Monday 2 November 2015

They will sob with relief when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist

This Message is of great significance for the hope that it gives us knowing now that Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to surge into the hearts of humanity. Not one soul will be without this awakening within them. We must pray that when the soul is touched by the Holy Spirit that they will wish to know more about these Messages.

There is a wind of change. Hearts are being softened and opened. They are asking questions. They have hunger pangs that they cannot explain. Hungry for what? Hungry, ravenous for The Holy Word in Scripture and in these Messages. The two are as one.

The doubters will finally come to realise that this communication from Heaven is what It Is! Thankyou Jesus for Gracing us at this time in response to Your Joy for all Your Remnant Army who want to please You in this Crusade always!

They will sob with relief when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist

January 25, 2013

"My dearly beloved daughter, My Power is surging through the Power of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of man at this time. Even cold and distant souls will be converted through the Gifts I shower over humanity because of your generous response to My Call from Heaven.

Not one nation will fail to accept the Power of the Holy Spirit; not one stone will be left unturned; not one priest unaware of My Messages; not one beloved disciple of Mine left untouched, by the news that I bring. Even those who reject Me will come back a second time to hear My Word because My Spirit touches their hearts.

Rejoice, because it is only two years since this Mission began and My Word is read in over two hundred countries and in almost forty languages. I will continue to spread My Messages, in every tongue; amongst the rich and the poor; amongst atheists and sacred servants of Mine.

I do not differentiate between the person who does not believe in God and those who devote their lives to Me, their Jesus. Each soul is every much as important to Me as those who hurt Me; those who betray Me; who make Me weep; those who assault Me; crucify Me and hate Me – I Love them all. Therefore, I Am patient. I know that when the Truth sinks in, they will come to Me. Then they will sob, with relief, when they realise that they have a future where death does not exist.

This is My Promise and when you are troubled, scourged, abused and made to look like fools, this is all you need focus on. This New Paradise is for all of you. When you fight to save souls, keep this promise in your hearts.

Your beloved Jesus"

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