Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination, which will kill you, if you accept it

Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination, which will kill you, if you accept it

Vaccination committees – power, influence, and 'conflicts of interest'… |  OVER-VACCINATION October 13, 2012


My dearly beloved daughter, the prophecies foretold at Fatima, now begin to manifest in the world.

The one-world governments, created in those nations who are working tirelessly together, have almost completed their work, which is soon to be presented to the world.

In its wake, there will be the new one-world religion, an abomination in My Father’s Eyes.

My Church has been infested by the enemies within it, who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They deceive all with whom they come into contact.

Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination, which will kill you, if you accept it.

This is a time when only prayer, and much of it, can soften the impact of this terrible wickedness, created by an elite group of people in power.

They are working in every part of your governments; and those who work, side by side with them every day, know what they are doing.

So cunning are they, that they will present every wicked deed, as being a great thing, a great service to humanity. They will do everything they can to desecrate everything to do with God.

They will spread and promote paganism. God’s children, who accept their laws, and their teachings, will become infested with their evil ways.

You must pray for protection, but above all, you must pray for these souls. For My Father intends to punish them. He will single out each and every one of them, and destroy them. Without your prayers, they will be lost, and they will be cast into the lake of fire.

Your Jesus

God the Father: My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children

God the Father: My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children

The Attributes of God: Just 

 October 4, 2012

My dearest daughter, I wish you to know that, while the world may have to endure a great cleansing, which may not be pleasant, My Mercy is great.

I am an ocean of Mercy and will implement great changes to ensure that all of My children will be saved from catastrophe. The catastrophe I speak to you about involves the work of a secretive evil force in the world, who are trying to control every nation, for their own wicked gain.

So many such souls reject the Mercy of My beloved Son. So many will not acknowledge Him. They continue to inflict heedless suffering over those they control and fail to accept that their sins will not go unnoticed. They may fight against the Power of My Hand but My Hand will swoop down upon them and destroy them.

They will recognise the Power of God, in time, but for many of them it will be too late.

Every Act of Mine, including great miracles, will be witnessed by the whole of humanity shortly. I will do all I can, in My Great Mercy, which will devour humanity like a great ocean, to save humanity. No man will be left untouched by My Gifts.

When that happens, I will pursue those people who will push Me away, although they will know who I Am.

Then, those leaders in the world who fail to implement My Divine Laws and who scourge the earth with their cruelty to My children, will be struck down. By then, I will not allow them escape from My Divine Justice.

They are being warned, in this Message, to stop now. They must pray for guidance, if they feel uncomfortable or under pressure, to introduce laws upon nations, which will cause hardship.

I give them this time now to stop what they are doing and to beg Me to help them stand up to the wicked regimes, which are being planned against their fellow countrymen.

They know what I am talking about.

I am the Creator of the human race. I know each child of Mine. What they see. What they feel. How they think. I also know, those among them, who have sworn allegiance to acts, which cause tremendous suffering to people all over the world.

My Hand of Mercy is waiting to bring you back into the refuge of My Kingdom.

My Hand of Justice is waiting to chastise those governments who plot to hurt My children. You will not be permitted to cause this suffering.

For as soon as you introduce laws, designed to control those whom you serve, which are abhorrent to Me, I will send such a chastisement, that no man will be left in any doubt as to what has caused such a punishment.

You are children of Mine and it is to Me you must turn for protection. Without My protection you will be at the mercy of Satan.

Lest you forget, he, Satan, hates all of you. Yet, because of his powerful and subtle seductive ways you follow his pursuit of power like slaves.

Choose power on this earth, which may exalt you and bring your recognition over the ways of the Lord, and you will be cast away.

This warning is being given to ensure that you understand that there is only one Creator. Only one, which created humanity. Only one who has the power to bring to an end all that exists on earth.

God the Most High

Creator of all that is seen and unseen

Mother of God: You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations

Mother of God: You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations

February 6, 2013

Prayer for politics and government Scriptures and prayer points for use in  churches. - ppt download

My child, you must devote all your prayers, now, for those lost souls who will not acknowledge the Existence of God.

Scattered throughout the world, those poor souls are living through a time when they are tormented with lies. Those lies are planted in their hearts by the deceiver. Without the Light of God in their hearts, they have nothing to look forward to. They do not honour God, so, instead, they try to find a replacement. The replacement usually takes the form of idolatry for other people, or for material things. All that they receive, at the end of their quest for peace, is turmoil and confusion. They will never find peace, without loving God.

My beloved Father, through the Mercy of His Son, Jesus Christ, pours out His Light and Love over such souls. They do not accept these Graces and turn their backs on the only way they have of achieving eternal peace and happiness.

You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations, as they suffer, greatly. They are being targeted daily, by the evil one, so that they can be used as a means to inflict hardships on God’s children. Their plan to destroy all traces of God from the lives of the nations they control, is already in place. As they reveal their true intent, they too will become victims, as well as, those souls who will suffer under their regime.

Here is a Crusade Prayer, which you must recite to enlighten governments, so that the Grace of God can cover world leaders.

Crusade Prayer (98) For the Grace of God to cover world leaders

O my Blessed Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son to

pour out His Graces and Love over those leaders who control the world.

Pray that the Light of God will cure them of blindness and unlock their hearts of stone.

Stop them from inflicting persecution on innocent people.

Please pray that Jesus will guide them, and stop them from preventing the

Truth of His Teachings from being spread to nations, throughout the world. Amen.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

God the Father: The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you

God the Father: The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you

July 10, 2013fatherofloveandmercy
What is the Apostles Creed? It's Meaning & Understanding Beliefs

My dearest daughter, wars will break out all over the Middle East and soon My beloved Israel will suffer a terrible abomination. Lives will be lost throughout this part of the world on a very large scale, as the spirit of evil devours the lives and in many cases the souls of My children.

My children’s hatred for each other will spill out into other countries, as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies and grows, until it will engulf the world everywhere. The hatred, caused as a result of the infestation of Satan and his demons, will become a sign so visible that very few souls, irrespective of what belief they hold for Me, the Creator of all that is, will fail to feel the spirit of evil, which spreads like a deadly virus.

Wars, many of them, including battles within governments of all nations,will erupt all at the same time. As My Hands have already descended in mild punishments, know that I will crush those who hurt My children.This is when the battle for souls will increase and it will spread in many ways.

The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you and strip you of what you own. Pray, pray, pray that I will stop those who control your currencies from taking everything you own away from you. Know that while My Right Hand casts down chastisements against the wicked, My Left Hand will lift and take you under My Protection and I will provide for you.

The changes foretold in My Holy Book are now presented to the world. Battles will rage, lives will be lost, lands will suffer ecological turmoil, crops will fail and many of you will be persecuted by your governments. The worst battle will be a spiritual one where every effort will be made to turn you against Me.

Your Father

God the Most High