Friday, 2 February 2018

The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me

Do we really understand what suffering is and why it is given? Most of us just despise it when it happens. Our human frailty relies on good health and happiness, but what becomes of suffering is a utopic joy in Heaven. Our suffering is never in vain, nor are we ever alone in it. If we realised our Angels and Saints in Heaven are right beside us. Do we call on them to alleviate some of the despair that comes with suffering? If only we could fathom what The Holy Trinity does with even the smallest headache we offer up to them for a soul. We must not waste any suffering how ever small or big. Heaven is not blind in our suffering. What we offer becomes of the utmost importance for anyone needing Salvation - we don't know who it helps. But what God wants too from us is our fiat. Before we go for the headache tablet, ask ourselves 'Why has God given me this headache right now?' and does God want me to Praise Him for it because it is so useful to Him as a little offering, a little Salvific tool for someone I don't even know? That makes a very powerful motivation to carry on with a headache and leaving the Panadol in the cupboard!

The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me

Thursday, July 17th, 2014 @ 17:17

My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest pain that those who love Me must endure is that of darkness of the soul. The more you join with Me and in Me, the more I will suffer within you. For when I reside within your soul, the more you will have to endure pain because of this.

When a soul becomes part of Me, in full union, and when he surrenders his will to Me, the more My Presence will be evident in that person. He will draw down upon him the hatred of others, he will feel My Own sorrow as he has to witness the unfairness, injustice and wickedness because of sin in the world. His senses will become acute, his understanding of spiritual matters – borne as a result of suffering with Me – will reveal many things, which will awaken within him a deeper understanding as to the battle that exists between God and Satan.

He will understand what has engulfed his soul, his body and his senses, but this does not mean that he will find it easy to accept. The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me or all that comes from Me. But if he will trust in Me and accept that all good comes from Me, then he will enable Me to grow within him, for the good of all.

I can achieve great things when you allow Me to reside within your soul. So many people can be given My Gift of Mercy when you allow My Love to spread in this way. It is through the victim soul that I can intervene to save the souls of others. Always accept that when I present the Gift of Suffering it brings great rewards for humanity as a whole. My Mercy is My Gift to you. Accept the different ways in which I work, with graciousness, for the pain of being in union with Me will be short-lived.

Accept Me as I Am, and not as you think I should be.

Your Jesus

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