Sunday, 27 December 2015

This is the final battle. My Vicar has fallen. My Church will fall, but soon it will rise again

We have been given a 'no holds barred' Message from Jesus that we are in the throes of evil in Rome! Our Beloved Church is now going to see Her final days before She is Crucified and Resurrected again into the Most Beautiful Bride of Christ. How He is suffering now, seeing what the Freemasons are achieving. How he is grieving for His Sacred Servants who will be duped by the perverse diabolical plan satan has prepared! Pray for them! They are in a battle they know very little ...about. They are obedient to the Church, but little do they know who is running the show! It is NOT GOD'S CHURCH anymore! Do we understand the finiteness of this situation? Can we truly comprehend what is about to unfold? We will see wording change during Mass, we will hear the most outrageous claims that Jesus' Teachings have been discovered to be hogwash! My goodness, we must brace ourselves for the onslaught of deceit in the Mass, which won't be The Mass anymore! Pray for those priests who understand what is about to transpire, because sadly, they will bear the brunt of evil attack from sides! Those Crusade Prayers are the mighty weapon with #26 The Holy Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima! She is our Mother of Salvation! These are her Beloved Sons! Oh pray! Pray each day!

This is the final battle. My Vicar has fallen. My Church will fall, but soon it will rise again

February 14, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, the battle has finally entered its last stage between My Father’s Kingdom and the realm of Satan.

How the evil one fools My Father’s children, including those who follow the Truth of My Teachings. Nothing is as it seems. The power of Masonry has increased and they infest, not only the political world, but, the House of God, My Body on earth.

The Catholic Church is despised, more than any other Church on earth, which proclaims My Holy Word. This is because it has been guided by Me and has adhered to My instructions, given to humanity, since I declared that My Apostle Peter was to establish My Church on earth.

My Church on earth has been the focus of the evil one, who has, throughout the centuries, divided My Church and scourged all those who practice My Most Holy Sacraments.

Not once did he, the evil one, relent in his plan to persecute My Church. Cunning, deceitful, arrogant, boastful and full of self-importance, he, the deceiver, believes his power is almighty. He targets, always, those who have been accorded the responsibility to lead God’s children to eternal life.

My Catholic Church has, for some time, suffered terribly, by the hand of Satan. Not once, have they been left to do their holy duty to Me, in peace. Then to ensure that he, the evil one, could cause even more harm, he infiltrated those sacred servants of mine by sending his own servants to mix amongst them. It was then that the abomination of evil entered My Church.

When sin was committed by those appointed to nurture souls, it was I, Jesus Christ, Who was accused and put into the dock.

The biggest deceit of all was when the evil one convinced man that it was I, Jesus, Head of the Church on earth, Who betrayed humanity. Humanity was born with sin. Man will sin, until the time of My Second Coming. To discard Me, as the Saviour of the World, because of the sins of man, including those whose responsibility was for souls who have been led astray, will be your downfall.

Instead of the Truth, you will allow the lies of the beast to corrupt your hearts. You are now under the control of evil in My Church and many will fall prey to the lies, which will now be presented to you, as the Truth.

The Truth of My Teachings will soon be declared as irrelevant and untrue. My Father’s Rage at this infestation in My Church, on earth, will soon be felt amongst his servants, in My Church in Rome. This is the final battle. My Vicar has fallen. My Church will fall, but soon it will rise again.

Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: The Arrogance and Pride of Humanity is Insulting to the Presence of God

Our Lady we are so slow to ask for Your Holy Mantle of Love and Protection be around our family members. Please be patient with us. I love the protection You give us and the love You show us. Please always keep my family in all their number, safe from evil and prepared for The Warning, so they can enter Paradise. I beg You for this favour which I ask through Your Beloved Son Jesus. I love you! Amen

Virgin Mary: The Arrogance and Pride of Humanity is Insulting to the Presence of God

February 13, 2013

My Holy Mantle covers all those of you who call on me, your Heavenly Mother, during these times of Chastisement. As the Anger of my Eternal Father increases, you, my dear children, must pray hard to dilute the suffering, which will surge, like a flood, over the earth.

You must keep focused on what my Son tells you and remain united in prayer, so that sin can be forgiven. The hedonistic cloud, which hangs over the western part of the world, which has shunned my Son, thickens every day.

The arrogance and pride of humanity is insulting to the Presence of God. Their empty souls are like empty vessels, and they are filled with worthless riches, which are created by the hand of man. No room do they have in their greedy hearts for True Love, the Love of God. Without the Love of God, they are unable to love anyone, other than themselves. This means that humanity suffers, more than they should, because love is not shared.

If you only care for yourself, you cannot give comfort, or ease the suffering of those who are reliant on others.

Wake up, children. Only by opening your hearts to the Truth will you be able to win over the Mercy of my beloved Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants

Masonry is everywhere! Especially affecting us as Catholics. They are responsible for Holy Father's dethronement. Even just now have been given knowledge of our beloved Miraculous Medals being redesigned by satan's minions. The one on me is one of them! It was blessed by a Priest, but not sure if that means anything now. How insidious are these parasites!

Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants

February 13, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, there is a rage in Heaven, at this time, as the Crown of Thorns descend to crush My Body, the Catholic Church, on earth.

This prophecy given to you, in much detail, over the last two years, has come to pass. Now, as My other Revelations will soon be realized, very few of My sacred servants will be able to ignore My Pleas to the human race, at this ungodly hour in your time.

They, the wicked group have begun their campaign, to rid the earth of the Truth of My Teachings. My Holy Vicar has been forced into this action and will suffer greatly as a result. Masonry has infiltrated My Church on earth and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants.

Many have no idea as to the deceit with which they are being presented. Nor do they know that the foundation of My Church, the Catholic Church, has been crushed to dust. In its place, will rise the abomination and I will intervene and send signs in order to warn every soul of the importance of praying, so that they can discern Truth from fiction.

It is not the collapse of the Catholic Church, which will soon become evident, which will divide the world. It will be their involvement in the creation of a New World Church, a one-world religion, which will introduce paganism and idolatry.

The false prophet has prepared well and his time is coming. In collaboration with the antichrist they will bring the world to its knees. It won’t be to God they will pay homage, it will be to the beast.

I urge all My disciples, My Christian followers, everywhere, to remain calm. Pray for peace and allow Me, your Jesus, to guide you at this time.

I call on all of My cardinals, My bishops and My sacred servants, to unite your flock and remain loyal to My Teachings. Pay close attention to what you will be asked to preach for it will change. Your homilies will be devised and written for a secular world and they will have no substance.

In a bid, to be seen to modernise the Catholic Church, this is what will be presented to you -the promotion of all-inclusive congregations – all religions rolled into one, so-called Christian Unified Church. All the outward signs may, at first, seem the same, but that is what you are meant to see. Slowly you will no longer recognise My Holy Scripture, as new words, phrases and new formats to the presentation of the Sacraments will be placed before you.

There will be a panic amongst those true loyal conservative priests who will be alarmed at the new modern format the Church will embrace when they will re-launch a new type of modern alternative Church.

It will be through the network of masonry, which is infiltrated in every corner of the Catholic Church, governments and the media, that this abomination will be presented as a great innovation.

This is the beginning of the end. My Presence will be discreetly banished for the new ceremony of the Masses.

All the pomp and ceremony will mask an empty tabernacle, for My Divine Presence, will no longer be permitted, by My Father.

You must remain united and, if you are Catholic, continue to attend daily Masses and Holy Communion. For all Christians you must know that, you too, will be lured into the New World Religion, plotted by nations who are in league with the traitors of My Catholic Church. They wish to create a secular, humanistic, façade – a façade, which masks the evil it will promote, subtly.

The battle has begun, but you, My beloved followers, are stronger than you think. I Am here always. I have prepared you well. You must, to survive, say this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade of Prayer (100) For the survival of Christianity

O dear Jesus, we beg You for the skills to survive the trials we now face, as the last True Pope finishes his Mission for You.

Help us to sustain the terrible abuse we will now have to face because of the collapse of the Church, which we once knew.

Never let us deviate from the Truth of Your Divine Word.

Help us to remain silent when the attacks are placed upon our shoulders to entice us to turn our backs on You and the Sacraments you gave the world.

Cover Your Army with the powerful Love we need, like a shield, to protect us against the false prophet and the antichrist.

Help Your Church on earth to spread and multiply, so that they can adhere to the Truth and help you lead our brothers and sisters on the Path of Truth to prepare ourselves, adequately, for Your Second Coming. Amen.

Do not fret, My followers. Everything is in My Sacred Hands. Be patient. Do not justify any of your actions, in My Name, for when you do this, you defend My Word, when all you need to do is to proclaim My Word.

Your Jesus

This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a New Life, a New Renewed Paradise

“Many do not realise how I work, within their hearts, but I do this to entice them towards Me. For every soul who calls to Me, even if they are unsure of My Existence, I come running. I respond, instantly, and hear all intentions. I Am a Loving God. I Am not easily roused by anger. I Am Patient. I Am expectant. I Am Loyal. I Am all Merciful. I Am waiting for all souls to recognise My Call, for soon, they will be in little doubt as to Whose Voice they hear, beckoning them to feel God’s Love.

This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a new life, a new renewed Paradise. While this time on earth may be full of trials, pressures, stress, ups and downs, it cannot compare with the peace and glory of the life, which awaits all those who love Me.” -Your Jesus

Don’t the Words of Jesus give us hope? Don't They inspire us to do more for His Mission? There are many souls wandering a state of helplessness and hopelessness just as the Crusade Prayers remind us. Our prayers are always heard, now especially. This gives us the confidence to drive this Mission forward. Let's go!

This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a New Life, a New Renewed Paradise

February 12, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, so many people in the world are unaware of their spirituality. So caught up in matters, concerning their daily lives, their jobs, their role as parents, their struggle to pass exams and to educate themselves, that they forget about their lives after their time on earth comes to an end.

It is only right that they do the best they can, in matters of responsibility, to feed and clothe themselves, but when they neglect their spiritual well-being, they are denying themselves the greatest gifts, which await them.

Many forget that My Father can take life at any time. If souls are not prepared, they will suffer regret and may not enter Heaven at the time when they pass from this life to the next.

It is difficult for those who lead busy lives to consider what happens when this time, accorded to them by God, comes to an end. For many they view death as frightening and not something they wish to think about. And so, they reject Me, their Jesus, their path to My Father’s Kingdom. I, Jesus Christ, Am the only way to avail of eternal life, a life unknown to you.

I wish to tell you that there is a wonderful life for all of God’s children, waiting for them. This life is important, because it is how you live the life, which is given to you on earth, which will determine your future.

You must never think of death, as the end. Instead, think of it as the beginning of a new and wonderful life. The time you spend on earth is a trial. It is a test and in many ways is an exile. Born sinners, you will also die as sinners. But, it will be those sinners who love one another, who treat others with love and respect and who live their lives in My Image, who have much to look forward to.

Because of My great Compassion for all of God’s children, I make great exceptions for souls who wander, lost and confused. I pursue souls who do not want anything to do with Me and I stir their hearts, so that they feel compassion for others.

Many do not realise how I work, within their hearts, but I do this to entice them towards Me. For every soul who calls to Me, even if they are unsure of My Existence, I come running. I respond, instantly, and hear all intentions. I Am a Loving God. I Am not easily roused by anger. I Am Patient. I Am expectant. I Am Loyal. I Am all Merciful. I Am waiting for all souls to recognise My Call, for soon, they will be in little doubt as to Whose Voice they hear, beckoning them to feel God’s Love.

This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a new life, a new renewed Paradise. While this time on earth may be full of trials, pressures, stress, ups and downs, it cannot compare with the peace and glory of the life, which awaits all those who love Me.

Your Jesus

Many believe Hell to be, merely, a Place from Folklore

The mistake in Australia was made in the 50's, 60's and 70's that mortal sin was when you murdered someone with intent! Boy have we moved on from that lot of hogwash! Mortal sin is and will always be (while evil exists that is) anything a person does with education, desire and will. So what if the ANZ bank was shut after you already decided to go down there and rob it at gunpoint! You had the intent, the education (you thought it through and prepared) to rob it, to inflict harm, so you mortally sinned! FULL STOP. EXCLAMATION POINT!

We have to stop thinking that to commit mortal sin it must be this horrific thing someone did. If you look at a woman lustfully and assume a fantasy and you are a married man, then dude you have sinned the sin of adultery. If you willingly looked at her, even trying to tell yourself you shouldn't but did anyway and added to all your impure thoughts in the process, then mate! You have mortally sinned! How many of us are wandering around not realising that our minds, hearts, eyes and hands are capable of anything! mortally or otherwise! Think hard about what those things might be during your life and rather than dismiss them or trivialise them, take them into the Confessional and beg for forgiveness. Now is the time while life is in you, after that you die with your sins if they haven't been given up and then without the prayers we are going to pray for you, you could end up feeling very above average temperatures!

Many believe Hell to be, merely, a Place from Folklore

February 11, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart’s desire is to save those people, who commit terrible sin, from the torture of Hell.

For every mortal sin committed, the pain of fire will tear the soul apart as if it were made of flesh. The cries of anguish and terror, from such souls, as they are pulled into the depths of Hell, break My Sacred Heart.

My Heart is cut and the terrible pain I feel is because of these poor souls. Many people alive on earth, at this time, are in terrible danger. This, because so many believe that mortal sin is merely a minor fault and as a result, justify it. And, then, they continue on a path of self-destruction. Unless they can see what grave errors they are making, they will suffer damnation, where they will burn in agony, for eternity.

So few people believe in the existence of Hell. Many believe Hell to be, merely, a place from folklore. So many do not believe that God would allow such a place to exist, and that all sins, no matter how bad, are forgiven. I blame this on the errors made by those sacred servants, who, over the decades, succumbed to the pressures of a secular world. This deception has meant the loss of billions and billions of souls. And, while it is too late for these souls, there is still time for those who are marked with the stain of mortal sin, today, to be salvaged.

You must pray that these people can be protected from the evil allure of Satan, who rejoices at the prospect of their fate. My Light will and can only be poured over them when they open their eyes to the truth of sin. Although they torment Me with their wickedness, there is not one among them who does not feel discomfort, or despair, because of their sins. While many know the cause of such unrest, they will do nothing about it, as they continue to condone and justify their sins. Some do this because they are surrounded with the darkness of lies, which are embedded in their culture. Such lies promote the acceptance of sin.

Help Me to save them with this Litany

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (5) For the Salvation of Those in Mortal Sin

“Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell.

Forgive blackened souls.

Help them to see You.

Lift them out of darkness.

Open their eyes.

Open their hearts.

Show them the Truth.

Save them.

Help them to listen.

Rid them of pride, lust and envy.

Protect them from evil.

Hear their pleas for help.

Grasp their hands.

Pull them towards You.

Save them from the deception of Satan. Amen.”

Help them, My followers, by asking Me, daily, to forgive them, for the terrible insults they fling upon Me.

Your Jesus

My Word will spread in Australia and New Zealand

WHAT A GIFT TO AUSTRALIA!!!!! Our Dear Lord is speaking to us and asking us to turn from our lukewarmness and atheistic ways now because He is waiting for us to return to Him as a Nation! This special prayer is for ALL OF US!! Please pray it each day. Our efforts will make the difference for us. Never underestimate the power of prayer. This prayer was Authored by Jesus Himself Who knows our future! Don't let this Gift go to waste! We love our country, the Land of The Holy Spirit! Let's love it's people, enough to want to save them and bring them Home!

My Word will spread in Australia and New Zealand

February 10, 2013

My beloved disciples, how you bring tears of relief to My Sacred Eyes.

Your beautiful Nations, full of rich abundant natural resources, are empty of soul. The Nations of Australia and New Zealand are lush, on the one hand, because of the Gift My Father has bequeathed you, and on the other, they are barren.

I call on your Nations, now, to help Me to ignite your faith and spread My Holy Word, so that it will nurture the souls of all God’s children in your countries.

My Word will be spread in Australia, through this, My last, Mission to save souls on earth.

You, My daughter, will be given the Gift of the Holy Spirit in order to bring Me the souls I crave for. You, My followers, have a heavy load to bear, because the Word of God, is unknown to millions, among your nation. Very few churches, within the Christian community, are used in the way they should be. They are empty shells and I Am displeased at the weak faith, which exists amongst you. You have much to learn and much to gain, when you follow Me – by your own free will – on the Path of Truth.

My plan to prepare your souls and to request your help to save those souls, who do not believe in God, is great. My Mission is to call out to atheists and cover them with My Holy Spirit, so that My Voice is heard, quickly. Here is a special Crusade Prayer, for the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand.

Crusade Prayer (99) For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand

O God, the Almighty Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have Mercy on all of your children in Australia and New Zealand.

Forgive us our rejection of Your Holy Word.

Forgive us the sin of indifference.

Rid us of our pagan culture and cover us with the Graces we need to inspire hope, faith, and charity among our brothers and sisters.

We beg You for the Gift of Discernment and ask that You grant all of us the Blessings we need to ensure that only the Truth of Your Holy Word can be heard and that all souls are granted the keys to eternal life. Amen.

Very soon, My Holy Spirit will devour your souls and you will march forth with a calm confidence, as you declare the Truth to all of those you come into contact with.

Be thankful for this blessing, which I now cover your Nations with. I love you and I trust you will respond to My Call.

Your Jesus

Never forget that you are the writer. I Am the Author

Jesus, our Love, we have given You our fiat! We know the work we must do, but we do it. We will not falter at the mere stupidity of satan interrupting us for a laugh. he cannot have power over us while we gaze upon You on The Cross. We are walking the Path to Calvary with You now, we see the hecklers, we hear their taunts, we know how much they want You Crucified again and again, but don't You know Lord, that we all wish to be Veronica? Dear Veronica who through the obstacles, waded through the crowd and wiped the Blood and Sweat away from Your Face to give You some little, but welcomed comfort?! But how her little act of kindness brought You so much joy through all the pain! Here are Your servants in this Mission, we will not let satan diminish one single aspect of It. he will never take us away from You even when we hurt, we cry, because You are the One Suffering! All we ask Jesus is, keep giving us the courage and wisdom to fight the Good Fight and to help us know that when we are being taunted by the evil one, we can offer it all up to You for the lost souls. For You Lord, all for You! Amen

Never forget that you are the writer. I Am the Author

February 9, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Messages spread quickly, you, at this time, are the victim of a ferocious attack, by Satan, and his army of demons. They dance around you everywhere, in order to distract you, hurt you and torment you – all with one objective. That is to stop this Work.

I say this to warn you that, the more My Holy Word is heard and the hungrier man becomes to avail of My Graces, the more wretchedness will be brought upon you to bear. Everyone involved with this Mission will now feel the effects of such attacks. This is how you will know that they come from the evil one.

You will be tormented with the temptation to reduce the amount of time you give to Me, through your prayers. You will be interrupted, every second, as you try to complete the tasks required of you to do My Holy Will.

Challenged, at every opportunity, by others, who try to block the publication of My Books, you will become frustrated and unable to take the next step forward. Then, like a powerful kick in the stomach – a true sign of Satanic attack – you will be let down by all those who provide important links in this work. And, just as you think that this Mission is impossible, I will open a door, then another one, and I will continue to lift all barriers, until My Wishes have been adhered to.

This is a turning point in My Divine Plan of Salvation. From this day forth, My Word will become louder, with few being able to ignore it. Then all nations, in all tongues, will savour the Truth. Some will swallow the Word of God. Others will spit it out, and then there will be those who will choke on it – so hard have their hearts become.

Every time you feel that this Mission has become impossible to fulfil, know that it is not by your hand that makes My Word heard in all nations, it is by My Hand, My Voice and My Power, through the Holy Spirit, that this Mission is directed.

Never forget that you are the writer. I Am the Author. My Power surges through you. My Suffering scourges your mind and body. When you feel pain, it is My Pain you feel. When you are tormented, by obstacles, placed before you, by Satan, it is I, Jesus Christ, he taunts. You are simply the vehicle. Never forget that and be pleased that you have been blessed with such a Gift.

By now, you should be well able to hand Me over these problems and keep doing what is required of you, My daughter. My Plan is to salvage every soul alive in the world today and Satan will fight a terrible war to stop Me. Anyone, who works with Me, will be a target and only your love for Me and trust in Me will sustain you in these turbulent times.

Your Jesus

I Am your Teacher, and through Me, you will understand the Mysteries of My Final Divine Plan

This is a time for rejoicing in God's Goodness! While we have had so many loved ones who have left us for the Life Eternal, and we have prayed that their souls have been purified, we will not know until the time in Paradise to know if our loved ones died in a State of Grace. I feared for my father who died 28 years ago. All this time I believed he would be in Purgatory for as long as needed and that my grief which lasted for 25 years and all the tears shed and prayers said has given him rest. Then to find out from my mother, that my Dad in fact had a general confession in the hospital 1 month before he died, where he told my Mum "It will be alright now", makes me sure that he will reunite with my family soon in the New Paradise if God Wills. All of us can celebrate a glorious reunion with our loved ones. Even in their dying moments, even if in a coma, Jesus comes to them and asks them that vital question "Do you love Me?" They have been given a chance to change their hearts and who knows maybe while alive, they had the chance to ask God's Forgiveness. We are not to know, but the hope we have is enough to look forward to the possibilities. We have so much to be grateful for. Pray and stay in His Embrace always!

I Am your Teacher, and through Me, you will understand the Mysteries of My Final Divine Plan

February 8, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, if people realised the Gift I Am to bestow upon humanity, where I will raise to life the dead and the saints, who will join those of you granted the Gift of Eternal Life in My Kingdom, you would truly understand then this very special blessing.

To lose a loved one to death, on earth, can be very sorrowful and causes distressing pain. But My Promise to unite you, with those who have died in a state of Grace, as one, will unite all of God’s children in a truly glorious way.

Families will unite. Loved ones will gather together and this will result in a great celebration. All those blessed to be taken into My New Paradise, which offers eternal life, will be astonished by the magnitude of My Great Gift.

Prepare for death. Do not fear it. But, know that Heaven is not easy to enter. Much spiritual preparation is required. When you understand clearly the wonderful life, which awaits you, at My Second Coming, then you will understand what is expected of you.

You must, not only, follow My instructions at this time, you must take on the responsibility of helping Me to salvage the souls of those who have no interest in Me and who have no desire in saving their souls, redeeming themselves before Me, or receiving the Sacraments. This is because they have made a conscious decision to keep My Existence separate from their day-to-day lives. I Am something they may be vaguely aware of – some spiritual concept, which they cannot understand. The reason is that they are not interested in making the changes, which are necessary if they are to become worthy of My Kingdom.

These lost lukewarm souls are My greatest concern, because their numbers are large, and slowly, they are drifting further and further away from Me. I pine for their souls. The only way I can encourage them is through modern day communications, in order to get their attention. Every stone will be upturned. Everything in My Power will be done to bring them to Me.

Then, finally, there are the souls – through no fault of their own – who have never heard of Me. Who never knew about My death on the Cross, or the implications this bears on the future of their existence. I need to show them the Truth. I need to teach them. I need to make My Messages simple. I need to show them the proof of the existence of their souls, and you, My Army, will help Me to do this.

There will be many tasks required of you in the salvation of all souls, and I, your Jesus, will show you how these are to be brought about. I will instruct you in greater detail and I hope you will respond to My Call, no matter how impossible the task may seem.

Love Me and trust in Me, for I Am your Teacher, and through Me, you will understand the mysteries of My Final Divine Plan. Then all will be done and the world will be ready for My Glorious Return.

Your beloved Teacher

Jesus Christ

God the Father: Come, follow My Son, along the Path of Truth

Comforting Words from Our Heavenly Father:

"Come, follow My Son along the Path of Truth and allow Him to gather you into a cocoon of safety, through His Great Mercy. I extend My Sacred Arms and embrace you into the Covenant of My Son, as He prepares the final stages of bringing all of My children home to Me. Your home will be entwined with Mine. Patience, perseverance, suffering, tears and love for My Son, will all be combined, as you walk this tough path towards Me. Only those strong enough will reach the final steps." - God the Most High

God the Father: Come, follow My Son, along the Path of Truth

February 7, 2013

My dearest daughter, what does it matter that My children so love the good things I provide on earth?

What does it matter that the beautiful world I Created is so loved and admired by My children?

What does it matter that My children love each other and find joy in others?

These are all Gifts from Me, your beloved Father. You must never fear these wonderful Gifts, nor should you feel guilty when they bring you pleasure.

The most important Gift, however, I bring you, is My Love for each of you. This is a unique Love and the love you hold in your hearts, for others, bears only a small resemblance to My Almighty Love.

It is only when you place your love, for these special Gifts, before your love for God, that you will fail to feel peace. So, while you will find joy in the Gifts I gave to you, they can only be enjoyed properly when they are combined with a pure love of heart for your Creator.

My proof to you of My ever embracing Love was when I sent you My only-begotten Son to free you from sin. He was My greatest Gift and, through Him, you will find eternal life in My New Paradise.

The Path has been carved out for you and it will be shaped carefully, all the way to the Gates of Paradise, through this final Mission from Heaven.

Come, follow My Son along the Path of Truth and allow Him to gather you into a cocoon of safety, through His Great Mercy.

I extend My Sacred Arms and embrace you into the Covenant of My Son, as He prepares the final stages of bringing all of My children home to Me.

Your home will be entwined with Mine. Patience, perseverance, suffering, tears and love for My Son, will all be combined, as you walk this tough path towards Me. Only those strong enough will reach the final steps.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High

Mother of God: You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations

There are so many lost souls for whatever reason, have taken it upon themselves to exclude God from their lives. They choose to believe that what they have is all there is. This is so sad. My neighbour, (another one) died of cancer this week. Only 49. His last wish was to attend the gay mardigras in Sydney. When asked about his feelings on dying, he and his wife said "@#it happens!" They have no idea. Well I don't know where Tony has gone now and pray that Jesus had Mercy on his soul, but this is one example of what God is dealing with. What is there if there is no belief or faith in Something Greater! God is our Eternal! He is why we are here. Pray for those lost, they live a very sad existence with limited Blessings, with limited Graces, with limited understanding, the true significance of their lives. How empty! But there is always HOPE!

Mother of God: You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations

February 6, 2013

My child, you must devote all your prayers, now, for those lost souls who will not acknowledge the Existence of God.

Scattered throughout the world, those poor souls are living through a time when they are tormented with lies. Those lies are planted in their hearts by the deceiver. Without the Light of God in their hearts, they have nothing to look forward to. They do not honour God, so, instead, they try to find a replacement. The replacement usually takes the form of idolatry for other people, or for material things. All that they receive, at the end of their quest for peace, is turmoil and confusion. They will never find peace, without loving God.

My beloved Father, through the Mercy of His Son, Jesus Christ, pours out His Light and Love over such souls. They do not accept these Graces and turn their backs on the only way they have of achieving eternal peace and happiness.

You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations, as they suffer, greatly. They are being targeted daily, by the evil one, so that they can be used as a means to inflict hardships on God’s children. Their plan to destroy all traces of God from the lives of the nations they control, is already in place. As they reveal their true intent, they too will become victims, as well as, those souls who will suffer under their regime.

Here is a Crusade Prayer, which you must recite to enlighten governments, so that the Grace of God can cover world leaders.

Crusade Prayer (98) For the Grace of God to cover world leaders

O my Blessed Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son to

pour out His Graces and Love over those leaders who control the world.

Pray that the Light of God will cure them of blindness and unlock their hearts of stone.

Stop them from inflicting persecution on innocent people.

Please pray that Jesus will guide them, and stop them from preventing the

Truth of His Teachings from being spread to nations, throughout the world. Amen.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Mother of God: Many will be lonely in their quest to form prayer groups

Some of us may feel a little dejected while our Crusade Prayer Groups go through the ebb and flow of remaining intact and viable, but we should realise that just 2 or more praying these prayers is a group and if we are struggling to even have a prayer partner, that Mother will accept our Holy Guardian Angel to be invited by us to pray right alongside us. In Heaven all things are possible, so offer up our internal suffering in not being able to take part in a prayer group if that is the situation and through desire, may we have Heavenly Company in praying the prayers as Jesus needs to bring Salvation to the world.

Mother of God: Many will be lonely in their quest to form prayer groups

February 5, 2013

My children, you must seek out the comfort of each other, as you gather, at every corner of the earth, to form My Son’s Remnant Army.

Many will be lonely, in their quest to form prayer groups, and may feel that it is useless, at times. For each Prayer Group set up, to recite the Crusade Prayers, a special Grace will be given to you by my precious Son.

He is present in every group and He will make you aware of this. You will feel His Love and then you will witness the fruits, as they will pour forth and spread His Most Holy Word.

Children, you are blessed for being given the Gift of humility, because only those of you who accept the Word of my Son, without any doubts, will yield many conversions, because of your Prayer Groups.

The Holy Spirit is now moving, quickly, amongst you, dearest children, and it brings me so much joy to see how much He stirs your souls.

You must remain united, my little children, because my Son needs your love and commitment, so that He can save humanity. You will, however, become a target for the evil one who will raise every demon, under his wing, to infiltrate you and cause division. Recognise these attempts, for what they are and trust, completely, in my Son. Call on me, your beloved Mother, to keep your Crusade Prayer Groups united.

Crusade Prayer (97) To unite Crusade Prayer Groups

O beloved Mother of Salvation, I implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of God’s Remnant Army, throughout the world.

Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups with the Grace of Salvation, poured out upon us, through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Send your angels to cover each one of us, and especially, those priests who lead the Crusade Prayer Groups.

Help us to avoid the distractions, which cause division amongst us, and protect us with your gift of armour, so that we become immune to the attacks, which we will have to endure, because of our love for Jesus Christ, in this Holy Mission to save souls. Amen.

Go in peace, my beloved children, and know that God’s Remnant Army, through the Grace of my Son, will help Him to salvage billions of souls.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Man must strive, at all times, to be like Me

To show love and respect and nurturing of another's person is tantamount in bringing God's Peace to humanity. This is the nature of The New Paradise. He will purify this earth and it's people. Never lose sight of Jesus within the person you encounter. Be kind as you would be kind to Jesus Himself even when the person is less like Jesus. In his heart, he will know your kindness and he will mirror it. This is the greatest way to thwart the evil one's plan to sustain hatred amongst mankind. If someone is so angry that they look like they want to hit out, then just ask them while feeling a great desire to love like Jesus, if you can hug them! You would be surprised how an action like this done in sincerity can dissipate all anger and hatred.

Man must strive, at all times, to be like Me

February 4, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, as the calamities grow, all around the earth, on a simple level, man must strive, at all times, to be like Me.

In your daily lives, it is important to treat others as I have taught you, during My Time on earth. You must always think, first, before you take any action, which will affect another person in ways, which could cause conflict. When you are asked for help, give it. If someone creates a row with you, which you know will cause hurt to others, you must stop this. How you communicate with others will have a direct effect on your peace of mind. Treat others unfairly, speak ill of them or try to cheat them, and you will do this unto yourself. For I will Judge you, as you treat others. Anything good within your hearts can be nurtured to enable you to become a vessel, so you can treat others as I would treat them. For, every action you take to please Me gives great Glory to God.

Always seek out the Truth in your daily lives, as it will help you in your struggle against the evil, which you will find yourselves pitted against, during every stage of this journey with Me.

Your Jesus

It won’t be long before the final phase of the purification of the human race begins

How it will break all our hearts when those who will turn away at that moment, will be taken away. These could be our family members! Please pray and include all your family members in The Crusade Prayers. Pray, hope and don't worry as St Pio said. We could all use an injection of that too in our veins!

If you haven't seen the news over the past couple of years, then telling you that the world is being purified won't mean much, but if you have seen what is happening ecologically and politically around the world, then it would seem that this Message is hitting us hard! The world is being purified whether we accept it or not! The calamities are by God's Hand! He wants us to return to Him, humbled and desiring to love Him once again. God isn't sleeping while the earth is in such turmoil. He is getting us to wake from our slumber and find what life really is all about - it's not wealth, materialism, narcissism, self-preservation, faithless and blinded desires of flesh and entertainment - no! It's about what's real, what's Divine, Who God is and what humanity needs for it's future.

God will bring us all, each one of us, to His Will. Pray the Our Father and really feel what each word means.

It won’t be long before the final phase of the purification of the human race begins

February 3, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, today is a special day, where My Love for humanity swells like a large ocean, as a last attempt to pour My Graces over their souls.

I tug at the hearts of every man, woman and child, in different ways, so that they are aware of the presence of love and goodwill. Many respond, many do not. Yet, there is a feeling of love, deeply rooted within their hearts, of this Divine Presence of God. Man is tied to My Sacred Heart, although he may not understand this. My Blood flows, as if through an artery, into the life of each child of God. It is the link, which unites all into one family. This holy family will form the roots of the tree, which will sprout many branches in My New Paradise.

Many of those, hardened of soul, will soften in time and allow Me to embrace them. I Am preparing all of you for My Great Mercy. Some of those hardened souls will fall away and wither and then they will be swept away without any life remaining. But, most of God’s children will know, instinctively, when the time is right. They will know, that they all come from the same family, and accept that they were begot by My Father.

He, the most Loving of all Fathers, is in great pain, at this moment, and He is deeply hurt by the darkness He witnesses in the souls of many of His children. It won’t be long before the final phase of the purification of the human race begins. This will mean the separation of the good from the wicked. How this will break My Father’s Heart, but it must be done. It is like as if He is preparing His garden, so that it is healthy and perfect. The weeds must be destroyed or they will spread and infest the healthy crops.

Be prepared at all times.

Your Jesus