Tuesday, 11 July 2017
I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death
Please read this Message to understand the fullness and joy Jesus wishes to give to all of us awaiting Paradise. He wants all of us to share in our Rightful Inheritance. It is our birthright, but we ourselves have chosen to deny ourselves this wonderful chance of being united with Christ in the New Heaven the New earth combined - the New Paradise! We cannot humanly understand the beauty and majesty that is waiting for us. We are the chosen generation foretold of in Scripture.
Our generation does not have to wait past a short time that those before us have waited! So many of us are crippled with fear of the unknown, but can't we realise that what is waiting for us is such a Glorious Gift that to fear it is to deny ourselves a share in it? Please all of us - each man, woman and child alive in the world today - bring ourselves the best chance of being redeemed in God's Eyes, free from worry, sin, pain, suffering even physical death! Isn't that what we dream of? This is what is Promised for each of us alive in the word today! Seriously!
Why are we so nurturing of self-sabotage for our future happiness? Why do we do that to ourselves? There is nothing to fear! Jesus has never intended to make us feel that way! That is not Who Jesus is! We have feared because we have not opened our minds and hearts wide enough to invite the possibilities that are Promised and Endless into our very being to quench our tired and thirsty souls for God and His Glory! Bring us comfort Lord Jesus, that in Your Mercy which You are so eager to Pour over us, Your children, can open our arms wide enough to beg You to us! How much You just want us to say 'Yes Lord!' Pour Your Holy Spirit over mankind now, Jesus!
We need to be given the Grace to accept You and all You Speak of to us today! Help us be like little children, humble and contrite, acceptable to God the Father, so that we can come to You and be with You Eternally! Amen.
I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 @ 15:30
My dearly beloved daughter, many people mistakenly believe that My Warnings to humanity create a sense of despair and unnecessary worry. This is understandable, but know this. The future of the world to come is breathtakingly, Glorious in every way. The Paradise, which has been prepared for you, would fill you with awe, wonder and a great sense of excitement, were I to reveal to you but just one glimpse of it. Because man has a fear of the unknown and a lack of confidence in My Promise to bring each of you Eternal Life, it is difficult for many, who try to prepare themselves for My Kingdom.
My beloved followers, My cherished little ones, please know that I will not permit those of you who come into My New Paradise to suffer the pain of physical death – that is My Gift to this blessed generation. This transition from the world you live in today, into My New Paradise, will be in the blink of an eye; such is My Great Love for you. Before that Great Day, I must prepare you, so that all of you will inherit My Kingdom. I do not have to put you through these trials, which you endure now and those still to come – that is true. However, for many people, who take My Word and My Mercy for granted, I must prepare them. How can I purify you, unless I remind you of the Truth? Only the Truth will set you free from the shackles which bind you to the evil one, who will drag you away from Me, every chance he gets. He knows that if you do not respond to My Call to secure your rightful inheritance in My Kingdom, that he will win. Then you, having been misled by him, will fail to reconcile your soul within My Divine Mercy.
Only those who follow Me, every step, to Paradise, will succeed in obtaining Eternal Salvation. Please be patient. Be alert to My Call. Do not push Me away, as I try to reach you, through these Messages. Learn to trust in Me, through My Holy Word, which is already known to you in My Father’s Book.
When I speak of evil, I simply reveal to you the deceit, which you will be faced with. The problem with deceit is that it blinds you to the Truth and causes you to drift away into believing in a creed, which will suck you into a false doctrine. If it is not I, Jesus Christ, Who is revered, in this new doctrine, then you can be sure that it is not being dictated by the Holy Spirit.
Allow your hearts to be calm, your trust to be like that of a child and just love Me, in the way that I love you. Never resist My Mercy, never fear Me, never feel anger towards Me, and especially when you suffer in this life. For soon, I will bring you home. As soon as the Great Day dawns, the world will be born, and a new and wonderful life awaits you and all your loved ones. All of you will be bound to Me, without an enemy in sight – without fear, danger or suffering of any kind. So why fear My Kingdom? It will bring you the happiness and the love which you sought, all through your lifetime on Earth – but, which was never truly fulfilled, no matter how much you strived to advance these gifts.
My Greatest Gift to you is Eternal Life. Await My Gift, without fear. Instead, await with love and anticipation My New Kingdom, for there is much to look forward to.
Your Jesus
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