Monday, 7 March 2016

The Word according to God will be pulled apart as paganism sweeps the Earth

When I am strong Lord, I want nothing more than to hold up those whose strength has left them, when I am weak Lord, I want nothing more than for Your Arms around me to lift me up again to keep helping them. Can You please help me to be strong more than weak? Help all Your followers to show strength they never knew they had! Give Your Holy Guardian Angels every vice to keep their charges protected and battle ready! Amen.

The Word according to God will be pulled apart as paganism sweeps the Earth

April 16, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, the climb to Mount Calvary My Church on Earth has to endure has begun, as foretold. All those who speak in My Name, who love Me and who honour My Teachings, will now have to face this torturous journey in order to uphold My Holy Word.

The Word according to God will be pulled apart as paganism sweeps the Earth. To all of those who follow Me, I say walk with your heads held high. Never waiver from the Truth when those including your family and friends, plead with you to turn away from My Holy Word, given to you during My time on Earth. You must not weaken your resolve to remain loyal to Me. Some of you will be strong during the journey of persecution. Others will fall. Some will give up. Others will decide to accept the lies presented as Holy Doctrine and will be separated from Me.

I will carry all those on My Shoulders who trust in Me completely. I will grant protection to all those who are brave enough to continue to offer the Holy Mass in the way in which it is meant to be conducted. I will protect the Sacraments presented by those holy sacred servants of Mine who refuse to budge or leave My Service. Those who pledge themselves to My Care will have nothing to worry about. Those who have been given the Truth all of their lives, and reject My Teachings, in favour of lies, will be cast away from Me. My Justice is to be feared, for let no man believe that they can delve into an abyss of deceit without remorse in their souls and not suffer the consequences.

My Love will be strong enough to embrace those who will be confused during these times. I will reach out to all of God’s children who seek Me out, no matter how blackened their souls are. In the midst of the turmoil, I will make myself known at last and My Spirit will sweep the Earth just as people believe that they cannot take any more.

Remember that I Am the First and the Last, nothing can conquer Me, I Am All-Powerful and when you feel that the wickedness inflicted upon the world by the enemies of God is overwhelming, that I Am here. I allow for this suffering, this final persecution, because it is the final weapon against the beast. Without it, he would steal the souls of the majority of the world’s population.

This battle for souls will shock those who truly know Me because the wickedness you will have to bear witness to will be seen in men you believe to be good. Satan will leave no stone unturned and he will use every soul, especially those who are close to Me, in order to turn their backs on My Teachings. While the battle will rage for a time, I will, through this Mission, save billions through conversion.

Your Jesus

Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage

Make us strong Lord! We must hold up the banner of Truth! Our Nations are going to have to depend on the goodness and Godliness of those who rebuke godless laws if we are to come through those diabolical plans and reach Paradise and avoid the Your Chastisement. How fickle our leaders are to bow down to those who shun You! Lord Have Mercy on Australia and New Zealand! Amen.

Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage

April 15, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, the enemies of God now rise in great numbers, in every nation, to denounce the Laws of God.

There will be many new laws introduced into each land and each church. Most of the laws will be against the Teachings laid down in the Holy Bible. Every kind of sin will be legislated for and the darkness of the beast will cover the world. Those who oppose these laws will be dismissed as cranks and demonised. Their voices will be drowned out by those who embrace secularism, as if it were an authentic religion. They will use every intellectual argument to enforce their vile laws and will deceive many, because they will use human rights as the tool to control others.

Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage. Then just as the laws are brought into being, the Catholic Church will announce the reformation to acknowledge all human rights and all religions. This will be followed by terrible division between those blessed with the gift of insight, given to them by the Holy Spirit, and those whose only desire is love of oneself and who reject God. They see God, and My Teachings, as an obstacle to living what they believe is a free lifestyle.

The powerful global elite organisation, which is infiltrated into every corner of the world, will plan new Church laws and plot to overthrow leaders, while at the same time, devise wars, which will bring destruction. So proud are they and such is the extent of their allegiance to Satanic adulation that they believe they are indispensable. How they will have to suffer for their evil deeds. Just as they believe that they can control others and inflict their devious plans on others, they will be struck down by the Hand of My Father. They will be given only so much time to turn their backs. After, then they will turn on each other and destroy one another. Such will the level of their suffering be that even towards the end it won’t be enough to make them see what lies ahead should they continue to be bound to the evil one.

To many people, not of God, they will notice little of these events at first. It will only be when their freedom is restricted that they will openly revolt against the injustices within their nations. They will then realise the horror which will have been created because the Light of God will have been extinguished. In its place will be darkness, emptiness, hunger and lack of love. Only then will man cry out for the Mercy of God. I will be there waiting to give them comfort and salvage their poor frightened souls.

Your Jesus

Mother of God: When God’s children are misled by lies, they will become separated from Him

Our Lady help us to listen to Your Son. Intercede on our behalf to Him to unblock the ears of the stubborn and proud sacred servants. They are all so precious to both of You. Help them now as they come to grips with the Apostasy as it presents itself. Let them know True Peace, let them feel Your Motherly Love for them! Amen.

Mother of God: When God’s children are misled by lies, they will become separated from Him

April 14, 2013

My beloved child, let me bring you comfort at this time. Let me hold you close to me, so that I can give you strength as you continue to spread the Holy Word of God in these difficult times.

When those who persecuted my Son, and then murdered Him, were asked – “Why did you do this?” – they replied – “To uphold the Word of God.” When they were asked if God would condone the killing of another man, they argued that this was in accordance with Church Teachings. And so also will it be in the end times. People will twist the Teachings of God in order to justify their rejection of His Holy Word.

My Son gives the world these Messages so that you will uphold His Teachings. He does this so that no man will mistakenly reject His Holy Word, when the Teachings of His Holy Church on earth are tampered with and made unholy. The Word of God must never change, yet the prophecies have foretold of these very days when this will happen, when it will be done by the Church founded on the Rock of Peter.

My Son is the Word. The Word of God must be honoured by every child of God. When God’s children are misled by lies, they will become separated from Him. When you accept anything other than the Truth of God, when you accept sin, and then participate in it, you will drive a wedge between you and my Son.

Remember that I, the Mother of God, protect all of those who call on me. My protection is for all people, all religions. When you say my Holy Rosary daily, you are given every kind of protection and you will be able to uphold the Truth, the Holy Word of God.

Anyone in my Son’s Church on earth, who leads the people, who cannot recite the Holy Rosary before his congregation, does not come from God.

Your Mother

Mother of God

Mother of Salvation

The Catholic Church is now about to enter the worst persecution in its history

Our poor, once Glorious Church is suffering at the hands of the diabolical plans of satan now as he enters his final battle with Jesus' Bride and His children! All who serve the Church will know soon just how much they will be tested, like gold in fire!

Those loyal servants who follow Christ's Teachings will find this battle the most difficult.

Can you imagine being a Priest who loves his priesthood, loves the Magisterium, loves the Sacraments, loves being a shepherd to his flock, has for his entire priesthood the stability of the True Church lead by a True Shepherd, only to find all of it will be in tatters?!

How sad for them, how confusing for them. The grief will manifest in so many ways. They will be in a boat without a paddle in the open sea drifting and not knowing if or when they will find their way to shore again.

 Jesus, I beg You, please cast Your net over those servants who are True to You, who love You and will suffer much for Your Bride! Calm the stormy waters, align their compass of Truth, bring them safely ashore! Then let them find their flock waiting and praying for their safe return! Amen.

The Catholic Church is now about to enter the worst persecution in its history

April 13, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to give encouragement to all of you who believe in Me and My Messages contained within this Book – The Book of Truth.

When man follows Me and offers himself to Me, he must emulate all of My Traits. This means that he must love all in My Name and treat every man as he would expect to be treated himself. However, when you truly abandon yourself into My Care, you will suffer for this. You will be treated with cruelty and every attempt will be made to pour scorn upon you.

I say this to all of God’s children and to Christians, in particular, for your load is the heaviest. I call out to all of those in the world who believe in Me, irrespective as to whether or not they believe that I speak to them through these Messages.

Christians will always be targeted by those who want to change God’s Laws to fit into their sinful pursuit of pleasure and selfish desires. The Catholic Church is now about to enter the worst persecution in its history and it will be turned upside down and inside out. The attack has been planned for decades and carefully constructed. How the saints in Heaven weep at the catastrophic events which will now unfold at a speed which will shock even those who do not believe in these Messages.

Confusion will result, as many sacred servants will become powerless as everything they held dear will be questioned and then overturned. They will be challenged and bullied in My Name from within their own ranks.

To those of you who are loyal to My Church on earth, I urge you to be vigilant and to uphold My Teachings if you wish to stay true to Me. You must never accept anything other than the Truth you have been taught. Soon you will feel very alone and My poor sacred servants will become distressed for their loyalty to Me and to the Church laid down by Peter will be pulled from under them.

To all those who are traditional loyal Christians, you must stay firm and you must not accept any attempt to encourage you to abandon your faith. You will be pushed to one side and forced to agree to educate your children in a false doctrine, not of God.

These events will now commence and I warn you of these in order to guide you. Anyone who accuses Me, through this Mission, of encouraging souls to desert My Church on earth does not understand My Instructions. I Am simply asking you to remain loyal to My Teachings when you will find that you are forced to accept a new version of the Church. This new version will not ever be accepted in the Eyes of God.

Your Jesus

Blessed are those meek of heart, whose pride has been stripped from them through the Grace of God

Humility - true humility at that, is the only way we will hear God speaking to us through these Messages.

Those who oppose, those who scorn, those who mock and jeer, those who judge wrongly that these are satan's work or the work of someone deluded, all have one thing in common!

The one barrier that the Grace of Discernment cannot and will not break through!

PRIDE plain and simple!

These well meaning people believe they are so well educated in Scripture and so above average in the Catechetical 101 class of 21st Century, but their proud actions and erroneous methodologies are not pleasing to Jesus and downright offend Him!

They use their rational human theology to interpret these Messages and say these Messages spoken from Heaven are against the Bible and against Church Teachings.

Who are they to speak against Christ Who is the Head of His Church as if He 'got it wrong'! Nothing in these Messages speaks against Church Teaching or Doctrines of the Faith. Nothing!

It is very bent thinking that turns many away from the one True chance we are being given as a Gift from Heaven to fall to our knees in True humility pleasing to The Lord. Our only opportunity is knocking now!

Trade your human will for God's Divine Will today and know that all that moves, breathes and has it's being is a direct manifestation of God! We are not in control, He is!

Blessed are those meek of heart, whose pride has been stripped from them through the Grace of God

April 12, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, who amongst you, who truly love Me, can come before Me and lie prostrate at My Feet in total abandonment?

Who amongst you, who truly honours Me and follows My Teachings, can humble themselves before Me without any regard for themselves? If you can throw yourselves at My Mercy, in humble servitude, I will raise you up and exalt you. But when you exalt yourselves, in My Name, and say you know Me more intimately than others, I will cast you to the ground beneath My Feet.

Why do so many, who have been given the Truth, still misunderstand the Truth of My Teachings? Man, because of the stain of sin, is not worthy to stand before Me. But those who understand the weakness of the human soul must know, that those who take it upon themselves to declare their superior knowledge of spiritual matters laid down by the Teachings of God, through the prophets, need to be very careful. When such souls declare their so-called knowledge, by boasting of their intellectual assessment of Holy Doctrine, instead of focussing on the importance of humility, they offend Me. When they use their knowledge to twist the Truth to suit their agenda, in order to draw souls into a manmade version of My Teachings, I Am deeply offended and I will punish souls guilty of this crime against God.

Those among you who create cults, spiritual movements, all of your own making, know that when you tamper with the Word of God, you are guilty of grave sin. Your voices, which proclaim the Word of God and all His Glory, on the one hand, are heard because they contain the Truth. But when you add to the Word of God, with your own interpretations and when you use this to attack others in My Holy Name by accusing them of wrong-doing, you commit sin.

Blessed are those meek of heart, whose pride has been stripped from them through the grace of God, for they will rule as kings in the New Paradise.

Blessed are those whose complete trust in Me means that they preach and spread My Holy Word without any intention of seeking personal attention of self-glory, for they too will find refuge in My Kingdom.

Those who claim that they are dedicated followers of Mine, but who believe that they are qualified to judge others, analyse the beliefs of others whose faith in God causes offense and who publicly condemn holy souls who come in My Name, are not part of My Kingdom. You belong to the evil one, for you do not report to Me, Jesus Christ. I have not called you, nor have I given you permission to promote any form of special group, set up to ridicule another group.

To all who proudly boast of intellectual prowess, associated with My Teachings, in order to belittle another child of God, especially chosen souls, know that your days are numbered. In the past, My Patience would have prevented Me from interrupting such misguided missions. Now, in these end times, I will not tolerate the way in which you try to block My Second Coming.

So few of you will accept My plan to prepare you for the Second Time of My Coming – this time to bring you into the New Era of Peace. You already know the Truth. You know that I will come again, but you will not, just as it was before, accept that it is I, the King of all that is, Who is calling on you to prepare your souls.

Two thousand years to Me is nothing. It is as if it were yesterday. So today, I Am calling out to all of you. What saddens Me is that those who say they love Me, and publicly acknowledge Me, do not really know Me. They have allowed the trappings of organised religions, international politics, exaggerated grandeur and ceremonies to hide from Me.

I Am simple in mind, body and soul, and therefore embrace first, those who come before Me in this way. When a father welcomes home a child, who has been abroad for some time, he does not notice his clothes, his shoes, his jewellery or his suitcase. He sees only his son, his face and the love that has existed in his heart since the first breath he took when he came out of his mother’s womb. He is not interested in his wealth, his views, his opinions or his gossip about others – all he knows is the love, which he feels for his child and the love his child feels for him.

Love is simple. It is without complication. It does not come from hatred. You cannot love someone when your soul is full of anger or hate. When you love Me, you must love all those who follow Me, no matter what their weakness is. You must love even those who are guilty of terrible sins, for I can forgive the most wicked of all sins. The thing to remember is that not one man has the right to condemn another in My Name. This can only come from Me.

Know this, that when it comes to warning the world of sinners, who are enemies of God, I have this right. But in every instance, I will ask for prayers for their souls. There will be only one exception. I can never ask you to pray for the antichrist, for he does not come from God.

Your Jesus

For every soul you dedicate to My Mercy, I will save a hundred more

The request Jesus has for us in praying for lost souls in darkness, souls who doubt, souls who deny His Call, souls who have no time for Him- He will multiply the number of souls saved by 100 for each of this prayer we recite!  Everything is multiplied!

 Luisa Picaretta prayed in such a way - Every leaf on every tree since Adam to the last man born, blessed in love and gratitude for Jesus, multiplies that one tree's leaf by the countless leaves for every tree that exists for all the time that trees have and will exist!

Stay with me on this!

For each soul we pray Crusade Prayer #104 daily but especially during Reception of Holy Eucharist, Jesus will save 100 more souls!

Now tell me that's not going to get the job of Salvation for souls done!! Thankyou Jesus!

For every soul you dedicate to My Mercy, I will save a hundred more

April 11, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, you must move forward and concentrate on those poor souls who do not believe in God at all. I refer to those who have never been given the Truth about the Existence of God, their Creator.

There are billions of people who have no knowledge of the Holy Trinity because it was hidden from them. These are the souls who will be granted great Mercy by Me and they need to be made aware of these, My Messages to the world.

The other souls who concern Me are those who were lukewarm in their faith and who now refuse to accept the Truth of eternal life. Many people who are either unsure of their Creation, or the Existence of God, will soon be shown the Truth. Again I will show them great Mercy and My Love will touch their hearts and they will be saved.

But then there are those who will continue to resist My Intervention. They will fight any attempt to be given the Truth, and the proof they will be given of My Mercy will be thrown back in My Face. Again, I will intervene and continue to fight for their souls.

Finally, there are those who do know everything about Me and the fact that I Am the Messiah. No miracle or act of love will draw them to Me because they have abandoned themselves to Satan. These souls will be devoured by the beast and he will not let them go free because they do not see me as their Saviour. They still do not know the truth of the plan of the beast. In order to save them, you, My beloved followers, must give Me your allegiance by committing their souls to Me during your prayers and when you receive the Holy Eucharist. You must offer them to Me every day and for every soul you dedicate to My Mercy, I will save a hundred more.

Do this every single day. At the end of every month you will be full of joy because you will know how many such souls have been given this Great Mercy. This is just another Gift I bless you with and the graces you will receive when you recite this Crusade Prayer will be in abundance.

Crusade Prayer (104) - Free this soul from slavery

Dearest Jesus, I present to You the soul of my brother and sister, who has abandoned their soul to Satan. Take this soul and redeem it in Your Holy Eyes. Free this soul from slavery to the beast and bring it eternal salvation. Amen.

My Mercy will continue to be given to mankind, and especially, to every single soul who rejects the Word of God.

I bless you, My loyal disciples, and I continue to pour upon you the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

Your Jesus

God the Father: Prayer for the Key to the New Paradise

When we listen to Heaven's Voice through These Holy Messages, we sense that we are not alone in on this journey. The Holy Spirit is with us and guiding us. Now we learn that through this beautiful Gift, we will witness Miracles. I love that thought! Hold strong to Jesus' Holy Word through His last prophet Maria. Never lose sight of the Mission we are part of - to trust as little children and pray for the souls of those who are walking in the mist!

God the Father: Prayer for the Key to the New Paradise

April 10, 2013

My beloved daughter, as the Flame of the Holy Spirit engulfs those humble souls who read these Messages, so too will be the spread of global conversion. The Holy Word of God is like a powerful gust of wind, which brings with it, and all those souls in its wake, the fruits of plenitude.

From those first seeds planted, a multitude of fruits have grown, which cover every nation, including those under communist regime.

My daughter, as My Holy Word grips the minds and souls of every creed, it will cut like a sword through those nations who turn their backs on Me, your beloved Father. So, when the hatred increases against you, know that My Holy Word, to help save souls, is succeeding,

You, My messenger, are but an instrument. This Mission is not about you. It is not about the enlightenment of your soul, for this is not My objective, although this is pleasing to Me. You, My daughter, as the final messenger, must only convey to the world the Messages you are being given, for the good of mankind. Your opinions, and your advice to others, are of no importance and you do not have the authority to share any such human views with others.

When the Voice of God reaches the hearts of man, it multiplies within the souls of many. It is My Goodness, as the Loving Father of the whole of humanity, which allows for these great blessings.

As foretold, great miracles will be witnessed by those who have been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit through this Mission. I bless all of those who scatter and spread My Messages, for their efforts will yield My Word like a mist, which will cover the Earth.

To those who have awaited the Gift of Conversion – those poor empty souls of Mine – I tell you now. I, Your Loving Father, promise you that I will embrace you and open your hearts when you say this prayer.

God the Father: Prayer for the Key to the New Paradise

“Dear Father, it is I, Your lost child, who, so confused and blind, that without Your Help, Your Love, I am nothing. Save me through the Love of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and give me the Key to Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen.”

Children, I will bless you and protect you. You are Mine – all of you. While I pine for you and weep for those of you who hate Me, I will use My Almighty Power to unlock your hardened hearts so that I can bequeath to you the inheritance, which I have lovingly created.

My Intervention, by revealing to you events to come, will help you to understand how much I love you. When these events unfold before your eyes, I will be waiting for you to come to Me with love and trust in your souls.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High

So many good and holy priests who have joined together to pull these Messages apart

Oh Lord Jesus You know why this Message is so appropriate for my Parish Priest. Please show him and all those who attack Your Messages and Your last prophet, Maria, Your Mercy. They are still Your Sacred Servants! I am praying for them! Amen.

So many good and holy priests who have joined together to pull these Messages apart

April 9, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, there are so many good and holy priests who have joined together to pull these Messages apart, but they do not have the qualifications or the knowledge to do so. Their path is to serve God. They must not allow themselves to be contaminated like this, because this poses danger for those souls who recognise My Voice in these Messages.

While parading New Age practices of the spirit, many priests believe that their knowledge of spirituality means that they have the talent to recognise a true prophet of God. So far removed are they from Me, that they cannot discern My Holy Word. I have not given them such graces, because pride stands in their way.

To those of you, sacred servants of Mine, who plot, scheme and use the badge of your holy office in the service of God, as a means to turn your parishioners away from My Word, know that you will be punished. You do not truly know Me. You are not loyal to Me. You are ignorant of spiritual knowledge and you do not have the authority to publicly humiliate, pour scorn upon others or belittle anyone in My Name.

Each one of you will have to answer to Me. I will punish you, not for your disbelief, but for the sin of pride, which makes you believe that you know more about spiritual matters than I, Jesus Christ, Your Master. How you wound Me. How you disappoint Me, because your betrayal has hurt My Mission, the last of its kind. For every sinner you pull away from Me, you will have to take on responsibility for their souls. And then, with a heaviness of heart, you will have to answer these questions, when the Truth is made known to you.

Why did you reject My Cup when you were given the Truth, with love and trust, and when you knew in your heart that this was from Me? Why did you then try to destroy My Messages? Have you any idea as to the seriousness of the Holy vows you took in My Name? You must now go on retreat and read My Crusade Prayers. If you do this, then I will give you My blessing and the power of discernment. But only those with humble hearts can come to Me.

Go back. Then come to Me naked. Leave all your jaundiced views, your biased opinion and your assessment of these Messages, based on hearsay, gossip and innuendo, behind you. When that day comes, I will baptise you anew and you will become pure again. Your souls will become like little ones and with a craving hunger for My Presence.

I await your response. I Am all Loving. I Am all Merciful. Come to Me. I Am all you need.

Your Jesus

This new temple, they will be told, is a church, which unites all because God loves all His children

When Jesus said the road ahead is thorny, He means in our terms - thorns, 3 feet wide by nail inch thick all intertwined with hardly a gap to get through to the other side - to Paradise!!!

 He knows that His strong Army, His powerful Army which we are a part of, will still, through prayers, sacrifices, sufferings, but most of all loyalty and trust in His Word through these Messages, be able to break through those thorns, though punctured and bleeding, to see Him waiting for us.

This path is not paved with gold, with empty promises, with deceit at every turn, which is the alternative to our thorny path! No!

We are made of the stuff that will be given from Above! We will have Graces and Wisdom and His Guidance every step. Be not afraid, for He is with us always!

This new temple, they will be told, is a church, which unites all because God loves all His children

April 7, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, every single one of God’s churches on earth who honour Me, the Son of Man and those who pay allegiance to My Father, will soon be divided. Many, within each church, will rebel and great divisions will emerge as more misguided, amongst their ranks, will try to introduce laws, which condone sin.

The moral obligations felt by those who love and know God’s Holy Word will be taken to task and they will be accused of being cruel and heartless. Their crime will be to oppose sinful laws, which will come into being as churches disband during the persecution of the antichrist. When they divide and splinter, their foundations will be rocked. They will no longer be able to stand firm in the face of wickedness and injustice. The time will then be ripe for many bewildered souls, who will become very confused, to witness an alternative temple of God.

This new temple, they will be told, is a church, which unites all because God loves all His children. And if God loves all His children, then He would want them to unite as one; that they must embrace each other, whatever their creed, their religion, their skin colour, their race, their laws. All will become united, they will be told, in the Face of God, and they will all be asked to send representatives to the new temple, which will be located in Rome. They will be told that this is the New Jerusalem, prophesised in the Bible and protected by God’s chosen leader – the false prophet.

So many will fall for this great lie, a travesty of the Holy Word of God – which was given to John the Evangelist. Every Word given to this prophet, for the end times, will be taken, adapted and twisted to suit the agenda of the antichrist.

Those who refuse to accept this new, so-called inclusive church, will be deemed to be un-Christian. They will be bullied and made to look like fools. Only for the Holy Spirit, which guides them, they would be sucked into the false and obscene temple, which will disguise the ugly truth, which lies beneath its surface.

The antichrist is about to make his grand entrance onto the world’s stage and it will be he, who will, not only reign over these churches, but who will fool people into believing that he possesses special divine gifts. He will be honoured for his great service to humanitarian causes. He, the antichrist, will receive international awards for his charity work. And then they will say he possesses the charisma associated with holy people. It will not be long afterwards when miracles will be attributed to him, until finally, he will say he is a prophet on a mission from God.

Many will fall for this terrible deceit because he will be supported by the world’s churches and he will be given the seal of approval by the false prophet.

Finally, the world will believe that he is I, Jesus Christ. My Word will fall on deaf ears as his presence devours the whole of humanity whose applause will silence the voices who proclaim the True Word of God. But, because of My great Mercy, I will, with My Father’s Hand, intervene every single step of the way.

My Messages will never stop until the very last day. My Voice will never die. God’s children, who remain true to His Holy Word, will never die.

Your Jesus

The time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close

Oh crikey! This is it folks!~The Warning is soon! Watch for the 'second sun', a collision of comets that will appear to collide with our sun. This will herald this Great Event for all mankind to come into Christ's Presence for 15 minutes! That's 15 minutes for our souls to reveal just how much we have offended Our Dear Lord! So prepare as He has been instructing us! Get to Confession ASAP! Or if non-Catholic repent and ask for forgiveness by praying Crusade Prayers #8 and #24. Time is of the essence. Would we really want to ignore this Message and risk ALL our sins to be revealed in such a tremendous fashion? Or do we want to make this a little easier on ourselves? This is the opportunity we are being given! Don't waste precious time deliberating the Messages' Authenticity!

The time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close

April 6, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide.

My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard – only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched.

I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair, become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner.

There will be wailing and a deep sense of sorrow felt within the hearts of men, as they come face to face with the state of their souls. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen. In those, whose souls were touched by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My Teachings and they will convert in billions.

My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise.

The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth’s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist.

When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages.

Go, My loyal followers, and trust always in My promise to salvage all souls. My Mercy is great and My Power almighty.

Your Jesus

Mother of God: You have been sent to prepare the way for His Second Coming

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, please place Your Holy Mantle of Protection around Maria at all times. She is going through so much suffering at the hands of her attackers for Jesus' Mission and through immense physical suffering which she gladly offers for all souls. Never let us underestimate the trial she is under. Always remind us of the gratitude we must have for Maria's fiat to Christ to endure all that she must in order to lead Your Son's children to the New Paradise and preparation for His Second Coming. Pray for us who have recourse to Thee. Amen

Mother of God: You have been sent to prepare the way for His Second Coming

April 6, 2013

My child, no matter how lonely or difficult this Mission is, you must always continue to obey my Son. You must respect every request made of you. You must respond to every task expected of you, even if this means you will incur the wrath of others.

Every single one of God’s visionaries, to whom I appeared, suffered by the hands of those who rejected them cruelly. Although many of them were eventually believed, you, my child, will suffer the most because you are a prophet of God. God’s prophets have always stirred up hatred amongst His children, because Satan inflicts his most terrible scourging against those who speak the Word of God.

As the end time prophet, your enemies will consist of, not only those who reject and hate my Son, but those who love Him. Your enemies will outnumber all those who came before you. This is why you must obey my Son at all times and respond to Him quickly, for He does these things and asks you to follow His instructions, to keep you safe.

You have been sent to prepare the way for His Second Coming and with this responsibility will come much sorrow. As the lies, the hatred and the fierce opposition to these Messages continue, you must comfort yourself, because without this Mission many more souls would not accept My Son’s Mercy.

Pray for every single person who flings abuse at you, because when you pray for them, my Son will enlighten them and soon they will open their eyes to the Truth.

I, your beloved Mother, cover you with my most Holy Mantle and I crush the head of the serpent every single time he tries to harm you. So go now, my child, in peace. Trust in me, the Mother of Salvation, at all times as I guard this special Mission. Trust in my Son, for He knows what He is doing. Leave all in His Sacred Hands.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of God

Mother of Salvation

Not one of you would ever be given the authority to judge another in My Name, for this is not possible

Lord send down Your Holy Spirit over those who believe they have this 'authority' You Speak of. Your Authority Alone is absolute, no one has been given it by You to speak against Your Word through Maria. May they wake up to the gravity of their actions in their blasphemous words against the Holy Spirit. We ask for their souls to be redeemed Jesus, so they may see Your Face for Eternity. Amen

Not one of you would ever be given the authority to judge another in My Name, for this is not possible

April 5, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, under your vow of obedience to Me, you must never defend My Messages. Nor do you have the authority to denounce, or criticise, any other visionary, or self-proclaimed prophet, true or false, in My Name.

To those who claim to speak in My Name and who condemn these Messages for the world, know this. You do not have, nor have you sought, My permission to reject, publicly, any one who claims to be a chosen soul. When you declare these Messages to be untrue, you are saying they are lies. Lies can only come from Satan. These, My Holy Messages to the world, warn you of the terrible lies, which he, Satan, feeds the souls of all God’s children. How you have been deceived into rejecting Me, your beloved Jesus, Who cries bitter tears in sadness at the way in which I am being rejected.

Those who say that any man could write these Messages from Heaven insult Me. How can a man write the Words from My Lips, when they come from Me? Do you believe that such Sacred Words could be created by the hand of mortal man? Do you believe that any man, stained with sin, could produce My Holy Word, with no interception from My Heavenly Kingdom? If you do, then you give credence to the capability of man to forge a path of conversion in this way. Man is nothing without God. You are not worthy to speak with authority when proclaiming the Word of God. If you proclaim the Word of God from your own lips, with no direction from Me, then you are guilty of grave error.

My daughter, I must remind you, and all those chosen souls, that not one of you would ever be given the authority to judge another in My Name, for this is not possible.

I call on all those chosen souls of Mine now. Remember My Promise to you that I will come again. Know now, that all of you were given a mission to prepare the hearts of man for My Second Coming. Know now, that this is the very last Mission, dictated by the Holy Trinity. Not one of you has My Permission to denounce this, or any other mission. Do this and you will be cast away from Me.

O how the sins of chosen souls cut Me deeper than any other. Those close to Me, who then betray Me, are the ones who hurt Me the most. When they turn on Me, they cause terrible division and prevent souls from following the path to eternal salvation.

Your Jesus

Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul

Lord I pray that those with the Seal of The Living God will be protected both spiritually and physically. I believe in my heart that knowing You will make us invisible to the enemy, You will allow us to stay protected in our homes too. I have to believe this God, because the alternative is just too horrendous to contemplate. Please give us strength! Amen.

Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul

April 4, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, you must not listen to those who question, challenge and sneer at My Messages. It is not necessary to defend My Most Holy Word. My Word is final and no man has the authority to question it. You either accept Me, or you don’t.

While Christians fight amongst themselves over these Messages, which were prophesised so long ago, they treat each other as enemies. You cannot be an enemy to your brother or sister and call yourself My disciple. While you are so busy shouting amongst yourselves, the biggest enemy, Satan’s armies are planning the most evil atrocities, ever witnessed by humanity since the creation of Adam and Eve.

The wars I spoke about are to commence and the plan will be to wipe out populations. You may think that these wars are between one nation and another, but you would be wrong. The weapons will come from only one source.

My poor children of God, how little you know of the terrible acts, which are being plotted by Masonic sects at the highest levels against God’s children. Their wickedness would be impossible for you to imagine, but recognise these signs. When your banks take away your freedom, your homes and your ability to feed your families, this will be just one part of their plan against humanity. You will become slaves, but those who pay allegiance to Me and My Teachings and who remain loyal to Me, must never forget My Mercy.

While these revelations may be frightening, they are the Truth. By being prepared for these acts against God’s Creation, you will help, through your prayers, to mitigate much of the suffering, which these evil sects will inflict upon you. While your prayers will dilute the impact of such atrocities, they will, if handed over to Me with love in your hearts, be used to save those guilty of such terrible deeds. And while these misguided and cold-hearted souls continue to defy Me, by trying to eradicate the world’s populations, I will try to enlighten their hearts so that they will walk away from this terrible bond with Satan. Many are completely possessed by the evil one and for some there is little hope. Only a miracle granted by My Mercy, in union with those who offer Me the gift of suffering, can save them.

Those amongst you who curse Me, through your cruel rejection of Me, will beg Me for Mercy when these events occur. When you are forced to suffer and accept the mark of the beast, or die, you will scream out for Me. Then you will scramble to find the Seal of the Living God, which I give to the world through My Father in these Messages – but by then it will be too late. Only those who accept the Seal, keep it in their homes, or carry it on them will be protected. Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul.

Do not doubt, for one minute, My Messages given to you now. Accept My Divine Intervention, for I only want to save you. The battle for souls is of such magnitude, that were I not to intervene, through the prophets, many of you would side with the beast and all of his followers, who appear before you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Satan is extremely cunning, and would never present his evil deeds for what they are. No, instead, he will present them as being good, inspiring and very much in your interests. This is the trap he sets. This is how he lures well-meaning innocent souls into his lair. The way Satan will reveal himself, through these poor souls he manages to win over, will be through the sin of pride. The sin will, in its most wicked form, be seen within those people in high places, who will destroy others for their own selfish gain. At the bottom of the scale the sin of pride will be witnessed amongst you when you judge others, bad-mouth them and then try to ruin their character, as well as damage their reputation, in My Name.

I tell you these sad facts, so that I can prepare you, arm you with My Loving Protection, so that I can help save even those who will march across the earth in order to devour it.

Your Jesus

I will come again on the last day. But I will not walk the Earth beforehand

 Lord Jesus, never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be given the Book of Truth foretold in Daniel in my lifetime or even for generations to come!

Humanity has forgotten You, they have forgotten their Creator. They believe they have all the answers. Even those well versed in Scripture believe all the answers have been given.

But God in His Mercy and Love for us has given You this Great Mission to bring us our Salvation through knowing the fulfilment of Scripture by way of The Book of Truth!

We are so Blessed Lord. Thankyou for this Great Gift!

When that day comes when we will be told that You no longer bear any resemblance to Truth, we know by this very preparation given in the Book of Truth, that we will have our Bibles and our Book of Truth to remain loyal and constant to You always!

How we love You Jesus! Amen.

I will come again on the last day. But I will not walk the Earth beforehand

April 3, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, the Power of My Voice, through these Messages, has reached so many nations in just two years, that millions of souls will now help to save the souls of their brothers and sisters.

The Word of God, ignited through this Call from Heaven, will be spread by all your sons, daughters, brothers and sisters throughout the world. The speed of this Mission, which has taken the world by storm, is being fuelled by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

So many tongues, so many nations, so many souls, have grasped My Hand of Mercy and now follow Me as I lead them to Eternal Life.

My Father promised the world the Book of Truth for the end times. He always fulfils His Promise. No man can know the contents of the Book of Truth, for it was not for your knowing. Only the Prophet Daniel was given its contents, but he was instructed by My Father not to disclose its secrets.

Now, My daughter, as the final prophet you are being given its contents and by the Word of God they will bear much fruit. The Book of Truth is being given to the world to save the human race from certain death. It is a lifesaving Gift for the soul. It brings with it extraordinary graces. It brings you the Truth, not only to remind you of My Teachings, but, to prepare you for the attacks on My Church, which will result in the destruction of souls.

The Book of Truth will also reveal to you, My beloved followers, the Plan of My Father to help you to make the proper preparations needed to enter the New and Glorious Paradise on Earth. Without the Book of Truth, you, My disciples, would be like lambs being led to the slaughter, as you must know that your faith in God will be challenged and many efforts will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, Jesus Christ, off the face of the Earth.

When people are starved of the Truth of God, they will turn in another direction in order to seek solace. Not one man on this Earth can survive without a belief in something, which promises life. Sadly, many chase false doctrines, which appeal to their weakness. Love of self, means that religions and so-called spiritual enlightening sects appeal to the greed of men’s hearts. Self-gratification does not lead to God, or the Truth. Then those poor souls, who do not believe in any life after the one on Earth, walk in misery with no hope in their hearts.

The Power of My Holy Spirit, the thunder of My Voice, the miracles I will divulge and the proof of the authenticity of these Messages will win over the souls of millions.

My Presence covers the Earth and this has provoked much hatred, as Satan poisons the minds of My followers. My Presence is in the Tabernacles of the world, in My Churches, in the words of all chosen visionaries. But in these, My final Messages to humanity, My Presence will lead to global conversion.

You must never forget My Promise. I will come again on the last day. But I will not walk the Earth beforehand. My warning to you now is to listen to the prophecies. Any man who claims to be Me, or any man who tells you Jesus walks the Earth in human flesh, is a liar.

My Time will come when I descend from Heaven in exactly the way in which I ascended on My last day on Earth.

Your Jesus

I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

What is the best thing we can be given when we are angry, hateful, spiteful and lost and have no place to turn and feel our life is worth nothing and everybody has turned their backs on us???

We turn to someone, anyone and hope that they give us the tightest, biggest, longest, most heartfelt and warmest BEAR HUG to take away all those horrible emotions at that one moment in a heart beat!

Well can you imagine that this is all Jesus wants to do for us in a much more magnificent way?!

Go to Him! Fall at His Feet! Beg for His Mercy! Promise Him your love!

He has got Your Final, Beautiful Inheritance in Paradise waiting for you!

God just has to pass Him the Keys to His Kingdom very soon and He will take us in the blink of an eye! Wow!

Do it today! Go to Him!

No more procrastination built on fear!

Jesus loves you!!!!!

I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

April 2, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, the pressures placed on My followers to reject these Holy Messages will increase. Many misguided followers of Mine will refuse to accept these Messages as Mine. Well-meaning in their intentions, they will go to extraordinary lengths to turn people away from Me, in the belief that they guard My Church.

I Am the Church, and as long as My holy servants protect My Teachings, My Doctrine, My Sacraments and My Most Holy Eucharist, we are as One. Those, including leaders within My Church, who change these Laws, are not part of My Church. These changes have not been presented yet and when they are there will be much distress.

To those of you, who are in doubt, please do not reject Me. While you embrace Me in one way, you also bring tears to My Eyes. You may not see Me now, but soon you will feel My Divine Presence.

I call on all of you to prepare now for the great splendid future I have ready for you. Heaven rejoices as the Holy Spirit will soon descend and pierce your hearts with love and recognition. So many souls will be saved, so great is My Love. I will never give up. You will suffer in My Name, but this will be forgotten when you are at the gates of My New Kingdom. You will all unite together as one family.

I speak of those who are lost to Me, but I have every intention of extending My Mercy to as many as possible. Come to Me and let Me reassure you of the extent of My absolute Love and Compassion for every one of you. Those who reject Me, and in some cases detest Me, will be enveloped into My Arms as I soothe their poor hearts and enlighten their souls. I will become their only hope when they finally realise that the dark path they have chosen offers nothing, but unhappiness and fear.

I will pour, over the whole world, My Rays of Divinity, full of Mercy and soon I will cleanse all of humanity, so that they can be taken into My Kingdom quickly. My Time is almost here, as I await the day when My Father hands Me the keys to My Kingdom.

As the final Covenant is completed, I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise. This is your final inheritance promised to you. Do not reject it, for the sorrow you will bring upon yourselves is to be feared, and should you turn your back on Me, there will be a time when I can do no more to save you.

Your Jesus

God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date

Ok people! Let there be no mistake: God the Father is speaking to us now! This Message of His is telling us that though He is patient and His anger is tempered, He will not allow those who reject and refute these Messages and Their call to humanity to go unpunished! He will send a terrible chastisement to befall humanity if we do not heed the Call. He will give us opportunities in these final days to reconcile with Him and His Son with miracles, wonders and signs - all to indicate it is Heaven speaking! Please do not continue to ignore these Messages any longer. Do not continue to speak out against Them! How you place your soul in great jeopardy to discard the prophecies contained herein! Place yourselves in Jesus' Sacred Heart and listen attentively to His Voice - this is mankind's last chance! Scripture is near to It's Fulfilment! Be ready to take up the sword to defend His Word or face God's Wrath! His Word is not to be taken lightly! Lord God Almighty Father, we are at Your Mercy!

Crusade Prayer #94

"O Dear Jesus, I lay myself before you, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear your voice.
Let me be touched by your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by your Divine Light through my mind, body and soul.
I trust in your Mercy.
I surrender my pain and suffering completely before you and I ask that you give me the grace to trust in you so that you can cure me of this pain and darkness, so that I can become whole again and so that I can follow the path of truth and allow you to lead me to life in the New Paradise.


God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date

April 1, 2013

My dearest daughter, the Sacrifices made by Me, your beloved Father, on behalf of humanity are coming to an end.

Every attempt has been made, because of My Pure Love for My children, to save them from the evil of sin. In these times, the final battle to save all My children of every creed and race is now in the final stages.

Who amongst you will stand up for the Truth, when it has been given to you for so long? Who amongst you will accept My Holy Word as it is presented to you in My Book of Truth today? Those of you who scream at My prophet will be silenced, so that My children will be able to hear the sweet Voice of My beloved Son, as it draws souls into the safe haven, to prepare them for the New Paradise on earth.

I call on all of My children, the strong, the weak, the vulnerable, the ignorant and those stuffed with pride, who think that they know the Truth of the prophecies promised by Me over the centuries, to respond to this call from My Heavenly Kingdom.

I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date. Only I know the date of the Great Day when My Son will return to claim the Kingdom I promised Him.

The day of The Warning, given to you as a great Gift, will divide humanity into two halves. The first half will accept My Son’s great Mercy. The other half will hide and run. They will believe that they will have the power to withstand God’s intervention to save them. What they do not know is that I will pursue them right up to the Last Day to save them from the final horror, from which there is no return.

My children, do not fear Me. It is because of My Love for you that I have permitted the final persecution when evil will make itself known in a way like never before.

All Christian Churches will be knocked down in spirit. Some will be demolished. The Catholic Church, above all others, will suffer the most, as it will now be contaminated from within its core.

This disease will be vicious, but the Church founded by My Son on earth will survive this evil, although much of it will be outside of Rome, because the Seat of Peter has been desecrated.

Rise up, all of you who swear allegiance to My Son. Stay together and pray that the infestation will not devour those souls who have given their lives up for My Son. Oh how they will be tempted by the new laws, which they will believe are dictated by Heaven, through the Seat of Rome. How their hearts will heave with sorrow when disorder erupts. How they will weep when those sacred servants, in their hundreds of thousands, will be excommunicated. Only then will they hold out their arms and call on My Son to guide them.

My Divinity will cover the world and gather all My children into My Son’s Kingdom. You must await this call and accept, with grateful hearts, these Gifts given to you as the weapons you need to fight against the wickedness, which will cover the earth in darkness.

The meek and humble of heart, who love Me, their Father, and those who accept the Divinity of My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, will be gathered first. They, whose names are in the Book of the Living, will be called and will reign as leaders, along with the saints, amongst the twelve tribes of Israel.

Those of you with lukewarm souls will then be enlightened and your burden will be heavier. It will be through your prayers, that the others – those who hide from Me – will be taken under the roof of My Protection.

The beast, who cowers before Me, will not win the souls of those children of Mine that easily. Every Act of Mercy, every miracle, and every intervention will be granted by Me for the sake of My children.

Those who stand before Me and My children will suffer a terrible chastisement. Although I love all of My children, I will not hesitate to stop those amongst them who, if I allowed them, would take away My Kingdom, which I will fill with all My family.

Be wary of My Anger. For although it is contained and My Patience is great, I will cast upon the earth a great affliction, even if it means destroying much of it. Like a disease, which devours the human body, so too will the evil deeds of man against their brother, destroy the healthy cells. If this disease is not stopped and if I do not cut out, and cast away, the diseased flesh I cannot make the body whole again.

It will only be the whole, healthy Body of My Son’s Church on earth that can come to the door of My New Kingdom on earth. Those who have removed themselves from the temptation of rejecting My Son will find it easier to be made worthy to join as One Body, in union with My Son. They will be given eternal life and pain will be no more.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High

Today, I bring great Graces upon the world

Jesus thankyou for giving us what is REAL! We are in need everyday to hear Your Words. So many have so much ill towards Your Messages. I can understand Your Anguish. Please have the patience with them that I lack so much! Please give me the patience to pray for them even when I feel so aggrieved! This is Your Mission! It is so hard to see things written that are in direct objection to You. These are good souls of good people being duped by satan to ignore You when You Call to us to Guide us and prepare us for Your Second Coming, Your Mercy! God help them! Please! Amen

Today, I bring great Graces upon the world

March 31, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, today I bring great graces upon the world, as I rejoice because of the faith that exists, despite the trials and tribulations, which God’s children have to endure in the world at this time.

I renew the face of the earth today and fill the souls of those who believe in Me, their beloved Jesus Christ, Redeemer of all humanity, with My Holy Spirit. Rejoice and ignore the torment, which is being unleashed by Satan. Instead, humble yourself before Me and place all your trust in My Mercy and I will protect you from harm.

You must know that all Power is Mine. The evil one and those he enslaves have no power over Me. But their influence will destroy many of those who leave themselves open to the deceit of the beast.

My Kingdom awaits you, in all its Glorious Splendour, and this time is almost upon you.

Spread out, My followers, multiply in groups and proclaim the Word of God, the Truth, which is contained in the Holy Bible. You must now go back to the Gospels and remind people of its contents, for therein lies the Word of God.

Many new laws will be brought into your nations, where My Father’s Book will become impossible to access. You must never accept these laws because they deny Me. When you have no access to My Teachings, your children will not know Me. When My Teachings, the Laws of God, become outlawed, then you will know that it will be by the hand of Satan that your governments are being guided.

You must not allow yourselves to be taken like slaves. You must not succumb to absurd laws, which deny your free will. Never forget that you were born with the gift of free will – a Gift from God.

Any man who takes away your free will denies God. Any government or nation, which denies you your free will to bear witness to God is being guided by Satan. You, My beloved followers have been duped by satanic influences through those nations, which control your banks, your governments and your access to food.

The time will come when they will make you suffer even more than you do now, but suddenly and unexpectedly, will come a severe chastisement, which will render those government and their powers useless. God’s intervention will be swift and they, those evils sects, will crawl on their hands and knees screaming in terror at the punishment, which will befall them, for their evil deeds.

You, My cherished followers, must Trust Me and remain strong. Today I bless you with a special Gift – the Gift of Perseverance. You will know that you have been given this Gift for your patience will be impenetrable. Your determination to do My Holy Will will surprise even you, and when the time comes for you to openly profess your witness to My Second Coming, you will have no fear left. Instead, love for Me will manifest itself as a special love for your brothers and sisters. You will now see them, as they appear in the Eyes of My Father, as little ones. Your heart will swell in love and this will shake you, for you will feel love in your hearts, even for those enemies who rule over your nations by the command of the beast.

This love will convert the souls of those with hatred in their souls. Your prayers for such souls will grant them immunity from the punishment they would otherwise have faced on the day of punishment when I come to Judge.

This Gift of Perseverance, which I give you today, will save souls, for every Gift I bring has only one objective, and that is to save all souls so that we can unite as one holy family in the New Paradise on earth.,

Your Jesus

Virgin Mary: The Resurrection of my beloved Son is the most important Gift, as it means that eternal life can be given to all of God’s children

Our Lady, while we hold the Hand of Your Beloved Son, will You keep us tightly held to Your Immaculate Heart? I do so love to hear You say that this will all be over soon and we will be united in the New Paradise. The Great Gift that mankind will see soon, will help bring the love back to humanity. Then those who still struggle will be given a few last chances to accept the Truth. Our Lady please wrap Your Holy Mantle of Protection around those who waiver in their uncertainty. Please show them The Way! Jesus desires all souls to come to Him. We will do our duty and pray. Amen

Virgin Mary: The Resurrection of my beloved Son is the most important Gift, as it means that eternal life can be given to all of God’s children

March 30, 2013

My children, the Resurrection of my beloved Son is the most important Gift, as it means that eternal life can be given to all of God’s children.

By rising from the dead, my Son destroyed death. Death no longer has power over you, if you so desire. The life, which has been given to you, will soon change, as there will be only one Life in God.

When the New Heavens and the New Earth merge there will only be eternal life. Death of the body, the mind and the soul will be no more. You must never fear this new Life, as it will set you free. Much love will sweep over the earth, soon, poured out by my Son’s Mercy. This great, great, grace will be the next step taken by God to salvage His children from death of the soul. Death of the body will be no longer when my Son descends with the New Jerusalem.

You must show great courage during these wicked times, for these trials will be over soon. Only focus on the great Life you have waiting for you and pray that all souls will accept this Miraculous Gift.

Those souls, who refuse to accept the Truth of Eternal Life, will, instead, choose eternal damnation. There are only two choices and yet many of these souls believe that there is a third. Those who follow the sects, created by the power of the evil one, mistakenly believe in another mystical life where they will be given great power. They believe in false angels They idolize false angels, and sadly, many of these exist, but they are angels not of God. They languish in chains in the abyss of Hell and yet they manage to deceive God’s children who believe they are angels of the Light. The only Light you must follow is the Light of God – the Truth.

The Kingdom, the New Paradise, which awaits you, is the one promised to you by God, over which my Son will reign.

Accept the Hand of my Son and you will enter Paradise.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of God

Mother of Salvation

Not at My Feet will they fall. It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers, My sinners

Thankyou Lord Jesus for showing us the true nature of what You meant about the wicked gesture in Your Name. It was berGOGlio not kissing Your Feet in the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday, but kissing the feet of non-Catholic and muslim men and women on Holy Thursday. We know it now! He is not prepared to kiss Your Feet Lord. Have Mercy on his soul. Amen

Not at My Feet will they fall. It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers, My sinners

March 29, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter when Judas Iscariot betrayed Me, he held My Head and kissed me on the cheek. When those who lead My Church say they love Me, and then betray Me, you will see, clearly, their kiss of betrayal.

Not at My Feet will they fall. It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers , My sinners.

Showing concern for the needs of fellow human beings is admirable. But when you promote the physical well-being of the needs of man over their spiritual needs it is not I, Jesus Christ, you follow.

Humanism is not Christianity. To be Christian means surrendering all to Me, abandoning yourself in full humility at My Feet. It means allowing Me to guide you. It means obedience to My Laws and doing all that you can to show the example of My Love for you all. Today I was betrayed.

Not for long can, nor will, you be deceived for once the House of God is attacked from within nothing but disorder can follow. You must pick up your Cross and follow Me for soon you will be blindfolded and you will stumble and fall in the dark.

Without the Light of God you will not be able to see.

Your Jesus

Thankyou Lord Jesus for showing us the true nature of what You meant about the wicked gesture in Your Name. It was berGOGlio not kissing Your Feet in the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday, but kissing the feet of non-Catholic and muslim men and women on Holy Thursday. We know it now! He is not prepared to kiss Your Feet Lord. Have Mercy on his soul. Amen

My dearly beloved daughter when Judas Iscariot betrayed Me, he held My Head and kissed me on the cheek. When those who lead My Church say they love Me, and then betray Me, you will see, clearly, their kiss of betrayal.

Not at My Feet will they fall.  It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers , My sinners.

Showing concern for the needs of fellow human beings is admirable.  But when you promote the physical well-being of the needs of man over their spiritual needs it is not I, Jesus Christ, you follow.

Humanism is not Christianity. To be Christian means surrendering all to Me, abandoning yourself in full humility at My Feet. It means allowing Me to guide you. It means obedience to My Laws and doing all that you can to show the example of My Love for you all. Today I was betrayed.

Not for long can, nor will, you be deceived for once the House of God is attacked from within nothing but disorder can follow. You must pick up your Cross and follow Me for soon you will be blindfolded and you will stumble and fall in the dark.

Without the Light of God you will not be able to see.

Your Jesus

Soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile.

Thankyou Lord Jesus for giving Pope Benedict XVI his rightful place again in leading the Church from where he is. You have allowed us the knowledge that he will flee Rome soon and then St Peter will help him guide us in the last days. Please don't let this current 'pope',  the false prophet, divide Your Church Jesus. Masonic evil must be halted soon! Please don't allow their mockery of You any longer. Amen.

Soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile.

March 29, 2013

Good Friday Message 2

Second Message for Good Friday

My dearly beloved daughter, history will be made today. As My Passion is being commemorated it will, in truth, represent the Crucifixion of the Catholic Church.

On the days leading up to My betrayal in My Time on earth, the priests of the day fought every way they could to try and prove that I was guilty of heresy.

They took what I had taught – the Word of God – and twisted it. The rumours they then spread contained lies and they said that I was trying to pull people away from the True Teachings of the Church. They preached in the Temples to warn people to keep away from Me, lest they offend the high priests. They were warned that if they continued to spread My Messages they would be cast out, like lepers, from the Holy Temple. In some cases, my disciples were told that they would suffer physical punishment and that they would be arrested.

While they blasphemed against the Holy Spirit – they denied that I spoke the Truth and said that My Word was from Satan – they continued to worship God in the Temples. Dressed in the robes of Kings, they fought for their place upon the altar in the Temple. All lowly servants were made to stand for hours while they sat on the chairs, which were designed for Kings. The altar was so full of the leaders in the Church that the ordinary people were confused. They were obliged to pay homage to God by being forced to honour the highest ranking servants of God. The high priests, demanded respect from those who attended the Temple. They displayed all the outward signs of the love and humility, which was expected of them, and yet, they dressed and behaved as masters in My Father’s House, instead of the servants they were meant to be.

People were afraid of offending the Pharisees when they were following Me. Priests were bullied and warned that, unless they stopped spreading My Word, they would be stripped of their titles. Ordinary people knew that if they were caught spreading My Teachings that their own fate would be much worse.

The Crucifixion of My Body on earth completed the first part of the Covenant with My Father to save mankind.

The Crucifixion of My Mystical Body – My Church on Earth – commences today, the beginning of the final persecution, as the Masonic plan to defile My House, will now become clear to all who know the Truth.

History will now repeat itself, but the Truth will not be denied. Those who will deny Me, however, will in time turn to Me. Those who know that the prophecies foretold – that My Church will be the final target in ridding the world of all traces of Me, Jesus Christ – are now taking place, will follow Me in My Remnant army. They will remain loyal to My Teachings to the end of time.

No one can stop the True Word of God from spreading. No one. The reign in the House of Peter will be short and soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide God’s children from his place of exile. Peter, My Apostle, the founder of My Church on earth, will guide him in the last difficult days, as My Church fights for its Life.

Your Jesus

Today My Church on earth will be Crucified. Today marks the beginning of the changes

 Jesus we hope that we have enough understanding of the Mass and the Sacraments to know and recognise through the quagmire of deception that Your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity is being desecrated. How they will do this by such subtle means that I am afraid I will not see it properly for what it is! Help me Lord to recognise the betrayal! Amen

Today My Church on earth will be Crucified. Today marks the beginning of the changes

March 29, 2013

Good Friday

My dearly beloved daughter, today My Church on earth will be Crucified.

Today marks the beginning of the changes, which will be rapid and which will come about to change the face of the Catholic Church in the world.

In its wake will come the merging of all doctrines, which will be seen in every public sign and demonstrated deliberately for the sake of public witness.

Watch now, as all I have told you will come to light. I defy, those amongst you, to deny the awful truth when you are forced to swallow a lie.

You, My followers, must protect My Sacraments and be vigilant. You, My sacred servants, will soon be put to the test, as My Divinity will be challenged. God’s Laws will be adapted, and as soon as My Holy Eucharist is tampered with, the Hand of God will descend with such force that you will know, immediately, that these Messages come from Heaven.

My Sorrow will become your sorrow. Your grief, because of your knowledge of the Truth, will make it impossible for you to accept the sacrileges, which you will be instructed to embrace.

Even then, if you do not accept My prophet and the Words I give her, I will still give you time. For very soon you will be asked to renew your vows by those leaders amongst you. You will be asked to pledge your life through sworn testimony to the laws of paganism. If you do this, you will be under the influence of the evil one and you will do battle with God.

You must persevere and remain loyal to Me and you must beg Me for guidance at a time when the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, who refuses to follow in his footsteps or wear his shoes, will destroy your allegiance to God.

As you now witness the Crucifixion of My Church on earth, I will call you to proclaim the Truth of God. I will keep calling you in order to protect you. I will ensure that My Church, those who adhere to My Teachings, My Sacraments and the Word of God, lives on through the remnant who will never desert Me.

There will be those amongst you who will betray Me today. Others amongst you will soon denounce My Sacraments, as you will be too weak to defend the Word of God. Those of you who already suspect the truth and who try to spread My Word will suffer because you won’t have the courage to stand up for the Truth. Yet, you will still remain loyal to Me, as you know that you cannot live without My Love.

Listen to My Voice. Lean your weary head upon My Shoulder and allow Me to wrap My Arms around you at this time. I will always protect you.

Your Jesus

The danger to the Existence of the Holy Eucharist will be shown to you

Lord we pray for Your sacred servants to remember what they were taught - that they cannot be master and servant at the same time. To be master, they cannot serve You and only You. Wake them up to the Truth we implore You Jesus! Amen

The danger to the Existence of the Holy Eucharist will be shown to you

March 28, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, you now understand how much this Mission is detested by the evil one. You must, however, rise above the cruel obstacles placed before you to slow down My Work.

The danger to the Existence of the Holy Eucharist will be shown to you through the arrogance of those within My Church, whose plan to change the Truth has begun in earnest.

It does not matter that many amongst you sneer at My Mission to prepare your souls for the Great Day. In time you will know that it is indeed, I, Jesus Christ, Who comes to you in order to serve you.

I Am your Master and your Servant. You, My sacred servants, must remember your role and never forget it. As servants, you cannot be masters as well. For if you are a master, you cannot serve Me. Many of you within My Church have forgotten what you were taught. You have forgotten the Word of God.

My Promise is to provide you with the Food of Life – My Body and Blood – and yet, you will, once again, deny Me. You will do this by removing the Holy Eucharist from the Temple of God and you will replace It with a corpse. The substitute will be subtle and it will take a while before you can detect the evil action, which will be foisted upon you.

As My Body, through the Holy Eucharist, sustains you, the death of My Body, My Church, will bring death to the souls of those who discard Me.

The time for the abomination is very near. The time for choosing between My Path, or that of the false prophet, is almost upon you. Watch, now, as the Truth will be twisted by the imposter. See how he will exalt himself in My Shoes, but will refuse to walk the path of Truth as a servant of God.

Your Jesus

Your transition from this earth into My New Kingdom will be painless, instant and will be so sudden that you will barely be able to take a breath

Jesus: "Your transition from this earth into My New Kingdom will be painless, instant and will be so sudden that you will barely be able to take a breath before its beauty is revealed to you. Please do not fear My Second Coming, if you love God. God loves you. I love you. The Holy Trinity will embrace the earth and all those, who accept My Hand of Mercy and who show remorse for their sinful lives, will be safe..... The strong in faith, amongst you, will be taken swiftly. The time for those who lag behind, lacking in faith and who find it impossible to reach out to Me, will be longer."

Your transition from this earth into My New Kingdom will be painless, instant and will be so sudden that you will barely be able to take a breath

March 27, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, come all of you and join with Me in remembrance of the day when you were given the great Gift of Redemption.

Good Friday must be remembered as the day when the Gates of Paradise were finally opened to welcome God’s children from their exile from Him. My death secured for you a future you would never have, had My Father not sent Me as the Messiah.

My Body was crucified but My death brought you life. In this, the time for My Second Coming, My Body will endure the same Crucifixion – only this time it will be My Church, My Mystical Body, which will suffer. You must know that I would never allow the crucifixion of My Church to destroy the faith of God’s children. So now, I call on every person, every creed, every colour and every race to listen to Me.

You will soon experience all the signs on earth, which will prove to you that you are the Creation of God. You will know soon that you will never die if you call out to God’s Mercy. The future for all of you, who accept that you are a cherished child of God, is bright. I invite you, your family and friends to join in My Kingdom and eat from My Table.

Your transition from this earth into My New Kingdom will be painless, instant and will be so sudden that you will barely be able to take a breath before its beauty is revealed to you. Please do not fear My Second Coming, if you love God. God loves you. I love you. The Holy Trinity will embrace the earth and all those, who accept My Hand of Mercy and who show remorse for their sinful lives, will be safe.

The strong in faith, amongst you, will be taken swiftly. The time for those who lag behind, lacking in faith and who find it impossible to reach out to Me, will be longer.

You, My faithful followers will have to help the weak and those who are lost. My Mercy is so great that I will give all those souls the time needed to take them into the eternal life I have promised all. Never feel downhearted when all seems hopeless, as sin continues to devour the souls of the weak. We must work, in union, to save those who are so far removed from Me that very little will entice them into My Arms. Through your love for each other, miracles will be used to convert those lost souls. This is My Promise to you. Prayer, and much of it, will be part of your duty to Me to save those souls from the terrible end, which is being planned by Satan against God’s children who he detests. He must not be given these souls.

My Call is for everyone. These Messages do not exclude any religion. Instead they are given to each child of God with great Love, as you are all equal in His Eyes.

Be at peace and trust in the Love of God.

Your Jesus