What a profound Message! Can we see that this has already begun. The last October Synod was testimony to the ambiguity of seemingly innocent statements being misconstrued by those who are desperate to go on living in their states of sin. Eventually and not too far away Churches will introduce this 'acceptance' and 'tolerance' as normal - through the back door if you like - no fanfare, no media explosion, no public mention. Just casually little by little so no one really notices. It has begun with divorcees, cohabitating in sin and gays. Watch this space!
Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father
Thursday, October 17th, 2013 @ 20:38
My dearly beloved daughter, if only more people would believe truly in Me, their Jesus, then they would find peace in their hearts. Where there is no trust, there is fear. Fear prevents the Love of God from penetrating your soul and then you become a prisoner. Nothing, only My Light, will lift the burden.
When I tell you the Truth, I do this only because I love you and yearn for the day when we will be united, finally. Do not fear the Truth. My Love will fill you with the courage and the strength to stand firm and remain true to Me in all things. I protect all of those of you who ask Me, but it is only the souls who abandon themselves fully to Me, who will have no fear.
The wickedness of the beast will be disguised as charming and modern and it will be revealed to all behind the veneer of humanitarianism, charity and ‘care for the poor’. Do not believe, for one minute, that Satan’s disciples will ever show you their true colours. Every lie presented, to replace the Truth, will appear to be logical and for the common good of all. Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father in the Ten Commandments, given to Moses. Every gesture, subtle though it may be, will be designed to insult Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. The deceiver, through his servants, cannot resist mocking Me, for he hates Me. He will insult every vessel in My Church through actions, words and the addition of Satanic symbols. Only those who know the Truth will see these abominations and understand exactly what such gestures really mean.
The power of Satan can confuse, distract and torment My disciples. He, Satan, will never leave you alone, especially when you bear witness to the Truth. But know this – he can be overcome when you trust in Me completely. When you abandon yourselves before Me, he will not be given the power to influence your faith in Me. He, Satan, is finished. His reign, painful though it was for humanity, is at an end. His final insult before Me will be carried out through the antichrist, who will imitate Me and fool the world into believing that he is Me, Jesus Christ, and that he has come to save the world.
When you know the Truth, you will be able to withstand this temptation. When you remain firm to the Truth, contained in the Most Holy Bible, you will be saved.
The final attack will be swift and then I will show the world the Truth and only those who are full of hatred for Me will deny it. Do not fear, for I Am the only Saviour of humanity. Only My Love will sustain you. Fear only for those poor souls who will spit at Me as I reach out, finally, to take them into the New Paradise.
Your Jesus"
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Tuesday, 27 September 2016
The serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully
The false prophet is the precursor to the antichrist making his entrance onto the world stage. The false prophet is to the antichrist what John the Baptist was to Christ.
The Church is the first of satan's targets, along with Christians.
Aren't we seeing evidence of Christian persecution in the world already either in murderous forms or having certain things taken from us?
Someone recently was thrown in prison for receiving the Precious Blood of Our Dear Lord!
Wake up for goodness sake! This is not a playground of fantasy! This is real and happening!
Jesus is begging us to pray for those who will be numbed to the deceit of the false prophet and then numbed further to the deceit of the antichrist. Both of these men are espoused to Satan! They are his unholy trinity! The false prophet is working so furiously to snatch the unguarded within the Catholic faithful. But he makes no limits to who else he is trying to snatch.
Any Christian, any atheist, anyone gullible enough to swallow his lies! Then the antichrist will do much more! he will perform miracles, he will turn everything we know of Jesus, upside down, back to front and sideways! All lies! But he will succeed in his mission to draw many, many souls to him. Jesus cannot help them, if they knowingly side with the beast!
Our sins are judged when we are dead! Take your mortal sins with you and you will know hell for eternity. There will be no more Purgatory so not any other choices if you don't amend your lives now! But Jesus is still waiting for us to wake up and know the Truth! He is begging us to recognise Him and turn away from satan's perverse attempts to gain our souls!
Why would anybody not see the lies for what they are starting with the changes about to occur in the Catholic Church?!! Don't accept the lies! Don't accept being deceived! Don't be preoccupied with the antichrist's demeanour which will appear 'Christlike' being known as 'the prince of peace' .
Jesus was Glorified when He left the earth, He will return the same way on the clouds! He cannot return to earth in flesh. Anyone who says they are Christ is lying!
The serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully
October 16, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the most unholy trinity, consisting of My three enemies, the false prophet, the antichrist and the dragon, that is Satan, will rise now in defiance against the Most Holy Trinity. Know that they have many thousands and thousands of devout disciples and as the time draws near, many secret and vile ceremonies will take place to honour the serpent.
So careful is the serpent not to reveal his true self, his real wicked intentions against any child of God are disguised, and he presents himself to his elect chosen few as a charming, beautiful prince, where he manifests before them in the most seductive manner. Just as My Own chosen prophets are communicated with, the serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully and then shares with his hierarchy on Earth.
These messages contain instructions to desecrate My Church, in preparation for the antichrist to take up his throne and fool the world into believing he is the Christ, the Saviour of the World.
Heed now, all of you who dismiss this warning. Soon, many of My disciples, who love Me, but who do not believe in these Messages, will face great danger. The plan to take you away from Me has begun, and unless you remain cautious and alert, you will be enticed into the den of darkness. He, the antichrist, will emulate every aspect of My Divinity, made known to him by the serpent. He, the serpent, watched My Crucifixion and only he has the knowledge of the details, which surrounded this terrible event. He will mock Me by instructing his devoted servants into re-constructing rituals, back to front, in My Church. My Word will be taken and new obscene parts will be added to It, in order to honour the beast, and many will not understand the significance.
Dabble with the devil and place yourself at his disposal and this will lead to great trials. Repeat the vile words he will plant amongst you and you will open your soul to him. Adore him, by loving the antichrist when he struts arrogantly before you and you will place him in your hearts, instead of Me. All I have taught you will be back to front, upside down and inside out. Because so many do not truly understand My Teachings and because so few of you have listened carefully to the Gospels, with regard to the events leading up to My Second Coming, you will be none the wiser.
Oh how My Heart breaks to have to reveal this news. How I wish you did not have to suffer like this. But, I promise, I will ease your pain and his reign ,when it takes place, will be swift.
The souls who are innocently caught up in this travesty of My Divinity will be shown My Mercy. Sadly, those who believe they will reign in a paradise, promised to them by the deceiver, will find themselves thrown into the lake of fire where they will suffer for eternity. There will be no one to help them, for they will have swallowed the lies, designed to gain their trust, which will result in loss of many souls who will follow their false doctrine blindly.
Pray for Mercy for those who will be deceived by the king of darkness.
Your Jesus
The plans have been drawn up by the unholy trinity where all that is True will be banished
Jesus: "Woe to those who side with the false prophet for he is the antithesis of John the Baptist and will be the precursor of the antichrist who will rule over all of you.
The plans have been drawn up, by the unholy trinity, where all that is True will be banished. All that appeals to the secular world, when human greed and desire to ignore sin, will be presented through all Christian Churches to the faithful. This day has been written in stone and will be the final insult, allowed by God, before He sends Me, His only Son, to gather all those who remain true to the Word of God. When the lies are presented to you, they will appear to be a good thing. The badge of humility will be common in all of your churches, as it will be adopted by those among them who will deceive you.
Every trait, associated with Me – My Love for the impoverished; My Love for the weak and humble; My disapproval of greed, avarice and lust, will be used as part of the arguments used to force you to accept this new doctrine – this new one world religion, to prepare the world for the rule of the antichrist.
As a loving God, you are being given these warnings in order to save you. Heed Me now. All I ask is one thing. Remain true to My Holy Word. My Holy Word was given to you, in the Holy Bible. It can never change. But the enemies of God will twist its meanings. When this happens, reject those who tell you that God would approve of such changes. Nothing could be further from the Truth." Your Jesus.
The plans have been drawn up by the unholy trinity where all that is True will be banished
October 15, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, it is My desire that all of My priests, in every Christian denomination, begin to preserve the Most Holy Sacraments. Those in the Catholic Church will be the first to witness the destruction and desecration of the Sacraments. Those who are loyal to Me, Jesus Christ, will prepare diligently for this terrible wilderness into which My Church will be plunged.
You must prepare now, because it will be through your allegiance that all of God’s children will be able to receive the Sacraments in their holy state.
To all other Christian churches I say this. Remind yourselves of My Promise to come again on the Great and Glorious Day of My Second Coming. Know too, that in the years leading up to this, that all those who follow Me will face terrible trials. Those who will succeed to new positions of power, within all your denominations, will be led by the false prophet and all will mouth his words and copy his actions.
Woe to those who side with the false prophet for he is the antithesis of John the Baptist and will be the precursor of the antichrist who will rule over all of you.
You will be protected by Me, for soon I will be all you have to guide you. Only I can be trusted to tell you the Truth when you will be swayed by the heresies, which will be presented to you as the new form of modern Christian theology. How cunning is Satan, for he will never shock – instead he will, through those who serve him – draw you towards a new twisted, back-to-front interpretation of My Most Holy Word.
The plans have been drawn up, by the unholy trinity, where all that is True will be banished. All that appeals to the secular world, when human greed and desire to ignore sin, will be presented, through all Christian Churches, to the faithful. This day has been written in stone and will be the final insult, allowed by God, before He sends Me, His only Son, to gather all those who remain true to the Word of God. When the lies are presented to you, they will appear to be a good thing. The badge of humility will be common in all of your churches, as it will be adopted by those among them who will deceive you.
Every trait, associated with Me – My Love for the impoverished; My Love for the weak and humble; My disapproval of greed, avarice and lust, will be used as part of the arguments used to force you to accept this new doctrine – this new one world religion, to prepare the world for the rule of the antichrist.
As a loving God, you are being given these warnings in order to save you. Heed Me now. All I ask is one thing. Remain true to My Holy Word. My Holy Word was given to you, in the Holy Bible. It can never change. But the enemies of God will twist its meanings. When this happens, reject those who tell you that God would approve of such changes. Nothing could be further from the Truth.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: To the priests in the Catholic Church, I urge you to carry my Most Holy Rosary beads
We can be assured of Heaven's Protection against the darkness as it descends all around us simply through prayer - the Crusade and Litany Prayers along with the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet recited each day will see us through. We only need to spend at least 15 minutes a day in prayer with Jesus and Mary but if we can think about His Passion and Our Mother's Sorrow, then isn't it reasonable to spend 4 times that amount? That is all it takes to say the daily Crusade Prayers and then selected prayers for the day of the week you are praying along with the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Truly not to much to bring ourselves to do - look at is an offering, a sacrifice, a penance, a way to save other souls. We are not Saints, so praying gets us just that little bit closer to sainthood.
So very few Clergy place any importance on daily private prayer. They have become too worldly and self-interested. Our prayers will help them realise they are in danger of falling deeper into the darkness as it descends. Join in a Crusade of Prayer group or begin on with just one other person and we, the Remnant will turn this around for so many souls.
Mother of Salvation: To the priests in the Catholic Church, I urge you to carry my Most Holy Rosary beads
Monday, October 14th, 2013 @ 15:30
My dear child, do not believe for one moment, that any of you are strong enough, on your own, to withstand the temptations you will face to turn your back on the Truth – the True Word of God. Without continuous prayers, you will find that you will be unable to stand up and declare the Truth when you are presented with lies.
All of you must recite the Crusade Prayers as the darkness has already begun to descend over my Son’s Church on Earth and you must be prepared for this every second.
To the priests in the Catholic Church, I urge you to carry my Most Holy Rosary beads and a Benedictine Cross with you at all times. You must recite my Holy Rosary every single day and watch out for those in the higher ranks within the Church to see who recites my Holy Rosary in public. When I am being venerated, my Holy Rosary must be recited by all present before me. If they, who say, lead the faithful to seek my assistance before the Throne of God, cannot recite my Rosary, then they need your prayers. To come before me, seeking my help, without reciting my Rosary, is without substance, as it is akin to a soldier going into battle without any armour.
My Rosary is the most powerful prayer and, when said daily, will destroy the power of the evil one. Those, whose souls have been darkened by Satan, will find it too painful to recite this prayer. By their actions you will know who they are and you must ask God, through the Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ, to help them to draw towards the Light of God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
You do not know Me because you do not recognise Me
When we read the second paragraph we can see an escalation of our offenses to Jesus and God The Father. We are all sinners and we have no right to cast the first stone. None of us can be assured of being in God's Good Grace, so we shouldn't be complacent.
Avail ourselves of the Holy Sacraments as often as we can and try with all our might to be kept enshrouded in Christ's Sacred Heart. Should we fall even to the depths of despair, know that Jesus is always there ready to pick us up, dust us off and set us on the right path. But we must always stay True to Him even through our human weaknesses.
You do not know Me because you do not recognise Me
Sunday, October 13th, 2013 @ 18:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when those of you feel abandoned and unsure of My Love for the world, you must never give up calling out to Me to help you. You will, from time to time, feel a sense of hopelessness, a sense of fear and a sense of loneliness when you adhere to My Holy Word, given to the world through the Holy Gospel. Even now, as My Holy Gospel is still presented to you, you will feel very isolated, because few people put into practice what I have taught them through My Holy Word.
If you say you love your neighbour and then slander him, you will still belong to Me. If you say that you believe in the Ten Commandments, but adapt them to suit your lifestyles, then you are blind to the Truth. If you accept the Sacraments given to you through Me, but break them, you insult Me. When you preach My Holy Word to others and then place yourself before others, by saying that you are more worthy than them, in the Eyes of God, you offend Me. When you declare the Word of God to no longer matter in a modern world and that it must be adapted to appeal to a secular world, then you spit in the Face of God. When you believe that your knowledge of Me is superior to My Holy Word, as I give it to you now through these Messages and that there is error contained within them, you are ignorant of the Truth. You do not know Me because you do not recognise Me.
So, even those of you who feel content with your understanding of My Holy Word and reject Me now in this Mission – you have abandoned Me. You, especially, must call out for My Help for you are nothing without Me.
Your Jesus
Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory
It is apparent that once Heaven and Earth become one, we will not be able to pass go and collect all our sins and transgressions and take them to Purgatory.
Purgatory will no longer exist and the only way if not the way to Paradise and our Eternal Reward, is to go to hell!
Those who are hardened with pride, arrogance, ignorance and egoism will find it very difficult to break from the chains that satan binds them with. he just wants to make their eternity miserable in the abyss where he gets great delight in making them suffer hellfire.
But Jesus, still in His Mercy for those souls, will give them more opportunities for now but not later, no second chances. Even in the meantime when they have mocked, scorned, denied, He will still allow them an attempt to redeem themselves in His Eyes but again those chances are running out. Our prayers will be so significant leading up to this day.
We will still be able to help turn these people around. We cannot lose hope in that. They are relying on us even unbeknowns to them for our prayers for their Salvation. Jesus will listen to us, He already has and will continue to do so! For those who believe that somehow sin is ok with Jesus, perhaps you need to get a grip! Jesus will condemn sin, not condone sin.
A lie isn't a half lie, it is a lie! We cannot hope that our sins will be overlooked in this life and hope that when we die, we will be worthy of living life in the perfect Paradise God has prepared.
Who would we be to believe that we are worthy in a state of sin? No! Jesus cannot forgive sins if we die with them.
Once dead, our sins remain with us and we are judged accordingly. This is why through Confession and Crusade Prayer #8 (if non Catholic), we are being given a very real 'get out of jail free card' before it's too late. Free yourself from your sins. Give them with full contrition to Jesus! Remain in a State of Grace and you will know Paradise. Remain in a state of pride and indifference and see how far you get. There is hope, but it doesn't come for free!
Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory
October 12, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, My Throne will be placed upon the renewed Earth and soon all will live in peace and harmony, in accordance with the Will of My Father.
The world will become as it was in the beginning and no discord will be felt. All of God’s children, who are chosen to join with the angels and saints, will live a perfect existence. But know this. Those who do not accept the reality of the New Paradise, when they have been given every chance to decide which path they wish to choose, will not be given a second chance.
Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory. The only path souls will take, who refuse to accept My Mercy when it is handed to them freely, will be the one which leads to Hell. Many will be so stubborn, because they rely almost completely on intellectual reasoning, that they will, unwittingly, choose to spend eternity in the fires of Hell.
Those who do not believe in God, or accept the Truth, do not believe in the existence of Satan. He, the deceiver, will cloud their minds with lies, so as to entice them into the chambers of torture. Once there, because of his hatred of man, he will make them suffer non-stop for eternity. I cannot help these souls then. How I weep with bitter sorrow for the souls of the arrogant, the ignorant and those with hardened hearts. They are so stuffed with pride, that they will never see Me because they can’t. It is not possible for a person to see Me or to be filled with My True Word, if they are stricken with the sin of pride. Those of you, on the other hand, who know Me, but who accept Me on your own terms – you too distance yourselves from Me.
Why do you say you know Me and then twist what I told you about following Me? How can you call yourself a Christian and be prepared to accept false theology and lies, which you have twisted to suit your own lifestyles? Who are you if you do not follow Me and accept the full Truth of My Teachings? You are a traitor. You betray Me. When you betray Me once, you will be tempted to do it again and again, until finally, you will no longer be a Christian in My Eyes.
I must call on all those who believe in My Word and ask you, when have I ever condoned sin? I forgive sin, but I never condone it. If you believe that I condone sin, then you justify sin. You will suffer for the error of your ways and you are no better than those who betrayed Me, mocked Me, laughed at Me and crucified Me.
Remember, I taught you the Truth. Nothing but the Truth will bring you to accept the salvation I now come to bring to the world, at this, the final stage of My Covenant to save humanity.
Never forget that I Am the Truth. Only the Truth comes from Me.
Your Jesus
Relax, all of you, and know that God is ever Powerful and that no act, however evil, cannot be trampled on by Him
Lord Jesus thankyou for Your words of comfort that our homes will be protected by the Seal of the Living God and that we will not need to flee as some of us have thought from time to time to get to the refuges, which we understand are places of safety where we will come together to pray and receive the True Sacraments. I am sure this will come as great condolence to those who have been in a state of anxiety. Guide us each day Jesus and we will be assured of our safe passage to the New Paradise! Amen.
Relax, all of you, and know that God is ever Powerful and that no act, however evil, cannot be trampled on by Him
October 11, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, know that I walk beside you every day, every minute, awaiting your response. There are times when you have too much to do for this Mission, but you must always leave the proper time aside for Me, your Jesus. Remember I Am always Present and respond always to those who call out to Me. Nothing must ever separate you from My Company because the time you yield to Me grants you great Graces.
Today I ask that all those who accept that I now speak to the whole world, through the Book of Truth, to prepare yourselves. Never allow My Messages to cause you concern, worry or panic. Never believe that I would ask you to run from your homes into refuges, for this command does not come from Me. The refuges I speak of are those places you need to go to in order to receive Mass and the Sacraments.
My loyal servants are preparing now, all over the world, for that day to come when the daily Sacrifice of the Mass will be no more.
You must always keep the Blessed Seal of the Living God in your homes and in whatever format you can, in order to carry it with you also. This will protect you from any kind of persecution and you will gain the strength necessary to remain true to God and everything, which is laid down clearly in the Most Holy Bible.
Relax, all of you, and know that God is ever powerful and that no act, however evil, cannot be trampled on by Him.
Those of you who choose to respond to My Call are blessed. You, in turn, through your act of love for your neighbor, will spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere you go. Now you must do this. Trust in Me. Never feel restless, for I do not spread fear. I spread the Truth, which for some can be overwhelming. I Am your Protector, your Saviour, and I will come soon to bring you the final salvation and the world to come, which will have no evil. Be at peace. I will guide and protect you all and give you the Gift of perseverance in all the trials ahead.
Your Jesus
God the Father: Satan and his demons have recruited a very large army
I can't fathom what I am reading! Everything Sacred and sacrosanct is going to be used by the false prophet and the antichrist to mock Heaven! What good Catholic is going to fall for this desecration?! The mind boggles at this rape of our Church and Her Holy Objects! God have Mercy! You Alone know how this Angers You and Jesus!
"My Son’s Image, common throughout the world, will soon be replaced by the image of the false prophet. His image will be adored first, instead of that of My Son. Then this will be followed by large images, in every kind of format, of the beast, whose sign 666 will be embedded within every single mark he makes upon an unsuspecting world. You will see this sign hidden in such wicked objects, which will be used just as one would carry holy objects. A form of rosary beads will be created to idolise the new, soon to be declared, union of the world’s churches. The new world religion will be celebrated by the taking of holy prayer books, medals, scapulars, rosary beads, Crosses and desecrating them into becoming good luck charms." -God the Father
God the Father: Satan and his demons have recruited a very large army
October 8, 2013

My dearest daughter, My Divine Powers are given to all of My children who turn to Me, asking Me – through My Son – to sustain them during these times of great trials on Earth.
Sin is so rampant that My Son now suffers the same Agony, which He endured for each of you on the Cross. Sin is so widespread that you have all become immune to it and the evil which it breathes. My children, you must come to Me and never give up your quest for peace and love. Never think that I will not hear your voices, as they call out to Me, no matter how little you are.
My Son’s Second Coming will create great havoc, division, mistrust, hatred and sadness, as the Truth of My Holy Word will be thrown to one side. Satan and his demons have recruited a very large army – an army so big and powerful that it would be beyond belief if you could see how it has been formed. This army controls what you, My children, are being told in public. Very rarely, from now on, will you be told the Truth. By this I mean the Truth, according to My Most Holy Covenant.
All matters relating to the world in which you live will not be truly revealed to you, as wars, deliberately created to destroy My people, will soon be witnessed. None of these wars will be for the good of man nor will they be just. My Word, given to the world, since the first prophet revealed My Desires, will no longer be taken seriously. The Word, according to My Son, Jesus Christ, will be abused and defiled in order to justify lies.
It is time for all those who are called to the service of My Son to remain alert. You cannot ignore this, My Call to humanity. I, through My Son, ask you to stay together, in union with Him at all times. You, My children, are Satan’s first target, as he will not rest until he seizes My Son’s Church on Earth, first. Without My Son’s Church, he will fail to draw the souls he craves the most. You, My children, will be hurt and tormented by the beast – the antichrist – if you cave into pressures which force you to embrace the new false doctrine, which is now being carefully and ruthlessly prepared.
I, the Father of all of you, God the Most High, wish it to be made known that the antichrist is about to be embraced by My enemies in secret rituals. He is being sworn in behind hidden walls, in places, which are meant for the Adoration of My Son. The ecclesiastical masonry, which will now be witnessed, plays an important role in this abomination. Sadly, all of this must take place before My Covenant to gather all My children, back into the Paradise I created for them, in the first instance, is completed.
It will be up to those of you, chosen by Me, to always acknowledge the Truth, so that you can help My Son to save the other souls who will swear an oath to follow the beast.
My Son’s Image, common throughout the world, will soon be replaced by the image of the false prophet. His image will be adored first, instead of that of My Son. Then this will be followed by large images, in every kind of format, of the beast, whose sign 666 will be embedded within every single mark he makes upon an unsuspecting world. You will see this sign hidden in such wicked objects, which will be used just as one would carry holy objects. A form of rosary beads will be created to idolise the new, soon to be declared, union of the world’s churches. The new world religion will be celebrated by the taking of holy prayer books, medals, scapulars, rosary beads, Crosses and desecrating them into becoming good luck charms.
Everyone will love the antichrist, as he will represent the world outside of religion, on the one hand, but because he will be embraced by the false imposter in My Son’s Church on Earth, he will be seen to represent all that is sacred in the world.
My children, do not let news of these events tear at your heart, for when you listen to Me, and follow the Path of My Son, I will spare you much of the persecution of spirit, which is to come. Your adherence to these Messages will be weakened from time to time, by attacks planted by Satan. Some of you will walk away. Some of you will doubt. The vast majority of you will remain true to Me and I will grant you great Favours and Graces for your obedience.
I love you children. I will be merciful and when you ask Me, through My Son, to soothe your hearts and help you to remain at peace and walk with confidence towards the Gates of My New Paradise, I will answer your call.
Your loving Father
God the Most High
You will soon be told to use your faith to create a political campaign around the world to save the poor
So we are going to see the false prophet's image all over the place, as statues even! Well actually I have already seen this on my journeys through Europe and London.
Now let's see! We have a man who thinks that he can undermine Jesus by telling everyone (who will listen) to help the poor in tenable way for their earthly needs! Well, somewhat admirable - but hang on!
Isn't Jesus telling us He is all about saving the souls of the poor first and foremost? Isn't it all about the Spiritual nourishment and wellbeing of poor souls? Cheeseburgers and a nice pair of trousers aren't going to get them into Heaven!
Aren't the poor in Spirit Blessed because they will see the Kingdom of God? But what's this? the false prophet wants us to believe that more important is that they are clothed, sheltered, fed and given money to help in this.
That is the Christian thing to do, but at the expense of their souls knowing Jesus FIRST ABOVE ALL? the imposter will do his utmost to tamper with all that is Sacred! he will flaunt 'help the poor' every turn! He will get people to monster politicians and come off looking like a good guy being humanitarian in word and deed! Oh but how his cunning deception will lead many, many people to follow his example! What happened to 'giving the Good News to the poor' 'Telling prisoners that they are prisoners no more" "Telling blind people that they can see' and 'Setting the downtrodden free". It seems francis won't be telling anyone about the Kingdom of God is come!
Just be awake all the time! Pray for God to show His Mercy to the poor in their spiritual, in their physical. He will determine what they need best! Not the false prophet! The poor are victim souls who suffer for God in the state they are in. It's for a greater Purpose! But to twist Jesus' Teachings to confuse and deny them Him is beyond abomination!
You will soon be told to use your faith to create a political campaign around the world to save the poor
October 6, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the voice of the false prophet roars about all that is sacred in My Church. Little, however, will be said about the importance of upholding God’s Teachings, Sacraments and the Proclamation of the Truth. Instead, you will see diversions, such as looking after the world’s poor and hungry, and this will be deemed to be your first task as servants of God.
As servants and followers of God in the Church, your first allegiance is to the Truth of what I told you. Loving the poor and the hungry and helping them is a good thing, but My Church on Earth has a much bigger role, which was sworn to Me. This includes the teaching of the Truth in everything I taught you and you will do this, if you truly love Me.
The Church has a Mission to teach the Truth of My Teachings. Taking one aspect of My Word, to help the poor is admirable, but misleading, as My Teachings clearly state that you must help the poor in soul. Help them to cure their soul, before you help them to be free of life’s afflictions. If I give you a poor man and ask you to help him, how would you do this? Give him clothes? Money to feed his family? Or, would you have Me save his soul first?
You will soon be told to focus all your attention on the world’s poor. You will be asked for money – and this will be taken from different sources to help the world’s poor, jobless and homeless. You will be told that I, Jesus Christ, always loved the poor. The problem is this. I seek out the poor of spirit first – to free them away from their lost lives. The poor of soul – those who have little spiritual feeling for God – are the ones I crave. Blessed are those who are poor in this life, with little to show for it, but who love Me, for these people are not poor at all. The rich man, who has no love for Me, is in more need of My Love, My Mercy, My Compassion, than those who are forced to find food, clothes and shelter. How you love Me and how you ask Me to save you is what you need to pay attention to. The Sacraments will be the saving force of those who are rich and poor, but who have no love for Me.
You will soon be told to use your faith to create a political campaign around the world to save the poor by leaders in My Churches everywhere. Nothing will be said to encourage you to prepare for My Second Coming, for they will not dare to prepare you for this Great Day. They would rather take your mind off Me by asking you to spend more time honouring the works of the false prophet.
Very shortly, statues, relics, posters, cups and large commissioned paintings will be made of the false prophet to be placed in Churches everywhere. His image, along with the antichrist, in time, will adorn many public places, churches, political centres, as well as, in countries where their parliaments will be seen to embrace the Catholic Church in a ‘new light.’ This will create a new form of false evangelism, and because it will appeal to a modern secular society, it will attract admirers from all over the world.
Not one word will condone the importance of the Holy Sacraments, as they were given to the world or the important Graces, which they yield. Instead, each will be played down – extra meanings added, in order to appeal to those who deny them as they are. This will be in the hope that the abomination of the desecration of My Sacraments will be offered to as many people as possible, to take them away from God, so that the enemies of God can complete their pact with the devil.
The devil will deceive many who belong to My Church in this time in history. He will do this in the most charming and convincing way and he will justify lies when his servants will say that I would approve of these new changes. I, Jesus Christ, will be misquoted in order to win over souls. My Teachings will be twisted in order to destroy My Church and steal those souls closest to Me. Millions will accept the lies, without a care in the world. You must pray for them in the hope that they will realise, in time, that something is wrong.
When I appoint leaders and when a chosen soul has been appointed to spread My Holy Word, within My Church on Earth, the Truth is always straightforward, clear, concise, and straight to the point. When you are being lied to, through the influence of the spirit of evil, you will become confused. Phrases won’t make sense. So-called improvements, presented by enemies within My Church, mean that the Truth is not ‘good enough.’
My Word, My Sacraments, My Teachings do not need to be improved upon, for they came from Me. I Am God. I Am Perfect. My Word remains forever. Any man who tampers with My Most Holy Word is an enemy of God. My Anger is great at this time and any man who treats My Body, the Most Holy Eucharist, with disrespect and says he leads My people, know that this is untrue. I would never request a leader in My Church to change the Word of God, by introducing new meanings or new interpretations. This could never be.
Your Jesus
As the Crucifixion of My Church on Earth commences, you must watch out for all the signs, which were foretold
No man on earth, no woman on earth, no child on earth has every experienced the Pain of Dying and Death that Our Dear Lord suffered at the hands of the evil one!
The torture, the sheer bloody-mindedness of those who inflicted on Jesus beyond what any other human being could endure! Only His Divinity allowed Him to have the strength on all levels beyond our imagining, to endure what can only be described, feebly, as the most barbaric, animalistic Torture!
Humanity stooped that low! Humanity will stoop that low again! Those in the Church will render it defiled! Those signs we have been prepared for will be seen soon!
Words they use in place of the Creed in their allegiance to satan will be confusing and confounding! Illogical and divisive! Complicated and cunning! We will feel very uneasy in the pit of our stomach.
Take any Inspiration that your Guardian Angel gives you as a sign to get out! I for one will only see this once! Then I will take myself to another parish and if it occurs there I will only see it once!
I had been praying hard to find a Church and a priest who knows the Truth and isn't afraid to rebuke the lies, and thankfully by the Grace of God, He has sent a wonderful Traditional priest who celebrates Holy Mass in a private home in one of our Prayer Crusader's house each week. We know that this priest is our Refuge priest once we cannot go to our usual Mass. This is such a Blessing!
But Poor, Poor Jesus!
As the Crucifixion of My Church on Earth commences, you must watch out for all the signs, which were foretold
October 3, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, as the Crucifixion of My Church on Earth commences, you must watch out for all the signs, which were foretold.The enemies of God will emulate every aspect of My Own Crucifixion, beginning with the desecration of My Body.
When I was dragged before My executioners, they stripped Me naked, in order to mock Me and cause Me shame. They then dressed Me in red – the colour associated with the beast. They then fought over who would drive the first nail into My Body. Then, like savages, they tore at My Limbs and stretched My Arms so far that they pulled them out of My Sockets, so as to cause Me extra pain. To make Me suffer more, they drove the nails through the palms of My Hands at an angle so that they exited through My Wrists. My two Arms were pulled at two awkward angles and I hung at a painful, unusual angle, designed to cause Me the maximum amount of pain and humiliation.
They drew lots so that the final eight men could preside over the bloody torture they inflicted upon My Body. They chanted obscenities, slapped and punched Me, kicked Me in the stomach and roared like savages. They defiled Me in every way to show all those who witnessed My death on the Cross that I was being punished for My so-called wicked lies. I was murdered to keep Me silent and to prevent the Word of God from reaching souls.
The same will happen soon.
It won’t be enough for My enemies to change the Presentation of My Eucharist – they will defile My Body once more. They will desecrate Me in similar ways. The colour red will be used; they will make gestures before My Cross and insult Me by their new rituals. Only those who recognise the signs will discern how these sacrileges will be enthusiastically presented to the world, amid great pomp and splendor.
The new homilies will be a nonsense and much of the new liturgy will not make sense. To those who know My Teachings, be aware of the confusing, illogical and complicated statements, which will accompany the introduction of the new, revised teachings and creeds of old. They will not only confuse and create great unease in your soul, they will be full of contradictions and lies, which could never come from Me, Jesus Christ.
You have been given the Truth since the time I walked the Earth. You will now be given the lies, designed to make you turn from God. Make sure that you are alert, for you will be swallowed up and taken into false doctrine. The doctrine of darkness, planned meticulously for many years, will soon descend upon you.
You must never accept promises, which contradict My Word. When you see these things happen you will know that they have been brought to you by the spirit of evil, in order to destroy your chance of eternal salvation.
Your Jesus

Deny sin and you deny Me
Have we become that complacent, that comfortable and that self-seeking that we have lost the understanding that sin is wrong, that sinful actions, words and thoughts are wrong?
What has changed for us over the years to believe that as Christians we no longer need The Ten Commandments to be our 'Rules' of living good, decent and holy lives?
Why are our eyes closed to what Heaven have placed down as the Guidelines for being Truly Christian?
Why are Christians so quick to set aside that which God has Commanded?
Any wonder Jesus just can't sit by and watch His children take the wide easy highway to hell! We know that the Path to Paradise is narrow and thorny! Why do we think that everything free and easy will get us close enough to see His Face?
Come on! What on earth is the matter with us, that we cannot fathom what sin is in God's Eyes!
We cannot accept the lies and deceit and still claim to one day see Christ! We cannot believe for one minute that our sins will vanish without any work on our part to purify our own souls! Is that the way we look at everything these days?
Take the easy way out of everything without regard for others, for ourselves, for God? It seems our society has taught us to deny, deny, deny and then at all costs, never admit defeat, never claim responsibility, never admit fault!
Well it seems those who claim to love Christ are very complacent and as long as 'their alright Jack' nothing else matters! Wrong honey!
Jesus is sending out His Call for humanity to know the Truth, to know God's Truth, to know the Book of Truth! Our preparedness will lead us to Paradise! If we don't consider the weapons Jesus is giving us to fight in the Spiritual Battle, then what will we have as our defence?
satan is falling over himself to snatch us from Christ! So what are you doing to stop him eh?
Deny sin and you deny Me
October 4, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, no man can fight Me and expect eternal salvation, unless he surrenders in full to Me. All of God’s children must know that the time is drawing close when the world must know that My Final Call is almost upon them.
Never fear My Call. Welcome it, for I bring you Love, Peace and Salvation. Ignore Me at your peril, for I only give you so much time to respond to My Call from Heaven.
You, My beloved followers – no matter who you are – will find yourselves isolated soon and cut off from My True Presence. My Presence, My Word and the True Teachings of God are to be banished and you will find yourselves in a very lonely state. Those of you who scoff and mock these, My Holy Messages of Love to the world, will be left wondering how this can be, when you follow the path of deceit. The further you walk along this path, the greater the distance you will put between your souls and My Mercy.
When you love Me, you will believe in My Teachings. If you know Me, you will recognise My Holy Word in the Scriptures. If you know Me and accept that I would ever allow My Holy Word to be turned into something that it is not, without intervention on My Part, then you cannot say you know Me. If you believe that I, the Son of man, Who died a brutal death, on your behalf, to save you from sin, could sit back and condone such a situation, then you deny the Word of God.
Deny sin and you deny Me. Accept sin as being a good thing or believe, for one minute, that I will excuse it, without reconciliation, then you can no longer claim a place in My Kingdom. I warn you that this period ahead of you will lead you on the most dangerous path of destruction, unless you remain true to My Holy Word.
My Word is Eternal. My Kingdom is yours when you accept My Word as it was given to you. Dare to tamper with it or accept any form of new adaptation and you will suffer for this. My Anger is rising now, as I see how little respect many of you show towards the Truth as it was written in My Father’s Book. There can be no other Truth. Any form of deviation can never be accepted by God. No arguments. No human reasoning. No exceptions. The Truth will live for Eternity. Lies will drive you into the arms of the beast.
Your Jesus
There is a great misconception as to what makes a man or woman holy in My Eyes
Our Beautiful Jesus tells us:
"If you truly love Me, you will know true peace. If you truly love Me you will say to Me:
“Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may. When a soul tells Me this, they are true servants of Mine and they are the reason I can save the rest of those who are too stubborn to recognise the meaning of being in union with Me.”
How can anyone deny Your wish to hear Your Call to humanity Jesus? Why are people so unkind to You? Look at the wondrous Gifts You give us because of Your Awesome Love for us!
Oh Jesus, have Mercy on me, a sinner, take my will, use it as You need in order to save souls. I trust in You My Saviour! I love You and honour You! Please accept my will as a humble gift to give You this very moment! All for You, my Love! Amen.
There is a great misconception as to what makes a man or woman holy in My Eyes
October 2, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, there is a great misconception as to what makes a man or a woman holy in My Eyes.
Many people in the world find the practice of the Christian Faith difficult to embrace when it comes to prayer. So many good and well-meaning people find it hard to sit quietly in peaceful contemplation of My Great Lessons given to the world in order to make them understand what is expected of them. I do not make great demands. I do not force souls to spend hours and hours before Me and yet, I Am so happy when humble souls do this – but it is a rare thing.
This is how I wish to develop an intimate relationship with all of God’s children. I just need to hear your little voice call out to Me when you would like to share your private thoughts; your sorrows; your joy; your worries; your failures and your longing for Me, so that I can make Myself Present and witnessed by you.
Never before in the history of the world will God permit Himself to be felt, within the souls of those who will seek Him out now – through Me, His only Son. By the Power of God, the Father, the Most High – I come before even the most lowly, the most unworthy, the most confused, the most tormented of spirit, to give you the Gift to witness My Presence.
How do I do this? How will you know that I communicate with you? I will fill you first with the tears of conversion. You will begin to feel great sorrow as you relive My Crucifixion. You will begin to see life, even in everyday situations, through My Eyes. You will be drawn to others, who have been filled already with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
I do not choose those you believe are more worthy, more holy, more blessed, more disciplined, than you. I choose only those who come to Me in total humility, where their own free will has been willingly abandoned by them, so that it can become My Will.
If you truly love Me, you will know true peace. If you truly love Me you will say to Me:
“Jesus Your Will is all that matters. My free will is Yours. Do with it as You may.”
When a soul tells Me this, they are true servants of Mine and they are the reason I can save the rest of those who are too stubborn to recognise the meaning of being in union with Me.
I can do many things and create many miracles, when the free will, given to every person by My Father, is offered back to Me, His Son. This is the greatest power, which will eliminate the power of the beast when he comes to power. Come to Me and gift your free will to My Father, in order to bring freedom to the human race. Please recite this special Crusade Prayer:
Crusade Prayer (123) Gift of free will to God:
My dearest Jesus, hear this prayer from me, a most unworthy soul, and help me to love You more. By my free will, I offer You this Gift back, dear Jesus, so that I can become Your humble servant and remain obedient to the Will of God.
My will is Your Will. Your Command means that I am obedient to Your every desire. My free will is Yours to do with it what it is that is needed to save all people, all over the world, who are separated from You. I grant this Gift, which was given to me at birth, to Your Most Holy Service. Amen.
The more you begin to know Me, the more you will understand two things. My Teachings have never changed. I love all souls.
Your Jesus
Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth
So many priests have already been attending these retreats and think they are wonderful. They sprout on about the new evangelisation, the Year of Mercy with all the humanistic jargon they have been indoctrinated with. Ideologies of Karl Jung and other new age precepts. Then they go onto the climate change scam. Yet they believe all of it and swallow it right up because it has been overseen by the false prophet who they believe is their 'holy father'. What a mess!
Where are the Teachings of Christ? Where is the Name of Jesus even mentioned in the writings coming down from the 'top brass'?
What do you think goes on behind Vatican walls in their 'spare time'?
Read up about it. Start Googling with 'ecclesiastic masonry'- The darkness is wrapped up in Freemasonry. The false prophet is a life time member of Rotary. Rotary is a subsidiary of Freemasonry. Time to get acquainted with what's really going on and who's pulling the strings in the Church. We have to stop behaving like ostriches with our heads in the sand and wake up!
Of course I am not referring to all, just a number. There are many great and good Catholic Clergy who love Christ and want the Church to remain in Truth. They are not the victims of this darkness Jesus Speaks of.
Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth
Monday, September 30th, 2013 @ 15:45
My dearly beloved daughter, I must ask all of My sacred servants to watch out for the summons to attend retreats, which will be introduced to persuade them to agree to a new oath of allegiance, which will render useless – should they agree to do this – their most sacred vows, which they made to Me, Jesus Christ.
Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth and it will soon dictate its new liturgy, which will be in defiance of My Most Holy Will. Created by the enemies of God and disguised as a new adaptation to suit political powers, who want to ban Christianity, it will be presented so quickly that many within My Church will be astonished. They will be pained to see such an abomination, but the voices of My loyal servants will not be heard in public, for they, the Masons, control how this new liturgy will be perceived in every way. Every objection raised in dioceses throughout the world will be dismissed and cast aside. The excuse will be that the Church needs to recruit new young souls who have fallen away from it. By appealing to a secular world, they will say that this will convert more people through a new liturgy.
Oh how deceitful this abomination will be and how many will fall for the lies, which will lead so many away from the Truth. The Book of Truth was foretold to the prophet Daniel so that God’s children would never forget the Truth when they are drowning in the lies which will devour My Church on Earth.
Accept the Truth laid down by My Church on Earth. Do not accept the new laws, which you will be forced to accept in My Holy Name, which will amount to sacrilege.
Your Jesus
Where are the Teachings of Christ? Where is the Name of Jesus even mentioned in the writings coming down from the 'top brass'?
What do you think goes on behind Vatican walls in their 'spare time'?
Read up about it. Start Googling with 'ecclesiastic masonry'- The darkness is wrapped up in Freemasonry. The false prophet is a life time member of Rotary. Rotary is a subsidiary of Freemasonry. Time to get acquainted with what's really going on and who's pulling the strings in the Church. We have to stop behaving like ostriches with our heads in the sand and wake up!
Of course I am not referring to all, just a number. There are many great and good Catholic Clergy who love Christ and want the Church to remain in Truth. They are not the victims of this darkness Jesus Speaks of.
Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth
Monday, September 30th, 2013 @ 15:45
My dearly beloved daughter, I must ask all of My sacred servants to watch out for the summons to attend retreats, which will be introduced to persuade them to agree to a new oath of allegiance, which will render useless – should they agree to do this – their most sacred vows, which they made to Me, Jesus Christ.
Ecclesiastical masonry has now reached the greatest level of power within My Most Holy Church on Earth and it will soon dictate its new liturgy, which will be in defiance of My Most Holy Will. Created by the enemies of God and disguised as a new adaptation to suit political powers, who want to ban Christianity, it will be presented so quickly that many within My Church will be astonished. They will be pained to see such an abomination, but the voices of My loyal servants will not be heard in public, for they, the Masons, control how this new liturgy will be perceived in every way. Every objection raised in dioceses throughout the world will be dismissed and cast aside. The excuse will be that the Church needs to recruit new young souls who have fallen away from it. By appealing to a secular world, they will say that this will convert more people through a new liturgy.
Oh how deceitful this abomination will be and how many will fall for the lies, which will lead so many away from the Truth. The Book of Truth was foretold to the prophet Daniel so that God’s children would never forget the Truth when they are drowning in the lies which will devour My Church on Earth.
Accept the Truth laid down by My Church on Earth. Do not accept the new laws, which you will be forced to accept in My Holy Name, which will amount to sacrilege.
Your Jesus
My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation
We need to understand just what Jesus is saying here. Can we really grasp that we will witness pagans being paraded in front of the Tabernacles invited to Communion to coerce Catholics to embrace all other practices and forms of worship of pagan gods, new age philosophies, tolerances that go against Christ's Teachings for His Church and against the Holy Sacraments etc and if we don't concede, we will be scolded, persecuted and banished if we speak against this happening?
Well ok! When this happens, be strong and audible! Swim against the tide! Speak out regardless of what abuse you are hurled! Do not take part in any of the activities. Don't believe for one moment that Christ is Present in the Holy Eucharist! HE WON'T BE! Do not just sit there watching like a bystander unable to make a personal protest and WALK OUT! And while you are walking out, yell out "This is an abomination in God's Eyes!"
You will be hated! You will be taken to with expletives, but who cares!
What is important is that you do not condone these lies and sit there silent - to do this is an affront to Christ!
He wants your action, your determination, your tenacity, your perseverence!
The time will come, that we will see these terrible things occur and very soon too, so Jesus is telling us "desecrate Me and swear allegiance to the beast, you will become completely separated from Me and you will find it impossible to accept My Mercy."
Let those who bring this apostasy in to His Church know that you know!
You know exactly what is happening so tell them!
My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation
September 28, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, always remind those who believe in Me, but who have no idea that My Second Coming draws close, that they must always be alert to the signs which were prophesied in My Father’s Book, for the time which precedes the Great Day.
The great apostasy is the first sign. This is when belief in the Truth – the Word of God – disappears and when sin is glorified in every part of the world. The sign for when My Second Coming draws very close is when the great apostasy grips My Church on Earth from within.
When you see those who say that they have been appointed by Me to lead My Church on Earth engage in the secular world in order to gain favour, you will know that the changes have begun. When you see the Great Sacrifice – My Crucifixion – being debated and new meanings attached to My Eucharist, you will know that My Church will be cast into the desert.
By My Church, I refer to those who do not deviate from the Truth and who continue, as before, to accept the Word of God. My True Church will be thrown out of Rome and will have to endure a number of years of desolation. It will be trampled upon by the heathen and will suffer, but by My Grace, it will remain intact and those brave souls who refuse to desert Me will be given extraordinary Gifts by Me. As the abominable, so called ‘miracles’, healings and gestures of false humility and love for humanity are witnessed in the shell of My Church, the true miraculous interventions by Me will be seen.
I will, through My Crusade Prayer Groups, make known to those who scoff and mock them, the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Many miracles will be bestowed upon My Prayer Groups and those who recite the Prayers as a gift to help My beloved disciples cope with religious persecution.
The persecution I speak of is mainly a spiritual one. My true disciples, and I mean all Christians, of every denomination, everywhere, will watch in great sorrow when they have to bear witness to the great deceit, which will descend over the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will embrace the secular world and will declare mortal sin to be no more. Sin will not be acknowledged and in order to deceive the innocents, they will be told that it is not difficult to enter My Kingdom.
Confessions will stop in the present format. People will be told to ask for redemption in their own way, and as such, many will not then bother to ask for My Forgiveness. They won’t do this because they will no longer accept that sin is caused deliberately and, because of this, that God will forgive all. This is the error which was foretold and which will lead millions into the fires of Hell and they will be led there by the false prophet and the antichrist.
Soon, all pagan feasts and festivals will be integrated within the Catholic Churches everywhere. Pagans and those who hate God will be invited onto the altars in front of the tabernacles. This feast will be declared to be the new form of Communion – all God’s children joining together in order to respect each other’s beliefs and human rights. You, My followers, will be asked to show respect for those who want to destroy My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. You will be accused of being anti-Christian if you do not embrace paganism. This is how you will all be fooled. This is how I, Jesus Christ, will be desecrated. They will do the same in schools, in order to banish Christianity. They will do the same in political circles, when everything to do with Me will be wiped out. No other religion will be targeted with such hatred. Christianity, because it is the Truth, will be destroyed.
What you do not realise is, that by becoming willing participants in this wicked desecration, that your souls will be darkened and in time you will forsake your own salvation.
Betray Me and I will forgive you. Deny Me and I will forgive you. But, when you desecrate Me and swear allegiance to the beast, you become completely separated from Me and you will find it impossible to accept My Mercy.
Your Jesus
God the Father: If I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this
God is SPEAKING! Get this now!
He is over His Patience! He is over the godlessness! He is over the grievous sin of abortion! He is over those groups who want to control world population! He is over leaders who allow their governments to commit this atrocity! He is over church leaders who want to bring their apostasy in to the Church! He is over the cities of sin!
So what part of God's Anger do you not get!
Those Servants of God who are disloyal to Him, listen to Him! The time your souls can redeem themselves is running out! Your duty to your flock in His Name has been overshadowed by your desire to be 'in the world'. No more! God will not tolerate His Son's Church being decimated and His Commandments being ignored! Watch out now for His Wrath!
For too long we have been preached a wishy-washy, watered down version of the Truth - that God is all Merciful and all Forgiving! Yes that is right, but you never finish the sentence! You don't say He is those things IF we are repentant and contrite and our contrition is acceptable in the Eyes of God!
We are led to believe that anything we do wrong will be ok by God! Rubbish! That is why the Confessionals are empty! Wake up now! The honeymoon for your 'humanness' overrunning your Divinity is over!
You have a job to do! Now do it!
Spread the Truth!
Stop the lies and embellishments!
Take example from the good, holy priests who will only stand up for Truth!
They will never accept the diabolical changes that are imminent in Christ's Church.
They are True leaders!
I make no apology for saying it like it is! If you take offense you need to ask yourself why!
God the Father: If I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this
September 26, 2013
My dearest daughter, My Hand of Justice has fallen over the world and I will punish those who hurt My children, in body and soul. You must fear My Wrath as well as accept My Mercy.
I will intervene in your nations in order to stop wars from escalating and if I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this. As the wickedness of man spreads like a virus, I will cut those souls in two and strike them down. How the evil sins of abortion, war, murder and the deceit of those who assist in the spread of sin sicken Me.
They will pay the price for this now.
Those in political positions, who control the availability of abortion, will be the first to be punished. Await now as you will see how they will suffer for the atrocities which they condone before Me. Those groups, who plot the demise of the world’s population through abortion, will die in agony by My Hand. Justice will be served on them finally, as I will no longer allow them to inflict such wickedness on My children. Their arrogant claims, that they are acting in human interest, will be silenced, for they have cut themselves from Me and now they will have little time to redeem their souls.
Those given the responsibility of teaching My children the Truth of the Gospels will need to heed this Promise. I will raise you up when you tell the Truth, but I will throw you into the abyss, if and when you desecrate the Holy Eucharist. And while the liars will convince you of the need to change the Truth and persecute you, it will be nothing like the darkness, which I will cast over the entire Earth. Then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, but no one will hear you. You will no longer see, nor will you hear anything, but you will feel the pain of those souls whom you destroyed because of the apostasy, which you helped to fuel until it enveloped the souls of those sacred servants you instruct.
Fear My Wrath, for it will descend on you suddenly and by then it will be too late for you. You will never see My Face. I Am giving the leaders of all those who control My Churches on Earth this final warning.
Failure to defend the Word of God or to uphold the Holy Eucharist will result in death and despair. I will not allow you the time to destroy the souls who have been earmarked by My enemies.
Your Father
God the Most High
Mother of Salvation: Only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth
Mother of Salvation I implore You to help those in God's Remnant Army be strong and brave in standing up for the Truth against all those who will tear Your Beloved Son out of His Own Church!
How hard it is to speak out when they are so quick to judge, condemn, mock and discard us because we talk about This Mission. I ask You to please open their hearts to the Truth, just like Saul's heart was opened!
Let them hear the Truth come from our mouths and pierce their hearts. We can only do this with Your Intercession and The Holy Spirit's Inspiration!
Let many John's, Mary's, Mary Magdelene's and Martha's speak out and help You through this Sorrow You will feel at the Crucifixion yet again, this time of Your Son's Church on earth!
Pray for us Our Lady we beg You! Amen
Mother of Salvation: Only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth
September 25, 2013
My child, the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth has well and truly commenced and all the signs have begun to be seen. Just as my Son was nailed to the Cross, only one of His apostles stayed with Him to the end and so too, will few of His disciples on Earth, dare to be seen to defend His Mystical Body on Earth, as it is plundered, persecuted and then annihilated.
Very few of those who swore allegiance to my Son watched His scourging or walked alongside Him on the climb to Mount Calvary. I only had four loyal disciples – my cousin Mary; Martha; Mary Magdalene and John – to hold me up and help me in my agony as I had to witness my Son’s terrible torture. Many will follow my Son’s instructions, through these holy Messages for the world, but only a few will be brave enough to openly proclaim the Word of God during the Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth.
My sorrow at this time is great as all that was foretold by me during the apparitions at La Salette and Fatima are now unfolding before you all, but many of you are blind.
Those of you who dedicated hours before me at my most holy shrines must come and ask me, your Mother, to open your eyes to the Truth. You must ask me to consecrate your hearts and souls to my Son, otherwise you too will deny Him.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism
Jesus brings a fresh understanding of what paganism and new age practise does to the soul! Having 'been there, done that', I can tell you emphatically that He describes the goings on beyond accuracy! He describes only a portion of what really goes on, but He gives us clear knowledge of what evil these things present and that we will never honour Him if we search out and act upon these things.
Something as insidious and reading the daily horoscope is an abomination in His Eyes. It leads satan to demonstrate his evil power in our soul by this simple act of lacking trust in the Providence of God. What a distraction! What a diabolical trick! This is getting off the subject slightly, but I would like everyone to please consider for their younger children, foregoing the practise of allowing this Christmas to be about 'santa' or if you want to scramble the letters and see the real point of the Illuminati driven company Coca Cola's real agenda 'satan' being part of your family.
This Christmas may be the last we will know in peace and joy in this life as we know it, so make it count! Make it about Jesus! Don't let the evil work of 'santa' take away the most precious understanding of the Saviour sent to the world to save us! My seven year old daughter is looking forward to receiving a gift from Jesus, a token of His Love for her this Christmas as she always has. Santa has no place in our home. Amazing how the little ones get just as excited knowing that, That Little Baby is so important in their Christmas!
Paganism is rife in many ways that over the centuries, we have failed to notice! Thanks to the false prophet, we will come to notice this permeation in our very Church! Open your eyes and see it for what it really is! Paganistic new age is about you! It's narcissistic agenda is to cut you off from Christ! Kick all of it to the kerb and remain a loyal follower of the One Who Saves!
Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism
September 24, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, every living soul has a powerful instinct to seek out God in their lives. Those who find the Love of God in its most pure form are given this Gift because of their humility and acceptance of the fact that all Glory belongs to God.
Pagans, on the other hand, in their quest for spiritual peace, seek out the Creation of the True God, rather than their Creator. Instead of laying themselves before God, My Father, the Almighty, Creator of all things, they lie prostrate before false idols, including the wonders He created for the world – the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars.
They idolize these great wonders and then believe that by doing so, this gives them great powers. What they are seeking is a form of spiritual enlightenment, which they hope will bring them pleasure and peace. Many then, through meditation and yoga, open their minds and souls to allow the spirit of evil to corrupt them. They mistakenly believe that some other power, other than that which comes from God the Most High, can bring them the peace, which they crave.
Know now that there is only one God. Any other form of adulation amounts to paganism. It does not matter what they say or how they justify their actions, they are inviting Satan to invade their souls and once he gains access, he and the demons he sends will not leave those souls alone. They will torment these souls, fill them with lies and have them believe that they possess a gift. Some believe they can heal others, through practices such as Reiki, when what they do instead is infest others including the innocent. When pagans chant, to attract spiritual gifts, they say that this brings them peace. While many believe this, know that within a short period of time – once the spirit of evil has entered their minds – they will become agitated and no respite will they find. Every pleasure of the senses is constantly sought out by them and all they will receive in return will be a darkness of the soul.
Paganism brings a terrible disquiet and, in lands where the heathen cry out to the false gods, they incur the Wrath of My Father. Many such souls do not understand what they are doing, but recognise them by the ways in which they will adorn their bodies, as they consider themselves sacred vessels in the eyes of the false idols they claim to worship. Love, humility or personal sacrifice for the good of others, will be lacking, for they only worship the senses. They do not understand that their souls are a Gift from God and so they give them away in the pursuit of perfection, which can never be theirs.
During The Warning, I will awaken within these souls the Truth as to Who they belong to. Pray that they will accept My Hand of Mercy. Woe to those Christians who have deserted Me in favour of new age paganism. They are the ones who do not want My Mercy and would prefer to dabble in nonsense, because it feeds their egos when they believe that they have the power to control matters of spirituality. While they seek personal perfection in this way, they cut themselves completely from God. By doing so, they open the door to the evil one, who will seduce and hypnotise them through the appeal of superstitious promises, which lead to their souls becoming barren where the Love of God cannot thrive.
Your Jesus
So many have forgotten Me and in many instances take Me for granted
Jesus just wants to have little conversations with Him to show Him we care and want Him at the Centre of all we do! He would like us to start our talk with "Jesus forgive me, I have sinned" I am so glad He told us this, I haven't thought about starting my chats with Him like this. But it makes Him happy! It brings us closer to Him knowing we have asked for His forgiveness for our transgressions! He wants to comfort us so much. He loves us so much even through our weaknesses. Our sinful states are a challenge for us to make right each day, those things that keep us from Our Inheritance. We must make good use of the Sacraments. Such Gifts! Speak to Jesus today! He doesn't demand anything more than a short time to speak with Him and just 10 or so minutes a day to atone for our sins! How can we not afford that little time each day?
So many have forgotten Me and in many instances take Me for granted
September 24, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, how lonely I feel when so many, including those loyal to My Holy Word, spend so little of their time in My Company. How I yearn for their attention, even just for one moment in the day. So many have forgotten Me and in many instances take Me for granted.
Don’t you know that by just speaking with Me, for only a short time, that I will pour My Graces over you? Those who comfort Me by talking with Me – in whatever way is easiest for them – gain an inner peace which cannot be found elsewhere in the world.
In your pursuit of pleasure, comforts and titillation, your bursts of satisfaction are short-lived. Nothing, including the greatest worldly treasures, will fulfill you.
It is because of Me – My Great Mercy – that you have been granted the greatest treasure – the Gift of a life filled with great glory, wonderful surroundings, a perfect, beautiful body and the ability to feel a permanent love, which will overwhelm you, but will bring you immense happiness. This is Eternal Life and the time for Me to bring you over into My New Kingdom on Earth is close.
When you speak with Me and ask Me to prepare you for this Great Day, you will be ready, but it takes time to make the changes which are required of you for the Great Day of the Lord.
Like a bride and groom, you must have everything in place before the Day of the Great Blessing. You must prepare your family, your friends, your relatives, well in advance. Then on the Day, when I come to witness this Glorious Transition, you must be prepared in both body and soul, so that you are made worthy to enter the New Paradise.
For each day you spend, busy with the needs of others, you must save at least ten minutes of that day atoning for your sins. This is very important, for I love you and welcome you. To communicate with Me properly, you must always come before Me first as a humble servant. When you kneel before Me or simply communicate with Me in your heart, always begin by saying:
“Jesus forgive me, for I have sinned.”
After this, you will feel My Presence and I will live within your soul. The more often you turn to Me, the closer you will become. Soon, I will be like a friend you cannot live without. Then you will turn to Me for every little thing and I will be there. I will always ensure that those of you who spend time in My Company will be given great favours and My blessings will produce calmness of soul and peace of mind.
Remember that I respond instantly to those who seek Me out.
Your Jesus
The four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China
Things are hotting up!~ Things can't take much longer now. God is in Command and He will not allow those in high positions who want to control humanity to get away with as much as they think! He will not forsake us! Even Archangel Michael will help the Jews through their terrible persecution ( yet again)! This is so comforting to know.
The Angels and the Saints are prepared now to help Christians throughout our trials yet to be seen, but be seen soon! Jesus will do all in His Power and His Divine Will is on the threshold of saving so many souls with His Mercy! We will pray and be calm as the waters around us become stormy!
Jesus You are the Light, The Truth and The Way! Show us the Way!
The four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China
September 24, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the four parts of the world I refer to are the four big empires – the US, Russia, Europe and China. All prophecies foretold will involve these powers, around which all the upheavals in religious and political structures will occur.
Syria and Egypt, through the unrest in their countries, will become the catalysts for a greater war, which will involve the four great powers. Each of these powers will be connected in order to create a unified regime, which will be used to control the global wealth and population.
The religious war will be central to this control and the appointed leaders in My Christian Churches will be overcome and destroyed in preparation for the beast, who will control all four empires. None of the rulers, who defy the Word of God or who try to destroy His children, will be given the authority by God to take, by force, those whose names are in the Book of the Living.
And while I speak of Christians and the need for them to remain true to Me, I also refer to the Jews because their protector, Michael the Archangel, will watch over them and help them to withstand the persecution which they, as God’s chosen people, will also have to endure.
God’s Plan has been created and all the angels and saints in Heaven prepare now, to help Me in My Mission to unite all and protect those who love Me from the great deceit, which has been created to fool the world. Never before has the wickedness against God been so co-ordinated by the human race as it is today. Never before has mortal man been capable of inflicting so much suffering, through the seizure of power in order to control, as it has at this moment of time in history. The great persecution against God’s children, created by Satan with the willing support of evil, power hungry men and women, in positions of great power, is unfolding before your eyes. Yet, many of you cannot see because you have been fooled.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation for priests: To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth you must be prepared to feed His flock
This is a Message in which Our Mother of Salvation is speaking to Her beloved sons - Her priests:
"Soon, they will not acknowledge the Truth and the new mass will become a pagan ceremony. That day is still to come and it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly – so fast will the false prophet move. Now is the time for preparation. All those sacred servants, who are to remain loyal to the Most Holy Eucharist and who will adhere to the Holy Word of God, must begin their preparations now. To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth, you must be prepared to feed His flock with the Food of Life, that is His Holy Eucharist. This is the vow you made to Jesus Christ when you said you would serve Him and provide His Body and Blood, through the Holy Mass, to all those who seek salvation. This vow must be honoured until the last day." - Mother of Salvation.
Holy servants who especially have devotion to Our Lady, must adhere to what She is asking them to do. "Prepare and feed your flock".
Mother of Salvation for priests: To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth you must be prepared to feed His flock
September 23, 2013

My child, many signs will be made known from the Heavens, upon the roofs of my Son’s Churches, when the final changes are made in the Liturgy of the Holy Mass. All those who keep their eyes open and their ears alert will witness the Anger of my Son in a way in which they cannot fail to notice.
My Son promised that He would make known His Anger when they, within His Church on Earth, crucify Him again by defiling His Body and Blood during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thunder and lightning, followed by great storms, will sweep people off their feet. More floods will be witnessed, when the sins of man will be swept away as they begin to see punishments from God, which will pour down upon humanity.
Slaves to sin – even those who love my Son and who remain loyal to the Holy Mass – and so they will not know the difference when the abomination is presented. Remember, it is to commemorate the death of my Son that the Holy Mass is said and where the True Presence of my Son is made known. Soon, they will not acknowledge the Truth and the new mass will become a pagan ceremony. That day is still to come and it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly – so fast will the false prophet move. Now is the time for preparation. All those sacred servants, who are to remain loyal to the Most Holy Eucharist and who will adhere to the Holy Word of God, must begin their preparations now.
To remain true to the Church of my Son on Earth, you must be prepared to feed His flock with the Food of Life, that is His Holy Eucharist. This is the vow you made to Jesus Christ when you said you would serve Him and provide His Body and Blood, through the Holy Mass, to all those who seek salvation. This vow must be honoured until the last day.
Do not fear the times ahead, when the enemies of God will try to use His Holy Name to condone sin and make it acceptable to all; when they will deprive all of His Body and Blood. This will not matter if you continue to serve my Son in whatever way you can.
Go in peace in the hope that all of you who love my Son will be blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, so that you will be able to discern the Truth.
Your Blessed Mother
Mother of Salvation
Many will betray Me by accepting falsities
What on earth (literally) will take place for good people who love Jesus and do good for others, will, when they see the falsities, be drawn into them like a vortex of such gripping power that they will not see the snake pit they have been thrust into?????! The false prophet and his cronies must have one diabolical plan up their sleeves to gain so many of these good souls away from Jesus! It is unfathomable! Jesus asks those who are asleep to wake up as He will come like a thief in the night!
What He is saying, is that we must clean our souls! Take ourselves to Confession if we are Catholic or if not Catholic, pray Crusade Prayer #8 with True contrition and repentance in order for us to be prepared, for then, in the blink of an eye, He will take us to the New Paradise! In the meantime, the wolves are biting at our heels! They are waiting with cunning voracity!
But do you sense the calm? Jesus is telling us that His Holy Spirit is Gracing us with a calm and strength to fight this fight with great stillness! Like He calmed the waters and Commanded the storm to be still when in the boat with the Disciples! This is just like that calming He is showing us! Those who will try to trap us, but can’t, because we who pray these Crusade Prayers each day and who have the Seal of The Living God, will not be swayed! We will not be embroiled in their Apostasy! We will not be blinded to the false prophet and what he will bring forth!
Jesus You have each one of our cells, each breath, each involuntary movement! You have all of our being! Through Your Love and Mercy we will remain separated like a duality of sorts, from anything evil that we witness. We love You always Jesus!
Many will betray Me by accepting falsities
September 21, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, My Power will surge within the hearts of believers now as they, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will feel a sense of calm despite the great apostasy, which they are beginning to witness in My Church.
I will, by the Power and the Glory of My beloved Father, give you, My cherished disciples, great strength and courage during these trials. You are being given these Gifts through the Crusade Prayers, because without them you would find it impossible to withstand the religious persecution, which lies ahead.
You are being given these Gifts so that you can save the others, who will refuse My Call from Heaven and who will wander, innocently, into the lion’s den, where all Hell will break loose. Once, within the den of darkness, they will be swept up into pagan rituals. Their souls will be opened up to the spirit of evil and, within a very short period of time, they will become blind to the Truth – the Holy Word of God, laid down since the beginning.
Many will betray Me by accepting falsities. Yet, they were given the Truth by My death on the Cross. Many of My disciples, when I walked the Earth, betrayed Me on the days leading up to My Crucifixion. Imitating the Pharisees, they shouted these words: “Get away from me, You speak heresy. You mock the Pharisees, who speak in the Name of God. You are a liar and You speak evil. You are the son of Satan.”
Now that I prepare all of you for My Second Coming, you will spit out these very same accusations again. I come now, through these Divine Messages from Heaven, to bring you the Truth, although you know all about Me. I do this for the Truth will be abolished in My Church. You will soon accept lies in My Name and the Truth will be nowhere to be found.
Remember these Words. I come only to complete My Promise to My Father. I come to bring you the final salvation you were promised. Satan does not want this to happen, yet he cannot stop Me. But what he will do is to prevent many of God’s children from accepting My final Mercy. He will do this through the help of My enemies, whom he has now seduced within My Church on Earth.
Wake up those of you who are asleep. I will come like a thief in the night. Only those who are prepared will be saved.
Your Jesus
Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted
Jesus: "They will destroy many parts of their poor nations. The people over whom they will govern will have little power left, where democracy will hang like a thread. It is these innocent and suffering people who will be given the Protection of God if they have the Seal of the Living God.
Never underestimate this free Gift from God. The Seal of the Living God will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars. Please get this to as many people as you can in every nation."
The nations Jesus speaks of:
"Egypt and Syria will be embroiled in a power struggle ,which will have repercussions for Israel. The enemies of the Jews are many. All wars which target and involve these two countries will result in a final battle, which will involve Israel and they will suffer the worst genocide witnessed since the Second World War.
The demise and rise of Jerusalem is foretold and these battles must take place before the prophecies are fulfilled." Your Jesus
All will be revealed soon and those who battle against private revelation, particularly these Messages given to Jesus' final prophet, will be shown exactly what Jesus has been trying so hard to get good people to realise!
Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted
September 21, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, much will happen in the world as the power of the false prophet rises and anyone who dares to challenge him will be ignored, even in the highest places within My Church.
Political disagreements will result in four parts of the Earth. Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted. As these empires increase in power, they will control many parts of the world, but not all, as this would not be permitted by My Father.
Each of these nations will fight amongst themselves, although they will claim to be working together. As mistrust builds, they will each try to outdo the other and then the fighting will bear forth. They will destroy many parts of their poor nations. The people over whom they will govern will have little power left, where democracy will hang like a thread.
It is these innocent and suffering people who will be given the Protection of God if they have the Seal of the Living God.
Never underestimate this free Gift from God. The Seal of the Living God will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars. Please get this to as many people as you can in every nation.
Egypt and Syria will be embroiled in a power struggle ,which will have repercussions for Israel. The enemies of the Jews are many. All wars which target and involve these two countries will result in a final battle, which will involve Israel and they will suffer the worst genocide witnessed since the Second World War.
The demise and rise of Jerusalem is foretold and these battles must take place before the prophecies are fulfilled.
Your Jesus
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