Tuesday, 5 May 2015

To dissidents in the Catholic Church: Desecrate the Laws of My church and you will be punished.

Jesus, we understand Your anger and frustration that some of Your servants in the Church are desecrating It and defying God. Please allow our prayers for our priests to reach Heaven's Ears. We understand they are not going to escape punishment if they don't unite themselves to You and Your Bride. Lord have Mercy on Your children.

To dissidents in the Catholic Church: Desecrate the Laws of My church and you will be punished.

"My dearly beloved daughter the earth is about to shake as My Father’s anger will spill over those nations who defy My Father’s Laws.
No mercy will be shown as His patience has been tested to the limits.
Their sins include abortion, murder, laws which try to undermine Christianity, same sex marriage and the adoration of false gods.
Then there are those dissidents within My Church who threaten to disown Me.
When they try to distance themselves from My Church, and try to create new laws in defiance of My Holy Will, they disown Me.
I cast them out now for their disloyalty. Their  attempts to introduce laws, based on the sin of pride, lust and worldly ambition, will not be tolerated.
Did they think they would be allowed to distance God’s children from My Church on earth and avoid the Hand of My Father?
Did they think that they were above the Laws of God?
They do not love God, they love themselves.
Lacking in humility their public rejection of the Laws of the Catholic Church disgust Me.
Their shameful demands where they try to force My Church to accept laws, which offend Me, means they have cast themselves into the darkness.
Their religious vows are meaningless.
Their pledge to honour and obey My Church has been broken.
Unless they repent and come back to My Body, My Church on earth, they have no right to call themselves servants in My Church.
You have been warned. I will cast you into the wilderness.
Desecrate the Laws of My church and you will be punished.
Your Jesus"