Divine Mercy In Her Own Words: Transcribed Interview
Here are Maria
Divine Mercy's exact words in her October, 2011 telephone interview on a
Philadelphia radio show called "As The Spirit Leads" on station WTMR
hosted by Barbara Ann Marion and with telephone guest Father Neil
Buchlein. Someone transcribed their words exactly as heard, including
verbal stumbles. The words of the interviewer, Barbara Ann, are in
double parentheses and labeled to dispel confusion. The words of Father
Buchlein are in brackets and labeled. Time stamps and necessary notes are in single
The words OUTSIDE parentheses are those of Maria Divine Mercy VERBATIM.
((Barbara Ann, already speaking at start of recording: …Eh, whether it’s in Europe or)) Anywhere. ((Barbara
Ann: Anywhere, okay! That’s great…uh…)) It’s
been an extraordinary journey, (clears throat) because, em, you want me to tell
you how it happened? ((Barbara Ann: I would love to know! You know, did it just
happen to you all of a sudden, did …)) No…((Barbara Ann: Oh, it came in little bits? Okay tell us
what…)) well, yeah, I’ll start off…em…First of all, em, I was a lapsed catholic, I’d no real interest
in religion. In fact I could honestly say I was heading toward being agnostic…em…hadn’t
received sacraments for years including confession – had no interest, quite
frankly, because my life was different, em, far removed from, from going to
church or going to mass. I was a high-flyer businesswoman. ((Barbara Ann: Mmm
Hmm!)) However, em, I think myself
before the message began I think there was a preparation – I didn’t realize at the time what it was, but what
actually happened was …I…was…visiting somebody in hospital, and I went into the
church and I happened to pray before a statue of our Lady. This is a year
beforehand. Now I hadn’t prayed for a long, long time. And as I prayed she came
out on the altar. I…I… I was so…like how can I describe it… I freaked out …((Barbara
Ann: So were you in the church by yourself at the time?)) …Yeah, I had no there was another person with
me …((Barbara Ann: And did they see it too?)) Yeah…((Barbara Ann: Oh, they DID?
Okay.)) Yeah But that sort of …but that
was helpful because at least I knew it wasn’t just ME. Em, I, I, I was…when I
saw her I couldn’t move. Em, she was so powerful, so strong. The image came and
she was crying, and I was just gobsmacked and I ran out of the chapel
…trembling…couldn’t..I couldn’t keep it together as we say here [laugh], em,
and then …a few days later I thought I’d go back, and I was visiting this particular
person in the hospital and I kept going back and every single time I went
back…now…after that I was on my own, I kept seeing figures coming from the
statue I didn’t know what they were, but I saw, eh, figures of, em, a little
girl with a shawl. I saw a man with a skullcap, a dark skullcap, with a beard.
I still don’t know who that is ((Barbara Ann: Was it Padre Pio, do you think?))
Could be, because I’ve seen him since em,
it could have been him as a young
person, and then I kept seeing this nun and she just, she had a square
headpiece on her head. It was such an extraordinary habit. Like… I- I- I- I-, I said …who are these? What am I seeing here?
It was shocking. I mean REALLY shocking…em…so this went on and, eh, to make a long story short I…I…these visions
were coming for quite some time. And then finally in November, I went to a
grotto where I li- not far from where I live, and I was with a few friends who
I’d heard there was a rosary group and I just…something made me go down and
when I went down that day that’s what changed everything. Because, as I looked
at her statue she came out again. But after, straightaway I saw Pope John Paul
the Second. Then I saw the nun with the square headpiece again whom I now know to
be Sister Faustina ((Barbara Ann: Oh my, yeah, Sister Faustina)) Um, I saw, em,
so many other figures I didn’t know who they were but I’ve since been told one
was St. Benedict – Benedictine I think? ((Barbara Ann: St. Benedict is…St.
Benedict , he’s a powerful, powerful saint)) And the other was St. Augustine
and I’d never heard of any of them, they meant nothing to me. So then what
happened…I knew something was happening to me because during all this period
I…eh…a few strange things began to happen. I would start thinking of the
crucifixion and slowly by degrees I would get very, very upset thinking about
the crucifixion… and then I’d find myself waking at three o’clock in the
morning…and floods of tears thinking of Jesus on the cross. I didn’t know what was
wrong with me and yet I KNEW! I was of sound mind because I’m a very business –
sorry, I’m a very busy career woman, so
I’ve a, I’ve a very serious job. So I
knew I couldn’t go into my office the next day and act as if nothing was
happening, because I have to work. I mean I have to live my life as normally as
I could. But I was trembling and shaking inside. But I wasn’t afraid! However,
on the eighth of November, I just felt compelled to say the rosary at three
o’clock in the afternoon. I don’t know why…something made me get the room
ready, and I prayed, and our lady gave me a message for the very first
time. ((Barbara Ann: And did you see our
Lady, did she come to you and did you hear anything?)) Yes…yes…yes, no sound,
no voices, no – nothing like that. Mouth moving, yes. And I had a pen and paper
…I don’t know why I was so organized, I just felt something was happening. And
that’s when she gave me the first message. I hadn’t a clue what it meant. I’ll
just give you a quote from that message, “My child, you have a responsible job
to do, and you must not let anyone stop you. The truth has to get out. You have
been chosen to do this work. My child, stay strong. Look to God above for
guidance to do my work.” And then she
said, “You have all the saints working with you,“ and I stopped and looked
again and I saw them all again! ((Barbara Ann: The same saints that you saw
prior – before? St. Faustina…mhmm, okay..)) All the saints that I saw before,
all of them. And I stopped and I said, “Are you really speaking to me?” I
dropped my pen and I said, “What’s this…am I…am I…Are you speaking to me or
what?” “Pick up your pen, that’s right,
and spread the truth before it’s too late. These messages are of divine origin
and must be respected. I trust you to make sure they are delivered effectively
to a disbelieving world. It is most important that you stay strong for my
beloved son. I know you suffer for him, with him, and through him. Rejoice because
this is good, you are blessed, my child, to have been chosen for this work.
Stay strong.” And the message continues.
I didn’t know what it meant at all. This was at three thirty in the afternoon
on the eighth of November. I…and then…that night, I was fast asleep, and at
three o’clock in the morning I woke up with a start! I felt my body…as if I was
being lifted out of my body, that’s all I can describe this as. And I turned on the light and I looked at my
clock and I happened to have a picture of Jesus beside me because I …I…I
believe now I was slowly (6:45) converting up to that point. And somebody gave
me a picture of Jesus. It was a battered picture, it was just propped there,
and I Iooked and to my absolute amazement, em (sigh), his face came out and,
and…just… came alive and his mouth started to move and I knew he was speaking but
he didn’t say anything. I couldn’t hear anything. And I had an old envelope
beside my bed so I grabbed it and I found a pen, I knew he wanted to
communicate. And that first message was…I…I think it was three o’clock in the
morning, fast asleep, and next minute out this message came, and, it was just
extraordinary – I couldn’t make it up. I’ll just give you the first paragraph ((Barbara
Ann: Oh yes, please do!))
the time is near for you to tell the world that
justice will befall all those who reject me. My mercy knows no bounds to
those who follow the truth of my suffering on the cross. Joy to those of
followers who reject the temptations they are faced with every day.
Others, who
turn their backs on my teachings, are blind to the promises made by me
when I
died for their sins on the cross. I am in deep pain and feel desolate
with the
abandonment that I suffer from my beloved sinners for whom I gave up my
life.” (8:09) “And it goes on. ((Barbara Ann: Wow, ach, you know,
I’ll tell
you…)) I was trembling all over I- I- ((Barbara
Ann: What did you do…you know when you receive a message like that and
called to such service, how did you feel at that point? Did you go to,
did you share
it with anyone or do you just keep it…did you keep it to yourself to
point?)) I rang my best friend the next
morning. And I said either I’m going crazy or something is happening.
And there was a part of me hoping I was
goin’ crazy. Because, I said if this is a breakdown of some sort, I’d
have that than this. I, I, I, I, I just
couldn’t deal with what was happening. I
didn’t really want to deal with what was happening, and yet I felt this
…it was
a compelling feeling to be drawn back, I… I…I rang my priest as
well…because he
knows me for twenty years, and he laughed because he was, I’m the last
he would associate – ((Barbara Ann: You know that’s what makes it even
so more
amazing that God has chosen you and I imagine you must have felt that
way, here
you were you said you were almost an agnostic…)) I was ((Barbara Ann:
and yet, heh…)) I was ((Barbara
Ann: Our Lady came to you and then you’re receiving these gifts . So you
had a
total conversion of the heart because of this and this is what God’s
all of us to do, isn’t he? To have that conversion of heart?)) That,
really, I mean since then I’ve had over two hundred and fifty messages
Ann: Mmm…)) and quite a few haven’t been published but ((Barbara Ann:
Well are,
are most of these messages meant for people to hear, or are many of
those meant
just for you privately?)) No, they’re meant for a very specific reason. (
hmm…)) They’re for the world, because
there’s a lot going to happen now. I’m never, ever given dates but he’s
me, now that I’m getting strong, it’s nearly a year now, having gone
all the trauma, I can’t deal with this, not able for this, I don’t want
take this back, being woken up at three o’clock in the morning I
actually asked
him on the fifth day, please don’t wake me up at three…((Barbara Ann:
Are you
still being wakened up at three o’clock in the morning?)) No. ((Barbara
Ann: Oh
okay)) Only once or twice with a very important message. ((Barbara Ann:
Okay)) So
one of the messages were, he told me that , em, the world is going to
[unintelligible] Now you must remember I know nothing – I’m
embarrassed to admit this but, I never read the bible, I know nothing
about the bible , em, I suppose, eh, as I grew up the Bible was not
that we had, we, we, we weren’t really taught very much about the bible
and I
think a lot of Catholics would say the same.
It’s not (10:35) something that was very high on the agenda , don’t ask
me why ((Barbara Ann: that’s true, mmm hmm)) Don’t ask me why, but he
told me
that , em, he was giving me, em, messages to the world …because he’s out
of an
act of mercy…he’s not coming back to judge straightaway because he said
if he
did there would be very few people in heaven.
It’ll be an empty place. So what he said to me is, I’m giving you these
messages so that you can spread conversion to every religion in the
world so
they can call on every religion in the world…to listen…and to hear the
word of
God the father as well… because, he’s coming back to save us again, and
time he’s going to give us a warning… Now,
I’d no idea what this meant. I’d no idea
what this warning meant, and he was , he told me he was going to come
back and
he’s going to give everybody a chance to redeem themselves in his eyes,
and he
said, “Did you not think I would never come back and save you again?
Because of
what’s happened in the world for so many centuries,” he said, that his
um, you know, he loves everybody and he’s coming back and (11:42) what’s
to happen is – and I didn’t know about anything to do with this
apparition, [unintelligible – seemingly?] this message , similar
messages have
been given to visionaries ((Barbara Ann: Yes, yeah they have been, all
the way
back through the ages even from Lasalette, Our Lady of LaSalette…)) But
he said
that he’s going… everyone in the world is going to see him and it’s
either he’s
going to touch them with his love, not one person on this earth will not
him touching them…you, you’re going to wake up in the morning…you’re
going to
see the cross in the sky, this is what I’ve been told, you’re going to
see two
comets or two stars as if there’s an explosion in the sky ((Barbara Ann:
hmm)) but it’s not going to (12:23) harm you physically but a lot of
will get very, very frightened and think it’s the end of the world, but
not. You’re going to be shown your sins as you offend him in his eyes.
Unfortunately, some people who are in hardened sinners are going to find
it so
difficult they will suffer during this. They will suffer the pain of
hell…people in other less grievous sin will suffer the pain of
purgatory. And he said it’s for a short period of time,
but without this warning they wouldn’t be saved. ((Barbara Ann: So the
…actually…everyone is
going to see this at the same time? The light? )) That’s what I’m trying
figure out because he didn’t give me a time…he just – I got the
morning but I mean I don’t know. He doesn’t give me a date, he keeps
it’s very soon…I’ve noticed that the messages are getting very
Ann: Well when he talks about “very soon” and he’s been giving you these
messages do you feel , you know, lots of
times we hear that this is the time of purification and then there’s
going to
be a time of chastisement…is this what you feel, or this is what Jesus
telling you?)) Because I didn’t understand a lot of the meaning behind
messages as I was taking them down, I just didn’t really understand them
but my
understanding now is, it’s going to happen very soon. He told me in
January that 2011 is the year
of purification. ((Barbara Ann: Mmm hmm)) I didn’t know what that meant.
thought it meant we all suffered in the world because of the economic
collapse. I- I- I didn’t really understand what that meant,
em, so, he has told me it’s very soon, em, I’ve made mistakes in,
in…when I was
taking down some of the messages. I took down the message correctly but I
to interpret them then. You know, if our lord says a few months it could
be a
year, it could be a few years ((Barbara Ann: Yeah, his time is not our
time, we
know that)) This is my problem, and em, it’s very soon I know that
Ann: But if you’re saying that the year 2011 is the year of
purification, then
that certainly must show you that we are coming toward that time…)) Yes
we are ((Barbara
Ann: when the warning is going to take effect.
Does he give you what, has he told you what that warning is going to
be…is it going to globally affect the whole world?)) Every single person
the age of reason (14:51) ((Barbara Ann: Wow, over the age of reason…))
But I
mean, I suppose it would be ages six or seven ((Barbara Ann: Mmm hmm…))
single person ((Barbara Ann: And so it’s going to be such a powerful
event that
no one …)) It is, it’s going to shock the world. ((Barbara Ann: Wow))
Em, it’s
going to be…it’s going to…em, everybody will be touched… ((Barbara Ann:
about atheists?)) The most hardened…((Barbara Ann: Has he talked about
atheists? Will they be touched?)) Everyone. Everyone. ((Barbara Ann:
Okay)) It
doesn’t matter who they are, atheists included.
They will not be judged at that point.
They will be told, they’ll be, going to be given time to redeem
themselves in his eyes. They’ll suffer for awhile, and then, only the
hardened of sinners won’t turn back. But he prays, asks me to pray for
every single day. ((Barbara Ann: Does he
tell you what is causing him the most pain?)) Yes. ((Barbara Ann: And
what is that?)) (two second pause 15:32) Ohhh! Emm…(one
second pause)…okay, the sins are…the two sins that upset him…and I have a
message actually for the American people I actually got today ((Barbara
Ann: Oh
good, okay)) I could read it to you in a minute (15:45) ((Barbara Ann:
I’d like that)) (pause) em… there are a few things, obviously, well,
Ann: Mmm hmm)) (15:59 At this point the audio feed cuts out. Dead air
for about
eight seconds and then the feed comes back in again) You know, I’m not
an expert , I mean I really
don’t even know the Seven (small chuckle) Deadly Sins ((Barbara Ann:
Okay)) He has mentioned abortion quite a lot ((Barbara Ann: And you
know actually Maria,
we certainly can agree because the world seems to have been turned, uh,
totally around, disregarding any of God’s, uh, commands to us, and when
talk about the sexual promiscuity in this world, I mean, through
television or
social media today,)) Yes. ((Barbara Ann: …it’s bound to affect Jesus in
such a
way that, eh, no wonder our lady cries tears…)) Well I mean, I’ve seen
suffer terribly, I mean he’s shown me visions now ((Barbara Ann: Mm
hmm)) (16:39). He, he…he has em, (pause)
I’ve seen him cry, in front of me, I have seen him, ehh, just so sad
it’d break
your heart ((Barbara Ann: Have you seen him with his mother?)) Never
together. ((Barbara
Ann: Never together)) I’ve seen them individually. I al-…em, I see
every side of him now I’ve
got to know him very well. I, I, I, I, I suppose, even though I’m ge - …
even a year, I’m getting more used to this. I’m still overwhelmed,
when you’re in his presence, it’s a light and it’s an energy that comes
out and
that drains you. But you feel his pain, I feel his pain in lots of ways
now. I,
I, g-, I, he asked me to become what’s called a victim soul. I didn’t
know what
that meant. I said yes and he said no, wait. So, I contacted my priest
and I
said what does that mean? And he explained so I took time before I
decided. And
then I went into the church with the priest and I consecrated myself to
him ((Barbara
Ann: Wow!)) So, so now in union with him I suffer… ((Barbara Ann: So,
actually…)) But I- I- I- I-, I’m fine (18:00) ((Barbara
Ann: …you are carrying a heavy cross.)) No,
I’m fine. ((Barbara Ann: You’re fine.)) Surprisingly! ((Barbara Ann: Mm
hmm. Can
you share the message that Jesus gave to you for America?)) Yes. Now
I’ve only typed
some of it because I haven’t time to type it up, you understand?
((Barbara Ann:
Oh, okay. You just received that today then.)) I did, at 3:30.
((Barbara Ann: Oh, how ‘bout that, that’s,
mm…)) It replaced the normal message, okay? ((Barbara Ann: Mm hmm)) “My
dearly beloved daughter, I wish to communicate with the American
people. My message to them is this. You, my precious children, suffer
greatly in
these times. You are experiencing a
cleansing that is necessary in order to purify your souls. The greatest
sins in America, which torment
me, are the sins of abortion and immorality of the flesh. Many of my
children are infested by the
deceiver who rules, hidden behind closed doors, your monetary and
system. So many of you are oblivious to
this fact. I now urge you to pray for
the relief required from their devious plans to destroy your country.
Prayer, my children, will help mitigate the
chastisement which my father will unleash in the world against the sin
abortion. Pray, pray, and unite, to pay
homage to my father. For, by uniting
together, all religions who honor the father, (19:22) God the creator of
world, you can help your country. You
must pray for forgiveness and trust that your prayers will be responded …
to according
to my father’s own divine timing.” I’m
reading from my handwriting so sometimes I …((Barbara Ann: That’s okay))
your brothers and sisters of all religious denominations who believe in
God the
father, and pray as one to redeem the sins of your country. My
so vast is your country that it is important that I can save as many
souls as possible. I can do this only
through conversion, which will happen during the warning and through
prayers and devotions. Turn to me now
all of you. Do not discriminate against
each other..,” I’m sorry, “…against each other‘s religions. Just trust
in God the father and he will answer
you prayers. You, my precious children, are
lost. You have been shown so much confusion with twisted truths about
existence of God the father. You use
religion as a facade to wreak venom on those more unfortunate than you.
It is time to accept the truth that will only
be..,” I’m sorry, “…it is time to accept the truth …and it will only be
your love of neighbor that as a nation you can return into the arms of
creator God the father. I love you with
a tearing compassion in my whole being.
I strive to save you so you can be taken into the new and wonderful era
of peace that awaits you on this earth. To enter this (21:10) paradise,
soul must be free of sin. Pray for the
graces to seek forgiveness for your own sins and the sins committed by
government. I leave you in peace and love. Your beloved (21:23) saviour,
Christ” ((Barbara Ann: Wow! And he
wanted this message )) Yes. ((Barbara Ann: …to be given to America!))
((Barbara Ann: Well, I, you know, when
you spoke those words, and you said…when Jesus said, “I love you with a
compassion,” what a beautiful way to, to describe that! I’ve never
heard it
that way.)) All
of the messages, some of them are very stark, and some of them are frightening
but they’re all full of love. I mean, even though sometimes I (21:50) tremble
when I’m writing them, they’re just so full of lo- you still have the love that
comes from them. It’s just
unbelieveable. ((Barbara Ann: Does he tell you what these chastisements are
going to be? Are they going to follow the purification?)) My …yes. What’s going to hap-, he, he, I
won’t say too much because I know a lot of things are being mitigated at the
moment which is very good news. ((Barbara Ann:
Okay,)) He’s very happy with prayer in (22:17) the world, he said millions
of souls are converting already, em, and a lot of the people who followed the website, their prayers have have have have,
have produced fantastic, eh…results according to Jesus, and some of my private
message. Em, but really, the warning takes place first. We’re then going to be
given some time. I- I believe a matter
of months, no longer than a year. And then, at that stage, only those who, who
have turned towards towards God-God the father…really…em….can move forward with
him. Em, that’s when the chastisement will come but I’m hoping through prayer
that can be mitigated. ((Barbara
Ann: So, you’re talking about the
warning first, and you said that the warning should be coming soon,)) Yes
((Barbara Ann: … you don’t know dates, uh,)) No. ((Barbara Ann: You’ve never been given times,)) I’ve been
told the month before it’s going to happen but no further. ((Barbara Ann: Oh sss-…)) No dates, and he’ll never give me
a date for anything. He told me that.
((Barbara Ann: No…well have you
been told already a month that it’s going…)) Yes ((Barbara Ann: …oh you KNOW! Are
you able to share that with us?)) No!
((Barbara Ann: No, you can’t.))
No ((Barbara Ann: Okay. Alright, um, you know, I know that God the father has
been mentioned quite frequently…)) Yes ((Barbara Ann: …and yet many times
people do not pray to God the father)) I know ((Barbara Ann: …we’ll pray to
Jesus, we’ll pray to the Blessed Virgin, to the Holy Spirit, um, do, are you
suggesting, then, that people really go (23:38) to God the father and seek, uh,
discernment and wisdom from him?)) Yes,
em, I got a message I in fact God the fa- and various and the various saints, I
was just getting used to the messages from Jesus and then, em, God the father,
em, is announced by the Holy Spirit. I was trembling, I was so shocked…when I
got the first message, em, I’m trying to see if I have it here now. Em, but yes, he’s very loving…((Barbara Ann:
Have you seen God the father?)) Yes! Yes! ((Barbara Ann: Can- you have seen him! Can you describe…can
you describe what God the father)) Yes ((Barbara Ann: …looks like to you or
what the Blessed Mother looks like or what J-…?)) I’ll describe him by (24:19) comparing him to
what Jesus looks like ((Barbara Ann: Oh, okay))
I always thought of God as one. I never really thought three, in the
Trinity, I, I, I didn’t get that, okay? So, when I started to see the other
face I didn’t know what it was, em, (24:46) Jesus is quite slim, thin, thin, very gentle, eh,
wavy, wavy sort of reddish type of hair, browny red, ((Barbara Ann: Mmm hmm))
But God the father’s much darker and he’s got, em, very curly hair. He’s
got thicker lips. He’s very loving but, I can’t describe it, I s’pose it’s a
sense of…majesty about him ((Barbara Ann: Well, artists always depict them as
being (24:59) with grey hair, and long hair…)) Nope! ((it’s not that?)) No
((Barbara Ann: No?)) No! ((Okay… )) Not at all.
I, that’s what surprised me. Em, yeah, I’m just trying to see if I have
the message from them but the first message I was terrified because I was trembling…because
I could feel his anger. And people say
God isn’t angry, well I felt it that day. He’s very angry. And yet I felt his
love, but the anger was palp- palpable. And that surprised me because I always,
I never thought God could be, angry. I didn’t think Jesus could be angry. But
yes they do, they get angry. ((Barbara Ann:
Well, yeah, righteous anger, I guess, when he looks down and sees…)) Righteous
anger, yes, ((Barbara Ann: all the gifts that he’s…)) that’s a good way of
describing it ((Barbara Ann: Sure because he’s poured down so many blessings
upon all of us and yet we ignore him, continue to take him out of everything,
especially here in America, and I imagine all over the world today.)) But it’s so weird to hear me speak myself, I
mean, I even listen to what I’m saying, and I say, can you imagine if you heard
someone like me three years ago saying this? I would just dismiss them and
think they were lunatics. ((Barbara
Ann: Yeah, but you know what Maria?)) But this is what I found so difficult about receiving
them, I just said this can’t, it isn’t real, it can’t be ((Barbara Ann: You see M-…)) …and now, of course, I’ve
changed, I’ve got strong, ((Barbara Ann:
Mmm hmm, well, I, I…)) it still
never fails to sort of …overwhelm me, you know? ((Barbara Ann: Well, I can
imagine, but I think it was for a purpose, because as you begin to speak, I
know that there are many people that perhaps are listening to us right now that
feel as if they have never invited God into their heart, maybe they have sinned
in such a way or led such a life, uh, uh, against God, that they feel as if
there is no way that God would ever embrace them, and we’re… )) This is what Jesus told me about that.
((Barbara Ann: Oh, tell us.)) First of
all, he loves every sinner. He detests the sin, but he loves every sinner, even
the most hardened sinners. You cannot be
helped unless you ask. He will listen to everyone. He will NOT judge you, he
will listen. Open your heart. If you really want Jesus to listen, and you’re
really, really desperate, what you do is you, you, you pray to God the father in
the name of his son Jesus Christ. And you ask God the father, for the sake of
his son, to hear your prayer. And he can never turn you down when you ask in
the name of the son. ((Barbara Ann: You know that is almost like the Chaplet of
Divine Mercy, “For the sake of his sorrowful passion, eternal father, you know,
I offer you the body and blood…)) He
told me that the message that he was giving me is a manifestation of the Divine
Mercy, and that’s what it meant. That was a prophecy, not just a prayer. That
he’s going to pour out his mercy, through the rays, all over the world. That’s
what he meant. He was coming back to save us one last time. ((Barbara Ann:
So, we have an opportunity to change our ways,)) Yes ((…our life, our hearts,
our families, to bring peace into this world,)) Yes. ((…but it has to begin
with each one of us making that step forward.))
And he’s giving us the gift to enable us to do that in a much easier way
((Barbara Ann: You know, when you
receive all these messages, and I know you received about two hundred and fifty
messages since last year, is this when this first began?)) Yeah. ((Barbara Ann: So, almost every day you receive,)) Every day
I get them, yes ((… every day you receive a message,)) Every single day and
sometimes I have…I’m not allowed to say them unless I’ve been in prayer, I have
to... Jesus is completely, em, he’s instructed me from day one, and…there are
lots of things I have to do. I have to
go to mass every day, I’ve got to receive the Eucharist, I have to go to
adoration three to four days a week, I must pray so many hours a day and that
is to be… I have to be obedient to him, but through my obedience I can save
souls. ((Barbara Ann: Now, you say that you, you know, you’re in
the business world.)) (28:49) Yes ((Barbara Ann: Are you still working, are you
s-)) Yes, ((Barbara Ann: …how can you combine both of these, you know, so many
times people say, “I don’t have time for prayer,”)) Extraordinary, isn’t it?
[laughter] ((Barbara Ann: Yeah, but you know,
if we put God first in all things, he, he works everything out for us, doesn’t
he?)) He does, eh, eh in some ways it’s
extremely difficult. Because you’re
wearing two, two, two faces. ((Barbara Ann:
Mmm hmm)) But then on the other
hand, you know, there’s a side of me says… that says, you know, it’s good to
have that balance. You know, ((Barbara Ann:
Oh yes.)) I mean you can’t just
desert the world, you’ve got to live in the world, you’ve got to communicate with
people, ((Barbara Ann: That’s right.)) you’ve
got to…you’ve relationships you’ve, you know, eh, God doesn’t want you just to desert
everybody, and just run into a church and spend all day there. I mean, prayer, he told me, can be simply
chatting to him in your own words throughout the day. That is just powerful.
You know, in your own words, ((Barbara Ann: Yeah, you know (29:43) because when
we begin speaking to our friends, you know, we have a conversation with them,
and I guess he wants us to be his friend, he’s our friend, so we need to
communicate with him, and take time to do that.)) Yes. He’s talking about
loving your neighbor and…he means by that to show kindness and love to everyone
and never cheat on people, don’t treat them badly, don’t insult them, don’t
slander them, and he means it right across, and, you know, it hurts him terribly, em, when he sees
people, eh, mistreat others. He’s so gentle himself, and yet he’s so s-, he’s
so gentle but yet… there’s a firmness there. You know? ((Barbara
Ann: Well, when you talk about the warning, and
the warning IS going to happen and you feel deep in your heart that it's
far off, so we need to be prepared because you talk about the year 2011
being the year of purification...and, you know)) Yeah ((Barbara Ann:
Maria we have seen, uh, earthquakes, we've seen tsunamis, we've seen
hurricanes, we've seen everything come against us in various ways, not
here in America but around the world. Do
you feel that this is like the birth pangs, that this...)) Yes it is
((Barbara Ann: the beginning...)) They
are the birth pangs, yes. We're three
and a half years into the tribulation already. ((Barbara Ann: Oh, we
Okay...)) Yes ((Barbara Ann: ...well, what do you think is going to
happen. Is
this going to escalate, and come faster and faster? )) Okay. I don't
believe in
scaremongering, because, I never hear- I didn't know what was in the
book of
Revelatio- I still don't. ((Barbara Ann: Mmm hmm)) People tell me what's
in it,
I don-, I’m no-, I try not to because I'm afraid it might influence
what I'm getting. ((Barbara Ann: I see, mm
hmm)) The one thing I'll have to want to reassure
everybody. His mercy knows no bounds. He wants to save, he does not
want to, eh,
cause destruction, of course he doesn't.
His patience is running out, though.
This is going to give people a chance to turn back and pray.
Prayer...will mitigate the level and the
impact of the chastisement, I can tell you that, I KNOW that. ((Barbara
Ann: Mmm hmm)) There will be a certain difficult period but
it won't last long. ((Barbara Ann: So it
won't last long, but everyone is going to be aware that this is
Everyone. And then, what's going to happen after that, the scientists
are going
to put it down to, em, some kind of, eh, comets that clashed and eh,
going to put it down to a sci-, they're going to give it, give it eh,
give it a
scientific em name and they're going to evaluate it scientifically
Ann: But is this going to be in the sign of the cross?)) No, the cross
first so when you see the cross in the sky you know it's close.
((Barbara Ann: Oh, okay. The cross comes
first...)) Yeah ((Barbara Ann: Okay.
Will that cross be a cross of light, of brightness?)) I actually don't
know ((Barbara Ann: You don't know. Okay, interesting. Wow! Okay, uh))
Well he gives me certain things, he did say
that now's a time for reflection, if you could just pray for yourselves
and for
your friends and family, and ask for redemption for your sins, if you're
genuinely remorseful. It's going to
lessen the suffering you'll go through during the warning. People won't
suffer physically, but they will
suffer …the pain of sin and they will also...a lot of people, sadly,
will not
be able to withstand the shock and may drop dead with fright. And
nothing to fear, but they will. And he wants people to pray for those
because they're the ones he's really concerned about. ((Barbara Ann: So,
other words, if we are walking closely with God, if we're trying our
very best
to lead the kind of life that Jesus is telling us to lead, and spend
time in
prayer, pray for our country, pray for our politicians, pray for all
those who have been, uh, promoting any kind of evil
in the world, uh, you know, we don't
have to fear ourselves, do we, because we...)) (33:19) Not only do you
not need to fear, it's a
moment of great joy ((Barbara Ann: Mm hmm)) He says it's going to be the
most're going're going to...he''re going to
face to face with him on your own...((Barbara Ann: Wow)) it's going to
be an
incredible, em, meeting. You're going to see him. He's going to touch
you ((Barbara
Ann: Oh my goodness...)) It's going to be a wonderful day, I mean it is a
wonderful, joyful occasion for believers it really is. ((Barbara Ann: We are living in, uh, exciting times right
now! We have the opportunity to really change our lives and to convert our
hearts over and to…)) He said that we’re
very lucky to be living in these times, because, he said, people over the years
were not given this act of mercy or this gift of his Divine Mercy, and they
died without… in sin, without gi- you know, being given this chance, and he
says this is an amazing gift and you’re very lucky to be living in these times ((Barbara
Ann: So, even the hardest heart has the opportunity to be)) Yeah ((Barbara Ann:
changed)) Yes ((Barbara Ann: You know, Maria, I have Father Neil on the phone. He
would like to speak with you, would you mind taking a call?)) Of course ((Barbara
Ann: Alright let me go to the phone and say hello to Father Neil Buchlein, um,
hey Father! Welcome to As The Spirit Leads , I, I ))
[ Fr. Buchlein: Thank you, thank you for having me]
((Barbara Ann: Yeah, well, I have Maria of Divine Mercy with
us today and I’m sure that you have a question that you may wanna ask of her?))
[ Fr. Buchlein: I do.
Hi Maria, and uh…]
How are you Father?
[ Fr. Buchlein: …It’s been a pleasure to listen to you,
being a priest, I was wondering if you would share, uh, in regard to the area
of your spiritual director, was it difficult in finding a spiritual director
that was willing to work with you and guide you?]
Yes. (pause)
[Fr. Buchlein: Okay.]
The first thing I did was talk to a priest.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Mm hmm.]
Um, I, I looked for direction from day one, em, I wa- I met
the priest, em, he reluctantly passed me on to another priest who reluctantly
passed me on to another one, I had to go through five ((Barbara Ann: Mmm five
different priests, wow)) And then on the final priest, he broke down, cried and
told me he couldn’t do it, he hadn’t got the strength.
[Fr. Buchlein: Okay.]
The next priest brought it to the Archbishop’s attention who
agreed to investigate the messages (pause)
and he (pause) This elderly man decided that someone like me couldn’t receive a
message from Jesus. I was not a typical visionary.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.]
And dismissed the messages within a few months because he
found one discrepancy in the first
message. (Long pause) The first message Jesus mentioned the word despair,
[ Fr. Buchlein: Mm hmm,]
…and the priest said Jesus would never use the word despair.
So I asked Jesus, and Jesus came back with the answer. It’s a euphemism
for the term “grace distressed”.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.]
But the priest said, “I’m not going back to the messages until
the warning has taken place and we will, we will renew the investigation at
that point.” So now, thankfully, I have
a spiritual director and I’ve access to two wonderful priests who take my call
anytime, any day, any hour.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.
Okay. Out of all the messages that you’ve been receiving, you’ve said it’s
been like two hundred and fifty, uh, messages since the beginning, uh, and
you’re receiving messages every day, are there specific messages for you that
you do not share?]
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.]
There are messages which I don’t share ((Barbara Ann: Do you
have messages for priests?)) Yes. ((Barbara Ann: Are you able to share any of
those messages from priests who might be listening )) (37:36) Well, he calls priests his sa- actually some
of the terms he uses are sort of extraordinary. He calls priests “sacred
servants,” (pause) em…and he knows
they’re going to go through difficult times …their faith is going to be tested,
in a way that they would never have imagined possible pause ((Barbara Ann: Was
this, was this before all the, um, uh, the attacks from the kingdom of darkness
on the priesthood? With the sexual…)) No, this is now moving forward ((Barbara
Ann: Okay.)) It’s not going to be an easy time, because, eh, there’s going to
be an attempt to ban all religions, not just the Catholic religion or the
Christian religion. There’s going to be an attempt, em, to try and abolish the public,
em, teaching of the word of God. I can’t go into all of that detail because I’m
privy to other things I can’t publish ((Barbara
Ann: Mmm hmm)) And that’s the challenge that’s going to face Christians
everywhere not just Christians but Jews, Hindus, Muslims, you name the
religion. Religion will not be tolerated.
[ Fr. Buchlein: So is this aiming or moving, is this moving towards
then the one world religion then…]
[ Fr. Buchlein: That sometimes some people write about?]
Yes very much so.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.
I mean I live in Europe,
[ Fr. Buchlein: Right]
And in the…in European constitution religion is, i-, i-, is,
em, not a…you can’t teach religion in schools.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Hm.]
((Barbara Ann: You can’t teach religion in schools over in
Europe?)) No it’s a new, it’s a new ((Barbara Ann: New rule?)) legislation that’s just come in, no ((Barbara
Ann: My, that’s astounding to know that.)) Oh no, oh yes you can’t, it’s, it’s
…in Ireland where I live…I don’t mind telling you I live in Ireland…((Barbara
Ann: Okay)) eh, if you want to be taught, eh, religion, Christianity, you have
to pay for it. ((Barbara Ann: Oh, so
there’s no such thing as a public, uh, school where you could go in and…)) The schools will still teach it but a lot of
parents will refu- will, will object if their child is taught any form of
religion ((Barbara Ann: Well, you have to realize also here in America they
have taken God out of everything, I mean, even, uh, in our public schools kids
are not allowed to even sing Christmas hymns anymore. )) They’ve taken statues
from the churches in Ireland. They’ve
taken them down ((Barbara Ann: The statues
from the churches? The Catholic churches?)) Yeah, a lot of the statues are
gone…em…we’re living in a period of darkness in Europe ((Barbara Ann: Well
who’s… (40:05) who’s taking the statues down?)) I don’t know. I know that there’s a, there’s em, the
priests there are there try their best and work very, very hard, but em,
there’s a spirit of, a spiri- spiritual darkness in Europe right now. It’s
politically incorrect even to mention God, even to mention Jesus, it’s not
considered eh, cool. ((Barbara Ann: And Ireland used to be considered one of
the most…)) Religious…((Barbara Ann: Yeah))
…of Europe. No longer so, I’m
afraid. ((Barbara Ann: So, when Jesus
looks down and sees all of this, um, no wonder, you know, he has, um, given you
such dire messages about chastisement and what people can expect. )) Yes ((Barbara
Ann: Mmm.))
[ Fr. Buchlein: Are you yourself under spiritual attack?]
[ Fr. Buchlein: Do you have periods of darkness…]
I was waiting for that question (laughs)
[ Fr. Buchlein: I’m sorry?]
((Barbara Ann: She was waiting for that question))
[ Fr. Buchlein: Oh (laughter)]
I knew that was going to come. (laughter)
Of course. Now that I understand more, of course I am, yes.
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.]
((Barbara Ann: So, uh, I mean, are you constantly under this
kind of an attack, I imagine…)) Yes, ((Barbara Ann: …you are, you have to fight that battle
consistently.)) Yes, of course I am. I,
the only difference now is I’m able to withstand it, I’m very strong. I’m
protected quite a lot. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, em, but I’m certainly
able to deal with it much better than I
was in the beginning. The beginning was pretty awful. It’s okay now, I’m
stronger. ((Barbara Ann: Mm hmm. So, you know when you are really under attack,
you know it’s because of the work that God’s called you for, to do, to accomplish…)) Yes. It’s beginning
to make me feel joyful now, it used to terrorize me. But now I smile. In fact on a humorous note, I was attacked
viciously about two weeks ago. Really badly, and I looked at Jesus one night, and
he was looking at me and, I just went, Ahh, why does this always happen to me?
Why…why am I always a target? And he, I just -sort of half laughed and I just
burst out laughing (laughter) ((Barbara
Ann: So you knew.)) He started to laugh, and I laughed back. I just said, well,
let’s soldier on! ((Barbara Ann: that
just shows you the battle that we’re in, right? Well, you know, um, Maria, we
have Father Neil Buchlein with us right now, we have about three minutes left
and...)) Okay. ((Barbara Ann: We’re going to have to close off the program. I
want to give your website so people can go and read some of those messages, are
all the messages there?)) Yes. ((Barbara Ann: Okay.)) The Warning Second Coming
dot com. ((Barbara Ann: It’s The Warning Second Coming dot com. Every one of you listening, go to that
website, read those warnings, read those messages, they are important. Father,
we have two minutes but I really would like you to pray at this moment, and,
and, give a special blessing to Maria of Divine Mercy. Uh, you know, she’s been
called, uh, as I mentioned at the beginning of the program, she is carrying a cross and it’s not easy
what she has to go through and most people’d say, oh, I’d like to see the
blessed mother or I’d like to be able to talk to God the father but she’s been
given a specific purpose in life right now, and, it’s not easy, and I know
Maria, I really appreciate you being with us today.)) It was my pleasure,
you’ve treated me very kindly, and thank you very much. ((Barbara Ann: Oh, you
are so welcome. )) I know it could be difficult, but, thank you ((Barbara Ann: Well,
you know what I want to do is, before, when we have to say goodbye, I’m gonna put
you on hold so my producer can talk to you for a moment but in the meantime,
Father Neil, I know you’re a special priest and I’d like you to give her a special
blessing today, okay?))
[ Fr. Buchlein: Okay.
Lord Jesus, I ask very humbly right now that you will continue to
strengthen and to pour down your grace of love and mercy insight, wisdom,
perseverance, upon your servant Maria,
whom you have given a very difficult mission, a very difficult vocation.
Continue to console her and to love her, to help her to always realize that she
is doing your will and that you suffered out of love for us and that she, in
saying yes to this particular mission, will also have the strength to suffer
along with you and not have her faith shaken by the darkness of doubt. That she, through the grace of the sacrament
and certainly of your love will continue to stay on the path and continue to be
open in sharing these messages for all of us, that all of humanity, that all of
us will open our hearts and our ears and realize that the time is indeed short,
but that we should not fear and that, once again, we need to come back to you
with our whole mind, body, and spirit, and may Almighty God bless all of us in
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.]
((Barbara Ann: All right, thank you Maria, I’m going to put
you on hold. Thank you Father Neil for joining us,))
[ Fr. Buchlein: Thank you.]
((Barbara Ann: And God bless all of you and we’ll be back
tomorrow at the same time. Please join us then.))
END radio show