be cast away. The battle has already begun. The evidence is being presented. There is still time to choose between the lies of this satanic group, who comes dressed as lambs, or the Truth which you will be told is a lie. You must be alert at all times. Keep your eyes open. Turn your back when My Name, My Body, My word is blasphemed against."
We must not sit idle and silent! If you know something is faulty, then for goodness sake stand up for our God!

Paganism will be enforced on all of God’s Churches

"My dearly beloved daughter, tell the world that they must awaken from their slumber. If they don’t, they will fail to see the wicked plans, I foretold some time ago, unfold.
I speak about global domination, which is being orchestrated to destroy Christianity.
My Church is being decimated, brick by brick. My sacred servants are being pushed beyond their endurance, deliberately.
My Church is also being desecrated by those who practice adoration of the beast.
These false imposters are not Christian. They practice in the occult and infiltrate all organisations, including different churches and different religions. They target, in particular, the Catholic Church.
This is the Church they hate the most. Their lies have meant that Catholics are embarrassed to stand up and defend their Church.
Their lies have made it very difficult, for all Christian Churches, to defend the Holy Sacraments, as dictated by God.
Paganism will be enforced on all of God’s Churches and woe to the man who stands up to defend the Truth of God.
The time has come for the division of humanity. I will come and divide the earth.
Those loyal to My Teachings will be taken into My Bosom. Those who defy God, and blaspheme against the Truth, will be cast away.
The battle has already begun. The evidence is being presented.
There is still time to choose between the lies of this satanic group, who comes dressed as lambs, or the Truth, which you will be told is a lie.
You must be alert at all times. Keep your eyes open. Turn your back when My Name, My Body, My Word. is blasphemed against.
Your Jesus"

This new one world religion will pay homage to the beast

Will you speak up if you see and hear things aren't right? Time for silence is over, but we must not attack our priests. Just gently guide them back to understanding their Divinity within their Priesthood and reminding them of why they wanted to be Christ's Shepherd on earth. Then pray for them because the Priest is the first in line for the satan's plan to snatch souls, he wants Priests!

This new one world religion will pay homage to the beast

"My dearly beloved daughter, many souls are watchful at this time, as they witness the rapid changes in My Catholic Church, now starting to manifest.
The signs are beginning to show all that I prophesised through you. The lack of available Masses can be seen. The Holy Eucharist is no longer easily accessible. The Sacrament of Confession is limited in many of My Churches.
Many of My churches have no priests to manage them. There are so many deserting My churches, at this time of tribulation, that soon, these churches will be given over to commercial owners.
As the faith of Christians is being tested, it is important, therefore, to continue to pray My Crusade Prayers. Soon, new servants will be introduced into the Catholic and other Christian Churches.
Religious differences will be blurred around the edges at first. Then, within a short time, you will not recognise My Teachings, for they will have subtly disappeared. In their place will be a series of vague, but poetic, utterances, which promote the tolerance of sin.
The lies, presented to unsuspecting churchgoers, will not be noticed in the beginning. Then, a deep unsettling sense that something is not right will haunt My followers.
The final deceit will be when the Holy Sacraments have been replaced by pagan substitutes.
All will be presided over by the false prophet, who will claim to be the high priest over all religions, combined into one. This new, one world religion will pay homage to the beast.
All those who follow blindly will be devoured by the beast and be lost to Me forever.
The speed at which this will happen will astonish My followers. The plan is being carefully managed. The campaign, to convert the hostility of Christians into the acceptance of secular laws, is being professionally masterminded.
It is being planned among many nations, by one group, who use personalities, celebrities and figureheads, all of whom are respected by the majority, to endorse their evil lies.
Be warned. Do not accept lies. Do not become involved with the plan to desecrate My Holy Name.
Your Jesus
King and Redeemer of all of mankind"

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The announcement to herald My Second Coming, will be sudden

Are we all ready to be part of Christ's Army now?! Put your best foot forward and do what you can under His Instruction to save souls - the Church is going through Its Crucifixion under our very noses. Keep alert! The Year of Faith has become the biggest testing year in the Church with many more tests to follow. We must prepare ourselves to be worthy to receive Him!

The announcement to herald My Second Coming, will be sudden

"My dearly beloved daughter, I urge all of My followers to be strong at this time.
My Holy Word, My Gift to humanity, given to you through these Messages, will be the subject of much criticism.
You must stay strong when My Word is torn apart and belittled. This will be very difficult, but you must endure this torment for it is only the beginning.
The enemy will rise and tear down My Messages, given to each of you so that souls can be saved.
He counts every soul he seduces and then takes them away from My Messages. He does this by tempting believers, first, so that they will not work with Me to salvage your brothers and sisters. He does not want you to pray to save their souls.
Any servant of My Church who forbids you to pray My Crusade Prayers needs your prayers. They cannot stop My prayers from being spread. When they do this they need your help. Sadly, many souls will be led away from My Mission, the last of its kind on earth.
These times will see the division in My Church getting bigger; one side suffering to protect My Gospel, the other trying to reinvent My Church, modernise My Teachings and bring obscene laws into My Church.
Stand up with courage and unite for this time is almost upon you and you will hear of these new practices, none of which adhere to My true Gospel, My Teachings or the Truth.
These trials will loom like great barricades. You, My disciples, will feel trapped. You will feel helpless and your tears will flow.
Your weakness will be your strength. It is through your suffering, when you witness this terrible scourging, that you will become strong.
For every trial you endure in My Name, I will make you even stronger. Persevere and I will bless you with the grace of strength, courage and conviction.
You are My army, My ray of light, in the world. Every attempt will be made to extinguish this light, but it will be useless.
The ray of your light, your love for Me, will be illuminated so that it will become like a beacon of light and then a great fire. This Fire of the Holy Spirit, which will grip each one of you, will spread its flames to every corner of the world.
It will be you, My precious army, who will do this. You will be guided by Heaven. You will march forward. You will trample over the evil army of poor souls who are being dictated to by Satan and they will be powerless against you.
Soon afterwards the Glory of My great announcement will manifest in the world.
The announcement to herald My Second Coming will be sudden. It will also be unexpected, although you have been well prepared. By then you will be bequeathed with the great Gift of Eternal Life.
Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy

Our Lady says it all! Who are we to Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? Those who reject these Messages without first reading them will be in peril. Why would that be? Because of the pride and arrogance of those who condemn these Messages before reading them in their entirety. Once we pray with an open heart the Gift of Discernment which can only be attained when in the State of Grace, meaning without mortal sin on our souls, then the Messages can be read with proper and pure intentions to seek Truth, they cannot be rejected - they are from Heaven and Heaven help you if you walk away!

Virgin Mary: I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy

"My child, please pray for my lost children who increase in numbers every day. They do not, nor cannot, believe in my Son and turn the other way.
I cry tears of blood for them and my Heart is heavy. How lost they are and how empty they feel.
I pray that God, in His Mercy, will open their hardened hearts soon.
The Warning is close, my child. My children need to prepare. Those who shun these Holy Messages, from my Son and my Eternal Father, will have to answer to God.
Many have damaged this Mission and have encouraged souls to turn away. Many such souls have died since, in mortal sin. Were they to have accepted the prayers given to humanity, through the Crusade Prayers, they could have been saved.
Those who will not accept these Messages must not work with the evil one to undermine the Word of God. You must pray for the help needed to find peace within you.
It has been prophesised, that the end time prophet would not be accepted, although, much conversion will be achieved, through the spread of the Word of God.
It will be at your peril to reject the help, which is being sent from Heaven, at this time, to help you save your souls.
Do not insult my Son, by failing to listen. You may turn a deaf ear when you have read these Messages from Heaven, but you must listen first.
Your free will means that you can choose which path you wish to walk.
Your free will does not mean you have the right to deliberately blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
When the Warning takes place, you will be filled with the Light of Truth.
Your soul will be illuminated and you will see what good deeds, and bad deeds, you conducted throughout your lives. At that stage, many of you will embrace the Love of God. Sadly, many will be too stubborn to accept their wrongdoing. They will be cast away and will suffer terribly.
Be prepared at all times. Time is short.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of God
Mother of Salvation"

The Light of God is present in each and every one of you


A couple of years ago, there was a young teenager who, through his drug trouble, made it difficult for me to not feel afraid of him when I saw him, but he was a friend of my son's . One day he was down the street and I made a point of asking him if he was alright. He didn't speak with much respect but I persevered. I told him things wouldn't feel so helpless if he brought God into his life. Well that started a few things heading my way. In the finish, I said that God loved him and that I will pray for him. He backed down and I saw in his eyes - Jesus! I didn't feel afraid anymore and to the contrary I got all weepy because I felt love for this boy, like a mother's love. It was a tremendous healing moment. I went away asking God to protect him and keep him close. I have no doubt that one day this boy will turn away from drugs, crime and misadventures. God loves him and since that moment, I do too.

The Light of God is present in each and every one of you

"My dearly beloved daughter, in order to love Me truly, you must see others through My Eyes.
When you look at another person, look carefully and try to see My Presence, for I am present in all souls, even blackened ones.
I am there. Look and you will see Me. This is one of the most extraordinary graces given by My Eternal Father to each of His children
The Light of God is present in each and every one of you.
This is love and every soul has the capacity for love.
When you see others, through My Eyes, you will feel love and this will touch your soul in a way in which you cannot deny. This love is real, yet you cannot see it or touch it. You will also find it difficult to explain to others. Yet it is there.
If all of God’s children could honour My Father’s Divine Presence in the world, in His children, then peace would reign on earth. Seek love and you will find it.
Take time to reflect on what I tell you now. The Light of God’s Love is like a shining star present in each soul. In some, it shines brightly and you can feel the love from that person envelope you. In others, it is, but a dim glimmer, hard to find, yet it is there nonetheless.
When you look at each other, think of it like this. God created each of you. You are brothers and sisters in His Eyes. It gives Him so much joy when He sees His children show love and respect for each other.
When they fight amongst each other, cause hardship and suffering to others, He feels a terrible pain. Like any parent, it hurts Him when His children do not share His Love, the Love through which they were created.
Remember also when you hurt each other, you hurt My Father. He feels the pain you inflict on His children.
Think twice the next time you judge another harshly or show hatred, towards another. When you do these things, they are displeasing to My Father.
If someone hurts you, pray for them. For when there is tension and lack of love present between two people, it is caused by evil spirits.
Rise above this temptation. Love others. Treat them with respect. Look at them, as through the Eyes of God. When you do this you will find love. You will find it easier to live with each other and accept each other’s faults.
Your Jesus"

God the Father: My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children

Here is Our God telling us in no uncertain terms that we are under His Protection. Even when our Governments control us and do wicked things and introduce wicked laws, they will be stopped immediately. God is not messing around now. This is the time of cleansing and His Punishment will be severe to anyone who goes against His Laws and brings down their pursuits over their citizens. This will not be tolerated. We have nothing to fear. God is at the helm of His Ship and we are on board to set sail in His Ocean of Mercy. Pray that His Justice will end the evil secretive societies that do the work of satan, so that the New Era of Peace will come into being SOON!!!!

God the Father: My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children

"My dearest daughter, I wish you to know that, while the world may have to endure a great cleansing, which may not be pleasant, My Mercy is great.
I am an ocean of Mercy and will implement great changes to ensure that all of My children will be saved from catastrophe. The catastrophe I speak to you about involves the work of a secretive evil force in the world, who are trying to control every nation, for their own wicked gain.
So many such souls reject the Mercy of My beloved Son. So many will not acknowledge Him. They continue to inflict heedless suffering over those they control and fail to accept that their sins will not go unnoticed. They may fight against the Power of My Hand but My Hand will swoop down upon them and destroy them.
They will recognise the Power of God, in time, but for many of them it will be too late.
Every Act of Mine, including great miracles, will be witnessed by the whole of humanity shortly. I will do all I can, in My Great Mercy, which will devour humanity like a great ocean, to save humanity. No man will be left untouched by My Gifts.
When that happens, I will pursue those people who will push Me away, although they will know who I Am.
Then, those leaders in the world who fail to implement My Divine Laws and who scourge the earth with their cruelty to My children, will be struck down. By then, I will not allow them escape from My Divine Justice.
They are being warned, in this Message, to stop now. They must pray for guidance, if they feel uncomfortable or under pressure, to introduce laws upon nations, which will cause hardship.
I give them this time now to stop what they are doing and to beg Me to help them stand up to the wicked regimes, which are being planned against their fellow countrymen.
They know what I am talking about.
I am the Creator of the human race. I know each child of Mine. What they see. What they feel. How they think. I also know, those among them, who have sworn allegiance to acts, which cause tremendous suffering to people all over the world.
My Hand of Mercy is waiting to bring you back into the refuge of My Kingdom.
My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children. You will not be permitted to cause this suffering.
For as soon as you introduce laws, designed to control those whom you serve, which are abhorrent to Me, I will send such a chastisement, that no man will be left in any doubt as to what has caused such a punishment.
You are children of Mine and it is to Me you must turn for protection. Without My protection you will be at the mercy of Satan.
Lest you forget, he, Satan, hates all of you. Yet, because of his powerful and subtle seductive ways you follow his pursuit of power like slaves.
Choose power on this earth, which may exalt you and bring your recognition over the ways of the Lord, and you will be cast away.
This warning is being given to ensure that you understand that there is only one Creator. Only one, which created humanity. Only one who has the power to bring to an end all that exists on earth.
God the Most High
Creator of all that is seen and unseen"

Christianity is being attacked for one main reason

Jesus Your Words are harsh to our ears, but NECESSARY! We cannot assume our right to Eternal Life. We must earn it! Those that do not invite You into their worldly lives will face the consequences. It will be too late! They need to turn to You NOW! Please accept all our prayers and offerings for the Salvation of these whom You wish to bring back to You. It will be difficult for these souls to sever the ties to satan, but we must trust and have confidence that You are with us every step of the way.

Christianity is being attacked for one main reason

"I am your beloved mystical spouse, the Son of Man, born of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
My dearly beloved daughter, every horror I witnessed in the Garden of Gethsemane, when I was taunted, by the evil one, is unfolding in the world now, right before My Eyes.
People, everywhere, have lost their faith. They wander in a sea of confusion, and in a state of apostasy, not witnessed in the world on such a large scale before.
Love for one another has died.
Respect of other’s needs is no longer deemed to be an admirable trait.
Greed, lust and envy control the minds of many in the world today. Cold in their hearts, they no longer value life, itself, and think nothing of murder. It is taken for granted.
Christianity is being attacked for one main reason. It is to allow the laws, which condone sin, to be introduced, with ease, into your countries.
The obsession with false religions and false idols is rampant.
My Church is collapsing, and My sacred servants are not, for the most part, emphasising the danger of sin and the truth of eternal life.
Hatred, war, greed, lust, envy and self-love are all bound up in one false state, a state, which bears no resemblance to the Truth of My Teachings.
I knew then, in the Garden of Gethsemane, that My Death on the Cross, would not be seen for what it was, by this generation today. This was the pain, which tore through My Heart like a sword.
The Sacrifice I made for man, to redeem him in the Eyes of My Father, is not recognised today. How much they have forgotten. How much they have not been told. All of this has to do with the sin of tolerance, presented to the world as a good thing.
The wars and hatred spread like a virus, as they are planned by the evil one. The pain of My followers will unite with My pain to witness the obscenities, which will be spewed out by those leaders of Governments, who follow the lies embedded in their souls by Satan.
Satan and his demons are very powerful. Never believe for one minute that it is easy to loosen the grip they have on a person who has allowed them to infiltrate their souls. They will not give up easily and will prevent souls who want to turn to Me, their Jesus, for help, by rendering them helpless.
These souls will find it torturous to pray. The words won’t come out of their mouths. They will feel a total aversion to thoughts of Me. Try as they may, it will be an arduous task.
To those who say that they are good people, who do no harm to others, but, who do not accept Me, Jesus, in their lives, know this. You are not a follower of Christ. If you do not come to Me, you cannot be accepted into My Father’s Kingdom.
To enter My Father’s Kingdom requires preparation. Satan can move so quickly to distract souls that many are taken unawares.
These times of great unrest in the world, and lack of awareness of My Father, God the Creator of all things, can only result in one thing.
Catastrophe.  Chastisements will be poured out over the world in order to save humanity, to purify humanity.
If people refuse to listen, they will not hear the Truth.
The Truth will save, not only their lives on earth, but will give them Eternal Life.
Failure to accept the Truth results in death, both of the body, and the soul.
The time has come for humanity to make a choice. I cannot force them to follow Me. For all the gifts, the graces and the miracles, which will be given to them, they will still turn their backs.
For all My Great Mercy, some will still choose death, over life.
Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publically, the Holy Name of my Son.

Our Lady how it must give You such sorrow to know how humanity has denied Your Beloved Son His rightful place in our hearts. To see that we blaspheme His Name and remain silent. I am sorry that when I say "Bless the Name of Jesus" each time I hear His Name being used in vain, that I say it with the smallest of voices. Help me to raise my voice for it to be heard, even if it means I will be ridiculed for doing so. People must hear from the followers of Jesus, that it is gravely insulting to our ears and all of Heaven! Give me strength through Your Intercessions, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen

Virgin Mary: Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publicly, the Holy Name of my Son.

"My child, the moves to insult the Name of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, are increasing.
Not enough is it that they deny Him, many want to insult His image in the minds of those who believe in Him.
The Crucifixion of the Body of my Son, the Crucifixion of His Church, is escalating.
Many of my Son’s Church leaders say nothing. They no longer defend, publicly, the Holy Name of my Son. They lack the courage to defend the Body of my Son, His Church on earth.
Many do not want to draw unwanted attention because of the sins of priests in the past. Many, simply, do not have the strong faith required to be a true witness to the Truth of my Son’s teachings.
So many in the world do not believe in the Existence of my Son and this makes Him weep.
So many who do know the Truth, think it is acceptable to show disrespect by listening to blasphemy and still they remain silent.
You must, children, acknowledge the Truth of my Son’s Crucifixion openly and without fear. People will listen. You will be heard. If every servant of my Son were to remain silent, then who will speak of my Son?
Who will spread His Holy Word at this time when so many of God’s children deny the Existence of God?
Very soon they will have no excuse. When they see the state of their souls they will understand that they have a soul for the first time.
Pray that they become stronger after this and that they become true soldiers of Christ.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"

God’s Love, once felt by man, is something no man can live without

We trust in You Lord! How You love us and want us to be safe in Your Arms. Let us become enthralled by Your Presence in our lives each day. Let our complacency leave us so we can find true happiness in You. Amen

God’s Love, once felt by man, is something no man can live without

"My dearly beloved daughter, you must accept that when My followers believe in these Messages, it will bring them a torment of the soul from time to time.
Many will rejoice when they read My Holy Word and will accept it as a miracle.
Others will also accept My Messages, but on certain days they will be torn in two by the doubts, which will assail them. These doubts are natural.
For some they will question and question whether they are truly coming from Heaven. Then they will be full of anguish because they know that their lives are about to change and that the Second Coming will be witnessed by them.
This means that the lives they have led, up to now, will change beyond recognition.
This is frightening for many because they want to cling to their old complacent lives however unhappy they were.
Fear of the future, fear of the Hand of God and fear of Satan’s army torment them. Yet, while My Messages can strike fear within their hearts, at times, they also bring comfort.
For one thing is certain. They will feel My Holy Spirit in their souls and once this happens they will become familiar with God’s Love.
God’s Love, once felt by man, is something no man can live without. It brings peace. So, no matter how fearful you, My followers, may be, you must remember that I, your Jesus, will never forsake you.
You are Mine.
I am the Life in your souls. Through Me, you will be saved. I am full of Mercy for souls who turn to Me for help. I will not let you suffer at the hand of Satan’s followers. I will cover you with My Precious Blood. You have nothing to fear.
Instead, you are being given the graces to prepare yourselves. Now you must be brave, do not allow doubts to cloud your love for Me or blind you to the Truth of these Messages.
They are My Gift to you. They are being given to you so that you will be protected and kept safe from harm.
Always ask Me to allay your fears, for they are planted as seeds of discontent in your mind, by the evil one in order to distract you.
I bless you. I give you peace. I give you My Protection. Trust in Me always.
Your Jesus"

So many people today are obsessed with the pursuit of fame and self-glory

How the evil one has won so many souls through television and the media in general. We would certainly not be involved in celebrity or fame or corruption and our children would be innocent and desiring of Jesus in their hearts rather than seek out the latest electronic gadget or the fancy clothes and cars were it not for the TV let alone computers which can, just as much, be the source of evil as it can for good. We have made Our Dear Lord increase His workload tremendously! All souls must be prayed for each day so that the Holy Spirit can Grace them with sight for the Truth, God's Commandments and love for neighbour rather than just ourselves.

So many people today are obsessed with the pursuit of fame and self-glory

"My dearly beloved daughter, why is it so many people in the world believe that their mortality is indefinite?
So many people today are obsessed with the pursuit of fame and self-glory. So many of those who seek and achieve great recognition and success are idolised by those who believe that this is the glory which they must strive for and which will satisfy them.
Very little of their time is spent on what really matters. They trample on others to get what they want because of their insatiable desire to shine in glory before the world.
Their vanity is fed by the world of entertainment, the media, and their pursuit of self-perfection is applauded.
This is what ordinary people strive for today. They openly admire such ambition and this becomes like a religion. They idolise those who reach such heights and then set about imitating their lives.
Not once do they consider that such things are of no real consequence. They never stop to ask themselves: “Is this what my life is to consist of?”
They do not believe in God, in most instances, for if they did, they would know how displeasing it is, in the Eyes of God, to seek adulation in this way.
When a person constantly seeks attention, adulation and is obsessed with the image they portray to the world, they do not understand how short this road is. It will disappear in time and they will find themselves empty and with no love left to share with others.
They spend so much of their time loving themselves that they will have no room for any other love. They place their own needs before others. They will do anything, including committing acts, which offend God, to achieve self-glory.
This generation has been told so many lies about the way in which to live their lives. They are encouraged by a world, which believes that material gain, celebrity, culture and an ambition which will bring great admiration, are the most important things to strive for.
How little they know. How shocked they will be when they discover how wrong they were.
People who lead such lives will face disappointment when their lusts will not be satisfied. Every act to bring them more pleasure, through self-obsessed ambition, will fail to bring them peace.
Pray that soon people will realise that the pursuit of fame and self-glory only satisfies for a short time. There is only one goal, which you should strive for, and that is to follow the Teachings of the Lord.
When you do this you will be at peace.
You can still enjoy many of the pleasures in the world but you will understand what really matters.
So many young people place such value on how they appear to others. The pressures on them, to lead their lives by pursuing the same goals as those celebrities they admire is damaging their souls.
It is blocking out the reality of what is pleasing to God.
It is blocking out the Truth.
Only the Truth will make them feel content and bring them peace, love, joy and happiness.
I Am the Life they seek.
In Me they will find a life of Glory.
This is the Glory they must seek.
For, they will live a life of Great Glory in the New Paradise if they turn to Me.
This is the only glory, which will bring them untold joy.
Your Jesus"

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Believers must never feel secure in the knowledge that they know the Truth

Jesus says "To those believers, who say they believe in the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, know this. It is easy for you to accept what was prophesied therein and which has already happened. It is not so easy to accept the future prophecies still to be witnessed by humanity"

 How this statement could bring so many people to understand that you cannot live on Scripture alone. Faith and works must be recognised for it brings strength and Grace to one's soul and more knowledge of Truth.

We do not know everything, to become complacent and comfortable in one's knowledge is sure to bring delusionment. The Book of Revelation is an unfinished Book - the Seals although opening now, must still continue to be opened in order to fulfil Scripture. We do not know more than God!

Believers must never feel secure in the knowledge that they know the Truth

"My dearly beloved daughter, I must tell all those who believe in Me, Jesus Christ, to wake up and live their lives in Me now.
These Messages are not only being given to warn those who do not believe in Christ, the Redeemer of Mankind, they are also for believers in God.
Believers must never feel secure in the knowledge that they know the Truth.
To those of you who say you know the Truth of My Teachings you must never feel complacent. If you do then this can mean that you will neglect the work needed to sanctify your souls.
Believers can be confused about My Teachings. So many do not understand the meaning of My Second Coming.
Many of My followers think it means that all of humanity will be aware anyway and that, through My Mercy, they will be saved. O how I wish that this were true. How this would bring Me final relief. Sadly many will not be prepared. Many will refuse to listen to My warnings and instructions. As such they will fail to prepare adequately.
My Second Coming will happen. To those believers, who say they believe in the Truth contained in the Holy Bible, know this. It is easy for you to accept what was prophesised therein and which has already happened. It is not so easy to accept the future prophecies still to be witnessed by humanity
Accept also the fact that Divine Messages will be sent to prepare you. Accept that this preparation is taking place right now.
Be vigilant at all times. Do not reject Me at this time, for this is the time of preparations.
Be thankful that you are being given this great gift.
Your beloved Jesus"

This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads

Please remember this simple rule: Jesus will not come back the Second Time as a man with flesh. He will be Glorified just the same as when He Ascended to Heaven, - we will see Him. This joker presenting himself as the ‘Messiah’, will be the Antichrist!

Jesus doesn't know the hour of His Return Himself, only God knows, so any diabolical attempt to lure us into the belief that Jesus has returned, will be the trick of the devil. Take heed, your souls cannot afford to be ignorant, complacent or naive.

Open your eyes now! The antichrist will soon start his last greatest deception. Jesus will come again, when the Trumpets blare from Heaven and the Holy Angels will sing the praises of The Glorious Return of Christ in full and loud harmonious tones that will bring every living soul to their knees in Adoration!

The antichrist will have none of this! He is a liar and a conman! Don't be fooled by "his prettiness". Did you see Mel's portrayal of the devil in "The Passion of Christ", through "his pure androgenous looks" was pure evil and ugliness! BE AWARE!

This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads

"My dearly beloved daughter the great changes in the world, foretold in advance of My Second Coming, are about to unfold layer by layer.
The time for the imposters who will claim to come in My Name and to present themselves to the world is very close.
So many people will be fooled into believing these false prophets for they will announce themselves with great pomp.
But one among them will deceive many for he will present himself as the king, in a humble way, to convince people that he is I, Jesus Christ.
This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads.
They will present him, first, as an extraordinary and compassionate political leader.
He will be seen as a talented peacemaker as I have told you. His airs and graces will display a mystical image, which will seem to be of divine origin.
His handsome good looks and his tantalising personality will appeal to the masses.
He is to be revealed to the world soon and his appearance will be sudden.
Those leaders, who will present him as a saviour, the man who will bring an end to war in the Middle East, are respected in many parts of the world. This is why this false messiah will be accepted so easily.
After some time his appeal will spread. The media will praise his diplomatic skills and his following will be large.
This is the man who will say he is the Messiah. He will tell everyone that he is Jesus Christ, who has come back to announce his second coming.
He is the antichrist.

Do not be fooled for one moment. I, Jesus Christ, came in the flesh the first time to save humanity. But know this. I will not come in the flesh this time.

I will come, as a thief in the night. I will prepare the world, through these Messages, but I will not tell you the day or the hour for I do not know this. Only My Father knows of the time.

I will announce My Second Coming before the sign of My arrival, which will appear in the skies all over the world.

Any man who claims to be Jesus Christ and who walks the earth as a man is a liar.
Run for he will bring untold misery and suffering. His deceit will lull souls into a false love of God. He will twist the Truth. Those who follow him are in great danger.
Your Jesus"

Two billion souls, who will refuse My Hand of Mercy

Can you imagine? Two Billion Souls!! that need our prayers and suffering, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, to be saved?!! Please, even a little headache can save a soul, please offer it up, say "Lord I offer up my tiny suffering and bind it to Your Greatest Suffering, to save even just one soul, accept my humble offerings in atonement for the sins of the world. Amen"
Our suffering, though sometimes immense in our eyes can be used for the good of Salvation for other souls. If you can lay a day a week aside to fast from everything you enjoy, food or other and make an offering to Jesus, so much can be achieved. We don't give enough thought to how we can save souls - don't go for the painkiller, go for the prayer of offering up.

Two billion souls, who will refuse My Hand of Mercy

"My dearly beloved daughter the Mission to salvage those two billion souls, who will refuse My Hand of Mercy, must form part of daily prayer for all those who call themselves a Crusader of God.
So many miracles will result in much of humanity being given the Gift of Salvation and entry into the New Paradise.
The ache in My Sacred Heart is painful because of these lost souls. This is why My disciples must pray hard so that they can all be united as one family in the New Era, for if My family is disjointed, it will bring Me terrible agony.
I call on you all to save those souls, who will stubbornly reject the acceptance of God, by reciting this

Crusade Prayer (79) for 2 billion lost souls.

O Dear Jesus I beg You to pour Your Mercy over the lost souls.
Forgive them their rejection of You and use my prayer and suffering so You can, through Your Mercy, pour over them the Graces they need to sanctify their souls.
I ask You for the gift of clemency for their souls.
I ask You to open their hearts so they will go to You and ask You to fill them with the Holy Spirit so they can accept the Truth of Your Love and live with You and all of God’s family forever.

It is difficult for many people to accept God’s Mercy. This is because of the power, which Satan holds over them; only they do not know this, in many cases.
In some cases, however, they are in no doubt about the Existence of God, yet they choose Satan in the full knowledge that God exists and that He created them. They turn their backs on God’s Kingdom.
The kingdom they choose is the one promised to them by Satan. They believe that this kingdom, at the end of time, offers great wealth, great wonders and that it will be a world which glitters, except that it does not. All they will find will be a great lake of fire where they will suffer by the hand of the evil one. He will torment them for eternity and they will suffer every second of this pain for it can never end.
Now you know why I suffer such agony, for the very thought of the suffering which lies ahead for such souls, is too much to bear.
Only your prayers, My followers, and My Mercy can offer them any hope.
Help Me to save them.
Your Jesus"

Sin can be forgiven when you are alive. Not after death.

We must make amends with a true and contrite heart while still alive on earth, in order for us to enter Paradise. Otherwise if we are to die before all this takes place and our sins have not been acknowledged by us and God's forgiveness and mercy asked for, then we will have a couple of choices Purgatory or Hell. This is not new, but we need to be reminded. If we are hit by a bus tomorrow, what did we do today to prepare our souls for death? Do as Jesus is telling us - go to Confession weekly, Say an Act of Contrition each night before going to sleep, ( O, My God I am heartily sorry, that I have sinned against You, because You are So Good, I ask You to strengthen me against my weakness so that I will not sin again) or if Non Catholic, Pray Crusade Prayer 24 for Plenary Indulgence. This must happen for us to seek Salvation. There are no gold passes to get to Paradise.

Sin can be forgiven when you are alive. Not after death

"My dearly beloved daughter I allow you this intense physical suffering to save more souls today. Offer this pain for those selected souls you must help Me salvage. This pain will not last long but when you are relieved know that many souls were saved from the fires of Hell and are now in Purgatory awaiting purification.
As a victim soul you must accept that I can allow you moments of suffering to help save the souls of God’s children. You will, some day, meet these souls and then you will understand how much happiness this brings My Father. Know that when you suffer, I suffer with you in order to easy your pain. You are not alone. When you feel you cannot breath, this is the same feeling of suffocation felt by souls who, after death, face the fumes of the fires of Hell.
If only people knew the Truth of life after death. After the soul leaves the body, whether it is in a state of Grace or not, Satan torments through the power of seduction. He tries, even then, to draw souls to him. Prayer for such souls is very important.
I draw souls towards My Light. But only those who are in a State of Grace can withstand the Power of My Light of Mercy. If they are not pure of soul then they must be cleansed in Purgatory.
There are, My daughter, many layers in Purgatory and, depending on the sins committed by the soul, they will be filled with the cleansing Fire of the Holy Spirit.
Purgatory is painful for the soul and those who have to spend time there feel it like a physical pain as though they were still alive.
Let no man underestimate the sacrifices needed to keep their souls in a state worthy of My Father’s Kingdom.
My Father loves all His children but souls must earn the right to be fit to enter My Father’s Kingdom.  To be worthy they must redeem themselves in My Eyes while they are still alive. They must atone for their sins with a sincere heart.
Even at the point of death, a sinner can avail of My Great Mercy by asking Me to forgive him his sins. I will snatch him and take him into My Arms. I will then pour out My Mercy over him and then take him by the hand to the Gates of Paradise.
Sin can be forgiven when you are alive. Not after death.
Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: Great changes will commence in the world very soon

Keep an eye out. Signs and wonders! We will witness things in the world that have never been witnessed before. A time of great anticipation as we continue through the Great Tribulation which began on December 22, 2012. Then after a time, we will see Jesus come again for the second time.

Virgin Mary: Great changes will commence in the world very soon

"My child great changes will commence in the world very soon.
It is time for the plan of Salvation to be introduced across all nations in the hearts of humanity.
So many people will be shaken with the Truth of where they come from and how they must redeem themselves in the Eyes of God.
So unprepared are God’s children for these great events.  It is because of the Love of God, for all His children that you are being warned.
Ignore these warning signs at your peril. Laugh or sneer at these Divine Interventions, which will take place to bring the hearts of man into the Heart of God and you will suffer.
Children you must stay alert at all times. The signs from Heaven and the miracle of Divine Intervention are drawing closer by the day.
Pray that you will be given the Graces to open your hearts to the Great Mercy of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
All roads are opening to entice God’s children back to the refuge of His Sacred Heart.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"

There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one

For Catholics: - the Sacraments - For Non-Catholics: - Crusade Prayers 8 The Confession and 24 for Plenary Indulgence. Then this prayer Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from evil. “O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan. Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways. I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart. I leave my life in Your Holy Arms. Save me from evil. Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever. Amen.”

There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one

"My dearly beloved daughter you must never become complacent and feel that this work, when it seems to be going well, will for one moment escape the scourge of the evil one. He is furious. He picks at every task you undertake, creates problems and obstacles, which leave you frustrated and helpless.
So many people are blind to the scourge he inflicts on humanity. Because they cannot see him they do not believe that he exists. Those who open the way to him, through sin, and allow him into their souls will find it impossible to rid themselves of the terrible hurt and discontent he will bring into their lives.
There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one.
The first is, the Sacrament of Confession cleanses your soul, if you are genuine in your remorse. For non-Catholics please accept the Gift of the Plenary Indulgence in Crusade Prayer (24), given to the world through this Mission.
The second way is through the daily devotion to My Mother who has been given the power to crush Satan. Her Holy Rosary is an important shield, which will cover you and your family away from his evil eye.
The last is through the State of Grace, which you can achieve through regular communication with Me by receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.
So many people who want to escape from the clutches of Satan, and who in their hearts know they have been sucked into a vortex of evil, must turn to Me and ask Me to help them through this special Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil.
O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan.
Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways.
I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart.
I leave my life in Your Holy Arms.
Save me from evil. Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever.
Your Jesus"

Any man who hates another, because of their religion, does not truly love God

Let's not beat around the bush here to claim 'tolerance' or 'bigotry' as the case may appear. God does not support murder! satan does! God will not find martyrs in anyone who claim to kill 'in His Name' - God will only find martyrs in those who are put to death for believing in Him and loving Him unto death - another words, it isn't the one who do the killing that are the martyrs, let alone the ones who suicide - it is the ones who are the victims!
It's easy to see the hypocrisy Jesus Speaks of in this Message. One day the perpetrators will get the Message loud and clear! God will put an end to all the hatred, violence, aggression, tyranny, terrorism and murder!
Yes it Truly is the Lord Who Speaks!

Any man who hates another, because of their religion, does not truly love God

My dearly beloved daughter any man who hates another, because of their religion does not truly love God.
How it disgusts Me to witness the hypocrisy by those who claim to be devout followers of God.
These people threaten to kill those who disagree with them and murder those who insult their gods.
It is a sin to hate another. It is a mortal sin when you murder another or try to mortally wound another soul in the name of religion.
Don’t you know that if you are quick to condemn another to death because they insult God that you are not following the Laws of God?
I call out to all religions and all creeds who say they believe in God. If you believe in God then you must show love to others even when they torment you or insult you.
Many paths lead to My Father but there is only one God. The True God is the Creator of the world and you can only be accepted into His Kingdom when you love your neighbour and this includes your enemies.
It is very easy to hate another for evil spirits infest and torment God’s children every second. How the evil one rejoices when a religious man, who openly professes to love God, incites hatred and who does not think twice about murdering those he believes are his enemies.
No man will escape chastisement if he kills another. No man will be accepted into the New Paradise if he murders another in My Father’s Name.
It may be difficult and it may hurt you when a man insults your faith but you must pray for him and you must never forget the Commandment “Thou shalt not kill.”
My Father’s Commandments are very simply. They are clear. They do not need to be defined but woe to the man who breaks My Father’s Laws.
Your Jesus"'

Prepare to witness signs soon to be revealed from Heaven

We are now entering the times that Jesus has told us about. Watch for signs and wonders. Those things that cannot be explained by science.. even though the global rulers under the antichrist's spell will try to tell us it's a hoax or it's the devil's work. How convenient. The devil telling us the Divine things of God are his work. Sounds like the ego that kicked him out of Heaven in the first place!

Prepare to witness signs soon to be revealed from Heaven

"My dearly beloved daughter it is with love that I ask all of God’s children to prepare to witness signs soon to be revealed from Heaven.
Signs will be presented to the world in different ways in order to awaken God’s children. Many will try to deny these signs and dismiss them as superstitious and in the imagination of believers.
For those who will witness the signs you must know that they will help you to prepare your souls. For when you have nurtured your souls and have asked for the forgiveness of your sins, your suffering, after The Warning, will be minimal.
Accept these signs, these miracles, as a Gift from Heaven.
Do not fight them or ignore them for they are proof of My Promise to prepare you all before My Second Coming.
Go now and have faith.
Trust is the most important act of loyalty for Me, your Jesus.
Trust in Me and all will be well.
Your Jesus"

So many people are searching for the Truth and cannot find it

This analogy that Jesus gives is very fitting. We must hold on to the Truth and not be hung up on semantics that our feeble brains try to work out. That is the devil having his fun with us. Just stick to Jesus and the Truth: "This path, the route to Calvary is the lot of My followers. It is a very difficult hill to mount. You must endure the setbacks and the pain of rejection of those who will not accept your right to practice your religion. The top of the hill should be your goal. Only when you reach the top will you find peace"

So many people are searching for the Truth and cannot find it

"My dearly beloved daughter there comes a time when a man must ask himself – who am I and why do I live?
The only answer, which brings him peace, is when he understands that he is a child of God.
Rather than deny the Truth, because of the pressures exerted by those who sneer at those who believe in God, he must be honest with himself.
He knows that the love he feels comes from God.
He knows, in his heart, that the wretchedness he feels when in darkness and despair comes from the other side. The dark side.
So many people are searching for the Truth and cannot find it.
Although the Truth has been recorded in the Holy Book, many cannot accept that Holy Scripture contains all the answers they seek.
You must embrace the Truth and hold onto it for dear life for it is your path to salvation.
Many people will do everything that is possible to deny the Truth. Mainly they will use human intelligence to tear the Truth apart and have you believe a lie.
Every argument will be made to deny the Truth of God. So convincing will these arguments be that many believers will find it difficult to defend the Truth.
Your faith will stand the test of time but only if you allow Me to guide you day and night.
For Me to guide you, you must never take your eyes off Me and lean on Me for support.
Speak with Me. Communicate with Me at any time of the day, in the car, at work, at school or in your church. It does not matter where for you can call on Me at any moment and I will respond.
This path, the route to Calvary is the lot of My followers. It is a very difficult hill to mount. You must endure the setbacks and the pain of rejection of those who will not accept your right to practice your religion. The top of the hill should be your goal. Only when you reach the top will you find peace.
Persevere, My beloved followers and My Love will be felt by you in such a way that it will give you a strength you would not believe possible.
I love you. I walk with you. I will never leave you. I bless you all.
Your Jesus"

Friday, 5 June 2015

The false prophets are poised now and will pounce on this mission

Lord Jesus, we love You and honour You in The Most Blessed Sacrament and as You are the Author of these Messages to Maria Divine Mercy, we have all we need. We will listen most attentively to Your Voice and we will trust that Your Protection will keep the evil one from our door. There are so many good people with different faiths but we are all united as Your Followers to herald in The New Paradise and Your Second Coming. Help us pray for the Gift of Discernment just as Your Mother had to pray for the same Gift before Pentecost. Come Lord Jesus fill the hearts and minds of Your faithful and rekindle our love and trust in You. Amen

The false prophets are poised now and will pounce on this mission

"My dearly beloved daughter I must warn you about false prophets who try to interfere with this mission.
So many poor deluded souls, who believe that they are receiving divine messages, are being led astray by the evil one.
He does this by preying on their love for me and targets, especially, holy devout souls.
Any person who tells you that they have a message from Heaven which instructs you to change or amend a message from Me is a liar.
This is not the way in which I authorise communications from Heaven. The only messages I allow to be communicated from one visionary to another is one of support and love, but only when this is necessary.
Messages received by genuine prophets or chosen souls are either true or false.
There is no in between. Heaven would never send a message to contradict another message received by a chosen soul from Heaven.
Beware of false prophets. Those who do not realise that they are false can cause terrible harm when they interfere with My Holy Word. You, My daughter, must not engage with those who say they come in My Name unless I instruct you otherwise.
The false prophets are poised now and will pounce on this mission. You must not engage with them.
Be alert to these dangers for the most dangerous of all will be the man who will come and claim to be Me.
Allow yourselves, My disciples, to be drawn to the false prophets and you will be easy prey to the antichrist and his false prophet.
Trust in My Holy Word. Many of you cannot, still, accept the Truth and you will argue with me but it will be of no use. For the biggest criticism you have of Me, is that I love all of God’s children, especially sinners.
I love all equally. To those of you who accuse Me of favouring sinners know this.
Never try to confuse others by saying that Jesus condones sin. You know this is a lie. I detest the sin but love the sinner.
Your Jesus"

They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet.

My Jesus, ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no river wide enough, ain’t no valley low enough to keep me from You! We know Your Bride is the Church which will be crucified by the Apostate and the antichrist, but Jesus, we also know that Your True Church - the one that hell cannot prevail against will rise from the ashes stronger than before as the True Remnant Church! Those who follow Your preparation for our souls through Your Messages are the True Remnant. Amen.

They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet.

"I am your Mystical Spouse and, as such, you will continue to suffer to save souls.
My dearly beloved daughter the time for the lies about Me to be spread all over the world has begun.
As I told you before they will invent lies and create falsities about Me, Jesus Christ, so that they can deny My Divinity.
My Divinity is Almighty.
I came in the flesh and humbled Myself in a way in which people did not expect.
I did not come dressed as a king.
I did not shout or boast like a king so that others would fall down at My Feet.I did not command others to wait on Me.
Instead, I came to serve.
I came to beg for your salvation. To do this I had to humble myself by becoming a man, a poor man, of humble origins.
While I came as a man this did not mean that My Divinity was compromised in any way. I was born without sin. It was impossible for Me to sin. I may have had the same desires of the flesh as man but I never committed sin for this could not be. I was pure in mind, body and spirit.
I was like man in so many ways. But I rose from the dead.
The lies, which will emerge, where they will deny the Truth of My Existence through a series of untruths, will begin to flood the earth.
They will say that My Body can still be found. They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet. They will then try to prove, once again, that I was a heretic. That I blasphemed against God. They will ridicule My Words as they are being given to the world now and then dismiss Me.
They do this for two reasons. The first is to defile My Divinity and to present Me as a mere man. The second is to create doubt as to My role as the Messiah.
How they insult My Name.
How they confuse My followers.
Do not listen to lies.
Do not listen when they try to convince you that God did not create the universe.
For all of these distractions are designed to weaken your faith and steal your souls.
Block your ears to such wickedness. Close your eyes to untruths as every effort will be made to convince you that I was not the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind.
How blind they are.
How little they have learned.
Your Jesus"

Mother of God: It has been foretold, my child, that in these times you live now that the hearts of mankind will be hardened.

Blessed Mother is imploring us to be mindful of how easy it is to seek comfort in things that distract us from Her Son. Our self absorption in humanity full of pride and narcissism. How easy it is to fall for the false prophet now that he is in the Church's top position. It will be easy to fall down actually because we are already battling confusion, doubt, ambiguity and contradiction left and right with so many lies presented as the 'Truth'. Follow the Instructions of Her Son Jesus and know She will Protect our journey.

Mother of God: It has been foretold, my child, that in these times you live now that the hearts of mankind will be hardened.

"My child, how quick mankind is to idolise false kings, false gods.

Many people in the world today think nothing of embracing false idols and then have no guilt in their hearts when the reject the one true God.

It has been foretold, my child, that in these times you live now that the hearts of mankind will be hardened.
They will reject even their own family in pursuit of pleasure.
They will reject those in poverty and those who starve as they practice every kind of self-interest and commit the sin of gluttony.
These days are upon you children. As the human race wanders helplessly, in confusion, where nothing satisfies, they will grasp at anything which they believe will fill the void. This void exists because they do not follow the Truth or pay allegiance to my beloved Son.
Not only do they idolise false gods, they pay allegiance to those poor souls who promote sin as if it is of no consequence.
Then, when they are presented with lies about my Son in the world today, they are quick to accept such untruths.
It is accepted to ridicule my Son yet, when other doctrines which do not contain the Truth, are criticised people cower in fear. They do not fear my Son.
They do not fear the one True God because they do not love Him. Their hearts are closed.
They continue following a path which brings them no comfort. Instead, this path leaves them dissatisfied and empty.
How I weep when I see their confusion. How I weep for my Son whom they hurt so much with their contempt. He who suffered so much for them and who died in the most agonising way. Yet they do not still understand the significance of His Death on the Cross.
It is only when a person accepts Jesus, the Christ, the True Messiah will they find peace.
Soon my Son will present to them the proof they demand. When they are shown the proof they will have to make the final choice.
They will either choose my Son and the Truth or they will accept the lies fed to them by the deceiver.
Pray children that hearts will be opened and that love of my Son will enable all of God’s children to accept His Hand of Mercy.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"

God the Father The time of My Son is being merged with your time children and soon all will become one

How Great Thou Art! God our Heavenly Father, shine Your Light on us for all the world to see and take us into Your Loving Arms as You help us surrender to Your Mercy for us. Make us instruments of Your Peace and guide us to This Place You have prepared for us. We want to be Home with You, ....soon Father. Amen

God the Father The time of My Son is being merged with your time children and soon all will become one

"My dearest daughter how I long to hold My dear children close to Me so I can show them how much they are loved.

So many children are there of Mine, scattered throughout the world, yet so few know their Father. Their Creator.
For those who do not know Me they must be told that I will not forsake them.
I will rise against the evil forces and the king of lies, the beast, and wipe this terrible scourge out of existence.
Only when the scales of wickedness have been pulled back can My children see the Truth.
Children do not worry because your prayers are touching My Heart and through your requests, I will salvage many of My children who are in the dark.
My mission to send My Beloved Son, to claim My Kingdom, is well established now, although many may not be aware of this.
The time of My son is being merged with your time children and soon all will become one.
The time for the New Paradise has been fixed and all has been laid down for My children’s new home, the new world.
I call to you from Heaven to urge you to trust in My Son, His great Mercy and His promise to fulfil this covenant.
Surrender any doubts which may linger as they are blocking you from seeking true peace.
They block My Graces which I want to pour over you to protect you from the last remaining period when Satan controls the earth. His time is about to end. Then the new beginning will evolve.
I await, with love, the return of My children into My Kingdom, the Kingdom of the New Paradise. It is what was meant to be.
I love you. Trust in My Son and await My Call.
Your Father
God the Most High"

Conversion takes place first. Then the persecution. Then the Salvation. In that order.

We must trust in His Mercy and like a radiant sunburst across the meadow, His Mercy will shower us all, but we must be patient and quiet to hear His Words spoken in our hearts. We love You Lord Jesus and we prayerfully and preparedly await Your Return.

Conversion takes place first. Then the persecution. Then the Salvation. In that order.

"My dearly beloved daughter a great shift is now taking place in the world and the Light of My Mercy is approaching.
Let no man believe that what I say will come to pass will not take place.
I speak only the Truth so you must trust in Me.

My Holy Spirit is descending rapidly on humanity now to prepare them for My Great Mercy.

Let no man fail to prepare or spread My Word so that souls can be saved.
All is good now My daughter in that all is in place for My Word to spread like a wild flower which will take root in every nation.
The sweet fragrance of My Gift of love is being felt even by those with little faith. For they are aware of a change and a shift but do not understand what is happening.
Tell them that the Lord God, King of Mercy, is preparing to return for the second time to save them.
My Covenant is nearing the stage when conversion takes place first. Then the persecution. Then the Salvation. In that order.

Trust in Me and prepare yourselves for the time of the conversion of much of humanity is close.

Many obstacles are being placed before you My disciples. This is what you must do.
Walk straight. Head towards Me on the path and remain dignified no matter what insults are hurled at you. By doing so, and not engaging with the beast who works through others to make you doubt your faith, you defeat him.
This is why I remained silent and barely responded to My accusers, My executioners. For to do so would have given power to Satan.
My death destroyed the power he had over God’s children. He then lost his power to steal all souls. Now that I come again very soon he will lose all power. But until then he will continue to steal souls.
Be strong. Be calm. Be brave. I am with you. When you surrender your will and trust in Me completely you will be safe.
Your Jesus"

I am not the Son of Man people expect Me to be. I am unconventional.

Lord I ask You to please give me the Grace of humility so that I will never forget that to be a part of Your Mission on earth, it is not about me or my opinions, it's about Your invitation to me to pray and suffer for others. Their souls, their salvation, their journey to the New Paradise. Jesus, if I falter, please pick me up, dust me off and make me strong for the next phase of battle. I wish to be Your loyal soldier. Help me remain on my knees! Amen.

I am not the Son of Man people expect Me to be. I am unconventional.

"My dearly beloved daughter it has been a very tough journey for those followers of mine who follow this mission.
They are ridiculed by those whose opinions they value.
They are mocked by those who claim to be spiritually mature and they are spat upon by those who deny Me, Jesus Christ.
They must accept the Crown of Thorns and the humility which is needed to bear the pain of suffering in My Holy Name.
Let no man underestimate the thorny path towards eternal salvation.
If you endure the agony you will be purified quickly and then you will be able to help the others whose purification will not take place until after The Warning.
There will be times, My beloved disciples, when lies will be planted in your minds by others who want you to abandon My mission.
You must simply remain firm, courteous and then stay silent when you face this persecution.
Never argue or try to prove the authenticity of My Holy Word for you will trip up and then you will fall. It will be then that you will be kicked and you will find it difficult to move on to promote My Holy Word. In, other words, you will become stuck. Then confusion will set in and, in some cases, you will turn your back on Me.
Many of My followers, who took up their cross to follow Me in this mission, to save souls, could not continue on their arduous journey.
Some allowed others to plant the seeds of doubt in their minds.
Others believed the lies they were told to deny this, My last holy mission on earth to prepare humanity for My Second Coming.
Only those with a simple love for Me, with a deep loyalty, and who understand the role of suffering in the salvation of souls, had the stamina to continue.
It is not easy to follow Me, your Jesus. While following My teachings may bring you closer to My Sacred Heart, it is only when you surrender, to the reality that is the Cross, can you really call yourself a disciple of Mine.
Many poor souls believe that they will receive great power, great glory and recognition in the world when your respond to My Call. This is not the case.
I am a suffering victim and therein lies My power over Satan.
I am not the Son of Man people expect Me to be. I am unconventional. I chose unworthy souls to deliver My messages.
I call the poorest, the meekest and the greatest of sinners because I need to show you that you are all equal in My Eyes. But it will only be those who accept that only those humble of mind and soul can be embraced by Me and who will walk quickly towards spiritual perfection.
Suffer in My Name and I will raise you up in glory in the New Paradise.
Accept the Truth of My Divinity, in that I will never exalt Myself through My genuine prophets, nor will they seek glory in My Name.
Now, come to Me with a trust and abandonment so I can make you Mine.
Your Jesus'

A Protestant nation, Great Britain, will convert soon to My Ways


Isn't this the hope that we can all have for our own nations? That God will not forsake us and Jesus is just "keeping on keeping on" for us all? He doesn't want for anyone to miss out on His Mercy. I hope that the Nations that still have real issues with their leadership or incoming leadership, that they too, will have miracles happen to convert them. This is my special hope for our Nation of Australia. That our leader will continue his Catholic faith in keeping marriage between a man and a woman as it states in our Constitution by turning a deaf ear to those who show their brutality to God and His Commandments, then even we could see beautiful things happen here! Keep the prayers up everyone! They are working!

A Protestant nation, Great Britain, will convert soon to My Ways

September 17, 2012  

"My dearly beloved daughter I wish to reveal to you a miracle I have planned.

A Protestant nation, Great Britain, will convert soon to My Ways, My Teachings and the Truth.

For so long this Christian country has adapted and amended the Laws of God to suit their proud ways.

Once a great Christian country, they sinned throughout the centuries against the Laws of God and convinced themselves that they followed the Laws laid down by My Church on earth.

The prayers of the faithful among them and the love and loyalty shown by Christian leaders in Great Britain, in the face of adversity, has brought them closer to My Sacred Heart.

This country will be converted and the Truth will save millions.

The antichrist and his many followers have influenced many in power in this country but they will fail to steal God’s children.

My followers will unite through all churches throughout Britain and I will envelop them in My Holy Arms.

They will become a powerful force in My army and the plan to unite them has commenced.

Here is a special Crusade Prayer for God’s children in Britain

Crusade Prayer (77) For Great Britain

O Most Heavenly Father, God the Creator of man please hear my prayer.
I beg You to save Britain from the clutches of evil and dictatorship.
I ask that You unite all of us, of all religions, creed and colour as one family in Your Eyes.
Give us the strength to unite in defiance of any laws introduced to outlaw Your Teachings.
Give us the strength and the courage to never forsake You and to help save all of Your children through our prayers.Bring all of my brothers and sisters together in unity to pay homage to Your promise to bring us eternal life and entrance to Your Paradise. Amen.

To the children of Great Britain know that, soon, the conversion which will envelop your country will bring you great graces.

Then you will help lead My army along with other nations towards My Glorious Kingdom.

Your Jesus."

Warning to those elite global groups who, through their powerful alliance, plot to control all nations

Heavenly Father, You who knows all things through Your Son Jesus, I ask that You take care of things quickly. I ask this for all of all Your followers, Your children, who want and yearn so much to join You in the New Paradise. Be quick Lord to banish satan to the depths of hell with all his minions who are stopping at nothing to thwart Your Plan. But for those who You can still claim back from the jaws of defeat, I ask that You show Your Mercy and grant immunity to them, who will turn their backs on those they have so far, shown loyalty to, those who still wish to demonise humanity through global control. Bring them back safely into Your Bosom. Amen

Warning to those elite global groups who, through their powerful alliance, plot to control all nations

"My dearly beloved daughter this is a warning to those elite global groups who, through their powerful alliance, plot to control all nations.
You, whose god is Satan, know that your souls are blackened with the cloud of evil, which is infested in you by the evil one.
You are in great danger yet you choose to worship the devil who wants to steal your souls and torment you for eternity.
Your plans to dictate, rule, control and mastermind genocide against God’s children will not only be thwarted by the Hand of My Father but this evil will be turned upon you.
You will be severely punished for your wickedness.
The sins you are guilty of are abhorrent to Me and your hatred and contempt for those people, those whom you claim to serve in your governments, will destroy you for eternity.
The brief spell you will enjoy, when you seize the reins of power over nations and introduce a wicked dictatorship regime will bring you an eternal life of Hell.
You will be given many chances to turn your back on the evil group of elite powers. But be careful for you will only be given so much time.
Never underestimate the Power of God. Do not underestimate His Anger. For while a God of great Mercy, He, God, My Eternal Father, is also one to be feared.
His power is almighty. His power over Satan will culminate shortly and He will cast out the Beast and his cohorts into the lakes of fire.
You, too, will be cast into Hell should you continue to destroy God’s Creation, God’s children.
My Father will never forgive you if you step beyond the boundaries of His Great Mercy.
On the day I come to judge you will tremble with the deepest fear unknown to humanity.
On that day you will be accorded the punishment as in the way you treated your brothers and sisters, children of God.
Be warned. For the Anger of God is to be feared.
Your Jesus"

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Global hatred erupts between nations at this time and all in the Name of God

"The Quickening" that Our Lady spoke about to Don Stefano Gobbi in the Blue Book for the Marian Movement of Priests is happening right before our eyes. Jesus said events would take place overnight. See how the devil tries to catch us off guard?! Remnant! Get back to your post and don't leave it! Arm yourself with the Holy Rosary, Blessed Holy Water, Blessed Beeswax candles, The Divine Mercy Chaplet, The Brown Scapular, The Bible as well as The Book of Truth, The Crusade Prayers and the Litany Prayers......and don't discharge yourself from your outfit until the Command has come from Heaven!

Global hatred erupts between nations at this time and all in the Name of God

"My dearly beloved daughter the global hatred erupts between nations at this time and all in the Name of God.
How little humanity knows of the ways of God, which are so far removed from hatred.
Hatred cannot come from God. Hatred is used by Satan to insult the Word of God.
Satan uses religion as a means to condone hatred.
Hatred takes many forms and is presented in a number of ways cunningly devised by Satan and placed within the minds of humanity.
Hatred can be used to convince others to accept lies about another person in order to encourage hatred and tension.
Hatred can be used to create religious division and ignite violence by blaspheming against the Word of God.
When humanity used hatred to justify one’s faith in God they sin against God in the most evil way.
To hate another person in the Name of God is a contradiction for only love can come from God.
Hatred comes only from Satan.
The choice is simple.  You either choose God and live your life according to His Rules or you choose Satan and the lies he uses to corrupt humanity and steal souls.
Your Jesus"

The Gift from My Eternal Father is to give each child of His the most perfect life in the most perfect world

If only we understood our role that we play as the chosen generation foretold in the Bible. What a gift! We are not talking about the hundreds of years of future generations here! It is us, this is our time, this is what prophets have spoken about. We are it! Please avail yourselves of the Sacraments to ask Jesus to be worthy to enter The New Paradise. The time for apathy and indifference is over.

The Gift from My Eternal Father is to give each child of His the most perfect life in the most perfect world

"My dearly beloved daughter a milestone has been overcome in My Mission to spread My Holy Word quickly because of the prayers of others.
Those prayers, recited diligently by My precious and much loved followers are so powerful, because they are said from the heart.
I grant great Graces upon all My disciples to enable them to forge ahead knock down any obstacles, which they may confront in their drive to salvage souls through this Mission.
My dearly beloved disciples know that the angels in Heaven guide you, protect you and lead you towards My goal, the goal to convert the world.
Many of you who are new to My Messages will wonder if these Words are simply to guide or to convert people.
They are being given to do both but, more importantly, to save all so that everyone can live in the New Era of Peace in the world. For this is My promise. This is the great Gift.
The Gift from My Eternal Father is to give each child of His the most perfect life in the most perfect world in the way it was meant to be from the beginning.
Nothing can, nor will, prevent this New Paradise on earth from emerging.
It will rise from the grey drab world you live in, which has been sullied by a rottenness created by Satan. So rotten is the infestation that not many people know the Truth.
They do not know the difference between good or evil. Many confuse the two.
When people accept evil as part of their lives and justify its presence they deny the Word of God. Yet it is only by accepting the Truth of the Word of God that the Covenant, the final Covenant, can be fulfilled.
The plan of the final salvation of humanity is succeeding but there is still a while to go before I can salvage all those souls who are still beyond My reach.
Only the Truth will open their eyes.
Only the Truth, if accepted by them, will set them free so that they can enter the gates of the New Paradise.
Your Jesus"

Communism, for so long feared in the western world, is now being secretly formed through a global alliance

We can already see the force of Communism being exacted in the world, but ever so insidiously. Make no mistake, our lives are going to be uprooted. We will see these words come to fruition, but Jesus has promised it will not happen for long, the time will be swift and He will give courage and strength to us in the battle. Things are starting all over the world, uprisings, protests, riots, vilification and persecution of Christians. Take heart, The Lord is with us and for us and nothing can undermine His Will. Fight the good fight for the true freedom Jesus has suffered so much for to give to us. Start with the Rosary - the Chain of Roses for Our Lady in Heaven - satan loathes it and writhes in his stench every time it is prayed. So pray it for your Nations to stand against Communism, Freemasonry, New Age and atheism, they all represent the culture of death, control and no more freedom in religion, in family, in our lives. Keep alert!

Communism, for so long feared in the western world, is now being secretly formed through a global alliance

"My dearly beloved daughter it is My intention to take Christian countries who are suffering, because of the pressures upon them to deny Me, into My Sacred Arms in order to give them strength.
Their Christianity will be challenged fiercely in a way that no other religion has to endure.
Other religions will not be persecuted in the way in which My followers will have to suffer.
The Truth of Christianity may be questioned.  It may be attacked and it will be censored but one thing will never change.
There is only one path to My Father’s House. That path is Me, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind. 
You cannot go to My Father without accepting My Existence.
The Truth cannot be changed no matter how you try to deny it.
Lies will be seen for what they are very soon. All religions will become one when they witness the Truth.
The Covenant of My Father to send Me, His only Son, once again to bring all of humanity into My Father’s Kingdom will now be fulfilled.
Just when the Truth will become apparent all those who are still in doubt will be tempted to turn their backs.
I beg you, My disciples, tell them the Truth now.
They may not listen but after The Warning, they will.
The battle is now beginning to rage against Christianity.
I call on all Christians to defend your right to show allegiance to Me, your Jesus. If you don’t you will be suffocated and forced to swallow the lie of communism.
Communism, for so long feared in the western world, is now being secretly formed through a global alliance amongst governments everywhere.
They, who amongst your nations, shouted their opposition to what they called an evil regime will now embrace communism.
By then, they will control everything you do, what you eat, what you earn, whether or not you have a house to dwell in and whether, or not, you can practice your religion.
Never give in. Never give up hope. Your strength will be important during this period of oppression. Prayer will be your armour and will help you persevere.
My disciples must trust in Me. I will not let you suffer for long. I will hold you and the difficult period will be swift.
Your Jesus"

The New Era will be heralded by My Second Coming. The time is short.

Praise The Lord! Let us take seriously the generosity of Our Heavenly Father to give us His Gift of Immunity for saving souls from the fires of hell! Please continue to pray the Litany Prayers and Crusade Prayers so we will see the locking of the gates of hell for eternity. Our families will not know hell for our prayers to save them through This Gift.

Understand this, God will save souls bound for hell with our prayers! Name your family members, name your friends, give them the immunity they need to then enter the New Paradise with us. Our gratitude is so mediocre, but Lord we love You and thank You for Your Great Love for us.

Litany Prayer (2) For the Grace of Immunity Friday, August 24th, 2012 @ 03:15 pm

"O Heavenly Father Most High We love You. We honour You. Lord Have Mercy. Lord Have Mercy.

Lord forgive us our trespasses. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

We adore You. We praise You. We give You thanks for all Your special Graces. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

We beg You for the Grace of Immunity for our beloved. (Name all those in a list for the salvation of souls, for those in darkness and for those who will die this day)

We offer You our loyalty at all times. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

You O Most Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, Creator of the Universe, Creator of humanity, You are the Source of all things.

Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

You are the Source of Love. You are Love. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

We love You. We honour You. We lay ourselves before You. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

We beg for Mercy for all souls who don’t know You, who don’t honour You, who reject Your Hand of Mercy. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

We give ourselves to You in mind, body and soul so that You can take them into Your Arms, safe from evil. Jesus Christ Have Mercy.

We ask You to open the Gate of Paradise so that all Your children can unite, at last, in the Inheritance You have Created for all of us. Amen"

The New Era will be heralded by My Second Coming. The time is short.

"My dearly beloved daughter you have, at last, understood the joy of suffering when it is offered with courage and free will.
The souls saved bring you tears of joy just as they, too, are filled with tears when they are saved from plunging into the fires of Hell.
Know that My Mission is to save all souls.
Never forget that My Father has given humanity the armour it needs to salvage souls with the Grace of Immunity.
Grasp it, for through it all souls can be saved.  Just think of the wonderful world, which lies ahead.
No one will mourn any member of their family lost to the fires of Hell.
You, My followers, have the power to close the Gates of Hell through your prayers to save souls.
Let no man dismiss My Words.
Do not discourage people from accepting the Grace of Immunity for I know that some of My sacred servants are trying to do this.
Some are doing this from a misguided sense of duty but they are wrong.  This Grace of Immunity is a Gift from God the Father.
You have a duty, My sacred servants, to give it to God’s children in order to help save souls.
There is so much work to be done to spread My Word but without enough time.
Go make it your mission, My disciples, to spread My Litanies, especially the Grace of Immunity prayer.
Go, also, and tell people about the Seal of the Living God and the Plenary Indulgence for the forgiveness of sin.
You have been prepared now take up  your arms in the Name of God and help Me, your Jesus, to save humanity.
The New Era will be heralded by My Second Coming. The time is short.
Remember, trust in Me completely and I will set you free from worry and fear.
All you must do is to surrender in prayer.
Offer your prayers for souls and all will be well.
Your Jesus"

How you suffer behind your badge of Atheism

Now here's a good question posed by Christ - "If God does not exist then why do you hate Him? How can you hate someone who, in your eyes, does not exist? Satan is your God yet you probably do not believe that he exists anyway. What you do not know is that he controls your mind as he fills it with a lie. How I weep for you. How I still love you.

How I yearn to save you before it is too late. Your Jesus" Jesus You are our Source of All Knowledge, The Fount of Mercy. We pray that these hardened souls who have used their intelligence to drive their atheistic and relativist attitudes into their total unbelief of Your Existence, (in that moment that will help their soul reach Paradise), will drop their armour of pride and ask You to take them out of their despair. Help them Lord, these souls so precious to You. You want all souls to invite You into their hearts. Amen

How you suffer behind your badge of Atheism

"My dearly beloved daughter the time for the world to finally realise that God does exist is close.
To all those who boast of their atheism, which they wear like a proud badge of honour, I say this.
When the time comes and when you can see the Truth, as I give it to you, you will still be fuelled with doubts.
Know that your doubts, which are at this time not present because you think you know the Truth, are a curse.
It is Satan who seduces you first and then curses you.
You are a child of God and you have been blinded to the Truth in order to prevent you from entering the New Paradise on earth, promised to humanity by My Father.
When you are presented with the Truth and when the doubts still torment you, please ask Me to help you. Just one word, just one call is all that you need.
Here is what I want you to say to Me.

Crusade Prayer (76) The Atheist Prayer

Jesus help me to accept the Love of God as it is being shown to me.
Open my eyes, my mind, my heart and my soul so that I can be saved.
Help me to believe by filling my heart with Your Love.
Then hold me and save me from the torment of doubt. Amen.

My poor souls how you suffer behind your badge of atheism.
How you constantly strive to harden your hearts to the Truth, the Truth of the Existence of God.
How you constantly try to recruit other souls to accept  your beliefs. Why do you think this is?
Why do you think you put so much energy and effort into shouting your beliefs? It is to prove that the Existence of God is false.
Don’t you know that when you do this your efforts are full of passion?  Why is it that such passion can amount to such hatred of God?
If God does not exist then why do you hate Him?
How can you hate someone who, in your eyes, does not exist?
Satan is your god yet you probably do not believe that he exists anyway.
What you do not know is that he controls your mind as he fills it with a lie.
How I weep for you.
How I still love you.
How I yearn to save you before it is too late.
Your Jesus"