Monday, 12 December 2016

Soon you will see Me in all of My heavenly Glory and then you will finally understand the Mystery of My Divinity


Beloved Jesus! Lover of souls! Bring many Blessings for all of us in anticipation of the Warning please! We will step up our prayers for those lost and lonely souls who have need of You, but don't know how to ask! Please rid the world of all the despair and discouragement! Please find comfort in those who are willing to commit to Your Mission and remain loyal to You without waivering! We are here for You Lord, we are ready to make every day count for countless souls! Do not delay now as we want to be with You! Take the reins Jesus - this IS YOUR KINGDOM! Amen.

Soon you will see Me in all of My heavenly Glory and then you will finally understand the Mystery of My Divinity
December 22, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how the world will soon sit up and acknowledge My Presence. My Presence will be felt in every nation, country and home and no one will deny My Presence, yet some will not want to witness My Intervention. You must all accept that when The Warning takes place, that it is a Great Sign from Heaven.

It will confirm the Love, which God has for all of His children.

Your lonely separation from God will come to an end that Day. For those who want the Protection they desire, from the sorrow, which exists in the world today, know this. I will wipe away your tears. Forgive you your sins. I will Bless all of you, including those who will turn their backs on Me, in the hope that they will come running back to Me, so that I can save them.

The world is Mine. God’s children will be gathered together and all of those whose names are in the Book of the Living will be swept up into My Arms. Pray that those who have doubts will be rid of them, that those who are in terrible darkness will ask Me for Mercy and that those who deny Me will finally recognise Me.

You must never allow the detractors of My Holy Word to take you away from Me, your beloved Jesus. Soon you will see Me, in all of My heavenly Glory, and then you will finally understand the Mystery of My Divinity.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to the world


Blessed Mother of Salvation thankyou for being Our Mother, Our Intercessory, Our Protection, Our Saviour's Mother. We are so honoured to be at the Foot of Your Beloved Son's Cross crying sorrowful tears along with You, but how much joy we also share Mother, knowing that we are God's chosen people to witness Jesus' Glorious Second Coming! How grateful and humble we feel knowing that very, very soon we will witness Jesus' Mercy for humanity in a global, simultaneous Confession!

Those 2 Glorious Days will be our taste of the Third Glorious Day when, if we are worthy in God's Eyes, will be led by Jesus to the Gates of the New Paradise! My goodness Mother, please be there to greet me and my family! I need You to hold me and squeeze me so tight and tell me 'It's time My child, enter in'. Crying tears of joy in anticipation! I love You so much! Please Bless my family......and me - please? In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Mother of Salvation: By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to the world
December 22, 2013

My child, please let it be known that my precious Son is preparing for His Great Intervention of Mercy. The world will be renewed as a result and many will rejoice in their new-to-be found freedom from doubt about the Existence of God.

How lonely are those who do not know my Son. When my Son stood on the mount, just before His Ascension into Heaven, His disciples were confused and frightened because of the separation they would have to face without Him. Many of them panicked and begged my Son not to leave them. He comforted them by patiently explaining to them that this separation would only be temporary and that He would send them help. The help He was referring to was the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Then He said to them: “Do not fear, for by the help of He Who I will send to you, you will not be alone. I will always be with you in the Form of the Holy Spirit.”

For, although He told everyone that day that He would come again, they did not truly understand what He meant. Some thought that it would be weeks before He would make Himself known. But, remember, a day in God’s Time, can be any time. Now that Day is drawing close and all the prophecies foretold, as to the signs of the time of the end, are happening. Have no fear in your hearts, dear children, for the time for rejoicing is almost upon you. There will be no more tears or sadness, for my Son’s Great Day will dawn suddenly and He will gather all of His own into His Sacred Arms.

Pray for God’s Great Blessings and for the Great Mercy, which my Son holds, in great abundance, for each one of God’s children. This includes the good, the bad and the indifferent. By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to the world.

Be thankful for this great Mercy. My Son’s Love for you will never die, fade or be withheld, because you belong to Him. You are His. You are the children of God. You do not belong to Satan.

Pray, pray, pray that humanity will choose the Merciful Hand of my Son over the deceit and the wicked stranglehold, which the evil one exerts over the weak.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

You cannot divorce My Church from the Word – the Flesh – because then It cannot Exist


Christ's True Church is the Remnant Church, those who will never deviate or waiver from Christ's Teachings as He established on earth when He placed Peter as the Rock, the first Shepherd of His Church! This Remnant will never accept any false doctrine or abomination in the Sacraments. This Remnant Church is what Jesus tells us - hell cannot prevail against. We will remain His True Church into Paradise.

What will fall away will be the Church left behind for satan to Crucify that Christ will not be Present in. However Jesus tells us that many will follow this false church under the false prophet and then the antichrist. This body will not remain Christ's Church but their own. Please understand the difference when those who persecute you for not being obedient to this 'pope' or what will come to pass in the Church.

This is why Jesus says the Church will be cut in two, divided between sheep and goats, chaff and hay. Nothing will remain the same.

But we have Christ's Promise that He will never leave His True Church - His Remnant Church - God's Army!

Be at peace knowing we are being given our Instructions as we need and as long as we remain loyal to Christ above all human respect, we will remain in His Favour.

You cannot divorce My Church from the Word – the Flesh – because then It cannot Exist
December 21, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, to those who accuse you, through My Holy Word, of fighting against the Authority of My Church, they must hear My Call.

The Church, created by Me, Jesus Christ, was built upon a firm Rock and no matter how much My Church – My Body – is attacked, the gates of Hell will never destroy It. Satan and his agents will only attack what is genuine, what is True and what is of Me. This is where all his energy will be focused on – My Church. I Am Present in My Church, through My Body, the Most Holy Eucharist.

My enemies will always target the Most Holy Eucharist, as It is not merely a symbol of My Love, My Promise to redeem the world – It is My Body. It lives and breathes, for It is I, Jesus Christ, Who dwells in It. I will remain Present within the Holy Eucharist until close to the end, but My Church will never die.

My Word was made Flesh and through My Flesh, you, God’s children, will remain close to Me. When My enemies attacked My Church in the past, My Church united and fought against Its opponents. But when My Church is attacked, by the spirit of evil from within, It will face very few obstacles from a secular world.

Satan does not attack his own work. As the Son of man, I will never desert My Church, for It is impenetrable against the devil. My followers will remain true to My Church up to the last day. However, the number of people who will not understand the attacks, which My Church will come under, from within, will be high. They will, for the most part, be content with the many adaptations to be introduced in the Holy Sacraments and the Laws of God. They will swallow the lie that modern life calls for a modern church; that people today need to be able to make choices, based on their own free will – irrespective as to whether or not they insult God.

Then when they insult God and commit blasphemy, when they desecrate the Holy Eucharist, they will no longer be part of My Church. My Church will remain intact. My Church will stay standing, because of those who will remain true to the Word of God – the Word, which became Flesh. For you cannot divorce My Church from the Word – the Flesh – because then It cannot Exist.

I promised that I would protect My Church against the gates of Hell and I do this now by preparing My loyal sacred servants to stand by Me and to remain true and steadfast until the Great Day.

I never break My Promise.

Your Jesus

Through the Sacrament of Baptism, the power of the beast is weakened


The Lord's Will has been uppermost in my mind the past 2 weeks or so to the point I have been reading more on Luisa Piccarreta's writings to help me understand more fully what it is like to be a creature willing to be 'recreated' each day by God living in His Will.

Jesus needs us to give Him our will and ask for His Will in return. This way He has the ability to thwart satan's plan in all manners in our lives. What a comfort this is! How many of us though have not been given the Sacrament of Baptism?

I am not talking about the secular 'Naming ceremonies' - I am talking about the Sacrament in the same way Jesus was Baptised by His cousin John.

Please if you have any opportunity, young or old to get this Sacrament, please avail yourself to it.

This is your passport to peace and joy and the fullness of Christ Living within you.

Don't delay! Jesus wants to help you in way He can!

Through the Sacrament of Baptism, the power of the beast is weakened
December 16, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, when you are close to My Heart and when souls surrender in full to Me, a number of things happen.

Firstly, any fear of human interference in your lives, will disappear. In its place will be the peace and contentment, which comes from Me when I truly reside in your heart and soul. No amount of abuse, cruelty or criticism can penetrate your soul, because you will have handed this pain over to Me. This is why you must always remain calm and silent in the face of such attacks.

The next Grace you will be given will be the strength to withstand the temptation to sin. This temptation, which is placed before all souls, every single day, by the devil, is very powerful and very few people have the willpower to avoid falling into sin. But when you have abandoned your will to Mine, it is My Will which will reside within your soul, which will then overcome the temptations placed before you.

Never, ever, underestimate how much of a stranglehold Satan has over the human race. This power is like a powerful storm and just as a strong, fierce gust of wind can knock you to the ground, the seduction, placed before you by the evil one, is akin to a force, which will lift you in seconds and propel you into the sin, which you try to avoid.

Man is born with sin. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, the power of the beast is weakened. Then, as you go through life’s many trials and temptations, every person will be enticed into sin of every kind. Only those who work hard to avoid sin will overcome the fierce battle, which the evil one will mount to devour their souls. Regular communication with Me is important. All you need to do is to talk with Me in your own words.

Ask Me regularly to forgive you for the sins for which you are remorseful. Receive the Sacraments regularly. Then, finally, trust in Me, for when you do, I have the Power to pull you back from the brink of sin. When you surrender your will to Me, My Will will become the driving force to protect you against Satan.

By abandoning yourselves to Me entirely, you will perfect your soul.

Your Jesus

Pride is a dangerous trait because it convinces man that he is greater than God


These Messages given to us to yield the fruits of our labour through our prayers and personal sacrifices make this Mission so enjoyable and uplifting. Those proud of their theological knowledge still insist that they know better, but really Christ is giving us every bit of knowledge that God is allowing in His Divine Will through these Messages for the good of our souls!

What else does there need to be?

I've said it before, but for the benefit of the 3 people who haven't read it (as Father John Corapi used to say) wink emoticon - God has everything under Control, He is the Commander in Chief.

This Mission cannot fail! All Glory, Honour and Power be God's! Pride goeth before a fall, so why try to puff out our chests and claim that we can second guess God?

All we need to know is right here - in The Book of Truth foretold in Daniel! We cannot know more that God - this is impossible.

Scientists could take a little leaf out of this Good Book!

Pride is a dangerous trait because it convinces man that he is greater than God
December 15, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, mankind is ignorant of the Divine Laws and the Divine Will of My Father. Man is a creature of God and, as such, has not been given the Gift of Knowledge in relation to many secrets known only to the angels and saints in Heaven. Therefore, one man cannot say he knows why My Father allows certain events to take place in the world, while another man claims that he is privy to the origin of the universe.

Man is simply a servant of God, but God, because He wanted to create man in His perfect Image, granted him many gifts and talents. He never gave man the Knowledge of the Tree of Life and this was for a reason. Man destroyed his standing in God’s Eyes, when Adam and Eve separated themselves from Him, because of the sin of pride. The sin of pride continues today and is the cause of much separation from God. Pride is a dangerous trait because it convinces man that he is greater than God. Pride tempts man to interfere with God’s Laws of Divinity. This includes the belief that man has the right to decide who is given the Gift of Life and who has the right to take it away.

Pride also convinces man that he knows how the universe was created, when he is, in fact, ignorant of such a miracle. Only God has the Power to create anything. Only God can decide how much He will permit man to explore or tamper with His Creation. Yet, man believes that he knows all the answers. When man believes that he controls his own destiny, and the destiny of others, he falls into serious error because when he imitates the sin of Lucifer, he will be cast away. When man refuses to respond to his Creator, He will no longer be there to comfort him on the last day.

You must never allow pride to convince you that you know all things of this world and beyond it, for this is impossible. Instead you must listen, accept the instructions laid down in the Holy Gospels, so that you can live in peace and in accordance with My Father’s Will. For when you humble yourselves before Him, He will show you great glory and then you will understand the great mystery of His Glorious Kingdom on the last day.

Your Jesus

You have been prepared now for three years. Rise and take up your cross and follow Me

My Dearest Saviour, it has been a great honour to be part of Your Holy Mission to save souls this past few years. Praying the Crusade Prayers and Litany Prayers as You have Instructed has brought such joy and peace, knowing our efforts are being heard by You and answered in bringing precious souls toward Your Light.

Allow us to continue fighting the good fight and drawing souls to us like moths to a flame, so they too, can see one day their Glorious Inheritance!

Oh Jesus, how I yearn for that day! My extended family are so far away from you - help them all please to see the Truth of Your Love so they become less materialistic and secular towards being more Christ-like to others especially those within their family. We only have this short time left. Please show them the opportunities in Your Will that can allow them to at least question what You need of them.

I humbly ask this prayer in Your Holy Name for my family and all families around the world. I love You Jesus. Amen.

You have been prepared now for three years. Rise and take up your cross and follow Me

Saturday, December 14th, 2013 @ 15:17

My dearly beloved daughter, the preparations have commenced today for My Intervention of Great Mercy to turn the hearts of the man from stone to gold. The signs in the weather will be witnessed for those with eyes who can see and those who are alert to My Promise to give everyone an equal chance of salvation. 

Those whose faith has weakened will be renewed with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. So powerful will the Holy Spirit be, when they witness the Light, the Rays of My Mercy, that many will be struck to the ground by the force of it.

Those who detest Me, and whose sins mean nothing to them, will die further in spirit and crawl away from Me in terror. Some will not survive My Intervention, because it will shock them beyond their endurance.

I Am preparing all chosen souls, at this time, by instructing them to seek Confession and to pray for the sins of others. My Time is soon. My Intervention will be swift and powerful and from that day forth, the world will divide into two. On that day, the world will be turned inside out and only those who remain in My favour will endure the trials which will be seen everywhere.

You have been prepared now for three years. Rise and take up your cross and follow Me. Be strong. I will give you courage, for you will need it as the darkness of those souls, who will reject My Mercy, will fall over the Earth and then spread. Only those who are blessed with the Holy Spirit will provide the light, which will lead all those who want to enter My Kingdom, so that they can navigate their way towards Eternal Life.

Your Jesus"

All during My childhood I knew Who I was


Where does one begin with such a powerful statement of Truth from Jesus as this?
We have been given a Great Gift in this Message to understand with more insight, Jesus' life on earth as a youngster and then when He began His Mission. We understand more of Jesus' human frailty as a Man Who knew He had a Mission but without the Father's full imparting of knowledge of His Death to be realised at a later time. Even so Jesus pressed on in the belief that being the Son of Man, He had a serious job to do to save souls. But how we treated Him!

The same way He is being treated now! Time is repeating itself! satan has a score to settle since Jesus brought Himself to humility that was way beyond or possible for satan to match! satan cannot 'do' humility! So intense is satan's hatred, that he plans to take souls from Christ in the most cunning, carefully orchestrated and deceptive ways of trickery that the world has ever seen! satan's time is up!

Yet he cannot see into the future - God has not allowed this! So while we have this Mission, repeating the same persecution that Christ faced the first time, we can save souls from satan's clutches that goes under his radar! he cannot see the soul's salvation ahead of time. he has no idea what our prayers are doing and are able to do!

Prayer is so important -particularly the Holy Rosary! Jesus is begging us not to squander our only opportunity of Redemption by blindly following those who are doing satan's bidding.

He is begging us!

All during My childhood I knew Who I was
December 12, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, as the time for My Birthday draws near, I desire that all Christians everywhere contemplate on the reason for My Birth.

My Birth was planned by My Father out of His Great Mercy and His extraordinary Love for His children. His greatest sacrifice was to send His only Son, begotten of Him, into an ungrateful world, full of sinners, who did not want to know Him on His Terms. Every Intervention, through the prophets, was made to try to turn their hardened hearts to seek out His Glory. But they turned against Him and killed the prophets, who fed them with the Food for their souls.

By sending an innocent child, His only Son, into the world, He placed Himself as a lowly servant of human flesh, before those who were meant to serve their Master. The Master, therefore, became the Servant in what was the greatest form of Humility. Yet, He so loved His children, He was prepared to do anything to win them back from the deceit and temptation of Satan.

All during My childhood I knew Who I was and what was expected of Me. I was also very frightened and overwhelmed by the knowledge of Who I was and what was expected of Me. Because I was human, I suffered from fear. I was easily hurt. I loved all who came into contact with Me and I trusted all because I loved them. I did not know they would kill Me, for I thought that My Kingdom had come. There were certain things kept from Me by My Father, Who did not communicate with Me as you would believe. Instead, I received an infused knowledge, when desired by My Father, in the task assigned to Me, in order to bring salvation to all.

Every kind of Divine Intervention was made to win over the souls of those who thought they knew the Laws of My Father, but who twisted them to suit their own desires and egos.

I spent many years living with My beloved Mother and father, St. Joseph, just as any family. I loved them so much and I was happy. We were very close and My Mother was gifted with special Graces given to her by the Power of the Holy Spirit. This meant that she knew exactly what My Mission entailed. She knew the difficulties I would have to face. The rejection. The ridicule. But neither did she know that I would be murdered.

It was after the first two years in My Mission, having spent twenty hours a day preaching the Truth, that I realized that the opposition had mounted. All those who heard My Word were alert to it, even when they could not understand exactly what I was trying to tell them. Many, who did accept that what I told them was the Truth, found it difficult to follow Me because of the ridicule that they faced. Either way, My enemies could not ignore Me. I was the subject of much debate, much argument and much friction.

They spread terrible lies about Me, including My Morality, My Sanity and My Intentions – and yet, they could not ignore what I did, what I said and what I told them about My Father’s Kingdom.

I was betrayed by those who loved Me, but who lacked the courage to follow Me.

By the Grace of My Father, I endured all this Pain, until the final realization became clear to Me. I knew, then, that they would not accept Me. I knew the Truth, towards the end, but I also knew that I could not give up. And so, through the greatest act of Humility, God, through His Only Son, became a Victim and so allowed man to inflict upon Him a terrible suffering, scourging and violent death. This, seemingly cowardly act by Me, as seen through the eyes of Satan, meant that he doubted that I was, in fact, the Son of man. And so he was deceived. Satan, therefore, could not counteract this Great Act of Humility, for there was no one left to tempt. When I went to My death, a willing and silent victim, full of love for humanity, he, Satan, could not compete with this deed, for he does not possess any form of humility. So, I went willingly and with a burning desire to save souls and leave the world the legacy of Eternal Life. My Kingdom remained however, for the most part, under the domain of Satan. Souls, however, knew the Truth.

Now to ensure that humanity understands the Truth, I come now to reclaim My Kingdom. By doing so, I have incurred the wrath of Satan. His plans to hide the Truth are elaborate and sophisticated. Cunningly, he has infiltrated My Church in this his last attempt to deny Me the souls I have come for. The souls who have a natural right to the Glorious Kingdom I promised them. This time he won’t win. But many souls will be deceived and as such, will be cheated out of the Greatest Gift given to humanity by My beloved Father. To live a life in the Glory of God with a perfect body and soul for eternity is yours. All of you. Do not squander this by allowing yourselves to be blinded to the True Word of God.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: They will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church


We are being given every opportunity to prepare for the imminent times ahead. Here Our Mother of Salvation is guiding us like a beautiful breeze in the moonlight towards Her Son. How grateful we must be for Her Intercessions and prayers for us. The Message however, shows us just how powerful the false prophet will be leading believers and non believers towards allegiance to the antichrist!

How deceptive will be the ways in which he snares heretics and sacred servants of God!

Then when false miracles will be shown to the world, many will be drawn to the false prophet and he will give out 'prizes' for those celebrities and well-knowns for their 'acts' of charity. This will be a ripple effect throughout! They will sing his praises! They will treat him like living saint! Oh how he will believe in his own 'goodness'!

What a Tribulation it will be for the rest of us and nearly one half of the sacred servants who will not buy into berGOGlio’s campaign for satan! These good, strong priests will turn their backs when they are asked to pledge allegiance to an unholy form of Holy Eucharist in which Jesus will not be Present.

They will witness along with us the desecration! But through their True allegiance to Christ, they will be our hope and our salvation when times get tough. Pray for all priests! They are on the frontline of battle and they need all the strength and courage they can get!

Jesus and Mother of Salvation, help them! Amen.

Mother of Salvation: They will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church
December 11, 2013

My child, the world will be deceived by many acts deemed to be works of great charity. Charity towards others will be declared to be the greatest and most desired trait in the Eyes of God.

When those who control governments, churches and states join together they will gain much control over God’s children. Control over the more unfortunate in your society can mean two things. Either it is used for good measure or for the wrong reason.

I must ask all of you to remain focused, with all your attention, on the desire of my Son on this difficult road to salvation.

Many of God’s loyal servants, although well-intentioned, will be too weak to remain on the road to salvation. So strong will the pressure be upon them, by those enemies of God, to denounce my Son, that they will fall away from the Truth.

The false prophet will introduce a powerful ecumenical faith and this will satisfy every heretic. The majority of those in my Son’s Church will be deceived, but almost one-half of my Son’s sacred servants will refuse to swear to the final oath, which will be falsely declared as one to the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist and its desecration will be at the heart of all discontent and dissidence.

Then as the false miracles will be accorded to him, many of the world’s celebrities will surround the false prophet seeking favour in his court.

It will be then that he will set up an honours list and they will be granted honorary doctorates in the false prophet’s newly renovated church, which will be but a shell of the former. All will accept their prizes for the great works of charity, which they presided over, under the direction of the imposter. Each will sing the praises of the other, until they will publicly declare the false prophet to be a living saint, because of the so-called miracles they will say he created as God’s servant.

And then, he and the antichrist will control much of the world, but Russia and Asia will not be involved, for these two empires will rise up against the New Babylon until Rome is destroyed.

All these events will take place and when you see them use the churches as places where they will proudly declare their greatness, their works of charity; then you will see clearly how pride dictates their intent. When Rome has fallen, there will be more tribulations, but they will be short-lived. Then the time will be ripe for the return of my Son, Jesus Christ.

You must not ignore these prophecies. Once you side with the new false faith, which will soon be declared, you will be discarding my Son, Jesus Christ and you will drift away from His Mercy. Never give up your right to Eternal Life for anyone who attempts to mislead you into heresy.

Your loving Mother

Mother of Salvation

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You cannot impart the Truth when your ego seeks popularity


Jesus speaks directly to His sacred servants who call themselves servants of God but who through their false humility show more consideration to that of the human condition rather than that of the human's soul. When the clergy place humanism above Jesus they send a clear message that bringing Christ to souls is no longer relevant. How disturbing! Jesus tells us that when a priest falls from Grace, he falls ten times more than an ordinary soul! How much a priest's soul is in jeopardy when they impart such humanistic reasoning and tolerance and forget why they are priests - to serve Christ only!

Jesus says: "Only the few, the elect, will serve Me up to the final Day. On that Day, many of those who call themselves servants in My Church on Earth will weep and scream begging Me to show them Mercy. By then, they will have lost Me billions of souls and for many of them they will be so caught up in the abomination, that they will fail to understand the truth of their destiny, until it is too late."

He can't make it much clearer than that! Best to wake up from the slumber you holy men of God have placed yourselves in! Being 'blind witnesses' to Truth, just makes you blind! Teach the Truth and stay tuned in! If your path seems smooth and cushiony then you are on the wrong path!
You cannot impart the Truth when your ego seeks popularity
December 10, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how it pains Me to see so many people accept the false humility, which lies behind the humanism, which is so favoured by those in My Church.

My Role as Saviour and Redeemer of the human race has now been forgotten. The false humility, within My Church, will continue to be witnessed and all will applaud those who promote the need to look after material welfare of those in need. All this will result in a false religion.

When did you, who call yourselves servants of God, decide to replace the True Word of God with your own flawed interpretation of it? When did you decide to replace Christianity with humanism, where no mention is made of Me? Don’t you know that nothing comes from that which does not come from God? How little you have learned and how foolish you are if you believe that your so-called good works – in concentrating on material welfare – can ever replace the Truth.

When you ignore your primary role – the most important doctrine of saving the souls of God’s children – then you can never say you are a servant of Mine. How easy it is for you to call out to save the poor, the wretched and the economically deprived members of your society. By following this misguided trail, where you seek the world’s admiration for your so-called good deeds, then you forget the most important role, for which you were called. That is to serve Me, your Jesus. It is not to seek personal popularity in My Holy Name. What good is it to anyone to have the creature comforts in life when they cannot save their soul? If you seek admiration from the secular world, through public acts, designed to make you popular, then you do not carry My Cross. If you do not imitate Me, then you cannot speak for Me. You cannot impart the Truth when your ego seeks popularity.

When you forget the Sacrifice I made to save your souls, then you cannot serve Me. When a priest forgets the reason why he became a servant of Mine, his fall from grace is ten times that of an ordinary soul. For when he removes himself from Me he takes with him the souls whom he influences and who trust his judgment.

Hear now, My servants, this, My Call to save the souls of all those over whom you have been appointed through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. When you fail to repeat what you have been taught, you do not teach the Truth. When you promote humanism and urge those souls within your diocese to do the same, you reject Me. You replace Me, Jesus Christ, with the desire not only to promote social justice, but to seek admiration for your good works in the eyes of others. Their admiration and your desire to be popular means that you no longer serve Me. When you no longer serve Me, you allow yourselves to fall into error and soon you will no longer acknowledge Me at all in the way you are supposed to.

Only the few, the elect, will serve Me up to the final Day. On that Day, many of those who call themselves servants in My Church on Earth will weep and scream begging Me to show them Mercy. By then, they will have lost Me billions of souls and for many of them they will be so caught up in the abomination, that they will fail to understand the truth of their destiny, until it is too late.

Wake up those of you who are uneasy with the sense of desolation and confusion, which surrounds you as servants of Mine at this time. Remain firmly rooted in the Truth at all times. Remember your role as My sacred servants and that is to feed My Flock with the Truth and ensure that they receive the Food necessary to salvage their souls.

Your job is to bring Me souls.

Your Jesus

He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips

We have been given a really strong clue to recognise the antichrist when he appears - he can't speak Latin. Curiously though, he will speak many languages, just not Latin! he will mimic Christ and tell us he brings us salvation! Rubbish! he is the deceiver! the man of iniquity! the false 'prince of peace'. he will appear in flesh and make many believe that he is Christ.

Jesus left the earth Glorified in the clouds. He will not walk the earth again in the Flesh! the antichrist will fabricate this lie and people who are none-the-wiser will accept this lie! Goodness!

Re read Scripture and see that Jesus Ascended into Heaven Glorified in the clouds. He will Return this way IN THE CLOUDS! Many will be massaged into preparing for the 'second coming' which will be a preparation for the entrance of the antichrist, so many will worship the beast.

We, in the Remnant Army know the Truth about Christ's Second Coming so we know that the 'messiah' who shows himself soon in the flesh, is the one who comes from satan! Don't be fooled.

Know Truly Who Christ is! Wait for the Trumpets to blare from Heaven and the Choirs of Angels praising in song! Then you know that Jesus is Returning!

He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips

Monday, December 9th, 2013 @ 19:46

My dearly beloved daughter, My Time is close. The closer the Great Day draws, the more signs will be witnessed in the world.

The man they will reveal to the world as the ‘man of peace’ is preparing to imitate Me in every conceivable way. He knows the Holy Scriptures inside out and, because of his parentage, will utter the Words back to front, so that their meaning is inverted. Out of his mouth will pour the blasphemies, the heresies, the lies and the desecration of My Word. He will impress everyone with his knowledge of all things Sacred. He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.

Many will say: “Who is this man who speaks with such wisdom? Who is he who calls out to the world with love in his heart for the masses? Is he the Lord God, Jesus Christ?” they will ask, when many miracles will be attributed to him. And when he walks upon the altars with My other enemies, who will be dressed as holy servants of God, he will be fully accepted by both divisions in the world – the true believers and the heathen.

He, the antichrist, will twist the Truth and declare the lie that he is Me and that he comes to bring you salvation. The lie will be declared that he comes in the flesh. He will never allude to Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh by His death on the Cross, for this is impossible. No, he will declare the fact in reverse. He will say that he has come, finally, at this time, in the flesh. Many will believe him to be the Christ. He, the antichrist, will speak many languages, but not one word of Latin will come from his lips.

The beast will be idolized, while I, the True Saviour of the world, will be forgotten and My Word trampled upon. You must never believe the lies, which will be uttered by the beast, when he sits proudly in the temple set up to honour him.

Your Jesus"

I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this

Jesus how we want this world to be rid of evil. How we hope that each soul will be saved. Please purify the earth and cleanse it of every evil, so we are better prepared to meet You. We need You so much now. Many good souls are deaf to You. Many good souls are confused and stubborn. Please allow the Holy Spirit to pour His Fire of Truth over every soul to open their hearts of stone.

Be with us all Jesus. It seems the path is getting thornier by the day. The time is short, but You will gain so many souls through our prayers which we do willingly for them but most of all, for You. Amen

I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this
December 9, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, there is nothing which offends Me more than those who know My Teachings, given to the world through My Father’s Book, but who interpret the Word of God to suit their own desires.

Those who try to bully others and who torment them, using My Holy Word, commit a grave error. They do not use the Gift of love to impart the Truth. Instead, hatred, which is caused by the sin of pride, courses through their veins.

Don’t you know that My Word is eternal? It is simple so that all men, including those born with little intellect, as well as those without any knowledge of Me, can understand what it is I say to them. Why would I give one meaning of My Word to one and then another to someone else?

Through the Command of My Father, I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this. Those of you who consider yourselves to be the elite, the chosen few and the self-proclaimed prophets, are not fit to wipe My Feet, so full of hatred are you. Spurred by the spirit of evil and so proud, you are blind to the True Voice of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can never fall upon your hardened, hate-filled souls, for you do not represent Me.

For those of you who understand the Truth contained in the Most Holy Book, the Bible, know that you must not abuse this Great Gift of knowledge. You must never take away from it or add to it. Nor must you try to create any new interpretations or meanings from it.

I Am preparing you all, only because the majority of you would not accept My Divine Mercy otherwise. Were I not to prepare you properly, then you would not be ready. And yet, although I speak to you now, many of you insult Me. When you do evil onto others, you will suffer greatly. Those of you who do evil onto others and then say that you do this in My Name, know that you will never join Me in Paradise. When you reject the Word of God you will never accept the Truth. So stubborn are you, so full of ego and self-righteousness, that you cannot feel the True Love that can only come from Me, Jesus Christ. Go away from Me, I do not know you. You are not of Me.

The spirit of evil will convince many that My Justice will be so merciful that all will be admitted into My New Paradise. Soon, every Truth documented in the Gospels will be reviewed and will then be interpreted in a different light. Many will be deceived and many will not bother to prepare their souls, including those who do believe in My Second Coming. This false sense of security will be the greatest deceit, devised in order to deny man his natural right to the Kingdom of God. Where there is no reconciliation sought by man for the forgiveness of their sins, there can be no redemption in My Eyes.

My Hand of Justice will sweep down upon the human race. I will separate ungrateful souls – those who choose to idolise their false gods of gold and silver and worldly and proud leaders – from the meek and the humble. I will show Mercy to all who beg Me to shelter them, but those loud and voracious self-proclaimed prophets, who will have denied Me souls, will never seek out My Mercy, for their pride will serve only to separate them from Me for eternity.

Your Jesus

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy


We can all kneel before Christ in front of the Blessed Sacrament and beg Jesus to save the souls of those who are so far away from Him. He will give all of them a chance, they deserve that, they have as much right to their Inheritance as the rest of us. Give them the chance they need to accept Jesus back into their hearts and souls by praying profoundly for them. Don't let this opportunity pass us by. This is a personal gift we give Christ when we give our loving, prayerful support for those who have lost their way. It can't get much better than this!

Jesus says: "When those of you who know of My Promise to come again come before Me, I urge you to please pray, not only for your own souls, but for the souls of the damned. Remember what I tell you now. On that day, I want you to ask Me:

'Jesus, I beg for Mercy for all those who reject You and who are in most need of Your help. Amen.'

When you ask Me to help others, I can pour down very special Graces, at that moment, on those whose destiny has been thwarted because of the deceit of the devil."

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy
December 7, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, I want all of you who love Me to know that I call you, at this time, to come to Me as little children and kneel before Me.

Open your hearts and put your complete trust in Me. Then ask Me, through My Love for all of you, to show Mercy to those who will reject Me, during the Warning. Please pray for these poor lost souls who are so distant from Me, as they will find it extremely painful to show their face before My all-seeing Eyes, during the Illumination of Conscience.

I am wracked with pain every time I look upon those people who do not know Me or understand what will happen in the world, as My Time is almost upon them. It will be almost impossible to prepare these souls, for they will never open their ears to the True Word of God. And so, you must, through your prayers, beg for Mercy for them. I will shower them with Mercy, but it will be a tortuous task.

I call on the whole world to hear this Call today. My Time, the Time for God to finally make Himself known to the world, in the greatest manifestation since the moment My Heart stopped beating when I died on the Cross, is almost here.

When those of you who know of My Promise to come again come before Me, I urge you to please pray, not only for your own souls, but for the souls of the damned. Remember what I tell you now. On that day, I want you to ask Me:

“Jesus, I beg for Mercy for all those who reject You and who are in most need of Your help. Amen.”

When you ask Me to help others, I can pour down very special Graces, at that moment, on those whose destiny has been thwarted because of the deceit of the devil.

I Am, above all, a God of Great Mercy. Never forget how great My Mercy is, for there is always hope for those who have fallen away from Me. There is nothing I would not do to bring them into My Loving Arms. Help Me to save them.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world


The loud voices of the Church hierarchy will yell! Humanitarianism! help the poor for their temporal concerns! tolerate the 'differences'! the 'lifestyle choices'! the 'any faith from any walk of life is good enough to enter the Church! etc, etc . Wake up everyone! Don't be deaf to these rants! Truly have your ears and eyes wide open for the deceptions! They will place human respect above respect for Christ! For God! They will not speak of helping the poor in spirit! They will not speak about taking our sins to Jesus in Confession! We are on the precipice!

Our Lady cannot but help feel sorrow for humanity at this time. She sees the self-destructive path we are on. She sees that soon Her Beloved Son's Church will be torn in two! While we have all been concerned and have shown monetarily our support for the poor, this is not enough for Jesus! He wants us to gain their souls for Him.

Those who are truly poor are not starving to death of food! They are starving to death of the nothingness that they have without God! Prayer is the soul's food! Jesus gives those who are suffering His Love and will never leave their sides. But He truly wants souls to come back to Him - starving, fed, sheltered, unsheltered, rich, poor, believer or non-believer, proud, humble, clothed, unclothed! He wants us ALL!

Mother of Salvation: My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world
December 5, 2013

My child, the world will witness the prophecies of La Salette as the enemies of God, dressed as wolves in sheeps clothing, will now stand up proudly within my Son’s Church on Earth and begin to declare the heresies which I warned the world about. That time has arrived.

As foretold, the darkness has already descended upon the Church and this plan to devour the souls of the faithful will continue until the Body of my Son is desecrated in accordance with the plan of the antichrist. What many people do not know is that the enemies of God, led by the antichrist – still to make himself known – believe in God. Not only do they believe in God, but because they detest everything to do with God, they will plot against His Plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ.

For every Word my Son declares, through these Messages, they will contradict Him by imitating what He says. If my Son says, prepare now through the Sacraments and prayer, they, His enemies, will make similar statements, but they will be different. The call to help humanity – the poor – the persecuted – will be their main focus, not the proclamation of the Word. They will not urge you to pray for your souls or for the salvation of other souls. No, instead, you will be asked to help these souls from a humanitarian perspective.

When you do not hear the call to save your souls, from those who claim to represent the Church of my Son, then you will know, within your hearts, that something is terribly wrong.

My Son died to save your souls, not to free you from the ills of this world, which will always exist until my Son reclaims His Rightful Throne, promised to Him by God the Most High. You must never forget the Word of God. All that matters now is to plead for the salvation of all souls – irrespective as to whether they are kings or paupers.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me


His Final Mission is this Mission! His Final Word is this Missions' Word!
Are we such spoiled little children that we cannot be satisfied?

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me

December 4, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, know that every Word that comes from My Mouth comes from the Mouth of He Who sent Me. Every warning given to the world, through these Messages, comes from He Who is Almighty. I come in the Name of My Father and He sends Me to prepare the way to consecrate the Earth, before the great Day of My Second Coming.

Only My Voice brings you the news as to what it is My Father wishes His children to know. These are the only Messages, which publicly declare the Truth of the unholy two, who will tear the world in two through the great apostasy. You will not hear the Truth anywhere else, in relation to My Second Coming, for not one amongst you has been given the Authority to speak to the whole world on behalf of the One Who created you.

As the true end time prophet reveals to you the Truth, so too will the counterfeit raise his voice, like a lamb who will speak as if it he speaks the True Word of God. Then as the king of the Earth – the evil one – fights against Heaven’s intervention, hundreds of false prophets will rise among you and they will never tell you the Truth. Their visions and their words, which spring from their own imaginations – and in many cases, from the spirit of evil – will reveal to you the good things you want to hear. They will soothe you when you need to be soothed, but they will mislead you. They will speak of peace, where there will be no peace – of Truth, when there will be heresy – of plentiful crops, when there will be famine. You will never hear the Truth, for these liars will not want to incur your wrath.

The Truth prepares you to deal with the reality of difficult times, foretold in My Father’s Book. It is given to you to make you strong. But the false prophets, who roam among you, will confuse you and tell you that all things are good – when they are bad, and holy – when they are not. They will shield the wolves who want to devour the souls of God’s children. Their words of love and their quotes from Holy Scripture serve only to deceive you. Yet, many of you will embrace lies rather than face the Truth.

Woe to all of you imposters, for you do not come from Me. When you come to Me and say: “But, Jesus all we wanted to do was spread the Good News.” I will cast you out and you will be exiled. You have betrayed Me by lying about missions, which were never given to you. You are denying Me by contradicting Me and when you publicly declare My Word to be a lie.

Don’t ever attempt to stand in the way of God’s Ministry, for the Heavens will open and you will be the first to be struck down with the false prophet and the beast, on the last day. Punishment will befall all those who claim to come in My Name and who serve only one purpose. That is to tamper and interfere with the Word of God. As the Battle of Armageddon moves closer and as this raging war is mounted by Satan’s army against God’s children, you must move aside, right now, for if you do not, you will face the Wrath of God and no Mercy will be shown to you or to those who swallow the lies which spew from your mouths, in order to defy the Truth.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ

I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this


There can be no confusion now for those who follow other messages from other sources as Jesus tells us straight - that Maria is the only prophet sent to us for these days in which we are being prepared for His Second Coming. 

No one else has been given the Authority to speak about His Second Coming or the preparation involved or speaking about the unholy two, the false prophet and the antichrist. Please let this be final now! Jesus has spoken. 

There is too much confusion out there and amongst Christ's Mission Followers when each and every day, we read, place upon facebook or other blogsites, the messages from other purported visionaries or those receiving private revelations. Jesus is giving His Word through His Father to us through Maria as His Final Prophet. We are HOME! No need to spread ourselves around the camp! This is the home run. If others who have not discovered this Mission seek out other messages, then this is the Holy Spirit using 'stepping stones' to guide them to the Truth of these Messages. 

Jesus Word must be adhered to here as we seek to Enter the New Paradise. Too many wolves are out there nipping at our heels. We cannot leave ourselves wide open for satan to have his way with. Confusion is from satan! he lies to us! he laughs when we believe him! he is one step closer to claiming our souls when we are 'won over' by false information. Let's just get this straight for ourselves.

I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this
December 9, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, there is nothing which offends Me more than those who know My Teachings, given to the world through My Father’s Book, but who interpret the Word of God to suit their own desires.

Those who try to bully others and who torment them, using My Holy Word, commit a grave error. They do not use the Gift of love to impart the Truth. Instead, hatred, which is caused by the sin of pride, courses through their veins.

Don’t you know that My Word is eternal? It is simple so that all men, including those born with little intellect, as well as those without any knowledge of Me, can understand what it is I say to them. Why would I give one meaning of My Word to one and then another to someone else?

Through the Command of My Father, I Am preparing the world for My Second Coming and many will hate Me for this. Those of you who consider yourselves to be the elite, the chosen few and the self-proclaimed prophets, are not fit to wipe My Feet, so full of hatred are you. Spurred by the spirit of evil and so proud, you are blind to the True Voice of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can never fall upon your hardened, hate-filled souls, for you do not represent Me.

For those of you who understand the Truth contained in the Most Holy Book, the Bible, know that you must not abuse this Great Gift of knowledge. You must never take away from it or add to it. Nor must you try to create any new interpretations or meanings from it.

I Am preparing you all, only because the majority of you would not accept My Divine Mercy otherwise. Were I not to prepare you properly, then you would not be ready. And yet, although I speak to you now, many of you insult Me. When you do evil onto others, you will suffer greatly. Those of you who do evil onto others and then say that you do this in My Name, know that you will never join Me in Paradise. When you reject the Word of God you will never accept the Truth. So stubborn are you, so full of ego and self-righteousness, that you cannot feel the True Love that can only come from Me, Jesus Christ. Go away from Me, I do not know you. You are not of Me.

The spirit of evil will convince many that My Justice will be so merciful that all will be admitted into My New Paradise. Soon, every Truth documented in the Gospels will be reviewed and will then be interpreted in a different light. Many will be deceived and many will not bother to prepare their souls, including those who do believe in My Second Coming. This false sense of security will be the greatest deceit, devised in order to deny man his natural right to the Kingdom of God. Where there is no reconciliation sought by man for the forgiveness of their sins, there can be no redemption in My Eyes.

My Hand of Justice will sweep down upon the human race. I will separate ungrateful souls – those who choose to idolise their false gods of gold and silver and worldly and proud leaders – from the meek and the humble. I will show Mercy to all who beg Me to shelter them, but those loud and voracious self-proclaimed prophets, who will have denied Me souls, will never seek out My Mercy, for their pride will serve only to separate them from Me for eternity.

Your Jesus

I will never walk in the flesh again


Jesus' explanation! No other explanation necessary!

I will never walk in the flesh again
December 3, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, all those who say they come in My Name and claim that they are preparing the way for the Lord will make themselves be heard in every part of the world – many voices, many prophets, many liars – all of them, without the Authority of God.

Be alert when you hear, especially, the prophet who tells you that he has a duty to prepare you for My Second Coming. When you hear of these things and when you are told that I will appear in the world, in both body and soul, know that this is not the Truth. I repeat again, My Warning to the world. I will never walk in the flesh again. I came, the first time, in the flesh, but when I come again I will come in exactly the same way in which I left the Earth – in the clouds.

Soon you will be shown great acts, which will be deemed to be great works in the preparation for My Second Coming. A number of carefully staged miraculous cures will be presented to the world by those enemies of God who will say that they are of Me. Many will be so taken aback that they will fall for this wicked deceit. So many wonders, great acts – all deemed to be by the Hand of God – will convince even the skeptics that divine miracles have occurred. Great accolades will be showered down on those false representatives, who say they lead My people. Soon the world will openly declare that these imposters are living saints and it won’t be long before they introduce the antichrist.

All of this preparation has been planned for seven years and the speed in which such radical changes are being introduced is no coincidence. My Second Coming will become a regular discussion point. All will be asked to prepare for this Great Event, but errors in Christian doctrine will be abundant. Only those with eyes opened, who can see the Truth and those who are not afraid of facing the Truth, will see through these falsities. And for them, this will present a very heavy burden. Amid all the shouting, the lavish praises, which will be heaped on those who have stolen the Seats of Wisdom, there will be little talk of My Holy Word. All that will be talked about will be the importance of good deeds. Not one word about the work required to seek salvation, according to the Word of God.

When the secular world, finally relents and joins forces with the false imposters, who will take over the Temple of God, the time will be soon for the greatest abomination to be witnessed. That will be when the temple has been created to become the seat of the antichrist. By then, those who will adore the antichrist will be numbered in their billions. Those who know the Truth won’t have much time to wait, however, for the reign of the beast will be very short. And then the trumpet will be heard. On that day these enemies of God will be thrown into the lake of fire, exactly as prophesied.

Remember the prophecies. They will happen just as they were foretold – those imposters, who say they come in My Name, will be loved, applauded and idolised. Those who do come in My Name will be despised and hated. But from their mouths will come the Fire of the Spirit of Truth and by their suffering many others will be saved who would otherwise not have been.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation


Our Lady's Message contains very specific instructions Blessed by Her Beloved Son for these times! Please respond to Her Call! Please make this your 7 Day Promise for each month to the end of time which I can only assume means when our time is no longer significant being when we Enter Paradise. Say this prayer 3 times a day for each of the 7 days. On one of these 7 days each month we are asked to fast ON 1 main meal with the other 2 meals consisting of bread and water. Very specific! We can do this! The Reward for souls being saved is just too great to dismiss our part in this tiny but timely personal sacrifice! Let's give Blessed Mother of Salvation what She needs for Jesus!
Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation
December 1, 2013

My child, I am the woman clothed with the sun and it is the sun, which represents the Light of God in the world. Without the sun, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no Life. Without God, there is only death.My role as the Mother of Salvation, where I will assist my Son in this His final Mission, His final Plan to complete His Father’s Covenant to bring salvation to every soul, means that I will do all that I can to bring Him the souls He so desires.

I wish it to be known that I have been appointed, not only the Queen of Heaven, but Queen over the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve nations will reign in the New Jerusalem. The twelve stars, on my crown, which were placed upon my head by my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, during my Coronation, signify this prophecy. Each of these stars represents the twelve nations, which will evolve on the Day of Judgment.

All souls, including those who will rise from the dead, as well as those who are alive in the world today and who remain in the Light of God, will make the transition into the New Heaven and the New Earth. They will join as one, in union with my Son, and they will be resurrected into perfect body and soul, just as it was when my Son rose from the dead. This state of perfection is the Greatest Gift from God and proves how merciful He is. This is the salvation, which my Son promised, when he endured His Agony on the Cross. And because of His great Love for humanity, He wishes to save every single soul and, especially, those who are lost to Him.

I now give all of you a special Gift, blessed by my Son, so that all souls will be granted immunity from the fires of Hell and be granted salvation. My Son desires that every soul be saved, no matter how grievous their sin. I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation. You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time. You must recite this Prayer for a full seven consecutive days during one calendar month, commencing on Mondays, in the morning time. You must recite it three times during each of the seven days and on one of these days you must fast. By fasting you are requested to eat only one main meal during the day and then bread and water only at the other two meal times. This is the prayer you must say for each of the seven days.

Crusade Prayer (130) Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer:

My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls the Gift of Eternal Salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.Through your intercession, I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference, and who adore false doctrine and false gods.We beseech you, dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.

My promise to assist my Son, Jesus Christ, in His Plan for humanity is to draw all of you, who recognise my role as Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-Redemptrix, together, so that the whole world can unite as one in union with Jesus Christ, your Saviour and Redeemer.

Go in peace. I will always pray for you, dear children, and I will always respond to your call to redeem mankind in the Eyes of God.

Your Mother, Mother of Salvation

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Satan’s strategy is to fool and deceive believers first, before he destroys them


Lord even with our limited knowledge of the evil that exists, we share Your Pain for the souls who will be at satan's disposal! How many who believe they have all the answers because of their theological knowledge who will place everything said and shown into a logical and human reasoning-type order which will ultimately be dis-ordered! They will find themselves in a trap that satan carefully devised.

Good God-loving souls will be trapped! But we will never cease to pray for them to hear Your Voice! We will constantly ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten their souls. We understand that satan will target first, those who have deep faith and understanding, who don't cloud their love for You with logic and human reasoning! He will target first, those who are hearing Your Voice in Your Mission!

This is the saddest part! Those who are being given knowledge and preparation from Heaven will still be confounded by satan's insidious and cunning campaign of confusion and deception in The Church. But Lord, You hear all our prayers and You answer them! Our Heavenly Father's Promise to protect us with The Seal of the Living God and Crusade Prayer #33 prayed each day, will reveal His Glory in us and we will find ourselves calm and at peace with all that goes on around us.

We will see the Truth! We ask Blessed Mother of Salvation and St Michael to place a Spiritual Shield around us which will repel the deceptions we will witness to Crucify Your Bride! Lord Jesus be Merciful to those who's hearts belong to You, who's souls belong to You! And who's souls are in great jeopardy! No matter what we face, we are in Your Will and we will be attentive to Your Voice as You continue to Instruct us and Prepare us! It is Your Face we seek! Be with us Lord through these days! Amen!

Satan’s strategy is to fool and deceive believers first, before he destroys them
November 30, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how I so love the world. How I pine for every single soul who is lost to Me at this time. I will, I promise, seek out every single person and try to draw them into My Divine Mercy. I desire to make My Presence, My Love and My Compassion known to each one of them. My Tears, at this time, which I reveal to you My little one, are being shed for those who will refuse My Divine Intervention and who will, as a result, plunge headfirst into a vacuum of wicked deceit.

My Passion will now be relived, as My Body will have to face a new scourging when the pagans – who will come with a false façade of peace, love and humility – trample upon My Church, before they crucify it. The wise in spirit will know the Truth. The war will be bitter and the grand prize, sought by Satan’s army, will be the souls of all God’s children.

The souls of believers will be the first target of Satan and this is where he will focus all his energy. Satan’s strategy is to fool and deceive believers first, before he destroys them. The unbelievers are of little interest to Satan, for he has already won over their souls and they present little challenge to him. My Father will not stand to one side and watch this horror, which has been foretold. Every miracle, every call from Heaven and every Intervention will be witnessed as the final battle – the greatest spiritual war of all time – unfolds.

Those who were born with intelligence will be none the wiser to the Truth, for they will analyze the reality of their creation through human logic. Those born with a pure love in their hearts for God will accept the Truth, even if it confuses them, because their hearts belong to God and they will be blessed with the Gift of discernment. Those who fight the Word of God and the Intervention of My Father to save souls and who try to prevent Him from salvaging souls, will be judged harshly.

As the battle for souls continues, you must turn to Me always and ask Me to sustain you, to protect you and to comfort you. When you are with Me, you will endure this terrible desolation with a calmness which will surprise you. But if you cannot trust in Me and surrender to Me completely, you will find these trials, which lie ahead of you in My Church, almost impossible to deal with, so painful will they be.

You must never forget that God is Almighty and that Satan cannot win this war for souls. Sadly, many will not be strong enough in their faith or have the ability to recognise the deceit, which they will have to face in My Name and they will never be able to redeem themselves before Me.

These are the souls, which cause Me such bitter sorrow at this time.

Your Jesus

Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God


Thankyou Dear Jesus for Your Consolation in this Message!
Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God
November 29, 2013 

My dearly beloved daughter, when you question why I, Jesus Christ, would allow suffering in the world, then you should understand the Will of God. Many people suffer in the world and always have done so. Suffering is caused because of the fact that sin creates division amongst men. Sin separates man from God and as such, man will sin against man. I allow suffering because it brings souls closer to Me, through the purification which such souls endure.

I do not delight in suffering. Instead, I Am Present in every single soul who has to endure pain and anguish. It is the Will of God that certain souls suffer more than others, because it will be through such victims that other souls, who are less deserving of My Mercy, can be saved.

I suffered willingly, during My Passion but My Pain and Humility defeated much of the power of Satan. Satan can never humble himself, because this is impossible. And so it is through humility, which ensues from the pain of suffering, that souls can dilute his power over others. Pain, persecution, suffering, ridicule and mockery will always be the lot of those chosen souls of God. Such souls are closest to Me and I will use this sacrifice of theirs to draw those other souls, who are most in need of My Mercy, into the refuge of salvation.

This lesson is very difficult for all of you who love Me and it may seem unfair. But know that suffering brings you even closer to Me and that it will yield for you Eternal Life with Me in Paradise. Never blame God for the suffering in the world, for it was caused, in the first instance, by the downfall of the human race, when God’s children succumbed to the sin of pride.

Pride is the root of all sin and it is the cause of much of the suffering in the world. Pride leads to every other sin and this then creates division in the world and a lack of justice. Be assured that very soon the world will finally understand the true meaning of the Will of God. By then, the will of man will bow in deference to the Holy Will of My Father. Until that day comes, when man rids himself of pride and humbles himself before the Lord God, the Most High, there can be no end to suffering.

When the world finally accepts the Truth and the Promise made by Me to come again, I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. I will raise the living and the dead in glory and they will reign in great splendor in the New Heaven and the New Earth, when the two will become one in Me. When you endure suffering, be at peace, as it will end soon.

Your Jesus

Billions of people will enjoy a life of eternal glory in the Presence of God


It's so hard to fathom, that even when Jesus gives us His Mercy with all the Love He has for each and every one of His children, that there will be many who will not accept His Mercy, let alone His Love! So much for us to look forward to. It doesn't matter about the taunts, the sufferings of persecution or the condemnations we receive being part of Jesus' Mission.
We know what It's all about and we know that we are chosen! Those that are just too blind to see the Truth and stuck steadfast to loyalty to the man they call 'pope' need our prayers! Soon they will be within reach of the Truth through the Warning, but until then, they will try to thwart Christ's final Plan to save humanity from satan. Look forward to the wonderful Gifts Jesus has planned for us! We will see Paradise very soon!

Billions of people will enjoy a life of eternal glory in the Presence of God
November 24, 2013 

My dearly beloved daughter, when I come to bring relief to humanity from the pain they have endured, because of their separation from God, they must all be thankful for this Great Mercy. Because of this, billions of people will enjoy a life of eternal glory in the Presence of God.

By this great Act of Mercy, I bring great news of the glorious Promise, when My Second Coming – to follow soon after The Warning – will complete God’s Plan for His children. All souls will be given the Gift of My Mercy, but not all will accept it. Those who do not accept it will be given only a short time in which to decide what kind of life they want.

They can choose one where they will live a full and perfect life in body and soul in My New Paradise or one without God. Those who understand what it is I Am offering must never reject such a Gift. Yet, those who will refuse Me, will be content to wallow in darkness, in the belief that it does not matter. What they do not know is that they will feel a terrible pain when they are finally separated from Me. They will find themselves in a pitch-black abyss, where they will see nothing. They will have nothing. All they will feel will be a raging fire that will tear through them like a sword, which they will have to endure for eternity.

Separation from God occurred when Lucifer tempted Adam and Eve through the sin of pride. The sin of pride is the root cause of all sin and one, which binds man to Satan. When I come to reclaim My Throne, this separation will be no more. Those who are for Me, with Me and in Me will join as one. But on the day when I finally come and when I will judge the world, those who have separated themselves from Me and who will continue to reject Me will experience the final ending where I will no longer be Present. Where I will not be able to offer them comfort. To draw them back. Then they will experience eternal pain and suffering with the beast and all his demons in the fires of Hell.

I do not want to frighten you, shock or cause you suffering, but so that you understand the consequences, I must tell you the Truth. So many of you do not believe in Hell. You do not believe in it, because you have been misled for so long. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory exist. On the final day, there will only exist two entities – the New Paradise when Heaven and Earth become one and the abyss that is Hell.

The Truth is hard to accept, but without knowing the Truth you cannot choose your destiny.

Your Jesus

Love thrives because it is a Gift from God and has the power to destroy evil

Love, love, love - love is all you need! Jesus tells us:

Love thrives because it is a Gift from God and has the power to destroy evil
 Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 @ 17:00

"My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to explain the importance of love and how with it, you can defeat evil and how, without it, evil spreads.

Satan is incapable of love, but instead is self-obsessed with what he believes to be his power and greatness. When he infests souls, the first thing he does is to destroy love within the soul. When he achieves this, he will instil a terrible hatred in that soul and it is this hatred which causes division. Division and disagreements, inspired by hatred, can lead to desperate deeds carried out by one soul against another. These hate-filled deeds can very often lead to terrible cruelty and even murder. The sin of pride is instilled in souls, who open themselves up to the devil and this leads to ruthless ambition and greed. But where there is love, there is the Presence of God.

Love thrives because it is a Gift from God and has the power to destroy evil. Love is not selfish. Love is generous, forgiving and untainted by the sin of pride. You must ask God, every day, for the Gift of Love and when you are given this, use it as your armour against hatred. Love, when present in a pure soul, attracts hatred from those souls who have banished God from their lives. They cannot bear the Light of God, which shines from the souls of those who are filled with God’s Love.

Go now in the knowledge that Love must be used to help the souls of all those who are in great need of My Help. Please recite this Crusade Prayer for the Gift of Love.
Crusade Prayer (129) For the Gift of Love:

O God, please fill me with Your Love. Help me to share the Gift of Love with all those in need of Your Mercy. Help me to love You more. Help me to love all those in need of Your Love. Help me to love Your enemies. Allow the love You Bless me with to be used to engulf the hearts of everyone I come into contact with. With the Love, which You infuse in my soul, help me to conquer all evil, convert souls and defeat the devil and all those wicked agents of his, who try to destroy the Truth of Your Holy Word. Amen.

I Am Love. When you truly love Me, I will flood your soul with more love and with this love, you will help Me to save the world.

Your Jesus"

When I come as the King of Mercy, not one soul will be left in any doubt as to Who I Am and What I Am

This comfort that only Jesus can give:

"No matter who scourges you, mocks you or persecutes you, just remember the punishment, which befalls all those who spit in My Face. Then, ignoring the taunts, you must pray fervently for each of these poor souls. Be generous in heart and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that then you will fight, alongside My Heavenly Army, to salvage the world from evil. You must await therefore, with love and trust, and I will bring you great Blessings.

Crusade Prayer (128) To gather and unite all souls:

Dearest Jesus, help us, Your beloved disciples, to gather the world in Your Arms and present to You the souls who are in most need of Your Great Mercy.

Empower us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit to ensure that the Flame of Truth engulfs all those who have become separated from You.
Unite all sinners so that each is given every chance of reconciliation.

Give all of us the strength to remain firm to Your Holy Word when we are forced to reject the Truth, which has been proclaimed to the world through the Most Holy Gospels.

We remain in You, with You and for You, every single step of this, our journey to salvation. Amen.

Be at peace. Trust in Me. Leave all your prayers at My Feet and I will respond to every single request made of Me to save any soul whose name is presented to Me. Your Jesus"

When I come as the King of Mercy, not one soul will be left in any doubt as to Who I Am and What I Am
November 20, 2013

Image result for king of mercy

My dearly beloved daughter, tell all of My followers – all those who believe in Me, Jesus Christ – that they must allocate time each day to Me in prayer, in order to save the souls of those who are lost to Me. By the Graces, which I give to you, I desire that in return, you will help to bring Me the souls of those who break My Heart.

I must ask that you endure the pain you will feel, because of the separation of humanity from Me, Jesus Christ. This will be caused by the schism in My Church on Earth. By accepting this suffering with complete submission, I can conquer the grip, which the evil one exerts over those who are too weak to proclaim the True Word of God.

You must never fear this Mission, for it is given to the world because of the Generosity of My beloved Father. He simply wants to reclaim His Creation, intact, so as not to lose one single child of His.

No matter who scourges you, mocks you or persecutes you, just remember the punishment, which befalls all those who spit in My Face. Then, ignoring the taunts, you must pray fervently for each of these poor souls. Be generous in heart and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that then you will fight, alongside My Heavenly Army, to salvage the world from evil. You must await therefore, with love and trust, and I will bring you great Blessings.

Hope must never be discarded because of fear. Fear must never blind you to the task which is required of you, so when I come as the King of Mercy, not one soul will be left in any doubt as to Who I Am and What I Am. Gather together. Unite. Bring all souls into My Merciful Arms. To help Me do this, you must recite this special Crusade Prayer to help Me gather and unite all souls.

Crusade Prayer (128) To gather and unite all souls:

Dearest Jesus, help us, Your beloved disciples, to gather the world in Your Arms and present to You the souls who are in most need of Your Great Mercy.

Empower us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit to ensure that the Flame of Truth engulfs all those who have become separated from You.

Unite all sinners so that each is given every chance of reconciliation.

Give all of us the strength to remain firm to Your Holy Word when we are forced to reject the Truth, which has been proclaimed to the world through the Most Holy Gospels.

We remain in You, with You and for You, every single step of this, our journey to salvation. Amen.

Be at peace. Trust in Me. Leave all your prayers at My Feet and I will respond to every single request made of Me to save any soul whose name is presented to Me.

Your Jesus

On that day, I will gather the Living


Don't desert Jesus! Bottom line! His Remnant are all He has! Even then some will still turn their backs in favour of the lies they will be told. How fickle! If Jesus was walking, if you could call it that, with His Cross on His Shoulder, all bloodied and torn, His eye missing from the Thorns on His Head and He looked at you - where would you turn your head?
Would you think "Argghhh! He looks gross! I can't bear to look!" and turn your head away?
Or would you gaze upon Him, Your Jesus, Your Saviour with tears and kindness and charity and with a look that tells Him "My Jesus, I adore You profoundly, take me with You to Paradise, I beg You to show me Mercy!"
Well this is just what He is asking us NOW! He doesn't want your lipservice! He wants your unwaivering love and faith!
Don't cower away like a scared dog! Stay with Him, take St Veronica's veil from her hands gently and ask if it would be alright to wipe His Scourged Face from the pain of all your sins!
How dare any of us say we love Jesus and then turn our heads away from Him! How dare any of us play in the devil's playground of lies and think Jesus is a sham! God help anyone who makes that claim for themselves!
Catholics are in great danger of doing just that, many refuse to hear Jesus' Call to humanity through his final prophet Maria Divine Mercy, so how on earth will they stay strong against satan and all he has planned!~

On that day, I will gather the Living
November 19, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, in many Christian lives, I have become like an embarrassing relative Who must be catered to, from time to time, but kept out of sight, at all times. This is how many of those who were born Christians, and who have fallen away from Me, view Me now. I Am of little consequence, and yet when they are in trouble, they will call out to Me, involuntarily, because it is second-nature to them.

Why, oh why, can they not accept Me? What has separated man from Me? Why have My sacred servants failed to bring them to Me? My suffering is the same today as it was during My Passion and now those who have remained true to Me will shortly desert Me. They will do this because they will begin to re-evaluate their understanding of Who, exactly, I Am and what My Covenant truly means – all because of the heresies to come.

All homage to Me, in My Churches, will soon be reduced to a mere nod in My direction. They will no longer genuflect before My Tabernacles. They will not bow before Me or kneel, nor will they pray before My Corpus on the Cross, for it will not be My Image they will be asked to venerate. I will be scourged and made to look ridiculous. My Words will be turned into the most peculiar verbiage and the Truth of My death on the Cross will be thrown out.

My Presence is still on Earth at this time. You must not desert Me, for when you do, My Light will be extinguished and then you will become engulfed with darkness. Only those who remain loyal to Me can retain My Flame and when the Light of My Church on Earth is reduced to but just a faint glimmer – then the final call will be heard from Heaven. On that day I will gather the Living. The remainder will be left with the enemies of God to whom they gave their allegiance. No joy will they experience after that.

Your Jesus

I come only as a God of Mercy. I do not come to frighten you for I truly love each of you


Jesus is again reinforcing our need to get to Confession! Or recite Crusade Prayer #8 for non-Catholics. We must take this advice. His Mercy is so Great, but He will only show His Mercy and Forgiveness to those who are genuinely contrite and repentant in their hearts. I cannot imagine arguing with Jesus! But Jesus knows that there will be many who have lived their lives full of pride and arrogance, who will do just that! Can you imagine the shamelessness?!

We cannot be our own 'assessment' of what our sins are in the Eyes of God! We cannot assume that we are worthy because, well, we only do 'little' sins! Who are we to make that judgement of ourselves. All sin is sin! Any sin is sin! "Big" or 'Small' are sins! These are hurtful to God, they are offensive to God! I shudder in Confession when the priest says to us, "Just give me your 'important' sins". Goodness who made him our judge and jury on that!

All our offenses are important to God! Never underestimate the sins that you think are 'worthy' of telling in Confession! What about the sins of omission? Those insidious 'little' sins that go unnoticed if we allow them! How many times are we prompted by the Holy Spirit or our Holy Guardian Angel to do something 'extra' for someone or just in prayer and we ignore it - telling ourselves 'Not now!"

Well imagine how God feels when we shut the door to Heavenly Guidance like that! Bit of smack in the Face don't you think? So for the sakes of our souls! Bring everything to Jesus now in the Sacrament or prayerfully reciting the Crusade Prayer given for this benefit! Jesus just wants our humility, our gratitude, our sincerity and our loyalty - without waivering! After all He has done and all He is doing for us, don't we owe Him that much?!

I come only as a God of Mercy. I do not come to frighten you for I truly love each of you
November 18, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, all must prepare themselves so that they are fit to come before Me, for I will come like a thief in the night and many will not know what is happening. Therefore, it is important that each one of you confesses to Me now.

The Truth of My Most Holy Word will become pronounced, as twisted versions replace it by My enemies, who will be daring in their endeavours to deceive you. Now is the time to focus on your own souls and the state they are in.

To the man who does not believe in Me I say to him. When I come before you will you be relieved to know Who I Am? Will you come with Me? I will take you and wipe away your tears and you will live a glorious life, once you confess to Me and ask Me to take you into My Mercy.

To the man who believes in Me, will you be able to stand before Me, without shame? Will you come before Me, knowing all that you do about what I taught you, with a clean soul? No matter. When you say to Me, “Jesus forgive me, I want to follow You.”, you will be saved.

To the man who believes in Me, but who believes he is exemplary and in no need of confession, are you also fit to come before Me? When I show you the state of your soul, will you argue with Me and say that you are fit to come before Me when you are not? If you cannot accept My Gift of Mercy and admit your wrongdoing, then you will remain separate from Me and I will give you only one more chance of reprieve.

To all of humanity, I ask you to prepare first your soul. You must fix every part of your soul, before you are ready to stand complete in My Presence during The Warning. If you don’t, you will have to endure a painful purification and your Purgatory will be endured on Earth, before the Day My Second Coming dawns. I urge you to say this Crusade Prayer for each of your own souls and that of your loved ones.

Crusade Prayer (127) To save my soul and those of my loved ones:

O Jesus, prepare me, so I can come before You without shame. Help me and my loved ones (name them here….) to get ready to confess all our wrong doings. To admit our short-comings. To ask for the forgiveness of all sins. To show love to those we have wronged. To beg for Mercy for salvation. To humble ourselves before You, so that on the Day of the Great Illumination, my conscience and those of (name them here…..) will be clear and that You will flood my soul with Your Divine Mercy. Amen.

Now is the time to remind yourselves of everything that I taught you. Now is the time to examine The Ten Commandments and ask yourselves if you have truly lived your lives accordingly.

Be honest with yourselves because if you are not, you will – either way – be shown how you have grieved Me in your lifetime. But, let Me give you comfort.

I come only as a God of Mercy. I do not come to frighten you, for I truly love each of you, no matter what you have done, but My Patience is limited. Only those who accept the grievous nature of their sins against God can be enveloped into My Divine Mercy. Those who reject Me will have little time to redeem themselves, for I will separate the sheep from the goats. One side will come with Me. The other side will be left and then the New Beginning will be made known to every creature. Only those who love Me will be given Eternal Life.

Heed now My Call, for I do this to ensure that as many of you as possible are prepared well before the Day of the The Warning.

Your Jesus

I Am coming to renew the Earth, to free man from his misery, sorrow and sin


Humanity is on the 'Home stretch' now as we approach the time when our souls will be Illumined to show us how we can then redeem ourselves in the Eyes of God! A Gift beyond imagining! Each human being alive will experience this Great Event! No matter what you are doing, any plane in the sky or person abseiling a rock will have this 15 minutes simultaneously around the world!

How wonderful! So many do not hear this Call from Christ to prepare their souls, so full of pride and arrogance, but they will get their chance to be in Jesus' Presence, seeing Him for the first time, seeing their soul's condition for the first time and then they will have the choice to ask for Jesus' Mercy or be frivolous with this Gift and squander the opportunity! But it is by our free will that we can overcome our sinfulness!

The experience will be so profound that even the hardened sinner can be saved! Why do people so quickly condemn these Messages, Jesus' Voice to mankind? Because the Truth is like a blinding light for those in darkness! They cower from the Light! The Truth! We must pray for each of them, that they don't condemn themselves to hell! Those who aren't listening now, will certainly change their minds during the Warning!

I Am coming to renew the Earth, to free man from his misery, sorrow and sin
November 17, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, I want the world to see Me, their beloved Saviour, the Son of man, in all My Glory, so that they will draw into My Divine Mercy.

I want all those, especially those who do not believe in God, to see Me and run to Me first. They are My first concern and I tell them this.

You do not know Me. You do not see Me. You do not want to believe in Me, but I love you. I want you to be part of My Kingdom, so I can lavish upon you all the Gifts of My New Paradise, My New World, My New Beginning. I want you, your family, your relatives and friends to be as one, with Me and the whole of humanity. You must wait until the great event, the day when the world will alight with My Rays and when it will stay still for fifteen minutes.

When you see this and witness it, you must not be afraid. Know then that My Love is Divine and that the world will, from that day, change beyond recognition.

Do not try to run away from Me, for I Am coming with good news. I Am coming to renew the Earth, to free man from his misery, sorrow and sin. I Am coming to destroy all evil in the world by providing everyone with the proof of My Existence. When this is given to you, you must allow Me to prepare you for the Eternal Life I promised. Eternal Life is a life where you will live in body and soul with Me forever. I will put you out of your misery and eliminate the pain, which you have to endure because of the existence of Satan and he will be banished for eternity.

Do not reject Me, for I do not want to lose you. I Am your Salvation. I Am the Truth. I Am your beloved Jesus Christ and I, at last, will soon make Myself known to the world and especially to those who do not believe in Me.

Your Jesus

Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time


How Blessed we are! Humanity will be given a Great Gift that has never been given to humanity before in it's entire history! We will experience Christ's Presence before us in the manner reflective of the state of our souls. If we are steeped in sin, those of impure and intellectual sin, we will most likely see Christ as He appeared on the Cross - His Body all scourged and bleeding. If we have been to Confession and been truly contrite and made reparation for our sins over our lifetime or in a General Confession in recent times, then we may see Christ as He was Risen and Glorious. I am not of this understanding in fact, but in my heart, I suppose it makes perfect sense. 

Jesus wants us to understand the state of our souls in His Presence. How would that make the hardened sinner with blackened soul see himself if Jesus appeared like the bloke next door. It just wouldn't make the impact it needs to make. If we have been forgiven through the Sacrament of Confession and we take the Sacrament seriously, then I can't see why Jesus would offer Himself to us to shock us with His Disfigured Body, when He really would see His loyal and faithful children with such Love and Joy! So it stands to reason that He would want to show us Himself happy and smiling, maybe joyfully teary! 

Anyhow that is just my interpretation. God just wants all souls to come to His Son. Our prayers have reached Heaven for the lost souls in the wilderness as billions will be saved. Jesus makes no mention as He has previously that many will 'die from shock' when confronted with the state of their souls. I see that as the many we have saved that will now live through the Event and come out the other side with an opportunity to repair their lives and amend them through conversion. This is wonderful! 

Those who have always sided with satan, who conduct black masses, who are just blackened to the point they have chosen to remain that way, honouring the beast, will be the greatest challenge for Christ. He still wants our prayers for them! But understand that these souls will chose not to believe what they just experienced. They will make all these stupid, baseless, distorted excuses and reasons why the Warning 'wasn't' The Warning. It baffles me that millions will listen to the lies they will be told. How can they possibly have such a profound experience that they could talk to someone else about and find out that they experienced a similar thing simultaneously and come to the conclusion that it 'didn't happen'. 

This is how satan will numb their minds and hearts and shut them down. I am not sure how many more chances they will get before they seal their fate, however God has told us that He will not give His children over to satan that easily and will fight for their souls till our Entrance to the New Paradise! Just know that our prayers are needed and heard. This is the time like no other! This is our road to Salvation! A precious Gift - Our Inheritance! Be joyful and anticipating! It's simply marvellous!!

Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time

November 16, 2013 

My dearly beloved daughter, when I come to the world in My Divine Mercy, people will be given the chance to seek My Mercy, for this will be the first true confession many of them will have partaken in.

Everyone, no matter who they are, will experience this unique revelation of Mine, blessed by the Authority of My Father. The Illumination of Conscience will bring with it much pain, because the sorrow lost souls will experience will be such that they will not be able to withstand the shock. Many will faint and collapse, overcome with grief.

But they will realise how much their soul needs to be cleansed first, before they are ready to enter My Eternal Paradise. These people will then know what is expected of them and they will suffer penance for some time, after the Great Event. Many people will think that they are dreaming. Some will think that it is the end of the world, but it will not be. It will be the Final Warning, however, which will be given to humanity to help them redeem themselves before God.

Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time and they will be grateful for the proof which they will be given as to the Existence of their Creator. Some will simply cower from My Light and this will bring them incredible pain and they will hide and turn their backs without a shred of remorse in their souls. They will deny My Intervention. Then the rest will rejoice, when they experience My Rays of Mercy, for these souls will be so thankful to witness My Presence that they will gravitate towards My Light with ease and with a longing for My Presence, which will be beyond their grasp, as this will not be the time for the Gates to My New Paradise to be opened. And so, they will then have to do penance as My disciples, on behalf of those souls who will reject My Hand of Mercy.

After the Great Intervention by God, to give humanity the chance to prepare themselves for My Second Coming, the world will be asking many questions. Some will be so changed within their souls that they will devote much time in helping to convert those they want to help save from deceit. Others will be remorseful and it will take some time for them to fully understand the significance of their presentation before Me and they will spend much attention to reconciling themselves with Me.

Then the enemies of God will deny The Warning ever happened and they will fool millions into believing that it was a cosmic event, when the light of the sun overtook the whole of the planet by a one-off event, caused by the movement of the Earth on its axis. Nothing could be further from the Truth. And, while they will put forth all these causes, they will deny that God Exists and lead many away from Me. Sadly, many will not come back to Me and only with God’s Interventions, when He will be forced to punish His enemies, in order to bring them back to their senses, can souls be purified.

Be thankful for these Mercies, as without this Gift from God very few people will be able to enter the Gates of Paradise.

Your Jesus