Friday, 15 January 2016
A message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.
'When they present the new Mass, you will be left with no choice then, for you will know that it will no longer offer the Most Holy Eucharist. It will be then that the Truth will finally be revealed to you, although you will be aware of the signs before then.
The signs will include strange new ways of adjusting prayers; Satan will no longer be denounced and the Sacraments will be tampered with in order to include other denominations. You will become uneasy, yet you will feel an obligation to remain loyal to My Church.
It will be then that the Existence of My Church on earth will be your only means of survival if you are to remain loyal to My Teachings. When My Teachings, My Sacraments and My Holy Mass are changed, you must not be deceived. If you do not adhere to My Laws, then you will betray Me.
For other Christian churches, I warn you that this infestation will spread also to your churches. In time, it will become difficult for you to honour My Teachings in the way they were given to the world. All Christians will suffer under the regime of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist, whose face will be beamed all over the world soon, as the most influential leader of all time." - Your Jesus.
A message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.
March 17, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, this is a Message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.
My beloved servants, I desire that you obey the Laws of the Church and those to whom you must show obedience in My Holy Name.
You must never desert your duties to the Church and you must continue to serve Me as always. Please administer all the Sacraments, as before, but with even more diligence. Attend, as always, to your sacred duties. Your duty is to God’s children and you must guide your flock. Remain loyal to My Teachings at all times.
It will not be you, My precious servants, who will desert My Church on earth. It will not be through your doing that Laws within My Church will be changed in order to embrace new doctrines.
You will remain loyal to the services of My Church and conduct your duties until the terrible day.
This will be the day when My Holy Mass will be changed beyond recognition. It will be the enemies of God, who have infiltrated My Church on earth, who will push you away from Me.
When they present the new Mass, you will be left with no choice then, for you will know that it will no longer offer the Most Holy Eucharist. It will be then that the Truth will finally be revealed to you, although you will be aware of the signs before then.
The signs will include strange new ways of adjusting prayers; Satan will no longer be denounced and the Sacraments will be tampered with in order to include other denominations. You will become uneasy, yet you will feel an obligation to remain loyal to My Church.
It will be then that the Existence of My Church on earth will be your only means of survival if you are to remain loyal to My Teachings. When My Teachings, My Sacraments and My Holy Mass are changed, you must not be deceived. If you do not adhere to My Laws, then you will betray Me.
For other Christian churches, I warn you that this infestation will spread also to your churches. In time, it will become difficult for you to honour My Teachings in the way they were given to the world. All Christians will suffer under the regime of the false prophet and his cohort, the antichrist, whose face will be beamed all over the world soon, as the most influential leader of all time.
Your Jesus
The Third Seal will be revealed when man will scramble for food as famines grip humanity
The writing is on the wall! Every news coverage is filled with war and rumour of war. Terrorism has a grip on society. The stock market shows daily instability. It's all happening for a reason - leading to the opening of the Third Seal in the Book of Revelation - World War 3. The antichrist is working the corridors in meetings unknown to us, not given by the biased media. The media is controlled by Masonry, so it stands to reason what we are told and what we are kept hidden from. The ac has to be covert in his operation so that when he presents himself to the world as the 'prince of peace', he will appear as the 'knight in shining armour' bringing 'peace and stability' back to those problems he manufactured. It is time to take notice with eyes wide open to the manipulation and deception created to enable his plan to rule the world - he won't succeed - he won't even get much time - God is in Charge and will ensure His children are protected from this evil! Have the Seal of the Living God on your person at all times and one hung on the wall at home! Be on guard for the wolves are nipping at our heels!
The Third Seal will be revealed when man will scramble for food as famines grip humanity
March 16, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the tides will unleash and the destruction, caused by many wars, will commence as foretold.
The timing of the arrival of the false prophet will coincide with the declaration of wars all over the world. These wars will be triggered instantly and men will cower in fear as the implications become clear. Wars will take root and roll out like storms in the desert, where they will gain momentum and catch all of those who feel that their peace is guaranteed, like a thief in the night.
So many countries will be involved that it will take everyone by surprise. Soon the antichrist will make himself known in the midst of the carnage. Confusion, fear and loss of crops will compound the problem. Not long after, the Third Seal will be revealed when man will scramble for food as famines grip humanity. Starved of food, starved of spirit, starved of help, mankind will grasp at anything or anyone, which offers respite.
The stage will have been set for the antichrist to arrive and announce himself to the world. By this time, mankind will be so relieved because of the man of peace, who offers so much hope, that they will become his willing slaves. They will fall for his elaborate plan to restructure the world and bring all nations together. The plan, they will be told, will be for the good of all and to rid the world of terrorism. The enemies, he will say he fights, and whom he will exert control over, are innocent victims used by him in the deceit, which he will present to the world.
When peace, or what seems like a truce, is restored, then will come the next stage, the unity of all nations, all religions, all countries, into one. This is when the union between the false prophet and the antichrist will become clear.
Those who will have been given the Truth, and whose names are in the Book of the Living, will know what is happening. Others, blind to the Truth of My Teachings, will not be so fortunate. Then it will be a matter of waiting. My Patience will mean that I will strive to save and protect those who will not be able to discern the Truth.
My Patience and My Mercy will result in Divine Intervention on a grand scale to save all God’s children from the grasp of the beast, whose only objective is to encourage sin. For there is one thing you must know; behind the charming allure of the antichrist will lie the plan to encourage sin, so that humanity will make the final choice – to side with the beast in defiance of God. When that time comes and after every attempt is made by Me to save souls it will be over.
Only the elect will be taken into My Kingdom.
Your Jesus
My Agony is felt by all the saints and angels in Heaven, for the time of the Apocalypse is near
A good time to say this:
“O Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God Created immortal, made in His Own Image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of satan.
Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the Holy Angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the Name of God and of his Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the Crown of Eternal Glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.
These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on Her most Sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be.
Arise then, O Invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee Holy Church glories as Her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in Heavenly Beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of Peace that He may put satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen."
My Agony is felt by all the saints and angels in Heaven, for the time of the Apocalypse is near
March 16, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, what rage, what anger and what fear is being felt by those who refuse to accept My Cup of Suffering at this time.
The rage of Satan, against these Messages, will increase quickly and every effort will be made to denounce you, My daughter.
Suffering is to be accepted by you, because of your surrender to My Holy Will, which is of your own accord. So you, My daughter, must remain silent as the screams of the beast and those poor souls he uses to attack you continue. I say this to all of My beloved loyal disciples – remain firm. Keep your heads bowed in humble servitude and offer your suffering for those souls who will not accept the Gift of Truth.
Those responsible for infiltrating My Church on earth chose the time of Lent, deliberately, to insult Me, their Jesus, who died in agony to save their souls.
So infested are they, those who roam the corridors of Rome, that the biggest sign will be seen in the chaos, which will ensue, as they adhere to the command of the imposter. Chaos, disorder, division and contradiction will be seen everywhere in Rome. This disorder comes from Satan for it cannot come from God.
Anger comes from the evil one and his rage is palpable when My Light spreads amongst God’s children. Make it known that when attacks of such a vicious nature are inflicted on another, in My Name, that it is My Presence which provokes such a reaction.
Only I, Jesus Christ, and My followers can be the focus of such abuse and so, when you find that this becomes unbearable, please say this short prayer:
“I share this pain with You, dear Jesus, and ask that You bless my enemies, and those who scourge You, with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
The discord will continue and My Agony is felt by all the saints and angels in Heaven, for the time of the Apocalypse is near.
Hold onto Me, your Jesus, and place all your trust in Me as I build My Remnant Army, in preparation for the ugly battle for souls which lies ahead.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: Say my Rosary for all those who rule in Rome
Blessed Mother asks us to pray the Holy Rosary for those who rule in Rome and yes She includes in this praying for the false prophet. He is a soul. All souls need prayer. But we must be careful not to pray for his intentions for it is his intention to unite all religions into a pagan one world religion and crush all signs of Christ in the Church. This may not be visible now, but he has many plans in the pipeline with many meetings with leaders of other denominations and creeds. One day we will all be united under Jesus as the one True flock, however this cannot be done in any way other than through the Holy Remnant Church - those who will stay firm to Christ's Teachings and will in no way stray from the True Path to Paradise. They who repent will be saved. They who follow the false prophet and the antichrist will fall to perdition.
Mother of Salvation: Say my Rosary for all those who rule in Rome
March 15, 2013
My dear child, this is a time of great sorrow, not only for you, but for all those who love my Son.
I must urge you, dear children, to remain strong and faithful to the Holy Word of God, for the sake of my Son. He, my beloved Son, hangs His Head in agony as He watches the horror as His Church crumbles before Him.
Please pray for hope and say my Holy Rosary every day for all those who rule in Rome. You must pray for all those who run the Catholic Church. Please include the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, for he is in great need of your prayers.
Pray that he will accept the Truth of the death of my Son on the Cross and that he will open his heart to my Son’s pleas for mercy for all God’s children.
No matter how hard these times are, in the Roman Catholic Church, evil cannot and will not prevail against the Power of God.
My role as Mediatrix of all Graces is soon to be realized, and as the woman chosen to be clothed in the rays of the sun, my time has come to help my Son in His final plan of salvation.
I cherish all of God’s children, including those who bring Him great shame and distress. Pray that my prayers, taken to my Son and presented to Him on your behalf, can help mitigate the suffering, which lies ahead within the Catholic Church.
My love, as Mother of all God’s children, is all encompassing and I will never stop in my quest to bring you hope, dear children.
Prayers will be heard in Heaven and you must never give up hope, as my Son’s Mercy is greater than you could possibly know.
God’s Love is Almighty. Ask and you will receive great blessing, as the preparations are complete in readiness for the Great Day of the Lord.
Await with patience, love and trust for all of these trials will soon be past, and then the New Heaven and the New Earth will merge as one. This is all you need concern yourselves with – the preparation of your soul and those who need your prayers the most. Only then, will you be able to accept the Light of God and enter the New Paradise on earth.
Be at peace and focus only on my Son and His singular desire to save the souls of every living creature.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Mother of God: The division in the world, to be brought about by Gog and Magog, will split families in two
Much of what is to come will be difficult and hurtful, for the division in the world to be brought about by Gog and Magog will split families in two. The evil scheming and the deceitful plans, devised by the false prophet and the antichrist, will be the greatest deception since the Pharisees denied my Son. When they, the Pharisees, denied my Son, they prevented the Truth from being given to God’s children. This reduced the numbers and the followers of my Son, during His time on earth, and prevented them from becoming Christians. The same will be true of these two who will appear as the image of 'goodness', but who will lead many of God’s children astray. They will blind many to the Truth as the sweeping changes, which they will bring about, throughout their reign, will detach people from the Laws of God.
"God’s children will be told that evil is acceptable and that certain sins are not offensive to God. People will believe them and, as a result, will turn their backs on God.
Pray, pray, pray that their reign will be short and that the Truth will prevail so that my Son’s Church on earth can remain intact." - Mother of Salvation
Mother of God: The division in the world, to be brought about by Gog and Magog, will split families in two
March 18, 2013
My child, you must never doubt the importance of this Mission or allow attacks on you to divert your attention from my beloved Son.
It is because of my Son’s Love and Mercy that He reveals to the world the plans by the evil one to snatch souls before the time of the end. This devious plan has been devised for a very long time and will be inflicted on God’s children by Masonic forces whose allegiance is to the evil one.
Let no one be in any doubt as to the prophecies revealed by me, your Mother, to visionaries and seers throughout the centuries. Children, you must not be frightened. Instead you should be hopeful and rejoice for the time for the New Heaven and New Earth is soon and God’s children will finally be rid of the evil, which each one of you has borne witness to throughout your lives.
This time has been foretold in my Father’s Book, and because of this, you must accept the Truth of the contents of the Book of Revelation. If you do not accept the Book of Revelation, given to John, then you cannot say you accept the rest of the Book – the Most Holy Bible.
Much of what is to come will be difficult and hurtful, for the division in the world to be brought about by Gog and Magog will split families in two. The evil scheming and the deceitful plans, devised by the false prophet and the antichrist, will be the greatest deception since the Pharisees denied my Son. When they, the Pharisees, denied my Son, they prevented the Truth from being given to God’s children. This reduced the numbers and the followers of my Son, during His time on earth, and prevented them from becoming Christians. The same will be true of these two who will bear the image of goodness, but who will lead many of God’s children astray. They will blind many to the Truth as the sweeping changes, which they will bring about, throughout their reign, will detach people from the Laws of God.
God’s children will be told that evil is acceptable and that certain sins are not offensive to God. People will believe them and, as a result, will turn their backs on God.
Pray, pray, pray that their reign will be short and that the Truth will prevail so that my Son’s Church on earth can remain intact.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
This wicked gesture during Holy Week will be seen by those who keep their eyes open
Our eyes will be opened to the Truth during Holy Week. There is evil afoot at the top! Our Glorious Church has now been undermined by the false prophet. He will not last much longer. But we must pray that his time will come to an end sooner rather than later. He cannot wash the feet of unbelievers as a sign of 'goodwill'- only those who repent are worthy. Washing the feet of muslims or atheists or women in fact (His Apostles were men) is an affront to why this gesture was done by Christ for His Apostles in the first place. Jesus didn't do this for popularity, or showmanship. It was the most humble of gestures given symbolically to allow His Apostles to know that Jesus came to serve and be of God's Service to humanity to help them reach Salvation. Not as a sign of tolerance and acceptance of those who shun God's Beloved Saviour!
This wicked gesture during Holy Week will be seen by those who keep their eyes open
March 14, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, what suffering is being experienced by My beloved sacred servants, close to My Heart, who know the Truth and who have to witness the abomination in My Church on earth.
There is to be a particular insult, which will be inflicted upon My Holy Name, in an effort to desecrate Me, during Holy Week. This wicked gesture, during Holy Week, will be seen by those who keep their eyes open and this will be one of the signs by which you will know that the imposter, who sits on the throne in My Church on earth, does not come from Me.
My followers, you must know that the prophecies given to the world – warning of the time when the power, within My Church, will be seized by those who are loyal to the beast – are upon you. The time is now.
Remember that those who proudly display the badge of humility are guilty of pride. Pride is a sin.
Those who say that My Church must renew its image, update My Church’s doctrine and who say that, by modernising it, that this will be accepted by more people, then know this.
Those of you who say that you follow My Teachings, but who want laws changed to condone acts, which are sinful in My Eyes, get out of My Church now. You are not Mine. You have turned your backs on Me and are not worthy to enter My House. Yet, this is what will happen. You and all those of you who demand changes, which are embraced by the secular world, will be satisfied, for the false prophet will entice you into his favour and you will applaud every moment of his short lived reign. But, it will not be I, Jesus Christ, Who you will follow. You will be following a false doctrine, not of God.
So many will embrace the reign of the false prophet and push Me to one side with joy in their hearts. Then when the errors of his ways become apparent, My poor sacred servants will have nowhere to turn. Their sorrow will turn to fear and their fear will turn to despair. They won’t know who to trust, but they must understand this. My Body, My Church, may be scourged and desecrated but My Spirit can never be touched, for It can never die.
To those of you who reject My Word now and the Truth you are being given, as a special Gift from Heaven, I bless you. I will continue to pour My graces over you until you come back to Me. I will never give up until I can save your sorry souls.
My Church, where My Teachings and Sacraments remain intact, will live and can never die. It does not need bricks and mortar to survive, for it is I, Jesus Christ, Whose Body is the Church. You, My faithful beloved priests, sacred servants and followers are part of Me. You are united with My Body to form My Church on earth. So you must learn to be strong, courageous and faithful to My Holy Word, no matter what arguments are presented to you to the contrary.
The time for the schism to be laid bare is close, and already, a terrible unease is being felt in Rome. When the Holy Spirit clashes with the spirit of evil, a line divides down the middle so that two sides emerge. The great divide will descend quickly. Then many of those who have been deceived by the liar will run back into My Sacred Arms for protection.
I guide you during these sorrowful times and ask that you all hand Me over your tears and I will comfort you in spirit.
I bless you. I bring you peace of heart. I protect you.
Your beloved Jesus
His throne has been stolen. His power has not
We have heard the detail of how Jesus felt when He faced His accusers now in this Message. He is suffering the same disloyalty now! When are we going to wake up and know that we are giving the same pain to Him now as we did then??! He is hurting! Isn't that enough?! He has told us that berGOGlio is the imposter, WHO DID NOT acquire this position through Jesus' Authority! Pope Benedict is still the one who Jesus is guiding to guide us! Please for the first time in our lives, see the condemnation we give this antipope for what it is - he is of satan! It sounds ridiculous and I feel sad that I cannot follow this 'head of the Church' but Jesus is our Leader, He is the Head, the Keys of Rome have been returned to Heaven! Our Shepherd on earth is Benedict! St Peter and Jesus will guide him from Heaven. Get with the program people! Francis is a thief and an interloper! Jesus doesn't call him the 'Destroyer' for no reason! He is in his position because he sold his soul to satan! FULL STOP. EXCLAMATION POINT!!!
His throne has been stolen. His power has not
March 13, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, I have been condemned to death for the second time. The insult of the ruling in Rome, which you witnessed today, cuts Me in two.
When I stood before My executioners, accused of heresy and of daring to speak the Truth, My apostles ran away and were nowhere to be found. Those who followed Me and accepted My Teachings betrayed Me when My Word was challenged by those in authority. They began to lose trust in Me and they began to doubt Me.
Some of My followers believed the crimes of heresy, of which I was accused, and that they were justified. So powerful were My accusers – men in high places, dressed in exotic robes and who walked and talked with a sense of real authority – that few doubted them.
I was probed, challenged, sneered at, belittled, ridiculed and mocked for speaking the Truth. People fell before these rulers – men with mighty voices and whose authority was never questioned. My Voice became like a whisper in the midst of the roars of My accusers.
“Heretic” – they shouted. They said I spoke with an evil tongue, that I blasphemed against God and that I wanted to destroy their church. And so, they murdered Me in cold blood.
It will be no different when I try to make My Voice known now, when I attempt to warn all God’s children about events, which I spoke to you, My daughter, for the last couple of years. My Word will be treated with contempt. My Word will be questioned. Doubts will creep in and, once again, My apostles will run away and leave Me to the wolves.
Make no mistake, the Truth has been revealed to you. I have told you, My followers, how you will be deceived. This will be very difficult for you because you will question this imposter who sits in My Father’s House.
My beloved Pope Benedict XVI was persecuted and fled, as foretold. I have not appointed this person, who claims to come in My Name.
He, Pope Benedict, will guide My followers towards the Truth. I have not deserted him and I will hold him close to My Heart and give him the comfort he needs at this terrible time.
His throne has been stolen. His power has not.
Your Jesus
God the Father: The battle now rages between My Hierarchy and the domain of the beast
God is telling us loud and clear that there are no reasons for us to doubt that Francis 1 is indeed the false prophet. Let's just not ever get caught up in his lies by believing that he is a good man. He is not and all will be revealed soon because he will not keep up his charade for long! Pray his time in the Seat of Peter will not be long and that he will not succeed in dividing the Church!
God the Father: The battle now rages between My Hierarchy and the domain of the beast
March 12, 2013
My dearest daughter, the Heavens weep in sorrow on this terrible day foretold so very long ago.
The whole of humanity will now face the greatest deception of all, and which has been perpetrated by the beast.
The tears of My Son, whose death on the Cross gave My children freedom, fall now, over the whole world at this time, in agony.
My Anger is contained at this time, but My Fury is great. Very soon the deceit will become clear to all those appointed by My Son to lead His flock on earth.
The battle now rages between My Hierarchy and the domain of the beast. It will be painful, but soon, the chastisement, which will follow the evil persecution, plotted by the enemy and his cohorts, will wipe out the rot.
I call on all of My children to turn to My Son and to place all your trust in Him at this time.
Be brave, My little ones, for this pain will be short-lived. Those who follow the beast and the false prophet will be given insight, by the Power of My Hand, in order to bring them back into the Heart of My Son. If they reject this Gift, then they are lost and will suffer the same torment, which faces the imposter who will be cast into the abyss for eternity.
The crowning of the false prophet will be celebrated by Masonic groups in all corners who plan the final stages of persecution of all My children.
Those who will celebrate with him and who know no better will, in time, feel even more pain than those who already know the Truth.
Await now, with courage and hope, for all this must come to pass before the Glorious Reign of My Son is manifested.
You must pledge your allegiance to My beloved Son at all times and refuse to accept lies. If, and when, you are asked to participate in a new Mass know that it will be the greatest curse ever inflicted by Satan against My children.
Know that Heaven will guide you and that, by accepting the pain with dignity, you will help My Son to fulfil the final covenant.
Your Beloved Father
God the Most High
Friday, 8 January 2016
Mother of Salvation: The Crusade Prayer Groups will save billions of souls
There is much to be said for faith. We don't appreciate it enough. By our faith, we are given Grace to know the Truth. Without this knowledge a soul wanders aimlessly without any direction, without the Light of Christ to Guide them. A sad existence! Our Mother in Heaven has been instrumental in bringing us closer to Her Son through Her Apparitions around the world for centuries yet She is ignored. Only those with such faith, accept Her Intercessions and desire to help Her Son save humanity and bring them to Her Son. To ignore Her is likened to losing one oar from your rowboat and struggling to reach your destination with the remaining oar. We need Her, humanity needs Her. Mother is telling us that our Crusade Prayer groups who pray earnestly the prayers given to us through this Mission will save billions of souls! This is not the time to ignore Her Advice!
Mother of Salvation: The Crusade Prayer Groups will save billions of souls
March 10, 2013
My dear child, at this time you will feel even more alone and isolated as the Holy Word of God roars aloud to warn humanity of the need to prepare their souls.
Children, it is now that you need to ask My beloved Son to sustain your courage during the dark days, months and years, which lie ahead of you. You must rejoice because so many souls, inspired by the Holy Spirit, have responded to the call of My Son, Jesus Christ. He loves you all so much that it brings tears of joy to me, His beloved Mother. How He will spread His Mercy is beyond your understanding and He will draw, even those who despise Him, close to His Heart.
Not long now will it be before His great Second Coming, so you must give Glory to God. To prepare you must receive Reconciliation as often as possible and continue to pray for souls
While God is Almighty and His Glory will now be fully understood, when you bear witness to His Second Coming, you, His Remnant Army, must help Him in His plan to save humanity.
The Crusade Prayer Groups will save billions of souls and, therefore, you must spread and multiply. God’s Graces are being poured out over all of His Children who participate in these prayer groups. They will be the armour, which will shield mankind from the persecution planned by the antichrist.
Never give up, children. Remain in a state of Grace at all times and continue to follow my Son’s instructions. He will never forsake you, so great is His Love for you.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
By the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world
Look for 2016 - a year which will lead into the final six months (first half of 2017) which will be the end to the Great Tribulation. Read up on the Messages of Garabandal which give insight into the Warning as described by Jesus to the seers, just as Jesus has given to Maria in these Messages. We know that the Miracle will occur before the Warning. We know that the Miracle will occur on a Thursday night at 8.30pm. We know it will occur shortly after a major Synod. The Miracle will take place ( a word found in the dictionary beginning with 'A' of cosmic origin will be seen) - some believe this is 'asteroid' which won't be pre-known to scientists and will occur on the Feast Day of an obscure child Saint of the Eucharist - some believe this to be St Tarcisius (April 14th), very close to Easter - so Holy Thursday night?. Anyhow beyond that is anyone's guess and none of us know as this is God's Plan and He will ensure it is done when the most conversions can take place. Time is drawing near nevertheless and Jesus asks we prepare our souls to face our mini Judgement so we have a very good chance of inheriting our Rightful Inheritance in Christ's Kingdom.
By the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world
March 9, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, by the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world.
No sooner will the abomination be witnessed than the Truth of these Messages will be truly understood.
Gather your people together, unite in prayer, for a dark cloud will cover the earth. The punishments will be meted upon humanity as it plunges into an abyss of indifference and apathy, to the Word of God.
Those who have turned their backs on the Gifts given to humanity, by My death on the Cross, will be awakened and will see how grotesque their souls appear before My Eyes. Soon they will see that they have been given only a short time in which to repent. For My patience is great, but My sadness is profound. So bitter are their hearts, that they do not only shun Me, their beloved Jesus, but they deny themselves the Gifts, which I make freely available to them.
How they have been deceived into believing in their own false illusions that the world is theirs to live, any which way they choose, without a care to slow them down, in their pursuit of satisfaction. This world will no longer be theirs for the taking, because it is only a temporary state. Soon they will find themselves in a new state and, for many of them, it will not be in My New Paradise.
My intervention is close to hand and My Plan to salvage the world will soon be made fully known. Pride is your greatest enemy and is Satan’s biggest fault. When someone denounces another; reprimands another and points a finger of accusation against another, in My Name, they have fallen victim to the sin of Satan.
It will be the sin of pride, which will be the downfall of humanity, and which will plunge many souls into the fires of Hell.
Do not fall victim to this curse of the evil one and remain silent if you do not agree with another who shouts aloud against Me, with lies pouring from their mouths, even if you know they do not speak the Truth. You must lower your eyes and simply proclaim My Word.
Defend Me only by declaring to the world what you know of My Plan to save souls. And even when those souls, who believe that their knowledge of Me gives them the right to admonish others and demand answers from you, you must never defend Me through arguments.
Many events in the world will shock most of humanity, shortly. Even the most disinterested people, who live their lives in a vacuum of worldly ambition, with little time for spiritual matters, will begin to realize that there is much change. They will know that these changes are beyond their comprehension and this will result in their being more open to the Word of God.
Your Jesus
By the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world
March 9, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, by the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world.
No sooner will the abomination be witnessed than the Truth of these Messages will be truly understood.
Gather your people together, unite in prayer, for a dark cloud will cover the earth. The punishments will be meted upon humanity as it plunges into an abyss of indifference and apathy, to the Word of God.
Those who have turned their backs on the Gifts given to humanity, by My death on the Cross, will be awakened and will see how grotesque their souls appear before My Eyes. Soon they will see that they have been given only a short time in which to repent. For My patience is great, but My sadness is profound. So bitter are their hearts, that they do not only shun Me, their beloved Jesus, but they deny themselves the Gifts, which I make freely available to them.
How they have been deceived into believing in their own false illusions that the world is theirs to live, any which way they choose, without a care to slow them down, in their pursuit of satisfaction. This world will no longer be theirs for the taking, because it is only a temporary state. Soon they will find themselves in a new state and, for many of them, it will not be in My New Paradise.
My intervention is close to hand and My Plan to salvage the world will soon be made fully known. Pride is your greatest enemy and is Satan’s biggest fault. When someone denounces another; reprimands another and points a finger of accusation against another, in My Name, they have fallen victim to the sin of Satan.
It will be the sin of pride, which will be the downfall of humanity, and which will plunge many souls into the fires of Hell.
Do not fall victim to this curse of the evil one and remain silent if you do not agree with another who shouts aloud against Me, with lies pouring from their mouths, even if you know they do not speak the Truth. You must lower your eyes and simply proclaim My Word.
Defend Me only by declaring to the world what you know of My Plan to save souls. And even when those souls, who believe that their knowledge of Me gives them the right to admonish others and demand answers from you, you must never defend Me through arguments.
Many events in the world will shock most of humanity, shortly. Even the most disinterested people, who live their lives in a vacuum of worldly ambition, with little time for spiritual matters, will begin to realize that there is much change. They will know that these changes are beyond their comprehension and this will result in their being more open to the Word of God.
Your Jesus
He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces
We will see very soon things will begin to unravel and the Church will be torn to shreds. The Body of Christ will be divided and scattered. But throughout it all, His Body, the Church, will be strengthened because His Body will be the Remnant Army forging forth to proclaim the Truth of the Gospel and His Holy Word! Yes it will be very tough especially for His Sacred Servants who will stand by Him. We must pray for them! They will be the courageous ones who will give up their life rather than sell out to the devil. They will help lead us and keep the Body of Christ safe from evil!
He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces
March 8, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, Satan is in a rage against My Church on earth and his infestation continues to spread within its walls.
The cunning imposter, who has lain in waiting in the wings, patiently, will soon declare his reign over My poor unsuspecting sacred servants. The pain he will inflict is too hard for Me to bear, and yet, his reign will culminate in the final purging of evil from within the core of My Church.
He has carefully manipulated his position and soon his pompous demeanor will be seen amidst his splendid court. His pride, arrogance and self-obsession will be carefully hidden from the world in the beginning. To the outside world, a sigh of relief will be heard as the trumpets peal out to announce his term as head of My Church.
My Body is My Church, but it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, he will pledge his loyalty, for he does not possess any love for Me. His loyalty is to the beast and how he will laugh and sneer at My sacred servants who will support him.
He who dares to sit in My Temple, and who has been sent by the evil one, cannot speak the truth, for he does not come from Me. He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces before he will spit it out from his vile mouth.
My Body is My Church. My Church is still alive but only those who speak the Truth and adhere to the Holy Word of God can be part of My Church on earth. Now that the final insult is to be manifested against Me, Jesus Christ, through the Chair of Peter, you will finally understand the Truth.
The Book of Truth, foretold to Daniel, for the time of the end, will not be taken lightly by members of My Church, for its content will sicken My beloved sacred servants when they realise that I speak the Truth.
The false prophet – he who poses as the leader of My Church – is ready to wear the robes, which were not made for him.
He will desecrate My Holy Eucharist and will divide My Church in half and then by half again.
He will make efforts to dismiss those loyal followers of My beloved Holy Vicar Pope Benedict XVI, appointed by Me.
He will root out all those who are loyal to My Teachings and throw them to the wolves.
His actions won’t become apparent immediately, but soon the signs will be seen as he sets out to seek the support of influential world leaders and those in high places.
When the abomination takes root the changes will be sudden. Announcements by him to create a united Catholic Church by linking up with all faiths and other religions will come soon after.
He will head up the new one-world religion and will reign over pagan religions. He will embrace atheism by waivering the stigma he will say is attached in the pursuit of so-called human rights. All sins, in the Eyes of God, will be deemed acceptable by this new inclusive-Church.
Any one who dares to challenge him will be sought out and punished. Those priests, bishops and cardinals who oppose him will be excommunicated and stripped of their titles. Others will be bullied and persecuted with many priests having to go into hiding.
To those poor sacred servants of Mine who recognise My Voice now, please hear Me as I reach out to you to bring you comfort. I would never ask you to reject My Church on earth for it was I, your beloved Saviour, who created it. I offered My Body up as the Living Sacrifice to save you. You have been given the responsibility to testify on My behalf in order to save the souls of those whom you instruct and guide.
All you can do is trust in Me and continue to serve Me. What you must not do is to accept any doctrine presented to you and which you will know, instantly, is not in accordance with My Teachings. You must do what your heart tells you, but know this.
This period is going to cause you deep pain and the raw grief you will experience when you see how My Church will be desecrated will leave you weeping. But you must recognize the lies which are to be presented to you for what they are – an affront to My death on the Cross.
This destruction may result in the collapse of the structure of My Church. The changes and adaptations of buildings along with the new temple created for the one world church will be crafted and placed in Rome.
Be assured that, just as My Temple is desecrated, that I, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all mankind, will be discarded and thrown into the gutter.
Your Jesus
Prayer will, and can, save humanity
Thankyou Lord Jesus for seeing our weariness in praying all the Crusade Prayers each day. I have loved reciting them but some days I get caught out and find it hasn't been completed. So now You are giving us another way of praying them and one that will surely enhance the meditative side of prayer which will be more heartfelt. It is always heartening to hear You tell us how we give you joy in our prayerfulness and we must always remember that our prayers are being heard and answered and souls are definitely being saved! Thankyou Jesus! Amen
Prayer will, and can, save humanity
March 7, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that My disciples on earth understand how prayer will, and can, save humanity. The power of prayer and, especially, the recital of the Holy Rosary, which renders the beast impotent, cannot be underestimated. To save more souls you must also recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Choose the Crusade Prayers I give you and say them, so that you can focus on different requests during each prayer group. If, for example, you are praying the Crusade Prayer for the Grace of Immunity do this in a way, so that the prayer group, that day, can concentrate on a selection of Crusade Prayers, which calls on God’s protection for souls. Then on another day, focus on a selection of prayers, which are given to you for the protection of priests and clergy.
These Crusade Prayer groups, when formed all over the world, will become the armour necessary to defeat the enemy in more ways than you can believe possible.
I will continue to give you the Gifts of new prayers, which bring with them special miracles. Without such intervention I could not save the souls I so desire.
Go and plan your Crusade Prayer meetings based on the format given to you, but break them into parts, so that you can focus on special intentions. There is no need to recite all prayers together, although I urge that you do recite as many as possible during any one week.
You bring Me such joy and comfort, My precious followers. I grant you My blessings of strength and courage as you continue your quest to save souls. I love you.
Your Jesus
Many of you will reject this Call from Heaven because of fear
Jesus is The Truth, The Way and The Life! We shall not see Paradise if we don't trust in Him and follow His Ways. He is the Light, The Path, The Salvation! Whom do we fear? We fear ourselves, our limitations we place on Truth, our loss of worldliness! What we should fear is our own lack of understanding that we need to change, we need to be rid of pride and self-indulgence, we need to take God seriously! We can't put God in a box! We cannot take out our responsibility in preparing our souls! Just listen to His Instructions! Listen to His Word! Change what needs to be changed! Let go of what bears you down to the earth! Love yourselves enough to ask for your Salvation! JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOU!!
Many of you will reject this Call from Heaven because of fear
March 6, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, I call to all those in the world who believe in Me, Jesus Christ, to listen.
So many of you will find it difficult to accept the suffering you will have to face in My Name. Up to now, your suffering has been limited to the sorrow you have felt in your souls for the sins of man and for the Sacrifice I made to save humanity from its wickedness. Now, you will be ridiculed for your Faith and made to feel ashamed when you uphold My Teachings and the Laws of God.
Many of you will reject this Call from Heaven because of fear. To accept that I now communicate with the world, to prepare it for My Second Coming, is not something people can accept easily. For who is My prophet? And who are those who came before her in My Name? How do you know she speaks the Truth with so many false prophets and imposters who confuse you? Never has there been a prophet, sent from Heaven, who has not suffered ridicule, abuse, torment and cruelty. Not one. Many were murdered. You can be assured that when the fruits of My Work, given to such prophets, result in prayer and conversion, that they have been sent by God, into the world, to prepare His children, so that they will come back to Him.
Be aware that My true prophets will withstand the test of time and for those who ignore the Messages they bring to the human race, there will be screaming and gnashing of teeth. When you attack My Holy Word, given to a true prophet, you interfere with the Will of God. You may feel no shame now. You may believe you are defending My Word when you attack My prophets, but in time the damage you do to this, My last Mission on earth, when revealed to you, will bring you terrible fear and sorrow.
If you love Me, you must keep your eyes open and read carefully My instructions. If you fail to heed My warnings, given to you because of God’s Love, you will reject the Truth. The Truth can only save you. The Truth is the oxygen needed to sustain the life of your soul. Without the Truth you will not see Me clearly, nor will you be able to make the right choices. Remember I Am the Truth. Without Me, you have no life.
Your Jesus
Thursday, 7 January 2016
The signs will be given to all of you and miracles will take place
Well Lord, we don't yet know what miracles and wonders will take place or how we should interpret these things when they do happen, but one thing is for sure, we are grateful for Your confidence in Your Army of Crusade Prayer warriors, who have been given Your Gift of these experiences and look forward to seeing more of them in the future. We await eagerly Your Instructions Lord Jesus......and thankyou so much for letting that nice policeman this morning decide not to register my speed! I will watch my speed from now on! Amen.
The signs will be given to all of you and miracles will take place
March 5, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, let no man fail to recognise the changes, which will erupt throughout the world, for everything foretold in the Book of Revelation will take place. Many of these events will differ from the usual human interpretation of the secrets revealed to John the Evangelist. Yet they will make sense when you see them for what they are.
The elaborate, but carefully, sophisticated, plan by the antichrist has been cleverly couched with many people, including world renowned politicians, failing to spot this evil plan up to now.
Many centres have been set up in various nations where they plan the take-over of many countries. Their activities have, however, been curtailed because of the prayers of chosen souls and those of you who recite My Crusade Prayers.
Your prayers will always be heard in Heaven, so you must continue to pray fervently to mitigate the evil actions of the beast who will never win this battle for souls as his days are short.
My desire is not to frighten you but to prepare you. I now bequeath special powers and graces to all of you who adhere to My wishes to recite the Crusade Prayers. The signs will be given to all of you and miracles will take place.
My Power will surge through your veins as I carry you on My Path to salvage humanity.
Your Jesus
My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold
Short and sweet Lord and very to the point! Jesus says:
"Those poor souls, who do not believe that I speak the Truth, through these Messages, must ask themselves this. Do you believe in the Holy Bible and the prophecies declared within its covers? Do you believe in the antichrist and the revelations about the false imposter who will take the Seat of Peter through devious means? If you do, then accept that this is the time for these events to unravel before your eyes. It is not for the future – it is now taking place. Accept this with courage and come to Me with complete trust, for I love you. I need you to keep your eyes wide open. You must not shy away from the Truth.
The abomination has now begun. When you refuse My Cup, you prevent Me from salvaging the souls I need to complete the Covenant promised to My Father. "
My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold
March 3, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, fear not the attacks, which are being mounted against you, for I Am with you every second to make you stronger. It saddens Me to tell you that you will suffer much verbal abuse, because of the timing of this, My Plan of Salvation.
For this is the time in which, not only will fervent Catholics be tested in their faith and their allegiance to Me, it will also be the greatest trial for all Christians in every part of the world.
To those who accuse you of heresy, I say this. I, Jesus Christ, would never lie, for I Am the Truth. I could never deceive you, for that would not be possible. Remember, it is My Body, which is the Church. My Church on earth is under attack and this means that My Body will be Crucified again, as foretold. By this, I mean, that My Body will no longer be Present, the minute the Holy Eucharist is discarded by ministers in the Holy See of Rome. This will become a reality and you must turn your back.
I ask you to pray for all of God’s children – all My sacred servants, including the misguided false prophets. However, I will never ask you to pray for the antichrist, for that is not possible.
Wake up, all of you, and listen to what I must tell you. You must not panic, despair or lose hope, for this abomination will be the final torment, which all God’s children will have to witness and endure before I come again.
That will be the day of Great Glory, Great Joy and My Coming will bring to an end the evil, which blights the earth.
Instead of fear, be joyful. You must look forward to My Second Coming, because I bring with Me, the New Paradise, promised to you.
When you carry My Cross it will always be difficult. The times in which you live now, bring with them a form of crucifixion, which most Christians will find very difficult to endure – so great will their pain be.
Those poor souls, who do not believe that I speak the Truth, through these Messages, must ask themselves this. Do you believe in the Holy Bible and the prophecies declared within its covers? Do you believe in the antichrist and the revelations about the false imposter who will take the Seat of Peter through devious means? If you do, then accept that this is the time for these events to unravel before your eyes. It is not for the future – it is now taking place. Accept this with courage and come to Me with complete trust, for I love you. I need you to keep your eyes wide open. You must not shy away from the Truth.
The abomination has now begun. When you refuse My Cup, you prevent Me from salvaging the souls I need to complete the Covenant promised to My Father.
I bless you. I long for your hearts to open, so that I can take you into My Glorious Kingdom.
Your Jesus
I ask all of My sacred servants to call on Me, their beloved Jesus, that I can cover them with My Precious Blood
Pray for our priests, bishops and cardinals, pastors, ministers and chaplains. So many are wayward in their thinking. They prefer to of the world rather than just in it! Ask God to deliver them from pride and arrogance which denies their hearts to open to Truth.
I ask all of My sacred servants to call on Me, their beloved Jesus, that I can cover them with My Precious Blood
February 28, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, I have sent My Holy Spirit to cover all of God’s children at this time in an effort to lift the darkness of evil in the world.
You must pray hard for all of My sacred servants at this time in the terrible state of confusion in which they find themselves. So sorrowful will they be, in the next few weeks because of the demise of My Holy Vicar, that they will not know where to turn.
I ask all of My sacred servants to call on Me, their beloved Jesus, that I can cover them with My Precious Blood. I will give them the Graces, which they will need to discern the Truth of My Teaching. Then they will recognize the deceit, which is to be presented to them.
They must never doubt Me. They must place all their trust in Me. They must never forsake My Name and they must keep alert at all times.
Tell them that I love them tenderly and that they will be given special Gifts from Heaven. These Gifts will bring them peace, hope and courage, in the turbulent times, which lie ahead within My Holy Church on earth.
Your Jesus
It will only be the brave and courageous amongst you, who love Me the most, who will lead My army towards salvation
Lord Jesus, in the face of adversity, help us to be brave and courageous soldiers in Your Remnant Army to continue fighting the good fight always! Amen
It will only be the brave and courageous amongst you, who love Me the most, who will lead My army towards salvation
February 28, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, these days, almost upon you, bring with them a terrible darkness and despair, the likes of which has never been witnessed in your lifetimes.
This darkness will be of the spirit and will be caused by the emptiness of those souls who follow the antichrist and the false prophet. The pain of the spirit, which they will inflict on Christians, who will refuse to listen to heresy, will be difficult to endure.
I only tell you this, so you will know in your hearts, that the pain of rejection you feel will be because you, by upholding My Holy Word, will suffer in My Name.
You must never question the huge demands, which will be made upon you, or lose confidence, for it is I, your King, who has the Power to ensure that you can bear this. Nor, must you ever doubt that this Remnant Army, of which you will now become part of in order to remain true to Me, Jesus Christ, has been foretold.
Do not listen to those who will try to tell you that you must not believe in these, My Holy Messages for the world, for they are being deceived. You must pray for those who will not have the strength or the Spirit of discernment and who will choose the wrong fork in the road. Many who will follow the false prophet, will try to drag you down the same road.
Brother will fight brother and sister, father against son, mother against daughter – all in their quest to follow the Truth, but so many will fail to see the errors of the teachings of the false prophet and will be lost to Me.
It will only be the brave and courageous amongst you, who love Me the most, who will lead My army towards salvation. They will bring with them billions of souls, under My Guidance, to safety. This is why you must never give up.
Your Jesus
My Holy Eucharist must still be received by you. You must not stop your daily Sacrifice, as it will not be you who will be forced to make this decision
Lord I do hope and pray that You will have Mercy on me for working my job through the time that Mass is set in my parish. In the past I have had the opportunity also and have neglected that duty making excuses regarding petrol consumption, kids getting ready for school, distance to travel etc etc. All these I am sure are very lame in Your Eyes. Now out of my hands, NOT attending Mass has become the burden! Please let me make reparation any way You see fit during this time. I am at Your Mercy Lord always. Amen
My Holy Eucharist must still be received by you. You must not stop your daily Sacrifice, as it will not be you who will be forced to make this decision
February 27, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the daily Masses will continue for some time and I urge all My followers to continue to attend them, as before.
My Holy Eucharist must still be received by you. You must not stop your daily Sacrifice, as it will not be you who will be forced to make this decision. It will be declared to become a different kind of sacrifice to God and you will know, instantly, when it will happen, for the practice of the Holy Mass will be stopped by the false prophet. In the place of the Holy Mass will be a one-world pagan ritual and you, My beloved followers, blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit will recognize it, for what it will be.
You must never ever abandon the Church I gave to the world, which is based upon My Teachings, and the Sacrifice of My death on the Cross, presented to you with the most Sacred Gifts.
You, My beloved followers, are My Church. My beloved priests and clergy, blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will never forsake Me. Nor, will they forsake you. And so, My Church will live on, as it can never die. The Church is My Body on earth, and therefore, can never be destroyed. Yet it will be crushed, tormented and discarded and then left in the wilderness to die. While every attempt to destroy every last morsel of life will be made by My enemies, My Church will rise again. But remember, it will never die, although it might appear this way.
My Church on earth will be reduced in size and will become, through no fault of its own, the remnant army.
My True Vicar, discarded, will fight to lead God’s children to the best of his ability. It will be I, Jesus Christ, who will guide you, lift you and deliver you from the evil, which will be forced upon you; an evil, which will come to an abrupt and terrible end, for all those who side with the antichrist and his slaves.
Your Jesus
One of the other political leaders, about whom I spoke some time ago, will soon be assassinated
Jesus says: "Very soon a division will occur in Europe, all of which is connected to the EU and the country in which the Chair of Peter is located. This will result in a war, which will be a different kind of war to other wars. But it will be vicious. People will rise against each other in Germany, Italy and France. You must pray that My followers remain strong and ensure that Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups are set up quickly in these countries."
One of the other political leaders, about whom I spoke some time ago, will soon be assassinated
February 26, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, one of the other political leaders, about whom I spoke some time ago, will soon be assassinated.
I wish you to reveal, to all, who this person is, afterwards, through the proof given to you and others, so that more will accept the Truth of the Messages. This poor soul escaped death, some time ago, but his new popularity will place him in danger. He is an enemy of the masonic forces and they will not tolerate his leadership for long.
When you, My followers, see the prophecies given to a chosen soul take place, you will know that they speak the Truth and that they have been given this from Heaven, for they would be incapable of making it up.
It is My desire to prove to those who scorn My Messages, that it is I, your beloved Jesus Christ, Who speaks to the world through this prophet. While it brings Me great joy to see how much you love Me and follow the prayers handed to you from Heaven, it is the sceptics I need to embrace.
Very soon a division will occur in Europe, all of which is connected to the EU and the country in which the Chair of Peter is located. This will result in a war, which will be a different kind of war to other wars. But it will be vicious. People will rise against each other in Germany, Italy and France. You must pray that My followers remain strong and ensure that Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups are set up quickly in these countries.
The time has come for Me, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, to reveal more information contained in the Seals. I will do this carefully, as you must be prepared both spiritually and physically. As a God of Justice, I will ensure that I will guide you all and bless you with My Strength as each layer unfolds one at a time.
Your beloved Jesus
He will be a very close ally of the false prophet and is under no illusion as to who he is – the son of Satan
Oh Oh Oh! This is so great! Jesus is telling us that He will help us so much through the time of the false prophet and the antichrist! He is giving us yet more details of how to watch out for this Apostasy in the Church and that priests who are so anti these Messages now will be forced to rethink their position! Wow! So exciting! And then to top it all off, Jesus tells us in a most certain tone "this time will be short"!! Yay! We can do this people! We can win this battle! Just keep the faith and keep your eyes and ears open to Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help you God!!!
He will be a very close ally of the false prophet and is under no illusion as to who he is – the son of Satan
February 25, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the times ahead will shake the world from its slumber, irrespective as to what religion, if any, people follow, for the voice of the little horn will command attention from all over the world. Seated in the Chair of Peter, this imposter will shout aloud and proudly proclaim his solution to unite all churches as one. Hailed as a modern innovator, he will be applauded by the secular world because he will condone sin.
He will bring in new laws, which will, not only contradict the Teachings of the Catholic Church, but which will go against all Christian laws. The priests who oppose these Messages will be forced to reconsider them when the awful truth is revealed. The Truth of My Word, given to you, My daughter, will slowly dawn on them at last. How they will weep in sorrow when they realise that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who – with the Blessing of My Father – reveals to you the end time prophecies in every detail.
Then they will devour every Word from My Sacred Lips as I reveal more events to come, in order to prepare humanity. It is essential that man listens and responds to My Call, so that I can save everyone from the grasp of the beast.
The false prophet, while busy with his lofty ambitions to impress the world’s Catholics, will be pushed to one side, for a while, because the antichrist will now enter the world stage, as foretold. When you hear the media reports of the new, promising, skilled, peace negotiator, you will know who he is. He will be a very close ally of the false prophet and is under no illusion as to who he is – the son of Satan.
Remember that no matter how frightening this may be, that I, Jesus Christ, Am King. No man, no enemy, has more power than God. But the battle for souls must be fought, as foretold. By spreading My Word, My Messages and My Prayers, you will help Me to save the souls I need, so that My New Paradise can be filled with all of God’s children.
Always trust in Me, your Jesus, as I will guide and protect you during this abomination on earth. I promise the period will be short.
Your Jesus
The biggest mistake you can make is to assume that only hardened sinners are cast into the fires of Hell
Souls by the score are being saved! Please remember these important prayers in your daily prayer routine:
Crusade Prayer (76) The Atheist Prayer
“Jesus help me to accept the love of God as it is being shown to me. Open my eyes, my mind, my heart and my soul so that I can be saved. Help me to believe by filling my heart with Your love. Then hold me and save me from the torment of doubt. Amen.”
Crusade Prayer (79) for 2 billion lost souls.
“O Dear Jesus I beg You to pour Your Mercy over the lost souls. Forgive them their rejection of You and use my prayer and suffering so You can,... through Your Mercy, pour over them the Graces they need to sanctify their souls.
I ask You for the gift of clemency for their souls. I ask You to open their hearts so they will go to You and ask You to fill them with the Holy Spirit so they can accept the Truth of Your Love and live with You and all of God’s family forever. Amen.”
The biggest mistake you can make is to assume that only hardened sinners are cast into the fires of Hell
February 24, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, when the world experiences The Warning it will divide into two parts.
The first part will consist of those who have accepted the Confession, and whose souls have been engulfed with the Holy Spirit. From that day on, their conversion will be complete, and because of this, they will suffer by the hands of those who reject My Hand of Mercy.
The second part will be made up of those hardened souls whose loyalty is to the beast and who have pledged their hearts and souls to Satan, deliberately and in the full knowledge as to what they are doing. For they believe in the so-called paradise he has promised them, which of course does not exist. Their destiny is eternal suffering in the fires of Hell.
There are also those souls who do not believe in God or Me, their Saviour, Jesus Christ. My Mercy will not be accepted by many of them. They will not care about the state of their souls because they believe that it does not matter. These are the atheists – many of whom are good people at heart, but who believe that they control their own lives and that their pursuit of worldly delights will sustain them in this life; that this will be sufficient to bring them peace and satisfaction, which of course, cannot be, for it is impossible until sin is eradicated.
Their stubbornness means that, unless they change and accept Me, Jesus Christ, they cannot go to My Father. They cannot be given access to the Paradise He has created for all His children.
The biggest mistake you can make is to assume that only hardened sinners are cast into the fires of Hell. Sadly all those who reject God, cannot be near God, nor can they be forced to accept Him. Their free will is the great Gift given to them by God. It cannot be taken away from them through force of any kind. It will be by their own free will, which will dictate their fate. They will either choose My Hand and enter Paradise, or accept the lies planted in their minds by Satan, which will seal their destiny.
Your Jesus
Yes, My Word is for all, but there is a huge responsibility involved in the promotion of My Messages
Lord, I hope you are happy with those of us as part of this Mission in the Holy Remnant Army of God, who are placing Your Messages just wherever we can on the internet, because truly, it is wonderful to see how hearts who are searching for the Truth feel a deep sense of You when they read Your Words. We will only share what it is You wish us to share - all in Your Will. Your Mission is working Jesus. You will gain the souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart, we will ensure it! Amen.
Yes, My Word is for all, but there is a huge responsibility involved in the promotion of My Messages
February 23, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, I give the world the Book of Truth for every soul, in every nation. It is a Gift for humanity, but know this.
I give you, My daughter, the sole authority to decide how it is to be translated, distributed and published to protect this Work. Everything regarding the publication of these Messages can only be done under your personal approval. This is My desire and any man who does not obey My instructions to you, and publishes My Messages for profit does not have My Blessing.
Yes, My Word is for all, but there is a huge responsibility involved in the promotion of My Messages and how the Book of Truth is published. Donations are not required, as the proceeds from the books must be used to fund the production of other books and the costs of publishing in all tongues.
You, My daughter, will be constantly attacked for obeying Me in this matter. You will be accused of trying to profit from this Work, and yet you will know that this is untrue and not possible.
Those who will attack you most, in this matter, will be those who want to gain or profit in some way from My Word and they will become angry when you will not allow them to control this Work.
I, therefore, declare that no one has been given the authority for spreading My Holy Word in book form – only you, My daughter. You may, however, give permission, under My Guidance, to those who ask to help you through websites and printed documents. But they may do this only when they seek and receive permission by you to do so.
My Word is Sacred and all respect must be shown for My desires and instructions to humanity. You, My followers, must do as My prophet Maria asks of you and respect her wishes in relation to the publication of My Messages. Attack her, because of this Work, and you offend Me, your Jesus.
You will, My followers, be required to do My Holy Will at all times, no matter what the situation is. I guide My daughter Maria. She has been chosen as the end time prophet. I speak through her. Her voice becomes Mine. Her sorrow and pain are Mine. Her love for others is My Love. Her joy comes from My Sacred Heart. Her hand is being guided by Mine. Her understanding as to how I wish My Word to be heard comes from Me.
My daughter has been given these Gifts from Heaven for a reason. Listen to what she tells you, for you can be sure that it will have come from Me.
Your Jesus
You are living in the time when many of God’s children have become pagans
Lord Jesus how I can just share a human moment in Your Unfathomable frustration with those who have been sucked into the new age vortex. I was one of them many years ago but in Your Mercy You never let me go too far, although it was far enough for me! How many days have passed that I have not said thankyou for bringing me back from that hellish brink! and for this I am so sorry. Please accept my humble gratitude to You now as my Saving Grace from a life which I shudder to think could have been mine! I love You Jesus so much. I pray for those who believe they have found their narcissistic utopia which only exists in their own minds. Lord forgive them for they know not what they do. Bring them back Lord like you did me! Amen
You are living in the time when many of God’s children have become pagans
February 22, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, you are living in the time when many of God’s children have become pagans. Even those born as Jews and Christians have now resorted to different kinds of idolatry, as foretold.
How it offends Me to witness the respect, which God’s children hold in their hearts for self-gratification and a belief in false gods, which exist only in their minds.
The surges of new age spiritualism and a passion for all things, which relate to the calming of the mind, amount to one thing. These people are in darkness because they refuse to acknowledge Me, Jesus Christ. By blocking out the Light of God, deliberately, they leave themselves open to the darkness of the spirit of evil. Satan and his demons prey on such souls and cause, within them, a terrible stark emptiness, which no matter what new age spiritual remedies they seek, they will never find comfort, for this is not the natural habitat into which they were born.
The paganism which has gripped humanity at this time is at its highest since before the time I, Jesus Christ, was born on earth. Although the world was given the Truth of the Existence of God, and even though I, through My death on the Cross, saved them from damnation, they still turn their backs.
Self-obsession, adulation and a love of worldly excesses, is the scourge of mankind and it comes from a desperate sense of unease, disquiet and barrenness. Idolatry – a love of famous people, false gods and the display of pagan objects – bring a cloud of darkness upon all those who are passionate about such pursuits. Christians suffer ridicule by the hands of such people, but through their suffering and prayers, they can help to save their fellow human beings from the fires of Hell.
When you flirt with these false idols, you play with the demons from Hell, sent to drag you into the abyss for eternity. Never believe that such pagan practices are harmless, because they are not. When you spend your time and your mind in such distractions you shut yourself away from God and eternal life.
Wake up to the Truth. I Am the Truth. There is no other way to eternal happiness, only through I, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. I come now to reveal the Truth, so that I can save you again and bring you eternal life by helping you to salvage your souls.
Your Jesus
This Great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar has left Rome
Thankyou Lord for clarifying that the Warning will occur after Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will leave Rome. It is our understanding that he will continue to lead the Church as our True Shepherd from wherever he is - guiding the New Jerusalem. Please protect him and keep him safe. We need him! Amen
This Great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar has left Rome
February 20, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, while it may seem unfair that God’s children have to suffer under the reign of the false prophet and the antichrist, know this. All souls in the world have to endure the pain of rejection and the suffering, which I endured, in some measure, in order to be purified.
I, through My Great Mercy, will ensure that this purification takes place quickly. Then, My followers will expand in numbers, in readiness for My Second Coming. My Father will watch over all the trials, which will be felt by all of His children, with great tenderness of Heart. He will intervene when the evil acts of persecution, inflicted on Christians, exceed what is permitted and He will destroy such wicked men.
You must await now My Divine Act of Mercy, for it will weed out the good from the wicked. This great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar has left Rome.
Prepare to salvage your souls. Those stubborn souls amongst, you will be given a very short time to bend on your knees, in humility, to ask for My Mercy. And then the trumpets will peel out, and the prophecies, leading up to the end will be revealed, as foretold.
Your Jesus
They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent
Poor Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI needs so many of our prayers. He is not a young man and must be going through so much anguish! Those rats are going to try to bring him to an end, but Jesus says the word 'try' so this must mean that as His previous Messages have said, he will survive to take his place in Jerusalem to lead us as our Shepherd from there until Jesus returns. He will not succumb to the masons! God has a Plan and It must be fulfilled! Crusade Prayer 101 will help us know when we are in the presence of evil and when we are in The Presence of Christ. God Bless all of us as we journey this together.
They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent
February 19, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, please inform My disciples that My Reign is near.
They must not fret, because although the Crown of Thorns has descended on My Vicar, appointed by Me, Jesus Christ, to rule over My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, has been viciously ousted – I now come, at last, to bring you peace.
The next year will be very cruel and very distressing for you, My beloved disciples, and My last True Pope. He, who was maliciously and deliberately plotted against, has been treated just as I, Jesus Christ, was beaten and scourged. They will now try to kill him, just as they killed Me. They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent.
I, your beloved Saviour will save you all from the wickedness, which will be perceived by many to have come from Me, by the Hand of My Command.
I instruct My Church as before, but only through the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Keys of Rome are under the command of My beloved Father. I, Jesus Christ, am ready to descend again at My Second Coming and I wish to make it known that you, my disciples, will suffer just as my own disciples did during My time on earth. You, My beloved, are with Me, locked within My Sacred Heart, so that you can unite with Me in sorrow. I cry tears for My innocent, beloved last Pope on earth, Benedict XVI, chosen by Me to lead My Church during the last days.
It will take tremendous courage, for those willing victims, who will continue to declare My Holy Word, as they will be full of terrible doubts. They know, within their hearts, that I Am speaking to them now and yet they will be assailed with doubts, which will be caused by those who will refuse to accept My Messages to humanity and who are yet devoted to Me, also.
I now bequeath this Special short Crusade Prayer. It is a Miracle Prayer to enable all those who recite it to feel My Presence in their souls. It will also help them to see the Truth, which I promised them, and which will always be given to them during the end times.
Crusade of Prayer (101) Miracle Prayer to feel the Presence of Jesus
“O dear Almighty Father, Creator of all that Is and will Be, help all of us who can recognise the Presence of Your beloved Son in the Church today, to become very strong.
Help me to overcome my fear, my loneliness and the rejection I suffer from my loved ones, as I follow Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Saviour.
Please protect my loved ones from falling into the trap of believing in lies, which have been devised by Satan to destroy, divide and cause havoc amongst all God’s children.
Please help all those who follow the abomination in Your Church to be saved from the eternal fires of Hell. Amen.”
My beloved followers, you know Me by now. What you will see now, within the shell that was once My Church on earth, will make you nauseous.
You will cry and cry until you feel nothing. And then when you call to Me and say:
“Jesus, save me from the lies of Satan, so that I can discern the Truth of Your remnant Church.”
I will reassure you with this. I will fill you with the Holy Spirit. I will fill you with the tears of sorrow and then I will replace these tears with My Strength. Then you won’t care, for I will take over and guide you every step of the way.
You will be inspired when you are being jeered at. You will be full of My Spirit of Love when they laugh at you, for believing in My Holy Doctrine. Then you will lose all fear and this will be replaced with such a powerful feeling of My Love for you, that only then, will you feel total relief and peace.
Your Jesus
They will comfort us with words when we find the Truth to hard to bear - This falsehood will be seen for what it is - empty words! When the Truth is given and you know you're in a State of Grace because you have given up your sins and you have been contrite and repentant , then it should never hurt to be confronted with Truth. Therefore, those who know they have guilt or residual sin that they have not given up to God, holds over them and the devil has a field day! This is why Jesus is begging us to go to Confession or if non-Catholic pray wholeheartedly Crusade Prayer #8. He wants us to be free of sin especially mortal sin so we can embrace the Truth and not be afraid. As any good, loving father will do for us on earth, so too does Our Heavenly Father wish to help us amend our lives. Yes the Truth can hurt, but only if we don't want to see the Truth. Do you want to see?
They will bring God’s children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter
February 18, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, as the changes within My Church on earth intensify, so also will the voices of the false prophets rise, in unison, to endorse the abomination in My Church. As I reveal to you, the true end time prophet, the Truth – most of which is already known – lies will be spread to confuse all those who follow Me.
For every instruction I give to you, for the world, the exact opposite will be declared from the mouths of the false prophets. They will declare words of comfort to My followers who will find the Truth too awful to bear. Through their wicked lies they will bring God’s children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter.
When I told you of the great division in My Church, I did not tell you how this would happen. So hear Me now. Just as the priests during My time on earth rejected My Holy Word, so too will the priests just before My Second Coming reject Me. Not only will they reject My Word, given to you, My daughter, but they will accept the changes, which will be forced upon them. Their sacred gifts will be rendered impotent, as soon as, they accept the blasphemies and the new rules presented to them.
My faithful followers will also be divided in their loyalty to My Church on earth. All you must do is to follow My Teachings given to you in My Father’s Book. There is no need to run anywhere, as I Am present amongst you.
You know the Truth. It has been fed to you, as Christians. So when you see that God’s Commandments and My Teachings are being re-written, and My Holy Sacraments changed, then you must turn your backs. Do not allow lies to frighten you, rather be frightened for those who accept these new evil acts and laws, purported to be from Me and who fail to understand the Truth.
Your Jesus
The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome
Jesus says: "My followers must remain calm and pray for the salvation of all of My most sacred servants who will be caught up in this abomination. I call on them to respond as follows.
Continue to follow My Teachings. Never waive from the Word of God. Remain loyal to your sacred duties and administer the Holy Sacraments as you have been instructed by Me.
The Teachings of the Catholic Church, based on its formation by My Apostle Peter, remain infallible. Now this will change once the foundation is rocked by the changes to come.
Shortly, you will no longer recognise My Church and you will feel very uncomfortable when you witness how My Holy Word will be tampered with."
We know what is expected of us and we have the responsibility to Jesus to ensure He has our loyalty. He is our Guide. Trust in Him.
The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome
February 17, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the schism within the Catholic Church, as foretold, will now be witnessed, for all the world to see. The departure of My dearly beloved Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, marks the beginning of the end. I have, through you, My chosen prophet, over the last two years, tried to prepare My Church on earth for this sad event.
The Masonic elite have grasped control over My Church and they will wield the most wicked deceit upon Catholics. The Keys of Rome are now within My Hands having been passed over to Me by My Father. I will direct all of My followers so that the Truth can be sustained and that My Holy Word remains intact.
The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome and My Word, just as it was in My Time on earth, will be treated as heresy.
Make no mistake, for as the deceit is presented to the world, as if the new reign represents the Truth, you, My daughter, will suffer terribly in My Holy Name just as the prophets, which came before you.
My followers must remain calm and pray for the salvation of all of My most sacred servants who will be caught up in this abomination. I call on them to respond as follows.
Continue to follow My Teachings. Never waive from the Word of God. Remain loyal to your sacred duties and administer the Holy Sacraments as you have been instructed by Me.
The Teachings of the Catholic Church, based on its formation by My Apostle Peter, remain infallible. Now this will change once the foundation is rocked by the changes to come.
Shortly, you will no longer recognise My Church and you will feel very uncomfortable when you witness how My Holy Word will be tampered with.
Your Jesus
Marriage is not acceptable before My Altar if it is between two people of the same sex
Lord have Mercy on sinners. How we inflict such pain on You like Your Passion never happened! How could we Crucify You again and again. How indignant are we! Never let us accept the new doctrines which denounce Truth! Never let us feel gripped by the claws of evil that have penetrated the Church by settling for the lies. We are to go through such a lonely unchartered course ahead of us, that we plead with You Jesus, keep us close to Your Sacred Heart, keep us ready to acknowledge You at any moment. Give us the strength to know when we are being confused and disunified. Your Greatest Gift to us has been given and squandered but now in Your Love for us, we are being given yet another chance to accept Your New Greatest Gift - The Gift of Your Mercy, let us accept It now and fight for You during this great deception in Our Church. Amen
Marriage is not acceptable before My Altar if it is between two people of the same sex
February 15, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, this Mission must move on, now, to entice and embrace those who do not believe in My Teachings and those who consider themselves to be Christians, but who only acknowledge Me in little ways.
Their indifference is hurtful. Their interpretation of My Teachings, which have then been twisted to fit into their secular lifestyles, is the worst form of betrayal of Me, their Jesus.
Young, middle-aged and the aged, all so-called followers of Christianity, offend Me with their own watered-down version, which they believe to be acceptable to God. They have been creating a new doctrine, of their own making, which suits their lifestyles. Then, they believe that they can still please God and that their doctrine is acceptable to Him.
Know that only the Truth is acceptable to God. Attempts to appease Him will fall on deaf ears. God will never accept lies. Nothing, no matter how well it has been dressed-up and couched in beautiful language, which promotes new concepts in Christianity, and the acceptance and tolerance of sin, will be accepted in the Eyes of the All-Seeing God. He will never accept new laws, which belittle the Sacraments, passed down by Me, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World.
I saved you to help you become free from the grip that Satan holds over the hearts of man. I gave up My Life, willingly, to save you and free you from the chains, to which you were bound, by Satan and the fires of Hell. This meant that Hell no longer had power over you, as you were given the freedom to choose life in My Kingdom, or death in the abyss of Hell.
But, what does man do in today’s world to repay Me for this extraordinary Gift? They try to justify sin in My Eyes. They present offensive sins before Me and plead with Me to accept lies and untruths. Worse still, they want to adapt My Holy Sacraments in various ways to suit their needs and then present Me with an abomination. Marriage is not acceptable before My Altar if it is between two people of the same sex. Yet, they do this and insult Me. They beg Me to accept sin, by justifying offenses against the Commandments of My Father. They try to convince themselves that this is acceptable, before God, when this could never be.
All the Laws of God are made in Heaven. Sin is a sin, in the Eyes of God, and can never be justified by human interpretation.
It is the deluded mindset of these modern Christian advocates, who strive, at every turn, to change and adapt the Teachings of Christianity, which is damaging My Church. It causes terrible confusion.
They make a mockery of God and My death on the Cross.
This is how Christians revert to paganism and the switch can be rapid. False gods, false temples, false religions, all have one thing in common. Their followers honour a god, which is created by the hands of man. Such religions are insulting to God and in one church, the masonic temples, they pay homage, not to God at all, but to the beast.
This is the price of the freedom, given to the world, by My death on the Cross. This is why the world needs to accept the Truth and not fall prey to the deceit, which will be planted, amongst you, by the beast as time goes on.
Your Jesus