Thursday, 2 June 2016

Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God

Haven't we been indoctrinated in our life-times to be humanist and humanitarian to the point of distraction without once understanding that suffering in all forms can help save souls?

How many of us have seen the ads for World Vision to give, give, give only to find out they pocket 85% of all proceeds for administration.

I know that that is not really what Jesus is explaining, but it certainly highlights how we in this era, have been made to feel guilty if we don't place the needs of human in the material above what God wants for their souls.

Our souls are what is paramount in importance. Do we truly understand why whole nations are starving while their plight makes those 'that care' rich monetarily from their plight?

Look at how the imposter in the Chair of Peter says 'reach out to those on the outskirts' Yes it seems noble, but does he not take into consideration that they are chosen souls who suffer tremendously in the Will of God? He minimises God's Will in their lives to such triviality that it seems none of us should suffer for souls, none of us should be impaired by anything in life, none of us should be inconvenienced by virtuous suffering! This generation under his advice could never become Saints!

We all must endure suffering big or small in the Will of God. He comes first, not our self-importance! How did the Saints suffer, yes they helped those in need, but they brought peace and love through the Words of Christ to help them through that suffering. We can all ease our sufferings, but in saintliness, and it is difficult, we should ask for more - 'What more can I do for You today Lord, surely I haven't done enough!'

Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God

July 27, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My Desire that all My cherished followers pray hard to deflect the harm to souls, because of the growth of atheism. Atheism does not always declare itself. Very often, people who have decided, for whatever reason, to no longer believe in God, create a substitute.

Because of the makeup of man, he must seek out a cause in order to justify his existence. The curse of humanism is that it exalts man in the eyes of man. All that must be done, according to the humanist, is to ensure that man’s needs come first. Many people confuse humanism with Christianity. When one proclaims the importance of worldly goods in the lives of man, at all cost, in order to avoid suffering or poverty, it is easy to assume that this is a form of love for one’s neighbour.

If you say that you want to put a stop to poverty, unemployment and other miseries, many will think you are speaking in the Name of God. Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God, nor will you hear His Name mentioned. Those who live their lives as humanists do not love God. They only love themselves. They also believe that all that matters is the wellbeing – usually in the form of worldly things – of humanity, as a means to an end.

While it may seem charitable, to be seen to care about the needs of man, you can never substitute God, by placing the needs of man first. When you do this, you insult God. Humanism, while having all the exterior signs of love for God, is not what it seems. Behind the mask of love lurks a love of self. Man will die, his body will turn to dust, his soul will live on, yet, humanism would have you believe that man is immortal.

Be careful when you embrace humanism, because when you do, you cut yourselves off from Me.

Your Jesus

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