Thursday, 2 June 2016

There will be powerful earthquakes in Russia and China soon and they will take place one after the other

People reading this Message could be forgiven for getting a little apprehensive in what is coming to us, but they should not fear.

Fear is a disabling mechanism inspired by satan to unnerve us, make us deny, make us doubt, make us unmoved and insensitive.

So as Jesus asks us to please not fear. This is God's way of telling us that He is sorting out His Business! He is giving us the indication that He is in Charge and He is angry with those who are thwarting His Plans for our salvation!

So as any good Father would do to reign in their wayward children, He is showing us in a way that cannot be disputed, that He now wants our hearts to change, He wants our humility, He wants our loyalty and faithfulness!

Humans don't get these changes with nice words, with a change in circumstances that inconveniences them for a time. No God is going to make the earth shake and get a little heated up in a series of successional quakes to really wake us up from our slumber. Russia and China have spread their errors of communism far too long.

Russia had the chance to be converted, but failed in that! So now let us just accept that Our Father is organising, once and for all, that His Will WILL be done on earth as It Is in Heaven! Thankyou God!

There will be powerful earthquakes in Russia and China soon and they will take place one after the other

July 3, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how I have missed your time and how I rejoice that the spiritual darkness, which has covered you for days, has now lifted. You must keep reciting the Most Holy Rosary in order to protect yourself and all will be well.

The Earth will shake, as foretold, and one-third of it will be scorched, as a direct result of the sin of man. Prayer can mitigate much of these flames, which will be poured down on parts of the world where wicked laws infuriate My Father.

Sin against the Laws of God will be tolerated as long as those who know the Truth and accept the Word of God, honour Him. But now, those you have placed in positions of power have turned their backs on God. For this they will be punished through ecological turmoil. The purification is the only means to wake up humanity, in that they will seek remorse for their souls. Other means, while creating conversion, have not been enough. Man will suffer a great series of chastisements, as they continue to embrace paganism and murder each other.

God’s Intervention is necessary. Without it you would be forsaken.

There will be powerful earthquakes in Russia and China soon and they will take place one after the other.

Weather extremes and sudden changes in temperatures from cold to very hot will be seen. The seasons will no longer be seen in the way in which they were in the past.

Floods and sea storms will be seen in parts of the world, which have never experienced them up to now. In the countries, which pass wicked laws against God, earthquakes will rattle their lands and for those who know Me, they will know why they are taking place.

When the chastisements take place, there will come a second terrible punishment, which will be inflicted on false churches, who deliberately block the Truth. For they will suffer the most, because of the souls they have stolen from Me.

As I reveal more about the prophecies, which are contained in the Seals, man will eventually recognise the Truth. And while God is Love and while He is Just, His punishments will rain down upon humanity to rid it of its vanity, ego and self-love, so that man can become worthy to enter His New Paradise. Only those with pure and humble hearts will be given this Gift.

Your Jesus

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