Thursday, 2 June 2016

It will be through your recital of My Crusade Prayers that I can save them.

Continue to recite the Crusade Prayers brothers and sisters. Jesus is so consoled by our efforts. He loves us so much. This is such a help to Him to save those poor lost souls. Give everyone encouragement to keep going, even in the busiest times to spend just 15 minutes with these prayers, could mean one soul being saved - it's worth so much to Jesus!

It will be through your recital of My Crusade Prayers that I can save them.

July 11, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, let Me draw you close to My Sacred Heart, because when you allow Me to do this, I will instil within your soul special Graces. Then, My Work will yield more fruit, which will ripen and burst forth in abundance across the Earth.

The fruit, which comes from Me, creates conversion and softens the hearts of the most hardened, when they taste it. When they eat it, it will unite them to Me, in a way which will bring them great peace. The peace I promise all of you who listen to Me now, as I speak with you, will be your armour against hatred.

Those of you, including those souls who have never heard of these Messages and who truly love Me, will be filled with this peace and you will, as a result, become immune to the voices of those who scream at you because you are of Me.

When you are one with Me, I promise that, for every insult and hurt you have to endure because you proclaim My Holy Word, I will lift you, guard you and protect you. You will enjoy a glorious life in My New Paradise, where all will sing in union, for the love and the glory of God.

You have nothing to fear from Me, but I ask that you spend time in prayer for the souls of those who are confused and in some cases, lost. Those who are separated from Me must come back to Me and it will be through your recital of My Crusade Prayers that I can save them.

Go, My beloved followers, and know that you are in My Heart and I Am in yours.

Your Jesus

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