First Message from God the Father: The time has come now for Me to reclaim My Glorious Kingdom – New Paradise on Earth will last 1,000 years

June 25, 2011

Note from visionary: Just before I received this Message, I had just finished reciting the Divine Mercy when suddenly the Holy Spirit announced to me that I was to receive a Message from God the Father. I was trembling with nerves. I then asked the question “In whose Name do you come?” This was the response:

I come in the Name of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind. I Am God the Father and I Am speaking to you for the first time. My chosen daughter, I speak to you today so that I can inform mankind of the Love I have for all.

Many do not know Me. They think they do, but for millions of My children I Am merely a faceless entity. So little do they know of My desire to allow them to let Me Love them in the way in which it was meant to be.

My Name is used loosely in the world, by many who don’t acknowledge that it was by My Hand that the world and its creatures were made. For those that do, they are confused as to Who I Am and are somewhat fearful of Me. I Am not to be feared for My Love is Pure for all of My children. So much do I love you that I made the greatest Sacrifice of all to bring you back into My Arms and give you the opportunity to be saved from the deceiver. I sent My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, into the world so that you could understand the Truth of Love. This Love, when you accept it, will save you all.

My Heart is broken by the way so many of you will not turn to Me and show Me your love. I yearn for you to simply turn and ask Me for help. There is no need to fear My Love for it was through My Love that you were given your first breath. I created each of you in My Likeness so that I could have a family. I created the world out of Pure Love so that you, My children, could share this Paradise with Me. So lovingly was this created that every single detail was so carefully constructed. So happy was I when Paradise on Earth was created that the angels rejoiced and Heaven was alight with the flames of love, that no human being could ever possibly fathom. And then it was destroyed by sin, caused by the serpent.

My children, let Me explain. The time has come for Me to reclaim the Paradise I lovingly created so that we can, again, become one family.

A family that will become close because of the powerful bonds of love that will hold it together.

This New Paradise on Earth is now being planned for all of My children.

It will last 1,000 years on Earth and no one must be excluded, for that would break My Heart. My beloved Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are trying hard to bring you back into My loving fold so that the Paradise, created in the beginning, can once again, emerge as the greatest Gift of all for My children to enjoy.

This Paradise will be a place of love, beauty, glory, and will be home to all who are pure of heart and soul. It is for every single soul on Earth and is the goal that is contained within each and every single soul on Earth, including those who do not realise this.

My Son speaks to the world and prepares to show His great Mercy during The Warning, to give all sinners a chance to enjoy the New Paradise on Earth.

You must hear My Voice. I call on all of you to pay attention. Turn back to Me. Accept that I Exist, that I Am the Source of all life, all Creation, all glory. When you do, you will be welcomed into My Paradise on Earth which offers everything you could ever dream of. Listen to My Son and the Message He gives to the world to convert you all. For those who will not listen even then, or who continue on the path of heinous sin, no Mercy will be shown.

I Am the God of all Creation. I Am the God of Love, of Compassion. I Am also the God of Justice. My Hand will fall on humanity, who through the evil allegiance to the evil one, refuse to follow the path of Love and Truth.

For the time has come now for Me to reclaim My Glorious Kingdom, which no man, through sin, will stop. Should they try they will be lost forever.

I Am your God, your Creator. My Love never dies. It is aflame and full of deep tenderness for you to bring you back to Me, to the inheritance I so lovingly created. Because of sin many of My children will have to forfeit their right to this inheritance and step back to allow those who truly love Me to enter the doors without hindrance.

Please, children, do not dismiss My Plea to mankind. Accept the Mercy now being offered by My beloved Son.

Accept it with open arms.

God the Father
Creator and Maker of All Things

Second Message from God the Father: No man will fail to hear My Son’s Word before the time comes for His return

July 23, 2011

I come in the Name of My beloved Precious Son, Jesus Christ. My chosen daughter, while you sometimes falter in your attention to My beloved Son’s call to hear Him speak, you have risen in My Eyes because of the gift you have given Him. Your gift of becoming a victim soul to help save millions of souls makes Him weep with joy and relief; for so many souls are being lost to the fires of Hell every day, every second and for every breath you take.

My Son requires your total submission now, My daughter. Do not hesitate to obey His every command. Your heart is full of love and compassion, not just for My Precious Son, but for all My children. Touched by the Holy Spirit, you will now feel instant love for strangers in whom you will see My Light. You, My daughter, have now been given the graces to see both the love and evil in all. You will also be able to quickly discern sin in poor, misguided souls.

For this Work now means that you must surround yourself with every protection. I will, My daughter, protect you and your loved ones, for now, you will be targeted more forcibly by the evil one. Pray and ask Me for this protection every day now and you will be spared the intensity of the persecution. You must now call on Me to help you spread these Messages, so that My Son’s Voice is heard and revered in the way it should.

My messenger, My daughter, you have little understanding yet as to what is required of you. Only so much information can be given to you at a time. You will now be inspired by Me and you will fulfil, with My guidance, the prophecies foretold, when My Son’s Word will be spread, just like the Holy Gospel, to mankind. No man will fail to hear My Son’s Word before the time comes for His return. You have been given this task and for this Gift you must bow your head in appreciation of this glorious request from the Heavens.

My daughter, you will be assisted in every way, but you must obey My Son at all times. Rise now, My daughter, for man needs to hear the Word of Warning that My Son imparts, so that souls do not have to suffer the torments of Hell, should they die in mortal sin, without first being given the chance to be Redeemed by My Son during The Warning.

Let My peace flood your soul now. My Heart surrounds every move you make. Never feel you are alone in this Work, for you are being guided every minute of the day.

God the Father

God the Father: One of most urgent Messages to mankind

August 2, 2011

I come in the Name of My Son, Jesus Christ. I Am God the Father and wish to communicate to the whole world. It is My intention to put a stay on the severity of the Chastisement, to give mankind a chance to open their hearts to the Truth of My Existence. They, My precious children, must know that I Am a God, firstly of Mercy and then of Justice.

My Mercy has been stretched to extraordinary limits. I will, because of the power of prayer, hold My Hand back, in Mercy, so that man can alleviate the hatred that is manifested in many souls throughout the world.

Beware, My children, when I warn you that failure to stop sin from spreading will result in a chastisement that will destroy much of mankind. Such a chastisement will not have been witnessed since the days of the flood that destroyed the Earth in the time of Noah.

I will no longer allow you, My ungrateful children, to destroy those who have shown allegiance to Me. Nor will I stand back and allow the One World Order to contaminate My Creation, My Children, My Earth.

Heed now this, one of the final warnings being given to mankind. Turn away now from the way of sin and you will be saved. Turn away from your blind devotion to the lure of Satan and his seductive charms, which attract you by means of love of oneself and of material wonders. Should you continue to desecrate this beautiful world, created out of Love for you, in the way you do, it will not be there for you to inflict any further damage.

I Am the God of Love, slow to Anger, but My Patience is running out. Those who continue to maim and destroy My children, through war and control of the world’s finances, know that your days are numbered. Your chance of Redemption now will be your last. Should you not respond appropriately during the great Gift of Mercy that is The Warning, then you and your minions will be destroyed.

My Glory will be known to every man, woman and child. Those who choose the path to My Kingdom will have everlasting life. Those who do not will experience a darkness the like of which they could never imagine nor want.

Followers of Satan, who knowingly idolize his wickedness, hear now My promise. You, My lost children, will be offered the Hand of love and peace once more, during The Warning. Grasp it, for it will be your lifeline back into the Bosom of My Love. Ignore My pleas and you will suffer for eternity, never to return to the fold of My cherished family.

This now, My daughter, is one of the most important warnings to save your brothers and sisters from the torturous fires of eternal damnation.

King of the Most High
God the Almighty Father

Note: For those who do not understand the term, “put a stay on the severity” this means hold back – postpone for the present.

God the Father: the role of suffering

August 7, 2011

I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am God the Father, Creator of man and the universe.

My precious daughter, I now finally accept your gift to Me to help save souls. Your gift is accepted with love and joy. This will not be an easy road, but you will be protected once you ask Me for My help every single day.

Your suffering will be mental and a darkness of the soul. As it gets worse, keep reminding yourself of those creatures who will be saved because of your suffering.

Go to Adoration as often as you can to gain the strength required for this Work. The Messages from My beloved Son will continue. They must be posted as before, for His Messages to the world will increase not decrease. You are being helped by many saints who intercede on your behalf.

Keep praying to the Holy Trinity for the graces required to stay strong. Never feel abandoned, as this will seem to be part of your suffering. Rest your head. Keep silent and appear joyful to the outside world. Ignore those who will hurt you. Rather, remember it is because of the Divine Light that will shine through your soul that will draw out the darkness in others. Then and only then will you realise the torment that sears through the Heart of My Son when He sees sin in the world. Your suffering will be just a fraction of what He suffers every minute of the day.

Accept now the Gift that you too have been given by being called to become a victim soul.

Remember, you, My daughter, are in My Heart at all times. I watch over you and protect you. Smile now. Have no fear for this Work will bring great rewards for you and your family and loved ones, in My Glorious Kingdom.

Your beloved Father

God the Creator of all things.

God the Father: My Hand will fall with force on nations who legalize abortion

August 29, 2011

I come in the Name of My Son, Jesus Christ. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, God of the Most High. I wish to give My children the world over this Message.

My Hand is being withheld from punishing man for the sins he commits, through the power of prayer. I will cast down a severe chastisement if man does not turn away from the sin of murder and abortion. Already you, My children, have seen My Anger through earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other ecological turmoil. I must chastise you, children, for you cannot avoid punishment for your offences against your fellow man.

The sins of abortion will be punished when My Hand will fall with force on those nations, which condone this abomination. You will not be allowed to murder My helpless Creation and should your governments continue to pass laws condoning this cowardly practice, you will see My Anger descends with such force that you will beg for the Mercy of life. Yet, you never stop to think of taking the life of the unborn.

Murder will no longer be tolerated by Me. You will be stopped and soon. Pray for the souls of these helpless beings and ask for redemption. Do not accept such laws, passed by your governments, run by heathens, who have no respect for life.

My punishment on countries guilty of legalizing abortion will wipe out nations. Your countries will divide into little pieces and fall into the ocean. Your vile clinics and hospitals, where you carry out these practices, will close and you, the guilty among you, will be cast into the fires of Hell for your heinous crimes.

I come to give you this Warning now. Never condone abortion. Put your foot down in your countries and fight to prevent this global genocide from continuing. If your governments continue to inflict their act of horror on My Creation, you will be dealt a powerful reprimand.

Heed now this, one of My most urgent Warnings to the human race. Take the life of My unborn and I will take yours. Pray hard, children, for the faith of all My children as they continue to ignore the Teachings given to you since the beginning of time.

God the Father

God the Father: The antichrist and a New World Currency

September 23, 2011

My daughter, while the world may fear The Warning, they must accept that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are upon us. The holy state of the Church is now at risk, as is the State of Israel. Prophecies will unfold, as the world will be controlled by the antichrist, who will attempt to control you through a New World Currency. When and if you are controlled in this way, you will be controlled in every other way.

The Warning will put a halt to this and other evil atrocities being planned by global forces, which are beyond the understanding of My children the world over. Innocent pawns in a game not of your making, you will be protected by My Hand of Justice.

Rise, My children, and fight this sequence of evil through prayer. The global control and persecution being plotted, right at this moment, can be averted through prayer. Not all of you can or will be saved, such is the grip the antichrist will hold over you.

My children, Satan will never win. He has not been accorded the power and as his grip begins to loosen, now he will drag as many souls as he can into the pits of Hell with him. I weep with deep sorrow for My beautiful Creation and those precious souls of Mine. Oh if they would only listen to the Truth.

Scientific evaluation is nonsense, for no science will substitute the reality of My Divine Kingdom. No one person on Earth can ever fathom the beauty and the miracle that awaits you all, for it is indescribable in human terms.

Soon you will understand the plans I have to salvage the world from the hands of the deceiver.

I love all of you and will protect My followers at every stage during any planned persecution.

Look towards Me. Open your arms and allow Me to hold and protect all of you.

My children who believe in Me have nothing to fear.

Your beloved Creator
God the Most High
God the Father

God the Father: Satan's days are almost at an end on this Earth

September 29, 2011

I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am God the Father.

My beloved daughter, the time is drawing close for the world to witness the Mercy to be shown to mankind by My precious Son, Jesus Christ.

Many forces of evil abound by those lost souls who pay allegiance to the deceiver, Satan. They too are prepared for The Warning and arrogantly believe that the power promised to them by Satan will steer them to a new, worldly paradise of their own making. This is the greatest lie perpetrated by Satan to which they have succumbed. Their darkness of soul means that their hearts will show no mercy to those who believe in Me, God the Creator of all things. The power they wield however, is weaker now.

Satan’s days are almost at an end on this Earth. But he, Satan, will not rest until he has ensnared millions of these misguided and delusional souls. Pray for them, My daughter, for they are aimless. They are disjointed and through their panic, they will try all they can to control My children through their worldly possessions.

Heed now My Word. Mankind has no power. The only power will be through prayer, the armour against these wicked people. They, in mortal sin, have insulted Me and My precious Creation and for this they will suffer. So many events will now unfold before the eyes of a disbelieving world. So many of My children will be bewildered and shocked when they feel the sufferings of Purgatory and Hell.

All sinners, during and after The Warning, will experience what they would were they to lose their lives. Those in sin will suffer the same burning purification as those souls in Purgatory, who await entry to My Glorious Kingdom. Those in mortal sin will experience the deep despair and darkness of the fires of Hell. This suffering will not last too long and then they will taste the world that they had experienced before The Warning, again.

This world will be very different to the one before. For at last, their eyes will be opened to the Truth of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. They will then have to choose which path they wish to follow. You would imagine, My daughter, that they will follow the path towards My Divine Love and Compassion, but that will not be the case with so many hardened sinners. So infested will they be by the false, empty promises made to them by the deceiver that they will go back to following his direction. They will fight, struggle and through the influence of the demons unleashed by Satan, set free from the depths of Hell, will allow their souls to be sucked into his evil plan for global domination.

This is an urgent call to urge all of you to seek redemption, from your hearts, for your wayward lives. You have the time to do this, but do it soon.

Prepare to ask for Mercy. I love all My children. The Great Event is for the good of all My children. So instead of fear, allow My Love to envelop you, to strengthen you. This way you will withstand the suffering which is ahead.

Your loving Eternal Father

God the Most High

God the Father – Heed now my final calling on mankind

Sunday, October 9th, 2011 @ 03:30 pm

My daughter tell the world of the love I have for all of My creatures everywhere. Also inform them that I will now mastermind the greatest act of divine intervention seen on earth since the resurrection of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ

All is prepared for this great Act of Mercy which I have sanctioned to help save all of you.

My love for you means that while I intend to fight the Deceiver in his attempts to destroy mankind I will now allow one last Act of Mercy to convert you. This last act to redeem you in My eyes means that man can once again learn the truth of My existence.

My children please bow now and ask for mercy for your family and loved ones. If they are not in a state of grace they will find The Warning difficult. You must inform them of the need to meditate on the truth.

The time is short. The Warning is almost upon you. Once it is over you will have time to decide which path you wish to choose. The path of divine light or the path of The Deceiver. The choice will be yours.

After some time if man does not turn his back on his wicked ways I will destroy those countries who pay homage to The Deceiver. They will hide when My hand falls in punishment but they will have nowhere to go.

My patience is running out as I now plan to unite all those who believe in Me, the Creator of all Things and take them with Me into the new Era of Peace. Those who choose to walk the other way will be cast into the fires of Hell.

Heed now this final calling on mankind this is the time for you to decide you future. Pray for those blind to My love for many of them when the truth is revealed to them once more will defy Me and turn their backs.

Your beloved Creator

God the Father

King of the Most High

God the Father: Prepare the world for the arrival of My beloved Son Jesus Christ

October 19, 2011

My daughter, prepare the world for the arrival of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for He now comes, as foretold, to save mankind once again.

His arrival will be heralded by the trumpets in Heaven and the choirs of angels who will sing in praise to announce this Great Event.

My great Gift to mankind is being presented to you in the form of My dearly beloved Son, Who is being sent to save you before the Final Judgment.

Prepare your souls, for when your sins are revealed to you, I command you to fall in humility at the feet of My Son and beg for Mercy. You must ask Him to forgive you and you must accept the punishment required to cleanse your souls.

His Mercy is so great that no sin, no matter how grievous, cannot be forgiven if true remorse is shown. Humility is required of all of you so that you will be worthy to enter the New Glorious Era of Peace on Earth, the time of which is very close. Only those souls who truly repent and show true allegiance to My beloved Son will be fit to enter the gates. For you must be free of sin to enter this wonderful New Paradise on Earth.

My dearly beloved children, I have prepared this Paradise with great Love for each of you. This is the inheritance you have been waiting for. This is the way in which the Gift of the Earth was originally presented to Adam and Eve.

Any man who rejects this Paradise on Earth, where no evil will exist in any form, is turning his back on salvation.

This is your final chance to free your souls from the grip of Satan and the evil influence he has on your lives.

Embrace this wonderful Gift of great Mercy. Through this Gift you are being offered a chance of true salvation and a Glorious Paradise, which you could not possibly fathom.

For those poor sinners who reject My Son’s offer of forgiveness, you will be afforded more time to turn back to your faith. However, you will not be given too much time, for My Patience is running out.

Await now My Son’s return to save you once again from sin and to bring you to eternal salvation.

God the Father

God the Father: You must reject darkness and embrace the Light

October 25, 2011

My beloved daughter, tell the world that I embrace all My children in My Arms. All will be well. All must now be left in My Holy Hands as it is meant to be.

I command that My Son be once again sent into the world to save man from the ravages of sin. This is My Divine Act of Justice for you, My cherished children, so I can reclaim My Kingdom on Earth.

Fear does not come from Me. Fear comes from the darkness. When you fear Me, you know that it is the darkness that envelops your soul and not My Divine Greatness.

To be part of My Kingdom, you must reject darkness and embrace the Light. This same Light is now being bestowed upon you by My Son’s Divine Act of Mercy.

My Love for all you, children, is so great that I will use all My Power to redeem souls everywhere. My Hand of Justice will fall on those souls who reject Me, but not until every effort is exhausted to unite all My children everywhere.

The Kingdom of My great Glory will be revealed to the world shortly. Not one of you, children, will want to reject My Glorious Kingdom, which will Reign in the New Era of Peace on Earth.

Pray for those who will find it difficult to embrace the Truth.

God the Almighty Father

God The Father: Last Call to Atheists

November 5, 2011

My daughter, mankind will now be shown the Hand of My Mercy as the arrival of My Son becomes imminent.

To all those tortured souls in disarray, I say to you, put your trust in Me, God the Father. I, Who created every one of you with Love and Compassion, want to save every precious child of Mine.

I do not want to lose one of you, including those who sneer at Me. Prepare for the Greatest Gift, which is being prepared for you. I will prevent Satan from snatching you if you will allow Me. I cannot force you to accept this Act of Mercy. What saddens Me is that many of you will reject this Hand of My Mercy. You will not be strong enough. Yet, when you witness the Truth, as it will be revealed to you during The Warning, you will attempt to grasp it like a lifeline.

You must ask Me for the strength to allow Me to save you from eternal damnation. I call on atheists especially, one last time. Do not reject the Truth when it is proven to you. If you do, you are lost to Me forever.

God the Father

God the Father asks His children to unite in Prayer

November 15, 2011

I come today, My daughter, to gather My precious children and all those who believe in Me together, to pray in union to save all souls on Earth.

It is My desire that you prove your infinite love for the Blessed Trinity by showing humility, in love for one another, so that sin can be forgiven for the whole of mankind.

I Am the God of Justice, but Am first and foremost, the God of Love and Mercy. My Fatherly Divine Love for you is reflected in My Merciful Goodness. As such, it is My intention to salvage all souls, at this, the end of times as you know it on Earth. Do not fear, children. My intention is not to frighten, but to embrace you in all My encompassing Love for every child of Mine.

I call on all My children, especially those souls so full of love for Me, their Creator, to join with your brothers and sisters and rise against the evil in the world.

Satan and every demon in Hell now roam the Earth in defiance of Me, during these the end of times, children. They are scattered throughout the world persecuting souls and driving them to the brink of madness.

The evil influence is being felt by almost every one of you at this time. It is because My Existence and that of My beloved Son have been denied, rejected and thrown to, one side, that darkness now covers your world. Without acknowledging the Truth of your Creation on this Earth, you, My beloved children, have become unwittingly a target for Satan.

You will notice a number of changes in your life since this infestation has gripped your world. Murder, hatred, distaste for proclaiming My Glory or acknowledging My Existence, war, persecution, greed, control and moral deterioration. All such wickedness has been created in your world by Satan and spread by sinners so open to his false, empty promises.

He, Satan, tempts first those power hungry sinners and those weak of faith. Having seduced them, he then possesses them. They, in turn, infect and cause terrible pain by inflicting abuse on their fellow brothers and sisters.

You, My beloved faithful, are now being called by Me to stand up and defend My Holy Word, so that mankind can be saved. You will do this in two ways. Firstly, through constant prayer, and secondly, by spreading My Most Holy Word. Prayer will not only help save mankind from Hell and the complete abandonment by Me, but it will also mitigate against My Hand of Chastisement. This Hand of Chastisement will, and be in no doubt about this, fall on those wicked sinners who have allowed the spirit of darkness to control their behaviour towards those innocent dependents, over which they exert control.

I, God the Father, call on My children from the Heavens to hear My plea when I urge you to rise immediately. Join in prayer by reciting the following:

“God the Most High, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Whom You sacrificed to save us, your poor children, from the fires of Hell, hear our prayer. May we offer our humble sacrifices and accept trials and tribulations as a means to gain the salvation of all souls during The Warning.We plead with You to forgive sinners, who find it hard to turn back and accept Your Merciful Goodness, to make the necessary sacrifices as You see fit to redeem them in Your Holy Eyes.”

By praying to Me, your heavenly Father, God the Most High, Creator of the universe and mankind, I will hear your prayer and grant immunity for all those souls you pray for.

Thank you, My cherished children, for recognizing this, My Divine call from the Heavens. Thank you for your humility of heart to recognize My Voice when it is spoken.

Remember, I Am an ocean of Charity and Love you all with a Fatherly tenderness. I strive only to save each and every one of you from the grip of the evil one, so that we can unite as one holy family.

God the Eternal Father

God the Father: Promise of Immunity for those who reject Jesus

December 11, 2011

My precious daughter, thank you for responding to this important calling from the Heavenly Realm when I asked you to accept the Mystical Union with My precious Son, Jesus Christ.

I Am Present in My Son, Jesus, as He is in Me, united with the Love of the Holy Spirit. Your soul, therefore, is now entwined with Mine and everything will become much clearer to you.

My child, you are being moulded into the creature I so desire, so that you will be made worthy in full for this Divine Mission. Tears of Divine intervention were given to you so you could recognize instantly this new, unexpected calling. Now that you have shed your tears, cry no more for only happiness will reign in your soul from now on.

My daughter, it saddens Me that no one recognizes Me any more in the world. Many have forgotten Me completely. I mean nothing to so many of My children.

You must help Me, daughter, when I manifest My Presence, so that I Am recognized through prayer. Please pray that the whole of humanity will accept the Gift of New Life, which will now be given to them by My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

No one truly understands My concern for those souls who reject Me or the Existence of the Saviour I sent into the world.

These poor souls, so full of logical explanations used to arrogantly dismiss My Existence, are lost to Me at this time. Their only salvation – as many will reject the offer of Divine Mercy during The Warning – will be through the prayer of those children who love the Father.

So many, who do not accept Me, still know very little about Me. I Am a God of Paternal Love, a heavenly Father Who watches over each child of Mine, the strong, the weak, the sick, the good and the wicked. No one is excluded from My infinite Love, no matter how black their soul is.

I urge you, children, to pray to Me in the Name of My Son, in atonement for all the sins of mankind.

My Son will envelop the whole of humanity now and when the Illumination of Conscience is past your prayers are truly needed at that stage. Your prayers, children, will help save those people who will defiantly continue to reject the Mercy My Son will show them.

My solemn promise, children, is that all those of you who call on Me, on behalf of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save your brothers and sisters, that they will be granted immediate immunity. Special graces will be given to each of you who pledges a full month of prayer for their souls. Here is what I request you to say:

“O heavenly Father, through the Love of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls, dear Father, with Your token of Love. I plead with You heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth. Amen.”

Your heavenly Father

God the Most High

(Note of Clarification: the immunity will be granted to those for whom you pray.)

God the Father: My Son is being sent to claim His Rightful Throne

December 24, 2011

My daughter, just as I sent a Saviour into the world the first time to save humanity, I Am now ready to send My Son, Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind, once again, to salvage those souls who could not be otherwise saved.

My children must understand the significance of the bittersweet Sacrifice I made for mankind when I sent My Son the first time.

When I realized that the only way to redeem mankind was to send a Saviour, I knew I could not expect any prophet or chosen soul to suffer such a Sacrifice. I decided, through the Second Person of My Divinity, that I would send a Son to save humanity. This was the only effective way to foil the plans of Satan, such was My Love for My children.

To watch My Son grow up to become a man was both delightful and painful knowing what lay ahead of Him. Yet, because of the deep, tender Love I have for each of My children, this was a Sacrifice endured willingly in order to save My family.

Now that The Warning approaches, I Am also preparing the World, through these Holy Messages, to welcome My Son for the Second Time.

The Second Coming of My beloved Son is close, children. He is being sent to claim His rightful Throne when He will Reign as King of Mankind.

This Glorious Event will be spectacular and is the final part of the plan to save the human race from the evil that exists in your world. Satan will be cast away shortly. His followers and those wicked of heart will be shocked and dismayed. They will be expected to make a choice at that stage. Drop down and plead for Mercy and be saved. Or refuse the great Gift, which will be presented to them.

My children, unite all of you and do not fear ridicule. You are all being guided by the Holy Spirit and are being afforded the protection of the angels and saints in Heaven. It will be up to you, My followers, to proclaim the Word and promise of My Son, Who wishes for these Messages to be spread around the world.

It will also be through your prayers that lost sinners can be plucked from the arms of the evil one.

Children, you are in the early stages of the final battle. Your second chance of eternal salvation is being given to you through the Mercy of My dearly beloved Son. Don’t squander this opportunity. Join as one in union with your family in Heaven to save your brothers and sisters on Earth.

Rejoice this Christmas, for it will be a special celebration as you must now help souls prepare for The Second Coming of My Son, after The Warning takes place.

I love you all, children. Take my Love. Embrace Me, your Eternal Father, Who will do everything possible to take you all into the New Era of Peace.

God the Father

God the Father: Accept this last chance or face a terrible chastisement

December 28, 2011

My daughter, you now have a duty to inform My children everywhere of the urgent need to seek redemption. Because of My great Mercy, I now send My Son to offer humanity a last chance to turn back to Me, their heavenly Father.

I can reveal that the great Mercy to be shown to all of My children will take place only the once. They, My children, must accept this last chance of salvation, or accept that a terrible chastisement will fall upon the world.

Every single soul on Earth will shortly witness the signs of the Illumination of Conscience. Each of them will be brought to their knees in shame when they see, probably for the first time, how painful their sins appear in My Eyes.

For those with a kind and humble heart, they will accept this great Mercy with gratitude and relief.

For others, they will find this a very difficult trial and many will reject My Hand of Love and Friendship.

Pray for these souls urgently, My daughter, for without prayers, they cannot be given a second chance.

The world will finally accept the Power of their heavenly Father when the miracle in the skies will be witnessed by everyone everywhere. The birth of the New World is almost upon you. Grasp My Mercy now while you can. Do not leave it until the last minute.

Join as one in union with Me to embrace the New Era of Peace, which awaits all those gracious souls who love Me.

My Mercy is so great, however, that the Prayer that My Son has given to the world through you, My daughter, for immunity for these souls (see below extract from Crusade of Prayer number 13) will be so powerful that souls who are still in darkness can and will be saved.

“O heavenly Father through the Love of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls dear Father with Your token of Love. I plead with You heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth. Amen.”

Remember, children, the power of prayer and how it can mitigate the chastisement.

Pray, pray, pray that the world can and will be saved and that the Great Tribulation can be averted.

Your heavenly Father

God the Most High

God the Father: Two billion souls will convert as a result of these messages

January 3, 2012

My daughter, the Gift of today’s vision, where I revealed to you the Face of My Son and Me, your beloved heavenly Father, is rare.

You are blessed to have been given this extraordinary Gift from the Heavens. This was necessary to make you stronger. Your suffering will ease now and you will become much stronger than before.

Never fear this Work, for you must know by now that all power on Earth is in My heavenly Hands. No one has power over The Father. Even the deceiver cannot tamper with or change My heavenly plan for humanity.

Heaven rejoices because of the conversion, which has evolved from these, My Messages for the world. Over two billion souls will now convert as a direct result of these Divine Messages.

No man will stop this Work. They may try, but it will be useless.

My divine protection covers all souls who proclaim the Truth of eternal salvation.

Never give up, children, no matter how hard your suffering becomes. Suffering, never forget, brings you closer to My heavenly Kingdom.

You, My children, will rejoice shortly when you feel the graces being poured out upon you through My Son.

Stay alert. Keep praying for all souls and never doubt for one minute that it is I, your Eternal Father, Who brings you peace of mind, body and soul through these Messages.

Treat these Messages as Sacred. They are and will always be in accordance with My Word, given to man since the beginning of time. They will ignite the flame of your soul in ways, which you will find difficult to ignore.

Allow My Spirit to reach you and relax. Only then can I touch your soul so that a spark of recognition will fire your heart.

I call you to run to Me, so I can embrace you in the only way that a Father can.

Let Me offer you My protection and graces to make you strong enough to fight in My army, against the evil in your world.

My army will bring about the peace you desire and the love you need to quench your thirst.

Go in Peace, children, in the knowledge that the Truth is contained in these Messages, which I have sanctioned for the whole world.

You will, if pure and humble of heart, recognize My Love. Become little, as a child, in My Eyes. Only then will I lift you up like an angel in My Hierarchy when the time is right.

Go in peace. Rest your weary head upon My Shoulder and I will bring you the comfort and solace you desire.

I love you, children, every single one of you.

I rejoice, for when the day comes for our holy family to reunite, all the Heavens will sing in praise and glory for eternity.

God the Father

(Note: Reference 2 billion souls – Maria Divine Mercy wishes it to be known that in an earlier private Message received from God the Father to her, she was told that “Two billion more souls than would otherwise have been lost will be saved because of these Messages.” Many people have interpreted the above Message to mean that only two billion people in the world will be saved which is not correct. There will be much more than that. This two billion is in addition.)

God the Father: You, My beloved children, have a glorious future ahead of you

January 8, 2012

I Am the King of all Creation. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. All mankind will honour Me.

My dearest daughter, the time for humanity to honour Me, their heavenly Father, in all My Glory, is at last drawing very close.

The prayers of My beloved children, those humble servants of Mine, are saving souls and much of humanity against the forces of darkness, which cover the Earth.

Behold, I say onto all of you, My humble followers and those who believe in Me, the Creator of all mankind, unite. You must join as one force to honour Me, your Father.

Pray in unity now for global conversion. The Holy Spirit was poured out, by Me, upon the whole world on the 10th May 2011. Already, it has beckoned so many good souls to proclaim My Word.

Now that the power of Satan is diminishing, he will attack as many souls as possible.The worst attacks will be inflicted on My churches and all those who honour Me, their heavenly Father.

The Faith of My Church will continue to weaken, but the faith of those who bow before Me will sway the minds of good Christians everywhere and bring them closer to Me.

Much confusion is evolving among My children. To all those who are distracted from praying to Me, God of the Most High, hear My plea to humanity now.

Never allow anyone to distract you from the Truth of My Holy word given to mankind to salvage souls.

Never allow anyone to deter you from praying for those poor, tormented souls who have been seized by Satan.

Unite as one, children, and pray for Mercy one last time. Your prayers offer Me the help required to save most of humanity.

You, My daughter, are the end time prophet, who will suffer the most. Because of this Mission you will receive the last such Messages of their kind for the world and will be the primary target of Satan and his minions.

There are now many prophets who have been given a holy mission sanctioned by Me to help guide humanity.

After your Mission I will not be sending anyone else to impart My Messages because the world, as you know it, will have been changed forever.

As the end time prophet, your voice will be rejected by believers, first most, for they will oppose these Divine Messages aggressively, in a way which will startle and frighten you, My daughter.

Satan will attack those poor, holy souls as a means to hurt Me. He has already blinded the hearts of believers to the Truth. He will twist the Truth in the minds of those who pay homage to Me, their heavenly Father and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

Be joyful, however, because much conversion has already been achieved with the help of other visionaries and prophets in the world. So many catastrophic events have already been averted because of their work. However, a certain number of chastisements will continue to befall humanity in order to purify nations.

My daughter, the serpent’s power will be crushed, and soon. This is why My children must not fear the future. You, My beloved children, have a glorious future ahead of you. All you need to do is to pray for your brothers and sisters and trust in Me completely.

While The Warning, which will take place soon and unexpectedly, will save souls, much prayer is still needed. The prayers I ask of you now are especially for young people in every part of the world.

These are the children entrapped by the wicked lies perpetrated by Satan. These are the children who spend much of their time living in false idolatry and in a make-believe world. They need your prayers the most. Unite, children. Put your differences aside. Shed your coat of pride. Drop down, in love and humility, to ask Me for the Graces you need. These Graces will flood your soul with the Holy Spirit. Only then will your prayers be heard and answered.

Your beloved heavenly Father

God the Most High

God the Father: Final messenger to herald the Second Coming

January 16, 2012

My daughter, when I send prophets into the world, they will usually be those whom you least expect.

Never will you find them in the highest echelons of My Church. Nor will they be the most outwardly holy souls.

In many cases, they will not be worthy of this special Gift. Yet, I chose imperfect souls from unusual, but simple, walks of life, so that I can mould them into the creatures I so desire.

My prophets for the end times are no different. They will not be accepted easily. As in the beginning, when I first sent My prophets to prepare mankind for the arrival of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, they found it difficult for their voices to be heard.

The voices of My genuine end time messengers will not be listened to at the start of their mission. Yet, in time, they will be recognised, for it will be My Voice that will become easily identifiable. You, My daughter, are the final messenger sent to herald the arrival of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for His much anticipated Second Coming.

This is frightening for you and, at times, very difficult to digest. Yet it is the Truth.

This Work, when you will be given Divine Messages to prepare the remnants of My Church on Earth for The Second Coming, will be difficult.

While I have selected many chosen souls up to now and will continue to communicate with them for the good of all mankind, their lot will be easier.

Your lot will be difficult in the extreme and you will be persecuted because of it.

I bless you with every Grace from My Heavenly Kingdom.

You will move forward, as the chosen instrument, to impart My Most Holy Word to the world. This Work will be protected at all times.

Yes, you will be attacked, almost daily, but know this. If this Work were not so important, do you think that it could escape the notice of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels?

They, My daughter, have infiltrated the Earth and have crawled, in many cases, unsuspectingly, into the hearts and souls of many of My children.

The Holy Path of your work, you the final messenger, sent to Earth to help save humanity from the final grip of Satan, has been foretold in the Scriptures.

The world has been awaiting these instructions, by My Holy Command.

Many false prophets will try to block this, My Holy Word, through the spread of lies and confusion.

These Messages will be questioned and examined by My Church, for errors. Yet they impart only the Truth.

Much of the Truth, ignored by My churches down through the centuries, will emerge again.

More revelations as to the Truth of your Eternal Life, children, will be revealed to you.

This Work will cause outrage, My daughter. You will be spat upon, ridiculed, looked down upon and blocked in every way imaginable.

To those who find difficulty with the Truth given to you, the final end time prophet, hear now My pleas.

You must ask Me for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, before you can open your ears to hear My Voice, to the Truth of My Holy Word and to the instructions that I will give you all, so that you can have Eternal Life.

My Words will be made simple so that every man, woman and child can follow My Holy Word. But, you must know this. While there will be much Love and Light shining through My Word, there will also be an Air of Divine Authority, which you will find impossible to ignore.

That is how you will know that it is I, your God, your Eternal Father, who speaks. My Love will invade your souls and lift your hearts in union with Mine.

All preparations are in place. After My beloved Son’s Great Mercy, the time will be set aside to prepare the world for His Second Coming.

Yes, children, I Am now arranging to save My children from the darkness. I Am reclaiming My Creation, My children, and I Am taking you to your rightful home, your inheritance, The New Paradise.

Be patient, children. Just remember I love you. Trust in Me and in My Holy Word given to you through My end time prophet, Maria Divine Mercy.

Your Eternal Father

God of the Most High

Creator of all things

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