Monday, 2 November 2015
We welcome Lord, these Gifts which You will grant our Nations to wake up to Your Presence and Love for us. These floods and winds which have wreaked havoc on our coastline for the past days is one way I believe You are speaking to our hearts. But please Lord, change those who believe that this is 'mother nature' at work. Give them a clue that You are in command, You are in charge and it is You that will right the wrongs in our land. Change the hearts of our atheistic leaders, so that they too, will know Your Justice is at hand. We must be purified! We must see the winds of change from secularity to Christianity! We have the potential as a Nation to be a witness to others. We welcome Your Insistence Lord!
With the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you will prophecy in My Holy Name all over the world
January 22, 2013
"My dearly beloved daughter, My Light will now shine over those nations who have not been taught the Truth.
Where there is no mention of God, My Divine Presence, will now fill every corner of those nations who do not honour Me, although they are aware of Who I Am. The veil of darkness will be lifted and, at last, these starved souls will drink My Holy Spirit and devour My Holy Word. After all this time, they, through the spread of My Prayer Groups, will be given the Truth.
I refer to those nations where your churches lie empty, where the Sacraments are rarely made available, and where daily Masses are no longer celebrated. It is up to you, My beloved disciples, to spread My Holy Word, so that dark souls, and those who know nothing about Me, are enlightened and encouraged, gently, to come to Me.
I bless you, and by the Power of My deep Love for each and every one of you, I will increase your numbers, greatly. My Prayer Groups will be set up in every country, and with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you will prophecy in My Holy Name all over the world.
Remind all of My Teachings. Remind souls to read the Holy Bible, one of the greatest Gifts given to you by My Father. Recite My Prayers; read My Glorious Messages and pray that you can reach even the most hardened of hearts.
I will grant you many Gifts and I will instruct you for every step you take on the Path of Truth.
Your Jesus"
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