Sunday, 5 September 2021

Upcoming sessions in Australia's Crusade of Prayer

+Ave Maria 
Dear Crusade Prayer Warriors, good evening. 

I hope you're well.   Just a couple of reminders.   Firstly, tomorrow (First Saturday) is our National Rosary Crusade starting at 7.30pm Sydney time.  We will be praying the 4 mysteries of the Holy Rosary and a couple of Crusade Prayers in between each mystery.

Please, if you haven't attended one, now is the time that you do. Australia needs our prayers (NSW especially). Only the prayers and sacrifices of the faithful can save our nation.  As followers of the Jesus to Mankind Mission and other Marian Groups that you may also belong to, we understand and embrace our role --  the Salvation of Souls and of our Nation is a duty of every Remnant. 

Link to join (same as our weekly sessions) :  https://zoom.us/j/94399024482

Secondly,  on Wednesday, 8th September is a special feast day of our Blessed Mother.  On this Feast Day of her Nativity, let us show her our love, faithfulness and gratitude for the many graces and blessings received. 

Starting at 7:45pm (Sydney time), we will be praying the Holy Rosary, the Mother of Salvation Crusade of Prayers and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.   

Link to join:  same as above


God bless
Coordinator for NSW