Wednesday, 16 November 2016

You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you


Please take yourselves to Confession if you are Catholic. Please pray Crusade Prayer # 8 if you belong to Jesus! We are all required for our own sakes to be repentant in order to receive Jesus' Mercy. He wants to give us This Gift, however, he cannot if we have no contrition! We can arrive before Him in our current states having accumulated sin including mortal sin all our lives and have the most confrontational, emotional and shocking experience during the Warning having been shown our souls as they are seen by God, or we can take an opportunity to rid our souls of every sin we can remember now, so that residual sin that we have forgotten or we deemed incorrectly to be no sin will be all that is laid bare for us to see and then ask Christ, "Lord Jesus I beg for Your Mercy, I am a worthless sinner - have pity on me!"

This would be a much better outcome for our souls, then to arrive proud and arrogant and believing that sin is of no consequence! If you thought you ever experienced a heart attack and it felt really bad, then perhaps you should give thought to seeing your darkened soul with all it has to expose to understand what spiritual shock is all about! Is that how you want to do this? Or take Jesus up on His Invitation to relieve yourselves of that kind of burden of suffering? Take yourselves to Jesus through the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation, don't leave yourselves stranded!

This Crusade Prayer is powerful for all who are not Catholic! Please pray it with all your heart! Jesus is listening and He will forgive you when it is prayed with Truth and sincerity in your hearts. Take it - it's yours!

Crusade Prayer (8) The Confession: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 @ 10:30 pm

 “Dearest Jesus, I ask Your pardon for all my sins and for the hurt and injury I have caused to others. I humbly pray for the Graces to avoid offending You again and to offer penance according to Your Most Holy Will. I plead for the forgiveness of any future offense which I may partake in and which will cause You pain and suffering. Take me with You into the New Era of Peace so that I may become part of Your Family for Eternity. I love You Jesus. I need You. I honour You and everything You stand for. Help me, Jesus, so that I may be worthy to enter Your Kingdom. Amen”

You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you
November 15, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, by the Authority of My Father, God the Most High, I wish to inform all those who are suffering, in My Name, that the time is close for The Warning to take place.

Those of you, who have been given knowledge of this, My Great Day of Mercy, will see the signs shortly. You must confess your transgressions before Me, so that you will be adequately prepared for this event, which will shock the world.

I do this soon, so that I can save those people who have cut the umbilical cord, which ties them to Me, before it is too late. You must trust in Me and gather in prayer so that souls in darkness do not perish before I grant them immunity for their sins.

Look now into your hearts and souls and see them as I see you.

What do you see? Will you be able to stand before Me and say “Jesus, I do everything You desire of me to live the life which You expect me to.”? Will you say “Jesus, I offend You, because I cannot help it, so please have Mercy on my soul.”? Or will you say “Jesus I have sinned, but only because I need to defend myself.”?

You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you. I will show you your soul. You will see every stain upon it. You will relive the sin and then I will give you the time to ask Me to show you My Mercy. Not because you are entitled to My Mercy – but only because I decide to give you this Gift.

My Day will dawn, unexpectedly, through the signs which will be shown to you in advance.

I have spent three years trying to open your eyes to the Truth. Some of you have accepted it. Others have thrown it back in My Face. Now is the time of My Divine Mercy and only those who open their hearts to Me, and who accept Me, will be given the chance to redeem themselves.

Be thankful for My unconditional Love.

Your Jesus

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