Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Mother of Salvation: You must never curse another when you ask for God’s Blessings

I have not really thought about this as Mother of Salvation states 'when a soul asks Me to Intercede for another soul, asking God to destroy that soul....' - it is Mother's perspective that She speaks in these terms. She hears all prayers to Her. I can't imagine anyone asking for our Friends in Heaven to hurt souls for them! One should try to have more respect or reverence for Mother or Jesus or God if they have prayed in this way. I am so glad Mother of Salvation told us this. If any of us have a slight memory from our pasts that hints at this kind of praying, best get ourselves off to Confession, quick time! This is something none of us wants as residual sin on our souls to go into the Warning with!

A nice note of thanks though Mother in reminding us of the importance of saying 'Thankyou Lord Jesus' for Your Kindness and Love in giving me this Blessing'. Always be reminded of our 'Thankyou's' - something I learned from Luisa Picarretta in the Divine Will. 'I place all my "I love You's" Jesus, on every leaf of every tree ever grown since Adam til the last man born' - same for every grain of sand, every sprig of grass, every raindrop fallen, every star in the night sky, every breath myself and my family have drawn, the list goes on and on and on! We have so much to be grateful for! That is multiplication praying!

God reminded us recently, that not one of our breaths is made by us - it is by His Will alone that we take each breath! That is huge! How complacent we are as human beings, believing that 'things' just happen naturally! Well maybe to a point, but nature is what God Intends. So for anything to occur it is by His Hand only! No one has that control, as they would believe, (generally rooted in their egocentricity and lack of faith) - not one of can claim this! It is all by the Grace of God!

Jesus is needing our thanks! How He looks upon a soul who thanks Him, with the overflowing Heart of Love and Mercy! So even if we don't exercise manners from a humanistic perspective, remember that it goes way beyond manners to thank The Lord! Make it a part of your DNA today!

 Mother of Salvation: You must never curse another when you ask for God’s Blessings

Saturday, May 17th, 2014 @ 15:54

 My dear child, when my Son grants special favours, upon God’s children, this means then that there is a responsibility expected on the part of the recipient. For every Blessing, dear children, you receive from my Son, you must always give thanks to God. When my Son presents heavenly Graces upon a soul, much is expected of that person. Each soul must then live their lives according to what they have been taught by my Son.

My Son makes His Presence felt when He is called upon. The more open the soul is to His Love, the more he or she will become closer to His Sacred Heart. However, when a soul exalts himself before my Son, when requesting His help, nothing will yield from Him. God loves the humble souls. He lavishes great Graces upon them. The more Graces they receive, the more of Him will be Present within them. Then, as His Presence is made known, that same soul will be the subject of hatred. The devil is drawn to souls who are in the Light of God. He will then use every means to humiliate the chosen soul and usually does this by deceiving the weak soul he uses, to inflict pain and suffering on the humble soul.

 Sadly, many people who love me, the Mother of God, come to me begging me to assist them in destroying other souls. These souls, they tell me, are deserving of God’s punishment. When they ask for my Son to pass judgment on such souls, because of the hatred, which lies in their hearts, their prayers will never be heard. How can you love me, adore my Son and pledge your allegiance to the Truth when you hate others? Oh how cunning is the evil one when he devours holy souls, who have allowed pride to distract them. Once pride grips a soul, it immediately loses its light. The darker it becomes the further away it removes itself from the Light of God.

When you ask me to intervene, on your behalf, with my Son, you must always come to me with the fullness of love in your heart. You must never curse another when you ask for God’s Blessings, for this is abhorrent to Him. Hatred plays no role in Heaven.

 Come to me, dear children, only with love in your hearts for your enemies, and all your prayers will be answered according to God’s Holy Will.

 Your beloved Mother

 Mother of Salvation

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