Friday, 13 October 2017
I Am Gentle, Loving and Patient
These Words are so awesome! Jesus: "And so My Father waited and waited, until the world’s population was at its greatest number. He has begun the final part of His Plan to save humanity, so that a multitude can be saved at once. "
So it seems that the world's population being at it's greatest is now ready to be part of God's Fulfilment of all His Promises foretold in Scripture!
He will be a mover and a shaker! He will sort the wheat from the chaff! For those responsible for drawing away souls from hearing Christ's Call at this time for humanity, God will bring them some sense of wrongdoing. Failing that, and there is no response to His Adjustments, He will remove these people. That sounds pretty harsh, but God gives so many chances for us to make things right, to kick our pride and arrogance to the kerb. If those who are manifestly insistant in telling souls to steer away from these Messages from Heaven to prepare mankind for the Imminent Coming of Christ, decide to ignore what God throws at them, then, they themselves have chosen satan over Christ.
It is up to these individuals to heed the Father when He comes Calling!
If they are shown that what they are doing is not pleasing to God and they decide not to change their ways, then ok, God in His Authoritative Capacity as the Creator of all that is and all that will be, can have the Final Say!
It is in everyone's best interests, to abide lovingly and loyally to Christ in hearing His Last and Final Call to humanity before the world is changed beyond recognition and Christ's preceding Second Coming. This is enormous! This is the Greatest Time in history - nothing has been given like this ever during the existence of mankind! Please heed what Jesus is saying to us.
Please desist from placing human opinions about His Divine Communication to us, above the Guidance of the Holy Spirit and His Intention to bring Lasting Peace to the world.
We are not above God in our interpretations. God is Speaking - will we listen?
I Am Gentle, Loving and Patient
Sunday, June 15th, 2014 @ 14:25
My dearly beloved daughter, My Plan to redeem humanity and to disclose My New Kingdom is succeeding, as foretold. I will bring the world a great Gift and for those who find this overwhelming and frightening, know this.
I Am Gentle, Loving and Patient and all will be done by the Holy Will of My Father, Who does not wish to bring pain and anguish to any of His children, no matter how blackened their souls are. If this were the case, He would have destroyed the world and taken only the elect into the New Paradise. And so My Father waited and waited, until the world’s population was at its greatest number. He has begun the final part of His Plan to save humanity, so that a multitude can be saved at once.
This Plan must not be feared or opposed, as the final prize is one that will bring you all the greatest glory. You must not resist it; you must not ridicule it or discard it, for you will regret this decision for eternity. Let not one man interfere with the Will of God. In order to save the masses, My Father will not hesitate to punish those who stand in His Way to save billions of souls. And while every soul is precious to Him and while He will intervene in every way to bring souls to their senses, He will destroy those who are responsible for denying Him the souls of millions. Be in no doubt that they will suffer for this and let it be known that you will know these souls by their deeds and then by their punishment. Their punishment will begin on Earth at this time, in the hope that they will see the Truth. Failing that, My Father will remove them.
The Power of God is manifest on Earth at this time and you will see how these sides will emerge in the battle for souls. They will include those who truly serve Me; those who do not know Me and those who do, but choose to serve a different master not of Me. The only victors will be those who, by the Mercy of God, will be given the Keys to the Kingdom of God.
Your Jesus
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