Monday 3 January 2022

Prepare for the times ahead of us soon.


Through these uncertain times in the Church I pray that you remain fervent in faith despite what appears to be a strenuous dismantling of all that is good and Holy. Keep your gaze fixed on Jesus no matter the temptation to accept what is deemed to be popular. We will journey through the desert in desolation very soon, just as Our Dear Lord did and during that time our faith will be tested like never before. But if we remain True to The Truth then we as The Holy Remnant, will rise victorious out of the ashes -The New Jerusalem will be claimed and Christ's Kingdom will become our New Paradise. We are the chosen generation. Await The Great Awakening during which Jesus will restore hearts, health of soul and body through global conversion not seen since Christ's Glorious Ascension into Heaven. Believe in The Good News for our Reward is at hand- Jesus' Return on the clouds to the sound of Trumpets and Angelic Choirs Praising Our Glorious God! Everyone prepare your souls for these Events. Make reparation for the Sacrileges, outrages and indifference which offends God. Offer your sufferings for the conversion of sinners here on earth who are in total darkness and for The Holy Souls in Purgatory. Go to Confession as often as once a week to remain in a State of Grace. If you can spend time in Adoration, be thankful for that Blessing because so many others are not able to and pray for those souls too. Be at Peace and surrender all you have to Jesus The King of Kings. We will see each other beneath The Tree of Life in our Eternal Home with all the world's troubles behind us. Stay free as God's created creatures. Maranatha! 

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