Thursday, 16 April 2015

Dealing with Financial Hardship - A Message from Jesus


This Message 'Dealing with Financial Hardship' Jesus is basically saying 'Trust in Me to provide all you need' - We are being shown little by little and in some cases, a great deal of what 'going without' means.
Some of us have experienced or are experiencing very real and severe difficulty just to live day to day. What Jesus is saying is that this is all part of God's Plan for us to come closer to Him. Jesus places emphasis on what our REAL NEEDS actually are. They are not material comforts, the latest fads, the luxury car - our real needs are of the soul's nourishment, the basic necessities of having a roof over our heads and a meal on the table. Yet too many of still buy excesses to keep up with the Jones's.
I have watched with moderate chuckling, the constant oneupmanship between my two brothers over their lifetime. At one point, one would buy a big boat and go around to show it off to the other brother who just lost his job. That part wasn't humorous, but the 'sounding off' of the brother without as he described himself as 'the first little pig who built his house of sticks' about the brother with as the 'third little big who built his house of bricks' was hilarious! Well anyway, you had to be there I guess...... moving right along..... It is a serious matter nevertheless to have the Blessing of such things only to make others feel very deflated. There is nothing humble about that kind of malarchy! Of course what some see as a 'Blessing' is a curse to others. We just have to live within our means that God has Provided in His Goodness and not strive to have more, more, more. Afterall we can't take any of it to Paradise can we!

Thursday, May 26th, 2011 @ 13:00
My dearly beloved daughter, it is My wish that you now begin to fast, at least one day a week. For by doing so, you will greatly please Me. This sacrifice will strengthen your purity of soul and bring you closer to My Most Sacred Heart.
My children in the world face many challenges in these times, challenges, which they have never had to deal with before. The biggest challenge now is to deal with the way in which money is becoming scarce. This is very frightening for many who need this to keep their homes and feed their families. The second difficulty is the lack of any meaningful spiritual guidance in their lives, which had, up to now, been seen as important.
Lose your income and you lose your aspirations for luxury worldly goods. For what use is a luxury car when you cannot feed your family? What use is a beautiful dress when you cannot keep warm in a house you can’t afford to heat properly? It is only when My children find themselves bereft of the excesses to which they had become accustomed, that they understand the reality into which they have now been plunged.
Today your basic needs must be your priority. After that, you need to ask yourself: What is important now? Once you are fed and clothed what then? One-upmanship is no longer relevant when you are striving to survive the basic elements. Envy of your neighbour’s wealth and status matters no more. It is only now that you will seek out the spiritual comforts that have been missing for so long in your lives.
In your quest to find comfort of mind, turn to Me and My Eternal Father, God the Creator of all things. Do not be tempted to seek remedies from spiritual healers unless they represent Me. Do not seek artificial solace in stimulants to ease your pain and sorrow. The only way you will become free of worry and anguish is when you turn to Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour.
I Am waiting now. Ask me to help you and I will supply your basic needs. I will always provide you with what you want. But you must ask Me first. Never keep your worries to yourself. Share them with Me. Hand Me over all your concerns. I will respond immediately; for this will fill Me with joy when you trust in Me completely.
I love you all.
Your devoted Saviour
Jesus Christ
King of Mercy and Compassion

The above Message was left to a European seer who goes by the name of 'Maria Divine Mercy'.  You can read all of these messages here.