Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Mother of Salvation: What man could ever reject this new perfect existence

Mary, Mother of Salvation thankyou once again for Your Love for us. How we would be so blind still if we didn't have You speaking through Maria to guide us through these times. How we must all realise that if it was left up to the world to 'sort it all out' we would be non-existent!

The Illuminati including the Global Elite have got such demonic, diabolic plans to annihilate human beings in their estimate over the next 10 years, but regardless of their plans, God is telling us that He will Protect us and His Hand will come down hard on those who try to hurt His children! So what on earth literally, do we have to fear?

The false prophet will do his horrible part to exterminate Christ from our Churches, the antichrist will do his part to exterminate more babies, elderly, control everyone else with RFID chips (Mark of The Beast), killer 'vaccinations' and pandemic flu's but God shields us with everything in His Power to counteract all that the evil one can muster!

God has us in the Palm of His Hands. He alone has the Command! Let's get to Truly understand that nothing can harm us if we but trust and have faith in God's Abundance! You have heard it before, but for the sake of those half dozen people who haven't, 'If God is with us, who can be against us!" - Let's just let go and let God!

Let's just do what Jesus is asking of us - pray, offer our sufferings and personal sacrifices for the saving of lost souls, give all our wills over to Him to live in His Will! We know how to do this, don't we?!

He's just waiting His Time to overthrow satan and all his evil minions!

Blessed Mother is ready to sharpen Her Stilhetto's!

We love you Mother of Salvation!

Mother of Salvation: What man could ever reject this new perfect existence

August 9, 2013

My child, every effort will be made by the evil one to encourage all souls, including those who are closest to the Heart of my Son, to reject and deny His Second Coming.

Just as the spirit of evil fought against me, the Mother of God, in the time leading up to the birth of Jesus, the same opposition will be witnessed as His Second Coming draws near.

Many people are blind to the Promise made by my Son, when He said that He would come again. Many, who do not accept that His Second Coming will happen soon, are unprepared because they cannot accept that it will take place in their lifetime. Whereas, in the days soon after my Son’s death on the Cross, His apostles thought that they would witness His Second Coming. This belief was also prevalent in the minds of Christians many hundreds of years later. But this is not the case today. Some believe that the Second Coming refers to an old part of Holy Scripture and that it is an event which is part of the future. They do not believe that the Second Coming has any relevance for them in today’s modern world. Everything in the world today is based on materialism, modern human intelligence and the great wonders which spring from great advances in science.

Children, you must prepare. You must not be frightened. It is because you are very much loved by my Son that He comes back soon to bring you a great peace, a great freedom from sadness and despair – which are caused directly as a result of sin in the world.

The Second Coming of Christ is what humanity needs to survive. If Jesus did not come soon, as foretold, then the world would be destroyed and man would be forsaken. This Gift will bring you a new life, a new wonderful and glorious beginning in the New Paradise. It will be the greatest renewal of the Earth and with it will come Eternal Life. What man could ever reject this new perfect existence? No one, if given the full knowledge of this New Era of Peace, where Paradise will be restored, would turn their backs. Not one single sinner would want to be excluded, but sadly the minds of many will be blinded to the Truth. Instead, they will believe that peace will be theirs when they swallow the lies, which will soon be presented to them, in the mistaken belief that they come from God.

Pray, pray, children, that you are blessed with the Gift of vision, given to those of you who are worthy to be bestowed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Only those who accept the Hand of Mercy, by the Hand of God, will be taken into a life of eternity.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

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