Friday, 29 May 2015

Important Message God the Father: I will grant immunity from the Gates of Hell to those souls for whom you pray.

satan you are going down! Souls are being saved in the millions. There is no more room at the inn for the devil and his minions. Countless prayers are now being heard because of the multiplication God is instigating. How can we ignore such love and generosity from Our Creator?!

Imagine the wealth we will inherit by praying for all those souls who are so blackened and unaware of God's Existence! We want to save these souls for Him.

Take the power of prayer seriously folks - love will abound one day soon - Why? because evil will be no more.

The Woman clothed with the Sun will crush the serpent's head and all his evil angels will be chained in hell. Now isn't that something to celebrate with a few more Rosaries, Crusade Prayers and Divine Mercy Chaplets.....?

Make your lists of souls long, long, long!

Important Message God the Father: I will grant immunity from the Gates of Hell to those souls for whom you pray.

"My dearest daughter it has been seldom that the Holy Trinity has communicated to mankind in this way and the first time that I, your Father, has sanctioned a Mission of this kind.
My children, many of whom do not realise the significance of this Divine Intervention, will understand soon why it is necessary.
If the Second Coming of My Beloved Son were to occur, without warning, My precious children would never enter the gates of My New Paradise.
They would never have been able to prepare their souls and would not be fit to be admitted to the New Era of Peace.
This is a communication which the world will find difficult to respond to.
So dark is the cloud which covers the hearts of man that few souls will be able to see the Light of My Divine Promise.
The forces of evil, ever present in the world, prevent My children from reaching out to Me.

My determination to bring My family close and to unite them to My Bosom is fierce.
Let no man fail to understand that I will facilitate the rapid conversion of humanity, whatever the cost.
Allowing for the free will of all of My children to remain untouched, the miracles I will command, will turn their hearts inside out.
This is My Promise as I call out to each of you dear little children of Mine.
I, your Beloved Father, yearn to take you, gather you and hold you close to My Heart and take you to safety.
So few of you know the depths of My Love. Once you experience love for Me, your Eternal Father, you could never sever again your link from Me.
I want to give you comfort.
I desire to let you know that My Love for you means that, through My Son Jesus Christ, great Mercy will be shown even to those with hearts of stone and to those with souls so black that only a miracle can save them.
To those who love Me I say this. Your love for Me, your Father, will be given back to you in abundance. Your love for My Precious Son will be rewarded in that I will grant immunity from the Gates of Hell to those souls for whom you pray.
Nothing is impossible.
My Love is endless.
Trust in me.
Trust in My Son.
When you do I will grant great graces for the Salvation of mankind.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High"