Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory

It is apparent that once Heaven and Earth become one, we will not be able to pass go and collect all our sins and transgressions and take them to Purgatory.

Purgatory will no longer exist and the only way if not the way to Paradise and our Eternal Reward, is to go to hell!

Those who are hardened with pride, arrogance, ignorance and egoism will find it very difficult to break from the chains that satan binds them with. he just wants to make their eternity miserable in the abyss where he gets great delight in making them suffer hellfire.

But Jesus, still in His Mercy for those souls, will give them more opportunities for now but not later, no second chances. Even in the meantime when they have mocked, scorned, denied, He will still allow them an attempt to redeem themselves in His Eyes but again those chances are running out. Our prayers will be so significant leading up to this day.

We will still be able to help turn these people around. We cannot lose hope in that. They are relying on us even unbeknowns to them for our prayers for their Salvation. Jesus will listen to us, He already has and will continue to do so! For those who believe that somehow sin is ok with Jesus, perhaps you need to get a grip! Jesus will condemn sin, not condone sin.

A lie isn't a half lie, it is a lie! We cannot hope that our sins will be overlooked in this life and hope that when we die, we will be worthy of living life in the perfect Paradise God has prepared.

Who would we be to believe that we are worthy in a state of sin? No! Jesus cannot forgive sins if we die with them.

Once dead, our sins remain with us and we are judged accordingly. This is why through Confession and Crusade Prayer #8 (if non Catholic), we are being given a very real 'get out of jail free card' before it's too late. Free yourself from your sins. Give them with full contrition to Jesus! Remain in a State of Grace and you will know Paradise. Remain in a state of pride and indifference and see how far you get. There is hope, but it doesn't come for free!

Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory
October 12, 2013  

My dearly beloved daughter, My Throne will be placed upon the renewed Earth and soon all will live in peace and harmony, in accordance with the Will of My Father.

The world will become as it was in the beginning and no discord will be felt. All of God’s children, who are chosen to join with the angels and saints, will live a perfect existence. But know this. Those who do not accept the reality of the New Paradise, when they have been given every chance to decide which path they wish to choose, will not be given a second chance.

Once the Heavens and Earth become one, there will be no Purgatory. The only path souls will take, who refuse to accept My Mercy when it is handed to them freely, will be the one which leads to Hell. Many will be so stubborn, because they rely almost completely on intellectual reasoning, that they will, unwittingly, choose to spend eternity in the fires of Hell.

Those who do not believe in God, or accept the Truth, do not believe in the existence of Satan. He, the deceiver, will cloud their minds with lies, so as to entice them into the chambers of torture. Once there, because of his hatred of man, he will make them suffer non-stop for eternity. I cannot help these souls then. How I weep with bitter sorrow for the souls of the arrogant, the ignorant and those with hardened hearts. They are so stuffed with pride, that they will never see Me because they can’t. It is not possible for a person to see Me or to be filled with My True Word, if they are stricken with the sin of pride. Those of you, on the other hand, who know Me, but who accept Me on your own terms – you too distance yourselves from Me.

Why do you say you know Me and then twist what I told you about following Me? How can you call yourself a Christian and be prepared to accept false theology and lies, which you have twisted to suit your own lifestyles? Who are you if you do not follow Me and accept the full Truth of My Teachings? You are a traitor. You betray Me. When you betray Me once, you will be tempted to do it again and again, until finally, you will no longer be a Christian in My Eyes.

I must call on all those who believe in My Word and ask you, when have I ever condoned sin? I forgive sin, but I never condone it. If you believe that I condone sin, then you justify sin. You will suffer for the error of your ways and you are no better than those who betrayed Me, mocked Me, laughed at Me and crucified Me.

Remember, I taught you the Truth. Nothing but the Truth will bring you to accept the salvation I now come to bring to the world, at this, the final stage of My Covenant to save humanity.

Never forget that I Am the Truth. Only the Truth comes from Me.

Your Jesus

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