Friday, 2 February 2018

You must never reject God because of the evil acts of those who falsely claim to serve Him

Thankyou Lord Jesus for this Message!

A few people I have come into contact lately have done this very thing! They blame God for all the evil acts perpetrated by so-called religious people saying it is His fault or He allows it to continue. They have no idea about free will and the Gift it is to each of us that God will not meddle in.

It is by man's free will that he does satan's work on earth. satan cleverly disguises himself so God gets the blame!

People leave their faith and their religious beliefs then to follow worldliness and 'freedom'.

A false freedom that satan promises!

Many feel they can't trust God believing that God has forsaken humanity to 'battle on our own'.


God would never condone evil, evil acts of any kind, murder, abortion, population control, science gone 'frankenstein' or any persecution or entrapment of any soul on earth! This is simply impossible! God is a God of Love, Mercy and if we play our cards right - Forgiveness! These people who hide behind God telling the world that they kill for God is simply ludicrous deception! God is the only Giver of Life and it is only He Who can take it away! They missed that bit in Scripture! It is satan and satanic work that inspires these so-called religious 'holy' people to hurt others!

We can certainly see with eyes wide open, who are for God and who are for satan, by the very acts that they indulge in! A simple question: 'Would Jesus approve if He was in the room?". Not that you will get many terrorists or fanatics to ask that question before they lopp off someone's head, but it is the very question that should be so easy to answer and prevent us from doing things that are just not with God! So keep awake! Understand that satan is clever at hiding himself. Why else do we have the word 'occult'. It means 'hidden'. he works behind the scenes, making sure he gets his minions to do his dirty work. None of it comes from God!

These people that claim to know God are kidding themselves! He is a Mystery! He by His Very Nature is in Control and either permits or doesn't permit and the permission He gives is on account of achieving the Greater Good! God is giving satan enough rope to hang himself with! God is on our side! So anyone purporting to do 'good' in God's Name by killing, maiming, committing horrendous acts on, taking away someone's liberty, unjustly accusing etc etc are going against the 6th and 10th Commandment especially - all of the Commandments in some form or other! So for goodness sake don't blame God for anything bad!

 If we are given suffering, it 's to better our souls. But those things that display vicious, aggressive and murderous behaviour is satan's trade standard!

You must never reject God because of the evil acts of those who falsely claim to serve Him

Sunday, June 29th, 2014 @ 20:20

My dearly beloved daughter, any man who hides behind religion to inflict evil upon people of other religions does not come from Me. Religions which camouflage hatred and demonize other denominations do not serve God.

When men use Me, Jesus Christ, as a shield to hide behind, in their quest to murder and slaughter innocents, this is the greatest sacrilege. Men, who believe in God, must know Who God is; what He has told the world and how He has instructed His children through the Ten Commandments, in order to serve Him.

God is Love. He does not condone hatred of any kind. If and when you see people using the cloak of religion to inflict pain upon others, for whatever reason, you must know that this has nothing to do with love for God. Hatred comes from Satan and he spreads his venom amongst religious radicals, in order to vent his anger against God. By infiltrating those, who have a distorted understanding as to Who I Am, he succeeds in spreading hatred against God. People will then ask: “How could God permit such evil in His Name?” The answer is that evil will always be found in places where God is revered, because such places are carefully sought out by the evil one, to bring shame to any religion, which honours God. By his actions people will then turn away from God and He will be blamed for every vile act, perpetrated by those who claim to serve Him.

Hatred is careful to disguise itself. It will usually be presented by those who claim to represent God, so as to be seen to bring justice to the enemies of God. It will be seen as the ‘voice of concern’ and its condemnation of what it desires the world to believe as being an evil thing. Churches of different denominations, all over the world, have been infiltrated by God’s enemies from within. The aim is to bring shame upon the Name of My Eternal Father. As a result, there has arisen, in all corners of the world, a deep suspicion and lack of trust in God. The natural assumption is that God’s representatives have instigated evil in His Name and therefore, faith in God is flawed. This is why the world has been plunged into hatred, corruption and wars, because Satan’s plan is to destroy every religion, which honours the True God. Those who cause these evils have no love in their souls.

You must never reject God because of the evil acts of those who falsely claim to serve Him. If you do, and you remove yourself from God because of this, you have fallen for the lies, which Satan wants you to swallow. Never judge others because of their beliefs – good or bad. Never judge My Eternal Father or Me, Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, for the sins that those who serve His Churches commit. Man is, and always will be, a sinner on this Earth. Sin will always be the curse of man, until I come again. But to accuse God of sin is as much a terrible sacrilege as it is impossible.

Wake up to the fact that Satan exists and that he is careful to hide this fact, so that he can fool souls into cursing God, the Creator of all that Is and ever will Be. Soon, all these atrocities will come to an end and all Glory will be Mine. It will not be long before Satan is destroyed and the human race will be able to see clearly Who I Am and the Glorious Life I will bring at My Second Coming.

You must remain alert to all that is presented in My Holy Name, for you will find that not all comes from Me.

Your Jesus

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