Friday 3 February 2017

All of God’s children are part of His extraordinary family

An interesting line: "For in God’s Kingdom age does not exist. All souls are elevated according to their status and how they fulfilled the Will of My Father"

This is a reiteration of other Messages telling us that when we are taken in the blink of an eye, where 3 are in the field and 2 will be taken etc, that it is by our level of faith, charity, love especially, and humility being really important too. Our Entry into Paradise will be in various stages. Some will go very quickly, those who God sees are purified and humbled in order to be worthy of Paradise. Some will take longer. Some will be here to see the destruction both by satan and then the destruction of satan himself. Children beneath the age of Reason (under 7) we could almost assume will not be left here to suffer through it. Somehow this 'grading' of status is very important to God's Plan.

Any wonder Jesus is Calling out to us to prepare our souls and live lives in love and peace. Many who have attained this early will leave our current world and be brought to their Glorious Inheritance! Something to be hopeful for! Pray for your families! So many are so far from God. They will have a long battle ahead if they don't make the necessary changes to their lives NOW!

All of God’s children are part of His extraordinary family

December 28, 2013

My dearly beloved daughter, many who believe in God, have only a vague idea as to Who He is and why He created the world.My Father is Love. All who surround Him love Him, just as you would imagine the love for a much cherished father. Being with Him is the most natural feeling and everyone in Heaven is in complete union with Him.

They feel cherished, much loved and this brings them a complete sense of belonging. When all those who are favoured in My Father’s Kingdom unite with Him, they experience an ecstasy like nothing you know on Earth. When those of you who follow Me, Jesus Christ, and join in union with Me, get to know My Father, you too will experience this sense of belonging.

All of God’s children are part of His extraordinary family and each one is loved by Him with an abiding passion. For those blessed with the Graces from Heaven, and who feel close to My Father, you must know that you will feel a sense of awe when you speak with Him in your heart – on the one hand. But on the other hand, you will feel loved and with an instinct, which you will not understand, you will know that you are His child. This applies to all of God’s children, irrespective of age. For in God’s Kingdom age does not exist. All souls are elevated according to their status and how they fulfilled the Will of My Father.

Oh how My Father has been forgotten and how much He is misunderstood. He is not fearsome. Yet, His Justice is Finite. He is loving and fair and will do all He can to renew the world, so that it is prepared properly to receive Me, His beloved Son.

You must never feel that you cannot call on My Father, for He is your Father, the Almighty One, Who gave the Command for life to begin and Who gives the Command for life to be taken away.

Follow My Father’s Commandments. Accept with gratitude His Gift of My birth, death and resurrection and Eternal Life will be yours.

Your Jesus

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