Tuesday, 11 July 2017

The sky will be darkened for three days, immediately before I return

This Message is simply intriguing! How much love Jesus has for each of His children. He asks us to prepare for His Great Coming Again which will be so sudden, but will be brilliantly orchestrated that every man, woman and child will see Him on this Great Day! Alleluia!

 So as much as the Warning -The Illumination of Conscience will draw many souls to conversion, it seems that many will still be finding complete acceptance of Christ afterwards very difficult. So short will the time be, between the Warning and Christ's Return, that souls will need much prayer through the Crusade of Prayers in order to bring these souls the chance they need to be redeemed in God's Eyes in order for Jesus to escort them all into Paradise! 

How Glorious!

We will have the 3 Days of Darkness first then as Christ Rose from the dead on the Third Day, so too will the Light return more brilliantly and more colourful than man has ever seen directly after the darkness of the three days!

He needs us to prepare the Way for the Lord! He needs us to get ourselves ready to welcome Him! He would like all that is not of Him to be wiped from the earth, so that purified, all nations can welcome Him in worthiness! 

Pray the Great Day arrives soon, so that once and for all we can live life Eternally with Christ in Mystical Union in the New Paradise on earth! Prayer for souls to be worthy! Pray continually and for our own souls too to remain loyal to Jesus through the trials. He Promises this phase of our purification will be short!

The sky will be darkened for three days, immediately before I return

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 @ 08:50

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My greatest joy to witness My beloved followers, who have responded to My Call to recite the Crusade Prayers, which through the Power of the Holy Spirit will salvage billions of souls.

I will use the Crusade Prayers to renew and cleanse the souls of humanity, at the same time, as I renew the face of the Earth. The great renewal will be completed, all at the same time, so that the world will be ready and made worthy to receive Me, Jesus Christ, as the returning Saviour.

Just like nations who welcome royalty, much preparation will be needed before the king lays foot on their lands. You would never allow a visiting king to arrive when everything is in disarray, decay or where streets are lined with filth. Representatives of such countries will, therefore, ensure that they are dressed and prepared properly to meet the visiting dignitaries. They will have gone to considerable trouble to prepare a great welcome and they will have chosen representatives, who they deem to be worthy, to welcome the visiting king. Finally, they will prepare a great ceremony to celebrate the arrival of the king and on the great day will line the streets and sing great praise. They will lavish accolades upon the visiting monarch and his entourage. So will it be on the Great Day of the Lord, when I, Jesus Christ, come to judge.

I will arrive suddenly to the sound of trumpets and the sweet sound of the Choir of Angels. The sky will be darkened for three days, immediately before I return. Then it will be alight in a multitude of colours, never seen by man before. I will be visible to every man, woman and child, of every age, and there will be great shock, but also great excitement. People will not believe their eyes and many will be struck dumb – others will cry tears of relief and joy. Many will be unprepared and will find the event to be so overwhelming that they will spill tears of sadness, for they will know in their hearts how they rejected the True Messiah and how unworthy they are to enter My Kingdom. But I say to these people now. On that Day, you must call out to Me and ask Me to forgive you. Then you too will be gathered into My New Kingdom.

Just as any visiting king, I ask those among you, who love Me, to prepare for this Great Day. Trust in Me, prepare your souls, pray for the salvation of all souls and come dressed, ready, waiting – just as a bride awaits the groom. On that Day, you, God’s children, will join with Me as one in Holy Union with My Father for the beginning of the new world and the Glorious Era promised to you since the beginning.

Be at peace. Prepare with a love and simplicity of heart for this Great Day. Do not fear it. Welcome it. Even if you are in great darkness, I will take you into My Light. All you need do is to hold out your arms to Me and I will embrace you as Mine.

Your Jesus

I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. My only desire is to save them all

Our natural, innate knowledge that God placed in our hearts and souls before we were conceived and born is that love is from God, love is all-powerful, love is never boastful. We have a natural repulsion for hatred innately. So as Jesus tells us, satan will never show us the hatred he wants to manifest in us because he wouldn't get any takers. We would naturally want to ward him off.

Instead satan cleverly wraps hatred in a little package of pride. he knows our humanity can give over very much to pride, ego and false humility. he draws unsuspecting souls into complicity to himself through us wanting exultation. Such a trap for young players!

If we reclaim what we know is our innate desire to love as God loves, keeping our souls free from sinfulness by regular attendance of the Sacraments or if non-Catholic Crusade Prayers #8 and 24, then satan loses his hold over us because we can rise above ourselves and live in God's Will and desire as God Desires. Prayer too is the important way of keeping love in our hearts.

Soon we realise that we are aghast when we see hatred in any form, pride in any form, depravity and shamelessness in any form. We become so filled with love that we feel a genuine sorrow for the souls who manifest this behaviour - we have a united sense of what Jesus feels for His precious children, no matter how they hurt Him. We must always strive to love and recognise in ourselves those traits that reflect satan's snares. Cling to Jesus! His Way must become our way!

"It Came From Above"

© Ralph Quinonez

Looking around and longing for love,

The love that I want, is from the Lord up Above.

He is my strength and all that I need,

The Love of a lifetime, We will all surely agree.

He inspires us daily, and everyone knows,

His Everlasting Light, The Spirit He gives us will always flow.

Look at all of the beauty that He has Created,

All that we want and need, just as the Lord had Stated.

His Promises to us are oh so true,

As we walk in His Path and wait in His View.

A Place he has for us, our Just Reward.

Only comes from Within Our Savior Our Holy Lord.

We must follow His Word until He comes back

The enemy will tempt us, will try to attack.

Give the Lord all you have, all of your heart.

He will keep you safe and He will never part.

Do what He willed for us, His Blood Flowed for our sins.

We thought that was the end, but that's where He Begins.

Looking about and longing for love.

I found what I needed It came from Above."

I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. My only desire is to save them all

Sunday, May 11th, 2014 @ 18:00

My dearly beloved daughter, My dearest wish is to bring love, peace and happiness to all of God’s children. Never do I desire revenge, no matter how evil the deeds of men are. Nor do I seek to cause humiliation to anyone, although they may humiliate others in My Name. I never seek to ruin a man’s reputation when he is the cause of much destruction in the world. I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. My only desire is to save them all. I cherish the souls of every one of God’s children. I constantly seek them out. I try to draw them to Me. Even those who do not accept My Existence are being sought out by Me every day. I make My Presence felt in their lives by filling their souls with love for others, by drawing on the goodness within them, so that it can conquer negative thoughts, deeds and acts.

Some souls are naturally receptive to Me and I delight in their generous response and tender hearts. Others have a barrier between themselves and Me, so that I find it difficult to touch their souls. But, I will keep trying to reach that soul in many different ways, until I can open their hearts to the Power of God’s Love.

Love is the driving force which leads to all good things. Love is present in every child of God from the moment they are born. God’s Gift of love helps humanity to conquer the evil one. When God intercedes and increases love in a soul, He does this to defend His children against the wickedness of the devil. Love is more powerful than hatred, but hatred is patient. Satan, full of hatred for humanity, has no love of any kind, except for himself. He infests humanity by planting hatred within souls who have been weakened because of sin. Hatred finds a ready home in the souls of those who are jealous, full of pride, lonely and confused. Satan will never tempt a soul into hatred by presenting it to the soul for what it is. Instead, he will tempt the soul through the sin of pride, always, as his first tactic. The soul will be led into believing that he must take umbrage because his own needs dictate that, because he knows best and that he is doing a good thing.

God’s Love is spreading amongst all of His children at this time. He does this out of His Mercy. He will increase the love within the hearts of man to help humanity fight against the hatred which will soon intensify in the world, when men’s hearts will become cold as stone.

I ask that you recite this Crusade Prayer to seek God’s Love at this time.

Crusade Prayer (149) To seek God’s Love

O Jesus, fill me with the Love of God. Fill me with Your Divine Light and flood me with the love I need to spread the seed of God’s Mercy amongst all nations.

Allow Your Divine Love to be spread by me amongst all those with whom I come into contact. Spread Your Love, so that it alights upon all souls, all faiths, all creeds, all nations – like a mist to enrapture all God’s children in unity.

Help us to spread God’s Love, so that It can and will conquer all evil in the world. Amen.

Always equate love with the Presence of God. Know that only love can bring Me souls. Know that only love can come from God. Only love has the power to bring peace, contentment and unity among nations. Hatred comes from Satan and wherever you witness it, you must recite the Prayer above to seek out God’s Love. Remember love will conquer all because it comes from God.

Your Jesus

I will raise up, within My Church, a man who will stand up and proclaim the Truth

Ok everyone time to give Jesus a great big warm, fuzzy hug! 

See how God has everything under Control! See how Jesus has all we need to follow so we are never left in a quandary? 

We can never allow ourselves to blindly follow the Apostasy once we know these Messages and the Instructions they give! It's just not Spiritually couture!

Jesus will never, never leave us flailing like a wingless bird! Give Him credit for knowing all that needs to be known in God's Will to show us The Way!

What on earth have we to be concerned about, with Jesus at the Helm!

Whoever this special man is that Jesus will raise up to lead by him speaking out to the world about the Truth, know that he is being chosen, because he will do a ripper of a job! Jesus wouldn't choose 'just' anyone! 

Is it Pope Benedict XVI? - I don't really think so, because Jesus has told us before already in words, that Benedict will lead the New Jerusalem (The Remnant Army) to Paradise! So in this Message, Jesus is keeping His cards closer to His Chest! Although my guess would be Cardinal Raymond Burke who is very active in response to the false prophet's dismantling of Christ's Teachings.

Let's just concentrate on what we know now - Jesus is preparing the Way for His Second Coming each and every day! We are closer and closer to seeing Him again! Gotta love that!!!!

I will raise up, within My Church, a man who will stand up and proclaim the Truth

Saturday, May 10th, 2014 @ 17:30

My dearly beloved daughter, it is not for you to understand now, but know that I will raise up, within My Church, a man who will stand up and proclaim the Truth. He will do this at a time when no other Cardinal, Bishop, priest or any sacred servant of Mine will have the courage to do so. When the new false doctrine engulfs the Church, many, within it, will know in their hearts how flawed it will be. They will be alarmed, but too frightened to raise their voices. So outnumbered will they be, by those whose faith is so weak, that they will readily accept whatever heresy is placed before God’s children, in My Holy Name.

The man I will raise is a brave soul and many will be relieved when he speaks up. When he does this, many more will rise up and speak out, thereby saving many souls. When he is raised, I have other plans to bring all those faiths together, who do not accept Me, Jesus Christ, as being the Son of God. All of these Divine Plans have been foretold and millions and millions of people from across the world will then realise the Truth. They will then swell and be blessed by Me, so they can gather all creeds together, with the sole purpose of ensuring that the True Word of God is proclaimed. The Faith will then spread so that My Word, as contained in the Holy Gospels, will be preached by men, women and their sons and daughters, in all four corners of the world. They will prophesy by revealing to the world these Divine Messages and My Presence will cover them to give them the strength and courage they will need.

So powerful will this generation of Mine be, in spreading the Truth, that many of those who were misguided and who were led down a path of great error will turn and come running back to Me. They will spread so quickly that for every heresy committed against Me, millions of souls will be converted. I will draw the heathen first, for they have not been given the Truth, and so the world will be in no doubt as to how powerful My Intervention will be. Then, I will draw all other religions together and they will be shown, clearly, that there is only one way to My Father and that can only be through Me. And while I will draw millions of souls towards Me, and the Truth of Who I Am, millions of other souls will be drawn into a man-made religion, designed and created by the spirit of evil.

The evil one’s great plan is as elaborate as it is simple and that is to bring damnation to as many souls as possible, by destroying their belief in Me, Jesus Christ. They will do this by denying the Truth. While the new religion will devour souls, through lies, I will regain three times that amount, by ensuring that God’s children do not forget the Truth.

Your Jesus

God the Father: My Divine Will must never be opposed

God is telling us very clearly - oppose His Will and face the consequences! That is it is a nutshell! God has the Control. He is the Creator. If anyone believes that somehow they have right of way and can do what they please to deny God or His Word and this Mission of His Son's, then time is not on their side to get a grip! God will cut off anyone who will try to thwart His Plan to Salvage humanity. This Mission is one of His Ways of doing just that, so anyone who Blasphemes these Messages better take a very quick look at themselves and where they are heading!

God's Plans are all in place now, so it is only by His Grace that our breath is still available to us! Who has the audacity to believe they can do what they want and say what they want when it comes to the Plans of God to bring mankind to their senses in hearing His Truth! Fools! No one has the Power! No one has the Authority! Arrogance and pride pervades those who think they can meter out persecution of those following Jesus in this Mission!

As God tells us, 'Let no man try to stop Me from giving Eternal Life to souls' or their lives will cease! He is not dilly-dallying around the Maypole here! He will protect and show Mercy to those who are loyal to His Son! There are a lot of those who follow the Messages just to naysay them! Well boy oh boy, there will come a day soon when they will rue ever trying!

God sees all, God knows all, God will sort the chaff from the wheat!

What are we then! - chaff or wheat?

God the Father: My Divine Will must never be opposed

Friday, May 9th, 2014 @ 17:00

My dearest daughter, the world was created by Me, because it was My Will. My Will has always existed and always will. My Will, will be done, with or without the will of humanity. Free will, given to man through My Hand, was abused and this has resulted in a separation between man and Me, the Eternal Father. As long as man has the gift of free will, it means that only those who choose to come to Me, through My Son, Jesus Christ, can become part of Me – whole again.

When man’s will opposes My Will, there results a bitter struggle, for only My Will can override all that is. My Divine Will controls all that I allow, all that I permit, because I will always accept the free will which I gave man, for I do not take back what I give. Sometimes, man, by his own free choice, causes terrible pain in the world and through his greed and selfishness offends Me greatly. Yet, I do not interfere with the will of man, because only he can decide whether or not he desires to do what My Will desires. And, while I will not attempt to take away free will, free choice does not mean that man can dictate to Me his will, over that which is Mine.

My Divine Will must never be opposed, because man can never surmount My Will. When he does, he will find it impossible to oppose Me, without suffering the consequences. Only I decide the outcome of life and death, for this is only for Me to decide. When I make a decision to carry out My Plans to protect My children, no man has the power to override that. Should man try to interfere with My Gifts to the world, which include life in all its forms, then he will, not only fail, but he will suffer as a result.

Let no man try to stop Me in My Plan to complete My Holy Covenant.

Let no man blaspheme against Me or stand in the way of My Will, lest they be cut off abruptly.

Let no man try to stop Me from giving Eternal Life to souls or his own life will cease. When you try to oppose Me, you will never succeed. When man continues to deny My Word and fight My Divinity, there will result only turmoil, catastrophe, loss of life and terrible chastisements. This is why, when a soul is asked to obey Me or My Instructions, who through his free will accepts these requests, they will find it impossible to oppose My Will.

You, My daughter have tried to fight My Will – although you had already surrendered to Me. By now you will know that it is of little use, for only that which is dictated by Me, in My Own way, can be done.

Children – I Am your Father. I Am your Creator. Only I know what the future holds for you, but you will be comforted to know that all My Plans are completed. Only when your will is combined with Mine, can My Kingdom be fully realized and finally completed. Only then, will all conflict between man and Me, your Eternal Father, be over. Peace will then reign in the new world to come – a world so perfect that it will never end.

Your Father

God the Most High

There is no need to worry, for God loves you all

Life in joy, harmony, happiness, peace and most importantly love! That will be our life in the New Paradise! Wow! We have our Inheritance to look forward to. Jesus is asking us not to fear the future but to embrace it - through the hard times, but welcoming in the good times to come! We just have to stick to Jesus like a bee to a honeypot! Anyone in darkness, have no fear - Jesus will Grace you Abundantly to receive His Love and Mercy if you but choose Him! He will help you choose Him too!

The Holy Spirit is so ready and giving! Humanity's face will change for the better beyond our imagining once all the evil present in the world is destroyed! This will take a bit of time, but God is working on it as we read this Message! Heaven are all working hard to bring all souls freedom from the shackles of satan that bind them! Trust and confidence is what will win our souls placement in the New Paradise.

If we trust like little children, have confidence in His Love and Mercy and His Promise of Life Eternal in His Kingdom, have true humility and love for God acceptable to Him, then this world the way we know it, will pass away from us into a beautiful Eden more perfect and more abundant for ALL!

Never lose heart, never get despondent!

Always seek the Light of Christ! Always desire to be in His Sacred Heart and be Washed with His Precious Blood!

We will overcome!


There is no need to worry, for God loves you all

Thursday, May 8th, 2014 @ 23:30

My dearly beloved daughter, look around you and you will see many people living carefree lives. You will see laughter, joy and great comradeship and you will know that only this can come from God. Many people, once they know the Truth, will embrace Me with open and grateful hearts and then we will be one.

My Plan is to gather all and flood them with great love, joy and happiness. I will delight in My New Kingdom and there will be much laughter, joy and beauty, as well as Eternal Life. Love will exude from every single creature; every single soul and life will be perfect.

When you worry about the future of the world, remember what I have told you. All will be well, once I come to gather you, into the new world, without end. There is no need to worry, for God loves you all. As for souls who live a deprived and sorrowful life, they will be gathered first, if they accept Who I Am. Those who are in terrible darkness will be given extraordinary Graces to cleanse their souls, so that I can loosen the grip of the evil one over them and take them into the safety of My Mercy. This is a battle and it will be hard fought, but the Power of the Most Holy Trinity will be exerted and souls will be enlightened, so that they will not perish.

I will raise important leaders amongst you and with an army spread in every nation, you will swell and take with you most of God’s children, into the New Paradise. Look to Me with trust and do not fear My Love, for you must know that I would never willingly frighten you, because when I make My Presence known, it will fill you with great wonder and joy. I assure you, there is no need for fear, for I Am Love, Itself. Love will soothe you and when you face Me, your Jesus, you will be struck with a sense of instant familiarity, which is only present when your heart becomes entwined with Mine.

How I love you all and how I yearn for your souls.

Your Jesus

I use sacrificial souls to bring others to Me, who would never be saved otherwise

Chosen souls and sacrificial souls once chosen can feel elated and despairing - their souls know innately that they have been given a Gift from God, yet their temporal humanness isn't quite ready to 'give it all it's got'. They feel like they are on the outside of this new phenomenon looking in, not quite sure what is required of them. They can't seem to understand straight away that the changes they feel within themselves especially relating to others with love they never knew they had inside of them, are a tremendous Grace given by God.

But as the Holy Spirit moves and breathes within them, they somehow mature Spiritually at a great rate of knots and so begins their journey of conversion for themselves but just as important, their offering of their internal suffering in order to save the souls of others, who would not have ordinarily received their Salvation.

Once the chosen soul connects deeply with the Gift that God has placed into their heart, their response is overwhelming for them, but strengthening and inspirational at the same time - the new drug of choice if you like! A high that brings them all they were missing out on before they were given God's Grace!

This is how God will work His Power through the souls of individuals that we never dreamed possible, but as we know with God all things are possible! Give Glory, Praise and Honour to the Father Who Wrought our Salvation.

I use sacrificial souls to bring others to Me, who would never be saved otherwise

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 @ 23:43

My dearly beloved daughter, when I call on souls to follow Me, this results in a mix of feelings, from being exultant to great distress. For, when I awaken within souls, the Fire of the Holy Spirit, this will bring great Blessings, but they will come tinged with a sense of sorrow.

When I choose which souls are deserving of My Gifts, they will experience a sense of belonging to Me, but they will also feel somewhat external to the world in which they live. They will see their fellow brothers and sisters in a new light. They will be extra sensitive to the beauty of God’s Creation, when they look into the faces of others, because they will see the Presence of God. Not one soul they encounter will not exude the Presence of God, no matter how far they may have fallen in His Eyes. They will also be filled with an overwhelming compassion, which only a parent can feel for his own child. They will feel a sudden and intense love for that person, which will astonish and shock them. However, they will also be aware of the darkness, which lurks within souls, ready to devour them. The chosen soul will realize instantly, at that point, what it is that is expected of him, because that is when he will run to Me, begging Me to help salvage those souls, who are in danger of plunging into a state of darkness, so fearful will he be for that soul.

A victim soul, a chosen soul, gives up all that is external in their lives and by doing this, gives great glory to God. The suffering that the chosen soul has to endure releases other souls from eternal damnation and, as a result, becomes the most sought out target of Satan and his agents. Such souls endure My Passion, as a Gift to God, for once chosen, most of them cannot turn their backs on God after that. There are those, however, who are chosen, but who refuse My Cup. You must pray for these poor souls because their lack of courage, in taking up My Cross, will lead them in one of two directions. They will endure internal suffering, because they will find it difficult to become close to Me. Then they will become engrossed in a secular world, in order to escape from their calling and this will bring them nothing – only a sense of false hope.

When a loving soul prays and humbles himself, before Me, he appeases the Anger of My Father. This then dilutes the impact of My Father’s Chastisements upon the world. If a chosen soul, who is persecuted because of his love for Me, and who is beyond endurance, were only to say to Me: “Jesus take my suffering and do with it as You please.” then I would lavish upon him extraordinary Graces. The soul would become immune to evil and then be fearless. Because of his complete trust in Me, he would then rise to a perfection of soul and attain a peaceful and calm demeanor. So much sacrifice is involved, but when such souls surrender all to Me, in complete obedience, and refuses to engage with the enemy of My Word, this will result in the salvation of many souls.

I use sacrificial souls to bring others to Me, who would never be saved otherwise. It is by this method, alone, that such victim souls will and can atone for the souls of millions of people, who have cut the umbilical cord from Me. Never fear too much for souls in darkness, at this time, for My chosen victim souls in the world are in great numbers right now. Their serenity brings the souls who are lost back into My Refuge.

Your Jesus

So many of you today have no idea, whatsoever, what it means to serve Me as a Christian

The True form of the Franciscan Order comes to mind as I read this. They had such faith, such devotion, that to give up all the material right down to their clothing being swapped for brown tattered robes and sandals that couldn't stop a snake from biting them in the places they walked, would do all they could to follow in Jesus' Footsteps! Such a witness! They would preach to anyone, beggars, little children, lepers, murderers. No one phased them! They knew that they were Christian by their love for Christ. It is what Jesus would want them to do. They too would have been jeered and sneered at! Nothing stopped them in their quest and as a result, the Franciscans are an Order still today who bear witness to God's Love in the world. We need to follow their example too!

We must be unafraid of the 'backlash' that ensues from spreading the Word of God. Of course satan is in a flipping panic! he is well aware his time is almost up! he is desperate for our souls and has all his fallen angels, swords pitched for us to be skewered! It takes strength and fortitude to rise above all satan and his minions have to throw at us, but we wouldn't be bonafide in this Mission, if we didn't do as Christ Instructs us - pray fervently, speak of His Truth, use the Tools that He has given us - The Crusade and Litany Prayers, The Holy Rosary, The Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration, Holy Communion, Holy Sacrament of Confession, The Seal of The Living God and not necessarily in that order!

So much has been given us, more than our words out of our mouths can utter as gratitude! So of course we are in enemy territory - satan won't want us to use these Tools without fighting us tooth and nail! But we will overcome! Where God Presides, evil has no power! Onward as Christian Soldiers we will go to Battle!

So many of you today have no idea, whatsoever, what it means to serve Me as a Christian

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 @ 23:00

My dearly beloved daughter, let no man doubt, for one moment, that God would ever allow His children to fall away from Him, without doing all in His Power to save them.

You have been given so many Gifts, through the prophets, since the beginning. Many prophets repeated the same messages over and over again, and yet, many of them were either ignored or ridiculed. Many were persecuted and put to death. Why does the Word of God provoke such hatred? It is not the Word of God, which rankles the souls of the weak or those who have fallen far away from the Faith. No. It is how Satan responds when God raises His Hand in ready punishment of the evil one, that he attacks viciously. He knows that the Word of God, when given to His prophets, spreads so rapidly, by the Power of the Holy Spirit and when this happens, the power of the evil one is weakened, and therefore, his retaliation is violent.

When the Holy Spirit is poured over the human race, in this way, the fallen angels will rise – swords ready to pierce every follower of Mine, in any way they can. You must accept such hatred for My Word and recognize it for what it is – an attempt to lead you away from the Truth. Every apostle of Mine, every prophet and sacred servant, who adheres to the Truth – the Holy Word of God, will be bitterly opposed, by the forces of evil. This has always been the case. You must, however, never allow hatred of Me, your beloved Jesus, to dampen your spirit, for it is at that very moment that I Am truly Present in your soul. Suffer in My Name and I will raise you up in glorious union with Me, in My Kingdom to come. Inflict suffering upon others, in My Name, no matter how justified you may believe this to be, and I will cut you away from Me for eternity.

My Warnings, given to you, now, are to remind you of what I taught, when so many of you, today, have no idea, whatsoever, what it means to serve Me as a Christian.

Your Jesus

How many men are given to believe in wrongdoing, in the name of justice?

This is going to sound a little 'off-base' but I liken what Jesus is saying here to 'ART'. You know when artists mock God and Jesus by painting something anti Christ or sculpture or an exposition of a composition any way they like, call it ART and because it is art, it is up to the individual's interpretation, so it can't be criticised or one is looked upon as a degenerate piece of rubbish for daring to say to the exhibitor 'It's pure filth!' Well that is what it is right? Well should we in society, view respond with tolerance, acceptance and condoning??

If we know as Christians, as Catholics that the depictions are crude, mocking, depraved and sickening - sinful in God's Eyes. Isn't it sinful to view it? Shouldn't we stand up with the backbone we have been given and call it as it is - sacrilege! Are we afraid of being thrown out of the gallery? I guess if we are True to Christ we will have to just be thrown out of the gallery then!

We cannot be afraid of 'ruffling' a few feathers of those who have rubbished God because by not doing so, we too then are responsible and complicit in their sin. I for one don't want God judging me because I didn't do enough to defend Him.

When our Mass becomes pagan, our Creed changes to an anti-creed, when our Sacraments are mocked to include those not living by God's Commandments and the Teachings of Christ, then be ready to be thrown out of the Church when it's time to speak up justly for Jesus!

How many men are given to believe in wrongdoing, in the name of justice?

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 @ 20:02

My dearly beloved daughter, the reason My Word is rejected by so many is because the Truth is like a thorn in the side of those who are embarrassed to openly proclaim My Teachings.

The man, who believes that freedom of expression is more important than adhesion to the Word of God, walks a very dangerous path. Any man who believes in his right to declare his views, as being sacrosanct, when they condone sin, is a traitor of Mine.

How many men are given to believe in wrongdoing, in the name of justice? Such men, who dictate your laws, including those, which govern your Church, would have you believe that the right to freedom of expression surpasses every Law of God, even when it glorifies sin.

Sin covers many facets and in today’s world, every single sin is explained away, by proclaiming each person’s individual right to do what pleases him. While not one of you has the right to judge anybody, in My Name, none of you has the right to declare wrongdoing as being a good thing.

Your Jesus

The Book of Truth will be the antithesis of the new false book

Oh how we need this Medal of Salvation to protect us against the persecution of heresy to come to the Church on earth. The Seal of The Living God will protect us from the mark of the beast. Divine Intervention through Jesus will give us Gifts to overcome the obstacles placed in our paths. Little children we are asked to be so that nothing will phase us because we will have total trust and abandonment to Jesus and all we are Instructed.

Have no fear for God is with us! No matter what challenges are presented to us as deceptions, falsehoods and blasphemies, know that we are being protected by Heaven! God will not allow His faithful children to be outdone by satan! This is the time that much will be bequeathed to us through God's Almighty Power.

We must continue to draw strength from the Crusade and Litany Prayers, through the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. These are our weapons! We continue to prepare for the imminent times ahead, but in total confidence that God is the Commander and Chief, we are in His Hands always and we will overcome evil in the world. Humanity is being given a choice - Heaven or hell!

Those who are lukewarm, wayward in any way in faith, questioning through doubt or just plain fence-sitting will be given fair warning to commit, unwaivering to Christ and this Mission to help save precious souls including our own. Give up the fight through the intellect and humanism and give for the fight for the Right of Inheritance Promised to all who give their 'yes' to God!

The Book of Truth will be the antithesis of the new false book

Monday, May 5th, 2014 @ 16:10

My dearly beloved daughter, all, who follow My Voice through these Messages, will continue to be given great blessings, as their endurance will be tested in ways not known since the days Christians suffered in the Middle Ages. Every one of them will be taunted by the evil one, who uses weak and proud souls to launch attacks upon those who are close to Me. Every attempt to cast aspersions will be made, both visible and invisible, upon this great Work of Mine.

As the persecution will intensify, know that Satan’s power has been curtailed and all he will do is to continue to throw stones, spread lies and try to draw souls away from Me. He will succeed in drawing souls away from this Mission, through various means. He will use visionaries to attack the Mission and this will cause great confusion.

When man continues to fall and the Word of God is no longer accepted, in its entirety, then, Heaven will always intervene. Trust Me as I tell you now – this is My Mission and if you are told otherwise, then you can be assured that you are being led astray. My Promise is to remain loyal to God’s children to the end and until a soul completely rejects the Hand of God. I will forge ahead and provide you with all the Gifts I Am bequeathing to protect you against My enemies, who come to you as wolves, dressed in sheep’s clothing. My Gifts will become the antithesis of what the world will be given by the enemies of God. The Book of Truth will be the antithesis of the new false book – full of man-made flawed doctrine, which will justify sin – soon to be inflicted upon the world. The Seal of the Living God will protect you against the mark of the beast and the Medal of Salvation against the heresy, which will tumble out of the mouths of My enemies, who will seize My Church on Earth.

Naturally, this Mission is despised by Satan and he will use, even good souls – who out of a sense of misguided loyalty to those sacred servants of Mine, who have lost the faith and who do not truly serve Me, because they no longer know how – will slam My Holy Word. You must not allow yourselves to be swayed. Do not be like those who came before you – those who rejected Me, when I walked the Earth.

I give you My Word, that all the proof you desire will be yours – soon. I give you My Promise that I come now, only to bring you Salvation, at a time when every attempt will be made by My enemies to deny you, your God-given right to Salvation, as a child of God.

Do not forsake Me, when you know in your heart that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who speaks now. Do not attempt to draw souls away from Me, if you are in any doubt as to Who I Am. Do not hurt God’s prophets or you will suffer greatly. Do not fight against My Father’s Plan to prepare the world for My Second Coming or you will incur the Wrath of My Father. Be thankful. Be generous and accept this Gift of Intervention, with love and joy, for it is for your own good and the sake of every living soul, that it is being presented to the world.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: God would never permit His Word to be changed or misinterpreted to suit man

As we read this Message, we sense that it is by humility that our efforts are acceptable to Heaven. If we place adulation upon those who bring the Word of God through The Holy Spirit, then really we are misguided in our praise. 

We are vessels used as God Wills. We then, don't give the credit where credit is due - to the Holy Spirit.

It is by God's Grace alone that we can read and bring understanding of The Word of God. The same is true for the prophets, like Maria in this Mission. She herself would feel embarrassment to be given any adulation! She understands she is just the writer and Jesus, God and Mother of Salvation are the Authors. She herself would not want this responsibility of praise to be 'heaped' on her. She has a total understanding of her role in this Mission and through her fiat, she understands that she remains in obedience to Christ. The same is true for all of us in this Mission. 

If we bring these Messages to souls, then we do that with no regard for reward or accolade from anyone. We do this purely in obedience to Christ and His Instruction. It is an easy trap to fall into, when given praise and gratitude by those who visit each other's timelines on here especially, to feel 'noteworthy', however this is simply not what this is about. 

We must always remain guarded against any ego that can come into play for this is the trap satan uses to snare our souls. It is simply by the Grace of God through His Gifts to us, that He bestows upon us, why we are even here doing what we do. This Mission is only and solely about bringing souls through steady preparation, to Jesus. Helping Him bring their Salvation - nothing more, nothing less. Any of us who 'enjoy' being praised need to recheck why they are in this Mission. All of this is all for Jesus, the credit is given to the Holy Spirit. 

Mother of Salvation, thankyou for this most important reminder!

Mother of Salvation: God would never permit His Word to be changed or misinterpreted to suit man

Sunday, May 4th, 2014 @ 16:23

My dear children, when God sent prophets into the world, they were simply messengers. They were sent to impart the Truth – the Word of God.

Over the centuries, many of God’s children misinterpreted the role of the prophets. Some began to idolize the prophets, instead of just accepting the Word of God and giving glory to God. They created gods of the prophets, and the Messages delivered to the world – including those of my Son, Jesus Christ – became less important than the prophets who delivered them.

Children, the prophets of God, the angels of God, the visionaries and the seers were not worthy of this idolization. They were all simple people with little or no knowledge of Divine matters, which is why they were chosen. The Messages are what are important and the messengers are simply the conduits of the Word. The Word of God, given through the prophets, must never be discarded to one side, while the prophet is elevated upon a pedestal of their own making.

The Word of God must never be ignored. The Image of God must never be replaced by images of His prophets or the saints, who gained His Favour. You may ask the saints and the prophets to intervene on your behalf, but you must never lavish upon them the praise, which must be reserved for God, the Creator of all that is heavenly. The same is true of today. You must honour God first and place Him before all that is. You must adhere to the Word, which was laid down in the beginning and never deviate from it, for it will never nor can it ever change. God’s Word is final.

My Son’s Teachings were made known to humanity when He walked the Earth. They simply explained the Word in greater detail, but they never deviated from the Truth. Today, man is still the same as he was when my Son came the first time. Man is still weak, easily swayed and remains a sinner today, just as was then. If any prophet or man, who claims to speak in the Name of God, tells you that the Word must be adapted to suit man’s modern needs, then you must be on your guard. If you are told that the Word really means something else entirely, then do not accept it. Man, including those who serve God, does not have the authority to tamper with the Truth.

When a man claims to be divinely inspired and then changes the Word to suit a secular world, you must not trust him. God would never permit His Word to be changed or misinterpreted to suit man. Remember, when you idolize a prophet and lavish praise upon him, you offend God. When you accept changes to what is contained in the Most Holy Bible, which contradict the Word of God, then you cut yourself off from the Truth. When you accept falsehoods, as a means to serve God by, on your own terms, then you separate yourselves from God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Ask and you will receive is not an idle promise that I make

Jesus loves us so much, so much so that He invites us to ask Him for all our needs in times of distress, despair or in trouble! How many of our loved ones are prepared to hear us in our time of need and be there directly to answer us and help us sort it all out? Of course some of us are very Blessed to have that someone special we can ' offload' to, but Jesus isn't at the end of the phone, in the supermarket queue, in our family's or friend's car!

Well I suppose He is in a sense, but if you need someone now, He is here!

Please take an opportunity to take Him up on His Offer! He so needs and wants to hear from us! Even in the good times! This prayer He gives is just the medicine to overcome all that life throws at us! Can we see His Gift of Love for us?

But as we should realise, Jesus will only grant to us that which brings our souls closer to Him for te Greater Good!

We can ask for that new BMW, but really? Will it benefit our souls to reach Him? (Maybe if you drive too fast around a bend  it might!)

But seriously - we can only expect to be given what we know in our hearts helps us attain Graces to increase our faith, strength and courage. It is our souls that need preparation, forgiveness, humility, Spiritual Food! So seek that which is in God's Will above all else. Be ready to take up our crosses and pray this prayer to gain fortitude and zeal to keep going through it all! Jesus is with us! Always!

Ask and you will receive is not an idle promise that I make

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 @ 15:50

My dearly beloved daughter, when I ask people to trust in Me, this is a very difficult thing, for many people to do. So many find it hard to trust in My Love for humanity, when they rely on their own faith, in order for them to surrender completely to Me. It is only when you fully surrender yourselves, into My care, can you feel safe, protected and at peace.

My Love, when sought out by you, will cover you, when you hold out your arms and call out to Me as a little child. Children place all their trust in their parents, when they are little. They know only the difference between what feels right and what feels wrong and so they rely completely on the adult to protect them. Children do not think twice about running to their parents for comfort and to seek refuge. The faith of a child is strong. He does not question, for he believes, truly that he will find safety in the arms of a loving parent.

I Am to be trusted, for all that is asked of Me will be done, if it is for the good of the soul. Ask and you will receive is not an idle promise that I make. I relish the Act of lavishing My Gifts upon each one of you. When you ask Me to help you, I hear, feel and respond to all that you desire. Allow Me the chance to prove My Love for each of you. Let Me show you the proof of My Intervention. It is at this time of existence, that I, Jesus Christ, will make My Presence known in all that you ask of Me. It is at this time, that I will enable you to feel My Presence, witness My Great Acts of Intervention in your daily lives and to understand the power of your prayers. For these are the days of great miracles, which I bequeath to humanity, more than at any other time, since I walked the Earth.

When you truly place all your trust in Me, I can work great miracles to bring you, not only relief from suffering, but to draw you even closer to My Sacred Heart. When a child knows that a parent loves him, he feels secure in the knowledge that he is protected. Know that by trusting in Me, I protect you all and I will flood each of your souls with a deep sense of peace, which you will find nowhere else on this Earth.

Come to Me today and call on Me to help you – no matter what worries you may have. Recite this special Prayer, every time you are in distress, and I will respond every single time.

Crusade Prayer (148) Come to my aid:

O my Jesus, help me, in my time of great distress. Hold me in Your Arms and take me into the Refuge of Your Heart. Wipe away my tears. Calm my resolve. Lift my spirits and fill me with Your Peace. Please grant me this special request (mention it here…). Come to my aid, so that my request is answered and that my life can become peaceful and in union with You, dear Lord. If my request cannot be granted, then fill me with the Grace to accept that Your Holy Will is for the good of my soul and that I will remain faithful to Your Word, forever, with a kind and gracious heart. Amen.

Always call to Me, whenever you are sorrowful or in need of help and I promise that you will be given a sign that I have responded to your cry to Me, your beloved Saviour.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The apocalypse will be all about the seizure of my Son’s Church on Earth by His enemies

What does the Apocalypse truly symbolise?

 It’s about Christ’s Church being seized in a coup by satan and his minions on earth – Christ’s enemies!

It will be a struggle for souls!

The coming Chastisement will be God’s Warning – enough is enough! Wake up! The Truth beckons!

The Remnant Army – those loyal to His True Church - the one that hell cannot prevail against, keeping Jesus Alive for humanity to seek their Salvation through our prayers, personal sacrifices and suffering offered up to help sinners find the Truth – This Mission!


Our Mother of Salvation tells us that firstly The Crucifixion of Christ’s Body will be relived again:

1. By the Scourging of His Body – The Church on earth – paganism and depravity, one world religion

2. His Crowning of Thorns placed upon the heads of the leaders of the Church – intellectual, humanistic and logical thinking of minds

3. His Hands Nailed to the Cross, His sacred servants hands symbolically nailed, depriving them to administer the Holy Sacraments

4. His Feet Nailed to the Cross, His sacred servants prohibited from helping bring Christ’s Teachings to souls.

5. The Carrying of Christ’s Cross, the changes all coming to the Church on it’s way to Calvary

6. The Crucifixion of Christ – The Church founded by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago will be destroyed!

So then what??!!

We must continue to follow the Path of Christ until His Kingdom Comes! Do not stray!

The antichrist will sit upon the throne, not Jesus!

What will we do??!!

We must remain loyal to Jesus! Stick to Truth that Jesus Taught, not the deceptions brought by satan!

What have we been given to stay on track, to stay focussed, to ask for strength??



Who will help us along this rocky journey to Calvary? 

Those LOYAL SERVANTS OF JESUS! They will bring us the Holy Sacraments – The Food of Life in Refuges, places of safety, peace and joy which we will be guided to!

What next if we get through this tumultuous time??


The New Jerusalem will rise from the Ashes!

All persecution will be FINISHED!


Mother of Salvation: The apocalypse will be all about the seizure of my Son’s Church on Earth by His enemies

Friday, May 2nd, 2014 @ 19:00

My child, when people hear the word “apocalypse”, it can strike terror into their hearts. This is because very few are truly informed as to what it symbolizes. These times have been foretold, as being the final part of my Father’s Plan to unite the world and free it from the grip of evil, which has been its stranglehold for so long.

The most important sign that the time is close will be just prior to my Son’s Second Coming, when His Crucifixion will be relived all over again. These will be the signs. Just as He was scourged, so also will His Body – His Church on Earth – through corruption and infestation be. Then just as the thorns, were placed upon His Head, so too will they be placed upon the heads of the leaders of His Church. The hands of His sacred servants will be nailed, as if to the Cross, when they will no longer be used, in the times ahead, as instruments of the Holy Sacraments. Just as the nails penetrated my Son’s Feet, so too, will those true servants of God be prohibited from leading souls along the true Path of the Lord. The Crucifixion of my Son’s Church on Earth will continue until it dies and on that day, the Body of my Son, Jesus Christ, will no longer be Present in the Holy Eucharist. When my Son’s Church is destroyed, then on what path will His followers walk down? So unless you follow the Path of my Son, you will not be able to find your way to His Kingdom.

When my Son’s Church has been taken over and the enemy sits upon the throne, you must always stay loyal to my Son. You will not be able to do this, if you accept the laws of the secular world, as being a substitute for the Truth.

The Book of Truth will, along with the Crusade Prayers, keep you focused on my Son. Those loyal sacred servants of His will feed you with the Food of Life, when it will be nowhere to be found. By then, you will be able to count the months, as if they are weeks and the weeks, as if they are days, because at the sound of the trumpet the New Jerusalem will rise out of the ashes and the persecution will be over.

The apocalypse will be all about the seizure of my Son’s Church on Earth by His enemies. It will be about the struggle for souls. The chastisement will be about God’s Warning to humanity to open their eyes to the Truth. The Remnant Army will help to keep the flame of love for my Son alive and, at the same time, bring souls a great reprieve from the punishment, which would otherwise befall them, were it not for the Mercy of my Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

My Promise to come again will be fulfilled in the lifetime of this generation


Uplifting! People get ready for the Great Day is coming soon! Jesus says in the last paragraph - "Nothing will prevent My Second Coming. No man who opposes Me or who tries to draw souls away from Me will be permitted to defy Me, for when I arrive, all My enemies will be cast away. I will salvage the weak, the fearful, the remorseful, the heretics, the heathen, the liars, the thieves, the murderers – all sinners. Not one of you is exempt from My Mercy. I love all of you."

Can we get a real grip on what we have to look forward to? Please, bring some kind of offering to Jesus by way of a prayer for His Mercy. He will come to you instantly! He told us to say "Jesus I am a terrible sinner, please I beg You for Mercy'. How easy is that! Give yourselves a chance, a real chance to leave this dustbowl of deception far behind and live life Eternally with everything joyful, perfect without a shred of despair! We cannot possibly imagine the Life we have ahead. But understand this - It is coming in our lifetime, our generation.

We have been told that the Great Tribulation is what we are in now. Can't you see the 'quickening' when you watch the news? How much is happening and how quickly things are escalating. Soon yes it will seem out of control, but we know better don't we? We know that all is in the Will of God. The Great Battle has been already won in the end. Let Jesus in now!

My Promise to come again will be fulfilled in the lifetime of this generation

Thursday, May 1st, 2014 @ 23:30

My dearly beloved daughter, My Promise to come again will be fulfilled in the lifetime of this generation. Many people in the world, at this time, are oblivious to the prophecies which are contained in the Most Holy Bible, regarding the Great Day of the Lord. To prepare for this time, My Father has instructed Me to inform you that the date is set for My Second Coming, but only God, the Eternal Father, knows of this date. Even I, His only-begotten Son, have no knowledge of this date – only that it will be soon.

Many events will need to take place first, before the great renewal, but know that they will all take place swiftly and in rapid succession. Those who fear the Great Day must, instead, trust in Me and pray for the souls of those who will do all they can to oppose Me in My Quest for souls. My Plan is to bring even the most stubborn amongst you into My Kingdom, for it is for the world. My Kingdom will come, for it is God’s Plan and will complete the Final Covenant, according to the Divine Will of God.

Pray, with generosity in your hearts, for the souls of those who need My Mercy the most and I will cover them with My Precious Blood. All that was in the beginning will be fulfilled at the end and then there will exist a world without end. All begins and ends with My Father.

Nothing will prevent My Second Coming. No man who opposes Me or who tries to draw souls away from Me will be permitted to defy Me, for when I arrive, all My enemies will be cast away. I will salvage the weak, the fearful, the remorseful, the heretics, the heathen, the liars, the thieves, the murderers – all sinners. Not one of you is exempt from My Mercy. I love all of you.

Your Jesus

This time I come to renew the Earth, to re-establish My Kingdom on Earth

Jesus is giving yet another Message for us to quell our anxieties about the future of souls. He tells us that He is The Shepherd who having lost His sheep, is going to every corner of every land to find them! He will not give up until He has found every last one! He will look for those who are in Spiritual turmoil for not having ever known God or even sought after Him!

Jesus will go to great lengths to show them Who He Is so that they will come to know God the Father and His Promise of a New Life in Paradise!

Those in darkness will be given proof  He is Indeed the Christ! Remember His Apostle Thomas, quietly sitting in the background, trying hard to discern all Jesus was Teaching. Always seeking out a logical answer but came up short sometimes. Then when He Appeared to His Apostles, poor Thomas was dumbfounded. He saw Who He was seeing, but that little niggle in him that wouldn't allow him to just trust and concede in faith needed that total reassurance that Jesus was Standing before Him.

Did Jesus shun him?

Did Jesus tell him his faith failed him?

Did Jesus turn His Back on him?

Did Jesus show him disappointment? NO!

Jesus said "Then said He to Thomas, Reach here your finger, and behold My Hands; and reach here your hand, and thrust it into My Side: and be not faithless, but believing" - gently and calmly bringing him the answer he needed!

This is what Jesus is telling us now! He will not forsake anyone! He will gather up all His little lambs no matter how forlorn, no matter how tattered and torn! Please make yourselves available for Jesus to find! When you are taken in His Merciful Arms, you will Truly know you have returned Home!

This time I come to renew the Earth, to re-establish My Kingdom on Earth

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 @ 09:00

My dearly beloved daughter, many may wonder how God, the Father Almighty Creator of all that Is and will Be forever, could suffer. The Truth is that My Father, perfect in all that can be, is infused with Love. Because He is the Creator of Love, when rebuked, it causes Sorrow in His Heart.

God’s children rejected His Great Gift of Paradise, through the sin of Adam and Eve, when they fell from His Favour. Instead, they allowed themselves to be seduced by the cunning deception, placed before them, by the evil one. How My Father suffered, because of this betrayal then and how He still suffers because of the sin of betrayal in today’s world. Nothing has changed, except the Miracle of Redemption, which He bequeathed the world, through My Sacrifice for mankind.

My Father’s Love for all of you is so Great that His Sorrow, which has been caused by man’s blindness and rejection of His Great Mercy, is also His Gift to humanity. Because of His Sorrow, He pines for souls and, as such, will reach out and grasp even the most reluctant non-believer. To those, who do not believe in God, but who desire proof and any sign that will bring them comfort in their wretchedness, I say this. I, Jesus Christ, came the first time, not to merely save those who accepted the Truth – I came to save those who were incapable of believing in God. I do the same now. While the believers will fight amongst themselves, arguing as to whether or not it is I, Jesus Christ, Who communicates to the world, at this time, I promise you this. I will, out of My Love for you, prove to you that it is indeed I, Who speaks now and that I have, once again, been sent by My Father to save you.

This time I come to renew the Earth, to re-establish My Kingdom on Earth – the Paradise created by My Father, for Adam and Eve. That Day will dawn soon and before the time comes, I will enlighten your mind, body and soul. I will shock you with My Power – My Divinity, but you will feel such a surge of love that you will be left in no doubt that this could only come from Me. That is My Promise. It is the children of God, who do not know Him, nor believe in Him, that I will reach out to first. Most of them will come running to Me, because they will have no preconceived ideas, which can evolve from too much knowledge of spiritual matters. At the same time, I will reach out to those souls who are in great darkness, who are desperate, lost and laden with great sorrow in their hearts. So when you read My Word, contained herein, know that My Messages are not aimed at those who love Me only – they are being given to reach out to you.

I give you peace. I bring you great news, for I have carved out a glorious future for you, where death will have no power over you. I await that Day, with great joy. Please await, with patience and trust, for when I open your heart, your worries will be no more.

Your beloved Jesus

Mother of Salvation: The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations

This Message from Our Mother of Salvation is FULL-ON! She isn't holding back in this one! There aren't any words my feebleness can offer to help in understanding the jist of this Message! So I won't write anything other than "PLEASE READ THIS AND TAKE IT TO HEART!" This is totally serious and in our face Truth! Anyone not getting this is going to find the Tribulation ahead too much to bear!

Be lions for the sake of your souls - stick with Jesus! Lift the scales off your eyes! We are in this whether we like it or not - The train is safe and fast and heading in a Northerly direction for anyone who wants to climb aboard!

Mother of Salvation: The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations

Sunday, April 27th, 2014 @ 23:20

My dear children, allow the Light of God to descend over you, as the plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ, have been completed. All things will now be according to the Holy Will of God and I ask that you use prayer as your greatest armour, as the battle for God’s children will intensify. Unlike previous wars, the battle for souls will be very confusing, because the enemy will be perceived as the friend, while the true Church of Christ will be declared to be the enemy.

How strong you will need to be, if you are to become a true Christian soldier. You must never bow to pressure to utter the profanities, which you will be asked to participate in, in public and before the altars of my Son. When you see men elevated to positions of power, in my Son’s Temples, and who demand that you bow in reverence before them, but where there is no sign of the Cross, then run, for you will be drawn into error. You will know that the time for the antichrist to enter my Son’s Church has arrived, when the tabernacles have been adjusted and, in many cases, replaced with wooden versions.

Children, please be aware that many of you will turn your backs on the Truth, because you will find the Truth almost impossible to accept. The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations, in many churches, of all Christian and other denominations. All the rules will have been changed; the Liturgy recreated; the Sacraments tampered with; until, finally, the Mass will no longer be celebrated according to Holy Doctrine. By then and on the day the antichrist sits proudly on his throne, the Presence of my Son will be no more. Then, from that day onwards, it will become difficult for those who love my Son to remain loyal to Him, as they should, because every abomination will be presented before you. When enough distractions surround you and when it will become an offense to question the new hierarchy, you will be tempted to give up and accept the one world religion, for fear of losing friends and family.

God’s Army – the Remnant – will grow and spread and the Crusade Prayers will provide great strength to all. My Son will intervene and carry you through the challenges, which lie ahead and you will know that it will be His Power that will give you courage and perseverance. For only the strong amongst you will remain true to the Holy Word of God, but even if the Remnant Army is but a fraction of the size of the army of the beast, God will fill it with the power of a lion. He will strengthen the weak and give them great Graces. He will weaken the power of those who will become devotees of the antichrist. All of these events will seem frightening, but, in truth, these events will seem to many as a new era of unity and peace in the world. People will applaud the new one world church and say: “what a great miracle has been created by God.” They will be in great awe of the men, both from within the church and from outside of it, who have brought about such unity. Great praise and honour will be lavished upon these men and then they will be greeted by loud chanting, as well as a special sign of recognition, in every public gathering.

There will be rejoicing, celebrations and honorary ceremonies, where heretics will be awarded great accolades. You will see great wealth, unity among different creeds and men of honour being treated like living saints – all except one. The one I refer to is the antichrist and they will believe that he is Jesus Christ.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Many of the Mysteries of My Kingdom are unknown to man

Who is without sin cast the first stone! So appropriate to ask when Jesus is speaking about each soul and their journey towards Him. We are not without sin no matter how close we believe we are to Our Saviour! No matter how much we think we have got things going right - there will always be a little nudge taking us out of Jesus' Eyeshot! How easy it is to think we see another person's actions which go against Christ, and we vilify that person for the sin! Come on! Is that the way we want to be treated - judged?

We all fail, we all hurt others, we all think we have the answers to being good guides, but seriously? We are miserable sinners!

So how saying this of any use to any of us? Well, Jesus loves us even though we sin! He loves us even though we are sinners! What He wants from us is to love one another and He loves us! So we have to stop throwing those stones at others if we know that we are sinners too! None of us are given any Authority by Christ to spit at another in His Name!

If we truly love another, we will show them lovingly the errors or the splinter in their eye, but guide them to Christ's Love and Mercy, never failing to see that we have a log in our eye as well! We must accept the same guidance from others. What we need to keep in check is our pride and arrogance and be ready instantly to chastise ourselves for it and pray for humility!

 This Serenity Prayer seems appropriate here:

 "God, give us grace to accept with serenity

 the things that cannot be changed, 

Courage to change the things

which should be changed,

and the Wisdom to distinguish 

the one from the other.

Living one day at a time, 

Enjoying one moment at a time,

Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,

Taking, as Jesus did, 

This sinful world as it is, 

Not as I would have it, 

Trusting that You will make all things right, 

If I surrender to Your will,

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life, 

And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen."

Many of the Mysteries of My Kingdom are unknown to man

Sunday, April 27th, 2014 @ 18:00

My dearly beloved daughter, My Plan to save the entire world and take every single one of you into the Refuge of My Heart is complete and all parts correctly placed, so that the perfection of My Promise is brought to fruition.

There are many Mysteries associated with My Divinity, which man, no matter how knowledgeable he is in spiritual matters, can never truly understand. Many of the Mysteries of My Kingdom are unknown to man and My Father revealed to humanity only what He so desired. Man was given the knowledge and the Truth, so that he could revere God and serve Him, as best he could. Man was informed, by the prophets, how he must abide by the Ten Commandments, to ensure that he does not fall into error. Then to prove His Love for the world, He became man and through Me, His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, showed man exactly what makes for good and what constitutes evil. I revealed the Truth, albeit just a fraction of what My Father desired, for man’s needs. But man was so proud-hearted, arrogant and ambitious, that he did not want to know the Truth, as it did not suit him.

The Pharisees closed their eyes, looked the other way and declared Me to be a man, Who had lost His mind and spoke in riddles. They did not have the capacity to hear the Truth, although My Teachings simply reiterated the Words, the Lessons and the Commandments contained in My Father’s Book. Along the narrow path they walked, looking neither left nor right, as they followed their own version of serving God. They did this with a pious exterior, shunning the weak, the poor and the uneducated, while they praised God. They exiled Me then and their counterparts today will do this, yet again, as they continued along with their own man-made doctrine in the years ahead.

So now you see, for all that man claims to know, he really knows very little about the Way of the Lord. That which he was given is accepted, but only parts of the Truth that suits him. For example, I have always instructed God’s children to love one another, but they fail to do this. How many of you lie prostrate before Me and lavish praise upon Me in thanksgiving and then slander your brothers and sisters? Some of you go as far as telling Me what wicked people they are, instead of showing love and forgiveness.

Man will always be weak, because it is impossible for the human being to be perfect. But why accept My Teachings on the one hand and then deny them on the other? Never succumb to the temptation of condemning one another in My Name, for you do not have the authority to do so. Never exalt yourself before Me, when you defile or belittle another human being, at the same time. This is insulting to Me. To accept the Truth, you must be without malice, pride, self-righteousness or selfishness. You must discard your cloak of arrogance, because this is a trait of the devil and I find it repulsive.

Please remember My Teachings and live your lives according to what I told you. When you find your hearts troubled, full of anguish or hatred, you must always seek out My help. For if you do not, then this sense of despair and hatred will devour you. You must accept the fact that you will always succumb to sin, but also know that you must show true remorse, before you will feel any kind of peace or calm in your soul.

Your Jesus

God the Father: It is better that you endure this spiritual pain now, than in the eternal flames

Thankyou God the Father for telling us like it is! No human being has the capacity to understand Your Great Love for us and how much You wish to show Your Mercy to even the most darkened, hardened souls. Our limitations of mind can only find a little way of understanding what You intend for all souls! Your Mercy knows no bounds Lord! As we have been told so many times - no soul will be left by the wayside - each is so precious to You! Now God we hear more of just how You will bring these souls to Hear Your Voice! What a Gift for us!

So many families fear what will happen to their wayward family members, but You have them in Your Hands Lord God! We must continue our prayers that The Holy Spirit's Fruit will renew the face of the earth, that each soul will ask for Your Son's Divine Will in their hearts!

Thankyou Father too, for giving more insight into the Warning. Many souls who despise You will still be given their chance to become humble before You, however if they choose by their free will to turn their backs on You, then of course, the consequences of their actions will be shown them for their Eternity. We pray for them to soften their hearts. Please God give us patience to endure what is ahead, but also give us Your Strength and Courage to face the battle. We can do this but not on our own, we need The Holy Trinity each moment.

We welcome Your Hand of Justice on humanity for the evil committed and no matter our sinfulness, we take full responsibility for all our sins and should we be shown those sins still on our souls, then we do that with gratitude and trust that this will make us better, more loving people and stronger in faith! You are the Truth. I Am the Beginning and I Am the End. God our Heavenly Father, THANK YOU! Amen!

God the Father: It is better that you endure this spiritual pain now, than in the eternal flames

Saturday, April 26th, 2014 @ 13:42

My dearest daughter, the forces of evil are getting stronger by the day, as the hour of My Son’s Great Mercy will descend without warning.

Those men, amongst you, who do not accept My Son, will be enveloped into every Ray of His Mercy, so suddenly, that few of you will understand what has been poured upon you, such will the Force of His Divine Presence be. Those of you, with hatred in your hearts, will feel great pain and anguish. You will experience, thrice over, the same pain that you inflicted upon My children, for make no mistake, The Warning is a form of Judgment. You will witness the pain and intense suffering, which you would endure, were you to be cast into the fires of Hell. Many of you will find The Warning to be excruciatingly painful. Yet, you must welcome My Gift, for it is better that you endure this spiritual pain now, than in the eternal flames.

I strive to prepare you, through My Blessed Mission, so that I won’t lose one soul. My last Mission on Earth – where I gave the authority, in the form of the Most Holy and Blessed Trinity – will be opposed fiercely, as it continues on its journey to salvage souls, before the Great Day. No other mission, since my Son’s Crucifixion, will be hated as much as this one. Woe to those of you who oppose Me, your Eternal Father, for should you spit in My Face, with a foul tongue, I will punish you.

I will not permit, for long, the hatred and the blasphemies, which you misguided sinners throw at Me. When you try to stop Me, in My Quest to save all of you from the evil one, you will suffer greatly, because of the souls who will be lost to Me because of you.

My Divinity will not be crushed, nor will the coming of My Son be stopped. No one has the power to do this. The man who tries to place himself between the sinner and Me, the Eternal Father, with the intention of misleading that soul into denying My Word, will be stopped.

I Am the Truth. I Am the Beginning and I Am the End. My Love for all My children is great, but woe to the sinner who incurs My Wrath when he tries to elevate himself above Me. I will crush the heads of the proud-hearted sacred servants who steal souls from Me, through heresy. I will destroy those whose actions will mislead souls into grave error. Not for one second must you misinterpret My Warning, for when I Am driven to intervene in the salvation of souls, those enemies of Mine will be crushed to the ground.

My powerful Interventions have begun and soon, few of you, who hear My Voice, through these Messages, will doubt again, for you will bear witness to every prophecy contained in My Book of Truth.

Go and be thankful for My Great Mercy. Accept My Interventions, for they will help to bring the world to its senses. Only after the purification will man be able to truly listen to My Voice.

Your Eternal Father

God the Most High

The time for sin to be declared no more is drawing nearer

The notion that sin will no longer be deemed sin is at opposite poles to Christ and the very meaning of our existence. We were brought into sin through the sins of our first parents, Adam and Eve, so I guess they will be made to be fictional characters of a novel! Anarchy is all we'll be left with if we no longer are responsible for doing wrong! Sin will always be contrary to God and His Commandments. One does not counter the other, to the contrary one is the Instruction given to not sin or to take responsible action to not sin.

We are human, we are of this condition. Jesus accepts us in the state we are in, but He teaches us to know our sins, give our sins to Him and beg for His Forgiveness and Mercy if acceptable in God's Eyes. If we don't need accountability anymore than that negates Jesus and what He stands for! How can this be? IT CAN'T! Sin is satan's influence in our daily lives. The chains of his are still around our legs! Jesus Died on The Cross to free us from satan's chains, but we choose to continue to allow him to place his shackles about us!

Our free will does this! Now it seems the Church will use the free will God gave as an Inherent Gift and use it to chain us to satan even more! So Jesus is firmly telling us that we are never to accept this falsehood!! This deception! Always know that sin is wrong, sin separates us from God, sin hurts ourselves and others simultaneously! Society cannot survive when wrong-doing is no longer needing explanation, apology or reparation! It will breakdown very quickly and in earnest.

Babies having been aborted for so long will now become even more, the victim of this salacious, diabolical enslavery of mankind! God will Intervene for us! He will rid the earth of evil and evil-doers! The Promise of Paradise for those who remain intact and unwaivering for His Teachings, His Doctrines and His Holy Sacraments will be given! It is up to each of us to rise above all the evil trappings awaiting us! Please God strengthen our resolve in these days!

The time for sin to be declared no more is drawing nearer

Thursday, April 24th, 2014 @ 16:45

My dearly beloved daughter, the times are close now, when the sins of man will be deemed, by My Church, to be insignificant and inoffensive in My Eyes.

Sin is not something which is deemed by Me to be a weakness or a fault. Sin is created because of these two traits, but comes about because of the existence of Satan. My Church will soon soothe My followers by misleading them into accepting the lie that sin is merely a metaphor that it is used as a symbol to God’s children to urge them to stay on a path, which is pleasing to God. Sin should not make you feel separate from others, they will say. Sin, they will say, does not really matter, because God is All-Forgiving. Yes, I Am All-Forgiving and forgive every sin – except for eternal sin – once remorse is shown by the sinner and efforts are made by him to remove all temptation to avoid repeating that sin. You cannot ask Me to forgive sin when you live by that sin. A murderer, who murders, maims and kills, cannot ask Me to forgive him, while he continues to murder and has no intention of stopping his crimes. What is the use of asking Me to redeem you from sin, if you do not accept that you sin in the first place?

Sin is caused by weakness and I forgive the sinner, who truly repents. When the sinner no longer believes that he is guilty of sin, it becomes ingrained in the soul. The time for sin to be declared no more is drawing nearer. When that time comes, there will be great relief and celebration, because what was once deemed to be a sin in My Eyes will no longer be considered to be the case.

Sin will be seen as a natural thing and one which you all should accept. You will not be told to merely love the sinner, as I do. No. You will be encouraged to accept that sin does not exist. All this will lead to the ultimate betrayal of My Divinity, when the world will idolize itself, its talents, its intelligence, until it declares its greatness, in direct defiance of God, the Eternal Father.

Oh how many will be led into error, despair and wrongdoing. My Church will be used to declare heresy in My Holy Name. Those misguided, will turn it upside down and inside out and not one part of these changes will be directed by Me, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will not preside over the abomination and there will be great confusion, great sorrow and a sense of helplessness, on the part of those who will remain true to the Teachings of My Church. The traditional teachings will no longer be tolerated. Then, when all that is held sacred collapses, the time will be ready for the man of perdition to take up his seat in My Church.

Your Jesus

I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death

Please read this Message to understand the fullness and joy Jesus wishes to give to all of us awaiting Paradise. He wants all of us to share in our Rightful Inheritance. It is our birthright, but we ourselves have chosen to deny ourselves this wonderful chance of being united with Christ in the New Heaven the New earth combined - the New Paradise! We cannot humanly understand the beauty and majesty that is waiting for us. We are the chosen generation foretold of in Scripture.

Our generation does not have to wait past a short time that those before us have waited! So many of us are crippled with fear of the unknown, but can't we realise that what is waiting for us is such a Glorious Gift that to fear it is to deny ourselves a share in it? Please all of us - each man, woman and child alive in the world today - bring ourselves the best chance of being redeemed in God's Eyes, free from worry, sin, pain, suffering even physical death! Isn't that what we dream of? This is what is Promised for each of us alive in the word today! Seriously!

Why are we so nurturing of self-sabotage for our future happiness? Why do we do that to ourselves? There is nothing to fear! Jesus has never intended to make us feel that way! That is not Who Jesus is! We have feared because we have not opened our minds and hearts wide enough to invite the possibilities that are Promised and Endless into our very being to quench our tired and thirsty souls for God and His Glory! Bring us comfort Lord Jesus, that in Your Mercy which You are so eager to Pour over us, Your children, can open our arms wide enough to beg You to us! How much You just want us to say 'Yes Lord!' Pour Your Holy Spirit over mankind now, Jesus!

We need to be given the Grace to accept You and all You Speak of to us today! Help us be like little children, humble and contrite, acceptable to God the Father, so that we can come to You and be with You Eternally! Amen.

I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, many people mistakenly believe that My Warnings to humanity create a sense of despair and unnecessary worry. This is understandable, but know this. The future of the world to come is breathtakingly, Glorious in every way. The Paradise, which has been prepared for you, would fill you with awe, wonder and a great sense of excitement, were I to reveal to you but just one glimpse of it. Because man has a fear of the unknown and a lack of confidence in My Promise to bring each of you Eternal Life, it is difficult for many, who try to prepare themselves for My Kingdom.

My beloved followers, My cherished little ones, please know that I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death – that is My Gift to this blessed generation. This transition from the world you live in today, into My New Paradise, will be in the blink of an eye; such is My Great Love for you. Before that Great Day, I must prepare you, so that all of you will inherit My Kingdom. I do not have to put you through these trials, which you endure now and those still to come – that is true. However, for many people, who take My Word and My Mercy for granted, I must prepare them. How can I purify you, unless I remind you of the Truth? Only the Truth will set you free from the shackles which bind you to the evil one, who will drag you away from Me, every chance he gets. He knows that if you do not respond to My Call to secure your rightful inheritance in My Kingdom, that he will win. Then you, having been misled by him, will fail to reconcile your soul within My Divine Mercy.

Only those who follow Me, every step, to Paradise, will succeed in obtaining Eternal Salvation. Please be patient. Be alert to My Call. Do not push Me away, as I try to reach you, through these Messages. Learn to trust in Me, through My Holy Word, which is already known to you in My Father’s Book.

When I speak of evil, I simply reveal to you the deceit, which you will be faced with. The problem with deceit is that it blinds you to the Truth and causes you to drift away into believing in a creed, which will suck you into a false doctrine. If it is not I, Jesus Christ, Who is revered, in this new doctrine, then you can be sure that it is not being dictated by the Holy Spirit.

Allow your hearts to be calm, your trust to be like that of a child and just love Me, in the way that I love you. Never resist My Mercy, never fear Me, never feel anger towards Me, and especially when you suffer in this life. For soon, I will bring you home. As soon as the Great Day dawns, the world will be born, and a new and wonderful life awaits you and all your loved ones. All of you will be bound to Me, without an enemy in sight – without fear, danger or suffering of any kind. So why fear My Kingdom? It will bring you the happiness and the love which you sought, all through your lifetime on Earth – but, which was never truly fulfilled, no matter how much you strived to advance these gifts.

My Greatest Gift to you is Eternal Life. Await My Gift, without fear. Instead, await with love and anticipation My New Kingdom, for there is much to look forward to.

Your Jesus

My Teachings are not complicated

Jesus wants us to keep His Mission simple. We must never overthink His Word. Sometimes our human limitations don't allow us to see 'all' that we are too impatient to wait for. Be careful of those distracting thoughts that immerse you into the future so much that you overlook the detail of your today! Praying keeps us in focus - focus on Christ! Our Mother of Salvation is with us through every step, moreso when we pray Her Holy Rosary!

We all want so desperately for the Truth to be revealed in the Warning to bring much conversion to humanity, but God has all of this in His Control. He will choose the time that is most advantageous for all souls to be brought into His Son's Presence and beg for His Mercy. We don't have any idea what is happening 'behind the scenes' so-to-speak, but Heaven does! So let's show the Glory of God to others by speaking His Truth and never waivering from our duty to bring Christ His souls!

He is relying on us! As He says, He will stand before those who He wishes to give His Mercy to, if they but seek Him out and ask for His Mercy to be given, like a pauper King before the sinner! Wow! That is humility we will only dream about replicating! His Love is beyond the moon and the stars!

My Teachings are not complicated

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014 @ 20:00

My dearly beloved daughter, no matter how difficult this Mission is, the Truth must prevail at all times.

What good is it if My Word is twisted? What good does it serve? When My Word and all that I Am and Will Be is adapted to suit man’s agenda, then it becomes a falsehood. What does My death on the Cross mean, if it was not to redeem you from sin? Despite the cruelty of My death on the Cross, the meaning for Christians is simple. I redeemed you from sin, but only when you ask Me to do this. If you do not ask, I cannot redeem you.

If you do not accept Me, Jesus Christ, then you will not be able to seek out My Mercy. If you do not seek My Mercy, then I will stand before you and plead with you to do this, so Great is My Love for you. I will stand like a pauper King before you, the sinner. I will reveal to you the Truth, until your eyes will finally be opened and then you will see. Those of you who see the Truth will then stretch out your arms to Me and I will take you into the Refuge of My Heart. So, just as those who know Me, and who will be saved, have an advantage, so also will I give all souls, of all religions and of all creeds, the advantage of showing them the Truth before My Time has come.

Always remember My Simplicity. I teach you the Truth in simple ways. I taught you to love one another as I have loved you. If you love one another and treat each other as I have shown you, you will be Mine. If you do not show love and respect to others, but judge one another in My Name, then you cannot say you are of Me. My Teachings are not complicated. They do not need to be, for love is at the kernel of all that I taught. Without love for one another in your hearts, then you cannot truly love Me. When you deny love, you will always deny Me. When you deny My Word, then the Love of God cannot thrive in your heart.

Your Jesus