The Warning of Hell and the Promise of Paradise

My beloved daughter, you have come through a terrible persecution, which I permitted to free your soul from the torments of Hell. You are now free and your spirit will enable you to spread My Word, so that mankind can be released from the suffering that awaits them, should they be so foolish as to succumb to the evil one.
You, My daughter, were sent right from the start. I Am making you stronger all the time, in but a few days. What do you think you will be like in a week, a year or two? A fighter, brave to the last, you will work with Me to clear the souls of My dearly beloved children, for whom I hold a deep and utterly loving Compassion. The Love courses through My Veins like a river. My Compassion never dwindles, despite the fact that they turn the other way.
I will save them from the Torments of Hell

 Tell them, My daughter, that I will save them from the torments of Hell. I need them to turn to Me in their joyless, confused state. There is only one way to love and peace. That will be in My New Paradise, when Heaven and Earth will become one. Don’t they know this? Have they never heard of My promise of old? The promise of eternal life, where they – all mankind who turn to Me – will be lifted body, soul and mind into the New Earth and Heaven, when they combine, once again, in the Paradise for so long promised to My Father’s children.
Believe. I beseech you. Think. If you have never been exposed to Holy Scripture, then ask yourself this simple question. If you feel love in your hearts, where do you think this comes from? Is it love that makes you feel gentle, humble, yearning and free of all ego? If so, then, this is the love that I promise all My children who turn back to Me.
How worldly ambitions leave you empty

 It is hard, I know, dear children, to believe in a different world to the one in which you live. Remember that this world was created by God the Eternal Father, then it was soiled by the works of the deceiver. He, Satan, is extremely cunning. You, My children, must surely know that the worldly ambitions, which you find insatiable, do not fulfil you? You feel an emptiness, which you cannot explain, or understand. Isn’t this so? And then you strive for more and more. But yet, you are still not satisfied when you feel you should be. Why is that? Have you looked into your hearts and asked why? Why? The answer is very simple.
God created mankind. Mankind was tempted by Satan. Satan exists in this beautiful world that My Eternal Father created out of Pure Love. Sadly, he, Satan, will exist until My Second Coming. He will, then, be exposed for the sheer lies and deception, which he has manifested in My children. By then it will be too late for many of My children, including those who are unsure or hesitant in believing in the Divine superior Creation of My Father’s Kingdom.
Do not reject Me

Listen! I, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, was sent to give you all a second chance to enter My Father’s Kingdom. Hear now My promise. Listen to My Voice, sent by Divine grace, through My visionaries and prophets in today’s world, and understand that all My children are equal in My Father’s Eyes.
Those who follow Him are blessed, but suffer torture for the souls who do not believe and who refuse to listen. God made the world. It did not appear from nowhere. Man did not, nor could not invent such a Miracle, which science will never be able to explain. The Divine Supernatural can never be truly understood, until all children of God surrender in mind, body and soul to the Pure Love that I offer.
Please, I beseech all of you, do not reject your Creator. Please do not listen to the deceit of the lies you have been told by the deceiver, through divisions of the freemasons, the Illuminati, the false prophets and the bizarre and totally evil cults that have evolved through the naivety of man.
Satan is real

 Mankind is weak. Even the most holy of followers fall prey to the constant temptations of the evil one. The problem is that they, those who seek pleasure, do not believe he is real. Others do know he is real and that he does exist. They are the ones who cause Me the most heartbreak.
Wounds opening once again and festering

 I Am suffering to such an extent that the Wounds inflicted upon Me at My terrible Crucifixion, to which I succumbed, are opening once again and festering, leaving Me in the utmost painful agony of Body, Soul and Divinity. Yet I will never give up loving all of you.
I call on you, from the Heavens and on behalf of My Eternal Father, Who created each and every one of you, out of Pure Love to stand firm. Reject Satan. Believe that he exists. Accept that he does. Open your eyes. Can’t you see the havoc he causes in your lives? Are you blind?
A Message to the rich

 To the rich I say stop, think, and ask God for just one moment, is your role in living God’s Commandments pleasing to you? Does it feel right? Have you denied Me, at the expense of worldly excesses? These same excesses and pleasures will leave you empty of heart. You will know, in your own heart, that it does not feel right. Yet, you will still thirst for more of the empty and yet exciting promises that you are given by the deceiver in return for your soul.
A Message to those who follow the Illuminati

 I implore all of you, especially My children who have been sucked into the Illuminati and other such evil entities. Once there, you are doomed to eternal damnation. Don’t you understand that what you have been promised, in return for your soul, is a lie, a deceitful and frightening lie. You will never receive the gifts promised by this sinister messenger from the depths of Hell. As your Saviour on the Cross, I gave up My Life to save you. Please do not let Me lose you now. I love you, My children. I weep as I implore you one last time not to reject Me in favour of the deceiver.
I will forgive all who confess

 I cannot interfere with your free will because that is one of the Gifts given to you when you were born in the Light of God. I will be coming, as Scriptures foretold, very shortly – sooner than anyone can comprehend. The world will plunge into darkness and despair. Yet, I will forgive all, and every single one of My children who when their sins are revealed to them, no matter how offensive they are, instantly, at the moment of confession.
They will enter body and soul into Paradise when Heaven and Earth will become one, where all of you will live for eternity with your family, forever and ever.
Promises that Paradise has to offer

 No illness, bodily corruption, no sin – just love. That is the promise of My Paradise. No one will want for anything. Everyone will live in harmony, joy and love.
The reality of Hell

 Do not reject this life for the life you have been promised by Satan! You are being lied to. If you follow this path where God, or I, Jesus Christ, your Saviour, is not a part, then you are on the path to eternal damnation. You will scream with terror when you realise the error. By then you will plead for Mercy, you will tear at your face, pull out your hair, but because you have free will, a Gift from My Father, it cannot be taken away from you. When you choose this false path, you will suffer damnation and burn in Hell forever. It is very real.
The biggest damnation is finally realizing that there is a God. That I, your Saviour Jesus Christ, actually Exists and there will be no way, at that stage, to save yourselves. Your family may look at you from the other side. When that happens, and you realise the awful truth, it will be too late. Remember these Words.
The greatest damnation is when you know that you will never see the Face of God. That will be the greatest torment and one that will stay with you forever in the fires of Hell, where pain is constant and unrelenting. You will, instead of enjoying the paradise promised to you, through the lies of the deceiver, end up in the terrifying corridors of Hell. It is very real and represents suffering for eternity.
Please, all of you who do not believe I Am communicating with mankind, I ask that you pray to My Sacred Heart. Pray My Divine Mercy at 3 o’clock each day. I will respond to your request with Love, which you will feel instantly. Hold My Hand children. Don’t let go. I love you all so much that I gave up My Life for each and every one of you, so that you could be saved.
This time I come to Judge. Much as I love you, I cannot interfere with the Gift of free will, which was bestowed on you by My beloved Father.
I hope that through My modern day visionaries and prophets that you will finally listen. The Truth is the way, remember, to eternal salvation and a new beginning when Paradise returns to Earth.
The lies of Satan

 The lies, no matter how seductive, are just that. Lies, designed to steal the beloved souls, which cannot be released by My Father, the Creator and Maker of Earth.
Your Divine Saviour
Jesus Christ"

Stairway to spiritual perfection

"Write this, My beloved daughter. Faith has a way of deserting My most devout followers when they least expect it. This is important, as it tests their faith, so that they will come back into My Heart, all the more strong for the experience. Fear not, this is a trial which I allow My children to endure so that they will become stronger.
It is not easy to retain your faith in Me, My children, as there are so many obstacles, which block your devotion. You will, from time to time, feel a complete emptiness in your soul. This can leave you in an agitated state because you feel alone without a crutch.
For, My faithful followers, you must understand this. I, despite the loneliness you may experience, Am never far away. All of these episodes have one goal, to strengthen your faith, in such a way, so as to ensure that you move a few steps towards Me each time. This is what is called the stairway to spiritual perfection, that is Heaven. It is a long stairway and can take a very long time to reach the upper steps. Each step can represent a new revelation into what lessons you must experience before you can attain the Graces you need to elevate your souls to the spiritual perfection needed to enter My Father’s Paradise.
As each step is mounted, a new awareness of which I expect of you is realised. Hard, at times, unfair it may seem, at other times. But for each step you climb, the more astute you become in understanding the Truth of My Teachings.
Some climb these steps quickly, while others take their time. Some of My devout followers may lose courage and back one step, two steps or three at a time. This is natural. Others who move too quickly, gain a confidence that convinces them they understand all spiritual matters. But this is the deceiver’s way of making you believe and accept this false confidence. All gifts bestowed on you can only come from Me. They are given to you, My faithful followers, out of My boundless Love for you. You must never assume that because your faith is strong that this is all your doing. Yes, your faith may be strong because of your tenderness of heart. Yet, this is also a Gift from Me. You must, in order to reach the top step, be humble in your love for Me. Show virtue at all times.
Show confidence in your faith, by all means, as this is pleasing to Me. But never fall into the trap of believing you know the full mysteries of the Divine Realm. As humans, born with original sin, only time will reveal these mysteries to you, My children.
Strive always to accept everything, even the trials I may send you, as a Gift from Me. All My Gifts are bestowed to make you strong in your love for Me.
I Am so very proud of all My children, who believe in Me and show Me honour and respect. So that I can lift you up to the full Glory of My Father’s Paradise, you need to aspire to the glory of perfect union in Me.
To do this, My children, takes a little time and requires patience, before you yield to the total abandonment of your soul to Me. Once that happens you become part of My Mystical Body for eternity.
Surrender, My children, to My absolute Pure Love and you will never have to look back or fear, for you will be safe in My Arms.
Keep strong, My faithful children, even in the face of obstacles, for I will never desert My beloved devoted followers. Ever.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ"


How hard it is to climb the Stairway to Paradise

"My dearly beloved daughter, do not be under any illusion, the deceiver has turned your head away from Me for the last few days. You put this down to the fact that you were busy, but this is not quite true. So cunning is he that he deliberately interrupted every single minute of your time. During this time you were aware that you were not devoting time to Me. Isn’t this so?
You felt distracted and lost and then you realised that you were empty inside without Me. Close by you the entire time, I nevertheless, allowed you to feel abandoned by Me. For now you have experienced the despair felt by souls whom I reject, because of sin. All of this is important for your spiritual development. While it may seem pointless that I allow this, it is part of your training towards the holiness that I require and demand of you. You, My precious daughter, will continue to feel a form of abandonment, from time to time, as will many souls who are on this same path.
The stairway to spiritual perfection is a very long one. Souls will take one, two and more steps backwards, for every single step they take towards Me. I ask you, My daughter, to tell all My followers to prepare carefully for this stairway, which is essential before the top step is reached.
In My Message of November 24th, 2010, when I first told you about this stairway, I explained how some people climb these steps much too quickly. But you know that would be a mistake. Be aware that it is I Who guides you along the steps the entire time.
Children of Mine, you must now climb every step of the spiritual stairway before you reach the top steps to the door of Paradise. Be patient. Do not be disappointed when you fall. Simply stand up again and begin climbing all the way.
Children, I will hold you by the hand and take you to the top if you allow Me.
Your beloved Saviour
 Jesus Christ"


Unite your families to enjoy the New Paradise on Earth

"My dearly beloved daughter, when souls are lost they can seem, on the outside, to be full of joy, living life to the fullest. Yet they can be lost to Me and this brings Me great sadness. So many in the world go about their daily lives, full of things to do, so busy that they forget that this Earth is made of clay, that time spent here is so short, those personal belongings all turn into nothing eventually, that people, when they die, turn to clay, yet their souls remain alive and will never die. The soul will continue to exist for eternity.
I Am saying to you now, My children, to unite your families and friends as one, close to My Heart, for when you do, you will enjoy the New Paradise on Earth for 1,000 years, still united. This is My promise to you all. Live your lives responsibly. Always put your families before everything also on this Earth. Always place your trust in Me.
Bring your families to Me. If they won’t come willingly, pray to Me and I will give them the encouragement they need.
I will always answer prayers which request the saving of souls.
Your beloved Saviour
 Jesus Christ"

First Message from God the Father: The time has come now for Me to reclaim My Glorious Kingdom – New Paradise on Earth will last 1,000 years

Note from visionary: Just before I received this Message, I had just finished reciting the Divine Mercy when suddenly the Holy Spirit announced to me that I was to receive a Message from God the Father. I was trembling with nerves. I then asked the question “In whose Name do you come?” This was the response:
I come in the Name of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind. I Am God the Father and I Am speaking to you for the first time. My chosen daughter, I speak to you today so that I can inform mankind of the Love I have for all.
Many do not know Me. They think they do, but for millions of My children I Am merely a faceless entity. So little do they know of My desire to allow them to let Me Love them in the way in which it was meant to be.
My Name is used loosely in the world, by many who don’t acknowledge that it was by My Hand that the world and its creatures were made. For those that do, they are confused as to Who I Am and are somewhat fearful of Me. I Am not to be feared for My Love is Pure for all of My children. So much do I love you that I made the greatest Sacrifice of all to bring you back into My Arms and give you the opportunity to be saved from the deceiver. I sent My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, into the world so that you could understand the Truth of Love. This Love, when you accept it, will save you all.
My Heart is broken by the way so many of you will not turn to Me and show Me your love. I yearn for you to simply turn and ask Me for help. There is no need to fear My Love for it was through My Love that you were given your first breath. I created each of you in My Likeness so that I could have a family. I created the world out of Pure Love so that you, My children, could share this Paradise with Me. So lovingly was this created that every single detail was so carefully constructed. So happy was I when Paradise on Earth was created that the angels rejoiced and Heaven was alight with the flames of love, that no human being could ever possibly fathom. And then it was destroyed by sin, caused by the serpent.
My children, let Me explain. The time has come for Me to reclaim the Paradise I lovingly created so that we can, again, become one family.
A family that will become close because of the powerful bonds of love that will hold it together.
This New Paradise on Earth is now being planned for all of My children.
It will last 1,000 years on Earth and no one must be excluded, for that would break My Heart. My beloved Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are trying hard to bring you back into My loving fold so that the Paradise, created in the beginning, can once again, emerge as the greatest Gift of all for My children to enjoy.
This Paradise will be a place of love, beauty, glory, and will be home to all who are pure of heart and soul. It is for every single soul on Earth and is the goal that is contained within each and every single soul on Earth, including those who do not realise this.
My Son speaks to the world and prepares to show His great Mercy during The Warning, to give all sinners a chance to enjoy the New Paradise on Earth.
You must hear My Voice. I call on all of you to pay attention. Turn back to Me. Accept that I Exist, that I Am the Source of all life, all Creation, all glory. When you do, you will be welcomed into My Paradise on Earth which offers everything you could ever dream of. Listen to My Son and the Message He gives to the world to convert you all. For those who will not listen even then, or who continue on the path of heinous sin, no Mercy will be shown.
I Am the God of all Creation. I Am the God of Love, of Compassion. I Am also the God of Justice. My Hand will fall on humanity, who through the evil allegiance to the evil one, refuse to follow the path of Love and Truth.
For the time has come now for Me to reclaim My Glorious Kingdom, which no man, through sin, will stop. Should they try they will be lost forever.
I Am your God, your Creator. My Love never dies. It is aflame and full of deep tenderness for you to bring you back to Me, to the inheritance I so lovingly created. Because of sin many of My children will have to forfeit their right to this inheritance and step back to allow those who truly love Me to enter the doors without hindrance.
Please, children, do not dismiss My Plea to mankind. Accept the Mercy now being offered by My beloved Son.
Accept it with open arms.
God the Father
Creator and Maker of All Things"
Transition into New Paradise will be swift and without suffering

"I come to you today with great joy in My Sacred Heart as your Spouse. You, My daughter, have accepted this most sacred request to join Me to save souls.
It will be through your humble obedience that much will be expected of you now. Fear will be obliterated as you move forward, as a result of My special bequest, to devote your life to My ardent wish to save humanity from the depths of Hell.
Your Work, guided by My Divine Hand, is now completely sacred and free from any kind of interference by the evil one.
No more doubts will assail you but know this. My Word to you will be violated and torn asunder. Every attempt will now be made to sully these Holy Messages even from those who profess to know Me.
Your suffering will be accepted by you, from now on, with complete surrender and joy in your soul. My strength, given to you by the Power of the Holy Spirit, will startle you. You will rise with complete conviction of heart and with a quiet, but determined confidence to deliver My Word throughout the whole world.
No man will or can stop you in this Work. No man can prevent you from this most sacred pure calling from the Heavens.
You, My daughter, are ready to become a lifeline for those souls drifting in the wilderness. They will respond to the call of these Messages no matter how hardened their hearts are. Many will not know why this is happening to them. It will be by the Power of the Holy Spirit, which will ignite a flame of love and joy in their souls, that will draw them to Me through these, My urgent pleas, to bring My children back into My Sacred Arms.
Thank you for responding to this special request to become My spouse in final union with Me. This contract, when you hand Me over your soul completely, will allow Me the freedom I need to conclude this Mission successfully for which you have been chosen.
Go now, My precious daughter, and help Me to fulfil My promise to mankind. My return will be to reclaim My precious children and take them into the New Era of Peace. This transition into the New Paradise will be swift and without suffering because of your gift to Me.
Tell My children, My Heart is swollen with joy at this time as the time to celebrate My birth draws close.
I love you.
Your beloved Saviour and Redeemer
Jesus Christ"

There will be no death, no illness no sin in the New Paradise

"My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget that, despite My stern warnings to humanity, I hold a very special love in My Heart for all of My children.
It is necessary to purify the Earth now, for were I to return now it would not be fit for Me to walk upon it.
When mankind has been purified only those with love for Me and My Eternal Father will remain.
My chosen generation will be with Me for eternity. This Paradise will offer 1,000 years of peace, love and harmony.
After this period the second resurrection of the dead will take place.
Only then can Eternal Life be offered to all souls, with the Light of God shining through them.
Why do you hesitate, My daughter, don’t you know that these prophesies have been foretold?
Let no man misunderstand. You, children of this generation, will be given the Gift of living in the Paradise, even more beautiful than that prepared for Adam and Eve.
Age will be non-existent, as man will live in peace with families of generations.
So much love and enjoyment will be an everyday occurrence. Finally, you will be accorded true, lasting peace in your souls.
Why would this not be possible? This is the Earth that was planned by My Father, Whose Divine Will will, at last, finally be realised on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Rejoice all of you. The New Paradise is to be welcomed with excitement and anticipation.
There will be no death, no illness, no sin. You will be given the Gift of eternal happiness.
Pray for those who, through sin and disobedience, will forfeit any claim to their rightful inheritance, which was planned by My Eternal Father since the beginning of time.
Your beloved Jesus"


Join together as we enter the Gates of the New Paradise

"My dearly beloved daughter, many of My children will now be saved, because of the prayers and suffering of My cherished followers, whose love for Me exceeds that known to much of mankind.
In this period of intensity, I hold out and rely on My followers to help Me to save souls. Many of these souls will not survive the Act of My Divine Mercy and will die in mortal sin. So many of you have responded to My Call with such obedience and generosity of heart.
You bring Me great comfort. I bless you, My dear followers, and ask you to continue to pray for the souls of others. All of humanity will be given the Gift of My Mercy shortly.
Not one will fail to understand the Truth of My Existence. But not all will want to embrace Me even when the Truth is revealed to them. They are the souls I pine for. These are the lost souls for whom My beloved Mother spills tears. These are the sinners you must help Me save, because I want to save all of God’s children.
Pray and join together to help Me draw every single soul together, as we enter the Gates of the New Paradise.
Crusade Prayer (35) Prayer for souls to enter Paradise
“O my Jesus, help me to help You salvage the remnants of Your children on Earth.
I pray that You will, through Your Mercy, salvage souls from the spirit of darkness.
Accept my trials, sufferings and sorrows in this life to save souls from the fires of Hell.
Fill me with the Graces to offer You these sufferings with love and joy in my heart so that we will all unite, as one, in love for the Blessed Trinity and live with You, as one holy family, in Paradise. Amen.”
Children, you know how much I love you.
You who know Me will understand the depths of My Pain and suffering, because of the number of people who reject My Hand of Mercy.
Only you, through your prayers, can help these souls and so bring Me the comfort I desire.
Keep close to Me now. It won’t be long.
Be patient and pray.
Relax, feel My Love.
All will be well.
Your beloved Jesus Christ"

New Paradise: You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.

"My dearly beloved daughter the New Paradise has now been completed in its full glory ready for all of God’s children on earth.
It will be presented, in all its glory, just like the Paradise created by My Eternal Father for His children in the beginning.
How the angels sing and rejoice for the time to unveil this great splendour to a disbelieving world is very close.
It will be presented by Me when the New Jerusalem descends upon the earth at the ringing of My Second Coming.
You, My daughter, will be told to announce this just before I make myself known.
Only those who accept Me as the Messiah will be able to enter its magnificent gates.
Every call from Heaven will be made to reach out to all those who will still reject My great gift right up to the very last trumpet.
Then it will be too late for those poor souls. They will be beyond help after that as My Mercy will have been thrown back in My Face in outright rejection.
All that matters now is to warn all those who are in danger of losing their souls to Satan.
Gather them up My followers. Coax them gently into My flock. Never give up your prayers to salvage them.
Oh My beloved followers if you could see the New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will merge as one you would drop down on your knees and weep with joy and relief.
For those of you frightened about the end times, when the earth as you know it will change, then you must allow Me to ease your worries.
You will take your family with you and all with rejoice in pure utter love and harmony.
You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.
You all will have your own dwelling with grass, trees, mountains, rivers, streams and flowers surrounding you in all their glorious beauty.
Animals will be tame and live in peace and in harmony with all of God’s children.
You see your children marry, have children  and the miracle of families, risen from the dead, will be witnessed by all.
This resurrection will be like no other joy imaginable.
You will be reunited with your loves ones who passed away in this life and went to Heaven.
You will have nations, twelve in total, all signified by the twelve stars in the crown on my My Mother’s Immaculate head, all of which will be governed by Me with My Apostles and Prophets.
This is My Kingdom, promised by My Father since He created Paradise on Earth. Anyone who rejects it will perish.
Pray that all of God’s children will have the purity of soul to enable them to come home to My Father’s Kingdom on Earth, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end, for ever and ever.
Your Jesus"

There will be different levels in the New Paradise of 12 nations

"My dearly beloved daughter, My Love is so powerful, that it is now being felt by those who do not know God.
Despite the evil present in the world, man now feels a love in their hearts for others, which is at odds with the corruption, which is present in souls, and which will surprise them.
So unexpectedly will this love surge through their souls, that many will be reduced to tears.
These tears of love, so pure in their hearts, will tear them in two. They won’t know why they feel like this towards their brothers and sisters. They will also feel this real and unique love for their Creator, God the Father. Yet, they will not acknowledge that He exists. Instead, many will wander and ask themselves.
What is this incredible, but powerful, love that I feel in my heart? How can this be, if there is no God? How can I feel this love, if I am merely a product of evolution; a product of particles made up of the earth?
The Truth, My children, is this. You are not a particle of the earth, a remnant of time. You are a living being, a living soul, who has the capacity for eternal life, without end.
You suffer because of the sins of Adam and Eve, your original parents. You may smile, ridicule, or make fun of what you believe to be a story of fiction, but the Truth is that you are living a life of imperfection. This life of suffering is because of the sins of your original parents. Tainted with their sin, you are blinded to the Truth of God, by the same serpent, who deceived them.
You believe that you live in a real world, a world of matter, which has limited durability. Your life on earth is short. Your bodies age. Your health deteriorates. In time your body dies. Neglect your spirit, your soul, and you are nothing.
Accept that you are a child of God, and your life on earth will become more important, when you live a life according to the Laws of God. Your life will be extended, and you will be given a great Gift, Eternal Life.
Were you to be shown a glimpse of this life, for just one hour, you would never offend My Father. You must know that you will receive these Gifts.
You will live with your entire family, those who have died in a state of grace, and those who will form My remnant army on earth.
Your body will be purified and re-created into a state of perfection, based on the age in which you accepted the Love of God.
You will live in love and peace with your loved ones and your neighbours. None of you will want for anything.
There will be different levels in the New Paradise of 12 nations. At the bottom level there will be towns and villages, all working in a well of peace, love, happiness and contentment. No one will want for anything. I will be their King, their Master, and I will reign among them, in Mystical Union.
Then there will be the higher levels. They will keep all nations together, in union with My Teachings, and all men will mingle in complete harmony with each other, and with the beasts of the earth, both large and small.
All will survive by eating from the Tree of Life. No one will lack nourishment.
Then there will be the governments of the nations. They will ensure that all will be in accordance with My Teachings. My governments will be ruled by My saints and apostles.
This will continue until the very end, when the second resurrection of the dead will take place, for the final confrontation.
Satan will be released, along with his demons, for a short period. Then all evil will be destroyed. My Mercy will, finally, be presented to the world, in the New Heavens and the New Earth combined.
Then all will be revealed, as the mystery of God will be shown to all, in its full and final Glory.
Your Jesus"

This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a New Life, a New Renewed Paradise

"My dearly beloved daughter, so many people in the world are unaware of their spirituality. So caught up in matters, concerning their daily lives, their jobs, their role as parents, their struggle to pass exams and to educate themselves, that they forget about their lives after their time on earth comes to an end.

It is only right that they do the best they can, in matters of responsibility, to feed and clothe themselves, but when they neglect their spiritual well-being, they are denying themselves the greatest gifts, which await them.

Many forget that My Father can take life at any time. If souls are not prepared, they will suffer regret and may not enter Heaven at the time when they pass from this life to the next.

It is difficult for those who lead busy lives to consider what happens when this time, accorded to them by God, comes to an end. For many they view death as frightening and not something they wish to think about. And so, they reject Me, their Jesus, their path to My Father’s Kingdom.

I, Jesus Christ, Am the only way to avail of eternal life, a life unknown to you.

I wish to tell you that there is a wonderful life for all of God’s children, waiting for them. This life is important, because it is how you live the life, which is given to you on earth, which will determine your future.

You must never think of death, as the end. Instead, think of it as the beginning of a new and wonderful life. The time you spend on earth is a trial. It is a test and in many ways is an exile. Born sinners, you will also die as sinners. But, it will be those sinners who love one another, who treat others with love and respect and who live their lives in My Image, who have much to look forward to.

Because of My great Compassion for all of God’s children, I make great exceptions for souls who wander, lost and confused. I pursue souls who do not want anything to do with Me and I stir their hearts, so that they feel compassion for others.

Many do not realise how I work, within their hearts, but I do this to entice them towards Me.  For every soul who calls to Me, even if they are unsure of My Existence, I come running. I respond, instantly, and hear all intentions. I Am a Loving God. I Am not easily roused by anger. I Am Patient. I Am expectant. I Am Loyal. I Am all Merciful.

I Am waiting for all souls to recognise My Call, for soon, they will be in little doubt as to Whose Voice they hear, beckoning them to feel God’s Love.

This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a new life, a new renewed Paradise. While this time on earth may be full of trials, pressures, stress, ups and downs, it cannot compare with the peace and glory of the life, which awaits all those who love Me.

Your Jesus"

I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise

"My dearly beloved daughter, the pressures placed on My followers to reject these Holy Messages will increase. Many misguided followers of Mine will refuse to accept these Messages as Mine.  Well-meaning in their intentions, they will go to extraordinary lengths to turn people away from Me, in the belief that they guard My Church.
I Am the Church, and as long as My holy servants protect My Teachings, My Doctrine, My Sacraments and My Most Holy Eucharist, we are as OneThose, including leaders within My Church, who change these Laws, are not part of My Church. These changes have not been presented yet and when they are there will be much distress.
To those of you, who are in doubt, please do not reject Me. While you embrace Me in one way, you also bring tears to My Eyes. You may not see Me now, but soon you will feel My Divine Presence.
I call on all of you to prepare now for the great splendid future I have ready for you. Heaven rejoices as the Holy Spirit will soon descend and pierce your hearts with love and recognition. So many souls will be saved, so great is My Love. I will never give up. You will suffer in My Name, but this will be forgotten when you are at the gates of My New Kingdom. You will all unite together as one family.
I speak of those who are lost to Me, but I have every intention of extending My Mercy to as many as possible.  Come to Me and let Me reassure you of the extent of My absolute Love and Compassion for every one of you. Those who reject Me, and in some cases detest Me, will be enveloped into My Arms as I soothe their poor hearts and enlighten their souls. I will become their only hope when they finally realise that the dark path they have chosen offers nothing, but unhappiness and fear.
I will pour, over the whole world, My Rays of Divinity, full of Mercy and soon I will cleanse all of humanity, so that they can be taken into My Kingdom quickly. My Time is almost here, as I await the day when My Father hands Me the keys to My Kingdom.
As the final Covenant is completed, I wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home, finally, to their Eternal Paradise. This is your final inheritance promised to you.
Do not reject it, for the sorrow you will bring upon yourselves is to be feared, and should you turn your back on Me, there will be a time when I can do no more to save you.
Your Jesus"

I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death

"My dearly beloved daughter, many people mistakenly believe that My Warnings to humanity create a sense of despair and unnecessary worry. This is understandable, but know this. The future of the world to come is breathtakingly, Glorious in every way.
The Paradise, which has been prepared for you, would fill you with awe, wonder and a great sense of excitement, were I to reveal to you but just one glimpse of it.
Because man has a fear of the unknown and a lack of confidence in My Promise to bring each of you Eternal Life, it is difficult for many, who try to prepare themselves for My Kingdom.
My beloved followers, My cherished little ones, please know that I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death – that is My Gift to this blessed generation. This transition from the world you live in today, into My New Paradise, will be in the blink of an eye; such is My Great Love for you. Before that Great Day, I must prepare you, so that all of you will inherit My Kingdom.
I do not have to put you through these trials, which you endure now and those still to come – that is true. However, for many people, who take My Word and My Mercy for granted, I must prepare them.
How can I purify you, unless I remind you of the Truth? Only the Truth will set you free from the shackles which bind you to the evil one, who will drag you away from Me, every chance he gets. He knows that if you do not respond to My Call to secure your rightful inheritance in My Kingdom, that he will win.
Then you, having been misled by him, will fail to reconcile your soul within My Divine Mercy.
Only those who follow Me, every step, to Paradise, will succeed in obtaining Eternal Salvation.
 Please be patient. Be alert to My Call. Do not push Me away, as I try to reach you, through these Messages. Learn to trust in Me, through My Holy Word, which is already known to you in My Father’s Book.
When I speak of evil, I simply reveal to you the deceit, which you will be faced with. The problem with deceit is that it blinds you to the Truth and causes you to drift away into believing in a creed, which will suck you into a false doctrine.
If it is not I, Jesus Christ, Who is revered, in this new doctrine, then you can be sure that it is not being dictated by the Holy Spirit.
Allow your hearts to be calm, your trust to be like that of a child and just love Me, in the way that I love you.
Never resist My Mercy, never fear Me, never feel anger towards Me, and especially when you suffer in this life.
For soon, I will bring you home. As soon as the Great Day dawns, the world will be born, and a new and wonderful life awaits you and all your loved ones. All of you will be bound to Me, without an enemy in sight – without fear, danger or suffering of any kind. So why fear My Kingdom?
It will bring you the happiness and the love which you sought, all through your lifetime on Earth – but, which was never truly fulfilled, no matter how much you strived to advance these gifts.
My Greatest Gift to you is Eternal Life. Await My Gift, without fear. Instead, await with love and anticipation My New Kingdom, for there is much to look forward to.
Your Jesus"

The Keys of My Kingdom, of the world to come, have been prepared

"My dearly beloved daughter, all that I revealed to the world, through these messages, will be fulfilled. Many of those who know these messages will, sadly, continue to suppress My Word. Others, who are not privy to these messages will oppose My Word, given to them in the Holy Gospels.

I call on all those who walk with Me on this earth, and I ask them to trust in Me. Live by My Word and you will not die. Live your lives, according to the Truth, and I will pour great Graces over you and those, whose names you place before Me.  

As the world plunges into darkness – as wars break out everywhere, and when disease and famine grip humanity – My Intervention will be witnessed. I protect all those who consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

I uplift those whose hearts may be heavy, and I will bring peace and a calmness of soul to those who ask Me for these Gifts.

Only I, Jesus Christ, can lift your burden. Only I can defeat your enemies and those, who abuse power and influence to destroy you for their own gain. Only you, My beloved followers, can bring Me the souls of those who reject Me, who dismiss Me and who deny Me.

Many of them will never come to Me, although I welcome them into My Mercy.

You must continue to use the prayers you were given. Stay close to Me for when you do, you will be given every protection from evil.

You must be strong, courageous and remain calm for I will never leave your side.

I will walk with you and hold you. I will comfort you. I will wipe away every tear and, soon, I will envelop you and your loved ones into My Loving Arms.

The Keys of My Kingdom, of the world to come, have been prepared and singled out for all those whose names are in the Book of the Living.

But, My Mercy is so great that I will welcome, into My New Paradise, those whose names are not included if you bring Me these souls, through your prayers.
Your beloved Jesus"










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