Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything

I guess the family unit will suffer as the acceptance of sin is more widely accepted particularly by our Church. By the very affront of active homosexuals being given Communion and by divorce being given at every chance, by living in sin without chastity being widely promulgated. We must stand strong as Jesus tells us and He will give us the Grace to be strong. We must stand up against the atrocity we will see in our Churches before our very eyes. If you have a Missal always follow it and see for yourself if it is adhered to. The changes will be subtle and pervasive. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Married people need to stand firm together as one to thwart satan's plan to unravel the core of humanity's existence. Be strong.
We need to stand firm to the True Doctrines of the Church now and not fall for the deceit which will manifest from the Family Synod in October 2015. This will be the catalyst to this Message being fulfilled. March 19th, 2016, the false prophet (the 'pope') will make public his 'new laws'. Synods are pastoral not doctrinal, so they don't need to be adhered to, they are a guideline, however the 'pope' will attempt to ambiguously entice the flock to bring these new ways into their own lives. We must remember this when we are told of the new changes which will take effect shortly after.

The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything

"My dearly beloved daughter, many of those sacred servants of Mine, are to face a terrible challenge. This will be one, which will convince them to take one of two separate paths. It will be up to each, by his own free will, as to which path he must choose. For the abomination will make itself known shortly.
Many of My sacred servants will not be immediately aware of what is happening. It will only be when they read letters, given to them from those in high places, that they will find difficulty.
Those who uphold My Holy Word, given to man through the Gift of the Holy Bible, will be challenged and urged to accept amendments. These amendments will be given to them and they will be expected to swallow them, and accept them as The Truth. They amount to one thing.

They will urge those holy sacred servants of Mine, to accept tolerance of sin.
They will be told that God is an ever-merciful God and that He loves everyone. Yes this part is true. But then, they will be instructed to condone laws, which are an abomination in My Eyes. The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything.
Others will be asked to accept a new type of ceremony, which will replace the Mass and the Presence of My Holy Eucharist.
It will be deemed as an all-inclusive move to join all Christians and other religions as one.This will be the beginning of the end.
The day the daily Sacrifices of the Mass are cut will be the beginning of all events to unfold, as foretold to John the Evangelist. It will be the time of the rise of the beast and his influence will be great. He will win over the hearts and souls of many priests. His aim is to stop all Masses and to desecrate the Holy Eucharist.
He already does this, through black masses, held in many Catholic Churches. The core of disloyal servants is plotting against My Church and they will mislead many.
Be alert. Open your eyes and beg Me for the strength you are going to need, in order to stand up against this vile and wicked plan.
This battle within My Church on earth will be vicious. Priest against priest. Bishop against Bishop. Cardinal against Cardinal.
Let it be known that those amongst you, My sacred servants, who know Me and love Me, I will lead you. I will guide you. I will give you the strength to deal with these enemies of God. You are not alone.
You must never listen to lies, given or presented to you, in My Holy Name. Only you know the Truth in your hearts. Listen to your heart. Remain loyal to all that you have been told is the Law of God.
If you are presented with anything, which seems to be in contradiction of My Teachings, then you must turn your back.
Your Jesus"

I shower you with this Special Blessing today

As we gaze upon the Infant born to us to bring Salvation to humanity, we live in anticipation of Your Second Coming to us, to again bring every soul to the New Paradise. We will work with You Lord, for this very special Gift.

I shower you with this Special Blessing today

"My dearly beloved daughter, Christmas Day is My Gift to humanity. It is because of this day that eternal life became possible for mortal man.
I, Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World, welcome you all, God’s children, into the Kingdom promised to Me by My Father.
I came into the world unknown by but a few. My Birth changed the future. My Promise was accepted by My followers. They knew that I would come again but had no idea when. They listened to My Teachings, although many of them were not learned men. They were poor and lived simple lives. Yet, they were the ones who welcomed Me.
The same will be true now when I prepare you for My Second Coming. It will be those souls with a simple love for Me who will open their hearts to My Call. And it will be those amongst you, humble of heart and pure of soul, who become My disciples of today. It will be through you, just as it was when I walked the earth, that My Word will be heard and believed.

I shower you with this Special Blessing today. I desire that you accept My Blessing of Protection through this, Crusade Prayer to welcome Me, the Messiah, as I will unveil My New Kingdom.

Crusade Prayer (90) Thanksgiving for Your Most Glorious Second Coming
O My Jesus, I offer You praise and thanksgiving for Your Most Glorious Second Coming.
You, my Saviour, were born to give me Eternal Life and to free me from sin.
I offer You my love, my thanks and my adoration as I prepare my soul for Your Great Coming. Amen.

Go now and prepare. For the times are short and much is needed to be done in order to salvage every soul. I bring you Peace, Love and Joy on this special day.
Your Jesus"

My Word will be like a sword, which will cut through confusion and lies.

Jesus says: "Some will take time to digest My Word, but most of the world’s population will accept the Truth, once they are given it. Please pray for the courage, the strength and the will to do what it is that I ask of you. Remind them that I died for them. Tell them that the time for Me to come again is soon. Comfort them by revealing to them the great Gift of the New Paradise I Am to reveal.  Tell them that I Am coming to save them and to end their suffering."

My Word will be like a sword, which will cut through confusion and lies.

"My dearly beloved daughter, the time for My Teachings and My Holy Messages to be spread into every corner of the world, is now.
I will ensure that the Book of Truth, promised to the world, will be ready in every nation and every language.
My disciples and My Sacred Servants will preach from the four corners of the earth.
Billions will follow My Word and many will, finally, read the Holy Gospel.
My Father’s Book, the Holy Bible, will be revisited and My Word will be read again.
Now, My Messages today, contained in the Book of Truth will be food, which will be fed to God’s children when it will be deemed illegal to read the Holy Word of God in the future.
You, My disciples, must convert those who do not know Me. If they do not know Who I Am, they cannot prepare themselves properly for My New Kingdom.
My Word will be like a sword, which will cut through confusion and lies. It will touch the minds, hearts and the souls of all.
Some will take time to digest My Word, but most of the world’s population will accept the Truth, once they are given it.
Please pray for the courage, the strength and the will to do what it is that I ask of you. Remind them that I died for them. Tell them that the time for Me to come again is soon. Comfort them by revealing to them the great Gift of the New Paradise I Am to reveal.
Tell them that I Am coming to save them and to end their suffering.
Your Jesus'

My Love for humanity is felt by many. Sadly, those who do not look for it will not find it

The love that Jesus desires from us should be just a simple love, one that doesn't question, one that doesn't falter. Make it simple. Just ask. He is ready to fill you with His Love.

My Love for humanity is felt by many. Sadly, those who do not look for it will not find it

"My dearly beloved daughter, to love Me is simple. You do not have to be learned in Holy Scripture. All you need to do is this.
Call to Me, even when in doubt about My Existence. I will fill you with My Presence unexpectedly. You will feel a Love like never before. And then you will know The Truth.
I Am real. I Am there and I love each of you. True love pierces your heart with a powerful emotion of attachment. It is a two-way gift. You will love Me and you will wonder how can this be?
My Love for humanity is felt by many. Sadly, those who do not look for it will not find it. To those who still find themselves wandering away from Me, all you need to do is call upon Me, so that I can enlighten your soul.
My birth heralded the proof of My Father’s Love for the human race. He sent Me, your Saviour, because of His Love for you.
Love is not something you should ever take for granted, as it is the greatest Gift from God. It transcends every other feeling and can defeat evil if you would only embrace it.
My Spirit of Love, My Protection covers you at this special time. You are Mine. I Am in your heart. All you need do is to allow My Love to fill you because when you do you will feel true peace.
I bless all of you.
Your Jesus"

God the Father: The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you

God, Our Almighty Father in Heaven, we thank You most humbly for Your Love and Compassion for all Your children. We ask that the persecution driven by our governments and global elite won't last too long. We pray that You will remove the antichrist as soon as he makes himself known. Please grant us, through You Beloved Son, the true contrition and repentant hearts we need, His Mercy we need to have our sins Forgiven - so we can live as One Holy Family in Paradise soon. Amen

God the Father: The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you

"My dearest daughter, I call on all My children to uphold the Name of My only Son, Jesus Christ, and show Him the honour, which has been accorded to Him amongst humanity.
My Angels in My Holy Kingdom, ring out and rejoice because of the Mercy, which is to be granted to all, through My Son.
This great Divine Gift will be used to vanquish the darkness, which covers the world. It will be by My Divine Intervention that I will be able to save most of My children.
This Christmas, a time of great rejoicing as you celebrate the birth of the Saviour I gave the world, is a turning point in the history of the human race.
As your Father, I bless you all and bestow, with a deep compassion, this great Gift of Mercy. I gather you, all of My Creation, so that I can cleanse you of every doubt, every sin and every blasphemy against the Laws of My Kingdom.
This great cleansing of the earth will take some time, but I will hasten these times of persecution.
Your suffering, by the hands of corrupt governments, who do not accept My Laws, will be difficult but will not last too long.
I will give all of My enemies time to open their eyes to the Truth of the glorious Paradise I have awaiting to unveil to the world.
Rejoice. Praise My Son, for it is because of Him, that I present the New Paradise where the Reign, promised to Him by Me, will evolve.
The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you.
My Power will be shown in all its strength and glory for the world to witness.
I Am the Beginning. I Am the End. My New Kingdom, the New Paradise, will finally replace the old. The earth was tarnished by the sin of Adam and Eve.
The perfect creation of man was destroyed when sin brought to an end the Gift of immortality. Soon I will reverse all that was sullied by the contamination caused by Satan and his demons. They will no longer be masters of temptation.
I will now send My Son to reclaim the Throne, which was created for Him.
The battle for this Throne is fierce, but My Power prevails and every miracle will be used to bring My Family back safely into the Divine Sacred Heart of My Son.
You are, My children, lost and in pain. Now I send My Son to begin the process to take you to your rightful home.
I love you, dearest children of Mine. I have never forsaken you, although you could be forgiven for believing this.
You are now being called. No man will be excluded from this announcement from Heaven.
Pray, children, that all will respond to My Son’s Mercy.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High"

I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now

Jesus, Our Saviour there will be no illusion placed before us that we will believe, more than we believe in You and Your Messages to us.
I am a believer, a follower, a loyal daughter of Yours. satan has no power over me.
Your Face is what I gaze upon while I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. satan has no power over me.
Your Precious Corpus is what I hold in my hand when I clutch Your Crucifix during the Holy Rosary. satan has no power over me.
Your Words Lord are what I fill my mind with, when I read The Book of Truth. satan has no power over me.
Your Instructions to me are what give me eagerness to do Your Will. satan has no power over me.
Your Will is my command Jesus. I love You with all my heart, my mind, my body and my soul. satan has no power over me.
You are my ALL!

I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now

"My dearly beloved daughter, I must warn you that criticism will mount against you and My Word, given to you at this time.
You must not allow distractions or doubts to stop you from imparting every single Word I give you. Man must never doubt the prophecies handed down since the day of Moses. Not one prophecy contains untruths.
Now as I reveal to the world the secrets and My plans for humanity, kept from you, up to now, do not turn away. For I present to you now many things still to come, which you, My disciples, must be informed of, so that you do not fail to prepare for My Glorious Return.
Let no one deny themselves the gift I bring of eternal life. Those amongst you, fortunate to enter the New Era when Heaven and Earth will become one, must follow the Path of Truth.
Now is the time for your faith in Me, your Saviour, to be truly challenged and tested. You will soon be bullied into rejecting My Messages. Every effort will be made to force you to reject My Word and to declare the Truth to be heresy.
Turn your minds now to My Birth. To the Teachings I gave humanity so that they could learn how to prepare their souls. To the Sacrifice made by My Death on the Cross to salvage souls.
I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now.
I Am the Light, which shines down upon the path you must walk. On either side of this path, evil spirits will pull at you, torment you, try to get you to walk back the same way you came and into the darkness. They will do this through the taunts of others who will pull you apart because of your loyalty to these Messages.
You must stay in silent meditation, read My Word and feel My Presence. Allow My Holy Spirit to calm your heart and feel My Love envelop you. As your pain intensifies, because of this Mission, know that you are in full union with Me, your Jesus.
Never give up. Do not reject My Hand of Mercy. Allow Me to embrace you in order to give you the courage needed to continue on this journey with Me until the day I come to reward you.
Your beloved Jesus"

Satan will be bound during My Reign and will no longer deceive God’s children

Jesus says "Accept only My Word" Are we ready to listen now? He is giving us the keys to His New Paradise if we remain loyal to Him. Are we living in His Will? How can we accept worthiness of receiving this Gift if we are not living in His Will?

Satan will be bound during My Reign and will no longer deceive God’s children

"My dearly beloved daughter, the world must know that the Era of Peace will be the culmination of My Promise, where I will Reign over the New Heavens and the New Earth. This will be a Spiritual Reign and My Church, the New Jerusalem, will be at peace and My Word will be heard amongst all nations.
Satan will be bound during My Reign and will no longer deceive God’s children. This Reign, will not be a symbolic one, but where the Tree of Life will breathe Love and Peace so that all those who are blessed to enjoy My New Paradise will not suffer death even when Satan will be released, albeit for a short time, at the end of this period.
My Plan is according to the Will of My Father and no man has the right to deny the Will of God.
Make no mistake, you must accept the Word of God which is contained in My Father’s Book because if you do not then you will be deceived as to the prophecies given to man since time began.
Follow only My Path. Accept My Promises. Do not doubt Me for you will insult Me. You either, accept Me as your Saviour and trust in Me completely, or not at all.
My Word is the Truth. The Truth will, when accepted by every living soul, be the key to freedom and to the Gates of My New Paradise.
Your Jesus"

My Flames of Mercy, like Tongues of Fire, will descend on every soul soon

Don't give up! Stay close to Jesus!

My Flames of Mercy, like Tongues of Fire, will descend on every soul soon

My dearly beloved daughter, it is time for each of My followers to understand that My Mercy must be accepted without fear.
I am not coming to harm or judge God’s children during The Warning. I come only to prepare them by revealing to them the truth in their hearts.
Only by trusting in My Love and Divinity can you feel real joy and peace. If you allow fear to grip your heart, you will not be able to accept My Gift. Rejoice, for I love all of you.
The time to celebrate My Birth is important, as fewer and fewer nations tolerate My Name. When you celebrate My Birth, you acknowledge your own salvation.
I have given you the Gift of Freedom. Now share The Truth with others without fear in your hearts.
When the time comes for the whole world to witness the public event of My Second Coming, you will regret not having spread My Word to lost souls.
Please prepare your hearts and souls so that they can be cleansed in anticipation of My Promise to come again.
Use this time in prayer. Spend time with family and those close to you. Help those who are troubled in body and spirit.
My Flames of Mercy, like Tongues of Fire, will descend on every soul soon. You must not stop in fear or be worried. All I ask is that you are prepared at all times.
Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin

To think that we hoped abortion would end and somehow our nations would not go any further with their legislations. Now it seems it will magnify and become so much worse than we have ever imagined. This will be the death knell for our nations. The Chastisement we deserve for such an abomination should be welcomed! We stand by and allow this evil to perpetuate. The evil one is laughing so hard and what are we doing about it? Well now Our Lady says the tears are overflowing in Heaven over this. Our prayers must be recited for all those mothers and doctors complicit in this evil.
We hope that the Holy Rosaries we prayed each Friday devoted to this cause until the last week of January 2013, have been successful in decreasing the proliferation of abortion. Planned Parenthood have been thwarted somewhat so this is at least one little sign that perhaps we succeeded to a small degree.

Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin

"My dear child, the most sacred Creation of My beloved Father, the life of those babies in the womb, is to be destroyed a millionfold all over the world.
The evil one has influenced governments in all parts of the world to ensure that abortion is not only accepted, but that it will be seen as a good thing.
How many tears are now being spilled in Heaven! All the angels and saints bow their heads in sorrow.
God’s children will be destroyed in many numbers as the time for the Great Tribulation commences.
Wars, famines, murders and suicides will increase. It is the sin of abortion, however, which incurs the Wrath of My Father more than almost any other sin.
Countries who condone abortion will suffer greatly by the Hand of God. Their countries will weep when their punishment is witnessed. All those responsible for the introduction of such a vile act will need much prayer.
My child, it is important that everyone recites My Holy Rosary every Friday until the last week in January 2013 to stop the spread of abortion.
Every child murdered in the womb becomes an angel in My Father’s Kingdom. They pray, every day, for each mother who intervened knowingly and without hesitation to end the life of the child within her. Their prayers are being used to salvage the souls of their Mothers.
All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin.
Pray, pray, pray for these sinners as they are in great need of the Mercy of God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"

The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally

You Lord are the Potter and we are the clay. Turn us into that which reflects Your Awesome Majesty so we are pleasing to You once again. We await You to be amongst us in the New Paradise when You will be in Mystical Union with us governing us as our King! So much to look forward to. We pray that those who follow You will be spared in the troubled times ahead, so we can walk humbly with You, Our Lord to the Gates of Paradise. Amen

The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally

"My dearly beloved daughter, the day I come to reclaim My Inheritance, promised to Me by My Father, will be sudden.
While I prepare all of humanity for this great event, the day will come unexpectedly. The time for the beast to be cast into the abyss is near, and then the twelve nations will enjoy peace and unity.
During this time the saints in Heaven, and all those who died in My Favour, will be raised with the righteous who will survive the Tribulation. All will be resurrected and be given the Gift of perfect bodies, which will overcome the death known to humanity since the sin of Adam. They will enjoy peace and prosperity under My Spiritual Reign until My Kingdom is handed over to My Father.
This will be the first resurrection and will be followed by a one thousand year reign of perfect harmony according to the Divine Will of My Father.
During this time, sinners who denied Me will suffer. The Second Resurrection is not known to mankind, nor have the details been revealed to anyone other than the prophets Daniel and John the Evangelist.
These secrets will be revealed, in time, for they are not for your knowing now.
The Power of God will be manifested when the battle to salvage souls will succeed.The power of death over humanity will be defeated finally. This is My Promise. I will fulfil the prophecies laid down by My Father.
Those among you who are confused, have no fear. All is now in My Holy Hands, but be assured all that matters is the forgiveness of sin. This will be when all of you ask Me for the Gift of Redemption. It is that simple.
Your love for Me will yield the Gift of Life. Death, as you know it, will have no control or hold over you again. Your future is something to welcome with joy in your hearts for it is the greatest Gift of God and only those deserving souls will be bequeathed with such wealth. Be at peace. Trust Me. Love Me. That is all that matters.
Your Jesus"

I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation

Nothing is to be feared for Jesus is in Control. We must never force anyone to accept these Messages. It is by Invitation from Christ for humanity to be given His Gift. If our loved ones choose at this time to deny His Gift of knowledge and preparation, then it is our prayers, particularly the Crusade Prayer for the Grace of Immunity, which will bring hope to their souls for Jesus to do the rest. It is most important not to dwell on our loved ones ignoring our promptings, but to give them up to God to allow them The Holy Spirit's Grace to be placed upon them in God's Will alone. Pray for all who are lost, helpless and in the darkness.

I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation

"My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that My disciples do not cause fear in the hearts of their friends and families because of My Messages to you at this time.
I come to you all at this time to speak with you from Heaven in order to prepare you. I do this with love and joy in My Heart.
I come to help those who believe in Me so that they will be ready to accept Me in the state of grace needed to reign with Me in My Kingdom.
I come also to plead with those who cannot understand the meaning of God’s Creation, especially those souls who use human reasoning to define everything in their lives. They believe only in what they can see or touch. These same souls will accept lies from those they believe are to be respected in their societies and nations. How easily they are fooled by the lies of man and how weak they are in that they reject the Truth of their Creation.
My task is to help you all. Not to threaten, but to draw you closer to Me so that you will receive comfort.
My Kingdom is your home. You must not feel any pressure to reject your family, so that you can unite your heart with Mine. Instead bring to Me your family through your prayers. Many will hurt you when you proclaim the Truth of My Word. But that is okay. Do not challenge them and try to force them against their will.
I will take them into My Light of Protection when you recite Crusade Prayer (13) Prayer calling for immunity
I Am full of love for you. Those who believe in Me will be greatly comforted by My Second Coming. Those other souls can be saved by your prayers. This is why I prepare you now. It is to save all of you so that you can enjoy the New Heavens and the New Earth.
I bring hope. I bring Mercy. I bring salvation. I bring to a conclusion the final covenant, the final age, which will be the fulfilment of My Father’s Will.
Never fear Me for I Am your family, joined by My Flesh and Blood, by My Humanity, as well as by My Divinity.
Be at peace, My beloved followers. Rest on My Shoulder for My Love and Mercy is greater than any of you know. This is a time for rejoicing, not sorrow, for I have given you the Gift of Salvation. This Gift is for you as well as those who are lost. It is for everyone.
Your Beloved Jesus"
**Crusade Prayer (13) Calling for Immunity: December 11th, 2011 @3:33 pm
“Oh, Heavenly Father, through the Love of Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ Whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls, Dear Father, with Your token of Love. I plead with You Heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth. Amen.”

I Am an all-forgiving God, ready to grant you freedom from the sins, which entrap you

Jesus Your Words are so gentle even when speaking about our sinfulness. How You long for us to reach out our hands to You even when we are steeped in so much blackness. We cannot fathom how much You Love us. Lord, You know how unworthy we are, yet You're aggrieved by us not asking for Your Mercy, not asking for You to lift us up from our wilderness. We are broken Jesus, but You want to put us back together. We love You Lord Jesus, You are our Saviour, You are our Salvation, You are our Refuge, You are our Love. Amen

I Am an all-forgiving God, ready to grant you freedom from the sins, which entrap you

"My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to reach out to those of you who are troubled in your lives at this time.
I call on those of you who are in deep sin and who are despairing of ever finding comfort because of the pain you are in. You may be guilty of grave sin, including murder, abortion, violence, sexual depravity, or you may have dabbled in the occult, but don’t you know that all you must do is to turn to Me and ask Me to help you?
I Am an all-forgiving God, ready to grant you freedom from the sins, which entrap you. These sins can be banished from your life. All it takes is courage. Remember there is not one sin, other than the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that I will not absolve you of.
It is not that sinners cannot remain in a state of grace for a long time, which blocks you from seeking My Pardon. It is the thought that I could never forgive you that keeps you away from Me.
My Mercy is so great that it will be given to those who ask for it.
I call out to all of you who are unsure of My Existence. I ask that you trust in Me. By confiding in Me, communicating with Me and asking Me to forgive you that you will receive the answer you crave.
I will respond and you will feel this in your heart when you recite the Crusade Prayer for the Grace of My Mercy for wretched sinners.
Crusade Prayer (89) For Wretched Sinners
Dear Jesus, help me a poor wretched sinner, to come to You with remorse in my soul.
Cleanse me from the sins, which have destroyed my life.
Give me the gift of a new life free from the shackles of sin and the freedom, which my sins deny me.
Renew me in the Light of Your Mercy.
Embrace me in Your Heart.
Let me feel Your Love so that I can become close to You and that my love for You is ignited.
Have Mercy on me, Jesus, and keep me free from sin.
Make me worthy to enter Your New Paradise. Amen.

Remember it is not because souls are worthy to enter My Kingdom that they receive reconciliation. It is because My Mercy is so great that I can save every single sinner if only they would seek the courage they need to ask Me for help.
I love all of you with an abiding passion. Never reject My Love or Mercy as without them you will sink further into sin and remain lost to Me.
When you recite this prayer, I will respond in such a way that you will find it very difficult to turn away from Me again.
Your beloved Jesus"

Humility is more than just the acceptance of suffering. It is a powerful means of defeating evil

It is so difficult Lord, to reach out to our young people today because they have no idea of Who You are. They call themselves atheists or agnostics or humanists or relativists or empiricists because this more socially more acceptable rather than a heart felt decision. They are intelligent and use that intelligence to push You away. Any wonder Your Crowning with Thorns was symbolic of the sinfulness of our minds. But how You want them more than anyone to return to You. We love our young people. We love their zest and vitality, but we are so sad that they have scorned You, ignored You and denied Your very Existence. We will continue to pray for them Jesus. They are ALL Your children. ALL Your Creation. Soften their hearts Lord. Let them know that they are loved! Amen

Humility is more than just the acceptance of suffering. It is a powerful means of defeating evil

"My dearly beloved daughter, the gift of humility must be earned. It must never be confused with cowardice.
It was because of My own Humility that Satan was fooled and, as such, lost the right to win all souls and curse them with eternal damnation.
Satan is arrogant, boastful, deceitful, and full of self-love and hatred. The battle for souls was won through the Act of Humility when I, the King of mankind, allowed Myself to be belittled, tortured, scorned, mocked and tormented by sinners infested with the hatred of Satan.
It is impossible for the beast to feel humility. He knew of the Power of God and how tough his battle against His children would be. He expected Me to, not only proclaim the Word of God, but to demonstrate My Authority amongst men by declaring Myself before them in an exalted state of majesty. Even then he was confident of defeating My Mission.
What he did not expect was My refusal to condemn My executioners, or the Humility I showed. My failure to engage with My tormentors meant that they had no power over Me. My tolerance of the scourging, mocking and persecution only further diluted the power of the evil one. He never expected this and tried everything, including physical torture, to get Me to renounce the human race.
It was My acceptance of My death, the sacrifice made by My Father, to permit My Crucifixion, that man was set free from sin.
This was the first battle fought and won. This is how the second battle will be fought, to bring humanity back into My Kingdom, so that they can enjoy eternal life.
He, the beast and all of his fallen angels, tempt many souls so that many are deceived and do not accept My Existence. Many of those who do are fighting hard, through the temptations placed before them, to ignore My Call at this time from Heaven.
Then there are those who pose as servants in My Church who are planning, along with the elite group, to destroy millions. They will do this by blocking My Word and then by physical persecution. Their final betrayal against God’s children will be witnessed by all.
The souls I am most concerned about are those atheists and young people who have not been taught the Truth. I urge all of you who acknowledge Me, your Jesus, to bring them to Me. I surround them with My Light and Protection and I will fight the evil one right up to the last second for these souls.
You must march forward, My brave disciples, and try to block out the evil which surrounds you. If you engage with those who are desperate to stop this Mission you will fail Me.
Why, you may ask, are these people so desperate to block My Word? The answer is that it has always been like this where I walk, where I talk and where I Am present.
Move and keep close to Me. My Power will cover you and you will be protected. But do not take your eyes off Me because there are many who will threaten you, insult you, try to trip you up. When you hear the arrogant, but disorderly, verbal rants thrown at you, you will know what to do.
The more determined your adversaries are, in trying to convince you that it is not I, Jesus Christ, the King of mankind, who speaks with you now, then you will know that I Am truly present amongst you.
I walk with you as you stay close to Me. Your silence and refusal to engage with those taunts will keep you strong. Let those who shout abuse and ridicule My Holy Word do what they do. Pray for them hard, for they are in need of your help. Think of it like this.
Look at all of these people as if they are gathered together in a room and that they are only little children. When you look at young children you feel a deep love because of their vulnerability. You see the reliance they have for their parents and guardians and you feel overwhelmed by the love you have in your hearts for them.
Some of these children will behave according to what they have been told is the correct way to behave. Others show cruelty to the other children. And while you may be appalled by their behaviour, you know that you must correct them, and then punish them, if they continue to refuse to behave properly. Above all, you still love them, no matter what they do as they are the precious children of loving parents.
This is the way My Father feels for all of His children. It does not matter what they do because He still loves them. But He will not allow some of His children to destroy His other children and He will punish them, but only so that He can re-unite His family.
When you pray for those who offend God and who hurt His children, you cause terrible suffering to Satan, who loosens the grip he holds over the person for whom you pray.
Humility is more than just the acceptance of suffering. It is a powerful means of defeating evil. By praying for those who torment you, you bring Me a great gift of true love. A special love for Me, your Jesus.
I will continue to instruct you, My disciples, so that you will remain strong and faithful to My Teachings. It is in these times of great apostasy, that My Holy Gospel and My messages, now being given to prepare you, must be spread throughout the world in My campaign to save souls.
Your Jesus"

Traitors of My Holy Word, sent through God’s prophets, will, I solemnly promise, result in the Wrath of My Father

How it saddens Our Dear Lord when His Servants look the other way. Pray for priests! Even those who are the good Shepherds. They have much opposition. We must be a good example to our priests by our witness to faith and our love for prayer and obedience to Jesus in order to make the job easier for Him to help them open their hearts to His Call. God Bless all who serve You.

Traitors of My Holy Word, sent through God’s prophets, will, I solemnly promise, result in the Wrath of My Father

"My dearly beloved daughter, how it saddens Me to see so much division, which My Holy Word, given through these Messages, has caused.
When My Word, given to visionaries and genuine prophets, is made known to the world, it attracts immediate criticism. Why is this? It is because it is I, your Jesus, Whose Holy Word will always be questioned and criticized, before it is denounced as heresy by sinners.
Human reasoning, while important in the role of discernment, plays a very small part in recognising My Word.
The Love, which My Word sparks in a soul, which is empty of malice and which is pure and humble, will not nor can it be denied. It is through these souls that I grant the gift of being able to recognise Me. These souls, along with the prophet I chose to impart My Word, will have to accept My Cup of suffering.
I ask you to detach yourselves from the world’s attractions and consecrate yourselves to Me, for this is a very harsh and lonely path when you follow Me.
When challenged in My Name, or when the voices of My true prophets are ridiculed and declared not to be from God, I say this to you.
Do not dignify such attacks with a response of any kind. Remain silent in your suffering.
The Voice of God will Reign over the world now and let no one take you away from the Truth, which is very important, so that I can bring you poor helpless sinners into My Holy Arms to calm you.
I bring you Peace. Arguments, criticism and public displays of authority, by those who proclaim My Word on the one hand, and condemn others in My Name on the other, must not be accepted. This kind of behaviour is not from God. It comes from the spirit of evil.
Remember it is not My prophets you hurt. It is I you offend.
You are guilty of wasting time and detracting from the Work of the Holy Spirit. You will not be permitted to sacrifice the souls of those who you dare to mislead in My Name.
You, who sin against Me by preventing the Word of God from being heard in these times, will be cast away. My patience is weary. My worries intense. My pain excruciating. You are trying to deceive My followers, whose role in leading My remnant army is paramount. For this you will be punished.

I plead with you to ask Me to come to you so that I can give you solace, for make no mistake, you are troubled souls and your sins are known to Me.
Your arrogance is offending and insulting to My Father. Your willingness to sacrifice your own souls, because of your ambition to be seen as intelligent and authoritative spokespersons for Me, is disgusting in My Eyes.
Traitors of My Holy Word, sent through God’s prophets, will, I solemnly promise, result in the Wrath of My Father. Your punishment will be swift. Your time is limited. You have but a short time in which to choose which master you really serve.
Your Jesus"

Human reasoning is meaningless when you try to define Eternal Life

Our intelligence gets in the way of a good story! You Lord are The Story! Let's simplify, and get rid of the semantics that we get hung up on! You need us, we need You - SIMPLE!

Human reasoning is meaningless when you try to define Eternal Life

"My dearly beloved daughter, as Advent is celebrated I call on My loyal disciples to remind others of the importance of My birth on Earth.
My birth demonstrated the unfathomable Love, which My Father has for His children. He willingly sacrificed Me, the Lamb of God, so each one of you can have eternal life. This Gift, which caused tremendous pain and suffering for all those close to Me, was given to humanity with Joy.
This was the only way to redeem humanity from the desolation facing them. My Name, My Presence is known to all, but few in the world truly believe in My Existence. My death on the Cross, a savage and vicious Crucifixion, even by the standards meted out to criminals at that time, bring you freedom – even today.
Each one of you has, by virtue of your birth, been given the key to freedom, to Eternal Life in My Glorious Paradise. Many of you do not realise what this means. This is because of the pressures you are under to deny Me in public. How many of you are afraid to say you believe in Me? If you were asked to declare your belief openly would you stand by Me and show your loyalty to Me?
Many of you say that you do not know Me, but that you believe that I Exist. You believe that there is a life after the time on Earth, which has been accorded to you by My Father. Don’t you know that when you have turned your back on Me, that you deny yourself the right to My Kingdom?
Human reasoning is meaningless when you try to define Eternal Life for you have not been given the knowledge necessary to know the Mysteries of My Father’s Creation. Yet you have been given My Word through My Teachings, which is all you need in order to be accepted by Me into a life of eternal peace, love and happiness. This new life is yours and because of God’s Love it is there for you, waiting, if you would only respond to My Call.
I, your beloved Jesus, your Saviour and King, now prepare to present Myself to you when I come to reclaim all of you.
My Love is present in each of you. Look within you and ask Me to ignite the fire of love, which you need, just like oxygen, to live in this New Paradise. It is not to be feared. You must welcome Me for I Am coming to bring you eternal happiness. I call on you to accept My Second Coming with joy in your hearts.
Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: He, so humble, will come in great glorious splendour and His Great Mercy will flood the earth

Can't wait, we need You now Lord! Blessed Mother please pray for us that we have the patience and fortitude necessary to see it all through so we will be united to Your Son during His Great Mercy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Virgin Mary: He, so humble, will come in great glorious splendour and His Great Mercy will flood the earth

"My dear little ones, my Heart rejoices because the Reign of my Son is very close.
For all His suffering, His rejection by ungrateful men and the apostasy, which covers the earth, He will bring great glory to mankind.
He will come on a great cloud and His Majesty will overcome every single soul who will fall at His Feet in ecstasy.
He, so humble, will come in great glorious splendour and His Great Mercy will flood the earth.
Children, you must prepare because you will need great strength to surrender before Him. You will be required to show humility and beg Him to redeem your souls so that you can see the Light of the Truth.
His Great Mercy will be seized by many of you. Others, however, will ignore His Presence and the Great Gift, which He will bring.
Pray, pray, pray for those who refuse to accept the existence of eternal life, for these people need your help. It will bring great joy if you can find it in your heart to ask my Son to save these souls.
You, my children, will soon see the end of your suffering because my Son, in His Mercy, has great plans for every person alive on the earth today.
Be thankful for the Gift of life you have been given when you were born.
Be thankful because of the Gift of Eternal Life, which my Son will soon present to the world. This Gift is for every single sinner. It will be by your free will whether or not you will accept it.
Come to me, children, as I will take you into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart and prepare you so that I can take you to my Son in readiness for His Second Coming.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"

I will Judge the Living and the Dead and only those who are worthy can enter My Kingdom

How I cherish the words of this Message. Jesus You are our Saving Grace. We appeal to You to come quickly and take away the pain of our longing for You. The evils of this world have hurt Your children but none so, as You are hurt. Please God destroy the antichrist as soon as he appears and take away his power to snatch souls. Please have Mercy on us as we fall each day and strengthen our resolve to please You all the more. Amen


I will Judge the Living and the Dead and only those who are worthy can enter My Kingdom

"My dearly beloved daughter, please tell all those who follow My Teachings to remind themselves of My Promise.
I have made it clear that I will come again to salvage My Kingdom.
My Second Coming is awaited and those who profess to know the Truth, which is contained in My Father’s Book, will know that it does not contain untruths.
I will come again as foretold and this time is almost upon you.
I will judge the Living and the Dead and only those who are worthy can enter My Kingdom.
It has also been foretold that the evil one will prepare a war on earth to fight My Father for souls.
This is a war he cannot win and yet many of those who live their lives based on false promises believe that their earthly lives are all that matter. The deceit, which has taken hold over many people, will be their downfall.
Oh how I yearn for those souls to open their eyes to the Truth in time, before it is too late for them.
My pain and anguish now as I envisage those poor deluded souls who will be lost to Me has never been so intense. This is why victim souls, chosen souls and those who are close to My Sacred Heart, feel such pain right now. I suffer through them as the time approaches.
All the plans by My Father to envelop His children and cover them with His Seal of Protection are in place.
Every soul is being sought by Him. The Holy Spirit is covering so many souls at this moment in history in order to entice them into My Sacred Arms.
Please do not deny My Promise. Accept that My Second Coming will be witnessed by you of this generation.
It is good news. My Return will be the moment of My Glorification, which will renew all those who love Me and they will begin a new life, a time of great splendour, where they will rejoice in Light and Love.
Please do not be frightened.
I come with Great Love.
I come with a Great Gift.
You will be taken into your true home and you will be united with your own family.
All of God’s children, favoured to enter this new Glorious Existence, will become as one.
Love will be everywhere. Peace, joy, laughter, companionship, wonders and the Adoration of God, will be part of every moment.
Death will not exist. Hatred will be dead.
Evil will be banished.
The whole of mankind will no longer suffer or experience pain or imperfection of any kind. This is My New Paradise. The time for tears will be no more.
Trust in Me, My followers, for the pain and suffering you are experiencing is almost over. I know how you suffer because of the unjust regimes under which you must live. This is the final period, for the Hand of My Father will now intervene.
The world will change. The old will be cast away and a New Dawn will emerge in all God’s Glory when His Power will Reign, as it was meant to be, since the Creation of the world.
Your Beloved Jesus"

The Fire of the Holy Spirit will be felt in the hearts of everyone

Thankyou Lord for clarifying what we are to expect during the Illumination. Help us to seek forgiveness in a confession beforehand. It is much better for souls to be cleansed before the Warning, so we can just meet with You and feel all the love and joy like we're having a family reunion. We want to meet with You like that Jesus! Amen


The Fire of the Holy Spirit will be felt in the hearts of everyone

'My dearly beloved daughter, it is My desire, not to frighten My followers, but rather, to demonstrate the Love and Compassion which I hold in My Heart for every man, woman and child.
It is because of My Love for every one of God’s children, including those who defy the Word of God, that I wish to cover them with My Flame of Mercy.
Be prepared, all of you, for soon you will witness the Power of God and His Divine Intervention in the world, when He will stop all that is, for a period of fifteen minutes.
The Fire of the Holy Spirit will be felt in the hearts of everyone.
For those who are in a state of grace, it will be a feeling of joy, love and compassion for Me, your Jesus.
For those in a state of venial sin, you will feel the pain of Purgatory, but you will soon be purified and then you will feel a deep peace and love within your hearts for Me.
For those of you in mortal sin, you will experience the wretchedness and pain as if you have been plunged into the fires of Hell.
Some of you, in this state of sin, will beg for My forgiveness and favour to stop your internal suffering. This I will grant to you if you can find true remorse in your heart and accept that your sins cause Me grievous hurt and pain for they insult God.
Then there will be those poor unfortunate souls who will spit at Me, fight with Me and then turn their backs. The terror, they will feel, will be because their souls are infested by Satan.
They will not be able to stand the pain when they witness My Light and they will run into the embrace of the evil one whose darkness brings them comfort.
Finally there will be those who will die instantly because of the shock they will experience. Please pray for these souls every day, for your prayers will gain for them entrance to My Kingdom.
This is one of the greatest miracles ever accorded to God’s children.
My Revelation to you, during this event, will wake you up to the fact that My Promise, to come back to save the human race so they can inherit the Glorious Life ahead, will soon be realised.
Your Jesus"

The Warning will purify God’s children in preparation for My Second Coming

Jesus is so caring and loving to us. He is giving us every clue to what we need to do and what period of time we can expect things to occur. God alone knows the time, but Jesus is giving us time to prepare. It seems like we have a while yet before the Warning and it will precede His Second Coming by a very short margin, so the Great Tribulation will be what is next on the horizon. This will involve calamities of all kinds, but this will bring about the purification for the earth to be ready for it's transformation which is already in perfect place. God's Plan is perfect, so all we need to do is trust in Jesus and know that with confidence we will be alright and will get through all of this. He has our backs and we have His!
Footnote: The Great Tribulation began on December 22, 2012. The introduction above was written at the time of this Messages' release.

The Warning will purify God’s children in preparation for My Second Coming

"My dearly beloved daughter, just as My Father prepared the world for My First Coming, so also does He now prepare His children for My Second Coming.
The whole of Heaven rejoiced when I was born, for they knew that I was sent to save humanity from eternal damnation. Now the Hierarchy of all the angels and all the saints rejoice for now the preparations are underway to prepare the world to welcome Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man once again.
Only My Father knows of the dates but I can tell you that it will take place not too long after The Warning has occurred.
This is the time My Father has waited patiently for. Finally He can throw the beast and his demons, who walk the earth tormenting His children, into the abyss.
The Warning will purify God’s children in preparation for My Second Coming.
It is necessary because it will mean that many people will now seek forgiveness for their sins; who would not otherwise have done so.
The earthquakes, the storms, the floods and unseasonal weather will combine to purge the earth of poison. The land, sea and air will also be purified in readiness for the New Paradise, when the Heavens and Earth will merge as one.
All is carefully organised, according to the Divine Plans of My Father. Very little is known amongst men of the Divine Laws, which govern My Father’s Kingdom on earth and in the Heavens.
Much has been taught to you, through the prophets and through My Teachings. Yet much remains a mystery to you. When the mysteries are revealed to you, in time, you will then understand the reason for human suffering.
Many of you learned scholars of God adhere, as best you can, to the Laws laid down by Me.
Know then that the Love that God has for His children surpasses any theological reasoning.
The same is true of the simple soul who feels a genuine love, without analysing why, for Me their beloved Jesus.
By trusting in Me, and accepting that My Love is Merciful and Patient, then know that I will fulfil the Promises made by My Father.
His Divine Will be done at last. Only His Will can ensure peace among His children. This will be the manifestation so that all His Creation will love Him, accept His Love and the Gifts, which he wishes to shower upon His children.
The world has glimpsed just a fraction of the wonders created by My Father.
His children have yet to witness the True Glory of the Kingdom He has waiting for them.
After much pain and suffering, caused by the hatred inflicted upon the earth by the fallen angels, led by Satan, all will now be resolved.
The final battle will see the destruction of evil being finally completed.
The Warning is a Miracle, permitted by My Father, to ensure that as many of His children as possible can enter My New Kingdom.
Because of the apostasy and the doctrinal errors, spread by misguided sacred servants, over the last four decades, this is the only way to unite humanity quickly.
The size of the population of the world at this time means that billions can be saved through this Miracle of the Illumination of Conscience.
As the time moves now into the Great Tribulation I, the Lamb of God, will reveal to the world the true meaning of the contents of the Seals, given to John.
The Book of Truth is the Word of God, given to mankind already up to now through My Father’s Book. It reminds God’s children of the Truth, as so many have forgotten it.
It will also reveal some of the mysteries of the end times, as given to Daniel, so that all of you are prepared to enter the New Paradise by your own free will.
Do not reject the Truth, as it is now being given to you, for it would be akin to a sick man refusing treatment for an illness. Without the Truth you will be ill prepared to enter My New Paradise.
Your Jesus"

The False Prophet has already planned how he will take over the ministries within the Catholic Church

So what do you do when you listen to the Pope, be obedient to him, stay close to the Magisterium and be rebellious when Our Lord is smeared during the Eucharist? You do just that, LISTEN! But know that our beloved Pope Benedict has a short time to hold his Seat in Rome, so the next 'pope' will be the false prophet who expects that good, obedient Catholics and faithful will listen to him. Isn't that what we should do? NO! Stay close to our true Holy Father, Pope Benedict no matter where he will be and read The Bible and these Messages to stay on track. Under no circumstances listen to the false prophet who will be in Rome for one purpose only - to devour Catholic and Christian souls for his father, the king of lies! satan! SAVE YOURSELVES!
Footnote: This Message was released before the ousting of Pope Benedict XVI as was my introduction. Of course now, as we are aware,  already have the next 'pope'. Please consider his actions very seriously - whether they honour Jesus in His Church or not. Our True Pope is STILL Pope Benedict XVI.

The False Prophet has already planned how he will take over the ministries within the Catholic Church

"My dearly beloved daughter, as the time draws nearer for the false prophet to make himself known, preparations have been laid down by him and his cohorts to denounce these Messages.
Many false prophets are infiltrating My followers in every corner. This will cause, not only confusion, but, they will turn God’s children away from Me.
As you continue to be rejected by factions within My Church, they will defy Me by declaring that other self-acclaimed prophets, instead, bring the Truth to humanity.
One of My sacred servants, who like Judas before him, has betrayed Me. He will be like a thorn in your side.
As the Crucifixion of My Church commences in its last days everything, which happened during My Passion, will be replicated on earth now.
Firstly My Holy Word will be rejected.
Then My last prophet will be betrayed, in the Presence of My Holy Eucharist.  You, My daughter, will be declared to be a fraud by one of these false prophets, who will do this in a Catholic Church in front of My Tabernacle.
Their blasphemous words will be applauded by those enemies of God dressed in holy garments.
During this time many false prophets will make themselves known so that their voice drowns out Mine. Then one amongst them will try to destroy you.
The Hand of My Father will strike down upon those who harm His prophets, sent to prepare the world for My Second Coming.
Sadly, many poor souls will be misled. It is not that they will reject you, My daughter, which is the problem. It is that they will prevent souls from being saved.
I call on those of you who love me to listen carefully to the words of the false prophets. Watch, how they will not be questioned by priests; how they will be promoted by them; and how they will be allowed to preach lies from the pulpits in My Father’s House.
These events will be widespread and they will pave the way for the false prophet as foretold who will come soon to claim his throne.
The abomination, which will be inflicted on the Catholic Church, will then be compounded by the work of the antichrist.
This man, directed by Satan, will be seen to become a friend of Israel. Then he will appear to defend it with the support of Babylon, which is the European Union.
All wars, instigated deliberately in the Middle East, will spread into Europe.
The antichrist will spread atheism, behind the guise of the New World Religion, which will be headed up by the false prophet.
My daughter, the secrets I have revealed to you as to the identity of the false prophet and other matters must not be revealed yet. Know this however.
The false prophet, who will profess to be a man of God, has already planned how he will take over the ministries within the Catholic Church.
He and the antichrist work already in unison, in order to bring about desolation upon the world, which will result after the abomination in the Catholic Church has been fulfilled.
My followers, you must not listen to those who try to stop your prayers. You must ask, what man of God would prevent the recital of prayers, the recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet or the recital of the Holy Rosary? The answer is that any man who tries to stop you from praying, even though he dresses in the robes of a sacred servant, must not be trusted.
These are dangerous times for My true prophets who will always be rejected. This is how you will know who they are.
Just as I was rejected, tormented, scourged and belittled by the priests of My day, so also, will My prophets suffer.
Never reject the true prophets. Listen to the prayers they will bring to humanity as a Gift from Heaven. If they do not bring you prayers, then they have not been sent by Me.
If they are welcomed with open arms by priests, bishops and other sacred servants, publicly into their Churches, they have not been sent by Me.
Know Me. Know My prophets. They will suffer the same sufferings which I endured. They will be rejected by those in My Church,  My followers and others who claim to speak in My Name.
Their lot will not be easy. Yet it is by their public rejection, the vicious slander spread about them, which they will have to endure, that you will recognise Me.
Go now and let not your hearts be deceived by liars.
Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: As the Mother of Salvation I will help you and your families to be consecrated to my Son

Do as Our Lady says: Consecrate yourselves and your families to Her Immaculate Heart. As Mother of Salvation for the whole world, She has been given the job of protecting us and bringing us closer to Her Son. Her job is special, it's salvific! Our Lord said you must come to Him through His Mother and you must come to God through His Son. All meet in the middle at JESUS! Our Saviour!

Virgin Mary: As the Mother of Salvation I will help you and your families to be consecrated to my Son

"My child, please tell my children to call on me, their beloved Mother, so that I can protect them at this time of confusion and distress.
My Immaculate Heart is the refuge to which you must turn so that, through my intercession, you can renew your faith and trust in my Son.
I will come to your aid and my tears of love and compassion for each of you will fall and then you will find peace in your heart.
With my help, which you must try to seek out daily, my Son will give the graces necessary so that you are made worthy of His Great Mercy.
Never hesitate to call upon me as I have been given a special gift by my Son.
I will help you to prepare your soul so that it is pleasing to my Son.
My help will make you stronger and you will feel a closeness to my Son, which you will find to be of such comfort, that you will come back to me again so that I can keep you safe.
As the Mother of Salvation I will help you and your families to be consecrated to my Son, Jesus Christ.
You must never fear my Son, no matter how you have sinned, because He is always hoping and waiting for you to call on Him. His Mercy is beyond your comprehension.
My sweet children you must never complicate prayer. All you need to do is to talk to my Son and call on me in order to help me to bring  you to Him.
Your Heavenly Mother
Mother of Salvation"

I call on humanity to prepare for My Great Mercy

Please pray in earnest for those who will find it so difficult to accept Christ's Mercy during the Warning. So many poor souls who will be too proud to turn from their wickedness. The devil can't be given this power. Help in This Mission to save these souls. God loves them so much. The Warning could be such a glorious event for all of us if we only but choose to ask forgiveness for our sins and repent.
Lord, please we implore You to show them Your Hand of Mercy and Love and grant them forgiveness in their most difficult moments. They are still our brothers and sisters in Your Family here on earth. Amen.

I call on humanity to prepare for My Great Mercy

"My dearly beloved daughter, with all your strength and with all your courage, I call on humanity to prepare for My Great Mercy.
Those of you with a humble heart and a purity of soul, I call upon you to pray for the souls of those who will die during The Warning.
How they need your prayers. How I need your suffering. Both gifts, given to Me by you, will help save those who cannot be saved by their own free will.
As My Flame of Mercy will be poured over the whole earth, many will rejoice, but it will be a painful time for sinners who will be unable to ask Me for forgiveness, because of pride.
Their purification will be painful and it will take much suffering on their part in order to be redeemed in My Eyes.
How the wicked hearts of man will be torn inside out, and with terror in their souls, many will fall before Me in agony. Let them know that, although they will undergo much anguish, billions will become pure of heart and soul. Then they will be fully prepared for the great day of My Coming.
My daughter, the trials of My followers will increase and intensify before The Warning.
When you offer Me such suffering I will save the souls of millions. Please do not begrudge Me these torments for great miracles will be given despite those ungrateful men who have no shame in their hearts for the wickedness they are guilty of.
Not one man will be spared the sight of the state of their souls as they appear in My Eyes.
When they see the sorry state of their souls they will be deeply ashamed. Those who are genuinely sorry for their offenses against God will be forgiven. They will be required to undergo a cleansing, which they must accept with humility.
Many, many, souls will accept My Hand of Mercy, but for the souls who have committed mortal sin, they will be so hardened that they will shun My Mercy.  This Crusade Prayer must be recited for souls for after the Warning.
Crusade Prayer (88) for souls after The Warning
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, show Mercy to all of us poor sinners.
Enlighten those hearts of stone, so desperate in their quest for guidance.
Forgive them their iniquities.
Help them, through Your Love and Mercy, to find it in their hearts to grasp Your great Gift of Redemption.
I implore You to forgive all souls who reject the Truth of God.
Cover them with Your Light, Dear Jesus so that it will blind them to the wickedness and snares of the devil who will try to cut them off from You for eternity.
I beg You to give all God’s children the strength to be thankful for Your Great Mercy.
I ask that You open the door to Your Kingdom to all lost souls who wander the earth in a state of helplessness and hopelessness. Amen.
Go, My disciples, and adhere to My instructions to prepare your souls for My Divine Mercy.
Your Jesus"

The flame of love extinguishes the fire of hatred

Jesus is telling us the best way to recognise satan is at work in our lives, is when there is animosity, anger, hatred, gossip and our reactions to ourselves being gossiped about, divisions, disunity. Every one of these are negative. The devil is about all things negative, ugly, immoral, angry and deceitful. God is everything positive - love, unity, care, selflessness, oneness, prayerfulness, trust and faith. So when we see, hear, feel and say negative things, we know that we are being coerced by satan in his vile plan to rip us from God. Jesus wants us to turn away from these negatives and contemplate Him, His Face, His Promise, His Love and desire for us to Enter Paradise with Him. Time for a spring clean! Get rid of all negatives in life and replace them with positives. God will do the rest. If we begin with ourselves, then the ripple effect can be enormous!

The flame of love extinguishes the fire of hatred

"My dearly beloved daughter, it is only when you are the target of hatred that you can truly understand the power, which the evil one has over humanity.
Hatred is caused by Satan who uses it to tempt people to turn on their fellow brothers and sisters.
Hatred breeds hatred, when one person hates another and it is usually caused by anger.
Anger can come about as a result of a difference of opinion. Unless it is controlled, it can turn to hatred very quickly.
When someone attacks another person, an organisation or a nation, because of the difference of opinion, it can spark a torrent of hatred within a quick period of time.
This is why I urge all those who find themselves the target of such anger, to remain dignified at all times. Even when someone insults you, face to face or behind your back, you must be careful not to engage with them. When you do, you will be tempted to sin.
Satan encourages people to become angry. He then uses anger to create anger in the next person, and so it continues until hatred is instilled on both sides.
He, the evil one, inspires hatred so that he can cause division.
Division is the opposite to unity. Unity is a God given Grace. When people are united as one and respect each other, love is present. Love is God, so God has inspired this unity.
Satan uses hatred to cause nations to divide, marriages to break down, murders to take place and vicious crime to thrive. When Satan has been conquered, hatred will be finally banished and it won’t exist in the world again.
Love can deplete hatred. When a person is angry towards you, you must try to respond with love. It may be very difficult for you to do this but, with My help, you will find that the hatred will be diluted quickly.
The flame of love extinguishes the fire of hatred. It cancels it out. Love is God and, as God has great Power over the beast, then this is the solution for driving the beast out of your lives.
It takes great courage to stand up, as victims, against hatred. If you do as I ask of you and call on Me to give you the courage, then you can defeat hatred.
Your Jesus"

All nations of the world are united as one with God. All are part of the same family

“Where there is a will, on the part of My disciples, to help salvage souls, I will multiply those souls one thousand times. This I promise you. Your efforts will not go to waste. Every scrap of your suffering, which you endure in My Name, offered to Me willingly, will be used to salvage most of humanity. Love your family as I love you. Love your brothers and sisters as you would in your own family and I will shower you with graces. Love your enemies and prove it by praying for them and I will salvage their souls.”
 Jesus is speaking about MY family and YOURS but most of all He is speaking about OURS! We are but one family. We must pray for each other, so that we can be victorious in salvaging the lost souls for Jesus. How many lost souls are in OUR FAMILY?! Pray for them!


All nations of the world are united as one with God. All are part of the same family

"My dearly beloved daughter, when I bestow love in the hearts of your parents this will give you but just a glimpse of the love I hold for you in My Heart.
A child who is nurtured by the pure love of his parents is blessed for this is a taste of the Love, which God has for all of His children.
My Love is especially present in the heart of the family unit, for the love, which forms it, becomes reminiscent of the Holy Family.
All nations of the world are united as one with God. All are part of the same family. In some families there is much love and all the children are in harmony with their parents.
In other families there is division, with children wandering off and falling into despair.
When a child wanders off the path of Truth and finds himself embroiled in wayward deeds, he causes much disruption in his family.
When he is in pain and is addicted to sinful pleasures of the flesh, he causes terrible anguish for his parents.
When he refuses to allow them to help him, they are not only saddened and frustrated, but they become ill with worry.
When he turns his back on his brothers and sisters, causes them pain and anguish, and rejects them, he is rejecting his entire family.
This broken family, although united, save for the wayward son, cannot find peace.
They would sacrifice everything if only to save their poor distracted child from destroying his chance of happiness in life.
The same is true of God’s children who reject His Hand of Love and Mercy. How this makes Him weep with sorrow.
For those followers of Mine who witness these lost souls, who wander the world seeking solace in things not of God, they also feel sorrow in their hearts. They also feel fear because they know that unless these poor souls ask Me, their Jesus, to save them, then they would otherwise be lost forever.
My Living Church on earth, comprised of all of My followers, needs to help Me to salvage every single soul.
Without all of God’s Family it will be a painful reunion, were just one soul be lost to Me.
We are one, all of God’s children. Bring Me, through your prayers, the souls of those amongst you, including those who will not accept the Existence of God and those who are embroiled in such sinful lives, they cannot find an easy escape.
Then bring to Me the souls of those deluded sinners who fall into every trap laid down before them by the evil one.
Where there is a will, on the part of My disciples, to help salvage souls, I will multiply those souls one thousand times. This I promise you. Your efforts will not go to waste. Every scrap of your suffering, which you endure in My Name, offered to Me willingly, will be used to salvage most of humanity.
Love your family as I love you. Love your brothers and sisters as you would in your own family and I will shower you with graces.
Love your enemies and prove it by praying for them and I will salvage their souls.
Your Jesus"