Thursday, 11 June 2015

Virgin Mary: Great changes will commence in the world very soon

Keep an eye out. Signs and wonders! We will witness things in the world that have never been witnessed before. A time of great anticipation as we continue through the Great Tribulation which began on December 22, 2012. Then after a time, we will see Jesus come again for the second time.

Virgin Mary: Great changes will commence in the world very soon

"My child great changes will commence in the world very soon.
It is time for the plan of Salvation to be introduced across all nations in the hearts of humanity.
So many people will be shaken with the Truth of where they come from and how they must redeem themselves in the Eyes of God.
So unprepared are God’s children for these great events.  It is because of the Love of God, for all His children that you are being warned.
Ignore these warning signs at your peril. Laugh or sneer at these Divine Interventions, which will take place to bring the hearts of man into the Heart of God and you will suffer.
Children you must stay alert at all times. The signs from Heaven and the miracle of Divine Intervention are drawing closer by the day.
Pray that you will be given the Graces to open your hearts to the Great Mercy of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
All roads are opening to entice God’s children back to the refuge of His Sacred Heart.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"