Saturday, 18 May 2024
Prayer Request : Go now and call this request “My Call to Jesus.” -ONGOING...
Prayer Request : Go now and call this request “My Call to Jesus.”
March 11, 2024
Monday May 14, 2012 at 06:00 pm
My dearest beloved daughter, your gift to Me is accepted and as a result will save a further 5 million souls. *It is My dearest wish to bring an end to your suffering, but, this precious gift you bring Me will now mean I can save more of God’s children.
Never forget that this Mission is to save mankind from Hell. I need your help and the help of others to do this.
Never feel alone, for I love you and am with you the entire time. So many more of God’s children are beginning to hear My Voice at last.
The Work of the Holy Spirit will bear fruit and very soon the Love of God will be felt in the hearts of even the most barren.
Those lost, empty and barren souls will feel a Flame of Love and witness a familiar yearning to be part of My New Kingdom on Earth. Many will not understand why, but they will be unable to deny their feelings of warmth, love and peace.
So many will be surprised and will want to speak with Me. You must now unite people everywhere to request the Gift of My Love. They must ask for special favours to be granted. You, My daughter, must designate one day a week to this. Each lost soul must ask Me to help them. If their request is according to My Holy Will, then I will answer their prayers. This will instil in them a stronger link to My Sacred Heart and My Great Mercy.
Go now and call this request “My Call to Jesus.” My daughter, do this as soon as you can as I wish to ensure that those souls, especially those who do not accept that I speak now, they will finally realise how close I Am to each single soul. Tell them that I love everyone and don’t exclude one single sinner no matter how grievous their sin.
All I ask is for them to come to Me and ask Me to help them.
Your Jesus
*the souls referred to on the first line, are to do with personal suffering offered by Maria Divine Mercy and do not refer to the world as a whole because billions are currently being saved through prayer
If you have a prayer request, please submit it here https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2024/03/11/prayer-request-go-now-and-call-this-request-my-call-to-jesus/. You may use your preferred language or dialect in making the request
Book of Truth In Person Seminar June 1st 2024
Book of Truth In Person Seminar
March 22, 2024
Praised be Jesus and Mary!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ…
The Mission of Jesus to Mankind invites you all to the in-person Seminar of The Book of Truth in which you will discover the Joy of knowing the Truth. The topic of the seminar is TO BECOME A NEW PERSON IN CHRIST.
This Seminar will be held on Saturday, June 1st, 2024 in Houston, Texas.
“It is not easy to retain your faith in Me, My children, as there are so many obstacles, which block your devotion. You will, from time to time, feel a complete emptiness in your soul. This can leave you in an agitated state because you feel alone without a crutch.
For, My faithful followers, you must understand this. I, despite the loneliness you may experience, Am never far away. All of these episodes have one goal, to strengthen your faith, in such a way, so as to ensure that you move a few steps towards Me each time.”
Your Jesus | Book of Truth – November 24, 2010
We may experience loneliness at times like Jesus said, but He is always with us and wants to comfort us. This will be a time for us to be able to come together with like-minded believers to encourage and support each other.
Through the Book of Truth, the Lord invites us to take part in this Mission of Salvation. He wants us to become closer to Him, to become a new person in Him. He also desires that we help Him to save all His children and we can do this by drawing nearer to Him through prayer.
Throughout this Seminar we will focus on messages in the Book of Truth discussing how to become a new person in Christ. We will discuss how to love our families, our friends, and all people as our love for God grows and deepens. We will hear what Jesus says about the stairway to spiritual perfection and we will also pray for the salvation of souls. contact email: JTM.Seminar.USA@proton.me
Jesus, I trust in you!
Mother of Salvation, pray for us!
Jesus to Mankind USA
Circle of Protection over our Nations
Circle of Protection over our Nations
April 17, 2024
On June 20th, 2012, Our Mother of Salvation gave a Message to Maria Divine Mercy with a call to form a circle of protection over our nations. This is an excerpt from that Message (link to the full Message below): “I, the Mother of God, as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix have been given the graces to destroy the serpent. By asking me to help you I can offer you protection children from fear. I can, with my son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate.
Satan cannot harm or attack all those who say my Holy Rosary every day.
By reciting three or more Rosaries you can extend this protection for others. If even a hundred people could do this they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one.
You must gather together children and pray to protect yourselves.” https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/virgin-mary-i-can-with-my-son-give-you-the-graces-and-the-circle-of-protection-which-no-fallen-angel-can-penetrate/
In obedience to Our Mother’s instructions to gather together to protect ourselves, we are looking for at least 100 volunteers from our country, each committed to pledging and praying three or more Rosaries per day which include the intention to form a Circle of Protection over our country. If you already pray three or more Rosaries per day, then please include this intention within your Rosaries each day.
To become a pledge volunteer for our country, please go to your country’s page on https://jtmglobal.network and click on the “make pledge” button.
Please note that this pledge is an honorary personal promise and gift to our Mother of Salvation, and the three Rosaries are to be prayed along with your other private devotions. There will be no official online zoom prayer groups formed for this purpose.
We will then post on our country’s page to indicate the number of people who have pledged to come pick up the Cross and follow Our Mother’s instructions to form a Circle of Protection over our country. If you have friends or family who would also like to participate, then please have them register on the official website. This way they too will receive updates for the Circle of Protection forming for each nation.
May God help us to quickly unite right now to form a Circle of Protection in all nations