Tuesday, 16 August 2016

It is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world

There is an email address below to register  your name, city and email address to best find out where a Crusade of Prayer Group is being held near to where we live. No personal information is sent. Once the organiser understands who genuinely wants to be part of a Prayer Group, he will inform us where one is available.

As I lead a Crusade of Prayer Group in my township, I have emailed him and let him know how many are in our group as well. When he finds someone else on the register looking for a group near me, he will inform them where we are. This will give an overall understanding of how many people all over the world are members of a Crusade of Prayer Group. The organiser has secure measures in place and this is why all he asks is for our name, city and email address for further contact.

Here is your first point of contact: firefly5913@gmail.com

Jesus says: "These Prayers will spread conversion, provide physical healing and dilute the impact of war, hunger and poverty. Today I bequeath to you a new Prayer which will help to reduce the terrible suffering which will be brought on by war."

 Crusade Prayer (120) Stop the Spread of War

"O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity. Protect the innocents from suffering. Protect the souls who try to bring true peace. Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war. Protect the young and vulnerable. Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.
Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife. We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart. Amen"

A most powerful prayer to undermine a powerful enemy!

It is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world
September 8, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, it is time that the Crusade Prayer Groups must be set up and spread across the world. These Prayers are given by the Power of God and great miracles are associated with them.

These Prayers will spread conversion, provide physical healing and dilute the impact of war, hunger and poverty. Today I bequeath to you a new Prayer which will help to reduce the terrible suffering which will be brought on by war.

Crusade Prayer (120) Stop the Spread of War

O my sweet Jesus, take away the wars, which destroy humanity.

Protect the innocents from suffering.

Protect the souls who try to bring true peace.

Open the hearts of those afflicted by the pain of war.

Protect the young and vulnerable.

Save all souls whose lives are destroyed by war.

Strengthen all of us, dear Jesus, who pray for the souls of all God’s children and grant us the Grace to withstand the suffering, which may be given to us during times of strife.

We beg You to stop the spread of war and bring souls into the Sacred Refuge of Your Heart.


Go, all of you who hear Me, and ask Me for the Graces you will need to endure My Pain at this time.

Your Jesus

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