Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin

To think that we hoped abortion would end and somehow our nations would not go any further with their legislations. Now it seems it will magnify and become so much worse than we have ever imagined. This will be the death knell for our nations. The Chastisement we deserve for such an abomination should be welcomed! We stand by and allow this evil to perpetuate. The evil one is laughing so hard and what are we doing about it? Well now Our Lady says the tears are overflowing in Heaven over this. Our prayers must be recited for all those mothers and doctors complicit in this evil.
We hope that the Holy Rosaries we prayed each Friday devoted to this cause until the last week of January 2013, have been successful in decreasing the proliferation of abortion. Planned Parenthood have been thwarted somewhat so this is at least one little sign that perhaps we succeeded to a small degree.

Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin

"My dear child, the most sacred Creation of My beloved Father, the life of those babies in the womb, is to be destroyed a millionfold all over the world.
The evil one has influenced governments in all parts of the world to ensure that abortion is not only accepted, but that it will be seen as a good thing.
How many tears are now being spilled in Heaven! All the angels and saints bow their heads in sorrow.
God’s children will be destroyed in many numbers as the time for the Great Tribulation commences.
Wars, famines, murders and suicides will increase. It is the sin of abortion, however, which incurs the Wrath of My Father more than almost any other sin.
Countries who condone abortion will suffer greatly by the Hand of God. Their countries will weep when their punishment is witnessed. All those responsible for the introduction of such a vile act will need much prayer.
My child, it is important that everyone recites My Holy Rosary every Friday until the last week in January 2013 to stop the spread of abortion.
Every child murdered in the womb becomes an angel in My Father’s Kingdom. They pray, every day, for each mother who intervened knowingly and without hesitation to end the life of the child within her. Their prayers are being used to salvage the souls of their Mothers.
All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin.
Pray, pray, pray for these sinners as they are in great need of the Mercy of God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation"

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