Friday, 3 February 2017

Mother of Salvation: My Father will shake the world both physically and spiritually

Our Mother of Salvation is very busy lately for this Mission! We sense Her participation now heralds in the changes foretold in preparation for Her Son's Second Coming. In that anticipation, Mother is also warning us of satan's disruption to this Mission and how much he will attempt to thwart God's Word from reaching many souls. his power is only given by God, so God has given him limited time. That time is now and reaching it's pinnacle! he is panicked and trying all he can to divert attention away from the Truth - The Book of Truth!

 We are being asked to pray now more than ever before - Heaven knows what is about to unfold. We are also being encouraged rather strongly to remain calm. Paramount to being a successful participant in God's Remnant Army! 

Faith tells us not to find despair in those wicked things we will witness. Not to feel fear through ecological events. Not to feel complacent when souls need saving! We have a very real job to do and we must do it according to Christ's Wishes. 

God will eradicate evil amongst us and our nations. Those nations who continue to go against the Ten Commandments (basically all countries) will be punished by God according to their waywardness! Pray for your countries and your leaders! Pray that they will convert and come to know the Truth. Pray for your citizens, that they too will be Sealed with the Seal of the Living God!

 When all comes to pass, know that we will be rewarded and no memory of the events of purification will be remembered in Paradise! This time will pass swiftly. God will take those who loves Him most to Paradise without experiencing a lot of these events. Pray your souls are ready! He will not forsake His Own!

 Mother of Salvation: My Father will shake the world both physically and spiritually
 Saturday, February 8th, 2014 @ 16:00

 My dear child, just as the Holy Spirit, a Gift from God, descended upon my Son’s apostles, so too will It be poured over all those who love my Son in these times.

My Father has many plans, which He will enact, in order to save every single child of His. These plans cover many miraculous events, including the pouring out of special Grace, revelations given to you through these Messages, to ensure that God’s children do not stray along the wrong path, and many other interventions. Some of these interventions will be in the form of ecological punishments. When they become so constant, man will no longer be able to say that floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes are caused by man’s neglect of the Earth.

 God is in control of the Earth, for He created it. He will decide its fate – no one else – for all Power belongs to Him.

 My Father will shake the world both physically and spiritually, while the plans and wicked deeds of the evil one flourish in every nation. Each act of desecration against God will be matched by His retaliations, which will wield an unbearable chastisement. Man’s sin will be fought vehemently by my Father and man must never underestimate the Power of God.
 God’s Love must never be taken for granted. He must never be viewed as being weak, just because His Love for His children is unfathomable. His Mercy is great and all those who love God will be spared during the tribulations, which will be unleashed upon humanity, as God is thrown to one side, in favour of false gods and humanity’s obsession with itself.
 Pray, pray, pray because all things foretold, in the preparation for the Second Coming of my Son, will commence now. Events will be swift and Satan’s army will storm my Son’s Churches with measured steps, so that few will notice. Then they won’t care, because not long afterwards, they will have so many deceived and within their clutches, that they will no longer have to hide their true intentions.

 You, my dear children, must prepare now, remain calm, do everything you have been instructed to do and pray. Stay together. Bring other souls the Truth, pray hard for the conversion of those who do not believe in God and for all those who insult the memory of my Son, Jesus Christ.

  Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

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