Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Deny sin and you deny Me

Have we become that complacent, that comfortable and that self-seeking that we have lost the understanding that sin is wrong, that sinful actions, words and thoughts are wrong?

What has changed for us over the years to believe that as Christians we no longer need The Ten Commandments to be our 'Rules' of living good, decent and holy lives?

Why are our eyes closed to what Heaven have placed down as the Guidelines for being Truly Christian?

Why are Christians so quick to set aside that which God has Commanded?

Any wonder Jesus just can't sit by and watch His children take the wide easy highway to hell! We know that the Path to Paradise is narrow and thorny! Why do we think that everything free and easy will get us close enough to see His Face?

Come on! What on earth is the matter with us, that we cannot fathom what sin is in God's Eyes!

We cannot accept the lies and deceit and still claim to one day see Christ! We cannot believe for one minute that our sins will vanish without any work on our part to purify our own souls! Is that the way we look at everything these days?

Take the easy way out of everything without regard for others, for ourselves, for God? It seems our society has taught us to deny, deny, deny and then at all costs, never admit defeat, never claim responsibility, never admit fault!

Well it seems those who claim to love Christ are very complacent and as long as 'their alright Jack' nothing else matters! Wrong honey!

Jesus is sending out His Call for humanity to know the Truth, to know God's Truth, to know the Book of Truth! Our preparedness will lead us to Paradise! If we don't consider the weapons Jesus is giving us to fight in the Spiritual Battle, then what will we have as our defence?

satan is falling over himself to snatch us from Christ! So what are you doing to stop him eh?

Deny sin and you deny Me

October 4, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, no man can fight Me and expect eternal salvation, unless he surrenders in full to Me. All of God’s children must know that the time is drawing close when the world must know that My Final Call is almost upon them.

Never fear My Call. Welcome it, for I bring you Love, Peace and Salvation. Ignore Me at your peril, for I only give you so much time to respond to My Call from Heaven.

You, My beloved followers – no matter who you are – will find yourselves isolated soon and cut off from My True Presence. My Presence, My Word and the True Teachings of God are to be banished and you will find yourselves in a very lonely state. Those of you who scoff and mock these, My Holy Messages of Love to the world, will be left wondering how this can be, when you follow the path of deceit. The further you walk along this path, the greater the distance you will put between your souls and My Mercy.

When you love Me, you will believe in My Teachings. If you know Me, you will recognise My Holy Word in the Scriptures. If you know Me and accept that I would ever allow My Holy Word to be turned into something that it is not, without intervention on My Part, then you cannot say you know Me. If you believe that I, the Son of man, Who died a brutal death, on your behalf, to save you from sin, could sit back and condone such a situation, then you deny the Word of God.

Deny sin and you deny Me. Accept sin as being a good thing or believe, for one minute, that I will excuse it, without reconciliation, then you can no longer claim a place in My Kingdom. I warn you that this period ahead of you will lead you on the most dangerous path of destruction, unless you remain true to My Holy Word.

My Word is Eternal. My Kingdom is yours when you accept My Word as it was given to you. Dare to tamper with it or accept any form of new adaptation and you will suffer for this. My Anger is rising now, as I see how little respect many of you show towards the Truth as it was written in My Father’s Book. There can be no other Truth. Any form of deviation can never be accepted by God. No arguments. No human reasoning. No exceptions. The Truth will live for Eternity. Lies will drive you into the arms of the beast.

Your Jesus

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