Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Floods will be commonplace and you will know which parts of the world anger My Father the most

We are not in this Great Tribulation for nothing! We will know which countries offend God the most now as He wages His Anger towards those who refuse to follow the 10 Commandments.

Those whose primary goal to flaunt sins of the flesh on their communities and citizens via media, parades, paganism through their 'gods', abortion etc will know God is speaking directly to them. He will flood many parts of those countries guilty of these sins.

Not many countries I imagine are without this sin, if any at all! This is the time that God will seek souls for Himself. Many will 'flood' the Churches looking for solace as events become too apparent to ignore as signs from God.

The Holy Spirit is pouring His Grace over mankind to open their eyes to the abominations that will infest the earth. Pray that God in His Mercy will open the hearts of many and protect our families.

Floods will be commonplace and you will know which parts of the world anger My Father the most

August 12, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, My followers everywhere, including those who do not know about these Messages, will be drawn into My churches at this time seeking Me out. Because of My Gift to them of the Holy Spirit, they will be swept into My Refuge of the Heart. They will sense unease in the world and they will know that they need My help in order to remain firm to My Teachings.

Many will feel the changes in the air, as the enemies of God begin to make known their plan of hatred to deceive the world as their vile acts, to condone sin in all its guises, are made known. The world will be swept into a flood of anguish and many will be shocked by the attempts they will see everywhere to idolise sin in every form.

Sins of the flesh will be applauded. Vanity and an obsessive love of self will be witnessed all over the world. Self-obsession will, like never before, seem to be an essential trait. Those who do not seek out such pleasures will be discarded and made to feel like outsiders. The sins of the evil one will be glorified and as man finds himself sucked into this madness, the world will be shown the floods of wrath as My Father sweeps away many parts of many countries. Floods will be commonplace and you will know which parts of the world anger My Father the most, when the waters pour down in anger upon nations.

All your wicked nations will experience firsthand how sins of the flesh will be punished. My Father will stop the evil one from taking over the souls of those who are guilty of this sin, in order to prevent them from infesting others. They will be stopped. No more will they be allowed to continue with their infestation. This evil will be addressed and Divine Intervention will now be witnessed, everywhere, by the Hand of God.

Pray for Mercy those of you who may be caught up in these chastisements. I will protect those who turn to Me for protection.

Your Jesus

Know that the pain of rejection will be exactly as I, and My apostles, had to suffer during My Time on Earth

Wow! Jesus isn't pulling any punches in what He says to us here! We can see how this is unfolding when we hear the false prophet’s (current ‘papacy’) words of tolerance and acceptance. his 'humility' is just so false, just preparing the way for his diabolical plans to bring the Church to ruins. But he cannot win against the Remnant True Church who will remain faithful to the True Teachings of Christ as He set down!

We will hold the banner of faith and fortitude each moment until the New Jerusalem enters Paradise! Evil will not remove Christ as the King of His Kingdom! Sacred Servants everywhere will side with the false prophet seeing him doing everything for the 'sake' of humanity. 

Oh please! Get a grip! 

This ‘pope’ is not humanitarian, he is a worldly, modernist who is fulfilling Scripture to herald in the antichrist! Jesus will be banished from His Church! Followers of Jesus will be scorned, mocked and ridiculed! Already happening for a lot of us! We will be seen as heretics, a sect! Oh really?! 

Well very soon during The Warning, we will each see, just which path we are travailing and which one leads to Christ in The New Paradise. My money will be on those who oppose the false prophet, the false prophet and pray hard for Our Mother of Salvation to hurry in crushing satan's head! 

Anyone who follows someone purporting to be divine, messianic, supernatural will be following satan and his minions! Christ will not return in the Flesh as He did not leave the earth in flesh. The Trumpets will blare from Heaven, the Choirs of Angels will sing in perfection when Christ Returns. 

Anyone who claims they are Christ before this happens is a LIAR! Protect us all Lord during the bitter struggle that awaits us. Amen

Know that the pain of rejection will be exactly as I, and My apostles, had to suffer during My Time on Earth

August 10, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, not one man amongst you is so clean of soul that he can judge others in My Name. But know this, those of you who are loyal to Me and who follow My Teachings – you will have to bear much sorrow when you have to witness the greatest evil abomination, which faces the world.

In the name of social justice and social compassion, the false prophet will set out, what the world will believe to be, to evangelise and create a modern church. This church will be seen to reach out to all sinners and to embrace those sinners whose sins are not acceptable by Me.

You, My beloved followers, will be viewed as a heretic sect, because you will continue to proclaim the Truth. All attempts to remain true to Me will be attacked vigorously. You will be outcast and declared to be right-wing dissidents. Any attempt to retain the traditions of the Sacred Ceremonies will be ignored.

The power of those who will mislead My churches on Earth must not be underestimated, as millions of sacred servants will embrace the new false doctrine. They will, mistakenly, believe that this new doctrine is a form of evangelism. Their support, as willing servants of the abomination, will make it very difficult for those Christians who know the Truth. Their voices will be like whispers amidst the screams of those who will become slaves to lies, created in My Name.

Know that the pain of rejection will be exactly as I, and My apostles, had to suffer during My Time on Earth. The priests of the day, who claimed to love God, had no hesitation in silencing the voices of My disciples, who brought them the news of Who I was. This time, as I herald My Second Coming, My prophets and My disciples will find it harrowing when their voices will be dismissed and they will be accused of blasphemy.

While My followers expand and grow, they will be like paupers and they will climb the Hill of Calvary – naked, with nothing except their faith. While they will keep the Flame of My Light alive in My Church – My True Church – they will never deviate from the Truth and they will carry on their backs a heavy cross. This is the cross of salvation, for on their poor, weary backs they will carry the sins of those who deserted Me. Their lot will be hard. Because of their love for Me, they will suffer because of others, in order to save their sorry souls.

These souls do not deserve to be saved. They will only be saved because I choose to save them. They will have insulted Me, caused terrible suffering to My loyal followers and tormented My Remnant Army. Yet, I will save them because of the faith of those in My Remnant Army.

Those other people, who have sold their souls to the beast, know this. You may not believe in Hell, but I will reveal to you what suffering it will bring you. The day I will show you the levels of torture in Hell, it will terrorise you and many of you will scream for My Mercy. And I will save you, if you ask Me to forgive you. I will do this during the Day of the Great Warning. Those of you, who witness the burning fires of Hell, but who will not turn to Me – you will not survive The Warning and that moment when you reject Me will be your last.

All those, who remain loyal to Me and true to My Word – though you will suffer – the future ahead of you is one of great glory.

Those who will not heed My Warning or listen to the Truth will be in great danger.

Those of you, who idolise the beast and who follow the false prophet into the new world religion, will be thrown in the burning fires of Hell, alive, with these two.

The Truth is bitter to taste, but when you accept it, it will bring you Eternal Life, where you will enjoy My Kingdom forever with your loved ones. Do not cut off the umbilical cord to Eternal Life, for you will suffer such terrible suffering and you will never be given a reprieve.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: What man could ever reject this new perfect existence

Mary, Mother of Salvation thankyou once again for Your Love for us. How we would be so blind still if we didn't have You speaking through Maria to guide us through these times. How we must all realise that if it was left up to the world to 'sort it all out' we would be non-existent!

The Illuminati including the Global Elite have got such demonic, diabolic plans to annihilate human beings in their estimate over the next 10 years, but regardless of their plans, God is telling us that He will Protect us and His Hand will come down hard on those who try to hurt His children! So what on earth literally, do we have to fear?

The false prophet will do his horrible part to exterminate Christ from our Churches, the antichrist will do his part to exterminate more babies, elderly, control everyone else with RFID chips (Mark of The Beast), killer 'vaccinations' and pandemic flu's but God shields us with everything in His Power to counteract all that the evil one can muster!

God has us in the Palm of His Hands. He alone has the Command! Let's get to Truly understand that nothing can harm us if we but trust and have faith in God's Abundance! You have heard it before, but for the sake of those half dozen people who haven't, 'If God is with us, who can be against us!" - Let's just let go and let God!

Let's just do what Jesus is asking of us - pray, offer our sufferings and personal sacrifices for the saving of lost souls, give all our wills over to Him to live in His Will! We know how to do this, don't we?!

He's just waiting His Time to overthrow satan and all his evil minions!

Blessed Mother is ready to sharpen Her Stilhetto's!

We love you Mother of Salvation!

Mother of Salvation: What man could ever reject this new perfect existence

August 9, 2013

My child, every effort will be made by the evil one to encourage all souls, including those who are closest to the Heart of my Son, to reject and deny His Second Coming.

Just as the spirit of evil fought against me, the Mother of God, in the time leading up to the birth of Jesus, the same opposition will be witnessed as His Second Coming draws near.

Many people are blind to the Promise made by my Son, when He said that He would come again. Many, who do not accept that His Second Coming will happen soon, are unprepared because they cannot accept that it will take place in their lifetime. Whereas, in the days soon after my Son’s death on the Cross, His apostles thought that they would witness His Second Coming. This belief was also prevalent in the minds of Christians many hundreds of years later. But this is not the case today. Some believe that the Second Coming refers to an old part of Holy Scripture and that it is an event which is part of the future. They do not believe that the Second Coming has any relevance for them in today’s modern world. Everything in the world today is based on materialism, modern human intelligence and the great wonders which spring from great advances in science.

Children, you must prepare. You must not be frightened. It is because you are very much loved by my Son that He comes back soon to bring you a great peace, a great freedom from sadness and despair – which are caused directly as a result of sin in the world.

The Second Coming of Christ is what humanity needs to survive. If Jesus did not come soon, as foretold, then the world would be destroyed and man would be forsaken. This Gift will bring you a new life, a new wonderful and glorious beginning in the New Paradise. It will be the greatest renewal of the Earth and with it will come Eternal Life. What man could ever reject this new perfect existence? No one, if given the full knowledge of this New Era of Peace, where Paradise will be restored, would turn their backs. Not one single sinner would want to be excluded, but sadly the minds of many will be blinded to the Truth. Instead, they will believe that peace will be theirs when they swallow the lies, which will soon be presented to them, in the mistaken belief that they come from God.

Pray, pray, children, that you are blessed with the Gift of vision, given to those of you who are worthy to be bestowed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Only those who accept the Hand of Mercy, by the Hand of God, will be taken into a life of eternity.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

A soul cannot be made whole again until it recognises the Greatness of God

Jesus just wants us to accept His Mercy! God loves us simply because He loves His Son our Saviour! We will all see Jesus' Face and His Merciful Heart! Only a fool living in a fool's paradise will want anything other than Him! But of course there will be many fools!

Jesus needs our prayers, our diligence, our loyalty to save their sorry souls and we will do just that! A Paradise where there will be love, peace, perfection, the Mystical Union with Jesus and the Promise of God's Inheritance is what we all must look forward to.

What happens in the interim is just a blip on the radar compared to what is in store for us for Eternity! Pay homage to God and His Beloved Son! Stop satan's power over our lives, remembering 'the devil is in the detail'.

Don't overlook the small things that are sin in God's Eyes. Take all of it to Him in Confession or if non Catholic, Crusade prayer #8!

He has given us each a way to Eternal Life!

Use it or else lose it!

A soul cannot be made whole again until it recognises the Greatness of God

August 9, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, people do not understand fully what it means to be in union with My Heart. I, Jesus Christ, came to free humanity from its slavery to sin. Sin was created when Lucifer believed that he was greater than God. Because of his wicked jealousy, he tempted man – God’s first children, Adam and Eve – to turn away from Him.

My death gave all of God’s children the Gift of salvation. Many people in the world, of all creeds, including those who do not believe in God or those who deny God and place false idols before Him, are all offered the Gift of salvation. Not all will accept this Gift. I come to each of you as a Saviour. I will come before each of you, to prove to you the Truth, before the final day. I will come to offer the Gift of Eternal Life even to those who have sinned gravely in the Eyes of God.

The Glory of God is your way forward and in order to receive this Gift all you have to do is to accept My Mercy. God is Almighty, Powerful and is Perfect in every way. He is much loved by all of the angels and saints in Heaven. He is much loved by many souls who are alive in the world today. All will witness His Great Glory in the New Heaven and the New Earth.

God does not need man. It is only because of His Love for man that He sends Me, His beloved Son, once again to bring them the Eternal Life, which He has promised. This is why He is Patient. This is why He turns a blind Eye to sin, in hope that His children will turn to Him and accept His Love.

Love is powerful when it is pure and comes from God. When the soul is pure, it will easily be drawn into the Love of God. Souls, who need to be cleansed, will accept the Love of God, if they accept the suffering which is needed to make them whole again. A soul cannot be made whole again until it recognises the Greatness of God and bows before Him in humble servitude.

The day when all of you will be shown the way to salvation is close. Every single sinner will be given the chance to reach out to God. Those who do will be lavished with My Mercy.

Your Jesus

God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself

A great abomination in God's Eyes will be created in the name of 'humanitarian efforts' including economic and financial 'rewards' for mankind. This will be done in Jesus' Name, so this building must also be of religious significance. It will be the New Babylon! All the antichrist's power will come from it's core which was created in the depths of hell. Make no mistake, billions of people will glorify this initiative!

Don't be one of them! Keep a keen sense of awareness of satan's miserable presence amongst us. The antichrist will be the 'man of peace', he will seem to be miraculous in all that he achieves and does. Many will believe him to be the 'saviour', 'saving' mankind out of it's depths of 'hardship'.

How cunning he will be and how gullible we will be. But our hope, our Salvation Truly comes from Jesus! We must keep focused on Him alone.

The false prophet will become allied with the antichrist to create a world bank and world religion! Already he is 'shaking up' the Curia, talking about his changes of the Vatican Bank, wanting to 'refurbish' our Churches into a modern, all inclusive church, signing a declaration for a one world united religion - not of Jesus!

The false prophet is paving the way for this, the great lie to be witnessed on the earth - Eden will almost pale into insignificance when this transpires! Jesus will be removed from our midst! He will be ripped from our places of worship.

We will see all unfold shortly but Jesus begs us to keep our souls clean in the meantime. God will protect His Own. We will be in His Will and His Will will be done!

God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself

August 7, 2013

My dearest daughter, the world must prepare for the arrival of the greatest enemy of humanity since My children were placed on this Earth.

The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself and his plan is this. He will wait until wars rage everywhere. Then he will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with Palestine in an unlikely alliance. Everyone will lavish praise on him. He will not stop there, for he will move at a pace which will astonish many and he will negotiate peace agreements in many war-torn nations. Again, he will be praised and then be admired, with an extraordinary devotion by billions all over the world.

Then all will seem well. Very soon he will become involved with philanthropy and he will link up with the main world banks to create a new, powerful, financial institution. Many businesses and political leaders will become embroiled with his many plans. Soon a new monstrosity will be created, in the name of kick-starting the world’s economy. This will be the new Babylon, the centre of all power, from which the world’s elite and rich will trade. It will be seen to be the source of great news, so that people will benefit in every way from jobs, to the homes they live in and to the food they feed their families with.

All glory will surround the antichrist. Then he will, along with the false prophet, create a global partnership, which will be presented as the greatest humanitarian initiative. The world will applaud this new Babylon and everyone will clamour to try and gain even just a tiny foothold within its centre.

The new Babylon, all will be told, is to glorify the great one, to promote the environment, to embrace mother earth and to rid the world of poverty from the riches, which will pour from its vile mouth.

When this takes place, the Hand of My intervention will turn the world on its axis. I Am not going to stand by without warning My children of the consequences of embracing this abomination, created in the depths of Hell and inflicted upon humanity. My great signs will be given to show all those who embrace and accept this insult in My Holy Name.

I will shake the world and it will tilt. No man will be able to ignore My intervention. Then I will throw fire upon one third of the Earth. Soon, famine will be seen, but not by My Hand – it will be by the deliberate contamination of the Earth by the antichrist. As he and his cohorts inflict wickedness upon unsuspecting people in many nations, I will strike back.

While this suffering will be hard to endure, have no fear, children, for it will be short. My Love is great for all of you, but My Justice is swift and My punishment great.

You must not accept what is brought before you. When you see the man of peace, the antichrist, receive accolades and awards for his great works in war-torn countries, know that My Intervention is close.

You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you.

My Will, will be done.

Nothing can, nor will, stop the Final Covenant where My Son will Reign in Peace from being fulfilled.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High

Mother of Salvation: Do not accept tolerance for pagans to take over the churches of God

Paganism will never acceptable to God! Paganism is the antithesis of Truth! When we accept and tolerate paganism and all its practises and allow this to infiltrate the Church, we are condoning evil!

When you see any paganistic practice in your Churches, in the Sacraments, in your homes, in your area of work, in your schools, then open your mouths and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your tongues!

Harry Potter is pagan, Lord of the Rings is pagan (even priests will tell you it has a wonderful message!) horoscopes, clairvoyance, reiki, yoga, meditation (other than on the Mysteries of our Redemption in the Rosary), occultism in all forms, mystical religions etc etc too many to name are in some way going to be introduced, tolerated, glorified and honoured in a permeating way within all Churches, not just Catholic! A Catholic Church locally had a Buddha statue on the Altar in respect to Chinese New Year - HELLO!

Please be alert! Please save yourselves from being duped! Stay close to Christ and the Bible! Continue the prayers we have been given. God Bless everyone on this journey. Pray for each other!

Mother of Salvation: Do not accept tolerance for pagans to take over the churches of God

August 6, 2013

My child, you must never listen to those who attack these Messages from the Blessed Trinity, for they will distract you from this Work. Remember, this Mission will be attacked more than any other, because of the seriousness of It. The mockery, the ridicule and the criticism, will continue right up to the last day when you receive the Final Message.

The plan to discredit these Messages will intensify and hatred will mount, so please be prepared. These Messages cannot be ignored by believers, or unbelievers, for the Word of God will never go unnoticed. The hatred against God in the world right now is everywhere and those who proclaim His Word in these times will suffer.

The Truth has always been rejected since God sent His prophets in the beginning to warn His children of the dangers of paganism. Paganism is the antithesis of the Truth – the Word of God. Those poor souls, who honour false gods, anger My Father, greatly. He is a jealous God, for it was through Him that all things began. He is Almighty. He is a loving God, but His Wrath is to be feared when pagans infest those who love Him.

When God’s children – those who believe in Him, and who adore Him, through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ – try to unite with all souls, all religions, they must be very careful. God wants all of His children to love one another, irrespective of race, creed or nation. What He will not permit is that Christians embrace pagans, within their church. When this happens, the heathen will wipe out all traces of Christianity. It is insulting to God, to take the Truth – the Word of God – and leave room for lies to contaminate It.

God’s prophets warned humanity of the dangers of embracing paganism, as it leads to complete destruction. When this happens, the nations who allow this abomination into their churches will be wiped out, with little Mercy shown.

Do not accept tolerance for pagans to take over the churches of God. You must never forget the great Sacrifice made by God when He sent His only Son to bring you salvation. The day that you accept the practices of other churches, not of God, or when you show respect for pagans, is the day when you will turn your back on the Truth.

Keep your eyes open and pray that your churches will not force you to forgo your allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

When you defend My Word, you will be deemed to be cruel, unkind and lacking in sympathy to those who do not believe in God

"You will be scolded if you are a sacred servant of Mine and you will be made to answer for your allegiance to Me. Gather now, all of you. I demand that you do not deny Me. I will protect you, so that you can serve Me. I will help you by lifting your burden. All the Graces of Heaven will be poured down upon you.

Warning to Priests:

I will cut down all those of you who follow the false church – the church of the beast – when it is presented to you. Follow this new church and you will be selling your souls to the beast. Instead of saving souls, in My Name, you will be responsible for handing them over to eternal Hell.

I Am telling you the Truth now, so that you are given ample time to prepare for this day, as it is not far away.

Your Jesus"

All priests in the Order of Malchizadek must if they wish to gain Paradise, be ready to furl the flag of Christ and honour Him in defiance of those honouring the beast! Take yourselves to the Blessed Sacrament Exposed and spend the time you need to place yourself in His Sacred Heart.

Do not allow yourselves to be seduced into any practices paying homage to satan. This is not child's play! This cannot be trivialised! Church doors will be slammed in the faces of those who wish to uphold the Teachings of Christ in His True Church! Take courage, have faith! The Saints of Heaven are praying for us. Our Guardian Angels are by our sides! Love Jesus with ALL your hearts.

When you defend My Word, you will be deemed to be cruel, unkind and lacking in sympathy to those who do not believe in God

August 5, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how I weep with sadness when I see the terrible division which looms within My Church on Earth. The bitterness of My Agony is eased though, by those who truly love Me and who already feel concern for the way in which My Body is being treated.

You must never feel the need to accept any deed, action or words which are against Me. If you feel uncomfortable with what you witness, within my Church, by those who swear that they are in union with Me, when they desecrate My Body, you must follow your heart. I Am with you every second of this great apostasy and for those who will continue to call out to Me, I will open your eyes to the Truth, so that you will remain true to Me.

The time is almost upon you now. The doors of My Church will soon be closed to those who will insist on remaining loyal to the traditional practices of Christianity. These doors will be slammed in your faces when you bear witness to Me. Your faith will be ridiculed, in the most cunning way, so that when you defend My Word, you will be deemed to be cruel, unkind and lacking in sympathy to those who do not believe in God.

You will be scolded if you are a sacred servant of Mine and you will be made to answer for your allegiance to Me. Gather now, all of you. I demand that you do not deny Me. I will protect you, so that you can serve Me. I will help you by lifting your burden. All the Graces of Heaven will be poured down upon you.

Warning to Priests:

I will cut down all those of you who follow the false church – the church of the beast – when it is presented to you. Follow this new church and you will be selling your souls to the beast. Instead of saving souls, in My Name, you will be responsible for handing them over to eternal Hell.

I Am telling you the Truth now, so that you are given ample time to prepare for this day, as it is not far away.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to Him, will have to seek refuge

Our Mother of Salvation: "You must, when the time comes, refuse to accept direction from those who will desecrate the Word of God and through their lies and new obscene doctrines, will mislead many.

Those who accept any distortion of the Mass or the Holy Sacraments, will be answerable to my Son.

For you will have become, unwitting, servants to the evil one and many, many, souls will be lost, for they will be drawn into rituals, which will pay homage to satan. These rituals will honour the false prophet and the antichrist, who are enemies of God."

Pray now for strength to endure the trials and sufferings as we enter the next phase of these times.

There is absolutely nothing to fear if you remain loyal to Christ.

Those who will meter out their poison towards Christ's Followers will be dealt with by God.

He will not forsake us in this Battle. Be Christian Soldiers!

Mother of Salvation: This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to Him, will have to seek refuge

August 5, 2013

My dear children, this is going to be a time of great trials in your faith. The Catholic Church will be the Church in which the great division will commence. It will be in this Church that My Son’s priests will suffer the most, during the great apostasy, which it will, very soon, have to endure from within.

To those of my Son’s faithful priests, who will be torn in two by indecision, you must be aware of the need to remain in union with the Merciful Christ. You must never feel tempted to desert His Church, by accepting falsities from those amongst you who have fallen into grave error. You must revere my Son at all costs and lead His people on the path to holiness, no matter how difficult this will be for you.

Those of you who will continue to perform the traditional Mass will be tormented until you agree to abandon it entirely. Many amongst your religious orders will betray you to the enemy behind your back. You will, just like my Son before you, be taken before those who claim to be your peers and be accused of heresy, for insisting on continuing to show respect for the most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The new words, which will amount to the most vile desecration of my Son’s Body, will be forced down upon those sacred servants who dare to object.

It will be within the Catholic Church that brother will fight brother, sister against sister, father against son, children against parent, until there are two sides.

This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to Him, will have to seek refuge. To do this you must start preparing and find such places where you will be able to offer the Holy Mass and provide the Sacraments to God’s children.

I, the Mother of Salvation, will protect such refuges and by the placement of the Seal of the Living God, given to the world by My Father, on the inside walls, they will remain invisible to the enemies of God.

Do not be afraid of these things, because if you prepare well, you will lead God’s children to salvation. Should you not heed this warning, you will be taken captive in mind, body and soul, by the enemies of my Son and salvation will not be yours.

Those who do the bidding of the false prophet will need much prayer, for some of them are blind to the Truth. Others, who will know the Truth, but who will side with those who will deny my Son’s death on the Cross, are to be feared. They will inflict terrible harm on the innocent followers of Christ.

By remaining loyal to the Truth, you will lead my Son’s Remnant Army, so that it becomes a formidable force, against the evil one and those he directs in his fight against my Son’s true servants on Earth.

You must, when the time comes, refuse to accept direction from those who will desecrate the Word of God and through their lies and new obscene doctrines, will mislead many. Those who accept any distortion of the Mass or the Holy Sacraments, will be answerable to my Son. For you will have become, unwitting, servants to the evil one and many, many, souls will be lost, for they will be drawn into rituals, which will pay homage to Satan. These rituals will honour the false prophet and the antichrist, who are enemies of God.

Pray, pray, pray that the Truth will be seen and that lies will be exposed for what they are – an affront to my Son’s agonizing Crucifixion.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

When they change the Sacrament of Baptism, they will remove all promises to renounce Satan for they will declare these references to be old-fashioned

The only choice we have is to never deviate from the Truth of Christ's Teachings and His Sacraments. No other choice! Christ will always remain the same, but His Bride is being defiled, She is being victimised and Crucified! We will be told that all is the same as it ever was! Lies!

They will cleverly disguise the Sacraments into delusional nonsense that honours the beast! If you recognise that the Sacrament of Baptism you attend does not make the vow to denounce satan, then know that you are in the midst of a diabolical lie which will rip Christ out of His Own Church. Pray for priests, that they will recognise the schism as it unfolds.

All Sacraments will become lies to deny Christ and His Divinity! Do not accept these changes! Pray hard!

When they change the Sacrament of Baptism, they will remove all promises to renounce Satan for they will declare these references to be old-fashioned

August 5, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, let no man believe during the persecution, which My beloved sacred servants – who remain loyal to Me – will have to endure, that My Church can ever die. For this is impossible. My Church – My Mystical Body – has Eternal Life.

When My enemies change the Sacraments and introduce new relics, new crosses and new practices – and then say that My Church remains as it has always been – they are lying. My Church can never change.

So many arguments will be made, in every nation, in order to defile the Sacrament of Marriage. They, the enemies of God, want Christians to accept marriage between couples of the same sex, but they must never accept this, as it offends My Father. It is not acceptable in His Eyes. When they change the Sacrament of Baptism, they will remove all promises to renounce Satan, for they will declare these references to be old-fashioned and too frightening. They will say it is irrelevant.

Then they will, bit by bit, introduce new versions of My Teachings. You, all of you who believe in My Church, must never betray Me. You must never accept any substitute for the Sacraments as I gave them to you. I Am the Truth. My Church represents the Truth. But you can only claim to be part of My Church if you retain all of My Teachings, My Sacraments and accept that My death on the Cross was the greatest Sacrifice to secure your salvation.

Anything, which deviates from the Truth, for fear of insulting pagans, is very dangerous. When you deny the Teachings of God and follow a new, alternative Church, you will no longer remain part of My Church on Earth. If you object to the new pagan practices, which will be introduced by the false prophet, you will be deemed a heretic. Then they will try to excommunicate you, in My Name. If you remain loyal to Me and refuse to take part in this wicked deceit, you will remain part of My Church.

The choice may be painful, when all these things come about, but it is very simple. You are either for Me or against Me.

Your Jesus

My Prophecies, which reveal the arrival of the antichrist, are soon to be realised

We pray that our names are in the Book of The Living as we travail the thorny road to the New Paradise.

Many will take the evil detour that satan has placed on the road in the form of a golden highway which will appeal to those who want for earthly things, things of the flesh, a new fandangled religion dressed in the fineries of which will take them to the abyss should they partake in the satanic rituals dressed in the new-agey paganistic practices to confuse and distract away from Christ's Divinity!

We cannot afford to have our eyes closed in these days! Take the scales off and allow the Truth to revealed to you! Do not under any circumstances accept the changes and modifications however impervious, to engage you in the playground of the beast.

These days are now!
Christ will no longer be tolerated anywhere!
Be His Strong Army of followers!
Be His first line of defence!
This is a battle!
Be battle ready and armed at your post!

My Prophecies, which reveal the arrival of the antichrist, are soon to be realised

August 4, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, My Prophecies, which reveal the arrival of the antichrist, are soon to be realised.

The day for all of you to prepare your houses and your routine of prayers is upon you and all who follow Me must be willing to make sacrifices, in order to help Me to open the eyes of God’s children everywhere to this wickedness, which will turn the world upside down.

Just as any true prophet is despised and treated as a nuisance, you, My dear followers, will be seen as an annoyance when you reveal the Truth. Expect ridicule, mockery and contempt, at every corner you turn. People who surround you will bully you, criticize you and find fault, even when you do not even speak with them about My Word.

Every fallen angel and demon, who infiltrate the Earth at this time, will, through weak souls, be immediately drawn to you, in order to discourage you from this Work.

Accept this grief in My Name, for when you do, you give great glory to God and it is one of the greatest gifts you can give Me. I then use these trials of yours to defeat Satan by claiming souls, which are destined to become his.

Very few understand the Divine Laws of Heaven and the role of the Cross in your lives. Someday, all of God’s children will understand why these cruel actions must be endured. Continue with the task of spreading the Truth, ignore the hatred you will witness and do not accept direction from those who deny Me – ever.

Your march towards the New Paradise will be difficult. But with only a small army, you can defeat the severity of the punishments, which will be handed out by the antichrist upon the world. Your task is to warn others of the dangers of accepting the laws of Satan as a substitute for the Laws of God.

Only by the Command of My Father can I take with Me all of those whose names are in the Book of the Living, but who will give their allegiance to the false prophet and, with a docile acceptance, fall for the appealing demeanour of the antichrist.

Your Jesus

God the Father: The names of those in the Book of the Living are the primary target of the beast

This is God's Voice in Its plainest form: " I Am all there is. I created all. I will end all. All must be according to My Holy Will. Fight My Will and you will become nothing. Accept My Will and you remain My child." - Do we really have that much courage to defy Him? To deny Him? To render Him detached from us? His Will! His Rules! Plain and simple! When will we get that?!

  God is on the threshold of showing humanity His Power!

  His Love for us wishes to help guide us back to Him!

Humanity are only interested in themselves, but He will open their eyes. If they wish to blindly follow the false prophet and satan, then they cut themselves off from Him, from The Inheritance He has Gifted us with! To blindly follow men above God, above Jesus is just stupid and foolish! Get a grip on the reality of the situation we are in now! These times are Scriptural, these are the times foretold in Revelation, in Daniel, in John the Evangelist! How much time do we think we have?

 Get real now and throw procrastination to the kerb!

 God is! God will always be! The Alpha and the Omega!

God the Father: The names of those in the Book of the Living are the primary target of the beast

August 3, 2013

My dearest daughter, I Call on humanity from the Highest and Most Holy Realm.

My poor little children, how you suffer for the sin of Lucifer, but you must know that, by My Almighty Power, I will wipe him and all the fallen angels off the face of the Earth. That time is close, so you must prepare.

Know that the fallen angels and demons are unknown and invisible to most of you, but they walk amongst you, tempting you every day so that you will fall. When you are taken into this web of deceit, soon you will find that you will be unable to rest or find true peace in your souls.

I declare that those who are led astray by the false prophet will find themselves lost and confused as they accept the great deceit, in which they will become willing victims. When you turn on Me and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, it will not appear to you that this is the case. You will believe that the Sacraments are the same, although they will be presented to you differently. They will become empty vessels and will no longer be acceptable by Me.

The world is Mine, yet My children do not want Me, their beloved Father, their Creator. Their minds have been blocked and the evil one has used My Gift of intelligence to tempt them into believing that I could not possibly Exist. Those who do not believe in Me will have no real love, joy or peace in their lives. Nor will they accept Eternal Life. Instead, they will seek out only pleasures of the flesh, although they know that their lives on Earth are short.

I will, as a Father Who loves each of them, pull them to Me through the Great Mercy of My Son. My Power is all-encompassing and Satan, My Lucifer, who cut himself away from My Hip, because of his pride, will never defeat Me. Those who follow him, therefore, have driven the same wedge between themselves and Me. They will know by the signs I now reveal that there is only One God, One Creator, one Paradise. All the paradises they are told about, by the false prophets in the world, who lead My children away from Me, do not, nor can they ever exist. I Am all there is. I created all. I will end all. All must be according to My Holy Will. Fight My Will and you will become nothing. Accept My Will and you remain My child.

To those who do believe in Me, you must never reject My Son, Jesus Christ. I came into the world through My Son to bring you back into My Mercy, but you rejected Him. You killed Him, but still you never killed My Love for you. This is why I allowed His Crucifixion to bring you salvation. This, My Son’s death on the Cross, became your way to salvation. His death was not what it seemed – a failure in the eyes of the evil one. It was through this act of great suffering, endured with the greatest humility, which defeated Satan. And it was because of My Son’s death on the Cross, that Satan’s power over humanity failed. Even though he cannot take all of My children with him into the abyss, many will still be seduced by his lies. This is why you must fight, children, not just for your own souls. If you love Me, you will love My Son. If you love My Son, then you must help Him to save all sinners.

I Call on you to tell you that when I Call on souls, especially those who do not know Me, as well as those who do know Me, but who refuse to accept My Commandments, that they have only so much time to save themselves from eternal torture.

The names of those in the Book of the Living are the primary target of the beast. Many of these souls are followers of My Son and are loyal to the Church. They will turn on My Son by accepting new laws, not of My Son, which they will be forced to swallow as a new religion. This new religion has been carefully planned for many years. It follows Satanic rituals, but many will not understand this. When you embrace these rituals, you will give power to Satan. When you give him this power, you will need much prayer, for he will devour you in body as well as in soul.

My children, I intervene now through punishments on the Earth. The poor souls who lose their lives through these chastisements are helping to save those of you who are lost to Me.

When you feel frightened by the wickedness of Satan and his influence in your lives, remember that I will destroy his representatives on Earth. I will cut short your suffering, because I wish to save souls. If I allowed this evil to continue, I would not be able to salvage all those souls whose names are in the Book of the Living.

Your beloved Father

God the Most High

Mother of Salvation: Soon you will be asked to give out a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, which will not be the Body of my Son.

Please Mother Of Salvation, engulf the hearts of all Your Son's Sacred servants in Your Holy Mantle to protect them from the wickedness and snares of the evil one. Jesus in His Sorrow will witness again, those who mock Him and sneer at Him and spit in His Face! Mother, crush the head of the beast soon.

Help us all to stay awake to the terrible changes which are beginning to manifest in The Church to desecrate Jesus' Sacred Body. We will not fear, but we will share in Your Sorrow at the Crucifixion which humanity will witness in these days to come.

Please stop the false prophet from dividing Jesus' Church on earth. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, please intercede for Your children. Amen.

Mother of Salvation: Soon you will be asked to give out a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, which will not be the Body of my Son.

August 2, 2013

My child, I stand before my Son, at this time, and fall on my face at His Feet in great sorrow. Just as I had to witness His Agony at the foot of His Cross, during His terrifying Crucifixion, I now have to endure His Pain once again.

My Son’s Crucifixion is taking place again as His Body, His Mystical Body, which is His Church on Earth, has to endure a scourging by His own. They, the enemies within His Church, will scourge His Body, tear It apart, mock Him cruelly and desecrate It, before they throw It aside. My Son’s Church is now to be scourged, during what will be the first stage of His Crucifixion on Earth in these times. They will take His Body – through the Holy Eucharist – and insult Him as well as degrade Him. Many signs will be seen of this, as every disrespectful and devious gesture will be made, in order to curse Him. When they have vilified His Most Holy Eucharist, they will then throw It away and soon It will be very difficult to receive It. This is just one of the many plans underway to wipe out my Son’s Presence in the Holy Mass.

Many will see these wicked gestures and know that they are insulting to my Son. Many will protest, but their voices will not be heard. To those poor priests, who will suffer because of this desecration, you must ask me, your Mother, to help you endure such pain. You must never ever tamper with the Holy Eucharist, for It is your only Food of Salvation. Without It, you will starve. It must always be made available to every single one of God’s children. You must never accept that any other kind of bread is the Food of Life.

Soon you will be asked to give out a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, which will not be the Body of my Son. You must remain true to the Gift of the Holy Eucharist even when you are told that It is no longer relevant – no longer acceptable in the new world religion.

Your Mother in Christ

Mother of Salvation

The wickedness present in the world is on a scale not seen since the days of Noah

Jesus is telling us that we will have no choice in denying His Divinity! But Jesus I will not, nor will any of your True followers in This Mission ever deny You! I have no idea what they will throw at us, but there is no way, I or any of us will go along with any new idea that will push You out of our lives!

This is just an impossible scenario to me! I will never turn my back on You, I can't! It's not part of my DNA! You have me totally!

They can try whatever devious means they want, but I will not be part of any of what they will claim! I will not accept any new doctrines that throw out the Traditional Teachings of the Orthodox Catholic Church!

I will not accept anyone telling me that I have to change to suit the 'new' ways! I haven't yet even when 'thrown out' of my local Parish! No way!

But Lord, please let us know soon where we are to go. Which priests will be those who celebrate the Holy Mass and the Sacraments when all this unfolds? I don't know if any priest in Queensland especially will do this!

The one I could rely on, if kicked out, will go back to Nigeria! Jesus! I am begging You to delete the antichrist as soon as he makes himself known! Mother of Salvation, pray for us who have recourse to Thee! Amen.

FOOTNOTE: Since I wrote this above,  a Refuge Priest has been sent to my township. He was driving along a highway not too far from my town and he had a Divine Inspiration that he was needed somewhere near to where he was in that moment.  He found me on facebook and found  that I actually lived in the township he believed he was being called to. So now each Monday morning we have the great Blessing of being given a Latin Mass and the Sacraments in Truth in a private home! This now will be our Refuge Mass with a Refuge Priest! That is what I am talking about - have faith and God will move mountains!

The wickedness present in the world is on a scale not seen since the days of Noah

August 1, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how I yearn to embrace all of you dear followers of Mine and take you into My Refuge of peace and safety. How I wish I could take you all and hide you from the wickedness, which is being plotted against all Christians.

The wickedness present in the world is on a scale not seen since the days of Noah and it is like an invisible net, which covers the Earth. So lethal is it that very few really understand the level of sophistication involved. But be aware, this plan – the details of which will be given to the world – by those who say that they represent My churches on Earth – will be brought before you and you will be expected to accept it. Then you will be demanded to devour it and you will be given no choice. What you will be asked to do, behind all the garble, is to deny Me, Jesus Christ.

I warn the world, that when you try to dismiss My Divinity – you and all those involved in this devious plot – you will be marked as an enemy of God. When you side with blasphemous laws, you are guilty of sin against God.

I will continue to warn you, to open your eyes to the Truth, but I cannot force you to remain true to Me. I cannot force you to love Me. Your free will is your own, but if you turn and ask Me to guide you, I will open your eyes to the Truth. When you accept the Truth I will save you.

My poor followers, know that as the world will turn against God, that the Almighty Power of My Father will intervene and destroy His enemies one by one.

Your Jesus

They will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church by holding a referendum

A great warning for all of us! None of us who know the Truth will take part in any referendum of any sort in the Church! Anyone who tries to deceive us by taking part in handing out these satanic referendums should be exposed!

Jesus' will never be defiled in this way by anyone who is a True follower of Him and who chooses Christ above any man!

The man who claims villainously, that he is Jesus come back in flesh to bring our salvation a second time should be spat at!

If I was a Muslim, I would show the soles of my feet! and that's saying somethin'!!!

Never can Jesus return to us as a man! Never!

 He will not return to earth in flesh a second time! The lies will be presented to us soon! Stay awake!

This is a section of the pathway that is becoming very rocky indeed!

They will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church by holding a referendum

July 31, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, always remember how the devil works. He is very careful not to reveal himself. He, therefore, mixes truths and lies together, in order to confuse. This is his favourite way to deceive souls. He would never tell the truth, by allowing others to see how he really is, but because he is proud, his arrogance and his hatred for Me will always seep out. Those whose eyes are open will immediately recognize the insults, which are thrown in My Face and before My altars.

Satan, remember, is proud, arrogant, boastful and very, very cunning. When he is present in souls, he has a confidence, which is borne out of pride and arrogance and a belief that he is above God. He will always give signs, which insult God, but only those who know what to look for will see them. Those who honour Satan, and who spend much of their time in groups which organize rituals to pay homage to him, will be delighted to see these signs. All who have sold their souls to Satan will communicate, through such signs, as an arrogant and defiant gesture against Me, Jesus Christ.

Those who deceive you, in My Name, will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church, by holding a referendum. All will be asked to condone new practices, which amount to two things. The first is to wipe out My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. The second is to condone sin, by encouraging people to show sympathy for the human rights of those who do not believe in Jesus Christ.

This referendum will be falsified and lies will be presented as the Truth. When the new one world religion is introduced, My Church on Earth – the True Church – will go into hiding, in order to pay homage to Me.

I Am the target of the beast. I Am Who he wants to hurt. He knows he cannot destroy Me, so he will instead try to destroy the human race, who he curses every second. His servants will not stop by just insulting My Presence in the Tabernacles of the world. They will not be happy to destroy only the Sacraments, so that they can blaspheme against Me. They will only be happy when they steal souls by creating the greatest blasphemy of all. This is when they will recreate My First Coming by giving the impression that John the Baptist has been sent. The man who will say he is the Lord’s prophet will lie and cause such wonder when he declares that the antichrist is Me, Jesus Christ.

The antichrist will, through the power of Satan, claim to be Me, Jesus Christ. Woe to those souls who welcome him into their arms, for they will be powerless against him. Allow these two to suck you into their vacuum of lies and you will be so far removed from Me that only by the Intervention of My Father can you be brought into My Great Mercy.

When anyone who comes in the future, and claims to be Me, Jesus Christ, know that he is a liar. I will not come in the flesh a second time.

Satan cannot utter these words:

“Jesus Christ, Who came in the flesh.”

What he will say, through the mouth of the beast, the antichrist, will be the following:

“I am Jesus Christ, I have now come in the flesh, to bring you salvation.”

When this happens My Divine Intervention will be swift, but by then the false prophet and the antichrist will have stolen many souls.

Pray, pray, pray that all those who say they are Mine remain Mine.

Pray that you will all have the strength and courage to carry My Cross during the greatest persecution of My Body – My Mystical Body – My Church on Earth at this time.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: Just as the Holy Word of God can unite souls, so too can it cause great division

These Messages have attracted much adverse reaction especially from Catholics, theologians and Clergy – why would they all feel so uncomfortable? The Truth is very uncomfortable for anyone who won’t concede, change their lifestyles or release themselves from worldliness, humanism and ambition. Says a lot for those who take up the suffering of being persecuted while spreading the Truth of these Messages no matter how adverse the Pharisees are! Stand up for Truth! Carry the Cross of Jesus!

Mother of Salvation: Just as the Holy Word of God can unite souls, so too can it cause great division

July 31, 2013

My child, when you love my Son, Jesus Christ, it will bring all those who truly love Him close together. When those who love my Son find it difficult to love others, they need to call on Me, the Mother of Salvation, to open their hearts.

The Love of my Son is so powerful, that with the Power of the Holy Spirit, it can spread so quickly from one corner of the world into every part. When my Son’s Holy Word is given to all of God’s children, through this Mission, it will tear through the hearts of humble souls, who recognize the Saviour as He speaks. The Love, which emanates from His Word, given to you at this time in the history of mankind, will unite millions of souls, instantly, as if you were known to each other all your lives. So powerful is it, that it can, through the power of tongues, spread from nation to nation, in all languages, quickly. This is how you know that these Words, through these Messages, come from my Son.

Just as the Holy Word of God can unite souls, so too can it cause great division. The hatred, which ensues as the Word of God devours souls, is at its worst. When these Messages attract such hatred and wicked actions, by those who call themselves true disciples of my Son, know then that it is the evil one who causes this. My poor souls, my poor confused children, you must never turn your back when you are unsure of my Son’s Words. You must keep an open mind and remain true to what He taught you. Do not judge anyone in His Name. Love one another. If you do not believe that God has sent His final prophet, then it does not matter. Please remember though, your obligation – by carrying out your duties to my Son, by adhering strictly to His Teachings.

You must never accept that He would bless any new doctrine, which He did not give the world when He walked the Earth. He would never condone anything, which substitutes His death on the Cross on the altars of the world.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Never accept a cross, which does not resemble the Cross, upon which I was crucified

Never accept a cross, which does not resemble the Cross, upon which I was crucified
(As seen in last post)

July 30, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, how sweet are the voices of those who love Me and who comfort Me in this time of great sorrow. You, My beloved followers, who will never desert Me, are like honey, sweet in My Mouth, soothing My Body and lifting My Spirit.

Many will follow the falsities, because they will be afraid to stand up and defiantly defend the Word of God. At first, they will be confused, by the new practices, new symbols, new garments, new formats for altars and new crosses. Then they will accept all these new things, as signs of the times. This new, modern, so-called unified approach to honour God, will be then enthusiastically embraced by those poor souls. But those who are Mine will stay true to My Word, for all ages. They are the backbone of My Church on Earth and they will never break.

My desire is that you, My loyal Christians – of all denominations – gather together to fight the demons, which have been unleashed from Hell and who roam amongst you. Never apologise for loving Me. Never accept a cross, which does not resemble the Cross, upon which I was crucified. When I Am missing, or Am not mentioned, then you will know that infestation spreads throughout these Churches, which has been masterminded by My enemies. If you do accept their satanic rituals and symbols, you will leave yourselves exposed to evil.

Stay true to Me. Keep your daily prayers simple. Keep Holy Water and My Cross in your homes. Protect each other. Stay obedient to those sacred servants of Mine, who will remain fiercely loyal to Me and who refuse to betray Me. Then spend the rest of your time praying for the souls of atheists, those who believe in pagan gods and those who will blindly follow the enemies of My Church into the wilderness.

Remain in close union with Me and call on Me every day for strength. I will be at your side during these bitter trials ahead and I will never forsake those who seek Me out.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: You must hold on to traditional Crosses, for soon they will disappear

Our Lady is challenging us to SEE when the Cross of Her Beloved Son changes in It's appearance to become a mockery of His Crucifixion! How much plainer can this be? Why are Catholics especially still gleaning after the false prophet who stole the Seat of Peter?

Look at the cross he shows the world! It is satanic and a mockery! Where is Christ Crucified on it? Can't you see the outline of the goat's head?

My goodness, wake up all of you who claim to be Christ's followers! His Cross must remain visually connected to His Crucifixion! His Body, His Blood, His Soul and His Divinity on THE CROSS!

It is as plain as the nose on our faces! Get real! and get discerning of the Truth! satan wants to take those who love Jesus first!

Be a part of the 'francis effect' and you will claim ‘glory’ in hell! Be good to yourselves and unblind yourselves before it's too late! God have Mercy!

Mother of Salvation: You must hold on to traditional Crosses, for soon they will disappear

July 29, 2013

My children, always remember that, by the Power of God and by the Grace of my Son, I will crush the beast and when all seems hopeless, the reign of the evil one will come to an abrupt end.

My Veil of Protection covers all those who call on my help, during these difficult times. Remember, that just as I lost my Son, when He was twelve years of age, I found Him in the Temple. Pray, my children, and go into your churches, now, to offer up the sacrifices needed to ask for perseverance during this terrible spiritual battle for souls.

My Son has suffered so much by His death on the Cross, but this was only one burden. The greatest suffering He endures today is for those already lost to Him. And now, as the spirit of evil strives to take away from Him all those who love Him, His Pain sears through Him like a sword, cutting Him in two.

Victim souls will now suffer the greatest pain, as the persecution against God’s children mounts. By my Son’s Cross, you have been saved. By His Cross you will fight evil and His Cross, when blessed, will protect you. But, if this Cross changes or appears different, it is a mockery of my Son’s death to save sinners. You must hold on to traditional Crosses for soon they will disappear.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

The mark of the beast will bring with it death – death of the soul and death by a terrible disease

"Those who refuse the mark of the beast will need to hide and prepare"

I know this sounds dire, but please for no reason, accept this chip into your body. It is embedded with the numbers 666 just as the barcodes on all products do. It will be the death of your souls without help through prayer to reverse it's affects.

This can only be given by God in His Will, so best not to test God! Please know and have faith that with the Seal of The Living God we will be invisible to the enemy. We will be protected, our homes will be protected. Nothing that the beast lines up for us will harm us.

God has made His Promise and it is up to us to know unequivocally, that His Promise Is as It Is! Pray to mitigate the effects of the diabolical plans of satan in his attempts to snatch souls!

Our families will be in Paradise with us, our prayers are being heard!

The mark of the beast will bring with it death – death of the soul and death by a terrible disease

July 29, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, My Name is rarely mentioned in the same breath, as those who claim to represent Me shout blasphemies against God. My death on the Cross will not only be dismissed and not spoken about, but the images of demons will be used as a substitute for My Corpus on the Cross. If it is not Me they killed on the Cross, then who is it? Who are they, who proclaim My Word to the world, but who utter profanities, which spill from their mouths?

Beware of the miracles the men in white robes will claim to perform, as if they are made of My Flesh and blessed with My Spirit. When you see wondrous and seemingly miraculous events take place, know that they are nothing of the sort.

You will be told that miracles have been created by the hand of the false prophet. You will then be expected to show great respect and you will be told, at first, that he is a living saint. He will be worshipped, loved and admired and all will say that he is favoured by God. They will believe, in time, that these miracles are taking place to herald My Second Coming.

And then, the beast will appear. And he will honour the first one. And the world will be caught up in terrible confusion. They will be trapped. On the one hand, the false prophet will control all religions in the world and prey on the love of those who know the Truth. Those who do know the Truth, will not reject Me, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. The antichrist will show great honour towards the false prophet. But, because his role will be a political one, their allegiance will unite many people who will applaud this alliance.

These events will begin to make sense soon. Those who try to take you away with them into a false faith, not of God, will be very convincing. They will never reveal their true intent, until they believe they are winning this battle. But then, they will destroy many, who refuse to accept the mark of the beast. They will say that this will be a sign of true world peace, love and unity, but hidden within its vile core will be the number 666, the sign of the beast.

Just as holy medals offer protection from Heaven with Power from God, the mark of the beast will bring with it death – death of the soul and death by a terrible disease. Those who refuse it will have to hide and prepare. I know this is frightening, but it is true. I will intervene with the help of your prayers to put an end to the persecution.

You, my beloved followers, who know the Truth, are being prepared to help those who will struggle with this knowledge. By the time this happens, My Remnant Army, will be a force to be reckoned with. Their strength will lie in their ability to save those who will suffer by this diabolical act of revenge on God’s children.

Your Jesus