Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Messages regarding Crusade Prayers 21 - 40

Crusade Prayer (21)Thanksgiving to God the Father for the salvation of mankind

 "Pray now in thanksgiving for this special gift which is now being offered to mankind by My Father, in this the prayer -

We praise You and thank You, O Holy God, the Almighty Creator of mankind, for the Love and Compassion You have for humanity. We thank You for the Gift of Salvation You bestow on Your poor children. We beg You, O Lord, to save those who follow the evil one and that their hearts will be opened to the Truth of their Eternal Life.  Amen.

Rejoice children for this great gift. But you have still much work to do to help souls as many of your brothers and sister will remain stubbornly opposed to the truth of My Holy word. Your Beloved Jesus, Saviour of all Mankind"

Crusade prayer (22) Catholic Priests uphold the teachings of the Church

"Call on Clergy: Prepare my flock for my long awaiting Second Coming

I need you to prepare My flock in order to welcome Me during My long awaited Second Coming on earth. No one will, or can, destroy My Church. Out of the ashes it will rise to proclaim My Glory as I come back to salvage My Kingdom on earth.  You must never desert Me, your beloved Saviour, ever.

O My beloved Jesus, keep me strong and the flame of my love for you alight every moment of my day.  Never allow this flame of love for you to flicker or die. Never allow me to weaken in the presence of temptation.  Give me the graces needed to honour my vocation, my devotion, my loyalty and to uphold the teachings of the Orthodox Catholic Church.  I offer you my allegiance at all times.  I pledge my commitment to fight in your army, so that the Catholic Church can rise again in glory to welcome you, dear Jesus, when you come again. Amen. Your beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ, King of all Mankind”

New Crusade Prayer (23) from the Virgin Mary to pray for Pope Benedict's safety 

"Revealed to Maria Divine Mercy by Our Blessed Mother on Saturday 28 January 2012 at 21.00 hours.

Please, my child, you must pray for Pope Benedict, with all your heart. He suffers so much and in many ways is alone in his grief for the apostasy he sees both outside of and inside the Holy Vatican.

O My Eternal Father on behalf of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ and the suffering he endured to save the world from sin.  I pray now that you protect your Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, Head of your Church on earth, so that he too can help save your children and all your sacred servants from the scourge of Satan and his dominion of fallen angels who walk the earth stealing souls. O Father protect your Pope so that your children can be guided on the true path towards your New Paradise on earth. Amen. Your heavenly Queen of the Earth, Mother of Salvation"

Crusade of Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution

"My army, through their love for Me, will be given very special graces now.

I grant them this Plenary Indulgence to enable them carry My torch of fire so that they can spread conversion. This gift from me will enable them to spread the truth of My Holy Word so that it will touch hearts everywhere they go. They must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and they will be given the gift of total absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit.

O my Jesus, You are the Light of the earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross, yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of Humility, so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honour You. We Praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children, wherever they may be. Amen. Your Beloved Jesus Christ"

Crusade Prayer (25) For protection of visionaries around the world

"They will then spread lies to hurt my Son and delay this Work. They will not understand that this is happening to them because they think it will be their duty to defend the True Word of my Son. By finding fault with these Messages He gives to you, my child, my Son will be tormented. The very foundation of His Church will turn their backs on Him shortly. They will deny Him and then they will crucify Him again.
Pride prevents them from opening their eyes when He stands before them now with loving and open Arms. My child, I urge that all of God’s children unite as one and fight for the salvation of all souls. So many are not listening, my child, to these Messages now, but after The Warning takes place they will. Pray, pray, pray for those souls who inflict hurt, slander and spread untruths about you.

O God of the Most High, I plead with You to offer protection to all Your holy messengers in the world. I pray that they are protected from the hatred of others. I ask that Your most Holy Word is spread quickly all over the world. Protect Your messengers from slander, abuse, lies and every kind of danger. Protect their families and cover them with the Holy Spirit, at all times, so that the Messages they give to the world are heeded with contrite and humble hearts. Amen.

They must ask for the Gift of true discernment, which will only be granted, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, to humble souls, with a pure heart, empty of pride and arrogance. Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation"

Crusade of Prayer (26) Pray the Rosary to help save your nation

In a message given to Maria Divine Mercy on Sunday 05 February 2012 Our Lady urged people to say her Holy Rosary to help save their nation.

“Never forget the importance of my most holy Rosary because when you say it every day you can help save your nation. Satan’s power is weakened when you say my Rosary. He runs away in great pain and becomes powerless. It is most important, no matter what Christian faith you belong to, to say this at least once a day.

Queen of the Holy Rosary, Thou didst deign to come to Fatima to reveal to the three shepherd children the Treasures of Grace hidden in the Rosary. Inspire my heart with a sincere love of this devotion, in order that by meditating on the Mysteries of our Redemption which are recalled in it, I may be enriched by its fruits and obtain peace for the world, the conversion of sinners and of Russia, and the Graces which I ask of Thee in this Rosary. I pray for our Nation Australia, that all our people will convert to the Truth and that each soul will ask for Your Son’s Divine Will in their heart. I ask this for the Greater Glory of God, for Thine Own Honour, and for the good of souls, especially for my own. Amen. Your beloved Queen of the Angels, Mother of Salvation"

Crusade of Prayer (27) Prayer for Peace in the World

"I give you now a new crusade prayer (27) Prayer for Peace in the World

O my Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those afflicted by terrible wars. I plead for peace to be instilled in those tortured nations who are blind to the Truth of Your Existence. Please cover these nations with the Power of the Holy Spirit, so that they will stop their pursuit of power over innocent souls. Have Mercy on all Your countries that are powerless against the evil atrocities, which cover the whole world. Amen.

My daughter I urge you to be patient for it will not be long before the Confession. Once it takes place everything will become calmer. Go in peace and love. Above all place all your trust in your beloved Jesus. Your Saviour Jesus Christ."

Crusade of Prayer (28) Virgin Mary prayer for unification of all Christian Churches

"All of you with a devotion to my Son must put your differences aside and join together to fight the anti-christ. Pray for the unification of all God’s children.

O God of the Most High, we kneel before You to beg for the unification of all Your children in the fight to retain Your Christian Churches on earth. Let not our differences divide us at this time of great apostasy in the world. In our love for You, dear Father, we beseech You to give us the graces to love one another in the Name of Your beloved Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We adore You.  We love You.   We unite to fight for the strength to retain Your Christian Churches on earth in the trials we may face in the years ahead. Amen.

Trust in me children to guide you towards the New Paradise and my Son’s reign on earth as it is meant to be. Your loving Mother,  Mother of Salvation."

 Crusade Prayer (29) to protect the practice of Christianity

"I told you before that the battle has begun. Plans have already commenced to ban public prayer to God the Father, and His precious Son, Jesus Christ, in England.
This is only the beginning. Very soon it will apply to schools and other public places until it will become unlawful to pray in churches, consecrated to my Son, Jesus Christ.
Hatred among men and those in high places, towards my Son, means that they will do everything they can to ban the public practice of Christianity. Pray hard, children, to protect your faith and your right to honour my Son in public without being made to feel ashamed.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech You to pour down Your Holy Spirit over all of Your children.
I beg You to forgive those who have hatred in their souls for You. I pray that atheists open up their hardened hearts during Your Great Mercy and that Your children who love You can honour You with dignity to rise above all persecution. Please fill all Your children with the Gift of Your Spirit, so that they can rise with courage and lead Your Army into the final battle against Satan, his demons and all those souls who are slaves to his false promises. Amen. Mary, Queen of all the Angels, Mother of Salvation"

Crusade Prayer (30) Prayer to avert war, famine and religious persecution

"This will help dilute the terror and avert war, famine and religious persecution.
Know this, though, the Red Dragon you were told about some time ago, has now risen his head coyly, but with a deadly intent of devouring Christians all over the world.
Patient for so long, in waiting, he will now swoop down and with fire from his mouth, destroy everything that represents homage to Me, God of the Most High, and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Europe will be his first target and then the United States of America.
Communism will be introduced and woe to those who oppose the reign of the Red Dragon.
 All prophecies given to My prophets, Daniel and John, will unfold layer by layer.
Lean on Me, children, your beloved Father, and I will give you the Graces you need to defeat the enemy.
They cannot win and their power will not only be short-lived, but the Red Dragon and his blind allies will be thrown into the fires of eternal damnation.
Pray for their souls, because you can help them through your prayers, in order to save them.
The Warning will matter little to Satan’s followers, the Red Dragon and his armies.

 So close is their commitment to the evil one, that many of Satan’s followers would rather die, than acknowledge Me, their Almighty Father. You will be spared the persecution so that you remain strong to pray with all your might for these wicked people.

O my Eternal Father, God the Creator of the Universe, in the Name of Your precious Son, I beg You to make us love You more. Help us to be brave, fearless and strong in the face of adversity. Accept our sacrifices, sufferings and trials as a gift before Your Throne, to save Your children on Earth. Soften the hearts of unclean souls. Open their eyes to the Truth of Your Love, so that they can join with all of Your children, in the Paradise on Earth, You have lovingly created for us according to Your Divine Will. Amen. Your loving Father, God the Creator of all mankind
God of the Most High."

 Crusade of Prayer (31) Chain of Protection 

Prayer dictated by Jesus to offer protection for those living in Europe.

“My followers span many countries. Now you must join together in prayer to stop European leaders, some of whom are intrinsic in bringing about terrible hardship on innocent people, in their wicked ways. I urge you to say this prayer to stop them.

O my Jesus, let my prayer invoke Your Holy Spirit to descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride to stop the persecution of Your innocent children. I ask You to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring Your children, and I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the Truth of Your Love. Amen. Your Beloved Jesus"

Crusade of Prayer (32) Pray to stop Abortion in Ireland

“O Mother of Salvation, pray for your children in Ireland to prevent the wicked act of abortion from being inflicted upon us. Protect this holy nation from sinking deeper into despair from the darkness, which covers our country. Rid us of the evil one who wants to destroy your children, yet to be born. Pray that those leaders will have the courage to listen to those who love your Son, so that they will follow the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pray, pray, pray my crusade prayer for Ireland.

Go now my child and tell my children in Ireland that they must be strong. They must stand up for what is right. They must never be afraid to proclaim the truth, the Holy Word of God, no matter how difficult this may be. Your beloved Queen of Heaven"

Crusade of Prayer (33) Rise now and accept the Seal of the Living God 

Important SEAL for all of God’s followers on earth was given to Maria Divine Mercy by God the Father. He asks that all accept this Seal as a protection for each and every one of us and our families during the future difficult times we will have to live in.

"Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God.

Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.

O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my beloved Father. I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.

Go, My children and do not fear. Trust in Me, Your beloved Father who lovingly created each of you. I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me. Not one of you is loved less than the other. Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Not one.

Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. One day, you will understand why this purification is needed. Your loving Father in Heaven, God of the Most High"

Crusade of Prayer (34) My Gift of Fasting to Jesus

“O my Jesus, help me, in my own small way, to imitate Your Life of Sacrifice in order to save mankind. Allow me to offer You the gift of fasting, one day a week, throughout Lent, to save all of humanity, so that they can enter the Gates of the New Paradise on Earth. I offer You, dear Jesus, my sacrifice, with love and joy in my heart. To show You the extent of my love through this sacrifice, I beg You for the Salvation of every soul who may have fallen from grace. Amen. Your Saviour Jesus."

 Crusade Prayer (35) Prayer for souls to enter Paradise

“O my Jesus, help me to help You salvage the remnants of Your children on Earth. I pray that You will, through Your Mercy, salvage souls from the spirit of darkness. Accept my trials, sufferings and sorrows in this life to save souls from the fires of Hell. Fill me with the Graces to offer You these sufferings with love and joy in my heart so that we will all unite, as one, in love for the Blessed Trinity and live with You, as one holy family, in Paradise. Amen.

Children, you know how much I love you. You who know Me will understand the depths of My Pain and suffering, because of the number of people who reject My Hand of Mercy. Only you, through your prayers, can help these souls and so bring Me the comfort I desire.

Keep close to Me now. It won’t be long. Be patient and pray. Relax, feel My Love. All will be well. Your beloved Jesus Christ"

Crusade Prayer (36) for those who are caught up in New Age Doctrines

This new Crusade Prayer has been posted to help those to pull away from New age and other occult oriented doctrines has been posted and is contained in the message “The First Seal is the Apostasy”

"You and all those who knowingly withdraw now from the king of darkness will be given the Gift of Discernment if you ask me in this prayer to Help you to honour the true God.

Jesus help me for I am lost and confused.  I do not know the truth of life after death.  Forgive me if I offend you by honouring false gods which are not the true God. Save me and help me to see the truth with clarity and save me from the darkness of my soul. Help me to come into the light of your mercy. Amen. Your Jesus."

Crusade Prayer number (37) for the unification of all God’s children

"O dear Jesus, unite all Your beloved followers in love, so that we can spread the Truth of Your promise for eternal salvation, throughout the whole world. We pray that those lukewarm souls, afraid of offering themselves to You in mind, body and soul, will drop their armour of pride and open their hearts to Your Love and become part of Your holy family on Earth. Embrace all those lost souls, dear Jesus, and allow our love, as their brothers and sisters to lift them from the wilderness and take them with us into the Bosom, Love and Light of the Holy Trinity. We place all our hope, trust and love in Your Holy Hands. We beg You to expand our devotion so that we can help save more souls. Amen.

 How can love weaken hatred in the world today? Prayer is the answer. Love Me. Listen to Me. Respond to the requests of My beloved Mother and Me, her Son, through the various prayers given to you. Here is a special Crusade Prayer for the unification of God’s children.

It will spread love in the every corner of the Earth and dispel the hatred that grows every day. This hatred, caused by Satan through the weakness of humanity, and which creates atrocities such as torture, murder, abortion and suicide can be averted through this prayer. Your Saviour, Jesus Christ."

Crusade of Prayer (38) Salvation prayer for Catholic Church

"The false pope is waiting to reveal himself to the world. Children, do not be deceived, because he will not be from God. The Keys of Rome have been returned to my Father, God the Most High, Who will Rule from the Heavens.

Great responsibility will be placed on all those holy priests, bishops and cardinals, who love my Son dearly. They will need much courage and Divine fortitude to lead souls towards the New Paradise.

Every effort by these holy disciples, to prepare souls for the Second Coming of my dearly beloved Son, will be opposed by the other dark side.

I urge all of my children to pray for the strength needed, as the antichrist and his partner the false prophet will rise to prominence. You must ask me, the Mother of Salvation, for prayers to ensure that the Catholic Church will be saved and that the True Word of my Son is salvaged. The Truth of my Son’s promise to Return in Great Glory will be tampered with.

You, my dear children, will be given a series of untruths, which you will be expected to honour and accept in the Holy Name of my Son. This Crusade Prayer must be said for the next month (May), every single day, to ensure that God’s holy priests do not fall for the wicked deceit, which is being planned by the false prophet and his followers.

O Blessed Mother of Salvation, please pray for the Catholic Church in these difficult times and for our beloved Pope Benedict XVI, to ease his suffering. We ask you, Mother of Salvation, to cover God’s sacred servants with your Holy Mantle, so that they are given the Graces to be strong, loyal and brave, during the trials they face. Pray too that they will look after their flock in accordance with the True Teachings of the Catholic Church.

O Holy Mother of God, give us, your Remnant Church on Earth, the gift of leadership, so that we can help lead souls towards the Kingdom of your Son. We ask you, Mother of Salvation, to keep the deceiver away from the followers of your Son, in their quest to safeguard their souls, so that they are fit to enter the Gates of the New Paradise on Earth. Amen.

Go, children, and pray for the renewal of the Church and for the safety of those sacred servants, who will suffer for their faith under the rule of the false prophet. Mary, Mother of Salvation."

 Crusade of Prayer (39) Help prepare souls for the New Paradise

"All believers who have My Eternal Father’s Seal of Protection, the Seal of the Living God, will come to no harm. Your prayers, children, have been very powerful and especially those of you who recite My Crusade Prayers, My DivineMercy and the Holy Rosary daily.

Already they have delayed and prevented a nuclear war, saved millions of souls from the fires of Hell, as well as prevented many earthquakes.

Never forget that it is your prayers, which are your greatest weapon against evil. Your love for Me, Jesus Christ, has spread because of your allegiance to Me.

You, children, are My modern day disciples and you have now been given the authority and the Gift of the Holy Spirit to spread My Most Holy Word. In order to receive the Power of the Holy Spirit, you must invoke My help, so that you will speak the Truth at all times when proclaiming My Holy Word.

O Jesus, my beloved Saviour, I ask You to cover me with Your Holy Spirit, so that I can speak with authority Your Most Holy Word, to prepare all God’s children for Your Second Coming. I beseech You, Lord Jesus, for all the Graces that I need, so I can reach out to all faiths, creeds and nationalities, wherever I go. Help me to speak with Your Tongue, soothe poor souls with Your Lips and love all souls with the special Divine Love, which pours out from Your Sacred Heart. Help me to save souls so close to Your Heart and allow me to console You, dear Jesus, when lost souls continue to reject Your Mercy. Jesus, I Am nothing without You, but with Your generous aid, I will fight in Your Name to help save the whole of humanity. Amen.
My Army, which has emerged from these My Holy Messages, has reached seven hundred thousand souls already. Help Me to convert more of God’s children, so that not one soul is lost to Satan at the time of Judgment. I will keep you strong in all your work for Me, children. I love you, My precious Remnant Church. Your beloved Jesus"

Crusade Prayer (40) Prayer for the Clergy, for preparing souls for the Second Coming

“O my Jesus, I am but a humble servant and need You to guide me, so I can prepare souls for Your Glorious Second Coming. Help me to convert souls and prepare them according to Your Holy Will so that they are fit to enter the New Heaven and Earth, which You promised all of mankind, through Your death on the Cross. Give me the Graces I need so that I can impart Your Word to thirsty souls and that I never waiver in my duty to You, dear Jesus, to Whom I pledged my allegiance through my sacred vows. Amen.

Go now My sacred servant and accept the role for which you were chosen.
Never give up in your Holy Mission and know that I, your Jesus, will walk with you every step of the way. Your beloved Jesus"