Friday, 13 October 2017
I Am Gentle, Loving and Patient
These Words are so awesome! Jesus: "And so My Father waited and waited, until the world’s population was at its greatest number. He has begun the final part of His Plan to save humanity, so that a multitude can be saved at once. "
So it seems that the world's population being at it's greatest is now ready to be part of God's Fulfilment of all His Promises foretold in Scripture!
He will be a mover and a shaker! He will sort the wheat from the chaff! For those responsible for drawing away souls from hearing Christ's Call at this time for humanity, God will bring them some sense of wrongdoing. Failing that, and there is no response to His Adjustments, He will remove these people. That sounds pretty harsh, but God gives so many chances for us to make things right, to kick our pride and arrogance to the kerb. If those who are manifestly insistant in telling souls to steer away from these Messages from Heaven to prepare mankind for the Imminent Coming of Christ, decide to ignore what God throws at them, then, they themselves have chosen satan over Christ.
It is up to these individuals to heed the Father when He comes Calling!
If they are shown that what they are doing is not pleasing to God and they decide not to change their ways, then ok, God in His Authoritative Capacity as the Creator of all that is and all that will be, can have the Final Say!
It is in everyone's best interests, to abide lovingly and loyally to Christ in hearing His Last and Final Call to humanity before the world is changed beyond recognition and Christ's preceding Second Coming. This is enormous! This is the Greatest Time in history - nothing has been given like this ever during the existence of mankind! Please heed what Jesus is saying to us.
Please desist from placing human opinions about His Divine Communication to us, above the Guidance of the Holy Spirit and His Intention to bring Lasting Peace to the world.
We are not above God in our interpretations. God is Speaking - will we listen?
I Am Gentle, Loving and Patient
Sunday, June 15th, 2014 @ 14:25
My dearly beloved daughter, My Plan to redeem humanity and to disclose My New Kingdom is succeeding, as foretold. I will bring the world a great Gift and for those who find this overwhelming and frightening, know this.
I Am Gentle, Loving and Patient and all will be done by the Holy Will of My Father, Who does not wish to bring pain and anguish to any of His children, no matter how blackened their souls are. If this were the case, He would have destroyed the world and taken only the elect into the New Paradise. And so My Father waited and waited, until the world’s population was at its greatest number. He has begun the final part of His Plan to save humanity, so that a multitude can be saved at once.
This Plan must not be feared or opposed, as the final prize is one that will bring you all the greatest glory. You must not resist it; you must not ridicule it or discard it, for you will regret this decision for eternity. Let not one man interfere with the Will of God. In order to save the masses, My Father will not hesitate to punish those who stand in His Way to save billions of souls. And while every soul is precious to Him and while He will intervene in every way to bring souls to their senses, He will destroy those who are responsible for denying Him the souls of millions. Be in no doubt that they will suffer for this and let it be known that you will know these souls by their deeds and then by their punishment. Their punishment will begin on Earth at this time, in the hope that they will see the Truth. Failing that, My Father will remove them.
The Power of God is manifest on Earth at this time and you will see how these sides will emerge in the battle for souls. They will include those who truly serve Me; those who do not know Me and those who do, but choose to serve a different master not of Me. The only victors will be those who, by the Mercy of God, will be given the Keys to the Kingdom of God.
Your Jesus
I will tear down the temples of these sects and stop them in their vile acts against God’s children
Sects, cults can only exist outside the Catholic Church, within, it is not possible. Jesus told us this way back in the Messages. He is speaking about groups who do things that are not pleasing to God and Himself. One group I consider to be anti-Christ is the Church of Scientology.
I like the idea of Jesus saying "For every single soul who comes to Me searching for peace, from these groups – I will convert, ten times their number." We hope and pray that many, many from this group and others like it will indeed call out to Jesus to facilitate their conversion which Jesus will multiply by 10 for each 1! Pretty good odds aren't they!
The Mormon Church is stem of Masonry and so they and the Masonic lodge members will also benefit from calling out to Jesus to save them. We have been told of the billions of souls who will be saved - so it is not a far stretch to hope that Jesus will save all these cult members.
Any type of cult or sect. There are truly some very strange ones out there and Jesus knows them intimately - sadly! So we remember these souls in our prayers.
Something Special is on the horizon - something that humanity has long waited for! Of course for those who defy Christ's Call for their chance at Salvation, it might not be a woolly jumper they will be needing.
I will tear down the temples of these sects and stop them in their vile acts against God’s children
Sunday, June 15th, 2014 @ 09:30
My dearly beloved daughter, the extent to which I Am ignored, dismissed and hated is beyond the knowledge of most people.
There are groups and sects which are dedicated to the worship of Satan and who commit terrible atrocities under the direction of he who hates Me. The poor sinners who are involved have sold their souls to the devil and to the outside they are a source of amusement, but hear Me now. They have only one master and this master has great power over them because they have given him the gift of their free will. And just as Satan despises the human race, he uses these souls, although they do not truly understand this fact. Their hatred for Me is as intense as it is towards those who serve Me, Jesus Christ.
The final battle for souls will be fought in every part of the world and it will be these groups, who will fight very hard to pull people away from Me and the final Salvation I bring to God’s children. Because I love all – including those who have sacrificed their lives and their right to Eternal Salvation for the empty promises of the king of lies, My duty is to overcome all obstacles to reach them, so that I can save them.
I will tear down the temples of these sects and stop them in their vile acts against God’s children. Those who are freed from these prisons of hatred will, I promise, find Me waiting. For every single soul who comes to Me searching for peace, from these groups – I will convert, ten times their number. I will defeat the devil and I will take God’s children, no matter what they have done, back from the brink of the abyss of Hell.
Never fear the power of the spirit of evil, once you trust Me completely. My Power, the Power of God, the Beginning and the End, will never be destroyed. But, if any man who attempts to try to destroy the Power of God, knowing the consequences, and who refuses all efforts by Me to save his soul – he will suffer for eternity.
Your Jesus
You must never worship any other god, but the Triune God
I hope this exerpt below helps us to understand more fully why God is trying to bring Light to the One Triune God so as to salvage the souls of those with little understanding who live by other gods.
All practices of paganism, Satanism, witchcraft, deity, séance, eastern mysticism, yoga, reiki, ascendant masters, new age, voodoo, black magic, illusion and many more, all are satan's playground and for his entertainment. God needs us to pray with passion for souls captivated by these practices while there is still a chance for their Salvation! Let's not let God and those souls down. He loves each of them regardless!
One of Father Hardon's explanations of what the Triune God is and defined, although It is still a Mystery, it is our belief and faith that tells us this is so. http://www.therealpresence.org/arch…/Trinity/Trinity_001.htm
"We firmly believe and profess without qualification that there is only one true God, eternal, immense, unchangeable, incomprehensible, omnipotent, and indescribable, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; three persons but one essence and a substance or nature that is wholly simple.
The Father is from no one; the Son is from the Father only; and the Holy Spirit is from both the Father and the Son equally. God has no beginning; He always is, and always will be. The Father is the progenitor, the Son is the begotten, the Holy Spirit is proceeding. They are all one substance, equally great, equally all-powerful, equally eternal. They are the one and only principle of all things—Creator of all things visible and invisible, spiritual and corporeal, who, by His almighty power, from the very beginning of time has created both orders of creatures in the same way out of nothing, the spiritual or angelic worlds and the corporeal or visible universe."
"If anyone denies that the Father is eternal, that the Son is eternal, and that the Holy Spirit is eternal: he is a heretic.
If anyone says that the Son made flesh was not in heaven with the Father while He was on earth: he is a heretic.
If anyone denies that the Holy Spirit has all power and knows all things, and is everywhere, just as the Father and the Son: he is a heretic."
"All natural knowledge leads us to see only specific unity among human beings. We have one human nature, indeed, but we are only specifically one as distinct persons. We are really distinct as persons but we are also separate realities. Not so with the Trinity. Each of the divine Persons is the infinite God, and no one Person has only a “share” in the divine nature, a part of it so to speak. Yet they are not three infinities, but only one infinite God."
"But the Trinity is more than a test of our faith. It is also the perfect model of our selfless love. As revelation tells us, within the Godhead is a plurality of Persons, so that God is defined as Love because He has within His own being, to use our language, the object of love which is an Other with whom each of the Persons can share the totality of their being.
We therefore see from reflection on this Triune Love that love by its essence is not self-centered, that love unites, that love gives, and that love shares perfectly within the Godhead. Love is therefore as perfect in us as it approximates the perfect sharing that constitutes the Trinity."
"We thus have a confluence of two mysteries, of the Trinity in heaven and of liberty on earth. The Trinity is the pattern for our liberty. If we use our freedom to love others as we should, modeled on the Triune God, we shall reach that God in eternity. This is our hope, based on our faith, and conditioned by our love."
You must never worship any other god, but the Triune God
Saturday, June 14th, 2014 @ 12:40
My dearly beloved daughter, there is only one God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – all distinct Persons in One. There are not three separate units, for We are One – God the Father, Creator of All; God the Son, as He manifested to live amongst you and God the Holy Spirit, given to humanity as the Gift by which the Truth fills your hearts with knowledge, new life and the Power of My Love.
When you come to Me, you come to My Father. When the Holy Spirit calls you, It comes from the Father. All comes from God. You must never worship any other god, but the Triune God. But, know this. To know the Father, you must acknowledge God the Son, for without Me, Jesus Christ, you cannot know the Father.
God loves all of His children, but His children do not love Him as they should. That is okay, because through Me they will become part of My New Kingdom on Earth. Then there are those who follow the evil one and who, knowingly, give him the gift of their free will. It is then that they have no longer control over their actions, for the evil spirits within them use them in order to recruit other vulnerable souls. These souls do not worship God – instead they worship Satan. I plead with you to help Me save these poor unfortunate souls, for they cannot save their own souls through their free choice any more. I desire that, through your prayers, you beg for the relief of souls in captivity, so that they will come back to Me.
Crusade Prayer (157) For souls in captivity:
O dear Jesus, release those souls who are slaves to false gods and Satan. Help us through our prayers to bring them relief from the pain of possession.
Open the gates of their prison and show them the path to the Kingdom of God, before they are taken hostage by Satan into the abyss of Hell.
We beg You, Jesus, to cover these souls with the Power of the Holy Spirit, so they will seek out the Truth and help them to find the courage to turn their backs on the snares and wickedness of the devil. Amen.
The problem encountered by souls, who adore false gods, is that they leave themselves open to the spirit of evil, which needs only a tiny fraction of their free will in order to infest them. False gods lead souls into terrible danger. The biggest danger facing them is that they believe that such practices are normal, healthy for their spirit and a means by which to find peace and calm in their lives. All they will find is pain and sorrow.
Be warned of the dangers of following the occult and new age practices, for they are not of Me. It is only by following Me, Jesus Christ, that you can have Eternal Life. The opposite to life is death. Death of the body does not mean the end of your existence. Your existence is for eternity. Eternal Life comes only through Me. Eternal death comes from Satan.
Your Jesus
That will be the Greatest Day since God created Adam and Eve
Ok now people! Read this one paragraph and read it well! 'I will lift you all, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, into My New Kingdom. And then will commence the beginning of the end. Those souls who idolized the beast and who gave themselves over in body, mind and soul to Satan, and who became his willing agents, will have nowhere to turn, nowhere to hide and they will be left without any help, for Satan will have forsaken them. For by then, Satan will be cast into the abyss and his power will cease completely at that point. To those souls, I say this. Even at that stage I will show you Mercy. You must call out to Me and say: “Jesus, help me. Jesus, forgive me for all my sins.”
and I will lift you, too, into My New Paradise. '
Ok did you read it??!~
Well now doesn't this give us every cause for elation?
It does not matter how much we ourselves have judged ourselves in how much we have sinned, how much we have hurt Jesus - by His Very Nature, He loves above all and loves each of us so much beyond measure, that He is willing to go to exorbitant lengths to salvage our souls! Of course all He needs from us is our 'Yes Lord'! That is the part that seems to go by the wayside for those who live in desperate sinfulness and darkness. For their reasons, their pride, their arrogance, they believe all the false promises of satan and false whisperings from him to prevent themselves from reaching their Rightful Inheritance! Why do that?
Surely, if Jesus is holding out His Hand to us, right in front of us, that we could not possibly deny Him then?
Jesus tells us in this Message - "For those who choose to believe in false gods and who do not recognize the Triune God, you will not readily accept Me, for you have always rejected Me. Yet, I will pull you towards Me and embrace you. The Power of God will descend over you, through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and you will find it hard to turn your back on Me. So for all those who see Me, including those who rejected Me in this life, most of you will realize the Truth at that stage. You will allow Me to pull you into My Sacred Arms.'
Isn't that something! We have been told so many, many times during this Mission, that every lost sheep, every lost lamb, no matter how far away, will be sought out by Christ! Not one will be left by the wayside! So why do we not have the faith enough to have total trust, confidence and abandonment to Jesus to save each one of our family members, our children especially, our friends? Why do we still panic and think that our prayers aren't enough? We pray the Crusade Prayers and Litany Prayers, the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet each day in obedience to Jesus for His Mission - why do we not believe without a shadow of doubt, that as God Promised, so It Will Be Done! Come on! For the love of God, bring ourselves peace and joy, knowing that Jesus will not give up on any one of us -God will shower those who are non-believers with all His Grace to bring them back to Him and into Paradise - please BELIEVE!
That will be the Greatest Day since God created Adam and Eve
Friday, June 13th, 2014 @ 22:20
My dearly beloved daughter, My Time is very near and because of this, it is important that every single person in the world prepares, as if they were to be taken from this life at any moment. Do not ignore My Call, for those who fail to prepare for the Great Day will be left in great anguish.
On the Day of My Second Coming, which will be preceded by The Warning, where I will prove to the world Who I Am, you must be ready. I come for all of you to take you into the exquisite new and glorious Paradise. I do not desire to exclude anyone. Each of you is a cherished child of God. Those who are not aware of their parentage will know, instantly, Who I Am. For it will stem from an ingrained human instinct, just as a child who is separated from its natural parent will know their own flesh and blood, even if it takes a lifetime to reunite with each other. It will feel natural and, for those who have a warm heart, the final moment will be filled with an exhilarating love. You have nothing to fear.
For those who choose to believe in false gods and who do not recognize the Triune God, you will not readily accept Me, for you have always rejected Me. Yet, I will pull you towards Me and embrace you. The Power of God will descend over you, through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and you will find it hard to turn your back on Me. So for all those who see Me, including those who rejected Me in this life, most of you will realize the Truth at that stage. You will allow Me to pull you into My Sacred Arms.
I will lift you all, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, into My New Kingdom. And then will commence the beginning of the end. Those souls who idolized the beast and who gave themselves over in body, mind and soul to Satan, and who became his willing agents, will have nowhere to turn, nowhere to hide and they will be left without any help, for Satan will have forsaken them. For by then, Satan will be cast into the abyss and his power will cease completely at that point. To those souls, I say this. Even at that stage I will show you Mercy. You must call out to Me and say:
“Jesus, help me. Jesus, forgive me for all my sins.”
and I will lift you, too, into My New Paradise.
I will save every soul who calls on Me just before the skies close; the mountains collapse and the sea floods the Earth and then the Heavens will disappear along with the old Earth. Up will rise My New Paradise, the New Heaven and Earth, just as it was created for Adam and Eve, and all will rejoice. For that will be the Greatest Day since God created Adam and Eve. Never lose hope and remember My Words to you now.
My Mercy is so Great that even those who have sold their souls to the devil will be saved, if they so desire, by calling out to Me on the Final Day. They too can live an Eternal Life of great glory, with all of God’s children. This New Paradise is your rightful inheritance. Do not squander it for the false and empty promises of Satan.
I love you all. Always keep My Love locked within your hearts and I will always protect you from evil.
Your Jesus
God the Father: The Power of the Blessed Trinity is beyond the interference of man
It takes a lifetime for some of us to get that every single fibre of our being is Given by God as a Gift!
If we truly understood that and how it is by His Divine Providence that we breathe each breath, wouldn't we be the most grateful creatures He has ever Created?
So why does something as simple as the acknowledgement of God and His Divine Order of things escape most of us or take so long to capture in our hearts?
Even then, no matter the years that go by, no matter the experiences we have - good or bad, we can't seem to assimilate in our feeble minds something so intrinsically simple!
It is by God that all things exist!
It is by God that every cell of our bodies was Created!
Not one single scientist on the face of the earth can tell us HOW we were created! Not one! That is because there is not sufficient scientific evaluation that could answer this fundamental state of fact!
So if science can't answer it, then it must be higher than one's intelligence to understand! If this is the case, then why do human beings in spite of their intelligence, not give God the Credit He is Due?
Then of course God speaks about the Holy Trinity, the Triune God! It is by His Providence again, that His Son Whom He had Begotten, through His Holy Spirit and made Himself Flesh to walk amongst us!
If we accept God and most people who believe the Bible and Creation, do accept Him, then why do some religions and faiths find it so hard to accept Jesus and the Holy Spirit - One cannot exist without the other.
You might as well say "Well God I accept that You 2 arms and 2 legs, a pair of eyes and a mouth, Created man out of dust, woman out of his rib, the earth, the Universe etc, but I absolutely cannot accept that You made Yourself into a man through bringing Your Own Flesh to the world and I certainly cannot accept that as a Spiritual Creator, that You could possible have the capacity to be The Holy Spirit as well!"
'Gee God You must think I'm gullible or something!"
Well I'm not sure how this little conversation might end, but you can bet, it really leaves God bewildered that our small minds can be so narrow and closed, that we package Our Great God and Creator into a finite little box so that that is all we can try to understand or accept.
It seems so ridiculous to me, but I mention this because some well known 'religions' and 'faiths' actually contain God in this little box!
Let's give God what He needs from us - total acceptance, total openness, total obedience and total gratitude!
Doesn't the One Who Created you in all your glory, deserve at least that much?
God the Father: The Power of the Blessed Trinity is beyond the interference of man
Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 @ 12:25
My dearest daughter, My Desire is that each one of you respond to the Call of the Most Holy Trinity at this time. The Power of the Blessed Trinity is beyond the interference of man and by the Grace of My Love, I reach out to humanity to declare the Truth.
Be not afraid of your Father, for I Am yours and you are Mine. All Power is in My Hands and I make great exceptions in order to unite the world. Many souls are indifferent to Me. They shun Me, deny My Existence and insult My Divinity by placing false gods, made of molten gold, before Me. All that is made of clay will be replaced by a renewed existence. Nothing on this Earth is eternal. Everything turns back into dust. All that is eternal is not of your world. I created man in My Likeness. I blew forth life and you were given breath and it is I Who will take it away. All begins and ends with Me and no man can or will dictate how I will unite My children. That task is Mine – not yours. My Plans to salvage souls – the good, the bad and the wretched, will not be destroyed. Damaged, perhaps, but never ruined, for all that I say will be and all that I desire will come to pass.
I know each of you, as you were born out of My Love. Whatever your circumstances, they evolved because of Divine Providence and there is a reason for everything. Those of you who do not know Me – you are also Mine, for I created you. You did not evolve from the species. To believe that, is to deceive yourself and serves only as a means, planted by the deceiver in your hearts, to deny Me. By denying Me, your Eternal Father, you deny Eternal Salvation. And by denying the Truth of My Existence, you will separate yourself from an existence of eternal glory.
All Mercy is Mine. I lavish My Mercy on those whose hearts are pure; who have love in their souls because they have allowed Me to enter into them. The main obstacle to receiving Eternal Life is the pride of humanity. Pride is the single biggest barrier to uniting yourself to Me. You may know Me, through My Son; understand My Word, but you do not practice what you have been taught. Love comes from Me. When there is pride in the soul, love dies within it and is replaced with hatred. Pride comes from Satan and it is abhorrent to Me, just as it is distressing.
Let Me love you by accepting My Word and the Gifts I gave the world through the biggest Sacrifice of My Son’s death on the Cross. I gave you life. I gave you Myself, through the Manifestation of My Son. I lowered Myself, in humility before you, in order to defeat the sin of pride. I taught you through the prophets. I gave you the Gift of free will but you abused it to satisfy your own lusts and desires. The Gift of free will has a dual purpose – to give you the freedom to choose, so that you do not come to Me out of fear, but out of love and to defeat the power of the devil. It is your free will that Satan covets most of all and he will use every deceit to get you to hand it over to him. When souls do this, through the sin of pride, new age practices and the occult, they become enslaved by the evil one. He will then manifest, within the souls who hand him over their free will, every single one of his traits. You will know them by their behaviour. But the one sign that their free will has been given to the evil one is when these souls constantly seek to publicly mock My Son, Jesus Christ, and His Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of the World. Satan despises both of them.
If, instead, you use the free will I gave you, for the good of your soul and to love one another, this is a powerful means by which to dilute the power of Satan. But, it is those souls who give to Me, through My Son, Jesus Christ, the gift of their free will, that give the most powerful gift of all. It will be through these souls that I will defeat the evil one and the means by which I can save the souls of those who have completely separated themselves from Me.
That is My Promise. I will save the souls of even the most hopeless cases because of the sacrifices of those who give Me this gift of their free will, through My Son, Jesus Christ.
Your Eternal Father
God the Most High
Without My Light there is nothing but darkness of the soul. No peace. No love. No hope. No Life
So much longing and desire in Jesus' Words in this Message. He is giving so much, yet receives so little. His desire isn't so difficult to fulfil for His Love for us in Eternal, yet He knows that we don't give ourselves to Him. This is our free will that has pulled away from Jesus! He asked us a little while back to hand back our free will, given to us at birth, to God as our gift to do with it what He needs to do, use our gift any way He sees fit.
Any wonder He hopes we will hand it over because by keeping it, we are constantly holding a grudge against Him when we turn our backs on Him, when we blame Him for things that happen in our lives or things around us. But seriously! God doesn't 'do' these things TO us - He gives us a choice - for Him or against Him!
If we choose for Him, then we pass the test and we somehow get out of a sticky situation. If we choose against Him, then we fail the test and He will continue to bring us to humility until 'we get it'. How else is He going to purify us and make us worthy to enter Paradise. So yes! I can totally get why Jesus is so desperate to have us return to His Loving Heart. It is clear that He won't give up, so why do we find it so hard to believe that His Love for us is so Immense?
We can be our own worst enemy in a lot of situations! We can sabotage our Right to our Inheritance at times! Why? Because of our pride, our narcissism, our self-indulgence! When will we be prepared to just let go and Let God?
Jesus is serious! He will not let His end of the rope go!
Do you really want Him to leave you dangling over the precipice? - No? I thought so!
Without My Light there is nothing but darkness of the soul. No peace. No love. No hope. No Life
Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 @ 12:05
My dearly beloved daughter, people may ask why is it important that the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass be retained at all costs? The Mass is the focal point of My Presence – My True Presence in the world. My Presence brings both Life and Light. It will bring Life to the soul and fill it with a unique Grace. It will bring with it Light – My Light - which is more powerful than the sun. A glimmer of My Light is enough to light up a room that is in darkness. As long as My Holy Eucharist is held in great glory upon the altars of My Churches, there will be life. Without it there will be darkness. When I Am not Present, there is no Light. Without My Light there is nothing but darkness of the soul. No peace. No love. No hope. No Life.
Whatever new rules will be forced upon you in the name of evangelization and modernity, in My Name, know that if My Eucharist is no longer revered, as It should be and as It was meant to be, you can be sure that it will not be long before It will disappear altogether. On the day that this happens there will be a darkness, which will descend upon the Earth. You will not see it, but you will feel it in the cold hearts of men, for by then humanity will have changed. Once My Presence diminishes, the gates of Hell will be opened and the antichrist will take My Place in My Church. It will be he who is not of Me, who will sit on the throne that is rightfully Mine. And it will be before him that My Church will lie prostrate at his feet. That will be the greatest betrayal of Me, your Jesus, since Judas handed Me over to My enemies to be crucified.
It is My Church, which will be persecuted first and those who are weak of faith will pay homage to the beast. It will be those men who will claim to represent My Church – who will crucify Me, once more. When the imposter declares that he is Me, the hours will begin to tick and then with a deafening sound of the skies parting and the peal of thunder, My Return will be made known. The world will then understand the Truth of My Promise to Return to reclaim My Kingdom, finally, and to bring unity to My Church, My True Church – those who remained loyal to Me, through all the trials and tribulations.
Nothing can prevail against My Church, for under My Leadership and direction It will remain impenetrable against the beast and all those traitors who will have betrayed Me for their own gain.
Hear now My Promise. All that I told you would happen will happen. All that I promised you will be fulfilled. All that is Mine is yours. You all belong to Me. Cling to Me for dear life, for without My Protection, you will fall into error and that would break My Heart. Never forsake Me, for he who hates you. I will never forsake you, because I love you too much. I pull you towards Me and still you withdraw. Why? What are you fearful of? Don’t you know you are of Me and that this is a natural birthright? Lean on Me, My beloved followers, for soon you will feel lost and will not know where to turn. And I will be waiting, to bring you My Love and offer you comfort.
Come. Do not fear Me. I come only with love to bring you My Peace.
My Light brings you sight.
My Love brings you hope.
My Heart brings you comfort.
My Hands heal you.
My Eyes see you.
My Wounds draw you.
My Body feeds you.
My Pain is yours.
Your pain is Mine.
My Mercy will save you.
My Word is your path to My Kingdom.
Your Jesus
Love is the only way to defeat hatred. Hatred cannot defeat Love if it comes from God
Jesus says: " My Divinity is beyond reproach and that the Power of the Holy Spirit is invincible when it is Present in any Work that is Mine. My Works are powerful and will grow and spread like a strong gust of wind with a velocity that is beyond your understanding."
"My Love, when instilled within your souls, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will bring you to your knees before Me, weeping for joy. Make no mistake; you will recognize the Love of God instantly when it pierces your heart by the Power of the Paraclete. Then you will understand the Power of Love for I Am Love. I Am the Power by which every demon, every fallen angel and Satan himself fall on the ground in agony, for they have no power over Me. When you allow My Love to fill your souls, you too will have the power, within you, to defeat every kind of evil in the world. My Love destroys the power of Satan and all his demons."
So powerful is the Love and Light of Christ, that evil cowers in It's Divine Presence. We cannot comprehend as humanity how we have strayed away over generations from the love which we were born with. If we could comprehend it, then I reckon we would never continue to stray. If we truly understood love properly, then we would not have a News Broadcast on our TV sets! We wouldn't need one! The way the world sees love these days is as something boring, not sensational, not newsworthy!
A total backward facing understanding to what God gave the world when He sent His Son! The Truest form of love was seeing the Sacrificial Lamb being tortured, mutilated, scorned, spat upon, mocked and denied on the Cross! Yet what have we done with it since?
Love, God's Love, Christ's Love, The Holy Spirit's Love is Eternal and Divine - don't we want some of that? Can't we give some of that?
Well it's coming soon to each soul and personally I can't wait!!
Love is the only way to defeat hatred. Hatred cannot defeat Love if it comes from God
Monday, June 9th, 2014 @ 21:42
My dearly beloved daughter, how I long to reach out to those who have lost faith and those who no longer believe in Me, as well as the ignorant.
These Messages are for the world – not just the elect, who greet Me with every honour and whose souls are filled with love for Me. I love everyone, but I rely on the faithful to spread the Word of God, so as to enkindle within those hardened closed hearts the fire of My Love.
If you love Me, you will do onto others all the good deeds that I taught you. You will treat others, as I have loved you. You will be patient with those who scorn you for wearing the badge of Christianity. You will embrace the weak: teach them My Love in all that you say and do. To be a Christian means to uphold My Word in every way. You must never forget that My Love is Divine. My Divinity is beyond reproach and that the Power of the Holy Spirit is invincible when it is Present in any Work that is Mine. My Works are powerful and will grow and spread like a strong gust of wind with a velocity that is beyond your understanding. So when I make Myself known with My Word – My Messages to the world – if you embrace Me, I will show great Mercy to all who take up My Cup willingly. When you accept the Gifts I give to you and use them, as I desire you to, for the good of others, then great miracles of conversion will take place. My Love, when you accept it from Me, will spread to others. When others receive your love, they too will recognize where it comes from.
My Love, when instilled within your souls, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will bring you to your knees before Me, weeping for joy. Make no mistake; you will recognize the Love of God instantly when it pierces your heart by the Power of the Paraclete. Then you will understand the Power of Love for I Am Love. I Am the Power by which every demon, every fallen angel and Satan himself fall on the ground in agony, for they have no power over Me.
When you allow My Love to fill your souls, you too will have the power, within you, to defeat every kind of evil in the world. My Love destroys the power of Satan and all his demons. My Love will be your weapon against the wickedness, which you will have to face because you speak in My Name. Accept My Love and always love My enemies. Do not hate My enemies, for that is exactly what the evil one wants you to do, so that he can spread hatred. Love, when spread, breeds love within others just as hatred breeds doubt, fear and anger. Love is the only way to defeat hatred. Hatred cannot defeat Love if it comes from God.
I desire to give you this Crusade Prayer to protect you from hatred.
Crusade Prayer (156) Protection from hatred:
Dear Jesus, give me Your Love and open my heart to accept Your Love with gratitude. By the Power of the Holy Spirit, let Your Love shine upon me, so that I become a beacon of Your Mercy.
Surround me with Your Love and let my love for You dilute every kind of hatred, which I encounter when I spread the news of Your Word. Pour out Your Mercy upon us and forgive those who reject You, insult You and who are indifferent to Your Divinity and give them the Gift of Love.
Let Your Love shine through at times of uncertainty, weak faith, in times of trials and suffering and by the Power of the Holy Spirit help me to bring the Truth to those who are in most need of Your Help. Amen.
My dear followers, you will need My Protection more than ever as this Mission grows. My Love will always cover you and I will make Myself known to you through My Word, the Grace of the Holy Spirit and by the conversion, through prayer, which this Mission of Salvation will bring the world.
Never doubt My Divinity or the Power of God, for without Me you are nothing.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: I ask those who follow these Messages to pray for this Mission
Well looks like satan is pretty miffed about the Medal of Salvation being made available so he is stepping up his campaign against the Mission and those who follow it. We don't have anything to be concerned about because Jesus has told us that all those who follow His Instructions and pray the Crusade Prayers and Litany Prayers and remain obedient to Him, will be protected.
Mother of Salvation is telling us this again, however to be assured that satan won't have his way with any of us, the Mission, those who receive Messages from Christ and especially Maria, we are being asked to pray earnestly our prayers given to us, but also to pray this Crusade Prayer #155 to ensure that we all and those of the True prophets will continue to serve Jesus in the fulfilment of His Final Covenant!
This is our duty as followers of this Mission. By our prayers, satan will lose power. he will lose the ability to snatch souls. Let's do as Mother asks of us so that on That Great Day, Jesus can show us Paradise for each and every one!
Mother of Salvation: I ask those who follow these Messages to pray for this Mission
Sunday, June 8th, 2014 @ 14:45
My child, may I ask those who follow these Messages to pray for this Mission? Your Prayers are asked so that this Work is protected from all wicked snares and deeds of the evil one, through those who serve and honour him. Never before have your Prayers been needed as they are at this time. The work of the evil one against this Mission of Salvation is intense and his hatred is mounting. If you do not ask God to dilute his hatred and influence over humanity, his works will prosper and destroy souls, whose only hope of salvation will be through the Gifts, which God gives His children.
I ask you, dear children, to pray for all those who devote their lives to God’s Call and for this Mission. This Prayer is to be said for all of God’s prophets, visionaries and holy servants, so that they continue to serve Him as He fulfills the Final Covenant.
Crusade Prayer (155) For Protection of the Mission of Salvation:
O dearest Mother of Salvation, hear our call for the protection of the Mission of Salvation and for the protection of God’s children. We pray for those who defy the Will of God in this great moment in history. We ask that you protect all those who respond to your call and the Word of God, to save everyone from the enemies of God. Please help release those souls, who fall prey to the deceit of the devil and open their eyes to the Truth.
O Mother of Salvation, help us poor sinners to be made worthy, to receive the Grace of perseverance at our time of suffering in the Name of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Protect this Mission from harm. Protect your children from persecution. Cover all of us with your Most Holy Mantle and favour us with the Gift of retaining our faith, every time we are challenged for speaking the Truth, for conveying the Holy Word of God, for the rest of our days now and forever. Amen.
My beloved children, you must present your Prayers each day to my Son, for the protection of this Mission against the hatred of Satan. When you do this, every Blessing will be given to you. To those of you who are able, please have Masses offered up, as often as you can, for God’s prophet Maria Divine Mercy and for all of God’s servants, so that through God’s Mercy, all souls will be united with Him in His Kingdom, forever.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
The faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist
Please keep all priests in our prayers. Any priest, our priests! We don't have to know them by name. Jesus and Mother knows them all intimately and They Love them! How it saddens Jesus so much to know that only few priests will remain loyal to Him. How it will be a time of great Tribulation for our priests. They need God's Grace to remain strong and courageous. satan is forging ahead with his plan to control them and draw their souls to him. I cannot imagine the hardship that will face them.
Please Holy Spirit give all priests Your Holy Fire so they will always stand by Truth and never accept any doctrine which negates Jesus' Teachings. Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life, to remain always loyal to Him is the only way to Salvation. We must all pray that the antichrist will not win their souls for being his play pieces in his diabolical games. We need our priests! We need them for safe Refuge! Mother of Salvation please wrap Your Holy Mantle of Protection around each of Your sons and bring them quiet consolation! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
The faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist
Saturday, June 7th, 2014 @ 20:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the Spirit of Truth, which prevails through My Church on Earth, must be sustained, nurtured and upheld, by those holy servants of Mine to whom I entrusted the care of all of God’s children.
The priests in My Church will soon face challenges, which will mean that many will find it very difficult to uphold My Word. Everything that is not of Me will be presented to them by the traitors among them.
How I yearn to bring them comfort and how I will do all in My Power to fill their souls with the Fire of the Holy Spirit. I will do this so they will remain alert, calm and in no doubt, when they are asked to participate in doctrine, which will not be of Me. They must, as guardians of My Word, be prepared to remain loyal to Me. But they will be persuaded to pursue a new interpretation of My Word and this will lead to grave error. Should they lead innocent souls and those who are devoted to Me into error and into committing blasphemy, they will be guilty of embracing the doctrines of Hell. For that, they will know what it is like to feel the Wrath of My Father.
The priests who are Mine will need to renew their vows of love, charity and chastity, if they are to remain in a State of Grace, in order to serve Me as they have committed to do in My Name. Sadly, the power of evil, which will prevail against them, will be such that many will find the pressure exerted on them just too difficult to withstand. Others will embrace the new doctrine and they will become part of the soon-to-be-declared new one world priesthood – where they will no longer serve the Triune God. They will then lead many souls into apostasy. Only a few will remain faithful to Me and they will comfort those Christians who will never deviate from the Truth. The ones who betray Me will themselves be the victims of the antichrist and his army, who will persecute them in ways, which will mean that unless they make a pact with the beast, they will be discarded like criminals and be accused of crimes akin to treason.
The faithful will comfort each other and by My Grace they will be given the Gifts from God, needed to protect themselves against persecution, including the Seal of the Living God, which will enable them to overcome the opposition they will face when Christianity will be brutalized. Those who are for Me and in Me will feel great courage in their hearts, for they will be able to discern the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of evil. And all during this time, the faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth – the antichrist. He will seduce them and draw them into a great web of deceit and despair. His influence over them will be like a great darkness, which will descend over them and extinguish the Light of their souls and many will, after that, sell their souls to Satan.
All of these events sound as if there will be a great noise, like the clapping of thunder, but it is not how the beast will operate. No, his mission will be seen as a great evangelization of the world, which will manifest in many ways. It will be seen to be so appealing, that it will not only be those sacred servants, the luminaries of God, chosen to lead His people on Earth into holiness, who will fall victim to the deceit. The enemies of God will also embrace the new evangelical movement, which will be announced in stages and not with great fanfare, for that would only create too many questions.
New legislations will be introduced which will be seen to improve the lives of the world’s poor. Then the unification of countries will be created through their banks, businesses, alliances as comrades in the event of future wars, politics and finally, religion. The steps have already begun and the plan has been coordinated for over seven years and in great detail.
All I ask of you is to remain alert and to pray for all My priests, so that they will retain the Graces, which I bestow upon them in order to serve Me and so that they can retain the True Faith.
Only the Truth is everlasting.
Only the Truth of My Word will sustain life – life of the soul, as well as the life of this Earth.
Lies, presented as the Truth, come from Satan, who is doomed for eternity. Those who follow him, adapt his ways and become his servants, will plunge into darkness and place themselves in grave danger.
Only the Truth will save you. I Am the Truth. Follow only Me, for nothing else can bring you love, peace, eternal joy or happiness. Only by following Me and My Holy Word – as I gave it to the world, where it has not been tampered with – can you be saved.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book
We are hearing much from Mother of Salvation lately! She is so instrumental in this Battle being raged by satan against God's children! Please listen to what She is telling us. We must understand about this heretical, paganistic, new age book about to me brought into public attention! Look out for a book with a symbol number "1" on it's cover in red and black (of course satan would use that colour combination) with a goat's head embedded within the design of this '1'. Thankfully it is a cover that will be easily recognised for those who need to know this is the book to stay away from!. satan has planned it's publication most likely to mimic the Book of Truth being publicised from Jesus! he mimics everything! he has no originality! he is out to con!
We have been given Scripture and the Book of Truth now to prepare for the short but enraged time of satanic rule. Please don't fall for any doctrine that places importance on self above God. I was part of the New Age movement and so involved that I was a tool used by satan in paganism and and witchcraft. I am speaking from sheer experience of the horror, the magnitude of self-indulgence and gross assimilation of deception and lies! Make no mistake when I tell you here, that it is so insidious, so pervious - that it can easily, sweep you off your feet in delirium! That is it's subtle but tactical coercion! Don't be fooled! Keep Christ as your Point of Centre!
Never cave in to the demands placed on you to be drawn into satan's vortex of false promises! he will control those who take this book as their new 'bible'. Take our Mother's Advice and stick close to Her Son and His Mission for mankind! Under no circumstances accept any false doctrines or changes to the Order of the Holy Mass! And if non-Catholic, keep your eyes well open for a push to change philosophies in your constitutions, in your political spheres, in your local Church activities. Understand that this time is short because Jesus will bring us His Light for our way in the darkness! And Pray!
Mother of Salvation: The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book
Friday, June 6th, 2014 @ 23:15
My dear child, the world will soon be presented, by the enemies of my Son, with a wicked book, which will have the number one embedded within its cover in red and black with the head of a goat hidden within its design.
To those who are none the wiser, this book will be claimed to be an important publication, which will unify the world. It will be seen to be the greatest source in bringing about world unity and it will encourage all those who read it to adapt to a new way of thinking; a new way of believing in yourself; of being kind to yourself; so that you can join, as one, with others who follow this path towards self-glorification. This book will become a doctrine to unite all nations; all religions; all politics; all rules and economic views. It will be used to create a new one-world society, devoid of religions which honour my Son, Jesus Christ. It will be part of school curriculums and all governments will be encouraged to adapt its philosophy, as part of the constitutions of their countries.
The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book and people will wear badges, in order to publicly declare their allegiance to this one-world alliance. All will be ready, so that when the antichrist rises, the book will be seen to play a part in his dictatorship. The book will endorse every false doctrine; every falsity in the Eyes of God; untruths and a dangerous philosophy, which will lead all those who accept its contents into grave error. People’s ability to discern right from wrong will be weakened because of it. Their morality will be called into question and paganism, disguised as a religion that welcomes all, will be cunningly woven into every paragraph.
Many people will want to buy this book, because it will be declared to be such an astonishing breakthrough in the world of politics. It will become a book, which promotes a form of communism, but it will be seen as something with a unique spirituality, which will touch the hearts of many. It will be everything that is the opposite to the True Word of God. It will be a book, which sets out to evangelise the world into believing in the importance of humanism. It will glorify mankind; man’s intelligence; man’s progress; man’s great scientific strength and the importance of controlling all countries in the same way.
All is being planned to ensure that the antichrist will be welcomed amid great celebrations. For make no mistake, this book will be masterminded by he who will declare himself king of the world. And all peoples will be excited about a new world; a new beginning and a new leader. In time, he will be welcomed into my Son’s Church with the book of heresy. And when he sits on the throne in the new temple, all will treat him as the Christ. Shortly afterwards, he will fool the world into believing that he is my Son, Jesus Christ.
That will be the time of a great many tears – tears, which will be spilt from Heaven because of the deceit, which will involve so many people. All these preparations have begun and so God also prepares to fight for those who fall under the influence of the antichrist. Prepare well, dear children, for you will need every help from Heaven to help sustain you during the times ahead.
Move forward with hope, because that period will be short, as God will not permit the beast to reign for any longer than is necessary, according to Holy Scripture. Trust, hope and be grateful for being given the Truth now, for this is how you will be able to prepare. Give thanks always to God for such Mercies, for He is so Generous that the more you call on Him, through His beloved Son, the more He will dilute the impact of such trials.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Medal of Salvation Available Now All Countries
Medal of Salvation Available Now All Countries
Thursday, June 5th,
2014 @ 19:46
The Medal of
Salvation is now available for all countries at https://www.christogifts.com/en/45-scapulars-medals?p=2
Related Messages:
July 18 2013 – Mother
of Salvation The Medal of Salvation offers the Gift of Conversion
August 23 2013 –
Mother of Salvation: The antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that
he is a devout Christian
September 14 2013 –
Mother of Salvation: These Medals will convert all souls, who are open to the
Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ
January 20 2014 –
Mother of Salvation: This final Medal, brought to you by me, through the Mercy
of God, will draw billions of souls towards Eternal Life
February 7 2014 –
Mother of Salvation: Many will believe the antichrist to be a very holy man
February 20 2014 –
Earthquakes will be of such magnitude that they will be felt across multiple
countries, at the same time
March 25 2014 –
Mother of Salvation: Ask me, your beloved Mother, to give you the strength to
carry on and to protect the Mission of Salvation
Related Prayers
All those who receive
the Medal of Salvation must recite this Crusade Prayer (115) For the Gift of
You must recite this
Crusade Prayer (143) To protect the Mission of Salvation
Mother of Salvation: The Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, will be the last day accorded to me, the Mother of God
Mother of Salvation: " I declare this day, June 04, 2014, as the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation. On this day, when you recite this prayer, I will intercede on behalf of all souls for the Gift of Salvation, especially for those who are in great spiritual darkness of the soul."
This is officially made by Our Blessed Mother as Her last day accorded to Her as Feast Day for Our Mother of Salvation. This has come from Mother Herself as given by the Authority of God the Father.
On this day June 4th each year for the years left, we are to pray this Crusade Prayer for the salvation of billions of souls who will be saved through Her Medal of Salvation and through Crusade Prayer #153.
The work of our Mother is paramount in seeing evil leave humanity. She will be the One to crush the head of satan and thrust him to hell along with all his minions and evil angels. As Queen of all the Angels and Saints, we have all of our Heavenly companions to guide, help and protect us on the journey ahead. We also have the Medal of Salvation! This is yet another puzzle piece to help the whole picture become clearer. We have Our Beloved Mother by our side!
Mother of Salvation: The Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, will be the last day accorded to me, the Mother of God
Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 @ 14:13
My dear children, salvation can only be bequeathed by my Son, Jesus Christ, to souls who accept His Divine Mercy.
The Medal of Salvation, however, is an exceptional Gift from Heaven given to the world because of the great Love my Son has for all God’s children. Through the powers given to me, by the command of my Eternal Father, this Medal will be responsible for the salvation of billions of souls. This is made possible because once a soul accepts this Medal with an open heart it will result in conversion.
My role as Co-Redemptrix, in assisting my Son in His great plan to unite everyone and to bring them Eternal Life, has been established. As the Mother of Salvation, all powers assigned to me to crush the serpent’s head has meant that his power will diminish quickly. This is why he, the evil one, despises this Medal and he will use every soul he infests, to scream obscenities and fight it. You must ignore the spirit of evil at all times and pray to me, your beloved Mother, on this special day, in the years ahead, for special Graces. I declare this day, June 04, 2014, as the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation. On this day, when you recite this prayer, I will intercede on behalf of all souls for the Gift of Salvation, especially for those who are in great spiritual darkness of the soul.
Crusade Prayer (154) Feast Day of Mother of Salvation Prayer:
O Mother of Salvation, I place before you today on this day, June 4th, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, the souls of the following (list names).
Please give me and all those who honour you, dear Mother, and who distribute the Medal of Salvation, every protection from the evil one and all those who reject the Mercy of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and all the Gifts He bequeaths to humanity.
Pray, dear Mother, that all souls will be granted the Gift of Eternal Salvation. Amen.
Children, remember what I have told you, always call on me, your Mother, to come to your aid in times of great need. I will always intercede, on your behalf, to bring you peace and comfort at all times in your quest to become close to my Son.
Today, the Feast Day of the Mother of Salvation, will be the last day accorded to me, the Mother of God. Rejoice for all the angels and saints unite at this time, because of the souls who will now be protected from the evil one and whose fate will now rest with my Son.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
I promised My Father that I would pursue every soul for whom I sacrificed My Life. And I will
Jesus knows how to bring tears! What a beautiful, calming Message! Again the Illumination of Conscience is just around the corner. We know It's coming! We know the tremendous Gift to mankind that It is! But even more today, Jesus tells us just how each soul will be touched by the sword of the Holy Spirit cutting through their hardened hearts! Each one!
We pray that only a small percentage of the billions converted will be the ones left with such hardness, such darkness that will need more time until the Final Day, the Day of Judgement, through our prayers, will be given the Light of Truth to prevent them from choosing hell as their eternal torment. Only a small percentage!
The rest, the billions of souls who finally wake up through the Warning and live harmoniously and prayerfully along with the Holy Remnant to bring the New Jerusalem to Paradise! Can we imagine this! Jews and Christians being the Two Witnesses! Bringing eachother to our Rightful Inheritance! Wow! Mindblowing!
So keep confident, keep trusting, bring humility into our lives, keep praying as Jesus Instructs and we will see eachother and all of our families in Paradise! This Messages Jesus gives is in God's Perfect Plan - His Promise to salvage the whole of humanity!
It's going to come around very quickly in the scheme of things - think back to 3 years ago, 2 years ago, 1 year ago - how fast it flew! Well we are talking of not much more time to go before The Great Day! Come on everyone - get excited! Jesus is Returning! Amen!
I promised My Father that I would pursue every soul for whom I sacrificed My Life. And I will
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 @ 18:22
My dearly beloved daughter, it is My Intention to bring about conversion to every nation in the world and to do this quickly. My Love for you all is so great that I will, even in cases where confusion reigns in the hearts of those who do not know Me, intervene in ways, which are unknown to humanity up to now.
My Peace will be given to every soul who sees the Light of the Truth. My Love will bring them a calmness of the spirit, which such souls have never truly known. The Spirit of Truth will be My Gift to the world and mankind, who do not acknowledge Me. Only then, can man be open to the Divine Intervention, which is by the Command of My beloved Father, so that He can embrace every child of His.
The Love of God will soon be witnessed by barren souls – souls which remain firmly shut to the influence of the Holy Spirit. The Flame of the Holy Spirit will, like a sword, cut through their hearts and out will pour upon them an innate understanding as to how cherished each soul is in the Eyes of God.
The Spirit of Truth will awaken the souls of those who deny Me, who pour scorn on those who believe in Me, and those who believe in their own invincibility. It will touch the hearts of the haughty, the proud, the arrogant, as well as the ignorant, the hardened sinners who have hatred in their hearts, as well as the lowly. Not one of you will be excluded from this great Miracle. I promised My Father that I would pursue every soul for whom I sacrificed My Life. And I will. For what good was My death if it meant that even just one sinner could not be saved? I come soon to prepare you all for My Salvation. Rejoice, for My Time is near.
Go, My beloved followers, and remain in love, hope and anticipation for My great Mercy. I will fulfill My Promise to every one of you and you will reap the rewards of My Kingdom if you will accept, with humility, My great outpouring of Love.
Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father
This Great Gift from our Mother of Salvation through the Will of God has now been made available to all countries of the world! Please for the sake of our children, please see if you can get these for yourselves and for your children, your families! A special Crusade Prayer goes with it which we are to recite once a week in front of an Image of Our Blessed Mother and with Blessing ourselves with Holy Water.
I know a lot who follow these Messages struggle with the Sacramental side of things believing it is 'just' Catholic, but truly, 'Catholic' means Universal! These sacred tools are at our disposal and are encouraged to be used to thwart satan!
Please don't underestimate the Power of Heaven in these end times! This Medal has the Power to save! This is the Promise from Heaven that whoever wears this Medal will come to no harm in the Spirit. satan will not trap us nor will he snatch our souls! satan hates this day! he hates that this Medal has become available and it's delay is because of the diabolical plans he had to keep it from us!
But as we know God wins each battle! This Medal will bring those who are far away from God, back to Him! satan loses each soul who wears this Medal and Consecrates their children - each child who's name is offered to Our Blessed Mother of Salvation is going to Paradise! satan is writhing in tremendous pain - Yay!
Mother of Salvation: This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father
Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 16:20
My dear child, I wish to call upon parents of children and young people, all over the world, to consecrate them to my Immaculate Heart.
My Precious Son, Jesus Christ, desires that I do this, as He will cover them with His Precious Blood and so keep them safe. He wants you, dear children, to do this because He will grant great Graces upon them. This Gift of Protection for children has been commanded by my beloved Father. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He promises great Graces and those children who are presented to me will be protected from the influence of the spirit of evil.
My Son will do all that is required to unite all families in His New Paradise and by consecrating your children to me, the Mother of Salvation, great Protection will be given to every family whose children’s names are offered to me.
My love for God’s children is very special, for I am the Mother of all God’s children. It will be through me, the Mother of Salvation, that souls consecrated to me, will be saved through the Mercy of my Son. These souls will not be tempted by the deceit, which will be presented to the world by the antichrist.
You must recite this Prayer once a week, before an image of me, your beloved Mother, and bless yourself with Holy Water before you recite it.
Crusade Prayer (153) The Gift of Protection for children:
O Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, I ask that you consecrate the souls of these children (List them here…) and present them to your beloved Son. Pray that Jesus will, through the Power of His Precious Blood, cover and protect these little souls with every kind of protection from evil. I ask you, dear Mother, to protect my family in times of great difficulties and that your Son will look favourably upon my request to unite my family in one with Christ and grant us Eternal Salvation. Amen.
Go and be thankful for the Love that God has for His children. Great Mercy and Blessings will be accorded to every child and young person whose name you present to me for consecration to my Son.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
My Love never wilts; never falters; never dies. No matter what you have done
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance ... love will last forever! " 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
When a soul finds Christ's Love implanted in them via the Holy Spirit, nothing can draw them out of feeling, showing and recognising that love. It is pure, it is enveloping! We yearn to know what this Love is! We yearn to be the recipient! True Peace can only be known through love unwaivering! Attaining peace without love is a false peace.
Souls who justify immorality but call it love do not understand the meaning of love. They are driven by the flesh. Sins so abhorrent to Jesus will be justified because those who will embrace sin as being a good thing are devoid of Christ's Love within them.
It is sad that Jesus tells us that even children over the age of 7 will justify wrongdoing as a good thing. satan will firmly devise plans to bring these children a lack of peace and joy, he will take every opportunity to make them selfish and narcissistic. One way we can counter satan with our kids is to place the Medal of Salvation around their necks (when it becomes available) so he can't get close enough to them.
I can imagine that the music industry will step up their evil campaign to get our kids that way or the use of illicit substances. Horrifying!
If only those who engage in this battle could see it for what it was - the final attempt of satan to bring our kid's souls to hell! Let's commit ourselves to nurturing every word, thought and deed from us to be all-loving!
Love builds on love, hate builds on hate. We know which of the two is right and just. Jesus will help us throughout any ordeal or worry to give us the best chance at retaining love uppermost in our hearts!
My Love never wilts; never falters; never dies. No matter what you have done
Saturday, May 31st, 2014 @ 08:20
My dearly beloved daughter, My Love blazes like a furnace for every single one of you. It has been inflamed to an even greater extent because of the wicked influence, which has been inflicted upon humanity. Every kind of deceit clouds souls at this time in history, because of the influence of the devil in the world, as the final battle for souls continues.
Every man, woman and child over the age of seven years will struggle to differentiate between right and wrong. Many will condone wicked acts and say that they are justified in doing so. Those who acknowledge, as being good, the evil words, deeds and actions, planted within their hearts by the deceiver, will feel no remorse.
Every soul, irrespective of their creed, race, colour or circumstances, will wander about in confusion as to what is right in the Eyes of God and what is declared to be wrong. And, while the masses, in error, will applaud sin in every guise, not one shred of contentment will those who betray Me have in their souls. Those who do not deviate from the Truth of all that comes from Me will be demonized. But when they spend time in My Company, they won’t care, because I will instill within them an inner peace, which will not be shaken.
I promise all of you, including those who are weak and who succumb to the lies planted within you by Satan, that I will never give up on you. I will draw on you; fill you with My Love, whenever you allow Me to pull you towards Me. My Love never wilts; never falters; never dies. No matter what you have done. But, be aware, it is your soul, which is the ultimate prize and the evil one will never relent in his quest to win you over.
My Love is so powerful that even when you betray Me I will, within your conscience, ensure that you are aware of your error. This is why you will feel a sense of loss for when what you have done in the name of justice, which you know in your heart is wrong – you will feel nothing but sorrow. It is then that you must call out to Me, your Jesus, with this Prayer to help you in your hour of helplessness.
Crusade Prayer (152) Help me in my hour of helplessness
Dear Jesus, help me in my hour of helplessness. Free me from sin and open my eyes, my heart and my soul to the deceit of the devil and his wicked ways. Fill me with Your Love when I feel hatred in my heart. Fill me with Your Peace when I feel grief. Fill me with Your Strength when I am weak.
Save me from the prison within which I find myself, so that I can be free and be held safely in Your Sacred Arms. Amen.
My Love is eternal. Your soul is eternal. My Kingdom is eternal and so is the Kingdom of the evil one.
When you are guilty of terrible sin, you must fight every single second to remove yourself from danger and strive to remain true to Me at all times. The easiest way to do this is to love one another as I love you. Anything that removes you from love for one another does not come from Me.
Your Jesus
When a man betrays Me, he sins against Me
We can only imagine that what Jesus is seeing more each day in those who betray Him with their kiss, like Judases is hurting Him tremendously! The themes seem very similar lately in His Messages - about those who are trying to thwart His Mission, defying The Holy Trinity in their self - assessments of what believers should believe according to their own interpretations of faith and the Church. Little do they realise they are following blindly a man who will Crucify Christ's Church and leave it to ruin.
Only those who preserve The Truth as Christ Instituted, those in His Remnant Army, His True Church to come, will stay awake with God's Grace to continue on the thorny road to Paradise. Jesus sees those who stand against Him, even if they think they are abiding by Him and in Him. We can't pretend to know Jesus if we side with the beast! He wants us to be almost dualistic - when we are persecuted, tormented, shunned - He is saying it's Him they do this to, not us. But we are the vessels being used as if it was Himself.
So if we truly understand that we are taking the brunt for Him, then isn't it simpler to understand how we can accept it all without any fear whatsoever. satan cannot get the upper hand if we don't allow it. So know that Jesus is so Comforted by our strength and courage and He gives us more through the Graces of The Holy Spirit - we are covered!
When a man betrays Me, he sins against Me
Thursday, May 29th, 2014 @ 00:45
My dearly beloved daughter, when My Apostles came to Me, weeping and crying tears of frustration because of the way they were treated with cruelty in My Holy Name, I told them this.
Never fear rejection in My Name.
Never be frightened by the howls of the evil one, who screams through the mouths of those who serve him.
Never feel fear when you are held accountable in My Name. But when you are betrayed, by those close to you, know that it is I they have slapped in the Face.
When a man betrays Me, he sins against Me. When he betrays God’s prophets, he betrays the Triune God, and for that he will suffer greatly.
When Intervention by the Triune God is rejected by souls, who oppose the greatest Power from Heaven, they will have to endure turmoil within their conscience. This turmoil will never leave them, unless they reconcile their souls to Me, their Jesus. To reject Me, when the soul knows that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who speaks, is regrettable. But to defy the Triune God, by interfering with God’s Intervention, in His task to save souls, this will result in a swift punishment by My Father.
Humanity may sneer, question and analyse My Word, as it is given now, but when they dare to try and prevent Me from salvaging souls by betraying My Trust and opposing My Mercy then they will be shown no Mercy.
Your Jesus
You will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide! Jesus knows what is in our hearts. He knows what is in our souls. If anyone defies His Truth and His Holy Word from being given or shown to others, the Day of Judgement will see them fall prostrate at His Feet totally powerless and in grief! Speaking out Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in these Messages, we are mortally wounding our souls.
God has no place in Paradise for those who continue to defy Him in this way! If we beg for His Mercand be accountable for our sinfulness in this regard, we might just be redeemed, but this journey will be a tough and arduous one at best to get back into God's Grace!
We cannot be willing participants in satan's war against Jesus! We must stay silent if we do not believe His Word in these Messages, for not to do so, will bring our souls into perdition! We will be responsible for preventing God from gaining the souls who lay-in-waiting for the Truth to set them free!
Stay silent and pray!y and be accountable for our sinfulness in this regard, we might just be redeemed, but this journey will be a tough and arduous one at best to get back into God's Grace! We cannot be willing participants in satan's war against Jesus! We must stay silent if we do not believe His Word in these Messages, for not to do so, will bring our souls into perdition!
We will be responsible for preventing God from gaining the souls who lay-in-waiting for the Truth to set them free! Stay silent and pray!
You will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners
Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 @ 08:40
My dearly beloved daughter, My Promise to come again will be fulfilled. Nothing can prevent My Second Coming, but still those who know Who I Am and who work for My nemesis with open and willing hearts believe that they can destroy souls before this Great Day.
To My enemies, know this. I know you. I can see your souls. I can see what evil resides within your hearts. I can also see the goodness, which lies side by side within you. Hear Me, as I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come.
If you love Me, you will be encouraged not to.
If you believe in My Teachings, you will be asked to believe in a new false substitute.
If you believe that I Am communicating to you, through these Messages, you will be convinced by the evil one that these Words do not come from Me. You will be tempted, therefore, to betray Me and you will do this by persecuting My servants, who support this Mission. You will become traitors of this Mission and, as such, you will be just as guilty as those who were responsible for handing Me over to My executioners.
If you do not listen to Me, then that is up to you and I will not hold you accountable, for I will never force My Will upon you. Far better you ignore Me and follow My Teachings, than to inflict suffering on others.
Now that My Plan to salvage billions of souls has commenced, know that I will rise above the will of men who oppose Me. Nothing – no words – no actions – no deeds – no wickedness of any kind – can stop Me in My quest to salvage humanity. Those who stand in the way of God will be powerless and will, in the end, lie prostrate with grief before Me on the Day I come to judge.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
God the Father: The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed
Please give yourself time to digest this one. God is Speaking about the imminent change to the Creed at Mass. Jesus is the Only Authority Who can change His Teachings and Doctrines as set down by the Early Church Fathers as He Instigated.
Now it seems the 'powers-that-be' are deciding to change it! This Creed will now have wording changed to reflect the paganism to enter the Church in the coming months.
This is the commencement of this occurring! God is really Angry!
We should ask ourselves how long do we think He will allow this to happen to His Son's Bride before He puts a stop to them taking His Son's Church away from His children!
He tells us here that He will basically send calamities befitting the crime to those who have justified this new 'creed'. His Justification for His Chastisement is Sacrosanct!
He is God!
If people don't get a clear clue that what they are doing to Crucify the Church soon, then following this new false Church will be their undoing! Please, please don't repeat the words of this new creed as it is being read! Please stay silent!
God does not want any of us to fall prey to the conscionable deception by saying the words out loud. To utter them is to do satan's bidding! God wants us to remain loyal to His Son!
God is being very specific in his description of what wording will appear before us and why they will twist the Truth to become a one world pagan church! Jesus will not stay where He is not welcome!
We pray that God will tell us the time down to the moment when we see or hear the changes, to turn our backs there and then and flee in order to wait for the Holy Spirit to Guide us to a Safe Refuge where we will hear Holy Mass in Truth and receive the Holy Sacraments in Truth.
We will not be left without for too long. But for now, keep your eyes and ears open to the changes they bring in and wait for Jesus' Instructions on what to do when the time is called for.....and pray!
God the Father: The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed
Monday, May 26th, 2014 @ 16:22
My dearest daughter, the time will come when the Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed to honour false gods instead.
When the one world religion is introduced, it will be done carefully, so as not to give an impression that I, the Eternal Father, Am no longer revered. If I Am not revered then this new prayer will become an abomination and must never be recited, if My children want to remain with Me and who desire Eternal Life. Far better if you remain silent than to utter one word of blasphemy, which will be introduced into all churches everywhere, which honour Me, your Father and who accept My Son, Jesus Christ, your Saviour.
Words, which venerate My Name and that of My Son, will be twisted and expressions, which refer to My Son, will include such terms as “Jesus of the Light.” This new prayer will place the emphasis on the superiority of man, his responsibility to ensure the welfare of his brother and to welcome, as one, all religions to honour God. All references to My Son, in the way which He is meant to be revered, will be replaced by this new title they will give Him. The world will be told to honour the beauty of the Earth; the wonders of the world created by a God Who is One for all and Who accepts every kind of worship. This will be the time when the world will come together into one world, as a pagan religion. Because so many religious expressions will litter this new creed, it will take those who are blessed with discernment to truly understand what is happening.
How futile their efforts will be, because those who inflict this darkness upon My children will suffer for their rejection of their Creator. And when this prayer is taken at face value, another abomination will be inflicted – the introduction of the rewritten Word, which will bear nothing but rotten fruit.
In time, a special symbol, which will represent the new man-made god, will be created, so that it will seem to those who are asked to wear it that they will be doing a good thing in showing solidarity to one another. All these things, they will be told, are for the good of all, where your first duty is to seeking the perfection of man. This, they will tell you, is important before you can face God. You cannot do God’s Will if you do not seek justice to free humanity from bondage to religious persecution, poverty and wars. The focus will be on all things to do with My Creation – the Earth; the nations; the people and political rulers. All will be tied together as one in order, they will say, to serve God better. All they will be serving will be the king of lies, who will bring all of these things about. And, while the world will applaud these new seemingly innovative advances in global matters, humanity will be coerced into paganism. Paganism will bring with it an appalling darkness of the soul. Then, for everything that is leveled against Me, I will replicate their abominations – upon the Earth they walk on; the water they drink; the mountains they climb; the seas they cross and the rain, which feeds their crops.
The battle between the mighty, the proud and the evil amongst men and Me, their Eternal Father, their Creator, will be a hard fought one.
Your Eternal Father
God the Most High
Now it seems the 'powers-that-be' are deciding to change it! This Creed will now have wording changed to reflect the paganism to enter the Church in the coming months.
This is the commencement of this occurring! God is really Angry!
We should ask ourselves how long do we think He will allow this to happen to His Son's Bride before He puts a stop to them taking His Son's Church away from His children!
He tells us here that He will basically send calamities befitting the crime to those who have justified this new 'creed'. His Justification for His Chastisement is Sacrosanct!
He is God!
If people don't get a clear clue that what they are doing to Crucify the Church soon, then following this new false Church will be their undoing! Please, please don't repeat the words of this new creed as it is being read! Please stay silent!
God does not want any of us to fall prey to the conscionable deception by saying the words out loud. To utter them is to do satan's bidding! God wants us to remain loyal to His Son!
God is being very specific in his description of what wording will appear before us and why they will twist the Truth to become a one world pagan church! Jesus will not stay where He is not welcome!
We pray that God will tell us the time down to the moment when we see or hear the changes, to turn our backs there and then and flee in order to wait for the Holy Spirit to Guide us to a Safe Refuge where we will hear Holy Mass in Truth and receive the Holy Sacraments in Truth.
We will not be left without for too long. But for now, keep your eyes and ears open to the changes they bring in and wait for Jesus' Instructions on what to do when the time is called for.....and pray!
God the Father: The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed
Monday, May 26th, 2014 @ 16:22
My dearest daughter, the time will come when the Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed to honour false gods instead.
When the one world religion is introduced, it will be done carefully, so as not to give an impression that I, the Eternal Father, Am no longer revered. If I Am not revered then this new prayer will become an abomination and must never be recited, if My children want to remain with Me and who desire Eternal Life. Far better if you remain silent than to utter one word of blasphemy, which will be introduced into all churches everywhere, which honour Me, your Father and who accept My Son, Jesus Christ, your Saviour.
Words, which venerate My Name and that of My Son, will be twisted and expressions, which refer to My Son, will include such terms as “Jesus of the Light.” This new prayer will place the emphasis on the superiority of man, his responsibility to ensure the welfare of his brother and to welcome, as one, all religions to honour God. All references to My Son, in the way which He is meant to be revered, will be replaced by this new title they will give Him. The world will be told to honour the beauty of the Earth; the wonders of the world created by a God Who is One for all and Who accepts every kind of worship. This will be the time when the world will come together into one world, as a pagan religion. Because so many religious expressions will litter this new creed, it will take those who are blessed with discernment to truly understand what is happening.
How futile their efforts will be, because those who inflict this darkness upon My children will suffer for their rejection of their Creator. And when this prayer is taken at face value, another abomination will be inflicted – the introduction of the rewritten Word, which will bear nothing but rotten fruit.
In time, a special symbol, which will represent the new man-made god, will be created, so that it will seem to those who are asked to wear it that they will be doing a good thing in showing solidarity to one another. All these things, they will be told, are for the good of all, where your first duty is to seeking the perfection of man. This, they will tell you, is important before you can face God. You cannot do God’s Will if you do not seek justice to free humanity from bondage to religious persecution, poverty and wars. The focus will be on all things to do with My Creation – the Earth; the nations; the people and political rulers. All will be tied together as one in order, they will say, to serve God better. All they will be serving will be the king of lies, who will bring all of these things about. And, while the world will applaud these new seemingly innovative advances in global matters, humanity will be coerced into paganism. Paganism will bring with it an appalling darkness of the soul. Then, for everything that is leveled against Me, I will replicate their abominations – upon the Earth they walk on; the water they drink; the mountains they climb; the seas they cross and the rain, which feeds their crops.
The battle between the mighty, the proud and the evil amongst men and Me, their Eternal Father, their Creator, will be a hard fought one.
Your Eternal Father
God the Most High
Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter
Jesus isn't mincing His Words! - So on His Behalf - I won't either!
When the First Commandment is broken by His Church, then literally all hell will break loose!
God's Wrath will be felt, make no mistake- worse than when He Issued the Great Flood!
How else will He bring purification to this world! But just remember - God gave us His Gift!
He gave us the Seal of the Living God!
No one with the Seal placed upon their foreheads will come to any harm! (Spiritually speaking)
Wars that escalate around us will not harm us!
The Seal is the Passover!
The Passing Over of all homes and souls who have accepted His Seal!
Like the Blood of the Lamb!
Be assured of this and remain confident and trusting!
God will not leave His children who are loyal and steadfast to His Son!
Give God what He needs! Our absolute concession and submission!
He is the Master at Work!
He will accord His children with Great Grace if we but remain with Him!
No one has the Authority to change a single Doctrine or Law of the Church!
No one! And he who tries will be severely dealt with! That is a Promise!
Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter
Saturday, May 24th, 2014 @ 21:20
My dearly beloved daughter, the main reason so many people today, and especially the young, do not want to know Me is because of their unmitigated self-interest. Self-obsession, and a desire to please only one’s self and desires, has meant that real love for one another is missing and there is little charity present in such souls. When they separate themselves from others, in pursuit of self-fulfilment, they cannot love their neighbour. When they do not love their neighbour, they cannot love Me.
Separation from God has never been so widespread. With little love in their hearts, evil finds a welcome environment in which to take root. Once evil is planted, in the souls who become easy prey, it will grow and spread quickly. The further it spreads, the less love will there be in the soul and a hatred for others will be instilled within it. Soon, hatred, jealousy, envy, avarice and greed will become the common traits, which unite modern society, until eventually, it will become synthesized until souls will feel nothing. Emptiness of spirit leads to great danger, for the evil one is intelligent and he will use souls at that stage to wage war against the Presence of God in the world. When the world becomes self-obsessed and demands every kind of right, which it deems to be more important than giving generously of one-self – then nothing good can come of this.
When Lucifer disobeyed My Father, it was pride, which led to his downfall. Pride and a love of self, where all else comes second, will lead to the final downfall of the human race. Disobedience to God is rampant at this time. So little regard for His Commandments can be seen and this has meant that man will disobey every single one of the Ten Commandments. When the First Commandment is broken by My Church on Earth – the final bastion of My Father over His children – the world will witness the worst chastisement since the flood.
Once paganism grips My Church, this will mark the final chapter.
When God’s children love themselves and preen before Him, He weeps bitter Tears. But, when He is replaced in the hearts of all by paganism and a false god, His Wrath will be unprecedented.
Your Jesus
You do not have to understand the Ways of God – you must simply accept them
Jesus just wants SIMPLE!
So many times we see pages on facebook that pick to bits each line of the Messages, even down to grammatical errors for pity's sake just to pick holes to see where 'Maria' has slipped up!
Goodness me! We know that Jesus is Speaking and not one thing in Truth can be in error in any way!
Then we also see each day, where 'prophets' loud and proud yell out the events they have read about in the news and then 'preach' about them with all the references they can associate with Scripture.
A basic non event like a piece of satellite falling from orbit and it is translated into an end time meteoric event that God uses for punishment or purification! It was just a common piece of space junk!
Then we have seen those who are very theologian and Scripturally based that analyse too and fro each item up for 'debate' of what Jesus tells us in His Messages! Why do they feel they need to 'second guess' God or do the 'one upmanship' thing?
Do they really think they know more than Him? Arrogance!
Jesus gave us the JTM community to share our thoughts and faith. He knows we will get excited about the things to come, but He also knows that we can get too focussed on these things ie the date of the Warning, Mary's last Appearance at Apparition sights etc and get all bent out of shape when things aren't happening as quickly as we want them.
God knows what He is Doing!
Let's just forget about all the semantics and logistics of how tomorrow unfolds and concentrate on the Graces and Blessings we are given each day being part of This Mission and keep praying and speaking to Jesus like little children. He loves us just being with Him.
I had to get fireweed out of our paddock today (toxic to horses) and said "Jesus You better do as good a job as I hope to, so we can have that cup of coffee sooner rather than later!" - This is just a little conversation with Jesus, my Buddy!
We must try to include Him in everything! That keeps Him Consoled!
He is so fretful and Sorrowful when we discard Him!
Every moment should be shared with Jesus!
Those things we hate doing like the vacuum cleaning - "Jesus come on, let's do this together to get it done faster! We can have a chat while we clean!". Then speak with Him! He will answer!
The peace and gratitude we feel is enormous!
He is not 'up there'. He is right with us, every moment! Simple child-like humble LOVE!
You do not have to understand the Ways of God – you must simply accept them
Friday, May 23rd, 2014 @ 18:00
My dearly beloved daughter, come, all of you who love Me, and bring Me your love, for I Am in great need of comfort. I Am your Jesus, the Son of man, Saviour of the world and yet I weep. Every Grace bequeathed to man is thrown back at Me by ungrateful souls. My generous Heart is open, so I can draw all of you to Me, but you turn away. Even those of you who do love Me do not give Me your time. Instead of talking to Me, you talk to each other about Me. Too much talk about the Mystery of God’s Plans and what is to come can cause distraction and confusion. Too much analysis and so-called intelligent debate takes away from Me.
You do not have to understand the Ways of God – you must simply accept them. I never asked you to understand the Mystery of My Divinity, because the souls who truly love Me will love Me because of Who I Am and not what I bring. They will not seek out glory for themselves. They will not develop their spirituality to merely gain a foothold in My Kingdom. They will never use their knowledge of Me in a boastful way to score points. The souls who will reside within Me are the souls who ask for nothing, only that which they ask for the good of their own souls and that of others.
When you say you represent Me, you do not talk and shout about how much you say you know Me. You must simply show love to others and follow My Teachings with a soul, which is empty of pride. So, if you are truly Mine, you will spend less time trying to define what I have told you; what I have taught you and what I promised. I ask that you come to Me and spend more time in quiet contemplation with Me. When you do this, I will reveal Myself to you more clearly and you will know in your hearts what it really means to serve Me truly.
Your Jesus