Friday, 2 February 2018

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me

In the moments reading this Message, I was overcome with a deep sense of foreboding for priests should they deny Christ's Truth, that of His Teachings, His Doctrines, The Gospels, The Sacraments when they turn back to front. Only those who have held fast to the Truth all their time of Ordination, might have a better chance of seeing the deception for what will be manifested that it is. But they really need to be already seeing the false prophet for what he is and the changes he is making and the humanistic priorities he has shown up to this point with more horrors to come. Only those who are so deep in faith, that they pray moment to moment, say Mass each day, hold fast to the Sacraments in their True Form, really know that It Is Truly Jesus Real and Present in the Holy Eucharist.

Those who pray the Holy Rosary and love Blessed Mother with True Love - I can think of many priests like this, but boy oh boy, can I think of many who aren't. Those I come in contact with and I dare say those you come in contact with who are ambitious, careless, non-committal, homilies that are clap trap, no effort for Adoration, The Holy Rosary, Stations, no Hail Mary's in Mass, no belief in the Divine Mercy devotion and then being led by the one dismantling the Church piece by piece!

It is terribly sad to see young priests fresh into their priesthood who have been brought through their Formation with a casual and almost 'job like' attitude out of Seminary because they are not formed in Truth.

Ecclesiatical masonry is not a fabricated, distorted opinion that someone just conjured up. It is real and it is happening. They have infiltrated the Church decades ago and are placed all over in every chair to bring an undermining of Christ to up and coming Clergy. If we deny this as fact, then we must really begin to question why many priests are so quick to discard the Sacrament of Confession, not visiting the sick or taking Holy Communion out to those who cannot get to Mass, give Holy Communion happily in the hand and to non-Catholics on a regular basis, no genuflection during the Consecration, or washing of their hands, cutting out parts of the Consecration to devalue God etc, etc.

It goes on and on! Some of us are very lucky who still regularly attend Latin Mass and who are able to go to daily Confession if they so desired! Some priests are so tuned into to their Divinity given by Christ at their Ordination, that doing the very best they can do for the flock is no chore, no job, no problem! These are the priests who will find the times ahead very difficult, but they are the very ones whom Jesus will hold up on high! He will give them their beautiful Reward in Paradise.

We must pray for ALL priests, the weak, the conflicted, the confused, those who deny Christ, the holy, all priests need our prayers! They are Jesus' holy servants. They can never be just ordinary men! Adopt-a-priest should be a National Day for all Catholics and for those servants in other denominations for Christians as well.

Just pray for them - it is our duty!

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me

Monday, June 30th, 2014 @ 23:50

My dearly beloved daughter, you, My dear followers, must know that the gates of Hell will never prevail against My Church, although much of My Church on Earth will be crushed, as foretold. But, the Truth can never die. My Word will never die out nor will My Teachings be forgotten by those who are in true union with Me.

Only those who remain true to My Word can say they are part of My Church on Earth. Those who applaud any form of tampering of the Holy Gospels or adaptation of My Teachings will no longer be able to claim that they serve Me. Should a holy servant of Mine dare to proclaim an alternative doctrine to the one given to man by My apostles and the prophets, before My Time, they will be immediately expelled.

I warn all those who embrace anything, which is deemed to be sacred – but which is formed by human hands and creation – and who accept this as Mine, that I will cast you out, for you will no longer be able to call yourselves My servants. And should you lead souls into error, your punishment will begin in your time and will continue long after you depart from this life.

My Anger is unknown to you, because you have yet to witness it. But know this. You who will betray Me already know who you are, for your faith has already weakened. Many of you have already fallen and your weakness will be your downfall. You will betray Me; deny Me and embrace My enemies, for you will be so caught up in the new religion – the secular humanism, which will come as a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing to devour you – that I will be forgotten. Your ambition and desire to please those enemies of Mine, who will rise to great heights, within the echelons of My Church – will blind you to the Truth. This will be the cause of your demise and all those whom you will pull into grave error.

It is when My Church turns My Teachings upside down; inside out and back to front, that you will know that the time has come for the antichrist to take centre stage. Those who worship the beast will sign their own death warrant and will hand over their free will, a Sacred Gift from God, to My enemies. Once you swear an oath to this new false doctrine, you will be guilty of crucifying Me and your punishment will be severe.

Why, you may ask, would you be punished for your obedience to your elders? The answer is simple. When you swore an oath to serve Me, you agreed to uphold the Truth. When you break this oath, because of your obedience to those enemies of Mine to come, then it is not I, Jesus Christ, you will serve.

You can only uphold the Truth, for I Am the Truth. Deny the Truth and you deny Me. When you deny Me, as a servant of God, you will no longer be fit to instruct God’s children towards their Eternal Salvation.

Your Jesus

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