Saturday, 6 January 2024
Heed not the roars of opposition for human opinion means nothing in My Kingdom
Heed not the roars of opposition for human opinion means nothing in My Kingdom
August 30, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, perseverance in suffering brings a soul closer to Me and I reward such trials because of it. Never underestimate how My Presence in a soul never goes unnoticed by the evil one, who is drawn quickly towards those souls where My Presence is strongest. Accept suffering in My Name and understand that the reason for it is because of Me. Were I not present the evil one would ignore you.
The Graces, which I lavish on those who love Me the most, and who have shelved every aspect of self-love and pride, includes the Gift of discernment. This is a very special Gift from Heaven and blessed are those who have the grace to discern the Truth for they are the ones who will never be swayed by falsities.
Those of you who are given this Gift will bring Me souls. But for every soul you bring Me, and because of your prayers and suffering, the evil one will try to stop you. Know that the Glory of God which is present by your side will draw forth a terrible venom and you will be cursed in My Name by those weak souls, who are like fodder for Satan and every demon he has released to destroy souls on earth.
Be at peace and know that when you uphold the Truth – the Word of God – in the face of adversity, all Power of Mine is wielded to save souls. For each soul you bring Me I will lavish more Graces upon you and so it will continue. Heed not the roars of opposition for human opinion means nothing in My Kingdom. You must always see one another as if through My Eyes. Have I not told you this before? Don’t you understand the most basic lesson, which I taught during My Time on earth? Love one another as I love you. If you cannot love your enemies then you will find it more difficult to come closer to Me. If you place yourself before others, then you cannot say you love Me unconditionally for if you did you would say to Me
“Jesus I am not worthy to stand before You, but do with me, what You will, as I will do as You desire.”
Go all of you and remind yourselves as to Who I Am. Only when you live your lives according to My Teachings can you really say you are of Me. You cannot take one part of My Word and proclaim it loudly and then deny other parts. To those who declare their superiority over others, and who present their twisted versions of My Word, and when this results in the drawing of souls away from Me, I say this. The day when I withdraw My Presence in the world, will be when the mighty and the proud will cry tears of anger, and then despair, for they will know then how their deceit caused many souls to fall and the anger of God will make them tremble. There will be screaming and gnashing of teeth. But by then, they will have nowhere to turn. They will have no one to answer to for they will never see My Face.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: The Laws of God will soon be overturned by millions
Mother of Salvation: The Laws of God will soon be overturned by millions
October 6, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dear children, the Ten Commandments laid down by God can never be re-written, because that would be a sacrilege. Man can never tamper with the Word and the day will come when the Wrath of God will descend upon humanity, when the Ten Commandments are deemed by man to be flawed. When this happens, know that God’s Word will no longer be revered and that humanity will be led into grave error.
No man, or sacred servant, has been given the authority to overturn the Ten Commandments or the Word of God. No excuse can ever be made to deny the Truth of the Word of God. The Laws of God will soon be overturned by millions of people. Then, all those who fall for the deceit, which will come about as a result, will be blinded by darkness. The Holy Spirit can never enlighten those who deny the Word or who condone sin. When the Holy Spirit is no longer present, and when the Word has been adapted, to suit the selfish needs of man, then any new laws will mean nothing in God’s Eyes.
The enemies of God will move quickly to overthrow the Truth and My Son’s Church will be divided into two. Those who staunchly defend the Truth will be cursed for speaking it. Those who utter profanities and declare these to be the Truth will be applauded. The spirit of evil will roost in the hearts of the misguided and many souls will be lost. They will not be able to present themselves before my Son and declare themselves to be whole, because they refuse to acknowledge the Truth given to them through God’s Mercy.
It will soon be declared that God is Merciful towards all sinners, no matter what they do to offend Him. This is true, but when they offend Him, by presenting before Him every abomination and heresy and then declare that these are acceptable to God, He will turn away from them in disgust.
Man will be so full of his own desires, to suit his sinful life, that he will pronounce unlawful acts as being desirable in God’s Eyes. This will amount to lies. And, when they dare to present these before the altars of God, these souls will be cast out. Should you allow yourselves to be led into grave error, you will place your souls in grave danger.
I ask that you recite the Ten Commandments as often as you can. By doing so, you will know what it is that is required of you in order to truly serve God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Mother of Salvation: The True Church will become a Remnant
Mother of Salvation: The True Church will become a Remnant
June 28, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearest child, the greatest deception, which will descend upon humanity, will come from within my Son’s Church on Earth and it will be instigated by His enemies, who have infiltrated it by devious means. Satan will enter my Son’s Church and the signs will be clearly seen by those who have the Spirit of God firmly implanted in their souls.
The faith of my Son’s holy servants will be shattered, as many will feel compelled to desert Him through acts of sacrilege. Many poor unfortunate servants will be asked to swear allegiance to a new oath and they will be too frightened to walk away, although many will know, deep within their hearts, that it will be wrong.
Many new rules will be introduced into my Son’s Church on Earth, as thousands of newcomers will be sworn into the Church and they will not be authentic, for they will not have the True Spirit of Christ within their hearts. They will enter the Church and will bear witness to a new one world religion, which will not honour my Son, Jesus Christ. Not only will they not serve Him, their duty will be to serve the needs of humanism, which will, at its very core, deny the Existence of the Supernatural State of God and all that He stands for.
The clergy, who once pledged their lives to God, will be drawn into this great deceit and as a consequence will lose the True Faith. They will not promote the importance of the salvation of souls, which was made possible by my Son’s death on the Cross. The Cross is at the centre of Christianity. There is only one Cross and it will be through the Cross that the first visible signs of the betrayal of my Son will be seen. New kinds of crosses will be introduced which will snub the Sign of the Cross and what it means in the hearts of man.
Non-believers, who up to now, had no interest in Christianity, will be drawn into the so-called new one world church. Along with all other religions, which do not spring from the Truth, they will scoff and sneer at the children of God, who will remain true to the Word of God.
The True Church will become a Remnant and this Army will unite throughout the world to become the latter-day saints and they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to sustain the Truth. They will be spat at; laughed at and accused of being radicals, just as my Son, Jesus Christ, was accused of heresy when He walked the Earth to preach the Truth.
It will require tremendous courage to stay true to the Word of God, for you will be accused of wrongdoing. Your crime they, the enemies of God, will say is that you spread untruths about this abomination. Everything, which comes from God, will be declared to be a lie, while the truth, which they will say is represented by the new one world religion, will be a lie.
The Holy Spirit will, however, cover those who continue to spread the Holy Gospels and my Son will cover you and protect you. The future of the survival of the human race and the right to the Eternal Life, promised to every man, woman and child, will rest on your shoulders. It will be the Remnant, which will keep the Light of God aglow in a world, which will be plunged into darkness.
Many of you will be challenged and lies planted within your hearts, by the spirit of evil, to turn you away from the Truth. Sadly, many of you will find it too difficult to remain true to your convictions and you will be tempted to turn your backs on my Son.
To ensure that you remain strong, courageous, calm and at peace, as you take up the Cross of my Son on your shoulders, you must recite this Crusade Prayer. For many of you who find it difficult to accept that these things are to come, there will come a day when you will recite this, Crusade Prayer (158) three times a day, because the pressures, which will be placed upon you to deny my Son, will be overwhelming.
Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion:
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom.
Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.
Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.
Through the gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie.
Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.
Go, my dear children, and accept that these things will happen, but know that if you remain loyal to my Son, you will help to save those souls who will be plunged into error.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
They will be accused of crimes against the Seat of Peter and will be publicly humiliated in My Holy Name
They will be accused of crimes against the Seat of Peter and will be publicly humiliated in My Holy Name
May 2, 2013fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, the Church will be deserted by many in the highest echelons, with many adopting new false doctrines which will lead them into the realm of darkness.
Those who remain loyal to Me, and those who reject the abomination, will be guided by Peter the Apostle, who sat in the first Seat of Rome. He will guide My beloved Benedict, who will, as foretold, help them to see the Truth. He will have to witness the horror, but he will be supported by those who have sworn allegiance to the One True Word of God.
And so the schism will begin. Those who follow the false doctrine, where I, Jesus Christ, am not revered, will be torn to shreds by the beast and his demons. Those innocent servants of Mine, who have not accepted these Messages so far, will now come running to Me for comfort. My prophecies do not lie, and very soon many of these poor souls will be cast away from the Holy See. They will be accused of crimes against the Seat of Peter and will be publicly humiliated in My Holy Name.
I say this to them.
Remain calm and be at peace, for when you follow the Truth you will be saved. You must never accept a watered-down doctrine, which will be empty of My Authority. To those who accept lies, in the belief that you are doing your duty, you must understand that you will have to face a difficult road.
You have two choices.
Remain in the Light of God, or turn your back on My Holy Sacraments.
Soon, many of you will see clearly what I have warned you about. The schism will be vicious and a war will ensue between Truth and lies. It will bring the Catholic Church down, until it resembles a heap of stones, but the One True Church will remain standing tall, as My faithful servants build up My Remnant Army. They will fight until the bitter end to uphold the Holy Word of God.
Your Jesus
The time for the schism in the Church is almost here and you must get prepared now
The time for the schism in the Church is almost here and you must get prepared now
March 20, 2012fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to embrace all of My disciples and followers everywhere in My Arms at this moment.
I need your comfort, children. I need your consolation in My suffering, as I cry tears for My Church on Earth.
So far removed have some of My sacred servants become, that many do not believe in My Second Coming.
Those priests, bishops and cardinals who do believe are being pushed aside and forced to keep silent.
How I weep for these poor, precious disciples of Mine who have pledged their lives to Me and to the spreading of My Teachings to humanity.
Soon they will have to watch what they say about My Holy Word, for they will be forced to proclaim the teachings of a liar, whose soul does not come from the Light.
Unite, My children, My beloved priests and all those who love Me, now and help Me to save souls.To do this you must not waste one moment. You must tell others of the Great Glory that lies ahead for each and every one of you at My Second Coming.
This Great and Glorious Event will be the moment when you will finally unite with Me, your precious Jesus, Who loves you all so much.
You, My beloved followers, must remain on your guard at all times.
You will be tempted to forsake Me, to denounce My True Teachings and be forced to honour and obey the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
So many poor souls will not only fall under the spell of the false pope – the false prophet, foretold so long ago – but he will have you believe that he has divine powers.
Children the time for the schism in the Church is almost here and you must get prepared now.
Join together as one.
Hold onto each other.
Protect each other and pray for those who will follow the wrong path and pay homage to the false prophet.
Much prayer is needed, but if you do as I tell you, you can save souls.
You, My precious followers, will form the Remnant Church on Earth and will be led by those brave sacred servants, who will recognise the false prophet for what he is.
Do not fear, as I Am bestowing Graces of wisdom, calm and discernment on each of you who ask Me to do so with this prayer:
O Jesus, help me to see the Truth of Your Holy Word, at all times, and remain loyal to Your Teachings, no matter how much I Am forced to reject You.
Stand up now and be brave, all of you, for I will never forsake you.
I will walk with you the thorny road and lead you safely to the Gates of the New Paradise.
All you have to do is trust in Me completely.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
The schism in My Church will be broken into different stages
The schism in My Church will be broken into different stages
October 20, 2013fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, go, all of you, into the world and spread the Gospels, for you will need to do this before the persecution of My Church begins in earnest.
You must place all your trust in Me and be comforted in the knowledge that when the Great Day comes, you will be lifted, body and soul, into My Arms, in just the blink of an eye. This is why you must, with love and patience, remind the world of My Teachings. Remind them that sin exists and will be forgiven, but they must ask Me for forgiveness first.
No matter they are told that sin is second nature to man, they must know that, as God’s children, they must ask for reconciliation every single time, irrespective as to how insignificant their sins may seem. Sin is what separates you from God. The more you sin, the darker you will become; the deeper anguish you will feel and you will be so restless that nothing but My Grace will ease your pain or bring you real peace.
Know that when the reign of heresy commences, that those who become involved with it will feel a terrible loneliness and wretchedness. Yet, to the outside world, all will seem to be acceptable to the Church. While you will struggle internally, all exterior rituals, conducted in the name of a global united church, will make you feel uneasy. Within six months of the heresy being introduced into My Church, many who ignored My Call, will flee and seek out those who remained true to My Holy Word. Then My Army will swell, grow and gather the remnants from all Christian churches and fight the spirit of evil.
The schism in My Church will be broken into different stages. The first stage will be when only those who truly know Me, and understand the Truth of the Holy Gospels, will decide that they cannot accept lies in My Name. The second stage will come about when people are denied the Holy Sacraments, as they are meant to be. The third stage will be when My Churches have been desecrated and that will be when My sacred servants will, at last, understand the Truth contained in the Book of Revelation.
My prophets do not lie. They do not like what they are asked to do. They reveal only My Holy Word and what they are instructed to do by the Holy Will of My Father. The signs that the last prophet – the only prophet given permission from Heaven today to prepare the world for the Second Coming – has come are here now. When you understand that the prophecies, given to the world from Heaven, amount to this – to increase your faith and to ensure that you remain true to My Holy Word, then you will accept them. When they take place, as revealed, then you will know the Truth.
Be ready. Be at peace, for I will walk with all of you who gather now to form My Remnant Army on Earth.
Your Jesus
By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen
By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen
March 27, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, it is My Desire that My followers, including Christians of all denominations, spend more time in My Company at this time.
No matter how close you may believe you are to Me, every effort by the evil one will be made to tempt you into every type of iniquity. Not one amongst you is so strong in your faith that you can withstand the influence of the spirit of evil. You must strive to spend more time in prayer, daily, and use this time to build around you the armour needed to protect you, if you are to remain true to Me. Failure to speak with Me, through prayer and the Sacraments, will render you weak, make you unsure of your love for Me and then you will leave yourself open to doubts about My Teachings, My Promises and My Power. The trials you will face, brought about with the advent of terror to be inflicted upon true followers of Mine, who will remain fiercely loyal to the Holy Word of God, will be very difficult.
You have been given free will by God, as your natural birthright and yet, those imposters who will invade My Church will try to take it away from you. You will be forced to accept untruths, presented to you under the guise of new renditions of the Holy Gospels and should you dare to question these, you will be expelled in disgrace. So many of you, through cowardice, blindness and a misguided devotion to those you believe lead My flock, will find yourselves embracing false doctrine.
The false doctrine, which will be introduced, will be carefully camouflaged with loving words. The way to recognise that it does not come from Me will be threefold.
It will place the needs of sinners first, by declaring that you must pray to elevate the rights of man to sin before the Lord.
Secondly, you will be asked to declare that sin is a natural thing and that you must never fear the future because of it – that God will never reject a sinner and that all of His children will enter Paradise.
Thirdly, you will be told that the Sacraments have to be adapted from their origins in Christianity to appeal to the heathen who deserve to have their human rights catered for in the Eyes of God.
When these things take place, it will mean just one thing. Man will present, before the altars of My Churches, everywhere, his interpretation of what Rules laid down by God suit him and what do not. He will then expect God to bow to his demands. He will, in effect, dictate to God because he will believe himself to be greater than Me.
I will cast these souls away from Me, for they will no longer be able to declare themselves to be Christians. By allowing themselves to be bullied by the heathen, they will become like heathen. There is no place in My Kingdom for those who do not give themselves to Me in the way I taught them, when I walked the Earth. You will find it difficult, in the years ahead, to remain loyal to My Teachings, because those who claim to represent Me will lead you into grave error, as foretold. Be careful.
Watch what you will be asked to accept, as a substitute for My Holy Word. Those with true discernment, given to them by the Power of the Holy Spirit, will know immediately when these things happen. Others will not be blessed, because they will not have paid attention to everything I taught them. They will find themselves in a very dark and lonely place, without My Presence to Light the way of the Truth.
That time is drawing very close.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations
Mother of Salvation: The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations
April 27, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
My dear children, allow the Light of God to descend over you, as the plans to prepare the world for the Second Coming of my Son, Jesus Christ, have been completed. All things will now be according to the Holy Will of God and I ask that you use prayer as your greatest armour, as the battle for God’s children will intensify.
Unlike previous wars, the battle for souls will be very confusing, because the enemy will be perceived as the friend, while the true Church of Christ will be declared to be the enemy.
How strong you will need to be, if you are to become a true Christian soldier. You must never bow to pressure to utter the profanities, which you will be asked to participate in, in public and before the altars of my Son. When you see men elevated to positions of power, in my Son’s Temples, and who demand that you bow in reverence before them, but where there is no sign of the Cross, then run, for you will be drawn into error. You will know that the time for the antichrist to enter my Son’s Church has arrived, when the tabernacles have been adjusted and, in many cases, replaced with wooden versions.
Children, please be aware that many of you will turn your backs on the Truth, because you will find the Truth almost impossible to accept. The days leading up to the arrival of the antichrist will be days of great celebrations, in many churches, of all Christian and other denominations.
All the rules will have been changed; the Liturgy recreated; the Sacraments tampered with; until, finally, the Mass will no longer be celebrated according to Holy Doctrine.
By then and on the day the antichrist sits proudly on his throne, the Presence of my Son will be no more. Then, from that day onwards, it will become difficult for those who love my Son to remain loyal to Him, as they should, because every abomination will be presented before you. When enough distractions surround you and when it will become an offense to question the new hierarchy, you will be tempted to give up and accept the one world religion, for fear of losing friends and family.
God’s Army – the Remnant – will grow and spread and the Crusade Prayers will provide great strength to all. My Son will intervene and carry you through the challenges, which lie ahead and you will know that it will be His Power that will give you courage and perseverance. For only the strong amongst you will remain true to the Holy Word of God, but even if the Remnant Army is but a fraction of the size of the army of the beast, God will fill it with the power of a lion. He will strengthen the weak and give them great Graces. He will weaken the power of those who will become devotees of the antichrist. All of these events will seem frightening, but, in truth, these events will seem to many as a new era of unity and peace in the world. People will applaud the new one world church and say: “what a great miracle has been created by God.” They will be in great awe of the men, both from within the church and from outside of it, who have brought about such unity. Great praise and honour will be lavished upon these men and then they will be greeted by loud chanting, as well as a special sign of recognition, in every public gathering.
There will be rejoicing, celebrations and honorary ceremonies, where heretics will be awarded great accolades. You will see great wealth, unity among different creeds and men of honour being treated like living saints – all except one. The one I refer to is the antichrist and they will believe that he is Jesus Christ.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Mother of Salvation: I have a message for the Roman Catholic Clergy
Mother of Salvation: I have a message for the Roman Catholic Clergy
November 21, 2014fatherofloveandmercy
I am the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God – the Mother of Salvation. Today, I have a message for the Roman Catholic Clergy and come to you on behalf of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I call out to all of my Son’s sacred servants, who serve Him in these times of great trials in the Church. You are the vanguard of His Most Holy Sacraments and have been called by my Son to serve Him in the salvation of all souls and, because of this, you have a great responsibility to Him. Your duty must always be to serve my Son and His Body – His Church – and to ensure that His Most Holy Word is adhered to at all times.
There will be times of great pain and persecution ahead and you must prepare for this now. In the future, your faith will be tested to its limit and you will be forced to agree to take a new vow, where you will be asked to show allegiance to a new doctrine, which will not be of my Son.
Those amongst you, who will recognise the false doctrine, when it is presented to you, must not succumb to it. When you are instructed to adapt and amend the Most Holy Sacraments, you must run. My Son’s Church is to be tested beyond its endurance.
To those of you who may discard the Truth in favour of a new amended doctrine – which they will say is necessary to suit men’s needs – know that this will be a great betrayal of the Word of God.
Because of the Holy vows you took to serve my Son, you have a duty to God’s children to feed them with the Body and Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ. There will come a time, however, when you will be forced to amend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There will be those amongst you who will know, instantly, that a great wrong is being committed and so you must turn your backs.
You must continue to feed the souls of those, who rely on you to feed them with the Most Holy Eucharist. If you remain loyal to my Son and continue to serve God’s children, as it is your duty, you will serve Him with great dignity.
I ask that you pray My Most Holy Rosary daily to give you the strength you will need and for protection from Satan, because those times ahead, which are almost upon you, will become unbearable. By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one.
There will be many priests among you who will not find the courage to uphold the Word of God, but you must never be afraid to show allegiance to my Son. If you betray my Son you will bring with you innocent souls, who will find themselves, unwittingly, being brought into error and into a terrible darkness.
Satan has penetrated my Son’s Church for some time but every time when the chaos and confusion he caused became unbearable, this was diffused because of the faith of my Son’s beloved sacred servants. Now that the faith of many priests has been weakened and, in some cases, completely destroyed, the gates of hell have opened and great danger lies ahead.
You must never be tempted to forego all that my Son taught. My Son has never changed. His Word remains ingrained in the Rock upon which His Church was built. His Sacraments bring souls the Light that they need to sustain life. If you betray my Son, you destroy life itself for without my Son’s Presence the world would not exist today.
Blessed are those who truly love my Son, because they will be the ones who will lead the way by example.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Same sex marriage a grave sin
Same sex marriage a grave sin
My dearly beloved daughter, the pain and suffering of My poor followers, who have to watch, helplessly, as new laws, contrary to My Teachings, are reaching unprecedented levels in the world.
Not only do you have to witness sin, children, you then have to watch as sin is presented to you, where you are forced to accept it as being humane.
I refer to one sin in particular, same sex marriage, which is presented as a natural right.
You are then expected to accept this abomination, as it is set before My Father’s Throne in a church.
It is not enough for these people to condone same sex marriage in the eyes of the law, they then want to force God the Father to give them His blessing. He could never do this, because it is a grave sin in His Eyes.
How dare these people think it is acceptable to parade this abominable act in My Father’s churches?
Children, I love every soul.
I love sinners.
I detest their sin, but love the sinner.
Same sex sexual acts are not acceptable in My Father’s Eyes.
Pray for these souls because I love them, but cannot give them the Graces they desire.
They must know, that no matter how much they try to condone same sex marriages, they are not entitled to participate in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage.
A Sacrament must come from God. The Rules for receiving Sacraments must stem from My Father’s Teachings.
You cannot force My Father, God the Most High, to give His blessing, or access to, His Holy Sacraments, unless they are respected in the way they are meant to be.
Sin is now presented in the world as a good thing.
As I have said before the world is back to front.
Good is presented as evil and those people who try to live by the Laws of God the Father, are sneered at.
Evil, no matter how you dress it up, cannot be turned into an act of goodness, in the Eyes of My Father.
My Father will punish those who continue to flaunt their sins before Him.
Heed this warning, for your sins, which are carried out when you refuse to obey God, will not and cannot be forgiven.
This is because you refuse to accept sin for what it is.
Your Saviour Jesus Christ
When they try to create a Sacrament, in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples
When they try to create a Sacrament, in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples
October 21, 2012fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, the visions I allowed you to be shown, of souls plunging into Hell, was not to frighten you. Instead, it was to show you the reality. In this way you will now understand how I suffer, every day, as I watch souls plunge into the depths of Hell.
Oh if people only knew the terror of Hell, and the way in which the beast devours such souls, they would avoid sin at all costs.
Those same souls can still be saved, My daughter, through the prayer of the Grace of Immunity. By doing so, you, My disciples, will bring Me relief from this terrible heartbreaking scourge.
Those, who die in mortal sin, are destined for the fires of Hell. Many commit these sins, in the belief that if there really is a God, then, He is merciful. And so, they continue to sin, until they justify their sins, so that they become, eventually, in their eyes, to be of no consequence.
They will say that they had no choice because their sin was necessary in order to benefit others.
With the sin of murder, they will say it was to avenge the death of another.
With the sin of prostitution, they will say it was to help their family put food on the table.
With the sin of abortion, they will say that it was to benefit the life of the mother and to make her life easier. In the case of sexual deviation, they will say that it was just a natural thing.
In the case of those who participate in the practices of the occult, they will say that it is harmless fun, yet they honour the beast when they do this.
When they persecute others and destroy not only their name, but their livelihoods, they will say that this was a necessary punishment, for the sins of others.
When they destroy another person in mind, body and soul through dictatorship, they will say it was for their own good.
When they try to create a Sacrament in My Churches, out of an abomination, they will say it was because of the rights of same sex couples who have the same rights as others.
When they destroy My Church, from within, they will say that all churches are equal. They will use the excuse that there is only one God, so they can introduce a pagan church.
These sinners are the lost souls I speak of.
To help them, you must first of all look into their eyes. Think of them as your children or your brothers or sisters. See them through the Eyes of God. Then you will feel love. But terror will fill you, because you know in your heart, the terror, which will face them. How you must pray that they will see the Truth, soon.
How you must pray for the salvation of these souls.
Every child of God, including those whose souls are black, is loved.
Their sins must be destroyed, before all God’s children can unite, as one family, in My New Kingdom.
You, My daughter, have been given all the graces and the ammunition to destroy sin and to save, not only your own soul, but, the souls of others.
Thank you, My daughter, for having responded to My Call.
You have much work to do.
Your Jesus
Marriage is not acceptable before My Altar if it is between two people of the same sex
Marriage is not acceptable before My Altar if it is between two people of the same sex
February 15, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, this Mission must move on, now, to entice and embrace those who do not believe in My Teachings and those who consider themselves to be Christians, but who only acknowledge Me in little ways.
Their indifference is hurtful. Their interpretation of My Teachings, which have then been twisted to fit into their secular lifestyles, is the worst form of betrayal of Me, their Jesus.
Young, middle-aged and the aged, all so-called followers of Christianity, offend Me with their own watered-down version, which they believe to be acceptable to God. They have been creating a new doctrine, of their own making, which suits their lifestyles. Then, they believe that they can still please God and that their doctrine is acceptable to Him.
Know that only the Truth is acceptable to God. Attempts to appease Him will fall on deaf ears. God will never accept lies. Nothing, no matter how well it has been dressed-up and couched in beautiful language, which promotes new concepts in Christianity, and the acceptance and tolerance of sin, will be accepted in the Eyes of the All-Seeing God. He will never accept new laws, which belittle the Sacraments, passed down by Me, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World.
I saved you to help you become free from the grip that Satan holds over the hearts of man. I gave up My Life, willingly, to save you and free you from the chains, to which you were bound, by Satan and the fires of Hell. This meant that Hell no longer had power over you, as you were given the freedom to choose life in My Kingdom, or death in the abyss of Hell.But, what does man do in today’s world to repay Me for this extraordinary Gift? They try to justify sin in My Eyes. They present offensive sins before Me and plead with Me to accept lies and untruths. Worse still, they want to adapt My Holy Sacraments in various ways to suit their needs and then present Me with an abomination.
Marriage is not acceptable before My Altar if it is between two people of the same sex. Yet, they do this and insult Me. They beg Me to accept sin, by justifying offenses against the Commandments of My Father. They try to convince themselves that this is acceptable, before God, when this could never be.
All the Laws of God are made in Heaven. Sin is a sin, in the Eyes of God, and can never be justified by human interpretation.
It is the deluded mindset of these modern Christian advocates, who strive, at every turn, to change and adapt the Teachings of Christianity, which is damaging My Church. It causes terrible confusion.
They make a mockery of God and My death on the Cross.
This is how Christians revert to paganism and the switch can be rapid. False gods, false temples, false religions, all have one thing in common. Their followers honour a god, which is created by the hands of man. Such religions are insulting to God and in one church, the masonic temples, they pay homage, not to God at all, but to the beast.
This is the price of the freedom, given to the world, by My death on the Cross. This is why the world needs to accept the Truth and not fall prey to the deceit, which will be planted, amongst you, by the beast as time goes on.
Your Jesus
Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage
Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage
April 15, 2013fatherofloveandmercy
My dearly beloved daughter, the enemies of God now rise in great numbers, in every nation, to denounce the Laws of God.
There will be many new laws introduced into each land and each church. Most of the laws will be against the Teachings laid down in the Holy Bible. Every kind of sin will be legislated for and the darkness of the beast will cover the world. Those who oppose these laws will be dismissed as cranks and demonised.
Their voices will be drowned out by those who embrace secularism, as if it were an authentic religion. They will use every intellectual argument to enforce their vile laws and will deceive many, because they will use human rights as the tool to control others.
Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage. Then just as the laws are brought into being, the Catholic Church will announce the reformation to acknowledge all human rights and all religions. This will be followed by terrible division between those blessed with the gift of insight, given to them by the Holy Spirit, and those whose only desire is love of oneself and who reject God. They see God, and My Teachings, as an obstacle to living what they believe is a free lifestyle.
The powerful global elite organisation, which is infiltrated into every corner of the world, will plan new Church laws and plot to overthrow leaders, while at the same time, devise wars, which will bring destruction. So proud are they and such is the extent of their allegiance to Satanic adulation that they believe they are indispensable. How they will have to suffer for their evil deeds. Just as they believe that they can control others and inflict their devious plans on others, they will be struck down by the Hand of My Father. They will be given only so much time to turn their backs.
After, then they will turn on each other and destroy one another. Such will the level of their suffering be that even towards the end it won’t be enough to make them see what lies ahead should they continue to be bound to the evil one.
To many people, not of God, they will notice little of these events at first. It will only be when their freedom is restricted that they will openly revolt against the injustices within their nations. They will then realise the horror which will have been created because the Light of God will have been extinguished. In its place will be darkness, emptiness, hunger and lack of love. Only then will man cry out for the Mercy of God. I will be there waiting to give them comfort and salvage their poor frightened souls.
Your Jesus