Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Virgin Mary: My Son’s Church on earth will not listen this time, yet they know how my Son was treated the first time.


Our Lady is pleading with the Church to recognise these Messages are The Holy Word of Her Son and cannot be ignored.

Virgin Mary: My Son’s Church on earth will not listen this time, yet they know how my Son was treated the first time.

July 15, 2012 

"My child the pain endured by my Son and His disciples during the time of His mission on earth is identical to that which is to be endured by His followers as He prepares to come again.

During my Son’s time on earth He faced huge obstacles. Very few were prepared to listen to Him in His own community.

He was treated with contempt and looked down upon by those who were in charge of the temples and the synagogues.

Yet he was welcomed by the simple people and His word was accepted because they could see the Truth that He spoke.

His Word created fear and uncertainty in many quarters but few could ignore the wisdom of His teachings.

My Son created division although that was not His intention.

His simple demeanour meant that few could accept the fact that he was the Son of God.

Many asked how could the Son of Man be such an ordinary simple man?

They denied Him for they thought that the Messiah would be majestic, proud and would command attention in the highest echelons of the church.

My Son could not get those in charge of the church at the time to listen to Him. Their pride prevented them from listening to the Truth.

The same will happen now as my Son prepares the world for His Second Coming.

My Son’s Church on earth will not listen this time, yet they know how my Son was treated the first time.

This time His Holy Word, given to you the end time prophet, will not be accepted in my Son’s Church on earth.

My Son’s Church turn a deaf ear to the gift of prophecy. They deny prophecy because they do not want to listen.

My Son’s disciples will be turned on by those in charge of the Catholic Church on earth and accused of being false.

Although my Son’s teachings have never changed they will find fault with His Holy Word given to them now.

They will declare these messages to be in contradiction to the Word of God.

You must, children, always remember that my Son could never contradict His Church on Earth for He is the Church.

The Truth is still as it always was.

You must follow the Word of God for my Son’s voice is being cast aside and ignored just as it was the first time.

Do not allow yourselves to be denied the Gift of His Salvation, the last act of His Mercy on earth.

So patient has my Son been, for such a long time. The Truth was given to humanity at my Son’s Passion on the Cross.

It was reinforced through all those chosen souls who were enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit down through the centuries.

Now the time has come for my Son to come again and only those who recognise His voice, because of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will follow His instructions.

The Church will, just as they did during my Son’s time on earth the first time, reject His word as He prepares for His Second Coming.

They will fail to recognise Him or accept Him.

They have learned nothing.

Pray that those brave souls within the Church who do recognise His voice, will have the courage to lead all of God’s children to eternal life at this crucial time in history.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation"

It is not enough to believe in the Father for those who reject His Son reject Salvation.


God through the Warning, will save those who believe in His Son. Divine Intervention will come to those who need a reintroduction!

It is not enough to believe in the Father for those who reject His Son reject Salvation.

July 14, 2012  

"My dearly beloved daughter so many religions in the world follow the wrong path thereby making it difficult for God’s children to obtain eternal life.

Eternal life was only made possible by My Death on the Cross.

My Father who sent Me, His only Son, as the sacrificial Lamb, made it possible for the whole of humanity to obtain salvation and eternal life.

Eternal life was given as a gift to Adam and Eve. Then, because of the stain of sin and disobedience, it was taken away.

In its place man became mortal, his body impure, his life in the physical form imperfect and the earth became a poor imitation of the rich and splendid earth created for Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.

God, My Eternal Father, then granted salvation to those who accepted Me, His only begotten Son, as the way to His New Paradise.

Only through Me can you be accepted by My Father.

It is not enough to believe in the Father for those who reject His Son reject salvation.

Remember that so many of God’s children who, through ignorance, do not acknowledge Me, the Saviour of Mankind. But because of My Great Mercy, the Truth will be revealed to them by divine intervention.

They are all equal in My Father’s eyes and He wants to unite all such souls into His bosom. He loves them all.

When they see the proof they will accept that God, the Most High, gave them the gift of eternal life through My Sacrifice on the Cross. In this way all will adore the one God.

For there is only one God who created each of you.

Now go, My daughter, and help ensure that My messages are given to every creed, every nation and every one of God’s children.

I include those Pagans and those with hearts of stone.

It does not matter if they spit at you, or refuse to listen, you must give them the messages.

Any man, or follower of Me, Jesus Christ, who cannot accept that I wish to communicate the Holy Word of God to all religions is not a true Christian.

So many have rejected these, My messages to the world, because I embrace all of humanity and every other religion including that of Atheists.

You have no right to assume that only you, the true Christians, are loved by God My Eternal Father.

You are blessed and loved but without the conversion of the whole of humanity My Father will not achieve the victory He wants to unite all of His children.

You, My followers, have a great responsibility because of the Gift of the Truth given to you.

It is your duty to spread My Holy Word in order to bring those poor souls who are ignorant of My existence into the Kingdom of God.

Your Jesus"

So now you should understand why you are different to visionaries. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet.


Maria Divine Mercy is the 7th Angel, the 7th Messenger - a prophet of our time. She is not given authority by Heaven to defend these messages, so she must remain silent to those who will try to trick her through her lack of knowledge of what is transpiring. She has been chosen by God, a greatest privilege, one we are so grateful for. Thankyou Maria, this is a most difficult time for you, but know that without you, we might all have fallen victim to the evil one's agenda in these end times. I love you Maria for everything you have managed to stay so courageous for. You are always in our prayers.

So now you should understand why you are different to visionaries. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet.

July 13, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter you must know that the role of the prophet differs to that of the visionary.

A prophet will always be an outcast, hated, feared and isolated.

A prophet will always work alone as if he is cast into a desert. The only fruit within the barren desert will be the Voice of God.

My daughter when you feel alone and abandoned know that this is how the prophets felt in the past. Many prophets felt the weight of this task laid out before them.

Most of them knew they were not worthy to impart the holy Word of God but they accept the divine calling from the Heavens because they were sent.

Because they were sent into the world they knew, instinctively, the obligations they had to fulfil yet it was not easy.

Every word they uttered was thrown back in their faces.

Every word torn asunder in the synagogues and the temples set up to worship God. Many were cast out by their own people and could not return to their birthplaces.

Many became nomads and never found a place where they would be welcomed as a lost son. Instead they worked, lived and stayed alone with no one to turn to.

Yet they knew, in their hearts, that they were being guided by God and felt no fear as they spoke with His voice.

The graces given to them enabled them to be strong. They never faltered in delivery the warnings to God’s people, the prophecies and the Word of God.

It did not matter to them that they were laughed at because they knew the Truth of God was the food of life.

Without the Truth, God’s children would not have had the means to recognise the prophecies as foretold. Nor would they have been able to accept the Laws laid down by God for the good of mankind.

Rejected, ridiculed, cast aside and deemed as eccentric, just as I was during My time on earth they still delivered the Word of God. Their words live forever. They will never die because they spoke the Word of the Lord, God the Most High.

And so it will be with you. You will remain alone like a voice in the wilderness.

You will be ignored in many quarters of My Church on earth.

The difference this time is that these prophecies will unfold in your lifetime and the Truth will be proved to this generation.

They will believe then when the proof of The Warning is witnessed.

The prophecies of the Seals, as I open them and reveal the contents to you, will also prove that I am speaking to the world through you the 7th Angel, the 7th Messenger.

You will be listened to yet I urge you to remain silent and not to comment to those who question you or challenge you.

You do not understand the meaning of the messages yet. In time you will. In the meantime you do not have the authority to defend My Word.

Every attempt will be made to trick you into responding in the hope that you will trip yourself up through your lack of knowledge. So you must remain quiet, isolated and anonymous until I give you the instruction.

So now you should understand why you are different to visionaries. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet.

This mission is protected by the Heavens and cannot be destroyed.

Go in peace and understanding My daughter.

Your Jesus"

After the world war will come the famine and then the plagues. Yet, prayer can mitigate the chastisement


We are being given all the chances to pray so hard for souls to return their hearts and souls to Jesus. It is our duty, please don't foolishly discard this responsibility to Jesus. We can still mitigate or cessate the effects and timeframe of the third world war and the Chastisement. He will only give us the Chastisement we deserve if the sinfulness of man continues past the Warning

After the world war will come the famine and then the plagues. Yet, prayer can mitigate the chastisement

July 13, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter My followers need to know the sequence of events for, by understanding this, they will be empowered with the knowledge so that they can help to mitigate the Chastisement.

The Warning is taking place as a last resort by My Eternal Father in order to plunge the light of God, the light of the Truth, into the hearts of mankind.

Without it most of humanity would be cast into Hell for they would not be worthy of My Father’s Kingdom.

This is a Divine Act of Great Mercy to pluck all of God’s children from evil and to take them into their rightful inheritance.

Because of the great darkness covering the earth at this time, where the light of God is but a glimmer, this Act of God is necessary.

It will divide the good from those drowning in sin, but who will stubbornly cling to the Beast and the all the glory he promises them on this earth. It is a waste of time for such poor souls because they must know that their time on earth is short.

The earth will be replaced by a New Paradise to which they will be refused entry if they reject My Act of Love and Mercy.

Many will stay in the dark. Many will convert instantly. If most of humanity repents, then the Great Tribulation will not be as difficult.

The World War will not have the same impact if the majority of people repent after The Warning.

After the world war will come the famine and then the plagues. Yet, prayer can mitigate the chastisement.

Pray hard so that the War, and the chastisement which will follow it, can be diluted and averted. Only the faith of humanity and allegiance to Me, your Divine Saviour, can achieve this.

My daughter it is not I, your Jesus, who will bring about these terrible sorrows. It will be created by the wicked sins of man, whose lust for power; money and control of the world for his own gain are insatiable.

While many of My followers will be waiting patiently and eagerly for My Second Coming there will be more confusion.

Many will come forth and claim to be Me, the Messiah, and people will be fooled.

Remember what I told you I will return to earth just as I left it when I ascended through the clouds.

Ignore any one who claims to be Me, in the flesh, for this will not happen.

My followers will be strong because of their love for Me and they must focus on the one desire that, if fulfilled, will bring Me joy and comfort. That will be the Mission to save souls, all souls, before I come again.

Remember that allegiance to Me will be the key to salvation and the world of the future which will have no end for it will be the New Paradise which offers each of you eternal life.

Your beloved Jesus"

The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end


This is such a privilege! Jesus I trust in You, I love You and await this event like a little child excited about to embark on a big adventure. We will finally understand what we have done to nail You to Your Cross, day after day. Forgive me Lord for all the offenses I have committed against You and all the hurt I have caused You. Jesus and Mary I love You, save the souls. Amen

The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end

July 12, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter let no man underestimate the impact that The Warning will have on the whole of humanity.

The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end.

Many will witness what will seen to be a catastrophic occurrence when two comets will appear to collide and explode close to the earth’s surface.

The flames of fire will seem as if a volcano has erupted in the skies and many will be fearful.

The rays of red fire are the Rays of My Blood, the Rays of My Mercy, given to all of you as a gift of such magnitude that no man will be able to comprehend what is happening.

Many will feel a fire burning through their bodies as if the heat of the sun is overpowering them.

Inside they will feel a burning heat, until the sense of realisation enables them to witness the spectacle of their souls.

Many will feel the earth shake as if there is an earthquake.

The ground will shake, groan and many will fall down clutching whatever they can for shelter.

Yet the ground will not open up and swallow them. For this is not a physical earthquake but a supernatural one.

Before this happens the weather patterns will erupt.

My Cross will appear after the explosion in the skies.

Many will weep bitter tears of remorse and sadness and will endure the pain of humiliation because of their sins.

Others will scream and curse because they will not be able to withstand the illumination, a divine sign, because of the darkness of their souls and they will resist the light of My Mercy.

They will howl with the pain of the fires of Hell as My Sign of Mercy will show them the fate which awaits them, unless they repent and change their ways.

Those good souls who love Me will also suffer for many of them will be also be stained with sin but they will receive instant Absolution. They too, will be humbled, when their sin of pride is shown to them.

Many will stay indoors for some days afterwards and many will have to fend for themselves because of the lack of services. This is why you need to prepare.

It will also be a period of suffering when souls will endure the pain of Purgatory as their purification takes place. In this way many will experience a revelation of the state of their souls and become humbled in a way in which they have never experienced before.

So many people will accept what has happened and will know that they have been given a great Gift of My Graces and My Divine Mercy.

The conversion will be global and on a scale not witnessed since My Death on the Cross.

 Billions will turn to God because the Truth will become apparent.

They will know exactly what will happen on the Day of Judgement and they will know how to save their souls because My Love will have enveloped them.

They can become whole again of mind, body and soul.

My Cross will be the proof of My manifestation of My Divine Mercy promised to mankind for so long. It will be seen in the skies all over the world.

A calmness will descend throughout the earth as a result of this act of divine intervention given to God’s children to awake them from their slumber.

But the fallen angels will attack all God’s children through their dedicated army who will refuse My Cup of Salvation.

So bitter, with hearts of stone and infested with the stain of Satan, they will fight those who love God.

Their numbers will not be a match for those who follow the Truth, yet their hatred will inspire them to plot evil acts which will destroy this peace and calm.

This will orchestrate a plan to convince the world that this event was, indeed, a cosmic accident which they will say that scientists can prove. Many, sadly, will then believe this to be the case and many of God’s children will fall back to the old sinful lives they once led.

The battle for souls will then commence and it will take some time for this to reach the final confrontation when My Second Coming will bring to an end the wickedness.

My dear followers do not allow these revelations to bring fear.

Instead prepare for this glorious event and allow your souls to embrace it.

Accept this wonderful Divine Act to strengthen your resolve and to spread My love further amongst your family and friends.

Be proud of your ties to Me, your Jesus, and help Me salvage those souls who will refuse to accept My Mercy.

Go. Prepare. Rejoice for the time is close.

I love you.

Your Jesus"

Every person alive in the world will see their souls and know, for the first time in many cases, that they have one.

The Warning is close now, Catholics are asked by Jesus to go to Confession every 2 weeks in order to be properly kept in a State of Grace in preparation for the Illumination of Conscience.

Every person alive in the world will see their souls and know, for the first time in many cases, that they have one.

July 9, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter I wish to prepare all of My followers now in a way which will not only help them but all their loves one for The Warning.

It is not enough to repent because of fear. A penance is required.

For all of you My followers hear My instructions now to prepare your souls for The Warning.

You must begin by meditating on all the wrong-doing you are guilty of against yourselves and your neighbours.

For Catholics among you, you must receive the Sacrament of Confession every two weeks if you wish to remain in a state of Grace.

In this way your pain, during The Warning, will be mild and you will have the strength to help your brothers and sisters who will suffer a terrible pain and guilt as they try to come to terms with the illumination of their conscience.

For those among you, who are Christians or other creeds, and who believe in these messages, you must recite the prayer given to you through Crusade Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution

You must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and I, your Jesus, will grant you pardon.

O My Jesus you are the light of the earth. You are the flame that touches all souls.
Your mercy and love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by Your Death on the Cross. Yet we know that Your love for us is greater than the love we hold for You.

Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth.

We honour You. We Praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls. We love you Jesus.

Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be.


I now bequeath a special prayer also for you to say for those poor souls who may die of shock during The Warning and who may be in mortal sin.

Crusade Prayer (65) For those in mortal sin

Oh Dear Jesus, Saviour of mankind
Through Your Divine Mercy I plead for clemency for all those
poor souls in sin who may be taken from this earth during The Warning
Forgive them their sins and in memory of your Passion I beg you to grant
Me this special favour in atonement for their sins
I offer myself to you in mind, body and soul as a penance to salvage
their souls, and to bring them eternal life.

My followers The Warning will be a great event of Salvation where I will prove to the world My Divine Mercy.

Every person alive in the world will see their souls and know, for the first time in many cases, that they have one.

The time is short now and you must start preparing.

Do not forget My instructions to have food which lasts ten days, candles which are blessed and holy objects in your home.

Trust in Me and rejoice because many souls will be saved.

I will not reveal a date but you know what must be done.

When your sins are revealed you must ask Me to forgive you and bow in humble thanksgiving for this Divine Gift which is your passport to eternal life in the New Paradise on earth.

Remember there is not one sin, no matter how serious, which cannot be forgiven once true remorse is shown.

Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ"

I know My own and they know Me


Jesus help us to remember that when we lead someone to Your Word through these Messages and we are rejected, that we must pray earnestly for that soul. You Love them Lord and we must do what we can as Your missionaries to pray that these souls will live in Your Divine Will. Amen

I know My own and they know Me

June 25, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter you must never forget the enormity of this mission.

Many times you will be drawn into traps laid down by the deceiver to trip you up.

Ruthless, he and all those who are easily led by him will do all they can to discredit My Word given to you.

You must rise and ignore such taunts.

As you have surrendered your free will, all that matters now is your total obedience to Me.

Allow Me, in My Divine Wisdom, to lay out before you My perfect pathway to Paradise on Earth.

My followers must heed My warning also. You will come under fierce attack, each and every one of you, for proclaiming My Word.

This is a mission like no other.

You, My army, will lead the flock of My Remnant Church to the gates of Paradise.

This will cause you much personal persecution and it will not be an easy journey.

You must unite together and give each other strength for in numbers you will find comfort in each other.

In all corners of the earth My army gathers now.

All seers who are communicated with the Divine Truth, through My Mother, will ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit along with My prophets so that the remnant army is adequately prepared for the battle ahead.

Never doubt My Love. Remember that only those who follow Me can enter the New Paradise.

When those who come to you and torment you, remember your duty is to forgive them and then pray for their souls.

Show love to those who torment you in My Name. This way you can defeat Satan and he loses his power over you.

I will instruct you every step of your journey.

I walk with you always.

I know My own and they know Me.

Your Jesus"

When you spread hatred about prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences


Our Priests need to be shown this message. It is most important that they do not reject these Messages now. Souls need to hear about these End Times from the pulpit. Jesus is calling out to His Sacred Servants to LISTEN and OBEY. They will be responsible for the souls who are kept ignorant through their omissions. Pray for our priests!! We also must discern the prophets whose fruit are enduring, not those who seek self-adulation.
When you spread hatred about prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences

June 24, 2012 

My dearly beloved daughter how My heart breaks when I see those who say they are followers of God but who flaunt His Laws. They are hypocrites.

It is they who say they follow My Father’s Commandments yet feel they can condemn others who sin.

First to take Sacred Scripture as a means to proclaim a lie, by promoting so called tolerance, they offend Me greatly.

These are the people who say that it is wrong to believe in Divine Providence.

These are the people who question the seers sent by Heaven throughout the centuries and then try to disprove them by the use of My Holy Word laid down in Sacred Scripture.

Any man who denies My Word is disloyal to me.

Any man who sets himself apart from his brothers and sisters, as spiritually and intellectually superior, needs to be very careful.

Any man who uses Sacred Scripture to present a twisted version of the Truth will be punished.

Any man who stands up and proclaims the Truth, yet dismisses My Word given to the world in these, the end times, will be cast aside by Me.

You are guilty of spiritual jealousy and for this you will face punishment.

When you spread hatred about the prophets sent from Heaven you are guilty of a sin which has enormous consequences.

Because by doing so, you not only proclaim a lie, you obstruct the Word of God.

I ask that you stop your campaign of torment and calumny now. You will never prevent My Word from being heard.

Why do you keep trying to torment this Mission? Don’t you know by now that the fire of The Holy Spirit could not have spread in the way that it has were My Messages not from Heaven?

You are being used by the evil one who will stop at nothing to prevent these, My Holy Messages, from being given to the world.

Message for the Clergy:

For those among you who have pledged a vow, as a sacred servant of My Church on Earth, hear Me now.

When you publicly denounce My Messages and prevent Me, your Jesus, in this Mission for saving souls, you commit the greatest sin of all.

You will suffer for this and your Purgatory will be experienced on earth. Every man, woman and child will witness your offence against Heaven.

Your flawed assessment of My prophets will render you spiritually empty and your soul will suffer a torment like no other.

If you are a sacred servant of Mine and you are unsure of My Voice as I speak to you now then you must remain silent. You must pray for discernment before you consider rejecting My Holy Word.

Thousands of My sacred servants will fail to recognise My Word, sent through this prophet for the end times. How this breaks My Heart.

Many will fall under the reign of the antichrist and desert My Church on Earth.

Many of My sacred servants will side with the persecutors of My Church. The seduction has already begun.

You are being prepared by the deceiver to reject Me and your pride prevents you from seeing this.

Many of My sacred servants will not be courageous enough to uphold My Church on earth. Many will side with the False Prophet and reject My flock whose faith will enable them to seek the Truth.

Don’t you know that I am the Church?

Don’t you know that the Church will suffer its own crucifixion just as I did?

It will be tormented. It will seem to have been crucified and many will think it will be dead. But, like My Resurrection it will be raised to life again for you see it cannot be destroyed.

I warn all of My sacred servants who do not recognise the times that you are living in to be alert now as My Church on earth suffers the greatest persecution since the beginning.

You must prepare and open your eyes.

When did you think I would come and warn you? Did you think that it would be some time way into the future? That it would never happen in your lifetime?

The time for My Second Coming is very close.

I will soon divide the good from the wicked after every attempt has been made to convert most of humanity.

It is your duty and responsibility to keep an open mind, heart and soul.

I need you to respond to My pleas to help Me save as many souls as I can.

Follow Me. This is your calling.

This is why you pledged allegiance to Me, your Jesus.

You did not make your vows on your own terms.

You must allow me to guide you and help defend My Church on earth.

Much damage has been inflicted on My Church. My Church consists of all those who love me including all of my sacred servants.

You must be strong, brave and loyal. You must not allow fear or the beast to devour your soul.

Listen to My Word before you condemn my prophets.

Never denounce any of my messages without praying for discernment. Even then you must be careful that you do not deny God’s children the gift of the graces I now bestow on those poor souls who are starved of the Truth of My Teachings.

To those who openly reject My Word, given to this prophet, know that you will beg me for forgiveness when the Truth is revealed.

By then, for those who are responsible for turning souls away from My Word, it will be too late.

Those souls lost to me, because of your wicked tongue, will have no eternal life.

Reject My Word now, or denounce my message for having errors and you will be cast aside. You are not fit to lead my flock.

Your Saviour

Jesus Christ"

Man did not evolve from animals but that is what those, who do not believe in God, would have you believe.


Oh boy! This is just what even some school teachers need to hear. Their ridiculous notions that we evolved from apes being taught to our defenceless children. Please avail yourselves the time to read this message in full. The answer is as it is. God created man as man. We did not evolve from beasts.

Man did not evolve from animals but that is what those, who do not believe in God, would have you believe.

June 21, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter since time began and when the world was created by My Eternal Father there has been much confusion about the origin of the human race.

When My Father created the world so that He could have a family much preparation was made.

He created the earth, the seas, the plants, the trees, the mountains, the rivers, the animals and then, on the second last day, when all was in place in Paradise, He created man.

Man, while stained with sin, is a sacred creature. Animals are there to serve mankind.

Man did not evolve from animals but that is what those, who do not believe in God, would have you believe.

Evolution theories, which claim that man came from animals, is a lie. They can never be proved.

Satan, his fallen angels and every devil which springs from the enemy of God, has convinced man of this terrible lie.

Man is a child of God but in order to demean the human child of God, Satan wants to create confusion in the hearts of humanity.

Why does he promote this lie through false teachings? So he can prove that man evolved from apes and then convince them that they were not created by the Hand of My Eternal Father.

This is one of the greatest lies perpetrated by the devil using the souls of those men who claim they are more intelligent than the rest of their brothers and sisters.

Scientists declare that man evolved from animal but they are being deceived.

Science is flawed when it attempts to declare the truth about the creation of the universe.

No man understands the miracle of Divine Creation.

If man believes he knows all the answers about the origins of humanity, based on human reasoning, then he deceives not only other poor souls, but himself.

When there is no love of God present in such souls who believe in the superiority of human intelligence then atheism spreads like a weed.

This weed, which grows in every direction contaminates and destroys every crop in sight and creates disease.

The only cure is to seek help from God through humble prayer and ask that the Truth be revealed.

So many untruths spread by atheists, who try to prove that God does not exist, have destroyed millions of souls. Their victims need your prayers.

Atheism is the biggest religion in the world and those who have devoted their lives to this deceit are lost for eternity.

They will face the fires of Hell.

Unless they turn to Me, during or after The Warning, they will suffer a terrible chastisement.

Pray for them.

Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: I can, with my son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate.


“I, the Mother of God, as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix have been given the graces to destroy the serpent. By asking me to help you I can offer you protection children from fear. I can, with my son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate. Satan cannot harm or attack all those who say My Holy Rosary every day.”

Virgin Mary: I can, with my son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate.

June 20, 2012 

"My child how my Son suffers at this time and how my own suffering is entwined with His.

Those who cause suffering to others crucify my Son.

When they do terrible things which cause hardship, pain and death to God’s children they re-create the Passion of my Son.

Those who follow the path of the deceiver are being tempted every second by the fallen angels led by Satan.

Many of them do not know this so you must pray for them.

Many of them do not realise that they are being used by the evil one to achieve his destruction of the human race.

Very soon they will be discarded by Satan when they serve no further purpose.

My Son will be waiting to welcome such sinners back into His Sacred Arms so merciful is He.

The wicked plans being perpetrated by Satan, invisible to all, are to bring about grief to my Eternal Father. By hurting their brothers and sisters, those hardened sinners, hurt God.

Never think that they will achieve all that they set out to do.

I, the Mother of God, as Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix have been given the graces to destroy the serpent.
By asking me to help you I can offer you protection children from fear.

I can, with my son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate.

Satan cannot harm or attack all those who say my Holy Rosary every day.

By reciting three or more Rosaries you can extend this protection for others. If even a hundred people could do this they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one.

You must gather together children and pray to protect yourselves.

You must be generous of heart and pray for your enemies for many of them do not realise what they are doing.

By trusting in my Son completely and accepting the gifts He now brings you through His teachings and prophecies you can wipe out all your fears.

Satan preys and feeds on fear. Face the Truth and use prayer to mitigate the evil plans underway by those evil groups who want to destroy humanity.

Feel the love of my Son by opening your hearts. Hand me, the Mother of Salvation, your worries and I will take them to my Son.

Then I will cover you with my most holy mantle and you will feel a strength which can only come from Heaven.

Only then will you be filled with peace, courage and the determination to become part of God’s army. This army, already forming, is made up of the multitudes across every nation.

They will march to the end and cannot be defeated.

Thank you my child for responding to my call.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation"

Come to Me all of you who feel unworthy. I am waiting for you.


“You are precious to Me. I love you just as I love all of God’s children. Never believe you are loved less because you sin. Sin, while abhorrent to Me, is the stain with which you were born. It is almost impossible for any soul on earth not to sin. Never feel I could never help you or welcome you into My arms.”

Come to Me all of you who feel unworthy. I am waiting for you.

June 21, 2012

"My dearly beloved daughter My followers must understand that like any good parent I will always want what is best for them.

I will never give them everything they ask for unless it is according to My Most Holy Will.

I will never let them wander off the path of Truth without coaxing them back to Me.

I will always try to protect them from all harm.

I will also chastise them for any wrongdoing.

I will, and can, become angry when they do evil onto others.

I will also forgive them when they do wrong if they are truly sorry for the error of their ways.

I am patient. I am not easily shocked and never, nor could I, hold a grudge.

This is why even those who have wandered off lost and who feel empty inside should ask Me to hold them, love them and bring them the Divine Love that will bring them true peace.

So many people are lost and have forgotten Me.

Many, because of the sinful lives they have led, are reluctant to turn to Me. They feel awkward, don’t know how to pray and believe, wrongly, that it is too late for them. How wrong they are. They must never forget that I offered up My life on earth for each one of you.

I don’t give up on souls that easily. I love all those who, through their actions, deeds and thoughts, break My Father’s Laws.

You are precious to Me. I love you just as I love all of God’s children.

Never believe you are loved less because you sin. Sin, while abhorrent to Me, is the stain with which you were born.

It is almost impossible for any soul on earth not to sin.

Never feel I could never help you or welcome you into My Arms.

You will stand first in line to enter My New Paradise on earth, which will last 1,000 years when you turn to Me.

All I asked is that you speak with Me in these words

Crusade Prayer (62) For Lost and Helpless Sinners

O Jesus help me for I am a sinner lost, helpless and in darkness
I am weak and lack the courage to seek You out
Give me the strength to call You now so that I can break away from the darkness within my soul

Bring me into Your light Dear Jesus, forgive me
Help me to become whole again and lead me to Your
Love, peace and Eternal Life.
I trust You completely and I ask You to take me in mind, body and soul as I surrender to Your Divine Mercy.Amen.

Come to Me all of you who feel unworthy. I am waiting for you. All it takes is to hold out your hand and reach Me.

I listen. I see. I weep. I love you.

I will never give up until you are in My Arms and My Divine Mercy floods your soul.

Soon you will finally see the Truth of My Great Mercy

Your doubts will fall away like an outer shell to reveal your soul which will be filled with the light and you will come running towards Me.

I await that day with great hope and joy.

Only when every poor lost soul knows that only I, Jesus Christ, can save them will My Heart be healed.

Remember I may condemn the sin but I love every sinner no matter what they have done.

Never be afraid to come to Me, to talk to Me, for I love you too much to reject you when you show true remorse.

Your beloved Jesus"

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.


Anyone who may read this, please, please don't allow the chip to be implanted. This is literally our only chance for survival - DO NOT ACCCEPT IT! Rely on God's Providence - He will provide for us and He will destroy the powers that have placed us in this precarious position. Jesus I Trust in You.

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.
June 17, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.

Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.

Their evil schemes would shock all those innocent souls who have no idea how powerful they are.

Driven by a lust for power, wealth and a desire to be godlike in all they do, they believe they are invincible.

They control banks, governments and are responsible for causing terror in the Middle East.

They control much of the world’s media and the truth of their wickedness is hidden behind so called humanitarian organisations.

Sadly very few of God’s children know of their plans.

Know that the hand of My Father will fall so suddenly and swiftly on those nations who protect such evil leaders.

They will be struck with Tsunamis and earthquakes of such a magnitude that they will be wiped out.

Those who believe that they are so powerful will see fire falling from the skies just before My Second Coming.

The seas will become lakes of fire and they will find it hard to hide from the hand of punishment poured out upon those wicked souls who will refuse My Cup.

Defiant up to the end they will fight My Eternal Father and the power of the Heavens.

Siding with the antichrist, from the groups from which he evolves, they will realise the error of their ways when it is too late for them.

Many of these groups, including leaders of banks, governments, heads of large businesses all of them interlinked, and working together to make paupers out of ordinary people, will convert after The Warning. So this is good.

The time for me to separate those souls who love me from those who side with the evil one is not far away.

Be warned. There will only be so much time in which to convert. The souls most in need of My Mercy belong to these wicked groups who have no respect for the laws of God.

You must pray that they will see the Truth.

You must pray that they stop inflicting hardships through the terrible laws they mean to bring about.

You must pray to stop the genocide they plan, worse than what Hitler did in World War 2.

This group, the largest in number since their formation in the middle ages, are Satan’s army. They will be led by the antichrist. They have been planning to bring about their control of banks for decades.

They have been planning the introduction of the Mark of the Beast, a chip which every man and woman will be forced to have implanted in their bodies to access food, for fifteen years.* (this refers to the PAST 15 years in which this has been planned)

Now that the time has come for them to unveil their New World Currency know that prayer, and much of it, can help mitigate much of their plan.

Here is a prayer to avert One World Control.

Crusade Prayer (61) Avert One World Control

O Dear Heavenly Father in memory of the Crucifixion of your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, I beg you to protect us, your children, from the Crucifixion being planned to destroy your children by the
Antichrist and his followers.

Give us the graces we need to refuse the mark of the beast and Bestow upon us the help we need to fight the evil in the world spread by those who follow the way of Satan.

We beseech you, Dear Father, to protect all of your children  In these terrible times and make us strong enough to stand up and proclaim your Holy Word at all times.


My daughter I am saddened to have to reveal these things. My followers need to understand what is happening.

Those who do not believe in these messages will be in no doubt when the antichrist presents him as I have foretold.

You must unite in groups around the world in prayer,

The more of My followers who do this the stronger will the presence be of the Holy Spirit and the weaker then will be the army of Satan.

Try not to be fearful for such a persecution can be faced fearlessly.

Once you prepare well by following My instructions and keeping in daily prayer the time will be swift.

Trust in Me always.

Remember I died for your sins. It is only fitting that you allow Me lead you in this time towards the New Kingdom on Earth.

Only I, Jesus Christ, can lead you. Remember that without Me you are nothing.

Your Jesus"

The Warning, while not to be feared, will cause pain in those not in a State of Grace


Our prayers will help our families to be saved at the time of the Warning. They will get through the pain that we must all realise is a purification for our souls to be good enough to enter the New Paradise, how else will God bring us to our knees definitely, once and for all except for this? We find hardship and trial from deluge, earthquake, fire and famine etc, but does it bring us all to our senses simultaneously never to go against God ever again? He sent them so we would, but did our human will get the hint? So this is going to give us the shake up we need. For those in our families facing this trial, prayer and offerings are needed.

The Warning, while not to be feared, will cause pain in those not in a State of Grace

June 14, 2012  

"I, your beloved Jesus wish you, My dearly beloved daughter, to ask all of My followers to heed My Instructions.

Look to each member of your own family, those among your midst, who do not follow My Teachings.

Look amongst you for those souls lost to Me, who outwardly reject Me. Then I ask that you pray hard for them at this time.

You must beg for Mercy for their souls. Your prayers and sacrifices can save them from a terrible suffering during the Purification at The Warning.

The Warning, while not to be feared and must be welcomed as My special Gift, will cause pain in those who are not in a state of grace.

Prepare your souls beforehand for healthy souls will find The Warning a Joyous Event.

They will not suffer because they will be in a state of grace, especially if they receive the Sacrament of Confession regularly.

Their strength will help those who must go through the pain of Purgatory after The Warning.

Help those who will not listen through the daily recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Offer a sacrifice, to Me your Jesus, in reparation for the sins of your families.

I will show Mercy to everyone who accepts the black state of their souls, when they are shown their sins during The Warning.

Only those with genuine humility and a pure heart will be forgiven.

Those, including children who forsake Me, are in desperate need of your prayers.

Here is the prayer which you must recite for their conversion during The Warning

Crusade Prayer (60) Prayer for conversion of families during The Warning

O Dear Sweet Jesus I beg for Mercy for the souls of my family (name them here)

I offer you my sufferings, my trials and my prayers to save their souls from the spirit of darkness

Let not one of these, Your children denounce You or Reject Your Hand of Mercy Open their hearts to entwine with Your Sacred Heart so that they can seek the forgiveness necessary to save them from the fires of Hell

Give them the chance to make amends so that they can be converted with the Rays of Your Divine Mercy.


Children of God, prepare every day for The Warning for it can happen at any time.

Your Jesus"

Be warned. The New World Religion will seem, on the outside a good and holy organisation full of love and compassion.


Oh how we can see this unfolding in Churches around the world. The parading of priests and liturgical dancing which isn't liturgical at all. How they mock Jesus and are proud of their sinful acts. The Altar means very little to so many priests and Bishops. Where is their conviction? Little by little until the New World Religion is formed, we will see snippets of the abomination infecting the Church - The Apostasy has begun and we would be prudent to have our eyes open and not veiled in ignorance.
Be warned. The New World Religion will seem, on the outside a good and holy organisation full of love and compassion.

July 8, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter the great apostasy I spoke of is now gathering pace in the world.

This time it spreads like a veil over My Holy Church on earth and clouds its vision like a deep fog.

This is the time for the great separation of My Church into two camps.

On the one side you will have My beloved loyal sacred servants who follow My teachings and who never deviate from them.

On the other side there are those priests and other leaders in My Christian Churches who are influenced by modern life and who will desecrate My Laws.

They bow to the pressures from people who demand that they show tolerance in the name of God by changing God’s Laws to suit human demands.

They are full of pride, arrogance and worldly ambitions. Not to them will it matter if they change the Holy Sacraments to suit a sinful agenda.

Now they will facilitate acts of abomination to be committed in My Father’s Churches and all in the name of civil rights and tolerance.

They will condone sin and will insult Me by parading such sins in front of My Sacred Tabernacles expecting Me to swallow such vile acts.

Soon they will abolish the Sacraments to suit all.

In their place there will be held celebration parties and other forms of entertainment.

This will become a New World church which will boast an impressive building in Rome but which will not honour God.

It will be built with secret satanic symbols for all to see and it will idolise the beast.

Every sin, abhorrent to My beloved Father will be publicly honoured and millions of people will accept their laws of depravity as being worthy in the Eyes of God.

My sacred servants who remain loyal to me will have to hold secret Masses or face imprisonment.

They will gather in force and, filled with the Holy Spirit, they will continue to feed God’s children with the Food of Life.

They must ensure that all those they lead are offered the protection of the Seal of the Living God.

The time is very close now for the New Temple, to be built in honour of the Beast.

This will be built under the dictatorship of the antichrist who will enter the world stage shortly as the man of peace.

Gather together all My followers as soon as you can. My priests who recognise My Voice, you must begin your preparations to ensure that My Church on Earth can endure, with strength, the forthcoming persecution.

In time the refuges will be ready for you to use for I have been instructing My followers for some time to ensure that they will serve your purpose.

This persecution will be short and you will get through it, painful though it will be.

Be warned. The New World Religion will seem, on the outside a good and holy organisation full of love and compassion.

It will exude a magnificent image of tolerance and will extol every sin known to God. It will twist each sin so that it appears to become acceptable in the Eyes of God.

But you must know that such abomination sickens Me and woe to those who follow this dangerous path to eternal damnation.

Sin will always be sin in My Eyes.

Time does not change this. New rules, to suit man’s craving for sinful pursuits, will never be accepted by Me.

Prepare now for this great deception for it will take place very soon.

Your Jesus."

They may not listen but they must be given the Word of God.


Pray that our priests, bishops and cardinals will open their hearts to these Messages given by Jesus so that they will lead the flock through these imminent times.

They may not listen but they must be given the Word of God.

July 7, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter when I ask humanity to listen to My Voice it wounds Me when those who love Me say I would never speak in this way.

If only they would listen, then My Heart would be lifted and so many more souls would be saved.

The preparation for My Second Coming is being imparted by My Divine Lips through these messages.

The preparation for My birth was also made known through the prophets beforehand to alert God’s children to the coming of the Messiah.

Why do My disciples on earth refuse to accept that My Father would send His prophets to herald My Second Coming?

How little they really know about the way in which My Eternal Father prepares humanity for great events.

My clergy, My sacred servants, need to hear My call now for I need their help. Yet many will fail to respond. They will reject Me, through My messages.

They will realise the Truth but only when it is too late.

My daughter never be afraid to publish My messages, including those you find strange or frightening.

They may not listen but they must be given the Word of God.

It is not for man to dictate that you stop imparting the Holy Word of God.

Close your ears and ignore the scorn of opinion for it is not important.

To those of you who call yourselves Christians and who pour scorn on My message I say this.

By tearing My word asunder, by finding My messages offensive and by ridiculing My Word you have cut the cord which binds you to My Heart.

You cannot accept My messages because you think you know Me and recognise My Words when they are spoken. Instead, you have fallen prey to the deceiver who blinds you to the Truth.

I call on all of you, once again, to call on Me, your beloved Jesus, and allow Me to open your hearts.

Let Me fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit so that you will recognise Me.

To priests, I urge that you understand that the time has come for the prophecies of Daniel to unfold and for the Seals in the Book of Revelation to be opened by Me, the Lamb of God.

Remind yourselves of My Promise.

I will come again to judge the living and the dead.

My Promise to bring eternal life to all those loyal to Me is about to unfold.

You must ensure that you have prepared adequately for this Glorious Event.

Your Jesus"

One third of the earth will be destroyed as the angels pour fire from the four corners of the Heavens


Nothing to fear. The Lord has everything in Hand. We must take His messages to us seriously now as time is short. I for one have to do more to spread these to more people even where I live....not easy as we have a very apathetic and secular society even in my own parish. Give us strength Lord and help us to fight the good fight for You. You need us and You have us, just give us the strength each day. Amen.

One third of the earth will be destroyed as the angels pour fire from the four corners of the Heavens

July 6, 2012 

"My dearly beloved daughter the time has been set aside so that these, My Holy Messages to the world, are heard by every soul, young and old, throughout each nation.

Many of God’s children will sit up and listen to My instructions if they are given access to these messages.

Know now that changes have already begun as prophesied where the crops will no longer yield their fruit as before and when the seasons will no longer be the same.

These changes are by the Hand of My Eternal Father as He brings in new laws of the earth which no man will fail to notice.

Nothing in the world governed by the laws of nature will remain as they once did.

The seas will rise, the waters will pour, the earth will shake and the soil will become barren.

My Father will impose a great chastisement to stop the spread of sin which is a source of great sorrow for Him.

Those nations which defy His Laws will suffer much. They will soon understand that their sins will no longer be tolerated and they will be punished.

Their punishment is to prevent them from infesting other souls and unless they change their wicked ways they will be forced to do so through divine intervention.

My daughter you must spread My Word quickly now as The Warning draws closer.

Many nations must be given the Book of Truth so that they can prepare themselves for My Second Coming.

The time for My Second Coming will be after The Warning.

Chastisements, handed down by the angels in Heaven, by the command of My Father, have commenced in stages. These will continue to escalate as sin continues to surge.

The battle has begun and the early stages can be seen in many countries.

You will all bear witness to climate destruction which will rain upon the earth as it groans in pain because of the degradation of sin.

The shaking will increase and nation after nation will suffer according to the stain of sin which corrupts its core.

Leaders who follow the anti-christ will not escape the Eye of My Father and they will be destroyed.

My Father punishes those who lead wicked governments now in order to salvage His children from their wicked grasp.

He will not stand back and watch as these leaders, who follow the anti-christ who remains hidden at this time, destroy His children.

One third of the earth will be destroyed as the angels pour fire from the four corners of the Heavens.

Then many will know that something is wrong and that is caused because of the anger of My Father.

Yet many will still not learn.After the Warning, many will convert. Yet many won’t even when they are all given the proof of the state of their souls.

They will still idolise the false allure which they think the earth has to offer. Only this time their lusts and those material idols they worship will become even more obscene and wicked. All their sins, visible to all those who can see them for what they are, will become so ugly that few of God’s children will be able to bear to watch.

Every abhorrent sin will be publicly displayed with contempt for God.

Every action will degrade the sinner to such depths that they will behave like animals.

All respect for the human body will disappear and every evil lust will be flaunted for the world to see without any shame in their souls.

These are Satan’s prisoners. All of them are children of God but they will lose their souls to the beast.

Chastisements are part of God’s plans to cleanse the earth in order to purify both the sinner and the ground you walk on.

Only when the earth is purified can My Second Coming take place.

Pray, My followers, for the courage and the fortitude to deal with the chastisements.

You must never fear them for you, My army, will pray for those, those nations and help in the purification needed for the conversion of humanity.

The Seal of the Living God will protect each and every one of you.

It is because of the love My Father has for all of His children that he must chastise them for if He doesn’t they will march forward, unwittingly, towards the gates of Hell.

Your Jesus"

The worst suffering of all is the spiritual emptiness where you cannot feel one ounce of love for Me, your Jesus


We can imagine how distant Mother Theresa probably felt during "her dark long night", although she knew what her suffering was all about. Jesus tells us that we experience this because we are so close to His Heart. Mother Theresa was close indeed. Offer up these times of spiritual drought so Our Dear Lord can use it for the good of souls. He will lift us up high in His Love for us. Even a few words "Jesus and Mary I love You, save the souls" is a great prayer if we can't bring ourselves out of our despairing
The worst suffering of all is the spiritual emptiness where you cannot feel one ounce of love for Me, your Jesus

July 3, 2012

"My dearly beloved daughter when I send you trials such as spiritual dryness you must learn to recognise them as such.

You must also accept that when you endure such dryness of soul that it is for a reason. The reason is to save souls through such suffering.

Many victim souls believe suffering is one of two things.

Firstly there is the external persecution which you will suffer because of your work.

Then there is the physical suffering, offered freely to Me, as a gift, to save the souls of millions.

Then the worst suffering of all is the spiritual emptiness where you cannot feel one ounce of love for Me, your Jesus, where no amount of praying releases you from the prison of desolation.

Try as you will, prayer will become torturous.

Try as you will to feel love and compassion for Me and you will struggle.

This is a form of spiritual abandonment where I seem to be so far away that you can no longer reach out to Me.

What you do not know is this.

This is a Gift, a grace from Me. It raises you up in My Eyes and the trials and sufferings you endure is allowed by Me because of your generous and pure love to save blackened souls.

It may seem unfair but the closer you come to My Sacred Heart, the more you suffer My own persecution because of the sins of mankind.

Only those with pure humble hearts, with no personal regard for themselves, when they place Me before all that is of this earth, can endure My pain.

Such souls are chosen carefully by Me and will work with Me, through their gift of suffering, to help Me in My Plan of Salvation.

Never fear My daughter that I am not there. You may not feel My presence, see Me or feel a deep love for Me as you would normally do but I am by your side.

Always trust in Me, My beloved followers, even when you find it hard to pray.

Trust in Me when you feel a longing for Me, which cannot be satisfied or quenched, no matter how hard you try to communicate with Me.

Know when this happens that I am much closer than you realise.

Know that it is at these times that I elevate you to become a true soldier, a true fighter in My battle to save souls.

I love you. Never give up. Never feel disillusioned for I walk with you always.

The day will come when the suffering will be forgotten. In its place will be a joy which will surge through the world and which will only be possible because of your sacrifices for all of God’s children who need your help.

Your Jesus"

Virgin Mary: Whatever happens in the world children you must know that God the Most High is in command.


Our Lady is asking us not to be fearful of the times ahead. We have much to look forward to. But pray for those in darkness and lukewarmness whose souls are prime fodder for the devil. He has little power against God, but their souls are at risk of being engulfed with a thick blackness that they have little defence against to get themselves out. We must pray and make sacrifices for them. Anything at all, just offer it all up for these souls still so precious to Jesus. He wants to save everyone!
Virgin Mary: Whatever happens in the world children you must know that God the Most High is in command.

July 4, 2012 

My child those who have witnessed the miracles of my appearances on earth will know that the time for the secrets and the prophecies foretold will unfold soon.

Children I have made myself known in the world for some time to help prepare you for the glorious return of my Son.

My Son is preparing all of you through the visionaries and the prophets so that you will be made worthy to receive His Gift of eternal life.

You must never be fearful of the future if you believe in my Son because He is the Bread of Life and you will have a wonderful new future.

Whatever happens in the world children you must know that God the Most High is in command.

The serpent has little power against My Father.

The serpent’s power is only strengthened by those who fall prey to sin and the temptations he puts in their way.

Man becomes a prisoner when he sins because his power to resist other sins and offenses against My Father weakens.

Then he continues to sin until he is engulfed with a darkness which is so thick that he cannot escape from it, no matter how hard he tries.

Children you are now obliged, out of your love for my Son, to help those poor souls.

Only you can help them and save them because many will not be able to help themselves.

You are the soldiers my Son needs at this time. It will be through your love for Him that He will grant graces upon lost souls when you invoke His help through your prayers.

Here is the Crusade Prayer to save sinners.

Crusade Prayer (64) Save my brothers and sisters

Oh my dearest Saviour Jesus Christ
accept my gift of prayer and sacrifices to help save my brothers and sisters
from the prison of darkness they are in
Allow me to help salvage their souls
I beg you to forgive them for their sins and I ask
that you flood their souls with the Holy Spirit
so that they will run into your arms as the refuge they so desperately need before they are lost forever
I offer you my gift of surrender for such souls in humble servitude and thanksgiving.Amen

Children you are one with my Son.

Your love brings Him great comfort and your sacrifices and prayers will help Him to bring all of humanity into the safety of His New Paradise on earth.

Only then can the Holy Family of God the Most High re-unite and live in peace for ever and ever.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation"

The Sacraments of the Holy Confession, Baptism, Marriage and the Holy Eucharist must be preserved.

Please don't take the Sacraments or going to Holy Mass for granted. All too soon it may be taken away. If our Priests are warned about this being a probability, then they will be better prepared to say home Masses and offer the Sacraments secretly to Jesus' followers.

The Sacraments of the Holy Confession, Baptism, Marriage and the Holy Eucharist must be preserved.

July 1, 2012

"My dearly beloved daughter how sin crushes Me at this moment and how I suffer the torment of rejection.

My head is being crushed like the thorns in My Crown just as the Head of My Church, My Holy Vicar on earth, suffers the pain through the persecution he endures at the hand of his enemies.

My Church on earth, My Body on earth, is one. The crucifixion is being prepared.

The doctrines of My Church, just as My teachings on earth were torn asunder by those Pharisees and those who thought they knew the Word of My Father more than I did, will soon be thrown asunder.

You must all pray for My Church on earth. You must always remember that no other doctrine exists other than that proclaimed by Me during My time on earth.

All that is the Truth will never be changed for if it is you will be forced to swallow a lie.

My daughter never allow those who continued to reject My Word at this time to discourage you, or My followers, from helping Me to salvage My Church on earth.

For once the enemy attacks My Church you must join together and ensure that the Gospels are spread to the ends of the earth.

The Sacraments of the Holy Confession, Baptism, Marriage and the Holy Eucharist must be preserved. Even these will be made difficult to access.

My sacred servants who love Me must begin preparation now. Very soon you will be forbidden to offer such Gifts to God’s children.

The time for preparation has begun.

Allow Me to instruct you, lead you and help you bring My Remnant Church to the gates of Paradise.

Your beloved Jesus"

Virgin Mary: So many false religions and false doctrines created out of the imagination of humanity now infest the earth.


Pray for the Grace to recognise the false doctrines and religions and those speaking against the Gospel. Pray the Rosary and keep it in your pocket. Don't leave home without it!

Virgin Mary: So many false religions and false doctrines created out of the imagination of humanity now infest the earth.

June 29, 2012 

"My child a terrible darkness descends over the world as the apostasy which grips it deepens.

Love for God has been cast aside.

Love for my Son has dwindled and, in its place, is a love of oneself.

Greed and a love of power infests souls everywhere and the pursuit of self-love has been admired and accepted as being the correct way to live your lives.

Children, it is at this time that you must pray to help enlighten those souls who are in the dark.

They do not know the Truth of my Son’s Sacrifice or what His terrible Crucifixion meant.

His Gift of Salvation has been cast aside as if it never happened. Then those who are aware of what His Death on the Cross meant, have decided to look to different false Gods in order to bring them peace. They will never achieve such peace.

Peace of soul can only be brought about through allegiance and prayer to my Son.

Only the pure and humble of heart, who place their full trust in Him, can have eternal life.

So many false religions and false doctrines, created out of the imagination of humanity, now infest the earth.

So many are being guided by dangerous false beliefs that they will lead lost souls to Hell.

The fallen angels are everywhere children. Be on your guard for they will target, especially, all those who honour me, your Beloved Mother, in order to confuse you.

They will prevent you from praying. They will plant constant doubts about the Love of God in your minds.They will distract you with temptations of the senses. It will take much prayer to keep them away. My Rosary is your most important protection.

My Son, at this time, is granting many graces to those who listen, hear and accept His Holy Messages to the world.

He does this to give you strength and perseverance in this mission to save humanity from eternal damnation.

Accept these graces, Children, with love for you are very special to have been chosen to follow Him at this time.

As His Remnant Church on earth you will need the bread of life at all times for you will not find this journey easy.

Here is a special Crusade Prayer to help keep you strong in your mission.

Crusade Prayer (63) Preserve me on this journey

My beloved Mother of Salvation I ask you to pray that
I am given the Food of Life to preserve me on this journey
to help save all of God’s children.
Please help all those who are being deceived by false idols and false gods
to open their eyes to the Truth of your Son’s Death on the Cross
to save every one of God’s children and to bring each one eternal life.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation"

New Paradise: You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.


My Jesus, Paradise is Beautiful! Thankyou for Loving us so much! This is what our families have to look forward to!
New Paradise: You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.

June 26, 2012 

My dearly beloved daughter the New Paradise has now been completed in its full glory ready for all of God’s children on earth.

It will be presented, in all its glory, just like the Paradise created by My Eternal Father for His children in the beginning.

How the angels sing and rejoice for the time to unveil this great splendour to a disbelieving world is very close.

It will be presented by Me when the New Jerusalem descends upon the earth at the ringing of My Second Coming.

You, My daughter, will be told to announce this just before I make myself known.

Only those who accept Me as the Messiah will be able to enter its magnificent gates.

Every call from Heaven will be made to reach out to all those who will still reject My great gift right up to the very last trumpet.

Then it will be too late for those poor souls. They will be beyond help after that as My Mercy will have been thrown back in My Face in outright rejection.

All that matters now is to warn all those who are in danger of losing their souls to Satan.

Gather them up My followers. Coax them gently into My flock. Never give up your prayers to salvage them.

Oh My beloved followers if you could see the New Paradise when Heaven and Earth will merge as one you would drop down on your knees and weep with joy and relief.

For those of you frightened about the end times, when the earth as you know it will change, then you must allow Me to ease your worries.

You will take your family with you and all with rejoice in pure utter love and harmony.

You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and ageing.

You all will have your own dwelling with grass, trees, mountains, rivers, streams and flowers surrounding you in all their glorious beauty.

Animals will be tame and live in peace and in harmony with all of God’s children.

You see your children marry, have children and the miracle of families, risen from the dead, will be witnessed by all.

This resurrection will be like no other joy imaginable.

You will be reunited with your loves ones who passed away in this life and went to Heaven.

You will have nations, twelve in total, all signified by the twelve stars in the crown on my My Mother’s Immaculate head, all of which will be governed by Me with My Apostles and Prophets.

This is My Kingdom, promised by My Father since He created Paradise on Earth. Anyone who rejects it will perish.

Pray that all of God’s children will have the purity of soul to enable them to come home to My Father’s Kingdom on Earth, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end, for ever and ever.

Your Jesus"

God the Father: I reveal My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth.

Heavenly Father, tears of joy are flowing. Thankyou for allowing us this knowledge. How important are our prayers for humanity to be saved. Father we honour You, we love You, we obey You. Give us the strength and endurance to see these troubled times through. Let our faith prevail and our prayers multiply. In Your Divine Will draw us forth into Your New Paradise. Amen

God the Father: I reveal My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth.

June 27, 2012

"My dearest daughter today I reveal to all My Children My future plans for the New Heavens and the New Earth

When they merge into one glorious Paradise there will be twelve nations.

These nations will consist of some nations in the world who have shown allegiance to Me, God the Father, My Son Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven.

Those scattered will be brought together to join those other nations as one, united as one Holy Family.

My Will, will be honoured. You will all have the gift of free will but it will be entwined with Mine. Only then will the truth of Paradise be truly revealed.

My Twelve nations are signified in the twelve stars on the woman in the Book of Revelation.

The woman is the Mother of God and she wears the twelve stars to signify two things.

The twelve apostles helped My Son to set up His Church on Earth.

The twelve specially chosen nations will form the one true apostolic Church on the New Earth when Heaven and Earth merge as one in My New Glorious Paradise.

This is the moment I have been waiting patiently for.

My Divine Will, which created Paradise for Adam and Eve and which was thrown aside caused by temptation by the evil one, will now be done and the this time Paradise will be perfect.

My Son, King of Mankind, King of the Universe, will reign over My New Paradise on Earth.

He will appoint leaders in every nation all joined together by My Divine Will.

The people of those nations will honour My Son in the way in which He must be, the only way, in peace and love for one another.

His Blessed Mother, the Mother of Salvation, was crowned Queen of Heaven and will also reign as Queen of the New Paradise.

Her Coronation in Heaven was a very special Divine Manifestation of her role in the future of the salvation of the world.

She was crowned in great honour and splendour for the role she played, not only as the Mother of God and as spouse of the Holy Spirit, but as the Mother of Salvation given the power to destroy Satan.

It was My Beloved Son who lovingly placed the crown of twelve stars on the head of the Mother of God at her Coronation.

It will be My Son who will place the crown on her head in the New Paradise as Queen of all God’s children.

My Divine Plan to save humanity has already begun.

It is My desire that this Mission will help Me gather lost souls in every corner of the earth and save them from the enemy before it is too late.

My Divine intervention will prove My love for all of My children.

Nothing is impossible. Nothing is hopeless in My battle against Satan’s army.

I will bring you a new world that will astound you in all its magnificent glory. It is ready.

Its beauty and splendour is beyond your human capacity to envisage.

When you do witness it, you will have eternal life.

Pray that those poor children of mine who do not believe in Me, God the Most High, who do not obey My Laws and who commit terrible atrocities against each other, repent.

I do not want to lose one child of Mine.

Help Me to bring them this wonderful glorious inheritance. Unfortunately it must be by their own free will.

I love you children with a passion unknown to humanity.

Come to Me through My Son as one.

The time for the New Paradise on earth is very near but you have been accorded the time to help convert humanity through this Mission of the 7th Angel on earth who works with My Son to bring My family to Me.

Your Loving Father

Creator of all things visible and invisible

God the Most High"

Monday, 27 April 2015

God the Father: Earthquakes will be felt as part of a small chastisement before The Warning

Regarding Ecological Events:

Many events are happening throughout the world that each of us needs to ask 'Why are all these things taking place?'

Could it be that we are to see a deeper meaning in these events?

Could it be that God is Speaking to us through them?

Here are a few Messages we have been given which explain just what we are seeing now and why:

"God the Father: Earthquakes will be felt as part of a small chastisement before The Warning.
I Am God the Father, Creator of all things. I come in the Name of the Holy Trinity.
My beloved daughter, I announce today that all the preparations have now been completed for My Son’s Great Mercy.
Please inform My children of their duty to pray for all souls who have removed themselves from Me, their Eternal Father. Only you can, children, help save these souls.
I also wish to inform you that a number of earthquakes will be felt, as I cast down a small chastisement, to punish those wicked souls who torment their fellow countrymen.
My daughter, once this chastisement is over it will be time for The Warning. Mankind will honour My Son, when they will seek forgiveness, for the way in which they have offended Me.
Many will convert. Many will die. Of those who will die, their souls can be saved through your prayers. After that, the world will calm a little, and time will be given to repent.
Remember, I love all of My children, but like any goodfather, I must punish My children, in order for them to understand the difference between right and wrong. This cleansing will waken up My children and many more will accept the Graces, with gratitude, when they are poured over humanity during The Warning.
I love you, children, and it is My desire to save each of you, including those, hardened of soul, who will not accept the Existence the Holy Trinity.
Your beloved Father
God of the Most High"

"It will be by their hand that lightning, earthquakes and tsunamis will strike the earth
My dearly beloved daughter, there is a plan to commence a surge of global preaching.
This preaching will not be of God. Instead, it will preach a lie, which will state, that God does not, and cannot, exist.
They will say, using human reasoning and scientific evaluation, that God is just a figment of man’s imagination.
This preaching is no accident, for it is a well-planned and coordinated campaign plotted by these atheists  whose allegiance is to the evil one.
Their hearts, minds and souls have been stolen by Satan, who uses their pride of human intellect to arrogantly proclaim lies to block the Truth.
This is a plan to turn the hearts of people everywhere to stone, just as their own hearts are cold and unloving. Then there will be an announcement that a new substitute religion will be introduced into law.
The one world religion will pay homage to the beast, because it will be by the hand of slaves to the king of darkness that this atrocity will come about.
The atheists who will mastermind this plan are devout followers of Satan.
Make no mistake – they idolise the beast and think nothing of the hurt and torment which their actions will bring about.
Their mission is to abolish allegiance to the one True God, the God who loves every one of the children He created. They will reject the efforts now being made from Heaven to save humanity from final destruction.
It will be by their hand that lightning, earthquakes and tsunamis will strike the earth.
They will be stopped.
They will suffer terribly and their agonising end has been foretold.
The Battle of Armageddon will be fierce, for God will no longer sit back and allow such infestation.
Terrible chastisements, of such magnitude, will wipe out those heathen who reject the Word of God.
Prayer to God seeking Mercy is the only way to mitigate such chastisements.
Your prayers, begging for the forgiveness of their sins, is the only way in which such souls can be saved.
My daughter, much destruction will result because of the wicked work, which these atheists groups intend to force upon the earth.
Many do not know the seriousness of their actions.
Many, however, do know exactly what they are doing, for they are liars.
They do believe in God, for they have chosen His nemesis, the devil, as their god by their own free choice.
All they want is to steal souls.
God My Father will, by His Power, intervene not merely to punish them, but to salvage souls before they are stolen from Him.
Your Jesus"

"Earthquakes will be of such magnitude that they will be felt across multiple countries, at the same time.
My dearly beloved daughter, when the time comes for Me to make Myself known, at My Second Coming, you will not recognise the world, for it will have changed so much. 
The speed at which humanity will fall into the depths of sin will shock you. Every ugly sin of the flesh will be visible and many will have to watch these sins committed in public places. Very little shame will be shown by the culprits who, like lions in a feeding frenzy, will sink to the lowest depths of depravity, not seen since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Such will the infestation of humanity be, brought about by the evil one, that murders will be committed everywhere and suicide will be rampant. As Satan devours souls, he will ensure that every Law laid down by My Father will be broken. Cold hearts, barren souls and obsession with false gods and evil spirits, will replace the love, which still exists at this time in the world.
My Name will be used to mouth obscenities and they will curse one another in their hearts. My daughter, the Truth can be unbearable at times, but justice will be handed down, by My Father, upon those lands which desecrate His Word. All the punishments handed down by My Father will take place before My Second Coming. Cities will disappear, countries will be awash with the tides of My Father’s Anger and earthquakes will be of such magnitude, that they will be felt across multiple countries, at the same time.
My daughter, you have already been given the information about those cities, which will suffer greatly. You must offer Me your tears, in atonements for the sins of those whose fate lies in darkness. Without your suffering, I cannot do what is needed to save these souls. So please, be generous with your pain and I will show Mercy, for those whom you place before Me.
Mountains will sink, lakes will merge with the seas and lands will be reduced by one third. Rainfall, which matches My Tears of Sorrow, because of the hatred in men’s hearts, will be constant, until My Tears are wiped away, through the reconciliation of sinners, who will be converted. 
Know now, that Gifts given to the world by My Mother, over the centuries, must be used to protect yourselves. Know also, that the Medal of Salvation – more powerful than any other – will be your defense against the lure of the antichrist. Every attempt will be made to stop the Medal of Salvation, but nothing will stop the Powers associated with this Gift.
My beloved followers, you must focus on prayer in these days and place all your trust in Me, for those who are Mine will be protected and you will be My reason for showing Mercy to the afflicted and the heathen. You must never weaken or give up, because if you do, you will find this path towards Me impossible to navigate without My Light, which will be needed every step of the way, if you are to complete this journey.
Your Jesus"

"God the Father: Earthquakes will strike your cities

My dearest daughter, the time has come when man, having sinned and blemished himself in My Eyes, for so long, will now sink into the final depths of depravity, when he will strive to destroy all that is sacred of Mine. 
All life comes from Me. Life of the soul is Mine. Life of the flesh is also of Me. Let no man interfere with either – lest his own life be taken away by Me. Of that you can be sure. Every form of life, which has been brought forth by My Hand, will be killed at the hands of wicked men. They will take life away from those in the womb and declare this to be a form of human right. You, My children, do not have the right to destroy the life of My children – either before or after they are born – and if you do, then you will suffer a terrible chastisement. Without reconciliation and a failure to repent for this sin of abomination, I will destroy you, as well as those countries, which encourage this evil. When you destroy your own life, you offend Me, for it does not belong to you and only I have the right to give life and take it away, in My Time. By tampering with life of the flesh, you interfere with My Divinity and I will never stand back and ignore such an affront to My Creation.
When the taking of life is not enough, man will deviously attack the life of the soul, by bringing death to My Holy Word, upon which he will trample until he grinds every part, so that it will become like gravel under his feet. Then man, arrogant and full of his own warped view of his abilities, will attempt to seek a new planet to find a new home for humanity, although this is impossible. The Gift of the very soil, upon which I placed humanity, will be deemed not to be sufficient for man’s needs. And so it will continue – this march towards self-destruction. Man will be the author of his own demise. He will systematically destroy all that is sacred to Me.
The Gift of life, given by Me to every creature of Mine, will be stolen from Me, by man, without a shred of remorse. He will condone every part of his murderous intent, by declaring the taking of life to be a good thing. Death, by abortion, is the greatest insult of all and I warn humanity that Justice will be Mine, for I will no longer allow you to curse Me in this way.
Earthquakes will strike your cities and for every nation that condones the taking of life, you will feel the wake of My Anger, as I strike your grievous and hateful hearts. Those who seek remorse for this wrongdoing will be spared, but know that not one nation amongst you will escape this chastisement. 
The death of My Church will not be tolerated, as man, along with the false leaders he will slavishly follow, will destroy the Sacraments and recreate them, so that they will disappear. I will pull down your temples and your churches as you continue your desecration of My Son’s Body. You scourged Him, mocked Him and persecuted His followers – until you savagely murdered Him, when you crucified Him. Still, you have not learned. Your lack of humble servitude, to He Who gave you life, brought you Redemption and Who now attempts to prepare you for the Great Day, disgusts Me.
I Am Sorrowful. I Am Saddened and I Am Angry, for you have finally succeeded in killing every form of life I gave you. I refer to both life of the flesh and life of the soul. The life I gave you is no longer enough, so I will take it back on the Last Day, from those of you who have thrown it back at Me. While your act of war against Me, the Creator of the World, of all that is, continues, I will only permit your wicked acts of destruction to last for a very short time.
I give you, now, the time to examine the sins of humanity against everything I hold sacred, so that you can atone for the sins of the world. The final battle has begun and much life – the Gift of life created by Me – will be destroyed by man. And for that I will punish the world.
Your Father
God the Most High"