Tuesday, 15 August 2017

God the Father: The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed

Please give yourself time to digest this one. God is Speaking about the imminent change to the Creed at Mass. Jesus is the Only Authority Who can change His Teachings and Doctrines as set down by the Early Church Fathers as He Instigated.

Now it seems the 'powers-that-be' are deciding to change it! This Creed will now have wording changed to reflect the paganism to enter the Church in the coming months.

This is the commencement of this occurring! God is really Angry!

We should ask ourselves how long do we think He will allow this to happen to His Son's Bride before He puts a stop to them taking His Son's Church away from His children!

He tells us here that He will basically send calamities befitting the crime to those who have justified this new 'creed'. His Justification for His Chastisement is Sacrosanct!

He is God!

If people don't get a clear clue that what they are doing to Crucify the Church soon, then following this new false Church will be their undoing! Please, please don't repeat the words of this new creed as it is being read! Please stay silent!

God does not want any of us to fall prey to the conscionable deception by saying the words out loud. To utter them is to do satan's bidding! God wants us to remain loyal to His Son!

God is being very specific in his description of what wording will appear before us and why they will twist the Truth to become a one world pagan church! Jesus will not stay where He is not welcome!

We pray that God will tell us the time down to the moment when we see or hear the changes, to turn our backs there and then and flee in order to wait for the Holy Spirit to Guide us to a Safe Refuge where we will hear Holy Mass in Truth and receive the Holy Sacraments in Truth.

We will not be left without for too long. But for now, keep your eyes and ears open to the changes they bring in and wait for Jesus' Instructions on what to do when the time is called for.....and pray!

God the Father: The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed

 Monday, May 26th, 2014 @ 16:22

 My dearest daughter, the time will come when the Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed to honour false gods instead.

When the one world religion is introduced, it will be done carefully, so as not to give an impression that I, the Eternal Father, Am no longer revered. If I Am not revered then this new prayer will become an abomination and must never be recited, if My children want to remain with Me and who desire Eternal Life. Far better if you remain silent than to utter one word of blasphemy, which will be introduced into all churches everywhere, which honour Me, your Father and who accept My Son, Jesus Christ, your Saviour.

 Words, which venerate My Name and that of My Son, will be twisted and expressions, which refer to My Son, will include such terms as “Jesus of the Light.” This new prayer will place the emphasis on the superiority of man, his responsibility to ensure the welfare of his brother and to welcome, as one, all religions to honour God. All references to My Son, in the way which He is meant to be revered, will be replaced by this new title they will give Him. The world will be told to honour the beauty of the Earth; the wonders of the world created by a God Who is One for all and Who accepts every kind of worship. This will be the time when the world will come together into one world, as a pagan religion. Because so many religious expressions will litter this new creed, it will take those who are blessed with discernment to truly understand what is happening.

 How futile their efforts will be, because those who inflict this darkness upon My children will suffer for their rejection of their Creator. And when this prayer is taken at face value, another abomination will be inflicted – the introduction of the rewritten Word, which will bear nothing but rotten fruit.

 In time, a special symbol, which will represent the new man-made god, will be created, so that it will seem to those who are asked to wear it that they will be doing a good thing in showing solidarity to one another. All these things, they will be told, are for the good of all, where your first duty is to seeking the perfection of man. This, they will tell you, is important before you can face God. You cannot do God’s Will if you do not seek justice to free humanity from bondage to religious persecution, poverty and wars. The focus will be on all things to do with My Creation – the Earth; the nations; the people and political rulers. All will be tied together as one in order, they will say, to serve God better. All they will be serving will be the king of lies, who will bring all of these things about. And, while the world will applaud these new seemingly innovative advances in global matters, humanity will be coerced into paganism. Paganism will bring with it an appalling darkness of the soul. Then, for everything that is leveled against Me, I will replicate their abominations – upon the Earth they walk on; the water they drink; the mountains they climb; the seas they cross and the rain, which feeds their crops.

The battle between the mighty, the proud and the evil amongst men and Me, their Eternal Father, their Creator, will be a hard fought one.

 Your Eternal Father
 God the Most High

Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter

Jesus isn't mincing His Words! - So on His Behalf - I won't either!

When the First Commandment is broken by His Church, then literally all hell will break loose!

God's Wrath will be felt, make no mistake- worse than when He Issued the Great Flood!

How else will He bring purification to this world! But just remember - God gave us His Gift!

He gave us the Seal of the Living God!

No one with the Seal placed upon their foreheads will come to any harm! (Spiritually speaking)

Wars that escalate around us will not harm us!

The Seal is the Passover!

The Passing Over of all homes and souls who have accepted His Seal!

Like the Blood of the Lamb!

Be assured of this and remain confident and trusting!

God will not leave His children who are loyal and steadfast to His Son!

Give God what He needs! Our absolute concession and submission!

He is the Master at Work!

He will accord His children with Great Grace if we but remain with Him!

No one has the Authority to change a single Doctrine or Law of the Church!

No one! And he who tries will be severely dealt with! That is a Promise!

Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter

 Saturday, May 24th, 2014 @ 21:20

 My dearly beloved daughter, the main reason so many people today, and especially the young, do not want to know Me is because of their unmitigated self-interest. Self-obsession, and a desire to please only one’s self and desires, has meant that real love for one another is missing and there is little charity present in such souls. When they separate themselves from others, in pursuit of self-fulfilment, they cannot love their neighbour. When they do not love their neighbour, they cannot love Me.

Separation from God has never been so widespread. With little love in their hearts, evil finds a welcome environment in which to take root. Once evil is planted, in the souls who become easy prey, it will grow and spread quickly. The further it spreads, the less love will there be in the soul and a hatred for others will be instilled within it. Soon, hatred, jealousy, envy, avarice and greed will become the common traits, which unite modern society, until eventually, it will become synthesized until souls will feel nothing. Emptiness of spirit leads to great danger, for the evil one is intelligent and he will use souls at that stage to wage war against the Presence of God in the world. When the world becomes self-obsessed and demands every kind of right, which it deems to be more important than giving generously of one-self – then nothing good can come of this.

 When Lucifer disobeyed My Father, it was pride, which led to his downfall. Pride and a love of self, where all else comes second, will lead to the final downfall of the human race. Disobedience to God is rampant at this time. So little regard for His Commandments can be seen and this has meant that man will disobey every single one of the Ten Commandments. When the First Commandment is broken by My Church on Earth – the final bastion of My Father over His children – the world will witness the worst chastisement since the flood.

Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter.

 When God’s children love themselves and preen before Him, He weeps bitter Tears. But, when He is replaced in the hearts of all by paganism and a false god, His Wrath will be unprecedented.

 Your Jesus

You do not have to understand the Ways of God – you must simply accept them

Jesus just wants SIMPLE!

So many times we see pages on facebook that pick to bits each line of the Messages, even down to grammatical errors for pity's sake just to pick holes to see where 'Maria' has slipped up!

Goodness me! We know that Jesus is Speaking and not one thing in Truth can be in error in any way!

Then we also see each day, where 'prophets' loud and proud yell out the events they have read about in the news and then 'preach' about them with all the references they can associate with Scripture.

A basic non event like a piece of satellite falling from orbit and it is translated into an end time meteoric event that God uses for punishment or purification! It was just a common piece of space junk!

Then we have seen those who are very theologian and Scripturally based that analyse too and fro each item up for 'debate' of what Jesus tells us in His Messages! Why do they feel they need to 'second guess' God or do the 'one upmanship' thing?

Do they really think they know more than Him? Arrogance!

Jesus gave us the JTM community to share our thoughts and faith. He knows we will get excited about the things to come, but He also knows that we can get too focussed on these things ie the date of the Warning, Mary's last Appearance at Apparition sights etc and get all bent out of shape when things aren't happening as quickly as we want them.

God knows what He is Doing!

Let's just forget about all the semantics and logistics of how tomorrow unfolds and concentrate on the Graces and Blessings we are given each day being part of This Mission and keep praying and speaking to Jesus like little children. He loves us just being with Him.

I had to get fireweed out of our paddock today (toxic to horses) and said "Jesus You better do as good a job as I hope to, so we can have that cup of coffee sooner rather than later!" - This is just a little conversation with Jesus, my Buddy!

We must try to include Him in everything! That keeps Him Consoled!

He is so fretful and Sorrowful when we discard Him!

Every moment should be shared with Jesus!

Those things we hate doing like the vacuum cleaning - "Jesus come on, let's do this together to get it done faster! We can have a chat while we clean!". Then speak with Him! He will answer!

The peace and gratitude we feel is enormous!

He is not 'up there'. He is right with us, every moment! Simple child-like humble LOVE!

 You do not have to understand the Ways of God – you must simply accept them

 Friday, May 23rd, 2014 @ 18:00

 My dearly beloved daughter, come, all of you who love Me, and bring Me your love, for I Am in great need of comfort. I Am your Jesus, the Son of man, Saviour of the world and yet I weep. Every Grace bequeathed to man is thrown back at Me by ungrateful souls. My generous Heart is open, so I can draw all of you to Me, but you turn away. Even those of you who do love Me do not give Me your time. Instead of talking to Me, you talk to each other about Me. Too much talk about the Mystery of God’s Plans and what is to come can cause distraction and confusion. Too much analysis and so-called intelligent debate takes away from Me.

You do not have to understand the Ways of God – you must simply accept them. I never asked you to understand the Mystery of My Divinity, because the souls who truly love Me will love Me because of Who I Am and not what I bring. They will not seek out glory for themselves. They will not develop their spirituality to merely gain a foothold in My Kingdom. They will never use their knowledge of Me in a boastful way to score points. The souls who will reside within Me are the souls who ask for nothing, only that which they ask for the good of their own souls and that of others.

 When you say you represent Me, you do not talk and shout about how much you say you know Me. You must simply show love to others and follow My Teachings with a soul, which is empty of pride. So, if you are truly Mine, you will spend less time trying to define what I have told you; what I have taught you and what I promised. I ask that you come to Me and spend more time in quiet contemplation with Me. When you do this, I will reveal Myself to you more clearly and you will know in your hearts what it really means to serve Me truly.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: As Christians, you must prepare to fight for your Faith

Mother of Salvation: "You are each blessed with great courage when you recite this Crusade Prayer. Go in peace, my children, to love and serve my Son, Jesus Christ"

We are invited to be hopeful when we pray for strength and courage to carry out our Christian duty to defend the faith. This prayer will help us in this quest. When we seek to bring souls to Jesus, we must understand that satan is cursing us all the way! so he will make trouble for us, but that doesn't mean that we are helpless in forging The Way ahead!

Never give up the fight!

Never dismiss someone who won't listen to Truth!

Just remain silent and pray!

Not everyone is ready to have a conversion towards faith. Sometimes our own conversion needs nurturing properly before we are led to help others.

We can't very well steer the yacht with half a keel!

If we suffer for standing up for Jesus, then take it as a Blessing because in the suffering Jesus takes us into His Sacred Heart instantly! He is Joyful when we accept our cross and follow Him!

Let's do all we can to offer up our every moment to Jesus so that He is comforted by our efforts!

Keep marching forward even when the drum stops beating!

Mother of Salvation: As Christians, you must prepare to fight for your Faith

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 @ 15:26

 My dear children, the suffering, which my Son endures, because of the sins of man, is intense at this time. The hatred against Him and His Most Holy Word – as contained in the Most Holy Bible – is manifested within the hearts of many people and this includes the false religions, where they do not acknowledge the Triune God, as well as those who profess to be Christians.

Every sin that is committed hurts my Son and every mortal sin is felt as a vicious blow inflicted upon His Body. For every act of heresy committed, it is as if another thorn is plunged into the Crown of Pain, which He already endures. As my Son’s suffering increases, at a time when every sin against God will be denied, so also will the suffering of true Christians increase.

 While suffering is a terrible thing and while the pain of those who defend His Word is beyond endurance, it can be the way to become more intimate with my Son. If you accept suffering as a blessing, rather than see it as a curse, you will understand how my Son uses it to defeat the power of the evil one. When you accept the pain of abuse and ridicule, which you can always expect when you walk in union with my Son, many Graces are given to you. Not only will such pain make you stronger, but my Son will reveal to you His Compassion for others, whose sins He can wash away, because of your sacrifice for Him.

 So many people do not realize that when you develop a closeness with my Son, and when He resides in certain souls, that this will always result in pain for those who agree to take up His Cross. My Son can only truly immerse Himself in the souls, which are open to Him and who are without pride, malice or self-love. But as soon as He resides fully in such souls, the Light of His Presence will be felt by many with whom they come into contact. They will draw others into becoming disciples of my Son. They will also become targets for the evil one, who will fight hard to draw them away from my Son. When the evil one fails to tempt these souls, his fight against them will become even fiercer and he will infest others in order to attack them; abuse them and slander them.

It is important that all Christians remain alert to the plans which have been drawn up by Satan, to devour the souls of those who love and serve my Son. He craves these souls more than any others and will never be satisfied until they succumb to his temptations.

 As Christians, you must prepare to fight for your Faith, because everything you hold dear to your hearts will be stripped away, layer by layer. You must seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation as never before, because without it, you will find it impossible to withstand the infestation that is being wielded in the world at this time against Christianity.

Remind yourselves, dear children, of everything that my Son taught you, because His Word is to be challenged until it will become unrecognisable. Come and ask me, your beloved Mother, the Mother of Salvation, to pray for each one of you, so that you can remain loyal to the Truth, by reciting this Prayer to defend your Faith.

 Crusade Prayer (151) To Defend the Faith:

  O Mother of God, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation, pray that we remain loyal to the True Word of God at all times. Prepare us to defend the Faith, to uphold the Truth and to reject heresy.  Protect all your children in times of hardship and give each of us the Graces to be courageous when we are challenged to reject the Truth and renounce your Son.  Pray, Holy Mother of God, that we are given the Divine Intervention to remain Christians, in accordance with the Holy Word of God. Amen.

 You are each blessed with great courage when you recite this Crusade Prayer. Go in peace, my children, to love and serve my Son, Jesus Christ.

 Your beloved Mother

 Mother of Salvation

Groups who will promote heresy against the Holy Bible will seek out those who will remain steadfast in the Faith

Jesus says "Pray for your persecutors and your tormentors, for when you do, you dilute the power of the evil one."

Sticks and stones remember?

Let's not return any response to those who speak poisonous barbs from their mouths to dishonour and discredit our faith in Jesus!

He will stop all evil and evil-doers instantly in a short time.

God has told us again and again - He will not allow satan to take one more soul without His Hand falling heavily!

For each of us who have the Seal of The Living God, have no fear of what we will face - God's Promise to protect us and make us invisible to the enemy is all we need.

When someone has their unchristian ways of speaking to us or writing something disparaging on facebook or in blogs, just do as Jesus asks, "remain silent and pray for them".

How satan writhes in pain when we don't fight fire with fire. What else can he do with us, if we remain in obedience to Jesus? satan has no power!

Jesus has taken the Wheel!

When someone undermines our confidence, they are not doing themselves any favours, no matter how sweetly worded they make it. We must always hold fast to the Holy Glue that binds us to Jesus! satan is on his last legs!

Groups who will promote heresy against the Holy Bible will seek out those who will remain steadfast in the Faith

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 @ 20:40

 My dearly beloved daughter, My Father desires that all of His children show love and charity to each other. Sin is spreading so quickly, as a direct result of the sin of pride, that the infestation, especially amongst those who claim to be Christians, has claimed many souls who were once close to My Sacred Heart.

Satan, and every demon he has sent to destroy humanity, has created much division in the world. They are trying to bring nations and communities into dispute with one another. Terrorist attacks will become more rampant, but the most serious sign will be in the form of the persecution of Christians. Never before will Christians be demeaned – their right to religious freedom curtailed and their right to remain true to the Word be violated – as they will be now.

 Christians will not only be targeted by My enemies, but they will also turn on each other. Groups who will promote heresy against the Holy Bible will seek out those who will remain steadfast in the Faith. They will publicly critise them, ridicule their loyalty to the Truth and seek out every sacred servant of Mine who dares to challenge their betrayal of Me, Jesus Christ.

 The evil one fights Me, at this time, in a terrible rage, because he knows My Time is almost upon you. Recognise any form of persecution against you, as a Christian, a true visionary, prophet or sacred servant, for what it is. A vulgar and evil assault on Me, your beloved Jesus Christ. Remember, My beloved followers, you must not give in to persecution, because of your love for Me. Pray for those poor souls who have allowed evil to spill out of their mouths. Be patient and calm when you witness persecution against Christians, for only My Divinity is Eternal. Evil deeds, acts or heresy against Me, will vanish in an instant. And only those who are truly for Me will find peace and salvation.

 Pray for your persecutors and your tormentors, for when you do, you dilute the power of the evil one.

Your Jesus

Satan is the greatest scourge of the human race and his contamination is lethal

This post is purely my opinion therefore I don't place my opinion on anyone else. I would just like to use this opportunity to clarify my position if it may help anyone else in their discernment. -

Personally to me, satan and the devil are what I call 'articles'. I do not capitalise their names because I refuse to credit them with any kind of salutative respect! They are not personified to me because they don't deserve to be thought of by me as anything but the lowest of the low and beneath all other things.

This does not mean that I deny their existence or question their reality. I know very well satan exists. I have seen satan in the eyes of others up close and personal, but the beast is a desperate little amoeba who cannot have power over me that I am not prepared to allow.

The door to my soul is closed for business to satan which I closed many years ago coming out of pagan new age. I will never allow this door to be opened again.

Now when we speak of sin, which is the doing of acts, deeds, gestures, words and thoughts allowing satan to coerce us into such, we are prey to him. he feeds off our human will thereby we make bad decisions and behave badly. This does not mean that we have weakened our faith to allow him in.

Faith and works tells us, in the developing of both, that we can rise above his temptations and being given the Holy Sacraments means we can guard ourselves and protect ourselves from his infestations.

There is a difference between denying his existence and telling oneself that sin is acceptable. This means that we kill our consciences - our souls that house the Holy Spirit by Grace Given by God. Grace can only be given to a soul that acknowledges and shows gratitude for the constant Guidance we are being Blessed with by the Holy Spirit within us.

Where God resides, evil cannot enter.

This is why The Most Holy Rosary of Mother of Salvation is so important.

satan hates the Name of Jesus and he hates the Mother of God!

What better tool of choice to fend him off!

This Mission prevents satan from gaining the upper control of our souls. Jesus is within us. satan loses his power. Simple!

Satan is the greatest scourge of the human race and his contamination is lethal

 Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 @ 11:14

 My dearly beloved daughter, the man who does not believe in evil does not believe in sin. He who declares that evil is in the mind of the beholder is capable of accepting evil in every guise and will, eventually, become immune to it.

 When evil is ignored, Satan has won a great victory, for the king of lies goes to great lengths to disguise evil and he usually does this by presenting the argument to promote tolerance in society. When human intelligence is used to argue all the rational reasons for excusing evil, these souls, guilty of spreading such untruths, become prime targets of the evil one.

 Once a soul allows him in, the great deceiver will convince his prey that they are acting in good faith and for the good of the world, when they justify wicked acts, which are against God. The evil one has created such deceit that many people, who no longer believe in Satan or the evil which he has spread throughout the world, will become incapable of distinguishing the difference between what is right and what is wrong. These people will argue and present every rational viewpoint to promote immorality in all aspects. Then the man who dares to defend morality will be demonized by them. Such is the way of humanity in the world today. When the existence of evil is rejected, then the existence of Satan is denied. This is when the king of lies and every enemy of Mine gains strength and his willing victims, who will act as his mouthpieces, become immune to Divine Graces.

 When Satan is rejected by My Church on Earth, then very little can be done for those who are truly infested by the evil one. When My Church denies the existence of the beast or the eternal abyss into which he and all the fallen angels have been thrown, then you will know that the Truth is not being revealed to God’s children.

If people do not know of the dangers that Satan inflicts upon souls, then they will not be able to arm themselves against evil. When this happens, the True Teachings of God are no longer accepted for what they are.

 Time does not change in My Kingdom. Satan is the greatest scourge of the human race and his contamination is lethal. So careful to hide himself, he is a master of deceit because he will always present good as evil and evil as good. Only those whose eyes are truly opened to God will understand the threat he poses in the salvation of the world.

 Your Jesus

They will use My Home to honour pagan gods as a mark of respect, which the world will be told is only fair

Will the priests, bishops and cardinals recognise these changes in the Church when they come?

Will they make excuses for everything that is changed as a way of showing welcome and tolerance of anyone and everyone no matter if they believe in Jesus or not?

Will they stop and say "The Church needs modernising and progressing forward - it's a good thing" or will they stop and say "Jesus didn't give His Authority to do these things! - this is not in keeping with what Jesus laid down in His Church!"

Are the clergy ready to witness these changes and make sacrifices to remain loyal to Jesus?

Are parishioners going to accept the changes and participate in them or will they see it for the smoke screen that it is and challenge what they see?

Will Jesus be swept to the side and eventually out the door of His Own Home without so much as a glance His Way as He is leaving?

Would we offer our home to criminals to step in and do what they wished, trash the joint, be bad examples to our kids, steal our belongings to pay for their criminal lifestyles, eventually throw us out of our own home to take possession and be happy with all they did?

Well isn't it the same as someone who doesn't believe in Jesus being allowed to enter His Home, take out all that represents Him, have pagan ceremonies to honour their lifestyles and beliefs and throw Jesus out with yesterday's news???!

Of course this is upsetting to Jesus! It should be just as upsetting to us! More than upsetting!

But this is what we will witness! God will only put up with so much as we have already been told. The period for this Apostasy will be short, but it will be furious! I pray that priests will stand up against the changes and deceptions that will enter the Church. Jesus intends for His Holy Remnant Church to be lifted up and given the Power of the Holy Spirit to carry His Word on in Truth without change, without manipulation!

We who follow Him now in this Mission are being called upon to remain in His Remnant! We are His True Church once this 'take-over' by satan enters the Church. This is why we are being prepared!

This era as Jesus tells us will not last long! God will see to it! An era is any length of time for a particular event or change - it can be any length of time.

We know that we are living in time of the Great Tribulation! Pray that God ends satan's reign on earth soon!

They will use My Home to honour pagan gods as a mark of respect, which the world will be told is only fair

 Sunday, May 18th, 2014 @ 19:15

 My dearly beloved daughter, all of the prophecies given to you will now begin to spill out – one drop at a time, until all will pour rapidly like water rushing from a tap. The incidents, the deeds and the acts, connected with My Church on Earth, will soon be witnessed by you. Those who make disparaging claims about My Holy Word will be silenced, so shocked will they be by the events to come.

 All that comes from Me comes from My Father. When My Father dictates details of future events, as part of His Mission to save souls, be assured that they will happen. As the new era of radical reforms in My Church commences, many non-Christian groups will be embraced. And, while I welcome all souls, I will never allow My Word – upon which My Church has been built – to be shoved aside. Those who do not accept Me, because they do not believe in Who I Am, will be welcomed into My Home. They will be shown every hospitality; be treated with great courtesy; presented with gifts and yet they will refuse to acknowledge their Host. Then, in time, they will use My Home to honour pagan gods as a mark of respect, which the world will be told is only fair. Christians will be told that God would expect them to welcome non-believers into the Church. That some practices, which honour Me, will have to be adapted so as not to cause offense to these visitors. Soon, My Home, will no longer belong to Me, for there will be little discussion of My True Holy Word.

 New words, which they will tell you come from My Lips, will be used by My Church on Earth to welcome strangers into My Home. And, while I sit quietly in the corner, they will run amok in My House; take away treasures and all symbols, which are associated with Me, My beloved Mother and the Stations of the Cross. My Home will be stripped bare of all that I hold dear and imposters will take up residence therein. It will become a place of strange commemorative ceremonies; new and unusual prayers and the new book will replace the old. This will continue until I Am forced to leave My Home, as it will be unfit for My Holy Presence. To all the innocent followers of Mine, they will only see what they believe is an attempt to modernize the Catholic religion.
 Soon I will no longer have the key to My Home, for they will take that away too. I will make My Home then only in the hearts of My loyal sacred servants, My beloved followers and those whose hearts will be open to Me. My Home is yours. My Home is for everyone. But when I welcome the heathen into My Home, this does not give them the right to force God’s children to accept their customs or permit their ceremonies to take place in the House of the Lord.

 You must never allow your Faith to be used in this way or compromised, in order to allow pagans to tarnish My Home.

 Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: You must never curse another when you ask for God’s Blessings

I have not really thought about this as Mother of Salvation states 'when a soul asks Me to Intercede for another soul, asking God to destroy that soul....' - it is Mother's perspective that She speaks in these terms. She hears all prayers to Her. I can't imagine anyone asking for our Friends in Heaven to hurt souls for them! One should try to have more respect or reverence for Mother or Jesus or God if they have prayed in this way. I am so glad Mother of Salvation told us this. If any of us have a slight memory from our pasts that hints at this kind of praying, best get ourselves off to Confession, quick time! This is something none of us wants as residual sin on our souls to go into the Warning with!

A nice note of thanks though Mother in reminding us of the importance of saying 'Thankyou Lord Jesus' for Your Kindness and Love in giving me this Blessing'. Always be reminded of our 'Thankyou's' - something I learned from Luisa Picarretta in the Divine Will. 'I place all my "I love You's" Jesus, on every leaf of every tree ever grown since Adam til the last man born' - same for every grain of sand, every sprig of grass, every raindrop fallen, every star in the night sky, every breath myself and my family have drawn, the list goes on and on and on! We have so much to be grateful for! That is multiplication praying!

God reminded us recently, that not one of our breaths is made by us - it is by His Will alone that we take each breath! That is huge! How complacent we are as human beings, believing that 'things' just happen naturally! Well maybe to a point, but nature is what God Intends. So for anything to occur it is by His Hand only! No one has that control, as they would believe, (generally rooted in their egocentricity and lack of faith) - not one of can claim this! It is all by the Grace of God!

Jesus is needing our thanks! How He looks upon a soul who thanks Him, with the overflowing Heart of Love and Mercy! So even if we don't exercise manners from a humanistic perspective, remember that it goes way beyond manners to thank The Lord! Make it a part of your DNA today!

 Mother of Salvation: You must never curse another when you ask for God’s Blessings

Saturday, May 17th, 2014 @ 15:54

 My dear child, when my Son grants special favours, upon God’s children, this means then that there is a responsibility expected on the part of the recipient. For every Blessing, dear children, you receive from my Son, you must always give thanks to God. When my Son presents heavenly Graces upon a soul, much is expected of that person. Each soul must then live their lives according to what they have been taught by my Son.

My Son makes His Presence felt when He is called upon. The more open the soul is to His Love, the more he or she will become closer to His Sacred Heart. However, when a soul exalts himself before my Son, when requesting His help, nothing will yield from Him. God loves the humble souls. He lavishes great Graces upon them. The more Graces they receive, the more of Him will be Present within them. Then, as His Presence is made known, that same soul will be the subject of hatred. The devil is drawn to souls who are in the Light of God. He will then use every means to humiliate the chosen soul and usually does this by deceiving the weak soul he uses, to inflict pain and suffering on the humble soul.

 Sadly, many people who love me, the Mother of God, come to me begging me to assist them in destroying other souls. These souls, they tell me, are deserving of God’s punishment. When they ask for my Son to pass judgment on such souls, because of the hatred, which lies in their hearts, their prayers will never be heard. How can you love me, adore my Son and pledge your allegiance to the Truth when you hate others? Oh how cunning is the evil one when he devours holy souls, who have allowed pride to distract them. Once pride grips a soul, it immediately loses its light. The darker it becomes the further away it removes itself from the Light of God.

When you ask me to intervene, on your behalf, with my Son, you must always come to me with the fullness of love in your heart. You must never curse another when you ask for God’s Blessings, for this is abhorrent to Him. Hatred plays no role in Heaven.

 Come to me, dear children, only with love in your hearts for your enemies, and all your prayers will be answered according to God’s Holy Will.

 Your beloved Mother

 Mother of Salvation

I Am Present in the person who loves all, irrespective of their race, creed, sexuality or colour

"Today, as I speak with you before the Great Day, I desire that you bring Me the souls of non-believers. You must do this through prayer and by reciting this Crusade Prayer (150) To save the souls of non-believers:

Dear Jesus, I ask You to save all those who, through no fault of their own, refuse to acknowledge You. I offer to You my suffering to bring You the souls of those who reject You and for the Mercy You will pour out over the whole world. Have Mercy on their souls. Take them into Your Heavenly Refuge and forgive them their sins. Amen. Your Jesus"

Condemn not! Persecute not! Judge not! Scorn not! Blaspheme not! Jesus didn't do any of these things, even to His accusers! Even to His enemies! We need to emulate Jesus! How can we say we love Him and want to be with Him if we do any of these things? He doesn't want His children to behave in this way. Everyone should find the love of Christ within them to impart this love to others. Pray for those you cannot get near! Jesus gives us a special Crusade Prayer now to help those tormented souls who cannot overcome their stubbornness to come to Him. Let's pray this one each day! Too many are suffering over their inability to concede to God. They are left dangling unable to reach Him.

Young people are suffering Spiritually because they don't know why they feel all the lack of peace and lack of joy in their lives - the Answer is right in front of them, but satan is whispering to them to continue the pull away from The Light. he is doing a nasty job of this to our kids!

Pray this pray earnestly for them! They haven't the strength to fight satan because they don't have a way of connecting to God that is tangible enough for them to give over in humble submission! This is for them!

This is yet another opportunity we are given to recognise that we have brothers and sisters out there who need our prayers that without which, they stand a very real chance of losing their Inheritance. Don't let this happen to them. Jesus loves them all so much - how much He would Hurt to lose them!

I Am Present in the person who loves all, irrespective of their race, creed, sexuality or colour

 Friday, May 16th, 2014 @ 16:05

 My dearly beloved daughter, I ask all of you who love Me to consecrate to My Heart the souls of all those who refuse My Mercy. I ask you to bring Me the non-believers who will not accept My Existence and those who, even were I to stand before them in person, would still reject Me. These hardened souls take comfort in other forms of spiritual pursuits, because they refuse to accept Me. Were they to accept the Truth, they would find great inner peace, which no form of other spiritual dabbling could ever deliver. Those who do not believe in Me, or He Who sent Me, will never fill their souls with peace.

Only I, Jesus Christ, can bring you true peace in your hearts, because I was sent by He Who created you to bring you to Him. Through Me, you will find My Father. And when the Father unites with the children He created, peace will reign. Without the Peace of God, there can never be harmony on Earth. Where there is no peace, you will know that this is caused by a lack of humble servitude to God.

 Those who are knowledgeable of My Most Holy Word must never forget that whatever knowledge you may have about Me, it is never to be used against Me. By that I mean you must trust in Me for Who I Am. Accept Me with a humble heart. Never allow arrogance to overshadow your allegiance to Me. He who is soft and tender of heart loves Me. I Am Present in he who loves all - irrespective of their race, creed, sexuality or colour. I Am in all who live their lives as I have taught them. I Am also Present in those who do not know Me, but who emulate My Traits.

When I walked the Earth, I never boasted of My Knowledge – I simply imparted the Truth. I never cast aspersions; persecuted or admonished those who would not follow Me. I never spoke ill of anyone. I accepted all of God’s children and every fault they displayed towards Me. I never said I would sacrifice My Life for a select few. No, I gave Myself for everyone and especially for hardened sinners. I never chose one man over another. I never heaped praise on one and slandered another, for this would have been impossible.

I sought to spread the Truth in the hope that My Word would be heard. I brought peace to many troubled souls who had the humility to listen to Me. I was firm but fair to all those who tormented Me because of their hatred and evil tongues. I cast demons out of souls who rose against Me and gave great Gifts to those in great suffering. I ignored the taunts of the so-called holy men of the day, who loved only themselves. God was never a priority in their lives, so busy were they looking after their own needs. But the souls I sought out most were those who did not believe in God. They reached out to Me and did not understand why they were drawn to Me. They came to Me of their own free will, but many were brought to Me by those souls who knew Who I was and Who sent Me. Because of this, I poured over them special Graces and they were instantly converted.

 Today, as I speak with you before the Great Day, I desire that you bring Me the souls of non-believers. You must do this through prayer and by reciting this Crusade Prayer (150) To save the souls of non-believers:

 Dear Jesus, I ask You to save all those who, through no fault of their own, refuse to acknowledge You. I offer to You my suffering to bring You the souls of those who reject You and for the Mercy You will pour out over the whole world. Have Mercy on their souls. Take them into Your Heavenly Refuge and forgive them their sins. Amen.

 Your Jesus

My Love, My Mercy, My Compassion will be your saving Grace

By hook or by crook we pray to be in the Book - of the Living and in Paradise! There are several key groups amongst mankind that have various ways of either honouring God or dishonouring Him. 

By His Grace we pray that we will remain honouring Him acceptable in His Eyes so we can enjoy the fruits of our labour in Paradise! 

We must continue our prayers for the less fortunate and the mislead who will through their ignorance and their arrogance, fall into the trap of lies ahead by those who wish nothing else than to deny God's Word and to do satan's bidding!

There will be the time ahead when the Graces Jesus bestows on humanity will be visible to those who will fall on their knees. They will realise their deepest desire to be with Christ or they will finally understand their errors and wish to reconnect with Him with a full, loving and repentant heart! 

But those who are knowingly doing the work of satan and doing everything they can in their loyalty to the beast to silence God's Word and attempt to thwart His Plan, will not come off easily! 

Their souls are in great jeopardy! 

They may not redeem themselves because they will choose not to, and would rather wait for the empty promises satan has given them. How they can choose this end is just beyond my grasp. 

Honouring God is in my DNA as I expect it is in all those who follow Him in Truth! 

It is such a pity that there are those who believe they are in the right to condemn this Mission for all the reasons they, using their humanistic intellect, cite as being 'obedient' to the Church, cannot see that they themselves are placing opinion and interpretation driven from disloyal clergy and lay people to pull followers away from Christ and placing their souls at risk of Blasphemy and denying their right to their Inheritance! 

Such souls have no idea until it's too late, just what they have done! They too are needing much prayer!

 My Love, My Mercy, My Compassion will be your saving Grace

 Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 @ 23:30

 My dearly beloved daughter, the Graces which I present to the world will turn non-believers into devout followers of Mine. They will be converted instantly and will fall on the ground before Me in loving servitude.

 Those who betrayed Me, throughout their lives and who pushed Me away, will come forward and beg Me to accept them as Mine. Those who plot against My Word will, however, be the most difficult to save. For they are more aware than the ignorant of the meaning of My Word and yet, knowingly, they try to rewrite it to suit their arrogant self-esteem. For all of their knowledge, they do not see the Truth because they refuse to see it. They will not proclaim the absolute Truth and will instead fabricate it, in order to deceive others.

 Some people have turned on Me because they believe that their calling to serve Me has resulted in their being bestowed with enlightenment. They think that they have the authority, granted to them through the Power of the Holy Spirit, to adapt My Teachings, so that they do not offend modern society. Their pride will be their downfall and their fall from Grace will be witnessed by many, who will feel cheated because they were led into error. Others amongst them know exactly what they are doing, for it is not I that they serve – it is the evil one. They deliberately walk amongst you in order to destroy the True Word of God. They will not repent, nor will they accept My Hand, for they believe the lies of the beast, who has promised My enemies, for centuries, his paradise to come. And they have chosen to believe in this elaborate deceit because of their greed and ambition. By the time they realise the Truth, they will be thrown into the abyss. These are just some of the misfortunate and misled who will have denied the existence of the devil, for what he is, and of the bottomless pit into which he will dwell for eternity.

 I warn all of God’s children that by following evil ways, by rejecting the Word of God and by committing mortal sin, that this will result in punishment. Anyone who tells you otherwise misleads you. Yet, I will save the repentant up to the last second, so much do I yearn to save each of you.

 My Love, My Mercy, My Compassion will be your saving Grace. I do not wish to frighten you, but I must tell you the Truth. By coming to Me – no matter what your beliefs are, at the very end – I will gather you as Mine. Never forget this Promise. I will, I promise, reach for you at the depth of your despair.

 Your Jesus