Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Mother of Salvation: God would never permit His Word to be changed or misinterpreted to suit man

As we read this Message, we sense that it is by humility that our efforts are acceptable to Heaven. If we place adulation upon those who bring the Word of God through The Holy Spirit, then really we are misguided in our praise. 

We are vessels used as God Wills. We then, don't give the credit where credit is due - to the Holy Spirit.

It is by God's Grace alone that we can read and bring understanding of The Word of God. The same is true for the prophets, like Maria in this Mission. She herself would feel embarrassment to be given any adulation! She understands she is just the writer and Jesus, God and Mother of Salvation are the Authors. She herself would not want this responsibility of praise to be 'heaped' on her. She has a total understanding of her role in this Mission and through her fiat, she understands that she remains in obedience to Christ. The same is true for all of us in this Mission. 

If we bring these Messages to souls, then we do that with no regard for reward or accolade from anyone. We do this purely in obedience to Christ and His Instruction. It is an easy trap to fall into, when given praise and gratitude by those who visit each other's timelines on here especially, to feel 'noteworthy', however this is simply not what this is about. 

We must always remain guarded against any ego that can come into play for this is the trap satan uses to snare our souls. It is simply by the Grace of God through His Gifts to us, that He bestows upon us, why we are even here doing what we do. This Mission is only and solely about bringing souls through steady preparation, to Jesus. Helping Him bring their Salvation - nothing more, nothing less. Any of us who 'enjoy' being praised need to recheck why they are in this Mission. All of this is all for Jesus, the credit is given to the Holy Spirit. 

Mother of Salvation, thankyou for this most important reminder!

Mother of Salvation: God would never permit His Word to be changed or misinterpreted to suit man

Sunday, May 4th, 2014 @ 16:23

My dear children, when God sent prophets into the world, they were simply messengers. They were sent to impart the Truth – the Word of God.

Over the centuries, many of God’s children misinterpreted the role of the prophets. Some began to idolize the prophets, instead of just accepting the Word of God and giving glory to God. They created gods of the prophets, and the Messages delivered to the world – including those of my Son, Jesus Christ – became less important than the prophets who delivered them.

Children, the prophets of God, the angels of God, the visionaries and the seers were not worthy of this idolization. They were all simple people with little or no knowledge of Divine matters, which is why they were chosen. The Messages are what are important and the messengers are simply the conduits of the Word. The Word of God, given through the prophets, must never be discarded to one side, while the prophet is elevated upon a pedestal of their own making.

The Word of God must never be ignored. The Image of God must never be replaced by images of His prophets or the saints, who gained His Favour. You may ask the saints and the prophets to intervene on your behalf, but you must never lavish upon them the praise, which must be reserved for God, the Creator of all that is heavenly. The same is true of today. You must honour God first and place Him before all that is. You must adhere to the Word, which was laid down in the beginning and never deviate from it, for it will never nor can it ever change. God’s Word is final.

My Son’s Teachings were made known to humanity when He walked the Earth. They simply explained the Word in greater detail, but they never deviated from the Truth. Today, man is still the same as he was when my Son came the first time. Man is still weak, easily swayed and remains a sinner today, just as was then. If any prophet or man, who claims to speak in the Name of God, tells you that the Word must be adapted to suit man’s modern needs, then you must be on your guard. If you are told that the Word really means something else entirely, then do not accept it. Man, including those who serve God, does not have the authority to tamper with the Truth.

When a man claims to be divinely inspired and then changes the Word to suit a secular world, you must not trust him. God would never permit His Word to be changed or misinterpreted to suit man. Remember, when you idolize a prophet and lavish praise upon him, you offend God. When you accept changes to what is contained in the Most Holy Bible, which contradict the Word of God, then you cut yourself off from the Truth. When you accept falsehoods, as a means to serve God by, on your own terms, then you separate yourselves from God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

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