Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything

I guess the family unit will suffer as the acceptance of sin is more widely accepted particularly by our Church. By the very affront of active homosexuals being given Communion and by divorce being given at every chance, by living in sin without chastity being widely promulgated. We must stand strong as Jesus tells us and He will give us the Grace to be strong. We must stand up against the atrocity we will see in our Churches before our very eyes. If you have a Missal always follow it and see for yourself if it is adhered to. The changes will be subtle and pervasive. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Married people need to stand firm together as one to thwart satan's plan to unravel the core of humanity's existence. Be strong.
We need to stand firm to the True Doctrines of the Church now and not fall for the deceit which will manifest from the Family Synod in October 2015. This will be the catalyst to this Message being fulfilled. March 19th, 2016, the false prophet (the 'pope') will make public his 'new laws'. Synods are pastoral not doctrinal, so they don't need to be adhered to, they are a guideline, however the 'pope' will attempt to ambiguously entice the flock to bring these new ways into their own lives. We must remember this when we are told of the new changes which will take effect shortly after.

The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything

"My dearly beloved daughter, many of those sacred servants of Mine, are to face a terrible challenge. This will be one, which will convince them to take one of two separate paths. It will be up to each, by his own free will, as to which path he must choose. For the abomination will make itself known shortly.
Many of My sacred servants will not be immediately aware of what is happening. It will only be when they read letters, given to them from those in high places, that they will find difficulty.
Those who uphold My Holy Word, given to man through the Gift of the Holy Bible, will be challenged and urged to accept amendments. These amendments will be given to them and they will be expected to swallow them, and accept them as The Truth. They amount to one thing.

They will urge those holy sacred servants of Mine, to accept tolerance of sin.
They will be told that God is an ever-merciful God and that He loves everyone. Yes this part is true. But then, they will be instructed to condone laws, which are an abomination in My Eyes. The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything.
Others will be asked to accept a new type of ceremony, which will replace the Mass and the Presence of My Holy Eucharist.
It will be deemed as an all-inclusive move to join all Christians and other religions as one.This will be the beginning of the end.
The day the daily Sacrifices of the Mass are cut will be the beginning of all events to unfold, as foretold to John the Evangelist. It will be the time of the rise of the beast and his influence will be great. He will win over the hearts and souls of many priests. His aim is to stop all Masses and to desecrate the Holy Eucharist.
He already does this, through black masses, held in many Catholic Churches. The core of disloyal servants is plotting against My Church and they will mislead many.
Be alert. Open your eyes and beg Me for the strength you are going to need, in order to stand up against this vile and wicked plan.
This battle within My Church on earth will be vicious. Priest against priest. Bishop against Bishop. Cardinal against Cardinal.
Let it be known that those amongst you, My sacred servants, who know Me and love Me, I will lead you. I will guide you. I will give you the strength to deal with these enemies of God. You are not alone.
You must never listen to lies, given or presented to you, in My Holy Name. Only you know the Truth in your hearts. Listen to your heart. Remain loyal to all that you have been told is the Law of God.
If you are presented with anything, which seems to be in contradiction of My Teachings, then you must turn your back.
Your Jesus"

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