Tuesday, 27 July 2021


Introduction to the Book of Truth

You are invited to attend the INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF TRUTH Global Seminar on
Saturday, August 7, 2021, at 9:00pm Singapore Time (GMT+8). 9:00 AM East Coast time. Please check your country's time.

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the Book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.
– Daniel 12:4

The Book of Truth, revealed to the Prophet Daniel, is the promised gift from God for the End Times. Secrets contained in the book were also given in part to St. John in the Book of Revelation.

It has been foretold that the Second Coming of Christ will be in our lifetime, and we all need to prepare as the devil will unleash his power to deceive God’s children and lead them on the road to perdition.

Now the time has come to unveil the Book of Truth as the seals are broken.

“I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me. Not one of you is loved less than the other.

Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Not one.”

– God the Most High

The content of the book is to guide all God’s children, of all races and creeds through the turmoil in the lead up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

This Global Seminar will be in English. However, Live Translators will be available in the following languages: German, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Ukrainian(Russian), Korean, Spanish, Polish, Albanien, Hungarian, Slovakia/Czech, and Romanian.

God will guide us through the maze of satan’s deceit because He Loves us. All His instructions are written in the Book of Truth. Hear His Words today. Hear His Truth.

Prepare yourself and your family. Be saved.

Click link below to register for the Introduction to the Book of Truth Webinar




Saturday, 10 July 2021

I will arm My Angels and chosen ones to do battle with those who denounce Me

I will arm My Angels and chosen ones to do battle with those who denounce Me

August 23, 2014

My dearly beloved daughter two signs will become apparent as the multitude of chosen souls rise to assist Me in reclaiming My Kingdom on earth.

The first sign relates to the loftiness of souls in My Church on earth, where human reasoning, intelligence and ambition will destroy the true faith of My sacred servants.

Pride and arrogance, coupled with an innate longing to experience a deeper faith, which will always be just beyond their grasp, will result in a false church of darkness. It will produce a lofty hierarchy, which will breed untruths and a barren faith.

The second sign relates to the lowly bodies when the human body – a sacred Gift from God – will be reduced to a mere vehicle used for worldly adornment, where no respect will be shown to it. Lack of morality will result in a lack of respect for the human body including the abuse of the body where it is used as a means to participate in grave acts of sins of the flesh. The lack of respect for human life will also mean that murder will become so common that many will, eventually, become completely immune to the horror of physical death at the hands of evil men.

The purification of man continues for without the suffering of willing souls, many people would be lost. Only then, when all things seem unbearable, will those with the Seal of the Living God, be given the relief from their sufferings which will blight humanity including sin, wars, famine and disease. You must never ignore wars – small though they may be – for they will spread.

Never ignore lack of true faith in My Church for this, too, will spread. Never ignore hatred amongst nations, who use religion as a means to inflict terror amongst their enemies, for this also will spread to devour the souls of those who love Me. Never ignore hatred of God’s visionaries or chosen prophets for if they hate these souls then they hate Me. You must not allow their wicked tongues to tempt you into joining with them in their vile attempts to drown out the sound of My Voice. If you do, then you too will become as infested as they are.

And, while all of these disturbances take place, I will arm My Angels and chosen ones to do battle with those who denounce Me. Then just as the world loses every ounce of dignity known to man, the beast will open the abyss and then every enemy of God will infiltrate My Church. But it will be according to the will of man, whether or not, he is prepared to put up with such injustices.

Those who stand up and defend the Will of God will be filled with great Graces and, by their faith, will atone for the sins of those too stubborn or too fearful to resist all that contradicts the Word of God.

When all evil atrocities increase and when man realizes that he does not have the ability to fight or control such wickedness, he must turn to Me and say:

 “Jesus, deliver us helpless sinners from Your enemies.”

Only then can I intervene to dilute the impact of violence, murder, hatred and wars caused by the sin of man.

Turn to Me every day and call out for My Mercy.

I will never forsake those who reach out to Me.

Your Jesus

How to ensure your family and friends can enter Heaven

How to ensure your family and friends can enter Heaven

April 15, 2011fatherofloveandmercy

My beloved daughter, I rejoice because so many good and devout followers of Mine join together during Holy Week, as one, to honour the Sacrifice I made for all. A Sacrifice I would willingly give up again and again were it to save every single one of you.

My Love is deep for every individual in the world, each of whom was created through the Holy Will of God the Eternal Father, Creator of mankind. All of you hold a very special place in My Heart, even those of you who don’t know Me.

If you were promised a life on this Earth offering you wealth and happiness many of you would jump at the chance. So desperate are you to satisfy your aspirations of the body. If men were offered Paradise in Heaven they would find it hard to envisage.

I understand this.

For the lukewarm soul, he would need to have a vivid imagination to fathom this glorious place. He will always struggle to envisage this glorious entity. The only souls who can are those with a strong faith in the Existence of God. The only way to truly understand the jewel that awaits each one of you is to strengthen your belief.

The only way to do this is to pray hard to see the Truth, the Light, the glittering future that awaits all those who honour God the Father Almighty. Believers, you must pray for your friends, spouses, relatives, parents, brothers, sisters and children who have little faith.

My prayer of Divine Mercy, when recited by you on their behalf will save their souls. That is My promise to you now.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Prepare your family to witness My Cross in the Sky

Prepare your family to witness My Cross in the Sky

June 8, 2011

My dearly beloved daughter, I must share with you the feelings I Am enduring now. The first is one of happiness, because I Am to bring so much Mercy to My children during the Illumination of Conscience, which is close. And then there are My Tears of great sadness, for those oblivious to this event and who are unprepared.

My children will need to tell as many of their friends and family of this Great Event in order to save their souls. No matter if they smile and ridicule your claims, for afterwards, they will thank you. Tell them the Truth. Ask them to open their minds.

They should be made aware of what they will witness, because when they see My Cross in the sky they will be prepared. That is all they need to understand. Then they will accept the discomfort they will endure when their past lives are played out before their eyes. Tell them to review their life and remind them of the harm that they may have inflicted on their fellow brothers and sisters.

Spread My Word after the Warning
My children, as soon as The Warning happens and when conversion takes place move quickly to spread My Most Holy Word. There is an urgency to this because this will be a crucial period. That is when, through the work of My beloved followers everywhere, that My children will stay on the right path. It will be the time when prayer and conversion can dilute the impact of the havoc, which will come about through the reign of both the antichrist and the false prophet.

Accept the Truth now for what it is. Do not fear the Truth. Embrace it; for when you do, you will be set free and your confidence in Me will enable you to defend My Word properly. Fear will hold you back, My precious children. Courage will win souls. Your battle, on My behalf, will ease My suffering and bring eternal life to so many more souls who desperately need your help.

My Love for you, children, is all-encompassing and never waivers in its intensity. My Cross is heavy, but when you take it up with love in your hearts, your load will be light. You My beloved followers, sacred servants and lay people, are My future army to help defeat Satan. Pray now for the strength to deal with the challenges to your faith.

Lead by example and the Gift I Am bestowing on each of you who pledges his or her allegiance to Me will create instant conversion when you speak My Most Holy Word.

Remember, I Am with you all the time now. Many of you who have been close to Me for some time will now experience a stronger sense of the Holy Spirit and the power of discernment, which will astonish you. Accept this as one of the greatest Gifts being given to man today. I have not bestowed a multitude of such graces since My apostles were given the precious Gifts through The Holy Spirit.

You, My followers, including My sacred servants, are My True Church. I will, with the help of God the Eternal Father, lead you so you can march with all My children towards the New Paradise, which awaits you all.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ