Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Mother of Salvation: A new, bitter world war will be declared


Our Lady's sadness has overshadowed this Message. She is letting humanity know that we are going to be in the grip of WWIII involving nuclear weaponry. The war won't last long, but millions will die! This is scandalous! Innocent men, women and children will lose their lives because of these ugly, satanic, treacherous leaders who will double-cross their own people! Madness!

The four corners of the earth will be engulfed! Australia will not be excluded! 

Blessed Mother of Salvation is calling for us to pray 3 Rosaries a day to avert the onslaught of this massacre! It will be a difficult job, but Jesus has begged Her to ask us to do this now! Offer up all of your day, your thoughts, your tasks, your hardships, your joys as a petition to Jesus to make this war finish virtually before it begins!

Through Medjugorje, Mother is asking for us to recite 3 Hail Marys at 6.30pm each day to dilute the impact of World War 3.

Mother of Salvation: A new, bitter world war will be declared
September 6, 2013

My dear child, I must, on the instructions of my Son, Jesus Christ, reveal that the wars, which will unfold now, in the Middle East, will herald the great battle, as a new, bitter world war will be declared.

How this breaks the Sacred Heart of my poor suffering Son. The hatred, which infuses the hearts of those leaders, entrusted with the responsibility of running their countries, by ordinary people, will spread.

They will betray their own nations.
Millions will be killed and many nations will be involved. You must know that the souls of those who will be murdered and who are innocent of any crime will be saved by my Son.

The speed of these wars will escalate and no sooner will four parts of the world become involved than the Great War will be announced. Sadly, nuclear weapons will be used and many will suffer. It will be a frightening war, but it will not last long.

Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my  Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.

Thank you, my child, for responding to my call. Know that there is great sadness in Heaven at this time and it is with a heavy heart that I bring you this difficult news.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation

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