Wednesday, 25 May 2022

The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre

The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre
October 19, 2013


My dearly beloved daughter, I call on all of My disciples who have heard Me and who recognise Me, in these Messages, to listen to Me now.

This Work, which has been bestowed upon you, is Sacred. Whatever torment, abuse, suffering and ridicule you may endure, because of this Mission, remember that this Work is Mine. My final Mission, given to the world, through God’s prophet, is a great Gift to humanity. Rise above the mockery, which you will witness and know that it is created by the evil one in an effort to stop the Truth. The Truth, My Holy Word, will be trampled on and every demon, released from the depths of Hell, will do everything possible to silence My Voice.

Working through those souls, who leave themselves open to infestation, the evil works of Satan will soon be camouflaged and presented to the world as Holy Scripture. The new doctrine, they will say, was divinely inspired by Me, Jesus Christ. The whole world will be brought to attention, as it is unveiled layer by layer and applauded, especially, by a secular world. Those who you would never expect to give honour to God will be the first in the queue to embrace the series of heresies – lies against Me – as they are revealed.

Never before will the Catholic Church receive such public honour with the world’s media and political elite. Never before will atheists and all religions, including those who do not honour Me, open their arms and drop to their knees in honour of those who say that they are of God.

When My Image disappears and is no longer seen and when My Crosses, Holy Bibles, misselettes for the Holy Mass, rosary beads, medals, scapulars and Benedictine Crosses are no longer to be found, you will know then that the reign of the beast has commenced.

The world will sing the praises of the antichrist. No sooner will he have created peace – a false peace – created because of wars he helped to start – than he will make startling statements. He, the antichrist, will declare that he has received messages from God the Father and they will seem to be authentic. Then, using the power of the occult, he will be seen to heal many and appear to have great spiritual gifts. Many will be astonished by the ‘so-called’ miracles he will seem to perform and the world will adore him and lay prostrate at his feet. Then he, the antichrist, will declare himself to be Jesus Christ, the Son of man, and say that the time has come for him to reclaim the world and salvage the whole of humanity. Anyone who dares to challenge the filth and obscenities, which will pour from the mouth of the beast, will be punished severely.

At this time, because of the infestation of Satan in the world, sin will be so widespread that human dignity will reach its lowest levels, where impurity, lust, greed and every other vile sin, in the Eyes of God, will be witnessed in every public place. Because sin will be declared to be a natural human fault, and because you will be told that God will not judge you on a weak human trait, many will embrace sin and have no shame in their souls.

The world’s celebrities, entertainers, media, movie stars will all clamour to be seen with the antichrist and his image will be more visible than anyone who came before him. He will be fluent in many languages; he will be handsome; have a great sense of humour and extraordinary communications skills. He will be very careful as to what he says about God and he will never refer to the Mother of God, for she will be seen to have no further role to play.

The antichrist’s interviews on television will be common and people will hang onto every word, which comes out of his mouth. He will influence politicians in every nation and those with whom he is seen will be treated like royalty. It will not end there. His quotes will be preached upon the pulpits of all churches. He will be given great honour and position in all churches, until eventually he will sit on the new throne in the new temple of Babylon. His influence will extend to all the banks, trading laws and the world’s economy. The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre. Great wealth will be created by those who want to be part of the antichrist’s empire. Everyone who swears allegiance to him, either through religious ceremonies, business or trade agreements, will have to take a mark. Those who accept the mark, which will be in the form of a bank card and special chip, which will be embedded into their hand, will lose their souls to him.

All those who wear the Seal of the Living God will escape the clutches of the antichrist and become immune to the horror. Do not ignore this warning. Do not fear it, for if you follow My instructions, you will be protected.

I spilt many Tears giving you this Message and this is why My Pain in you, My daughter, at this time is so great. Comfort Me by calling on My Mercy and for My Protection.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: This new and obscene imitation of the Word of God will have many believe that it is simply a modern updated version of the New Testament

Mother of Salvation: This new and obscene imitation of the Word of God will have many believe that it is simply a modern updated version of the New Testament
December 23, 2013


My child, the darkness will drop so suddenly over my Son’s Church, that many will be become instantly silent, so shocked will they be. My Son, Jesus Christ the King, will be declared to be no longer King. In His place will be the elevated pagan gods and all religions, including those who do not come from God and all will take up position in my Son’s Church on Earth.

To the world the new proclamation of so-called Christianity will seem to be good news. The world will rejoice, because many will welcome what they will see to be great tolerance for every kind of act, which up to then was deemed to be a sin in the Eyes of God.

When my Son walked the Earth, the Pharisees rejected the Truth. They believed only in what suited them and they believed in many falsehoods. They would not accept my Son’s outstretched Arms, as He proclaimed the Holy Word of God. The time has come, once again, for those who claim to know the Truth to deny my Son.

By this, I mean His Holy Word as proclaimed in the Most Holy Gospels. 

Soon, the Most Holy Book will be discarded and a new blasphemous substitute will be declared to all, within my Son’s Church and outside of it. Many will be deceived.

So cunning are my Son’s enemies that this new and obscene imitation of The Word of God will have many believe that it is simply a modern, updated version of the New Testament. My Son’s Word will be used and changed to mean something new – something He never said. The evil one, through the enemies of my Son, will always deceive the world by using the Truth as a base for lies. They will always attack what is True by working with the Truth, in order to defame my Son’s Word.

They will start with His Word first and destroy it – first, by mocking it and then by discarding it, in favour of heresy. Then they will attack His Flesh. The Word was made Flesh in the form of my Son. They crucified my Son before and now, as He comes again to renew the Earth, they will destroy the Holy Eucharist. All of those with faith must persevere during these terrible birth pangs, because when it is all over the Son of Man will rise and will come to reclaim His Kingdom on Earth. Those who love my Son must honour Him at all times and never deny Him.

You must be prepared to live by the Truth and never succumb to accepting lies, which will be spread all over the world and the, soon to be declared, new one world religion. When you see these things happen, be assured that the time will be close for the Second Coming of the One True Saviour – Jesus Christ, the King of humanity.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

God the Father: The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you

God the Father: The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you
July 10, 2013


My dearest daughter, wars will break out all over the Middle East and soon My beloved Israel will suffer a terrible abomination. Lives will be lost throughout this part of the world on a very large scale, as the spirit of evil devours the lives and in many cases the souls of My children.

My children’s hatred for each other will spill out into other countries, as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies and grows, until it will engulf the world everywhere. The hatred, caused as a result of the infestation of Satan and his demons, will become a sign so visible that very few souls, irrespective of what belief they hold for Me, the Creator of all that is, will fail to feel the spirit of evil, which spreads like a deadly virus.

Wars, many of them, including battles within governments of all nations,will erupt all at the same time. As My Hands have already descended in mild punishments, know that I will crush those who hurt My children.This is when the battle for souls will increase and it will spread in many ways.

The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you and strip you of what you own. Pray, pray, pray that I will stop those who control your currencies from taking everything you own away from you. Know that while My Right Hand casts down chastisements against the wicked, My Left Hand will lift and take you under My Protection and I will provide for you.

The changes foretold in My Holy Book are now presented to the world. Battles will rage, lives will be lost, lands will suffer ecological turmoil, crops will fail and many of you will be persecuted by your governments. The worst battle will be a spiritual one where every effort will be made to turn you against Me.

Your Father

God the Most High

God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date

God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date
April 1, 2013

My dearest daughter, the Sacrifices made by Me, your beloved Father, on behalf of humanity are coming to an end.

Every attempt has been made, because of My Pure Love for My children, to save them from the evil of sin. In these times, the final battle to save all My children of every creed and race is now in the final stages.

Who amongst you will stand up for the Truth, when it has been given to you for so long? Who amongst you will accept My Holy Word as it is presented to you in My Book of Truth today? Those of you who scream at My prophet will be silenced, so that My children will be able to hear the sweet Voice of My beloved Son, as it draws souls into the safe haven, to prepare them for the New Paradise on earth.

I call on all of My children, the strong, the weak, the vulnerable, the ignorant and those stuffed with pride, who think that they know the Truth of the prophecies promised by Me over the centuries, to respond to this call from My Heavenly Kingdom.

I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date. Only I know the date of the Great Day when My Son will return to claim the Kingdom I promised Him.

The day of The Warning, given to you as a great Gift, will divide humanity into two halves. The first half will accept My Son’s great Mercy. The other half will hide and run.

They will believe that they will have the power to withstand God’s intervention to save them. What they do not know is that I will pursue them right up to the Last Day to save them from the final horror, from which there is no return.

My children, do not fear Me. It is because of My Love for you that I have permitted the final persecution when evil will make itself known in a way like never before.

All Christian Churches will be knocked down in spirit. Some will be demolished. The Catholic Church, above all others, will suffer the most, as it will now be contaminated from within its core.

This disease will be vicious, but the Church founded by My Son on earth will survive this evil, although much of it will be outside of Rome, because the Seat of Peter has been desecrated.

Rise up, all of you who swear allegiance to My Son. Stay together and pray that the infestation will not devour those souls who have given their lives up for My Son.

Oh how they will be tempted by the new laws, which they will believe are dictated by Heaven, through the Seat of Rome. How their hearts will heave with sorrow when disorder erupts. How they will weep when those sacred servants, in their hundreds of thousands, will be excommunicated. Only then will they hold out their arms and call on My Son to guide them.

My Divinity will cover the world and gather all My children into My Son’s Kingdom. You must await this call and accept, with grateful hearts, these Gifts given to you as the weapons you need to fight against the wickedness, which will cover the earth in darkness.

The meek and humble of heart, who love Me, their Father, and those who accept the Divinity of My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, will be gathered first. They, whose names are in the Book of the Living, will be called and will reign as leaders, along with the saints, amongst the twelve tribes of Israel.

Those of you with lukewarm souls will then be enlightened and your burden will be heavier. It will be through your prayers, that the others – those who hide from Me – will be taken under the roof of My Protection.

The beast, who cowers before Me, will not win the souls of those children of Mine that easily. Every Act of Mercy, every miracle, and every intervention will be granted by Me for the sake of My children.

Those who stand before Me and My children will suffer a terrible chastisement. Although I love all of My children, I will not hesitate to stop those amongst them who, if I allowed them, would take away My Kingdom, which I will fill with all My family.

Be wary of My Anger. For although it is contained and My Patience is great, I will cast upon the earth a great affliction, even if it means destroying much of it. Like a disease, which devours the human body, so too will the evil deeds of man against their brother, destroy the healthy cells. If this disease is not stopped and if I do not cut out, and cast away, the diseased flesh I cannot make the body whole again.

It will only be the whole, healthy Body of My Son’s Church on earth that can come to the door of My New Kingdom on earth. Those who have removed themselves from the temptation of rejecting My Son will find it easier to be made worthy to join as One Body, in union with My Son. They will be given eternal life and pain will be no more.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High